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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 18:22:36 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 12759Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 05 Feb 2021 06:25:18 GMTETag: 31d7-5ba90e24a2babAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 19:22:36 GMTAge: 0 html>head>meta nameAuthor contentRicardo M. Serrano "grindio">meta nameEl Rincón Musical Peruano contentViva el Perú !!!>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 6.0>meta namekeywords contentmusica peruana, peruvian music, peruvian music sheets, Midis peruanos, midis de musica peruana, Peru midis, Perú, partituras, music sheets, musica coral, musica para piano, musica para guitarra, musica, music, musica peruana, peruvian music, midi, midis, cantos, canticos, midis of peruvian music, musica peruana, peruvian music, canciones, clasicos, cumbias, huaynos, huaylas, marineras,marchas, himnos, infantiles, niños, piano,tonderos, valses, muliza, villancicos, polkas, guitarra, piano, historia, musical, fiestas patrias, aniversario, novena, misas, milagros, criolla, saludos, patrocinadores, proyecto, llamado, musica peruana, Costa, Sierra, Selva, costa peruana, selva peruana, sierra peruana, andino, andina, andinos, andinas, >meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>title>EL RINCON MUSICAL PERUANO/title>/head>script typetext/javascript> !-- var ie4 document.all; var ns4 document.layers; if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown right; function right(e) { var msg Sorry, right-click has been disabled.; if (ns4 && e.which 3) { alert(msg); return false; } else if (ie4 && event.button2) { alert(msg); return false; } return true; } function trap() { if (navigator.appName Netscape && document.images) { for (i0; idocument.images.length; i++) document.imagesi.onMOUSEDOWN right; } } // -->/script> body backgroundimagenesx/back.gif topmargin0>div aligncenter> div aligncenter> div aligncenter> div aligncenter> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td> p aligncenter>A HREF TITLEFind Sheet Music with audio files to download instantly relnofollow>IMG SRC WIDTH410 HEIGHT60 BORDER0 ALTHigh Quality Sheet Music Downloads plus Audio Files at Virtual Sheet Music>/A>p aligncenter>!-- Start Virtual Sheet Music Code --> font faceArial size2>A HREF TITLEAccess thousands sheet music compositions ready to download and print instantly relnofollow>Download thousands of sheet music titles for only $37.75./A>!-- End Virtual Sheet Music Code -->/font>/td> td> /td> td> p aligncenter>ahref relnofollow>a href target_blank>img src border0>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> /div> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100%> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height5 width100%> tr> td width50%> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size2 faceVerdana> a target_blank hrefespanol/guitarra_scores.htm>Partituras para Guitarra /a> /font>/b>/td> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size4> /font>font size2 faceVerdana>a hrefespanol/corales.htm target_blank>Partituras Coralesbr> /a> /font>/b>font faceVerdana size1>Peruanas y Latinoamericanas/font>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> hr color#F00000> /td> /tr> tr> td width50%> div aligncenter> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width100% colspan3> p aligncenter> /td> /tr> tr> td width33%> p aligncenter>b>font size2 faceVerdana> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> a target_blank hrefespanol/donation-01.htm>20 Villancicos Peruanos/a> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> br> Costa, Sierra y Selva/font>/b>/td> td width33%> p aligncenter> a href target_blank> img border0 srcimagenesx/Serrano%20Violin%20Method.jpg width300 height361>/a>br> /td> td width34%> p aligncenter>b>font size2 faceVerdana> br> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> a target_blank hrefespanol/donation.htm>20 Melodias para Guitarra/a> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> br> Nuevas partituras añadidas/font>/b>/td> /tr> /table> /div> div aligncenter> table border0 width600 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td> p aligncenter> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table>/div>div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100%> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size3> a hrefespanol/partituras.htm target_blank>Partituras de Música Peruana/a> br> /font>i>font color#660066 faceTempus Sans ITC>Aprenda a tocar música peruana /font>/i>/b>/td> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size3>img border0 srcimagenesx/arrowrig.gif alignmiddle width21 height21>/font>font color#000080> /font>font size2 faceVerdana> a hrefespanol/donacion.htm target_blank>Los 15 Valses mas Populares de todos los Tiempos/a> (Piano)/font>font size3> img border0 srcimagenesx/arrowlef.gif alignmiddle width21 height21>/font> font color#000080>br> /font>i>font faceTempus Sans ITC color#660066>Que viva nuestra música peruana /font>/i>/b>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /center>/div>div aligncenter>center>table width630> tr> td width50>img srcimagenesx/peru.gif altViva el Perú !! 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Se les anima a compartirlos/small>br>small>con otros compatriotas peruanos y amantes del Perú. Lo único que/small>br>small>se require es mencionar el/small> small>nombre del autor de la canción,/small>br>small>y hacer un link al Rincón Musical Peruano:br>br>/small>/font>/strong>a href>img border0 srcimagenesx/rincon2.gif altRincón Musical Peruano width156 height47>/a>br>br>big>big>a href>strong>>/a>/big>/big>/p>p aligncenter>big>font color#0000FF>big>big>strong>¡¡¡ Viva el Perú !!!/strong>/big>/big>/font>/big>/p>div aligncenter>center>table bgcolor#F00000 width100% cellspacing0> tr> td>p aligncenter>b>font color#FFFFFF size-1>© Copyright 1997 ... 2021, /font>font color#FFFFFF size2>El Rincón Musical Peruano/font>/b>/td> /tr>/table>/center>/div>p aligncenter> SCRIPT>!--developed by A1 javascripts- -Please keep these lines intact if using this random midi script-->!-- // If midi file is a different dir, you can put in the full URL so the // browser can find your MIDI files. like this: midi(http://YOUR URL.mid) // var nummidi is the number of MIDIs you will be usingvar nummidi 5day new Date()seed day.getTime()ran parseInt(((seed - (parseInt(seed/1000,10) * 1000))/10)/100*nummidi + 1,10)if (ran (1)) midi( if (ran (2))midi( if (ran (3))midi( if (ran (4))midi( if (ran (5)) midi( document.write(EMBED SRC + midi + Autostarttrue hiddentrue looptrue>)document.write(BGSOUND SRC + midi + Autostarttrue hiddentrue looptrue>)// for support on this script contact A1javascripts-->/SCRIPT>/p>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 18:22:36 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 12759Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 05 Feb 2021 06:25:18 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age3600Etag: 31d7-5ba90e24a2babExpires: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 19:22:36 GMTAge: 0 html>head>meta nameAuthor contentRicardo M. Serrano "grindio">meta nameEl Rincón Musical Peruano contentViva el Perú !!!>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 6.0>meta namekeywords contentmusica peruana, peruvian music, peruvian music sheets, Midis peruanos, midis de musica peruana, Peru midis, Perú, partituras, music sheets, musica coral, musica para piano, musica para guitarra, musica, music, musica peruana, peruvian music, midi, midis, cantos, canticos, midis of peruvian music, musica peruana, peruvian music, canciones, clasicos, cumbias, huaynos, huaylas, marineras,marchas, himnos, infantiles, niños, piano,tonderos, valses, muliza, villancicos, polkas, guitarra, piano, historia, musical, fiestas patrias, aniversario, novena, misas, milagros, criolla, saludos, patrocinadores, proyecto, llamado, musica peruana, Costa, Sierra, Selva, costa peruana, selva peruana, sierra peruana, andino, andina, andinos, andinas, >meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>title>EL RINCON MUSICAL PERUANO/title>/head>script typetext/javascript> !-- var ie4 document.all; var ns4 document.layers; if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown right; function right(e) { var msg Sorry, right-click has been disabled.; if (ns4 && e.which 3) { alert(msg); return false; } else if (ie4 && event.button2) { alert(msg); return false; } return true; } function trap() { if (navigator.appName Netscape && document.images) { for (i0; idocument.images.length; i++) document.imagesi.onMOUSEDOWN right; } } // -->/script> body backgroundimagenesx/back.gif topmargin0>div aligncenter> div aligncenter> div aligncenter> div aligncenter> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td> p aligncenter>A HREF TITLEFind Sheet Music with audio files to download instantly relnofollow>IMG SRC WIDTH410 HEIGHT60 BORDER0 ALTHigh Quality Sheet Music Downloads plus Audio Files at Virtual Sheet Music>/A>p aligncenter>!-- Start Virtual Sheet Music Code --> font faceArial size2>A HREF TITLEAccess thousands sheet music compositions ready to download and print instantly relnofollow>Download thousands of sheet music titles for only $37.75./A>!-- End Virtual Sheet Music Code -->/font>/td> td> /td> td> p aligncenter>ahref relnofollow>a href target_blank>img src border0>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> /div> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100%> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height5 width100%> tr> td width50%> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size2 faceVerdana> a target_blank hrefespanol/guitarra_scores.htm>Partituras para Guitarra /a> /font>/b>/td> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size4> /font>font size2 faceVerdana>a hrefespanol/corales.htm target_blank>Partituras Coralesbr> /a> /font>/b>font faceVerdana size1>Peruanas y Latinoamericanas/font>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> hr color#F00000> /td> /tr> tr> td width50%> div aligncenter> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width100% colspan3> p aligncenter> /td> /tr> tr> td width33%> p aligncenter>b>font size2 faceVerdana> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> a target_blank hrefespanol/donation-01.htm>20 Villancicos Peruanos/a> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> br> Costa, Sierra y Selva/font>/b>/td> td width33%> p aligncenter> a href target_blank> img border0 srcimagenesx/Serrano%20Violin%20Method.jpg width300 height361>/a>br> /td> td width34%> p aligncenter>b>font size2 faceVerdana> br> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> a target_blank hrefespanol/donation.htm>20 Melodias para Guitarra/a> img border0 srcimagenesx/new7.gif width31 height12> br> Nuevas partituras añadidas/font>/b>/td> /tr> /table> /div> div aligncenter> table border0 width600 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td> p aligncenter> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table>/div>div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100%> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size3> a hrefespanol/partituras.htm target_blank>Partituras de Música Peruana/a> br> /font>i>font color#660066 faceTempus Sans ITC>Aprenda a tocar música peruana /font>/i>/b>/td> td width50%> p aligncenter>b>font size3>img border0 srcimagenesx/arrowrig.gif alignmiddle width21 height21>/font>font color#000080> /font>font size2 faceVerdana> a hrefespanol/donacion.htm target_blank>Los 15 Valses mas Populares de todos los Tiempos/a> (Piano)/font>font size3> img border0 srcimagenesx/arrowlef.gif alignmiddle width21 height21>/font> font color#000080>br> /font>i>font faceTempus Sans ITC color#660066>Que viva nuestra música peruana /font>/i>/b>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /center>/div>div aligncenter>center>table width630> tr> td width50>img srcimagenesx/peru.gif altViva el Perú !! width86 height59> img srcimagenesx/pianowht.gif WIDTH80 HEIGHT110>br> img srcimagenesx/bombo.gif width80 height132> /td> td width450>img srcimagenesx/mp2.gif altMúsica Peruana width450 height300>/td> td width150>img srcimagenesx/peru.gif altViva el Perú !! width86 height59> img srcimagenesx/guitar.gif WIDTH56 HEIGHT113>br> img srcimagenesx/zampona.gif width74 height130>/td> /tr>/table>/center>/div>b>p aligncenter>font color#000080>small>Marineras/small>small>,Tonderos, Valses, Huaynos, Marchas, Himnos,/small>br>small>Festejos, Huaylas, Mulizas, Piano, Clásicos, Infantiles, /small>br>small>Cumbias, Villancicos/small>small>, Religiosas, Carnavales,Polkas/small>br>small>Rock, Baladas, Andinos, /small>small>Guitarra,Yaravíes /small>small>.../small>/font>/b>/p>div aligncenter>center>table width390> tr> td bgcolor#F00000 width123>p aligncenter>a target_top hreffrancais/chanson.htm>font color#FFFFFF size+2>b>Bienvenue/b>/font>/a>/td> td width124>p aligncenter>a target_top hrefenglish/song.htm>font color#000000 size+2>Welcome/font>/a>/td> td bgcolor#F00000>p aligncenter>a target_top hrefespanol/cancion.htm>font color#FFFFFF size+2>b>Bienvenido/b>/font>/a>/td> /tr>/table>/center>/div>p aligncenter>img srcimagenesx/bombilla.gif alt illa.gif (218 bytes) width13 height13>b> /b>imgsrcimagenesx/bombilla.gif alt illa.gif (218 bytes) width13 height13>b> /b>imgsrcimagenesx/bombilla.gif alt illa.gif (218 bytes) width13 height13>b> /b>imgsrcimagenesx/bombilla.gif alt illa.gif (218 bytes) width13 height13>b> /b>imgsrcimagenesx/bombilla.gif alt illa.gif (218 bytes) width13 height13>b> /b>imgsrcimagenesx/bombilla.gif alt illa.gif (218 bytes) width13 height13>b> /b>imgsrcimagenesx/bombilla.gif alt illa.gif (218 bytes) width13 height13>/p>p aligncenter>strong>font color#0000ff size5>El Rincón Musical Peruano/font>/strong>b>font color#ff0000 size5>br> /font>/b>/p>p aligncenter> b>a target_top hreffrancais/chanson.htm>Choisissez votre langue /a>-- atarget_top hrefenglish/song.htm>Select your language/a> -- a target_tophrefespanol/cancion.htm>Seleccione su idioma /b>br>br>/a>strong>font color#000080>small>Estos archivos de música peruana en formato /small>imgsrcimagenesx/midi.gif altmidi.gif (608 bytes) width32 height32>small> pueden ser copiados, usados/small>br>small>y distribuídos libremente sin fines comerciales. Se les anima a compartirlos/small>br>small>con otros compatriotas peruanos y amantes del Perú. Lo único que/small>br>small>se require es mencionar el/small> small>nombre del autor de la canción,/small>br>small>y hacer un link al Rincón Musical Peruano:br>br>/small>/font>/strong>a href>img border0 srcimagenesx/rincon2.gif altRincón Musical Peruano width156 height47>/a>br>br>big>big>a href>strong>>/a>/big>/big>/p>p aligncenter>big>font color#0000FF>big>big>strong>¡¡¡ Viva el Perú !!!/strong>/big>/big>/font>/big>/p>div aligncenter>center>table bgcolor#F00000 width100% cellspacing0> tr> td>p aligncenter>b>font color#FFFFFF size-1>© Copyright 1997 ... 2021, /font>font color#FFFFFF size2>El Rincón Musical Peruano/font>/b>/td> /tr>/table>/center>/div>p aligncenter> SCRIPT>!--developed by A1 javascripts- -Please keep these lines intact if using this random midi script-->!-- // If midi file is a different dir, you can put in the full URL so the // browser can find your MIDI files. like this: midi(http://YOUR URL.mid) // var nummidi is the number of MIDIs you will be usingvar nummidi 5day new Date()seed day.getTime()ran parseInt(((seed - (parseInt(seed/1000,10) * 1000))/10)/100*nummidi + 1,10)if (ran (1)) midi( if (ran (2))midi( if (ran (3))midi( if (ran (4))midi( if (ran (5)) midi( document.write(EMBED SRC + midi + Autostarttrue hiddentrue looptrue>)document.write(BGSOUND SRC + midi + Autostarttrue hiddentrue looptrue>)// for support on this script contact A1javascripts-->/SCRIPT>/p>/html>
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