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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 18:21:23 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 32620Connection: keep-aliveServer: Mongrel 1.1.5Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *Status: 200 OKX-Runtime: 0.00099Cache-Control: private, max-age0, must-revalidate, public, no-transform, must-revalidateSet-Cookie: _njpropertyfaxb5d3385eaf09bfdeb01317af8f047237; path/P3P: CPCURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND DSP ALL COR, policyref/w3c/p3p.xmlAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, AcceptSet-Cookie: AWSALBAPP-0_remove_; ExpiresSat, 04 Jan 2025 18:21:23 GMT; Path/Set-Cookie: AWSALBAPP-1_remove_; ExpiresSat, 04 Jan 2025 18:21:23 GMT; Path/Set-Cookie: AWSALBAPP-2_remove_; ExpiresSat, 04 Jan 2025 18:21:23 GMT; Path/Set-Cookie: AWSALBAPP-3_remove_; ExpiresSat, 04 Jan 2025 18:21:23 GMT; Path/ !-- ha -->!DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7 > html langen classno-js ie6> !endif-->!--if IE 7 > html langen classno-js ie7> !endif-->!--if IE 8 > html langen classno-js ie8> !endif-->!--if IE 9 > html langen classno-js ie9> !endif-->!--if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)>!-->html langen classno-js>!--!endif-->head> !--if lt IE 9> script src//>/script> !endif--> meta charsetUTF-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge,chrome1> title>/title> link href,italic relstylesheet typetext/css> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css> link href/stylesheets/lr-css/style.css?1369849822 mediascreen relstylesheet typetext/css /> style> .sLink { font-size: 16px; 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}); jQuery(document).ready(function() { //openSplash(); /*var vid1 $(#vid1)0; if (vid1.src) { vid1.src //; // old JCDnh2b0T_Y } */ jQuery(#acctButton).click(function () { $(#acctDialogIframe).attr(src, ecommUrl); $(#acctDialogDiv).dialog({ width: 900, height: 800, modal: true, close: function () { $(#acctDialogDiv).attr(src, about:blank); } }); return false; }); jQuery(#disclaimerButton).click(function () { $(#disclaimerDialogDiv).dialog({ width: 700, height: 600, modal: true }); return false; }); jQuery(#searchbox).autocomplete({ source : /property_service/searchListedPropertiesJSON, select : function(event, ui) { gElem document.getElementById(county_select); gElem.value ui.item.countyid; gElem document.getElementById(district); gElem.value ui.item.district; gElem document.getElementById(street); if ((ui.item.num ! null) && (ui.item.num.length > 0)) { gElem.value ui.item.num + + ui.item.street; } else { gElem.value ui.item.location; } gElem document.getElementById(town); gElem.value; gElem document.getElementById(zipcode); gElem.value; } }); }); /script> !--if lt IE 7 > script src/js/libs/dd_belatedpng.js>/script> script> DD_belatedPNG.fix(img, .png_bg);/script> !endif-->/head>body stylebackground-color: #000000>center>div stylemargin-top:20px;width:1000px;background-image: url(/images/home2/04.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;height:155px> div stylefloat:left> img src/images/home2/05.png border0 styleposition:relative;top:10px;left:50px; width:250px;> /div> div stylefloat:right;background-image: url(/images/home2/01.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;width:498px;height:98px onKeyPressreturn checkLoginSubmit(event)> form idlogin_form namelogin_form action/account/authenticate methodPOST> input typeTEXT idusername nameuserusername value styleposition:relative;top:-13px;left:78px;width:132px> input typePASSWORD idpassword nameuserpassword value styleposition:relative;top:-13px;left:82px;width:74px> a href# onclickdocument.formslogin_form.submit();return false;>img src/images/home2/02.png styleposition:relative;top:12px;left:100px; 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margin-bottom:50px;> !--img stylewidth:473px src> div stylemargin-top:35px;font-size:40px; font-weight:bold; color:forestgreen; >Sample Reports/div> div stylemargin-top:20px> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Flood Determination/a> /div> div stylemargin-top:15px> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Tidelands Report/a> /div> div stylemargin-top:15px> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Property Peek: Deluxe/a> /div> !--table stylemargin-top: -58px; width: 80%;> tr> td width170 height10> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Flood Determination/a> /td> td width170> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Tidelands Report/a> /td> /tr> tr> td height10> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Property Peek: Tax/a> /td> td> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Property Peek: Deluxe/a> /td> /tr> /table--> /div> !--div stylemargin-top: 25px; width:473px; background-image: url(/images/home2/13.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;height: 192px > div styleposition:relative;top: 30px; left: 30px;text-align:left onKeyPressreturn checkListingSubmit(event)> script languageJavaScript> function checkListingSubmit(e) { if(e && e.keyCode 13) { doSearch(); } } function doSearch(){ var elem document.getElementById(county_select); if (elem.value undefined) { alert(You must choose and address within New Jersey!); return false; } if ((elem.value null) || (elem.value.length 0)) { alert(Please perform a search in the above field and select an area in which to view listings.); return false; } document.getElementById(SearchForm).submit(); } var checkedradio; function docheck(thisradio) { if (checkedradio thisradio) { thisradio.checked false; checkedradio null; } else {checkedradio thisradio;} }/script>form idSearchForm nameSearchForm action/search/index?from_keywordstrue methodPOST> input typehidden nameyear_select value2024 /> input typehidden namelimit_results valueListed /> div styleposition:relative;top:-4px;left: 200px;font:99% sans-serif; font-weight:bold> input c typeradio namemls_type valueSales onclickdocheck(this);> FOR SALE input typeradio namemls_type valueRent onclickdocheck(this);> FOR RENT /div> input typehidden namecounty_select idcounty_select /> input typehidden namedistrict iddistrict /> input typehidden namezipcode idzipcode /> input typehidden nametown idtown /> input typehidden namestreet_num idstreet_num /> input typehidden namestreet idstreet /> input typetext idsearchbox style font-size:10pt;width:400px; value ENTER AN ADDRESS, LOCAL NAME, CITY, COUNTY OR ZIP onclickif (this.value ENTER AN ADDRESS, LOCAL NAME, CITY, COUNTY OR ZIP) this.value> div alignleft idmap stylewidth:800px; height: 600px; margin-top: 10px;display:none> /div> br/>br/> input typetext namemin_list_price valuePRICE $MIN size30 stylewidth:100px; onclickif (this.value PRICE $MIN) this.value> input typetext namemax_list_price valuePRICE $MAX size30 stylewidth:100px; onclickif (this.value PRICE $MAX) this.value> select namenum_beds stylefont-size: 13.5px;> option valueALL >BDRMS/option> option value1>1+/option> option value2>2+/option> option value3>3+/option> option value4>4+/option> option value5>5+/option> /select> select namenum_baths stylefont-size: 13.5px;> option valueALL >BATHRMS/option> option value1>1+/option> option value2>2+/option> option value3>3+/option> option value4>4+/option> option value5>5+/option> /select> br/>br/> a href# onclickdoSearch(); >img src/images/home2/10.png />/a> a href/account/guest_login >img src/images/home2/11.png styleposition:relative;top:-4px;left:200px>/a>/form> /div> /div--> div stylemargin-top:115px; > img iddisclaimerButton src/images/disclaimer.png stylemargin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; display:block; altLegal Disclaimer titleLegal Disclaimer /> /div>/div> !-- end left side -->div stylefloat:right;width:497px;position:relative;top:20px> !-- start right side--> div stylefloat:left;text-align:right;width:260px> div style height: 165px; padding: 15px; border: 1px solid; margin: 5px 0 20px 10px; color: black;> div stylefont-size:24px; text-align:left; font-weight:bold;>Coming Soon/div> div stylefont-size:16px; text-align:left; > div stylemargin-top:10px> The next generation of NJPropertyFax (known as) /div> div stylemargin-top:8px; font-size:22px; font-weigh:bold;color:white;>Property Pro/div> div stylemargin-top:8px>is coming./div> div stylemargin-top:8px>Stay tuned here for all the details./div> /div> /div> div stylemargin-right: 20px> a href/pages/flood >img src/images/home2/17.png>/a> br /> a href/pages/wetlands >img src/images/home2/18.png>/a> br /> a href/pages/tidelands >img src/images/home2/19.png>/a> /div> /div> div stylefloat:right;text-align:center;width:197px;position:relative;left:-20px> div idadspace styleheight:245px> a href target_blank> img src/images/ads/HomeMortgagesUnityBank700x800.png width192>/a> /div> div> a href/docs/DFIRM.pdf target_blank> img src/images/home2/3_25_01.png altADVISORY BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS titleADVISORY BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS border0> /a> a href/docs/Sandy_Tidelands_njpf.pdf target_blank stylemargin-top: 10px> img src/images/home2/3_25_02.png altTidelands Issues & Questions after Superstorm Sandy titleTidelands Issues & Questions after Superstorm Sandy border0> /a> /div> /div>/div>/div>/center>div idgetStartedDiv stylewidth:400px;position:absolute;margin-left:-200px;left:50%;background-color:white;border: 2px solid;display:none;top:40px;z-index:1250 > table border0 cellpadding4 cellspacing4> tr> td width10>/td>td width400> br/> br/> To ensure that all features of NJ Property Fax are available to you, please check that the latest versions of the following applications are installed for your browser and Windows version: br/> br/> Java - br/> a href target_blank>> br/> br/> Adobe Acrobat Reader - br/> a href target_blank>> br/> br/> Adobe Flash Player - br/> a href target_blank>> br/> br/> br/> input typeButton onclickdocument.getElementById(getStartedDiv).style.display none valueClose /> br/> br/> /td>td width10>/td> /tr> /table>/div> div idchromeDiv stylepadding: 15px;width:400px;position:absolute;background-color:white;border: 2px solid;display:none;top:100px;left:590px;z-index:1250;font-family: Neuton, Georgia, Garamond, serif;font-size: 16px; > div>Recent browser security changes in the Chrome browser have rendered parts of NJPropertyFax inoperable (placing and finding placed orders and updating user and account profiles).div> div stylemargin-top:10px;>WTG is working on the next generation version of NJPropertyFax (known as Property Pro) which will resolve this issue and offer new functions and features. More information on migrating to Property Pro will be available in the coming weeks./div> div stylemargin-top:10px;> input typeButton onclickdocument.getElementById(chromeDiv).style.display none valueClose /> /div> /div>div idacctDialogDiv titleAccount registration styledisplay:none;> iframe idacctDialogIframe width100% height95%>/iframe>/div>div iddisclaimerDialogDiv titleDisclaimer styledisplay:none;> div idLegalDisclaimerDiv stylepadding: 20px 20px 20px 20px;> table border0 cellpadding10px cellspacing10px> tr> td> center> h2>Disclaimer/h2> /center> br/> ol> li> By accessing, browsing, and using the Site and Webservice, USER acknowledges that USER has read, understands and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stated herein. br/> br/> /li> li> The Site and Webservice, and any imagery and data contained therein (collectively “NJ PropertyFax�?) is copyright 2011 by Property Fax, LLC. Ownership of NJPropertyFax™, including all copies thereof. USER agrees to take all reasonable measures to protect and abide by Property Fax, LLC copyright and other proprietary rights applicable to NJ PropertyFax™. br/> br/> /li> li> NJPropertyFax™ imagery and data provided may not be sub-licensed, published, sold or distributed in any form without express written permission from Property Fax, LLC, except that USER may print portions of the imagery for the purpose of producing documents and/or providing information to their clients and/or customers provided there is no itemized fee charged and that LICENSOR’S/USER copyright notice is included on such imagery. NJPropertyFax™ imagery and/or data provided may not be published on any Internet website without express written permission from Property Fax, LLC. br/> br/> /li> li> strong>DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES:/strong> NJPROPETYFAX™ IS PROVIDED ‘AS IS’ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND. LICENSOR/USER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF NJPROPERTYFAX™ AND THE ACCOMPANYING DATA AND MAPS IS ASSUMED BY USER, PROPERTY FAX, LLC MAY CHANGE OR DISCONTINUE ANY ASPECT OF ITS WEBSITE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. PROPERTY FAX, LLC DOES NOT WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY, ADEQUACY, QUALITY, CURRENTNESS, VALIDITY, COMPLETENESS, OR SUITABILITY OF ANY DATA FOR ANY PURPOSE, THAT THE DATA WILL BE FREE OF INFECTION BY VIRUSES WORMS, TROJAN HORSES OR OTHER CONTAMINATING OR DESTRUCTIVE PROPERTIES OR THAT THE FUNCTIONS OR SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE OR THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, AND THE ACCURACY, ADEQUACY, COMPLETENESS, CURRENTNESS, VALIDITY, AND QUALITY OF ANY DATA IS WITH THE USER br/> br/> /li> li> strong>LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:/strong> NEITHER LICENSOR/USER NOR ITS SUPPLIERS, EMPLOYEES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND AGENTS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, NOR FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE NJPROPERTYFAX™, WHETHER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF LICENSOR/USER, ITS SUPPLIERS, EMPLOYEES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND AGENTS, OR ANY OF THEM HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITYOF SUCH DAMAGES. br/> br/> /li> li> strong>Applicable Law./strong> This License is governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey and the United States, including patent and copyright laws. Any claim arising out of this Agreement will be brought in Somerset County, New Jersey or federal court in the State of New Jersey. br/> br/> /li> /ol> br/> center> h2>Privacy Notice/h2> br/> p> Information collected and Stored Automatically br/> br/> /p> p> If you do nothing during your visit but browse though the web site or read pages, we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. This information does not identify you personally. We may automatically collect and store only the following information about your visit: br/> br/> /p> p> • The Internet domain and IP address from which you access our web site; • The type of browser and operating system used to access our site; • The date and time you access our site; • The pages you visit; and • If you linked to our web site from another web site. br/> br/> /p> p> We use this information to help us make our site more useful to visitors - to learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use. We do not track or record information about individuals and their visits. br/> br/> /p> p> If You Send Us Personal Information br/> br/> /p> p> If you choose to provide us with personal information, such as in an e-mail to the Administrator or by filling out a form with your personal information and submitting it to us though our web site, we use that information to respond to your message and to help us get you the information you have requested. We only share the information you give us with another agency if your inquiry relates to that agency, or as otherwise required by law. Moreover, we do not create individual profiles with the information you provide or to give it to any private organizations. Property Fax, LLC does not collect information for commercial marketing. br/> br/> /p> p> Personal Information and Choice br/> br/> /p> p> You may choose whether to provide personal information on-line. br/> br/> /p> p> Personal information is information about a natural person that is readily identifiable to that specific individual. Personal information includes such things as an individuals name, address, and telephone number. A domain name or Internet protocol address is not considered personal information. br/> br/> /p> p> We collect no personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us by sending us email or provide any personal information using an online form. Your choice to not participate in these activities will not impair your ability to browse the NJPropetyFax™ web site and read any information provided on the site. br/> br/> /p> p> Privacy Warning br/> br/> /p> p> Email is not a secure medium. Personal information sent via the Internet can be intercepted. You may, therefore, wish to reconsider the advisability of sending messages that contain sensitive, personal information to this Internet address. Property Fax, LLC does not plan on divulging information collected or information disclosed voluntarily, but may be required to do so pursuant to a request under the Right to Know law, the common Right to Know, other State or Federal law or pursuant to court order. br/> br/> /p> p> Security br/> br/> /p> p> In the State of New Jersey, laws exist to ensure that government is open and that the public has a right to access appropriate records and information possessed by governmental agencies. At the same time, there are exceptions to the publics right to access public records that serve various needs, including the privacy of individuals. Both state and federal laws provide exceptions. All the information collected at this site becomes public records that may be subject to inspection and copying by members of the public, unless an exemption in law exists. Propety Fax, LLC has taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of its data and prevent unauthorized access to information maintained. These measures are designed and intended to prevent corruption of data, block unknown or unauthorized access to our systems and information, and to provide reasonable protection of private information in our possession. br/> br/> /p> p> Disclaimer br/> br/> /p> p> The NJPropertyFax™ Web Site may contain hypertext or links to other Internet computer sites, which are not owned, operated, controlled or reviewed by PropertyFax, LLC. These links are provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to you, the visitor. When you link to one of these sites, you are no longer on the NJPropertyFax™ web site and this Privacy Notice will not apply. When you link to another web site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that new site, if any. Property Fax, LLC, its Officers or employees exercise no control over the organizations, views, accuracy, copyright or trademark compliance or the legality of the material contained on those servers and do not sponsor, endorse, or approve the information, content, products, materials, opinions or services contained on such external sites. The visitor proceeds to these external sites at their own risk. Property Fax, LLC specifically disclaims any and all liability from damages which may result from the accessing of a third party site which is linked to the NJPropertyFax™ site, or from reliance upon any such information. br/> br/> /p> /center> br/> br/> /td> /tr> /table> /div>/div>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 18:21:23 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 32620Connection: keep-aliveSet-Cookie: AWSALBTGtqPA6E/tDXjDuad+qalYM+0tmexCKS8YnGuUJG/li2huzEpNonOgt28a8HdgrEeWqX2culkh2pN/WGtFyqoA2Xogc6p4uhzqCCX5vmiXyJoNIghG3pZpzZnSrvWV94abpVxgHvY7k7WMKil7OZqyuLwwef4C3nVMDg8IdU2WjLwx; ExpiresSat, 04 Jan 2025 18:21:23 GMT; Path/Set-Cookie: AWSALBTGCORStqPA6E/tDXjDuad+qalYM+0tmexCKS8YnGuUJG/li2huzEpNonOgt28a8HdgrEeWqX2culkh2pN/WGtFyqoA2Xogc6p4uhzqCCX5vmiXyJoNIghG3pZpzZnSrvWV94abpVxgHvY7k7WMKil7OZqyuLwwef4C3nVMDg8IdU2WjLwx; ExpiresSat, 04 Jan 2025 18:21:23 GMT; Path/; SameSiteNone; SecureServer: Mongrel 1.1.5Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *Status: 200 OKX-Runtime: 0.00099Cache-Control: private, max-age0, must-revalidate, public, no-transform, must-revalidateSet-Cookie: _njpropertyfax5ed5d584b2fafbe63b292fbd0cee72cc; path/P3P: CPCURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND DSP ALL COR, policyref/w3c/p3p.xmlAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, AcceptSet-Cookie: AWSALBAPP-0_remove_; 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width: 80%;> tr> td width170 height10> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Flood Determination/a> /td> td width170> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Tidelands Report/a> /td> /tr> tr> td height10> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Property Peek: Tax/a> /td> td> a classsLink href target_blank border0>Property Peek: Deluxe/a> /td> /tr> /table--> /div> !--div stylemargin-top: 25px; width:473px; background-image: url(/images/home2/13.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;height: 192px > div styleposition:relative;top: 30px; left: 30px;text-align:left onKeyPressreturn checkListingSubmit(event)> script languageJavaScript> function checkListingSubmit(e) { if(e && e.keyCode 13) { doSearch(); } } function doSearch(){ var elem document.getElementById(county_select); if (elem.value undefined) { alert(You must choose and address within New Jersey!); return false; } if ((elem.value null) || (elem.value.length 0)) { alert(Please perform a search in the above field and select an area in which to view listings.); return false; } document.getElementById(SearchForm).submit(); } var checkedradio; function docheck(thisradio) { if (checkedradio thisradio) { thisradio.checked false; checkedradio null; } else {checkedradio thisradio;} }/script>form idSearchForm nameSearchForm action/search/index?from_keywordstrue methodPOST> input typehidden nameyear_select value2024 /> input typehidden namelimit_results valueListed /> div styleposition:relative;top:-4px;left: 200px;font:99% sans-serif; font-weight:bold> input c typeradio namemls_type valueSales onclickdocheck(this);> FOR SALE input typeradio namemls_type valueRent onclickdocheck(this);> FOR RENT /div> input typehidden namecounty_select idcounty_select /> input typehidden namedistrict iddistrict /> input typehidden namezipcode idzipcode /> input typehidden nametown idtown /> input typehidden namestreet_num idstreet_num /> input typehidden namestreet idstreet /> input typetext idsearchbox style font-size:10pt;width:400px; value ENTER AN ADDRESS, LOCAL NAME, CITY, COUNTY OR ZIP onclickif (this.value ENTER AN ADDRESS, LOCAL NAME, CITY, COUNTY OR ZIP) this.value> div alignleft idmap stylewidth:800px; height: 600px; margin-top: 10px;display:none> /div> br/>br/> input typetext namemin_list_price valuePRICE $MIN size30 stylewidth:100px; onclickif (this.value PRICE $MIN) this.value> input typetext namemax_list_price valuePRICE $MAX size30 stylewidth:100px; onclickif (this.value PRICE $MAX) this.value> select namenum_beds stylefont-size: 13.5px;> option valueALL >BDRMS/option> option value1>1+/option> option value2>2+/option> option value3>3+/option> option value4>4+/option> option value5>5+/option> /select> select namenum_baths stylefont-size: 13.5px;> option valueALL >BATHRMS/option> option value1>1+/option> option value2>2+/option> option value3>3+/option> option value4>4+/option> option value5>5+/option> /select> br/>br/> a href# onclickdoSearch(); >img src/images/home2/10.png />/a> a href/account/guest_login >img src/images/home2/11.png styleposition:relative;top:-4px;left:200px>/a>/form> /div> /div--> div stylemargin-top:115px; > img iddisclaimerButton src/images/disclaimer.png stylemargin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; display:block; altLegal Disclaimer titleLegal Disclaimer /> /div>/div> !-- end left side -->div stylefloat:right;width:497px;position:relative;top:20px> !-- start right side--> div stylefloat:left;text-align:right;width:260px> div style height: 165px; padding: 15px; border: 1px solid; margin: 5px 0 20px 10px; color: black;> div stylefont-size:24px; text-align:left; font-weight:bold;>Coming Soon/div> div stylefont-size:16px; text-align:left; > div stylemargin-top:10px> The next generation of NJPropertyFax (known as) /div> div stylemargin-top:8px; font-size:22px; font-weigh:bold;color:white;>Property Pro/div> div stylemargin-top:8px>is coming./div> div stylemargin-top:8px>Stay tuned here for all the details./div> /div> /div> div stylemargin-right: 20px> a href/pages/flood >img src/images/home2/17.png>/a> br /> a href/pages/wetlands >img src/images/home2/18.png>/a> br /> a href/pages/tidelands >img src/images/home2/19.png>/a> /div> /div> div stylefloat:right;text-align:center;width:197px;position:relative;left:-20px> div idadspace styleheight:245px> a href target_blank> img src/images/ads/HomeMortgagesUnityBank700x800.png width192>/a> /div> div> a href/docs/DFIRM.pdf target_blank> img src/images/home2/3_25_01.png altADVISORY BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS titleADVISORY BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS border0> /a> a href/docs/Sandy_Tidelands_njpf.pdf target_blank stylemargin-top: 10px> img src/images/home2/3_25_02.png altTidelands Issues & Questions after Superstorm Sandy titleTidelands Issues & Questions after Superstorm Sandy border0> /a> /div> /div>/div>/div>/center>div idgetStartedDiv stylewidth:400px;position:absolute;margin-left:-200px;left:50%;background-color:white;border: 2px solid;display:none;top:40px;z-index:1250 > table border0 cellpadding4 cellspacing4> tr> td width10>/td>td width400> br/> br/> To ensure that all features of NJ Property Fax are available to you, please check that the latest versions of the following applications are installed for your browser and Windows version: br/> br/> Java - br/> a href target_blank>> br/> br/> Adobe Acrobat Reader - br/> a href target_blank>> br/> br/> Adobe Flash Player - br/> a href target_blank>> br/> br/> br/> input typeButton onclickdocument.getElementById(getStartedDiv).style.display none valueClose /> br/> br/> /td>td width10>/td> /tr> /table>/div> div idchromeDiv stylepadding: 15px;width:400px;position:absolute;background-color:white;border: 2px solid;display:none;top:100px;left:590px;z-index:1250;font-family: Neuton, Georgia, Garamond, serif;font-size: 16px; 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Any claim arising out of this Agreement will be brought in Somerset County, New Jersey or federal court in the State of New Jersey. br/> br/> /li> /ol> br/> center> h2>Privacy Notice/h2> br/> p> Information collected and Stored Automatically br/> br/> /p> p> If you do nothing during your visit but browse though the web site or read pages, we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. This information does not identify you personally. 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We do not track or record information about individuals and their visits. br/> br/> /p> p> If You Send Us Personal Information br/> br/> /p> p> If you choose to provide us with personal information, such as in an e-mail to the Administrator or by filling out a form with your personal information and submitting it to us though our web site, we use that information to respond to your message and to help us get you the information you have requested. We only share the information you give us with another agency if your inquiry relates to that agency, or as otherwise required by law. Moreover, we do not create individual profiles with the information you provide or to give it to any private organizations. Property Fax, LLC does not collect information for commercial marketing. br/> br/> /p> p> Personal Information and Choice br/> br/> /p> p> You may choose whether to provide personal information on-line. br/> br/> /p> p> Personal information is information about a natural person that is readily identifiable to that specific individual. Personal information includes such things as an individuals name, address, and telephone number. A domain name or Internet protocol address is not considered personal information. br/> br/> /p> p> We collect no personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us by sending us email or provide any personal information using an online form. Your choice to not participate in these activities will not impair your ability to browse the NJPropetyFax™ web site and read any information provided on the site. br/> br/> /p> p> Privacy Warning br/> br/> /p> p> Email is not a secure medium. Personal information sent via the Internet can be intercepted. You may, therefore, wish to reconsider the advisability of sending messages that contain sensitive, personal information to this Internet address. Property Fax, LLC does not plan on divulging information collected or information disclosed voluntarily, but may be required to do so pursuant to a request under the Right to Know law, the common Right to Know, other State or Federal law or pursuant to court order. br/> br/> /p> p> Security br/> br/> /p> p> In the State of New Jersey, laws exist to ensure that government is open and that the public has a right to access appropriate records and information possessed by governmental agencies. At the same time, there are exceptions to the publics right to access public records that serve various needs, including the privacy of individuals. Both state and federal laws provide exceptions. All the information collected at this site becomes public records that may be subject to inspection and copying by members of the public, unless an exemption in law exists. Propety Fax, LLC has taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of its data and prevent unauthorized access to information maintained. These measures are designed and intended to prevent corruption of data, block unknown or unauthorized access to our systems and information, and to provide reasonable protection of private information in our possession. br/> br/> /p> p> Disclaimer br/> br/> /p> p> The NJPropertyFax™ Web Site may contain hypertext or links to other Internet computer sites, which are not owned, operated, controlled or reviewed by PropertyFax, LLC. These links are provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to you, the visitor. When you link to one of these sites, you are no longer on the NJPropertyFax™ web site and this Privacy Notice will not apply. When you link to another web site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that new site, if any. Property Fax, LLC, its Officers or employees exercise no control over the organizations, views, accuracy, copyright or trademark compliance or the legality of the material contained on those servers and do not sponsor, endorse, or approve the information, content, products, materials, opinions or services contained on such external sites. The visitor proceeds to these external sites at their own risk. Property Fax, LLC specifically disclaims any and all liability from damages which may result from the accessing of a third party site which is linked to the NJPropertyFax™ site, or from reliance upon any such information. br/> br/> /p> /center> br/> br/> /td> /tr> /table> /div>/div>/body>/html>
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