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Call now 971521372900.> !-- START homemainclassicslider REVOLUTION SLIDER 6.1.0 --> rs-module-wrap idrev_slider_1_1_wrapper data-sourcegallery stylebackground:transparent;padding:0;> rs-module idrev_slider_1_1 classrs-respect-topbar styledisplay:none; data-version6.1.6> rs-slides> rs-slide data-keyrs-1 data-titleSlide data-animei:d;eo:d;s:1500;r:0;t:slideoverhorizontal;sl:0; data-firstanimt:fade;s:2000;sl:0;> img srcimages/pages/slide-1.webp titlemainslider-bg-001 width1920 height705 classrev-slidebg data-no-retina /> rs-layer idslider-1-slide-1-layer-1 classtp-shape tp-shapewrapper cmt-bgcolor-skincolor data-typetext data-xyx:l,l,l,c;xo:50px,50px,40px,0;y:b,b,t,t;yo:276px,276px,96px,70px; data-texts:12;l:14;fw:400;a:inherit; data-paddingt:13,12,11,10;r:23,23,20,20;b:13,12,11,10;l:23,23,20,20; data-frame_0y:-50,-50,-50,-49; data-frame_1st:110;sp:1000;sR:110; data-frame_999st:w;sp:1000;auto:true; stylez-index:6;font-family:DM Sans, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase;> Moving and Packing Services /rs-layer> rs-layer idslider-1-slide-1-layer-2 data-typetext data-rsp_chon data-colorrgba(255,255,255,1) data-xyx:l,l,l,c;xo:50px,50px,40px,0;y:b,b,t,t;yo:194px,194px,144px,114px; 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data-frame_999st:w;sp:1000;auto:true; stylez-index:7;font-family:DM Sans, sans-serif; font-style: italic; background-color: rgb(226 31 47 / 75%);>deadlines of your moving and packing services. /rs-layer> rs-layer idslider-1-slide-1-layer-5 classrev-btn cmt-btn cmt-btn-size-md cmt-btn-shape-square cmt-btn-style-fill cmt-btn-color-skincolor data-typebutton data-rsp_chon data-texts:14,14,14,12;a:c; data-xyx:r,r,l,c;xo:50px,50px,40px,0;y:b,b,b,b;yo:149px,149px,154px,125px; data-paddingt:11,11,10,7;b:11,11,10,7;l:0;r:0; data-dimw:210px,210px,200px,180px; data-frame_1e:none;st:500;sp:1000;sR:500; data-frame_1_sfxse:blocktoright;fxc:#e21f2f; data-frame_999o:0;e:power4.inOut;st:w;sp:500;sR:6000; data-frame_999_sfxse:blocktoright; data-frame_hoverc:#fff; stylez-index:7;font-family:DM Sans, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase;> a stylecolor: white; href#front-form>Request a Callback /a> /rs-layer> rs-layer idslider-1-slide-1-layer-6 classrev-btn cmt-btn cmt-btn-size-md cmt-btn-shape-square cmt-btn-style-fill cmt-btn-color-white cmt-textcolor-darkgrey data-typebutton data-rsp_chon data-colorwhite data-texts:14,14,14,12;a:c; 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stylez-index:5;font-family:DM Sans, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(226 31 47 / 75%);>offering you reliable moving /rs-layer> rs-layer idslider-1-slide-2-layer-4 data-typetext data-rsp_chon data-colorrgba(255,255,255,1) data-xyxo:50px,50px,40px,-520px;y:b,b,t,t;yo:85px,85px,252px,0; data-texts:20;l:22;ls:0;fw:400; data-frame_0y:-50,-50,-50,-49; data-frame_1st:1110;sp:1000;sR:1110; data-frame_999st:w;sp:1000;auto:true; stylez-index:7;font-family:DM Sans, sans-serif; font-style: italic; background-color: rgb(226 31 47 / 75%);> and packing of your goods in an expeditious manner. /rs-layer> rs-layer idslider-1-slide-2-layer-5 classrev-btn cmt-btn cmt-btn-size-md cmt-btn-shape-square cmt-btn-style-fill cmt-btn-color-skincolor data-typebutton data-rsp_chon data-texts:14,14,14,12;a:c; data-xyx:r,r,l,c;xo:50px,50px,40px,0;y:b,b,b,b;yo:149px,149px,154px,125px; data-paddingt:11,11,10,7;b:11,11,10,7;l:0;r:0; data-dimw:210px,210px,200px,180px; data-frame_1e:none;st:500;sp:1000;sR:500; data-frame_1_sfxse:blocktoright;fxc:#e21f2f; 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var data $(#form-1).serialize(); $.ajax({ method: POST, url: /requests/create, data: data, success: function(html) { swal(Congrats!, You Quote Request Sent Successfully, success); // location.reload(); $(#form-1).trigger(reset); }, error: function() { swal(Error, Some thing went wrong. Please try again, error); $(#form-1).trigger(reset); // location.reload(); } }) }); /script> div classcol-lg-8 col-md-12 col-xs-12> div classcmt-bgcolor-white text-left pt-15 pl-40 res-991-ml-0 res-991-pl-0 res-991-pt-30> !-- section title --> div classsection-title> h1 classtitle> Professional Movers and Packers in Dubai /h1> /div>!-- section title end --> p> is one of the most affordable, trustful, and b> professional movers and packers in Dubai /b>. Moving and packing is an essential step in Dubai and our moving company ensures the safety and security of your belongings. /p> p> A successful move requires proper and best packing techniques. Some items are dangerous or simply too bulky and fragile not to be packaged without hiring a team of professional movers. High-value goods and irreplaceable objects should preferably travel with you, so always responsible company can move your items safely./p> p>Our professional movers and packers provide you the best services according to customer’s needs with fast around time. We always prioritize the items you will need immediately upon arrival in your new home or other destination. /p> h2> Why do you need a Professional Moving Company in Dubai?/h2> p> Moving is always crucial without hiring movers. You must need to hire a professional moving company because a professional is always very strict with the safety, appointments, and quality of the moving services. So, at you can get stress-free moving services with 24/7 support./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- row end --> /div> /section> !--introduction-section--> !--features-section--> section classcmt-row timeline-section cmt-bgcolor-darkgrey cmt-bg cmt-bgimage-yes bg-img5 clearfix> div classcmt-row-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer>/div> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6> h2 classtitle> Hire Experienced Movers in Dubai /h2> p> With over ten years of experience in national and international moving services, we’re offering top moving and packing services with the help of our experienced professional b>movers in Dubai/b>. You can contact to pack and move the items very efficient way. Our best mover delimits your work areas step by step. When has completed packing work then sort the boxes by weight (light, medium, heavy) to save time./p> h2>Why Choose Our Movers Packers Dubai? /h2> p> By hiring Movers Packers Dubai, you wont have to worry about where to start packing, whether the items are packed properly, or whether they arrive at their destination unscathed. Rest assured that once you choose reputable movers in Dubai, you wont have to worry about transporting your items. /p> /div> div classcol-lg-6> img classimg-fluid srcimages/pages/home-page-1.webp altimage> /div> /div>!-- row end --> /div> /section>!-- section classcmt-row statement-section clearfix> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> div classsection-title> div classtitle-header> h2 classtitle text-center> Professional Movers and Packers Services in Dubai /h2> /div> div classheading-seperator>span>/span>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 order-md-2> div classmr_20 res-991-mr-0> p> Hiring b> professional movers and packers in Dubai /b> will not only make transportation easier but also help reduce the risk of damaging your belongings. Some people may think that hiring professional carriers in Dubai may sound a bit daunting, as there are smaller mobile companies available at a lower cost. Our professional movers and packers to do the job properly are worth every dollar to ensure you maintain your assets as well as peace of mind. If you are considering using professional movers ’management services, here are some of the benefits you can consider./p> p> Whether you are running your home or office, the Union will see to it that your business is run smoothly. We have the necessary equipment for transporting heavy, unusual, and fragile items. Unlike freighters, we do not simply put your unusual belongings in a trolley and then pack them in a truck. We see that things are organized, maintained, and properly maintained. We can also help you organize your things by helping you organize. We even have handymen to help you with small tasks in your new home. Movers Packers Dubai has storage options, which can store your items if there is a reason to store them due to unforeseen circumstances./p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-8 col-sm-10 mx-auto order-md-1 stylemargin-auto> div classcmt-bg cmt-col-bgimage-yes col-bg-img-seven spacing-7> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer-inner>/div> /div> div classlayer-content> div classcmt-bgcolor-white mb-25 pt-10 pl-10 pb-10 pr-10 box-shadow> div classttm_single_image-wrapper> img classimg-fluid srcimages/pages/moving-services.webp altmoving-services stylewidth:89%> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> p> Safe maintaining the proper equipment for your equipment helps us to carry it more efficiently. You are less likely to see your bed drop from a trolley or a truck. We can also provide heavy-duty boxes for your items and arrange your valuable furniture using custom-designed cabinets to control the risk of injury. In addition, professional navigators have been trained to handle large or unusual objects, such as piano and antique furniture. No More Movers If you have ever moved in on your own, you will find it tiring to move back and forth from your old home to your new home which can be a day of hiking. You may even have to start packing and moving your belongings on several voyages that lead to the day. Not only is this time wasted, but you can also put yourself at risk of injuring yourself or anyone who helps you walk. When you hire Dubai-based professional services such as Dubai Movers Packers./p> p> Well-Organized Movers to help you with questions about your travels, you can be better prepared for day trips. Movers’ experts can help you in many ways, including packing and tearing things. In this way, you will have more time to focus on other important things, such as helping your children by traveling or finding a new place of treatment when traveling across town. When choosing the right movers in Dubai, remember to do a back check to start looking at a customer show. Movers Packers in Dubai has been around for over 12 years, making us one of the best and most experienced navigators in the world./p> p>We can also help you organize your things by helping you organize, sort and organize. We even have handymen to help you with small tasks in your new home. Movers Packers Dubai has storage options, which can store your items if there is a reason to store them due to unforeseen circumstances./p> p>Safe Maintaining the proper equipment for your equipment helps us to carry it more efficiently. You are less likely to see your bed drop from a trolley or a truck. We can also provide heavy duty boxes for your items and arrange your valuable furniture using custom-designed cabinets to control the risk of injury. In addition, professional navigators have been trained to handle large or unusual objects, such as piano and antique furniture./p> p>No More Movers If you have ever moved in on your own, you will find it tiring to move back and forth from your old home to your new home which can be a day of hiking. You may even have to start packing and move your belongings on a number of voyages that lead to the day. Not only is this time wasted, you can put yourself at risk of injuring yourself or anyone who helps you walk. When we hire Dubai-based professional services such as Dubai Movers Packers, we have a number of trucks, with which we can review your inventory and choose a real-size car to handle your load./p> p>Well-Organized Movers By using your own travel management to help you with questions about your travels, you can be better prepared for day trips. Mover experts can help you in many ways, including packing and tearing things. In this way, you will have more time to focus on other important things, such as helping your children by traveling or finding a new place of treatment when traveling across town./p> p>When choosing the right movers in Dubai, remember to do a back check to start looking at a customer show. Movers Packers in Dubai has been around for over 12 years, making us one of the best and most experienced navigators in the world./p> /div> /div> /div> /section>--> section classcmt-row features-section bg-img1 clearfix style background-color: #f0f0f6;> div classcontainer> !-- row --> div classrow> div classcol-lg-7 m-auto> !-- section title --> div classsection-title title-style-center_text> div classtitle-header> h2 classtitle>The Services That We Are Providing in All Over UAE/h2> /div> div classheading-seperator>span>/span>/div> /div>!-- section title end --> /div> /div>!-- row end --> !-- slick_slider --> div classrow slick_slider service-sec styleheight:340px; data-slick{slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows:false, autoplay:true, centerMode:true, centerPadding:0, infinite:true, initialSlide:1, responsive: {breakpoint:1100,settings:{slidesToShow: 3}} , {breakpoint:992,settings:{slidesToShow: 2}}, {breakpoint:580,settings:{slidesToShow: 1}}}> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !--featured-icon-box--> div classfeatured-icon-box style1 icon-align-top-content> !-- cmt-box-view-overlay --> div classcmt-box-view-overlay> div classcol-bg-img-one cmt-col-bgimage-yes cmt-bg> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer-inner>/div> /div> div classlayer-content>/div> /div> img srcimages/bg-image/col-bgimage-1.webp classcmt-equal-height-image img-fluid altbg-image> div classd-flex align-items-center cmt-bgcolor-white> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon flaticon-travel>/i> /div> div classpl-20> h3 classmb-0>a href/movers-and-packers>Movers Packers/a>/h3> /div> /div> /div>!-- cmt-box-view-overlay end --> div classfeatured-icon> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon flaticon-truck-5>/i> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content> div classfeatured-title> h3>a href/movers-and-packers>Movers Packers/a>/h3> /div> div classfeatured-desc> p> Movers Packers Dubai providing you the professional movers and packers in all over United Arab Emirates /p> /div> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-icon-btn-left cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/movers-and-packers>i classti ti-minus>/i>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- featured-icon-box end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !--featured-icon-box--> div classfeatured-icon-box style1 icon-align-top-content> !-- cmt-box-view-overlay --> div classcmt-box-view-overlay> div classcol-bg-img-two cmt-col-bgimage-yes cmt-bg> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer-inner>/div> /div> div classlayer-content>/div> /div> img srcimages/bg-image/col-bgimage-2.webp classcmt-equal-height-image img-fluid altbg-image> div classd-flex align-items-center cmt-bgcolor-white> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon flaticon-truck-5>/i> /div> div classpl-20> h3 classmb-0>a href/services-in-dubai>Our Services/a>/h3> /div> /div> /div>!-- cmt-box-view-overlay end --> div classfeatured-icon> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon flaticon-ship-1>/i> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content> div classfeatured-title> h3>a href/services-in-dubai>Our Services/a>/h3> /div> div classfeatured-desc> p> Our professionals are provide in professional painting,cleaning and storage services in all over United Arab Emirates /p> /div> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-icon-btn-left cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/services-in-dubai>i classti ti-minus>/i>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- featured-icon-box end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !--featured-icon-box--> div classfeatured-icon-box style1 icon-align-top-content> !-- cmt-box-view-overlay --> div classcmt-box-view-overlay> div classcol-bg-img-three cmt-col-bgimage-yes cmt-bg> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer-inner>/div> /div> div classlayer-content>/div> /div> img srcimages/pages/transportation-services.webp classcmt-equal-height-image img-fluid altbg-image> div classd-flex align-items-center cmt-bgcolor-white> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon flaticon-truck-5>/i> /div> div classpl-20> h3 classmb-0>a href/transportation-services-dubai>Transportation /a>/h3> /div> /div> /div>!-- cmt-box-view-overlay end --> div classfeatured-icon> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon flaticon-truck-5>/i> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content> div classfeatured-title> h3>a href/transportation-services-dubai>Transportation /a>/h3> /div> div classfeatured-desc> p> You are in UAE and want to move one place to another place you need to get our affordable transportation services . /p> /div> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-icon-btn-left cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/transportation-services-dubai>i classti ti-minus>/i>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- featured-icon-box end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !--featured-icon-box--> div classfeatured-icon-box style1 icon-align-top-content> !-- cmt-box-view-overlay --> div classcmt-box-view-overlay> div classcol-bg-img-one cmt-col-bgimage-yes cmt-bg> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer-inner>/div> /div> div classlayer-content>/div> /div> img srcimages/pages/mover-packers-sharjah.webp classcmt-equal-height-image img-fluid altbg-image> div classd-flex align-items-center cmt-bgcolor-white> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon flaticon-truck-5>/i> /div> div classpl-20> h3 classmb-0>a href/movers-and-packers-sharjah>Movers in Sharjah/a>/h3> /div> /div> /div>!-- cmt-box-view-overlay end --> div classfeatured-icon> div classcmt-icon cmt-icon_element-fill cmt-icon_element-style-square cmt-icon_element-color-skincolor cmt-icon_element-size-md> i classflaticon-truck-5>/i> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content> div classfeatured-title> h3>a href/movers-and-packers-sharjah>Movers in Sharjah /a>/h3> /div> div classfeatured-desc> p> You are in Dubai and want to move in Sharjah and get our affordable services in Sharjah /p> /div> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-icon-btn-left cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/movers-and-packers-sharjah>i classti ti-minus>/i>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- featured-icon-box end--> /div> /div>!-- row end --> /div> /section> !--features-section--> !--portfolio-section--> section classcmt-row portfolio-section clearfix> div classcontainer> !-- row --> div classrow> div classcol-lg-7 m-auto> !-- section title --> div classsection-title title-style-center_text> div classtitle-header> h2 classtitle>Benefits for Using Our Moving Services in Dubai /h2> /div> div classheading-seperator>span>/span>/div> /div>!-- section title end --> /div> /div>!-- row end --> /div> div classcontainer-fluid> !-- row --> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 text-center stylemargin:auto> img classimg-center srcimages/pages/benefits-moving-services.webp alttestimonial-img stylewidth:82%> /div> div classcol-lg-6> ol classol-list-2> li> Professional movers and packers in Dubai will not only make transportation easier but also help reduce the risk of damaging your belongings. Some people may think that hiring movers in Dubai may sound a bit daunting, as there are smaller mobile companies available at a lower cost. /li> li> Having equipment helps to carry your important items efficiently. You are less likely to see your bed drop from a trolley or a truck. We can also provide heavy-duty boxes for your items and arrange your valuable furniture using custom-designed cabinets to control the risk of injury. In addition, professional navigators have been trained to handle large or unusual objects, such as piano and antique furniture. /li> li> Our Well-Organized Moving services help you in packing and tearing things. In this way, you will have more time to focus on other important things, such as helping your children by traveling or finding a new place of treatment when traveling across town./li> li> We understand that every packing and its moving is selective and therefore requires a different approach. That is why we appoint our clients and a personal travel consultant to guide you through every step of your journey./li> li> Safety of your valuables is our priority; we carry advanced packing technology that guarantees safe transit of fragile and brittle goods./li> /ol> /div> /div>!-- row end --> /div> div classpt-35 pb-20 text-center cmt-bgcolor-skincolor> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> h3 classfont-weight-normal>Movers Packers Dubai guide Article for customer information./h3> div classtop-angle mb_20>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !--portfolio-section--> !--tab-section--> section classcmt-row tab-section cmt-bgcolor-darkgrey cmt-bg cmt-bgimage-yes bg-img2 clearfix> div classcmt-row-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer>/div> div classcontainer> !-- row --> div classrow> div classcol-lg-5> div classpr-50 res-991-pr-0 res-991-pb-40> !-- section title --> div classsection-title> h2 classtitle stylefont-size: 36px;> Why DO We Succeed? /h2> /div>!-- section title end --> h3> A Quick Move /h3> p> A move is often long and painful, which is why many people hire movers to keep the moving time as short as possible. If you have to do all the work yourself, the move will probably take longer than a day. Youll spend all your time doing endless loads of packing and moving things from one place to another place. /p> p> If you hire movers and packers in Dubai, they will help you to pack everything efficiently. Hiring removals is always the best way to make your move less stressful. You can be sure that your belongings are moved by experts who have been doing it for years. /p> h3>Reliable /h3> p> is known in the moving market as a loyal and trusted company. You will choose our accredited movers, operating under the highest quality safety standards. /p> p> Our Professional Packers and movers have moving experience who have all moving equipment’s to make your move smooth. The many testimonials from our satisfied customers speak for themselves /p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-7 content-form> div classcontent-tab> div classcontent-inner> div classd-flex align-items-center animated fadeInRight> div class pl-40> h3>Fair Moving Price /h3> p> Unfortunately, there are a lot of unfair practices in the moving market. Many moving companies and clients are regularly affected. Some removal companies hide additional costs in the fine print of their contracts or do not live up to what has been concluded with the client, and quality is not offered seriously. /p> p> We apply agreed prices and do not use unnecessary surcharges. Since the efficiency of our movers and packers in Dubai is also very often above our competitors as we work quickly and efficiently at affordable prices./p> /div> /div> div classd-flex align-items-center animated fadeInRight> div class pl-40> h3> Fair moving price /h3> p> Unfortunately, there are a lot of unfair practices in the moving market. Many moving companies and clients are regularly affected. Some removal companies hide additional costs in the fine print of their contracts or do not live up to what has been concluded with the client, and quality is not offered seriously. We apply agreed prices and do not use unnecessary (abusive) surcharges. Since the efficiency of our movers and packers in Dubai is also very often above our biggest competitors, we work quickly and efficiently. This way, you will save on the cost of your move guaranteed. /p> /div> /div> div classd-flex align-items-center animated fadeInRight> div class pl-40> h3> Personal Control /h3> p> From the first contact with our professional moving company, you will notice our approach. Our professional movers and packers in Dubai will start according to your needs and your budget. Each move has methods adapted to the client. At the start of your project, we offer a project manager who coordinates your move. Also, your move is controlled by one of the experienced supervisors. You can contact them if you have any questions, comments, or issues. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcontent-inner> div classd-flex align-items-center animated fadeInRight> div classleft-content>img classimg-fluid srcimages/tab_img_01.webp altimage>/div> div classright-content pl-40> h2>Moving and Packing Services/h2> p>we are committed to offering you reliable import-export of goods in an expeditious manner. We have a solid track record of fulfilling the shipping and logistical needs globally./p> /div> /div> div classcmt-horizontal_sep width-100 mt-30 mb-30> span classsep_holder>span classsep_line>/span>/span> /div> div classcmt-horizontal_sep width-100 mt-30 mb-30> span classsep_holder>span classsep_line>/span>/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- row end --> /div> /section> !--tab-section--> !--blog-section--> section classcmt-row grid-section clearfix> div classtitle-header> h2 classtext-center> Blogs/h2> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow multi-columns-row> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !-- featured-imagebox-post --> div classfeatured-imagebox featured-imagebox-post> div classcmt-post-thumbnail featured-thumbnail> img classimg-fluid styleheight: fit-content; src/uploads/blog/-430432290.jpg altimage> div classcmt-box-post-date> span classcmt-entry-date> time classentry-date datetime2023-07-09 12:35:13>2023-07-09 12:35:13/time> /span> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content featured-content-post> div classpost-top> div classpost-meta> span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-user>/i>Creetik John/span> !-- span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-tags>/i>Bussiness/span> --> /div> div classpost-title featured-title> h5>a href/blog/do-my-boxes-have-to-be-ready-before-the-mover-arrives> Do my Boxes Have to be ready before the Mover Arrives?/a>/h5> /div> /div> div classpost-bottom cmt-post-link> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/blog/do-my-boxes-have-to-be-ready-before-the-mover-arrives tabindex0>Read more +/a> /div> /div> /div>!-- featured-imagebox-post end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !-- featured-imagebox-post --> div classfeatured-imagebox featured-imagebox-post> div classcmt-post-thumbnail featured-thumbnail> img classimg-fluid styleheight: fit-content; src/uploads/blog/-16154792.webp altimage> div classcmt-box-post-date> span classcmt-entry-date> time classentry-date datetime2022-06-03 07:21:44>2022-06-03 07:21:44/time> /span> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content featured-content-post> div classpost-top> div classpost-meta> span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-user>/i>Creetik John/span> !-- span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-tags>/i>Bussiness/span> --> /div> div classpost-title featured-title> h5>a href/blog/movers-and-packers-in-al-nahda-sharjah> Movers and packers in Al Nahda Sharjah/a>/h5> /div> /div> div classpost-bottom cmt-post-link> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/blog/movers-and-packers-in-al-nahda-sharjah tabindex0>Read more +/a> /div> /div> /div>!-- featured-imagebox-post end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !-- featured-imagebox-post --> div classfeatured-imagebox featured-imagebox-post> div classcmt-post-thumbnail featured-thumbnail> img classimg-fluid styleheight: fit-content; src/uploads/blog/-1785614944.webp altimage> div classcmt-box-post-date> span classcmt-entry-date> time classentry-date datetime2021-12-14 03:40:35>2021-12-14 03:40:35/time> /span> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content featured-content-post> div classpost-top> div classpost-meta> span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-user>/i>Creetik John/span> !-- span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-tags>/i>Bussiness/span> --> /div> div classpost-title featured-title> h5>a href/blog/professional-movers-and-packers-in-bur-dubai> Professional Movers and Packers in Bur Dubai/a>/h5> /div> /div> div classpost-bottom cmt-post-link> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/blog/professional-movers-and-packers-in-bur-dubai tabindex0>Read more +/a> /div> /div> /div>!-- featured-imagebox-post end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !-- featured-imagebox-post --> div classfeatured-imagebox featured-imagebox-post> div classcmt-post-thumbnail featured-thumbnail> img classimg-fluid styleheight: fit-content; src/uploads/blog/-1532854743.webp altimage> div classcmt-box-post-date> span classcmt-entry-date> time classentry-date datetime2023-07-09 12:29:26>2023-07-09 12:29:26/time> /span> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content featured-content-post> div classpost-top> div classpost-meta> span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-user>/i>Creetik John/span> !-- span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-tags>/i>Bussiness/span> --> /div> div classpost-title featured-title> h5>a href/blog/affordable-moving-services-in-dubai> Affordable Moving Services in Dubai/a>/h5> /div> /div> div classpost-bottom cmt-post-link> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/blog/affordable-moving-services-in-dubai tabindex0>Read more +/a> /div> /div> /div>!-- featured-imagebox-post end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !-- featured-imagebox-post --> div classfeatured-imagebox featured-imagebox-post> div classcmt-post-thumbnail featured-thumbnail> img classimg-fluid styleheight: fit-content; src/uploads/blog/-133619165.webp altimage> div classcmt-box-post-date> span classcmt-entry-date> time classentry-date datetime2021-12-14 03:57:27>2021-12-14 03:57:27/time> /span> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content featured-content-post> div classpost-top> div classpost-meta> span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-user>/i>Creetik John/span> !-- span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-tags>/i>Bussiness/span> --> /div> div classpost-title featured-title> h5>a href/blog/moving-cleaning-company-in-dubai-move-out-in-dubai> Moving Cleaning Company in Dubai | Move out in Dubai /a>/h5> /div> /div> div classpost-bottom cmt-post-link> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/blog/moving-cleaning-company-in-dubai-move-out-in-dubai tabindex0>Read more +/a> /div> /div> /div>!-- featured-imagebox-post end--> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-4> !-- featured-imagebox-post --> div classfeatured-imagebox featured-imagebox-post> div classcmt-post-thumbnail featured-thumbnail> img classimg-fluid styleheight: fit-content; src/uploads/blog/-1669985742.webp altimage> div classcmt-box-post-date> span classcmt-entry-date> time classentry-date datetime2021-10-10 06:17:20>2021-10-10 06:17:20/time> /span> /div> /div> div classfeatured-content featured-content-post> div classpost-top> div classpost-meta> span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-user>/i>Creetik John/span> !-- span classcmt-meta-line>i classfa fa-tags>/i>Bussiness/span> --> /div> div classpost-title featured-title> h5>a href/blog/quick-professional-pets-movers-and-packers-in-dubai> Quick & Professional Pets Movers and Packers in Dubai/a>/h5> /div> /div> div classpost-bottom cmt-post-link> a classcmt-btn cmt-btn-size-sm cmt-btn-color-dark btn-inline href/blog/quick-professional-pets-movers-and-packers-in-dubai tabindex0>Read more +/a> /div> /div> /div>!-- featured-imagebox-post end--> /div> /div> /div> /section> !--testimonial-section--> section classcmt-row testimonial-section bg-img3 clearfix> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-7 m-auto> !-- slick_slider --> div classrow slick_slider slick-dots-style1 data-slick{slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows:false, dots:true, centerMode:true, centerPadding:0, initialSlide:2, autoplay:true, infinite:true, responsive: {breakpoint:870,settings:{slidesToShow: 1}} , {breakpoint:525,settings:{slidesToShow: 1}}}> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-12> !-- testimonials --> div classtestimonials cmt-testimonial-box-view-style1> div classtestimonial-content> div classtestimonial-avatar> div classtestimonial-img> img classimg-center srcimages/testimonial/01.webp alttestimonial-img> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-caption> h3>Alex Jhon Martin/h3> label>United Arab Emirates/label> /div> blockquote>At our orthy garages where they can service and rice garage, we fully appreciate how difficult it is for people to fible and arages where they can service and repaeir e are always ke our customers that we are different!/blockquote> /div> /div>!-- testimonials end --> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-12> !-- testimonials --> div classtestimonials cmt-testimonial-box-view-style1> div classtestimonial-content> div classtestimonial-avatar> div classtestimonial-img> img classimg-center srcimages/testimonial/02.webp alttestimonial-img> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-caption> h3>Sally Mathison/h3> label>United Arab Emirates/label> /div> blockquote>I am very glad to get services of Movers Packers Dubai and team of professionals treat us very polite./blockquote> /div> /div>!-- testimonials end --> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-12> !-- testimonials --> div classtestimonials cmt-testimonial-box-view-style1> div classtestimonial-content> div classtestimonial-avatar> div classtestimonial-img> img classimg-center srcimages/testimonial/03.webp alttestimonial-img> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-caption> h3>Braylin Rose/h3> label>United Arab Emirates/label> /div> blockquote>Very quick service! They finished my moving-in from a Studio to 1BHK in just 2 hours. Nicely coordinated and polite team./blockquote> /div> /div>!-- testimonials end --> /div> div classcmt-box-col-wrapper col-lg-12> !-- testimonials --> div classtestimonials cmt-testimonial-box-view-style1> div classtestimonial-content> div classtestimonial-avatar> div classtestimonial-img> img classimg-center srcimages/testimonial/02.webp alttestimonial-img> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-caption> h3>Sally Mathison/h3> label>United Arab Emirates/label> /div> blockquote>We shifted furniture of 2 bhk amazing experience, Highly recommended east west movers... Mr.Muhammad the team manager was very courteous, professional and customer centric all team members were very professional and efficient along with that polite and flexible with last minute requests./blockquote> /div> /div>!-- testimonials end --> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !--testimonial-section end--> !--cta_form-section--> section classcmt-row cta_form-section bg-layer-equal-height bg-img4 bg-layer clearfix> div classcontainer> !-- row --> div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 ml-auto> div classcmt-col-bgcolor-yes cmt-bgcolor-darkgrey cmt-col-bgimage-yes col-bg-img-six cmt-bg cmt-right-span spacing-1> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer cmt-bg-layer> div classcmt-col-wrapper-bg-layer-inner>/div> /div> div classlayer-content> !-- section-title --> div classsection-title> div classtitle-header> h5>READY TO HELP/h5> h2 classtitle>Get a Free Quote Today./h2> /div> /div>!-- section-title end --> form idform-2 classcontact__form cmt-contactform-1 wrap-form clearfix methodpost action/requests/create> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6> label> span classtext-input>input namename typetext value placeholderYour Name requiredrequired>/span> /label> /div> div classcol-lg-6> label> span classtext-input>input nameemail typetext value placeholderYour Email requiredrequired>/span> /label> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6> label> span classtext-input>input namephone typetext value placeholderPhone Number requiredrequired>/span> /label> /div> div classcol-lg-6> label> span classtext-input>input namesubject typetext value placeholderSubject requiredrequired>/span> /label> /div> /div> label> span classtext-input>textarea namemessage rows3 placeholderMessage requiredrequired>/textarea>/span> /label> button classsubmit cmt-btn cmt-btn-size-md cmt-btn-shape-rounded cmt-btn-style-fill cmt-btn-color-skincolor typesubmit>Get An Appointment!/button> /form> script> $( #form-2 ).submit(function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var data $(#form-1).serialize(); $.ajax({ method: POST, url: /requests/create, data: data, success: function(html) { swal(Congrats!, You Quote Request Sent Successfully, success); $(#form-2).trigger(reset); }, error: function() { swal(Error, Some thing went wrong. 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