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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: openresty/ Sun, 30 Mar 2025 02:17:41 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 175Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>openresty/>/body>/html>
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classborder-color d-flex py-5 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 center-block sortable-item> div classrelative d-flex stylewidth:100%> a href classflex-grow-1 mx-md-auto py-2 target_self> div classtext-center> i classrelative js-block-icon material-icons block-icon-lg >local_dining/i> div classh4 mt-3 mb-1 > Connect Groups /div> div classpx-3 text-default text-size-reset > div>We have a number of Connect Groups for all ages, demographics and interests that operate across Mackay./div>div> /div>div>Click to see what groups are currently happening!/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div idblock_element_151 classborder-color d-flex py-5 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 center-block sortable-item> div classrelative d-flex stylewidth:100%> a href classflex-grow-1 mx-md-auto py-2 target_self> div classtext-center> i classrelative js-block-icon material-icons block-icon-lg >date_range/i> div classh4 mt-3 mb-1 > Events /div> div classpx-3 text-default text-size-reset > div>Check out whats coming up at MCF!/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div idblock_element_152 classborder-color d-flex py-5 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 center-block sortable-item> div classrelative d-flex stylewidth:100%> a href classflex-grow-1 mx-md-auto py-2 target_self> div classtext-center> i classrelative js-block-icon material-icons block-icon-lg >perm_phone_msg/i> div classh4 mt-3 mb-1 > Contact Us /div> div classpx-3 text-default text-size-reset > div>Please get in touch with us if you have any questions, prayer requests or information./div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div idblock_element_155 classborder-color d-flex py-5 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 center-block sortable-item> div classrelative d-flex stylewidth:100%> a href classflex-grow-1 mx-md-auto py-2 target_self> div classtext-center> i classrelative js-block-icon material-icons block-icon-lg >create/i> div classh4 mt-3 mb-1 > Prayer & Praise /div> div classpx-3 text-default text-size-reset > div>Let us know your prayer requests & testimonies!/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idblock-45 classrelative block-wrapper data-block45 data-order-path/blocks/45/block_elements/order data-user-order-path/blocks/45/block_elements/order_users> div classjs-block-container > div classbg-dark relative bg-none overflow-hidden js-block-background js-block-height stylemin-height: 40vh;> !-- Background Videos --> !-- Background Image --> div classbg-cover pos pos-0 js-block-background-photo bg-parallax stylebackground-image:url('');background-position: center 80%;>/div>!-- Opacity Overlay -->div classbg-dark pos pos-cover js-block-background js-block-opacity styleopacity: 0.75; data-block-overlay>/div> div classinner-block-wrapper> div classrow-flex text-center> div classblock-sortable col-sm-12 d-flex flex-column js-block-height js-block-adjust-padding py-md-10 px-lg-10 stylemin-height: 40vh;> div classmy-auto mx-5> div idblock_element_60 classsortable-item mb-6 pl-1> div classh2 > Sundays 9.30am /div> div classh4 > Powerhouse | 17 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flex-column> div classmy-auto mx-5> h2 classmt-0 mb-1 relative > Upcoming Events /h2> p classtext-size-medium text-default > Mark your calendars for these great events coming up. /p> a classd-block mb-2 mt-5 href/events/sunday-service/2025-03-30> div classrelative d-flex pull-left event-list-date accent-background-color pos-t-1> Mar div classevent-list-date-day> 30 /div> /div> div classavoid-column-break> div classmy-1 ml-3 h4>Sunday Service/div> div classtext-default ml-3> 9:30AM | Powerhouse /div> /div>/a> a classd-block mb-2 mt-5 href/events/whitsunday-regional-encounter-night--80/2025-03-31> div classrelative d-flex pull-left event-list-date accent-background-color pos-t-1> Mar div classevent-list-date-day> 31 /div> /div> div classavoid-column-break> div classmy-1 ml-3 h4>Whitsunday Regional Encounter Night/div> div classtext-default ml-3> 6:30PM | Powerhouse /div> /div>/a> a classd-block mb-2 mt-5 href/events/lets-get-together-dinner-party--83/2025-04-03> div classrelative d-flex 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