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HTTP/1.1 200 OKTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0Strict-Transport-Security: max-age2592000X-Powered-By: ASP.NETDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 21:19:46 GMT !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> title>Welcome to official Namtuk/title> meta namedescription contentNamtuk is a software company which builts the #1 productivity tool for incoming emails: Automatic Email Manager. /> meta namekeywords contentnamtuk, company, software development, application development, rennes, france, ile et vilaine, bretagne /> meta namerobots contentindex, follow> link relcanonical href /> link relalternate hreflangfr href /> link relshortcut icon hrefimages/icon-57.png> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: Organization, name: Namtuk, url:, legalName: EURL Namtuk, description: Namtuk is a software company which builts the #1 productivity tool for incoming emails: Automatic Email Manager., mainEntityOfPage:, logo:, image:, , alumni: Jean-claude Quenaon, brand: Automatic Email Manager, Print My Fax , address: { @type: PostalAddress, addressLocality: Rennes, France, postalCode: 35000, streetAddress: 3 rue de Robien }, founder: Jean-claude Quenaon, foundingDate: 2004-05-10 } /script> meta namegenerator /> meta propertyog:title contentNamtuk software edition /> meta propertyog:type contentorganization /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:image content /> meta propertyog:description contentNamtuk is a software company which builts the #1 productivity tool for incoming emails: Automatic Email Manager. /> meta nametwitter:site content@namtuk /> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary /> meta nametwitter:creator content@namtuk /> link href,300 relstylesheet typetext/css> link relstylesheet href> link href/css/bulma-1.css?04 relstylesheet /> link href/css/namtuk.css relstylesheet /> link relstylesheet href /> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag(consent, default, { ad_storage: denied, ad_user_data: denied, ad_personalization: denied, analytics_storage: denied }); /script> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, GTM-KTF5TJK); /script> script typetext/javascript src charsetUTF-8>/script> script typetext/javascript charsetUTF-8> document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function () {{ notice_banner_type: simple, consent_type: express, palette: light, language: en, page_load_consent_levels: strictly-necessary, notice_banner_reject_button_hide: false, preferences_center_close_button_hide: false, page_refresh_confirmation_buttons: false, website_name: Namtuk, callbacks: { scripts_specific_loaded: (level) > { switch (level) { case targeting: gtag(consent, update, { ad_storage: granted, ad_user_data: granted, ad_personalization: granted, analytics_storage: granted }); break; } } }, callbacks_force: true }); }); /script> !-- Analytics --> script typetext/plain data-cookie-consenttracking> (function(w,d,s,l,i){wlwl||;wl.push({gtm.start: new Date().getTime(),event:gtm.js});var fd.getElementsByTagName(s)0, jd.createElement(s),dll!dataLayer?&l+l:;j.asynctrue;j.src;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,script,dataLayer,GTM-KTF5TJK); /script> !-- end of Analytics--> noscript>Free cookie consent management tool by a href>TermsFeed/a>/noscript>/head>body>!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->noscript>iframe src width0 styledisplay:none;visibility:hidden>/iframe>/noscript>!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> section idproducts classhero is-fullheight is-info is-bold> header> nav idnavbar-maintop classnavbar is-fresh is-transparent rolenavigation aria-labelmain navigation> div classcontainer> div classnavbar-brand> a classnavbar-item href#> img src/images/Namtuk-logo-s.png altNamtuk company logo small /> /a> a rolebutton classnavbar-burger aria-labelmenu aria-expandedfalse data-targetnavbar-menu> span aria-hiddentrue>/span> span aria-hiddentrue>/span> span aria-hiddentrue>/span> /a> /div> div idnavbar-menu classnavbar-menu is-fixed> div classnavbar-end> a href#products classnavbar-item is-secondary has-text-primary> PRODUCTS /a> a href#about classnavbar-item is-secondary has-text-primary> WHAT WE DO? /a> a href#contact classnavbar-item is-secondary has-text-primary> CONTACT US /a> a classnavbar-item is-secondary button href/fr> img src/images/flag-fr.gif /> FR » /a> /div> /div> /div> /nav> div classcontainer has-text-right> a href#contact classis-size-3>CONTACT US/a> /div> div classhero-body> div classcontainer> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-6> img src/images/Namtuk-logo.png altNamtuk company logo /> br /> span>A SOFTWARE COMPANY/span> h1 classtitle is-1 is-bold my-6> We are the creators of Automatic Email Manager. /h1> p classis-size-5> strong>#1 productivity tool for your incoming emails/strong>br /> Automatic Email Manager takes care of repetitive tasks with your emails and attachments that can take up valuable time and energy every /> Experience the convenience of auto-printing, auto-saving, auto-converting emails to PDF, auto-replying, and receiving notifications on Slack, Teams, Telegram, among other features such as exporting and more. /p> br /> p> a target_blank href classbutton cta rounded primary-btn raised is-size-4> Discover it on the official web » /a> /p> /div> div classcolumn is-5 is-offset-1> div classimage> a target_blank href> img src/images/aem-icon.png altwebsite for Automatic Email Manager classmt-6 /> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /header> div classhero-foot> div classcontainer has-text-centered mb-6> div classcolumns> div classcolumn is-three-fifths is-offset-one-fifth has-text-centered> div classbox> article classmedia> div classmedia-content> div classcontent> a href target_blank> img src/images/Trustpilot-excellent.png altRated Excellent on Trustpilot width400 /> /a> br /> p>div classhas-text-weight-bold>Juan - Chile/div> span classfa fa-quote-left>/span> I just want to comment you that AEM version 7 is great and adding the possibility of checking regular expressions in the email subject saved my day and allowed me to generate new emails checks. Thank you! span classfa fa-quote-right>/span>/p> /div> /div> /article> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idproductsother classhero section is-light is-medium> div classcontainer> div classhas-text-centered> h2 classtitle is-2 has-text-primary>Actually we also publish this product/h2> div classdivider is-centered>/div> /div> div classcolumns my-6> div classcolumn> a target_blank href> img src/images/AutoPrintOrder-web-product.png altAuto Print Order application /> /a> /div> div classcolumn is-offset-1> h3 classtitle is-1 is-bold has-text-weight-bold is-spaced> Auto Print Order /h3> p classsubtitle is-size-6 has-text-grey> It is the perfect assistant for your businesss, it automatically prints every new order, invoice, packing list to your />br /> Easy to use and setup, it runs on background of your computer and strong>give you more free valuable time/strong>.br />br /> It works with any eCommerce platform like #WooCommerce, #Shopify, #Wix, #Magento, #Prestashop... /p> p> a target_blank href classbutton cta rounded primary-btn raised> Read more and try it from the official place » /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /section> article> section idabout classhero section is-medium> div classcontainer> div classhas-text-centered> h2 classis-size-1 has-text-weight-bold has-text-primary>What we do since 2004?/h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 is-muted>Ohhh time goes fast!/h3> div classdivider is-centered>/div> /div> br /> div classcolumns> div classcolumn has-text-justified is-offset-1> p classblock> strong classhas-text-grey-dark>Namtuk, a French software development company/strong> established span classicon>i classfa fa-rocket>/i>/span> in 2004, has its roots in the experiences of its founders, who previously honed their skills in various dotcom enterprises. Since our inception, our focus has been on delivering products that precisely cater to our customers needs. We believe in a straightforward approach to software development, avoiding the inclusion of superfluous features merely to enhance specifications. Our philosophy is simple: the functionality you need is what our products deliver. /p> p classblock mb-6> As we reflect on the years that have swiftly passed, we recognize our journeys mixed landscape. strong classhas-text-grey-dark>We have developed an array of software and websites, encountering diverse outcomes/strong>. While some products did not achieve the anticipated market success, others flourished and found acclaim. Notably, several of our creations have been acquired by major companies, marking significant milestones of success in our ongoing journey. /p> br /> h4 classsubtitle is-5 has-text-grey> We have some prestigious customers like: /h4> div classtags> span classtag is-primary is-medium>NASA Cap canaveral/span> span classtag is-warning is-medium>Birkenstock/span> span classtag is-black is-medium>NYTimes/span> span classtag is-link is-medium>Harvard/span> span classtag is-info is-light is-medium>UCLA/span> span classtag is-success is-medium>University of Miami/span> span classtag is-warning is-medium>Christian Dior/span> span classtag is-primary is-medium>Siemens/span> span classtag is-dark is-medium>Lindt chocolate/span> span classtag is-link is-light is-medium>Sharp/span> span classtag is-danger is-medium>City of London/span> ... /div> /div> div classcolumn is-narrow has-text-centered> img src/images/namtuk-office.png altNamtuk office meeting /> /div> /div> div classcolumns> div classcolumn has-text-justified is-offset-1> h4 classsubtitle is-5 has-text-grey mt-6> And also small local businesses that we span classicon is-small>i classfa fa-heart>/i>/span> /h4> div classtags> span classtag is-warning is-medium>Florist - la comedie des fleurs - France/span> span classtag is-primary is-medium>Restaurant Lava Seafood - Ireland/span> span classtag is-black is-medium>Hawaian Air Cargo - Hawaii/span> span classtag is-info is-light is-medium>Toys shop - zeist speelgoed - Netherlands/span> span classtag is-danger is-medium>Auto Magic paintless dent repair - USA/span> ... span classtag is-success is-medium>Sandwiches - Toasted as - New zealand/span> span classtag is-primary is-medium>Restaurant - Pizza taxi garching - Germany/span> span classtag is-dark is-medium>Shop - floralux - Belgium/span> span classtag is-link is-light is-medium>Solar installation - Sunrgy - USA/span> span classtag is-warning is-medium>Shop - Parfymeri - Norway/span> span classtag is-link is-medium>Taj Restaurant - St Peter Port - UK/span> span classsubtitle is-5 has-text-grey> from our 24,000+ customers... /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> div classhero has-text-centered is-medium> div classhero-body> div classcontainer> h2 classtitle is-size-1 has-text-weight-bold>Our customers span classhas-text-primary>around the world/span>/h2> br /> img src/images/customers-world-map3.png altcustomers world map /> nav classlevel mt-6> div classlevel-item has-text-centered> div> span classicon is-large has-text-grey-light>i classfa fa-users fa-2x>/i>/span> p classtitle has-text-grey has-text-weight-bold>35,000+/p> p classheading>LICENSES SOLD/p> /div> /div> div classlevel-item has-text-centered> div> span classicon is-large has-text-grey-light>i classfa fa-globe fa-2x>/i>/span> p classtitle has-text-grey has-text-weight-bold>80+/p> p classheading>COUNTRIES/p> /div> /div> div classlevel-item has-text-centered> div> span classicon is-large has-text-grey-light>i classfa fa-map-marker fa-2x>/i>/span> p classhas-text-grey is-uppercase has-text-weight-bold>Namtuk Europe/p> p classhas-text-grey>Rennes in France/p> /div> /div> /nav> /div> /div> /div> div classhero has-text-centered is-medium is-light> div classhero-body> div class> h3 classtitle is-size-3 has-text-weight-bold my-6>What real customers say about us?/h3> div classcolumns> div classcolumn has-text-centered> div classbox> article classmedia> div classmedia-content> div classcontent> a href target_blank> img src/images/Trustpilot-excellent.png altRated Excellent on Trustpilot width400 /> /a> br /> p>div classhas-text-weight-bold>Steps Hotel. Germany/div> span classfa fa-quote-left>/span> Thanks again for the quick and friendly help. This is how tech support is supposed to be :-) span classfa fa-quote-right>/span>/p> /div> /div> /article> /div> /div> div classcolumn has-text-centered> div classbox heigh> article classmedia> div classmedia-content> div classcontent> a href target_blank> img src/images/Trustpilot-excellent.png altRated Excellent on Trustpilot width400 /> /a> br /> p>div classhas-text-weight-bold>Aspen Grove - Brazil/div> span classfa fa-quote-left>/span> The product works great. I use it running on a server to print out notes in a kitchen printer. I get access to send orders to the employees while on the go, from my Blackberry. Tech support was great helping me make it work on this non-standard, "weird" printer. The only drawback is their selling partner, Share-It, which can be hard to deal with. span classfa fa-quote-right>/span>/p> /div> /div> /article> /div> /div> div classcolumn has-text-centered> div classbox> article classmedia> div classmedia-content> div classcontent> a href target_blank> img src/images/Trustpilot-excellent.png altRated Excellent on Trustpilot width400 /> /a> br /> p>div classhas-text-weight-bold>Charles - Netherlands/div> span classfa fa-quote-left>/span> Installed the update from the previous version. Accounts were not transferred to the new version. A live support contacted me within the hour after I send an email and live support needed only five minutes to tackle the problem. Great help. span classfa fa-quote-right>/span>/p> /div> /div> /article> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /article> div idcontact classhero section is-medium> div classcontainer> div classhas-text-centered> h2 classtitle is-size-1 has-text-weight-bold is-spaced>Contact us/h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 is-uppercase>a href>span classicon is-size-4>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/span> Facebook/a> - a href>span classicon is-size-4>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/span> Twitter/a> - a href>span classicon is-size-4>i classfa fa-linkedin>/i>/span> LinkedIn/a> /h3> div classdivider is-centered>/div> /div> div classcontent-wrapper has-text-centered> h4 classsubtitle is-6> If you have a question regarding one of these products (sale or support),br />please click on the right one. /h4> div classcolumns> div classcolumn has-text-centered> a href>img src/images/AEM7-logo-s.png altAutomatic Email Manager contact form stylewidth: 200px; margin:0px 20px />/a> /div> div classcolumn has-text-centered styleborder-left:1px solid #d0d0d0;> a href>img src/images/logo-autoprintorder-app.png altAuto Print Order contact form stylewidth: 200px; margin:10px 20px />/a> /div> /div> /div> div class> h4 classsubtitle is-6 has-text-centered has-text-weight-bold> For all other request please use this form. /h4> script typetext/javascript src>/script> style typetext/css mediascreen, projection> /style> iframe titleFeedback Form classfreshwidget-embedded-form idfreshwidget-embedded-form src scrollingno height620px width100% frameborder0> /iframe> /div> /div> /div> section classsection hero is-light is-medium> div classcontainer> div classcolumns> div classhas-text-centered> h2 classtitle has-text-primary is-size-1 has-text-weight-bold>Whats new?/h2> div classdivider is-centered>/div> br /> a classtwitter-timeline data-height500 data-width500 href>Tweets by namtuk/a> script async src charsetutf-8>/script> /div> /div> /div> /section> section iddiscontinued classsection hero is-dark is-medium> div classcontainer> div classtitle-wrapper has-text-centered mb-5> h2 classtitle is-2 is-spaced>Discontinued products/h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 is-muted>We do no more provide support for these products/h3> div classdivider is-centered>/div> /div> div classcontent has-text-centered> All our old & discontinued products can be downloaded for existing customers, a href#contact>contact us »/a>br /> For our developers components you can still purchase the source /> /div> div classcolumns mt-3> div classcolumn> strong classhas-text-weight-bold has-text-primary>.NET components/strong>br /> span classhas-text-grey-lighter> My Command Buttonbr /> My Frame Panelbr /> My Screen Capturebr /> /span> /div> div classcolumn> strong classhas-text-weight-bold has-text-primary>ActiveX components/strong>br /> span classhas-text-grey-lighter> My Command Buttonbr /> My Frame Panelbr /> My Screen Capturebr /> WinPopupbr /> /span> /div> div classcolumn> strong classhas-text-weight-bold has-text-primary>Others/strong>br /> span classhas-text-grey-lighter> Print My Faxbr /> WinPopup Expressbr /> WinPopup goldbr /> Capture My Screenbr /> ASGbr /> /span> /div> /div> /div> /section> footer classfooter> div classcontainer has-text-centered> div classcolumns> div classcolumn has-text-centered> img src/images/Namtuk-logo-s.png altNamtuk company logo small width80 /> is also:br /> div classcontent mt-3> a href>Automatic Email Manager/a> - a href>Auto Print Order/a> - a href/fr>Namtuk en Français »/a> /div> /div> div classcolumn has-text-centered> h3 classsubtitle>FOLLOW US/h3> div classcontent> a href>span classicon is-size-4>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/span>/a> a href>span classicon is-size-4>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/span>/a> a href>span classicon is-size-4>i classfa fa-youtube>/i>/span>/a> a href>span classicon is-size-4>i classfa fa-linkedin>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classhas-text-centered is-size-7 has-text-weight-medium>© Namtuk 2024, with smile since 2004/div> /div> /footer> !-- Back To Top --> div idbacktotop>a href#>/a>/div> script src/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js>/script> script src/js/app.js>/script>/body>/html>
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