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Texas Manufactures Solids Control Equipment, Mud Pumps, HDD Solids Control Equipment, Mud Reclaimer, Mud Recycler, All For Sale Or Rent. Horizontal Directional Drilling, Mud Mixing And Cleaning Systems, Shale Shakers, Desilters, Desanders & More. /> meta propertyog:title contentSolids Control Equipment, Mud Pump For Sale, HDD Solids Control Equipment For Rent, Mud Reclaimer, Mud Recycler By MTI Inc./> meta propertyog:image content> meta propertyog:image:width content1250/> meta propertyog:image:height content550/> meta propertyog:url content> meta propertyog:description contentMud Technology International Inc. Texas Manufactures Solids Control Equipment, Mud Pumps, HDD Solids Control Equipment, Mud Reclaimer, Mud Recycler, All For Sale Or Rent. 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fa-wrench>/i>/div> /div> /div> div classtitle> hr> h2>See All Equipment of Different Sizes/h2> /div> /a> /div>div classproduct-tile top-level square mobile-nosquare hidden-phone hidden-tablet> a href/products/parts> div classwrap> div classround img > div classicon>i classfa fa-truck>/i>/div> /div> /div> div classtitle> hr> h2>All Parts & Accessories/h2> /div> /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection section-alt> div classrow-fluid> div classflexslider idintro data-flex-animationslide data-flex-controlsaligncenter data-flex-controlspositioninside data-flex-directionshide data-flex-speed7000> ul classslides> li> div classsuper-hero-unit> figure> figcaption classflex-caption> h1>Purchase or rent short-term/h1> p>Mud Technology International assists you in finding the best system for your project./p> a classbtn btn-success btn-small href/services>Our Services/a> /figcaption> /figure> img altsome image src classintro-tall> /div> /li> li> div classsuper-hero-unit> figure> figcaption classflex-caption> h1>We have the right solution/h1> p>From mixing and cleaning systems to shakers and submersible trash pumps./p> a classbtn btn-success btn-small href/equipment>Browse Equipment/a> /figcaption> /figure> img altsome image src classintro-tall> /div> /li> li> div classsuper-hero-unit> figure> figcaption classflex-caption> h1>Family owned & operated/h1> p>Since 2003 in Athens, Texas./p> a classbtn btn-success btn-small href/our-history>Our History/a> /figcaption> /figure> img altsome image src classintro-tall> /div> /li> li> div classsuper-hero-unit> figure> figcaption classflex-caption> h1>Competitively Priced Parts/h1> p>We specialize in the fast delivery of parts, minimizing your downtime./p> a classbtn btn-success btn-small href/parts>Browse Parts & Accessories/a> /figcaption> /figure> img altsome image src classintro-tall> /div> /li> /div> /div> /section> !-- Our work --> section classsection section-padded home-fix> div classcontainer-fluid> div classsection-header> h1>Welcome small classlight>to Mud Technology International, Inc./small>/h1> /div> div classrow-fluid> div classspan6> div classflexslider margin-bottom data-flex-directionshide data-flex-speed10000 idwork> ul classslides> li>img src>/li> li>img src>/li> li>img src>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classspan6> p>MTI is a full-service company providing a titleEquipment href>equipment/a>, a titleParts href>parts/a>, and a titleServices href/services>service/a> to the oilfield, HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling), geothermal, mining and water well drilling industries./p>p>We manufacture a complete line of solids control equipment including; mud reclaimers & mud recyclers, shale a titleEquipment href>shakers/a>, a titleEquipment href>de-silters/a>, a titleEquipment href>de-sanders/a>, and a titleEquipment href>pump packages,/a> all for sale or for rent, allowing us to achieve a higher standard of excellence. /p>p>A large inventory of a titleParts href>parts/a> and a titleParts href>accessories/a> , and knowledgeable staff makes Mud Technology the smart choice for operators needing fast-turnaround times and competitive pricing./p>p>Our staff is available to assist you with complete line of parts, including pump parts, shaker screens and drilling mud all available at competitive prices. As we are a titleContact Us href/contact-us>just a phone call away/a>, we are available to answer questions and assist you with troubleshooting while you are in the field./p>p>We look forward to assisting you with all of your drilling equipment, pumps and parts needs./p> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection section-alt section-padded> div classcontainer-fluid> div classsection-header> h1> Testimonials /h1> /div> ul classinline row-fluid> li classspan4> div classwell blockquote-well> blockquote> p>You have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make sure our needs have been taken care have always made us feel like our issues were the most important./p> p classtag> b>Travis V./b> cite titleSource Title>Vermeer/cite> /p> /blockquote> div classround-box box-medium> span classbox-inner> img altsome image classimg-circle src> /span> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> div classwell blockquote-well> blockquote> p>Mud Technology Internationals units are top of the line. I have the utmost respect for the staff at Mud Technology, they are always knowledgeable, helpful and friendly./p> p classtag> b>Eric/b> cite titleSource Title>Challenger Drilling/cite> /p> /blockquote> div classround-box box-medium> span classbox-inner> img altsome image classimg-circle src> /span> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> div classwell blockquote-well> blockquote> p> I can always count on MTI to keep me up and running. I wouldnt go anywhere else for my equipment or parts/p> p classtag> b>Eric/b> cite titleSource Title>Challenger Drilling/cite> /p> /blockquote> div classround-box box-medium> span classbox-inner> img altsome image classimg-circle src> /span> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /section> section classsection section-padded> div classcontainer-fluid> div classsection-header> h1> Learn small classlight>More/small> /h1> /div> div classrow-fluid> ul classunstyled row-fluid> li classspan3 hotspots> div classround-box round-medium> a href/parts-and-accessories titleParts & Accessories target_blank classbox-inner> img altsome image classimg-circle src> i classfa >/i> /a> /div> h3 classtext-center>Parts & Accessories/h3> p> We offer a full line of parts and accessories not only for our equipment, but for other systems as well. /p> a classmore-link href/parts-and-accessories titleParts & Accessories target_blank > strong> Read /strong> More /a> /li> li classspan3 hotspots> div classround-box round-medium> a href/equipment-rental titleTry before you buy! target_blank classbox-inner> img altsome image classimg-circle src> i classfa >/i> /a> /div> h3 classtext-center>Try before you buy!/h3> p> Mud Technologys fleet of rental equipment is available for both short-term and long-term projects. /p> a classmore-link href/equipment-rental titleTry before you buy! target_blank > strong> Read /strong> More /a> /li> li classspan3 hotspots> div classround-box round-medium> a href/about-us titleAbout Us target_blank classbox-inner> img altsome image classimg-circle src> i classfa >/i> /a> /div> h3 classtext-center>About Us/h3> p> There is no job too small or too big, we have an array of units that will fit most applications. /p> a classmore-link href/about-us titleAbout Us target_blank > strong> Read /strong> More /a> /li> li classspan3 hotspots> div classround-box round-medium> a href/our-history titleOur History target_blank classbox-inner> img altsome image classimg-circle src> i classfa >/i> /a> /div> h3 classtext-center>Our History/h3> p> Mud Technology International, Inc. was founded by our CEO, John Miller in his hometown of Athens, Texas in 2003. /p> a classmore-link href/our-history titleOur History target_blank > strong> Read /strong> More /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /section> section classsection section-alt section-padded> div classcontainer-fluid> div classsection-header> h1>Our small classlight>Clients/small>/h1> /div> div classflexslider fadein-links data-flex-animationslide data-flex-controlshide data-flex-directions-positionoutside data-flex-directions-typefancy data-flex-itemwidth250 data-flex-slideshowfalse idclient> ul classslides> li> img altMJ Sheridan src > /li>li> img altOz Directional Drilling src > /li>li> img altProgressive Pipeline src > /li>li> img altClear Path src > /li> /ul> /div> /div> /section> section classsection section-padded> div classcontainer-fluid> div classsection-header> h1>Latest small classlight>Articles/small>/h1> /div> ul classunstyled row-fluid> li classspan4> div classrow-fluid> div classspan4> div classbox-small small-screen-center> a classbox-inner href/blog/equipment-maintenance-letand39s-keep-it-running-and-make-some-money titleEquipment Maintenance - Let's keep it running and make some money > img altEquipment Maintenance - Let's keep it running and make some money classround-thumb src/images/default-thumb.jpg> /a> /div> h5 classtext-center light> 30 Apr 2019 /h5> /div> div classspan8> h3 classnot_caps> a href/blog/equipment-maintenance-letand39s-keep-it-running-and-make-some-money titleEquipment Maintenance - Let's keep it running and make some money> Equipment Maintenance - Let's keep it running and make some money /a> /h3> p> Equipment maintenance is a topic that no contractor particularly wants ... /p> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> div classrow-fluid> div classspan4> div classbox-small small-screen-center> a classbox-inner href/blog/mud-technology-international-inc-launches-new-website titleMud Technology International, Inc. launches new website > img altMud Technology International, Inc. launches new website classround-thumb src> /a> /div> h5 classtext-center light> 4 Dec 2018 /h5> /div> div classspan8> h3 classnot_caps> a href/blog/mud-technology-international-inc-launches-new-website titleMud Technology International, Inc. launches new website> Mud Technology International, Inc. launches new website /a> /h3> p> Mud Technology International, Inc. is thrilled to announce the launch ... /p> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /section> section classsection section-alt section-padded section-dark foot> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow-fluid> div classspan6> div classlogo> a href/ titleMud Technology International, Inc. >img classbrand src/images/logo-inverse.png altMud Technology International, Inc. logo>/a> /div> div classcontact> div classsidebar-widget> h3 classsidebar-header> Contact small classlight>Us/small> /h3> p> Mud Technology International,> (903) 675-3240br> 2610 Highway 31 W., br>Athens, TX 75751 /p> /div> /div> /div> div classspan4 offset2> div classsidebar-widget list-widget> h3 classsidebar-header>Memberships/h3> ul> li>North American Society for Trenchless Technology/li> li>National Ground Water Association/li> li>Texas Ground Water Association/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classbot-foot> div classrow-fluid > div classspan6 small-screen-center> © Copyright 2025 Mud Technology International, Inc. /div> div classspan6 copy small-screen-center> span idcmpaw>a href target_blank titleWebsite by Clever Mutt>Website by Clever Mutt/a> a href target_blank titleWebsite by Clever Mutt>img src/images/cm-paw.png altWebsite by Clever Mutt idpaw>/a>/span> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div> /div> !-- Page Footer --> footer idfooter rolecontentinfo> div classwrapper wrapper-transparent> /div> /footer> script src/javascripts/jquery.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/javascripts/bootstrap.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/javascripts/jquery.flexslider-min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/javascripts/jquery.tweet.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/javascripts/jquery.fancybox.pack.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/javascripts/jquery.fancybox-media.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/javascripts/script.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/scripts/site.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- FOXYCART --> script data-cfasyncfalse src async defer>/script> !-- /FOXYCART -->!-- Segment Pixel - 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