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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlLast-Modified: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 17:37:12 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesETag: b1f076cfb444da1:0Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 10:43:05 GMTContent-Length: !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN //>!--if lt IE 10> html classlt-ie9 xmlns// xml:langen-US langen-US> !endif-->!--if gt IE 9>!-->html xmlns// xml:langen-US langen-US>!--!endif-->head> link relicon typeimage/png hrefeth/favicon196.png sizes196x196> meta namerobots contentindex,follow /> meta nameDescription contentWireless WiFi sensors for locating items, logging and monitoring temperature, humidity, ambient brightness and motion events from anywhere with Internet access, on iPhone/iPads, Android devices and laptops. KumoApp Engine allows automation algorithms to be defined in Javascript to trigger Internet connected devices such as Nest/Honeywell WiFi Thermostat, Phillips Hue, WeMo or LIFX upon events from sensors, schedules and geofences. Our super-narrow-band digital radio allows longer range, less interference and longer battery life than competing solutions. /> meta nameKeywords contentFridge temperature monitoring, Refrigerator temperature monitoring, Fridge temperature logging, Refrigerator temperature logging, WiFi temperature monitoring, Wireless temperature monitoring, temperature monitoring, wireless humidity monitoring, WiFi humidity monitoring, WiFi temperature alert, WiFi humidity alert, wireless motion sensor, wireless lux meter, luminance sensor, luminance meter, SmartThings, WeMo, Phillips Hue, wireless motion sensor, remote environment monitoring, wireless door sensor, garage door sensor, Internet garage door sensor, angle based motion sensor, Internet temperature sensor, Remote home monitoring, Internet of Things, RF locator, Click n dig /> meta itempropName contentWireless Sensor Tags /> meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> script srcmedia/cw.min.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> link relstylesheet hrefmedia/base.css?6 typetext/css> link relstylesheet hrefmedia/slider.css typetext/css> title>Monitor and Find Everything from the Internet - Wire
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlLast-Modified: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 17:37:12 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesETag: b1f076cfb444da1:0Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 10:43:05 GMTContent-Length: !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN //>!--if lt IE 10> html classlt-ie9 xmlns// xml:langen-US langen-US> !endif-->!--if gt IE 9>!-->html xmlns// xml:langen-US langen-US>!--!endif-->head> link relicon typeimage/png hrefeth/favicon196.png sizes196x196> meta namerobots contentindex,follow /> meta nameDescription contentWireless WiFi sensors for locating items, logging and monitoring temperature, humidity, ambient brightness and motion events from anywhere with Internet access, on iPhone/iPads, Android devices and laptops. KumoApp Engine allows automation algorithms to be defined in Javascript to trigger Internet connected devices such as Nest/Honeywell WiFi Thermostat, Phillips Hue, WeMo or LIFX upon events from sensors, schedules and geofences. Our super-narrow-band digital radio allows longer range, less interference and longer battery life than competing solutions. /> meta nameKeywords contentFridge temperature monitoring, Refrigerator temperature monitoring, Fridge temperature logging, Refrigerator temperature logging, WiFi temperature monitoring, Wireless temperature monitoring, temperature monitoring, wireless humidity monitoring, WiFi humidity monitoring, WiFi temperature alert, WiFi humidity alert, wireless motion sensor, wireless lux meter, luminance sensor, luminance meter, SmartThings, WeMo, Phillips Hue, wireless motion sensor, remote environment monitoring, wireless door sensor, garage door sensor, Internet garage door sensor, angle based motion sensor, Internet temperature sensor, Remote home monitoring, Internet of Things, RF locator, Click n dig /> meta itempropName contentWireless Sensor Tags /> meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> script srcmedia/cw.min.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> link relstylesheet hrefmedia/base.css?6 typetext/css> link relstylesheet hrefmedia/slider.css typetext/css> title>Monitor and Find Everything from the Internet - Wire
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