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1-.406-.217c-.217-.216-.303-.451-.258-.704.046-.253.213-.433.501-.541.488-.181.975-.312 1.463-.393A9.045 9.045 0 0 1 11.538 0c2.365 0 4.4.853 6.107 2.56 1.706 1.706 2.56 3.741 2.56 6.107V9.83l1.651-1.652a.718.718 0 0 1 .528-.216c.208 0 .384.072.529. 0 0 1-.216.528l-2.953 2.953a.825.825 0 0 1-.27.19.796.796 0 0 1-.298.053Z/> /symbol> symbol idicon-twitter-likes fillnone viewBox0 0 20 18> path fillcurrentColor dM8.975 17.45 7.65 16.225c-2.067-1.917-3.858-3.746-5.375-5.488C.758 8.997 0 7.176 0 5.276c0-1.5.504-2.754 1.512-3.763C2.521.505 3.768 0 5.25 0c.85 0 1.692.204 2.525.613C8.608 1.02 9.35 1.692 10 2.625c.733-.933 1.492-1.604 2.275-2.013A5.282 5.282 0 0 1 14.75 0c1.483 0 2.73.504 3.738 1.512C19.495 2.521 20 3.776 20 5.276c0 1.9-.758 3.72-2.275 5.463-1.517 1.741-3.308 3.57-5.375 5.487l-1.325 1.225c-.283.267-.625.4-1.025.4-.4 0-.742-.133-1.025-.4ZM9.35 4.275a5.875 5.875 0 0 0-1.775-2C6.842 1.758 6.067 1.5 5.25 1.5c-1.1 0-2 .354-2.7 1.063-.7.708-1.05 1.612-1.05 2.712 0 .967.325 1.98.975 3.037A21.243 21.243 0 0 0 4.8 11.4c.9 1 1.833 1.93 2.8 2.787.967.859 1.767 1.58 2.4 2.163l2.4-2.15c.967-.867 1.9-1.804 2.8-2.813a21.793 21.793 0 0 0 2.325-3.1c.65-1.058.975-2.062.975-3.012 0-1.1-.354-2.004-1.063-2.713C16.73 1.855 15.834 1.5 14.75 1.5c-.833 0-1.613.254-2.338.763-.725.508-1.329 1.179-1.812 2.012a.832.832 0 0 1-.275.287.682.682 0 0 1-.35.088.752.752 0 0 1-.362-.088.635.635 0 0 1-.263-.287Z/> /symbol> symbol idicon-twitter-downloads fillnone viewBox0 0 18 18> path fillcurrentColor dM8.667 12.865a.79.79 0 0 1-.583-.23.79.79 0 0 1-.23-.583V2.817l-2.681 2.68a.733.733 0 0 1-.569.231.831.831 0 0 1-.569-.257.795.795 0 0 1-.243-.582c0-.226.08-.42.243-.583L8.098.244c.09-.09.18-.154.27-.19A.795.795 0 0 1 8.668 0c.108 0 . 4.09a.78.78 0 0 1 .244.568.78.78 0 0 1-.244.569.795.795 0 0 1-.582.244.795.795 0 0 1-.583-.244L9.48 2.817v9.235a.79.79 0 0 1-.231.582.79.79 0 0 1-.582.23Zm-7.042 4.143c-.433 0-.813-.162-1.137-.487C.162 16.196 0 15.817 0 15.383v-3.06a.79.79 0 0 1 .23-.582.79.79 0 0 1 .583-.23.79.79 0 0 1 .582.23.79.79 0 0 1 .23.582v3.06h14.083v-3.06a.79.79 0 0 1 .23-.582.79.79 0 0 1 .583-.23.79.79 0 0 1 .812.812v3.06c0 .434-.162.813-.487 1.138-.325.325-.704.487-1.138.487H1.625Z/> /symbol> symbol idicon-external-link fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width1.5 strokecurrentColor> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM13.5 6H5.25A2.25 2.25 0 003 8.25v10.5A2.25 2.25 0 005.25 21h10.5A2.25 2.25 0 0018 18.75V10.5m-10.5 6L21 3m0 0h-5.25M21 3v5.25 /> /symbol> symbol idicon-microphone viewBox0 0 20 28> path fillcurrentColor fill-rulenonzero dM9.625 19.25c2.9 0 5.25-2.35 5.25-5.25V5.25a5.25 5.25 0 1 0-10.5 0V14c0 2.9 2.35 5.25 5.25 5.25Zm8.75-8.75H17.5a.875.875 0 0 0-.875.875V14c0 4.09-3.527 7.373-7.7 6.966-3.636-.355-6.3-3.624-6.3-7.278v-2.313a.875.875 0 0 0-.875-.875H.875a.875.875 0 0 0-.875.875v2.196c0 4.902 3.498 9.272 8.313 9.936v1.868H5.25a.875.875 0 0 0-.875.875v.875c0 .483.392.875.875.875H14a.875.875 0 0 0 .875-.875v-.875a.875.875 0 0 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font-semibold mb-4 leading-snug tracking--0.035em> Helping our clients strong classfont-semibold text-highlight>achieve superior risk-adjusted portfolio/strong> performancebr>span classitalic>is strong classfont-semibold text-highlight>Merks mission/strong>/span> /h1> div classflex flex-col lg:flex-row space-y-6 lg:space-y-0 lg:space-x-12 leading-snug mb-11> div classlg:w-9/12> p classtext-18 text-gray-500>Through a robust investment process, we aim to deliver truly uncorrelated returns that seek optimal profit potential within tailored investment objectives./p> /div> /div> div classflex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:items-center gap-4 lg:w-9/12> a classbg-primary hover:bg-quaternary text-white hover:text-primary relative overflow-hidden font-bold inline-flex text-center justify-center items-center rounded-controls text-18 h-controls transition-button px-5 py-3 lg:min-w-200px href/insights-and-reports > span classlg:flex-1 >Insights/span> /a> a classrelative overflow-hidden font-bold 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z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>Peter Maletis/p> /div>/div> /div> div classrelative flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:items-end lg:justify-between mt-14 lg:mt-0> div classlg:w-1/2 leading-tight mb-8 lg:mb-0> p classtext-lightblue text-18 mb-3>Jan 21, 2025/p> h3 classtext-28 text-white font-heading> a classhover:underline-border href>Golden Prospects, Hidden Challenges - Miners in a Rising Market/a> /h3> /div> a classgroup inline-flex items-center gap-x-1 text-white text-20 hover:text-white/80 href> span classunderline-border>Learn more/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-4 mt-1 transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-2> use xlink:href#icon-chevron-right>/use> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classw-full lg:w-5/12 lg:h-350px> div classgroup relative flex flex-col h-full bg-white lg:rounded-xl pt-12 pb-9 px-5 lg:px-12 overflow-hidden -mx-5 lg:mx-0 border border-gray-200 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Literally. /> div classabsolute inset-0 bg-gradient-report-card-2>/div> div classrelative lg:w-3/4 leading-tight mb-auto> p classtext-gray-500 text-18 mb-3>Sep 11, 2024/p> h3 classtext-28 text-primary font-heading mb-8 lg:mb-0> a classhover:underline-border href>The Gold ETF That Delivers. Literally./a> /h3> a classgroup lg:hidden inline-flex items-center gap-x-1 text-quaternary text-20 hover:text-primary href> span classunderline-border>Learn more/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-4 mt-1 transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-2> use xlink:href#icon-chevron-right>/use> /svg> /a> /div> div classrelative top-px flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:items-center lg:justify-between mt-14 lg:mt-0> div classflex items-center> div classblock first:ml-0 -ml-2 data-componentdropdown> button classw-11 h-11 rounded-full bg-gray-300 overflow-hidden border-2 border-white typebutton> img classw-full h-full src altAxel Merk loadinglazy> /button> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementtop-start> p>Axel Merk/p> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown top-full -mt-1 rotate-180 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> /div>/div> /div> a classgroup hidden lg:inline-flex items-center gap-x-1 text-primary text-20 hover:opacity-70 href> span classunderline-border>Learn more/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-4 mt-1 transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-2> use xlink:href#icon-chevron-right>/use> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classmt-10> a classgroup inline-flex items-center gap-x-4 text-24 text-primary italic font-heading href/insights-and-reports> span classgroup-hover:underline-border>View All/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-4 mt-1 transition-transform group-hover:translate-x-1> use xlink:href#icon-arrow-right>/use> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /section> /div> section classpy-12 lg:pt-20 pb-18> div classcontainer> div classrelative lg:rounded-xl overflow-hidden -mx-5 lg:mx-0 print:hidden> img classhidden sm:block absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full src loadinglazy alt /> img classblock sm:hidden absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full src loadinglazy alt /> div classrelative py-14 lg:py-20 lg:px-20 2xl:px-40 sm:h-422px> div classpx-5 lg:px-0 lg:pl-8> h2 classtext-30 lg:text-36 font-heading text-darkblue max-w-400px lg:max-w-500px leading-tight tracking--0.02em>Golden Prospects, Hidden Challenges: Miners in a Rising Market/h2> p classtext-18 text-darkblue max-w-400px lg:max-w-430px mt-4 mb-6>CIO Axel Merk with Portfolio Managers Peter Maletis & Jamie Holman/p> a classbg-#FFFCE1/50 text-#896C14 shadow-custom-3 hover:opacity relative overflow-hidden font-black inline-flex text-center justify-center items-center rounded-controls text-18 h-controls transition-button px-8 py-3 href > span>Replay now available/span> /a> /div> img classsm:absolute sm:bottom-0 sm:left-1/2 sm:-translate-x-1/4 sm:ml-10 sm:h-full sm:w-auto w-500px h-483px object-cover object-60%,bottom mb-1.5 sm:mb-0 src alt /> p classabsolute left-5 lg:left-20 2xl:left-40 bottom-0 text-20 text-white font-black py-4 sm:py-2 lg:pl-8>Webinar held January 21, 2025/p> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classrelative bg-white overflow-hidden data-featuretwitter-feed> div classcontainer pb-12 lg:pb-24> h2 classfont-heading text-28 lg:text-36 text-primary mb-6 lg:mb-10>Tweets/h2> div classgrid grid-cols-3 -mx-5 data-twitter data-twitter-endpoint data-twitter-limit7 data-twitter-offset7 data-twitter-count1479> div classabsolute> div classblock py-8 px-5 lg:p-8 lg:rounded-xl bg-lightgrey opacity-0 transition-opacity data-twitter-item> div classflex items-center gap-x-3> a href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open Axel Merk's Twitter in new tab/span> img classw-12 h-12 rounded-full src alt loadinglazy> /a> div classleading-none> a classflex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-primary text-20 font-black hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> span>Axel Merk/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-check>/use> /svg> /a> div classflex items-center gap-x-2 text-14 text-gray-500 font-light mt-1.5> a classhover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener>@AxelMerk/a> span> · /span> div classblock data-componentdropdown> a classtext-14 text-gray-500 font-light hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> time datetime2025-02-09T16:30:41.000000Z data-formatdate-only>February 09, 2025/time> /a> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementbottom-end> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>time datetime2025-02-09T16:30:41.000000Z data-formatdate-time>February 09, 2025/time>/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classmy-6> p classtext-18 text-primary &_a:text-quaternary hover:&_a:underline-border>Trade deficits are caused by fiscal deficits a href target_blank relnoopener nofollow>@steve_hanke/a> a href target_blank relnoopener nofollow>…/a>/p> /div> div classflex items-center gap-x-6 text-gray-500> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-replies>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Replies Count/span> span>0/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-retweets>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Retweets Count/span> span>1/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-likes>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Likes Count/span> span>4/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary ml-auto href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open tweet in new tab/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-external-link>/use> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> div classabsolute> div classblock py-8 px-5 lg:p-8 lg:rounded-xl bg-lightgrey opacity-0 transition-opacity data-twitter-item> div classflex items-center gap-x-3> a href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open Axel Merk's Twitter in new tab/span> img classw-12 h-12 rounded-full src alt loadinglazy> /a> div classleading-none> a classflex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-primary text-20 font-black hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> span>Axel Merk/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-check>/use> /svg> /a> div classflex items-center gap-x-2 text-14 text-gray-500 font-light mt-1.5> a classhover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener>@AxelMerk/a> span> · /span> div classblock data-componentdropdown> a classtext-14 text-gray-500 font-light hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> time datetime2025-02-08T15:49:18.000000Z data-formatdate-only>February 08, 2025/time> /a> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementbottom-end> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>time datetime2025-02-08T15:49:18.000000Z data-formatdate-time>February 08, 2025/time>/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classmy-6> p classtext-18 text-primary &_a:text-quaternary hover:&_a:underline-border>What a beautiful sight!br />br />A mountain lion is back at our weekend escape. After a 2020 wildfire, we lost natural predators, causing havoc in recent years. Nature is restoring balance - a joy to see. /p> div classbg-gray-100> img classw-full h-205px object-cover object-center rounded-xl mt-6 src alt loadinglazy data-masonry-image> /div> /div> div classflex items-center gap-x-6 text-gray-500> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-replies>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Replies Count/span> span>2/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-retweets>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Retweets Count/span> span>1/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-likes>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Likes Count/span> span>9/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary ml-auto href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open tweet in new tab/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-external-link>/use> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> div classabsolute> div classblock py-8 px-5 lg:p-8 lg:rounded-xl bg-lightgrey opacity-0 transition-opacity data-twitter-item> div classflex items-center gap-x-3> a href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open Axel Merk's Twitter in new tab/span> img classw-12 h-12 rounded-full src alt loadinglazy> /a> div classleading-none> a classflex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-primary text-20 font-black hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> span>Axel Merk/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-check>/use> /svg> /a> div classflex items-center gap-x-2 text-14 text-gray-500 font-light mt-1.5> a classhover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener>@AxelMerk/a> span> · /span> div classblock data-componentdropdown> a classtext-14 text-gray-500 font-light hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> time datetime2025-02-05T01:49:32.000000Z data-formatdate-only>February 05, 2025/time> /a> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementbottom-end> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>time datetime2025-02-05T01:49:32.000000Z data-formatdate-time>February 05, 2025/time>/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classmy-6> p classtext-18 text-primary &_a:text-quaternary hover:&_a:underline-border>China learned its lesson.. it has built its own arsenal of economic weapons. ...mapped out global supply chains, identifying chokepoints it can weaponize...Beijing is now poised to respond to U.S. measures asymmetrically—...hitting America where it hurts a href target_blank relnoopener nofollow>…/a>/p> /div> div classflex items-center gap-x-6 text-gray-500> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-replies>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Replies Count/span> span>1/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-retweets>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Retweets Count/span> span>1/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-likes>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Likes Count/span> span>6/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary ml-auto href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open tweet in new tab/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-external-link>/use> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> div classabsolute> div classblock py-8 px-5 lg:p-8 lg:rounded-xl bg-lightgrey opacity-0 transition-opacity data-twitter-item> div classflex items-center gap-x-3> a href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open Axel Merk's Twitter in new tab/span> img classw-12 h-12 rounded-full src alt loadinglazy> /a> div classleading-none> a classflex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-primary text-20 font-black hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> span>Axel Merk/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-check>/use> /svg> /a> div classflex items-center gap-x-2 text-14 text-gray-500 font-light mt-1.5> a classhover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener>@AxelMerk/a> span> · /span> div classblock data-componentdropdown> a classtext-14 text-gray-500 font-light hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> time datetime2025-02-04T22:46:09.000000Z data-formatdate-only>February 04, 2025/time> /a> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementbottom-end> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>time datetime2025-02-04T22:46:09.000000Z data-formatdate-time>February 04, 2025/time>/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classmy-6> p classtext-18 text-primary &_a:text-quaternary hover:&_a:underline-border>Okay, this crosses a red line ... Trumps policies might increase the cost of avocados!br />avocado growers are widely believed to pay extortion money to cartels.... this will likely force Mexican businesses ... to confront pervasive cartel influence br />a href target_blank relnoopener nofollow>…/a>/p> /div> div classflex items-center gap-x-6 text-gray-500> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-replies>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Replies Count/span> span>2/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-retweets>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Retweets Count/span> span>0/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-likes>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Likes Count/span> span>2/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary ml-auto href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open tweet in new tab/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-external-link>/use> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> div classabsolute> div classblock py-8 px-5 lg:p-8 lg:rounded-xl bg-lightgrey opacity-0 transition-opacity data-twitter-item> div classflex items-center gap-x-3> a href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open Axel Merk's Twitter in new tab/span> img classw-12 h-12 rounded-full src alt loadinglazy> /a> div classleading-none> a classflex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-primary text-20 font-black hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> span>Axel Merk/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-check>/use> /svg> /a> div classflex items-center gap-x-2 text-14 text-gray-500 font-light mt-1.5> a classhover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener>@AxelMerk/a> span> · /span> div classblock data-componentdropdown> a classtext-14 text-gray-500 font-light hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> time datetime2025-02-04T16:05:35.000000Z data-formatdate-only>February 04, 2025/time> /a> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementbottom-end> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>time datetime2025-02-04T16:05:35.000000Z data-formatdate-time>February 04, 2025/time>/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classmy-6> p classtext-18 text-primary &_a:text-quaternary hover:&_a:underline-border>WSJ reports that Germany’s AfD is taking votes from the far />br />That’s consistent with blue collar workers being attracted to Trump as the mainstream left has neglected its base. a href target_blank relnoopener nofollow>…/a>/p> /div> div classflex items-center gap-x-6 text-gray-500> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-replies>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Replies Count/span> span>1/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-retweets>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Retweets Count/span> span>0/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-likes>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Likes Count/span> span>3/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary ml-auto href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open tweet in new tab/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-external-link>/use> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> div classabsolute> div classblock py-8 px-5 lg:p-8 lg:rounded-xl bg-lightgrey opacity-0 transition-opacity data-twitter-item> div classflex items-center gap-x-3> a href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open Axel Merk's Twitter in new tab/span> img classw-12 h-12 rounded-full src alt loadinglazy> /a> div classleading-none> a classflex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-primary text-20 font-black hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> span>Axel Merk/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-check>/use> /svg> /a> div classflex items-center gap-x-2 text-14 text-gray-500 font-light mt-1.5> a classhover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener>@AxelMerk/a> span> · /span> div classblock data-componentdropdown> a classtext-14 text-gray-500 font-light hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> time datetime2025-02-04T14:26:53.000000Z data-formatdate-only>February 04, 2025/time> /a> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementbottom-end> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>time datetime2025-02-04T14:26:53.000000Z data-formatdate-time>February 04, 2025/time>/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classmy-6> p classtext-18 text-primary &_a:text-quaternary hover:&_a:underline-border>Tariffs fuel the Washington swamp—those affected are incentivized to hire lobbyists to seek />br />The linked article has the full list of Chinese goods targeted; the screenshot is just an />a href target_blank relnoopener nofollow>…/a> /p> div classbg-gray-100> img classw-full h-205px object-cover object-center rounded-xl mt-6 src alt loadinglazy data-masonry-image> /div> /div> div classflex items-center gap-x-6 text-gray-500> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-replies>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Replies Count/span> span>0/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-retweets>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Retweets Count/span> span>0/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-likes>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Likes Count/span> span>2/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary ml-auto href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open tweet in new tab/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-external-link>/use> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> div classabsolute> div classblock py-8 px-5 lg:p-8 lg:rounded-xl bg-lightgrey opacity-0 transition-opacity data-twitter-item> div classflex items-center gap-x-3> a href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open Axel Merk's Twitter in new tab/span> img classw-12 h-12 rounded-full src alt loadinglazy> /a> div classleading-none> a classflex items-center gap-x-1.5 text-primary text-20 font-black hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> span>Axel Merk/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-check>/use> /svg> /a> div classflex items-center gap-x-2 text-14 text-gray-500 font-light mt-1.5> a classhover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener>@AxelMerk/a> span> · /span> div classblock data-componentdropdown> a classtext-14 text-gray-500 font-light hover:underline-border href target_blank relnoopener> time datetime2025-02-04T04:02:47.000000Z data-formatdate-only>February 04, 2025/time> /a> div classbg-quinary shadow-lg rounded-controls text-primary py-2 px-3 font-bold text-18 absolute top-0 right-0 opacity-0 invisible transition-opacity pointer-events-none z-dropdown data-dropdown-typetooltip data-dropdown-placementbottom-end> svg classabsolute w-4 h-4 text-quinary pointer-events-none z-dropdown bottom-full -mb-1 xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 16 14 aria-hiddentrue data-dropdown-arrow> path fillcurrentColor dm8 0 8 14H0L8 0Z/> /svg> p>time datetime2025-02-04T04:02:47.000000Z data-formatdate-time>February 04, 2025/time>/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classmy-6> p classtext-18 text-primary &_a:text-quaternary hover:&_a:underline-border>Sovereign wealth funds are typically created by countries to mange their surplus. Maybe I missed something, but I dont think this applies to the US. br />br />What this is about, if Im not mistaken, is a platform for a more activist industrial policy./p> /div> div classflex items-center gap-x-6 text-gray-500> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-replies>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Replies Count/span> span>4/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-retweets>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Retweets Count/span> span>2/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary href target_blank relnoopener> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-5 h-5> use xlink:href#icon-twitter-likes>/use> /svg> span classsr-only>Likes Count/span> span>29/span> /a> a classflex items-center text-14 gap-x-1.5 hover:text-primary ml-auto href target_blank relnoopener> span classsr-only>Open tweet in new tab/span> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-6 h-6> use xlink:href#icon-external-link>/use> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classmt-8 lg:mt-24 text-center> button classbg-transparent border-2 border-primary hover:border-primary hover:bg-primary text-primary hover:text-white relative overflow-hidden font-bold inline-flex text-center justify-center items-center rounded-controls text-18 h-controls transition-button px-5 py-3 w-full lg:w-auto lg:px-14 data-twitter-loaddata-twitter-load typebutton> span classlg:flex-1 >Show More/span> /button> /div> /div>/section> section classrelative py-20 lg:py-26 bg-gradient-subscribe print:hidden> div classcontainer> div classgrid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2 gap-y-12 lg:gap-y-0 gap-x-8> div classcol-span-1> h2 classtext-36 lg:text-46 text-primary font-heading leading-tight mb-4>Become a Part of the Merk Community/h2> p classtext-18 text-gray-500 mb-6 lg:pr-24>Subscribe to our regular reports and research, as well as all updates relating to MERK/p> button classbg-primary hover:bg-quaternary text-white hover:text-primary relative overflow-hidden font-bold inline-flex text-center justify-center items-center rounded-controls text-18 h-controls transition-button px-5 py-3 px-10 data-modal-triggersubscribe typebutton> svg aria-hiddentrue classw-4 h-4 mr-2> use xlink:href#icon-email>/use> /svg> span classlg:flex-1 >Subscribe/span> /button> p classtext-14 text-gray-500 mt-6 lg:pr-36>We adhere to a strict a classtext-quaternary underline href/privacy-policy>Privacy Policy/a> governing the handling of your information. 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