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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 11:41:23 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sat, 05 Oct 2024 00:44:05 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 12568Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html>!-- #0000000 Home Page Mark Wasson October 4, 2024 (created January 27, 2013)-->!-- The head defines information and styles for the page.-->head>!-- Each webpage has a descriptive title.-->title>Mark Hits The Road To Discover Great Destinations And Cool Sights Along The Way/title>!-- Specify the general stylesheet to be used and print.css stylesheet to provide printing guidance.-->link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/content.css />link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/print.css mediaprint />/head>!-- The body provides the content to be displayed.-->body>!-- The #page division defines the entire scope of the web page. It is primarily used here to serve as a container for the four components of the webpage. The #page container is used to center the contents of the whole page on the background image.-->div idpage>!-- The #header division displays the Mark Hits The Road banner image across the top of the webpage. The image serves as a hypertext link that returns users to the home (index) page.-->div idheader>a hrefindex.html>img srcgraphics/markhitstheroad-banner.gif width615 height99 altMark Hits The Road Home styleborder: none;/>/a>/div>!-- The #navigation division appears just below the #header division and displays the high-level website navigation links across the width of the webpage. The navigation links consist of left-justified bold text.-->div idnavigation>p>b>a hrefindex.html titleGo Home>Home/a> | a hreftravel/across-america.html titleExplore A US State>Across America/a> | a hreftravel/around-the-world.html titleVisit Another Country>Around The World/a> | a hrefroadtrips/index.html titleTake A Road Trip>Road Trips/a> | a hrefdestinations/index.html titleLearn More About A Destination>Destinations/a> | a hrefslideshows/index.html titleWatch Slideshows About Favorite Places>Slideshows/a>/b>/p>/div>!-- The #sidebar division displays as a right column on the page. It presents the About Mark Hits The Road button, links to social media, and vertical ads. Content in this division is centered.-->div idsidebar>!-- The About button.-->a hrefabout/about-markhitstheroad.html classaboutmhtr titleAbout, FAQs, Contact Information, etc.>/a>!-- Display the 250-pixel-wide yellow lines separator.-->img srcgraphics/mhtr-yellow-lines-250.gif width250 height17 altdecorative line/>!-- Display a link to the MarkHitsTheRoad channel on YouTube.-->p>a href>img srcgraphics/youtube-logo.png width95 height40 altMarkHitTheRoad YouTube Channel titleMarkHitsTheRoad on YouTube styleborder: none;/>/a>/p>p>img srcgraphics/mhtr-yellow-lines-250.gif width250 height17 altdecorative line/>/p>!-- Display some sidebar photos.-->img srcsidebarimages/cover-photo-01.jpg width250 height167 altMexican HattitleMistaya River, Banff National Park, Alberta />img srcsidebarimages/cover-photo-02.jpg width250 height167 altSt. Peters BasilicatitleJackson Square, New Orleans />img srcsidebarimages/cover-photo-03.jpg width250 height167 altJohn DaytitleSquaw Flats Trail, Canyonlands National Park, Utah />!-- Display the 250-pixel yellow lines separator.-->p>img srcgraphics/mhtr-yellow-lines-250.gif width250 height17 altdecorative line/>/p>!-- Display comments, ads and/or bold Happy Travels!.-->P>b>Happy Travels!/b>/p>/div>!-- The #content is the primary division for presenting the content on a webpage. The content will generally include text, one or more photos, a tag image and a copyright notice image. It may also include horizontal ads following the last photo.-->div idcontent>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Welcome to Mark Hits The Road!/font>/h2>p> is a hobby website where I share trip summaries, destination overviews and photos from my travels across the U.S. and around the world. I hope you enjoy them and that they inspire your own travels./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Road Trip and Travel Summaries and Photos/font>/h2>p>Here are the latest trip summaries with photos that Ive posted to the site:/p>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>To Iowa and Back (including Yellowstone) Road Trip/h4>p>I made my annual trip to the Midwest to see family, with stops at Colorados Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve and in St. Louis as I headed east. Heading back west, I visited the Badlands and Black Hills in South Dakota, and I finally had a nice visit to Yellowstone National Park after other attempts in recent years were thwarted by early winter storms. /p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/ToIowaAndBack2024.pdf>To Iowa and Back Road Trip (Part 1) - Along the way to Iowa and then South Dakota Sites/a>/li>li>a hrefroadtrips/YellowstoneAndGrandTeton2024.pdf>To Iowa and Back Road Trip (Part 2) - Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Fort Worth a.k.a. Museums Road Trip/h4>p>I headed to Fort Worth, Texas to visit family. Although I didnt do any sightseeing in Fort Worth itself, I visited a number of sites on the drive out there and the drive back home, with special emphasis on museums. One of these museums was arguably the most unique museum I have come across so far in my travels. /p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/FortWorth2024.pdf>Fort Worth a.k.a. Museums Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Spring Utah Hiking Road Trip/h4>p>It was time for my annual spring Utah trip, where I focused on hiking and sightseeing at a number of places in southeast and south central Utah. I took in a number of archaeological sites as well as a pair of dinosaur trackway sites./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/HikingUtahSoutheast2024.pdf>Spring Utah Hiking Road Trip (Part 1) - Activities in the Page, AZ and Blanding, UT Areas/a>/li>li>a hrefroadtrips/HikingUtahSouthCentral2024.pdf>Spring Utah Hiking Road Trip (Part 2) - Activities in the Moab/Green River and Escalante, UT Area/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Central Nevada Road Trip/h4>p>I headed to the Carson City/Reno area to check out mining towns Virginia City and Dayton, as well as to visit a few state museums in Carson City. Then I headed east to the Ely area for more sightseeing. I capped off the trip with a pair of rock art sites in the Basin and Range National Monument area./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/CentralNevada2024.pdf>Central Nevada Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Palm Springs Area Road Trip/h4>p>I headed to Palm Springs, California by way of Phoenix, Arizona in order to visit some sites between the two cities and to finish off my list of sites in the Palm Springs area that Ive wanted to see./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/PalmSprings2024.pdf>Palm Springs Area Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Wet Death Valley Road Trip/h4>p>Heavy rain in August 2023 and February 2024 created a lake in the heart of Death Valley. So, I thought Id check that out and do some hiking at other regional sites./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/WetDeathValley2024.pdf>Wet Death Valley Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Arizona Archaeology and Museums Getaway Road Trip/h4>p>I spent a few days in the Phoenix and Prescott areas of Arizona to check out some archaeological sites and a couple of museums./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/ArizonaGetaway2024.pdf>Arizona Archaeology and Museums Getaway Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->!--h4 styleline-height: 0.4;>Summary of Marks Retirement Travel Destinations/h4>!-- ***************************************************** p>If youre curious, heres a PDF that lists all of my travel destinations since I retired September 30, 2016. Its a pretty big list./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/TravelSummary.pdf>Where Mark Has Hit The Road, October 2016-March 2020/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Destinations/font>/h2>p>Here are the latest destination overviews that Ive posted to the site:/p>ul>li>a hrefdestinations/travel-four-corners-colorado-plateau-secrets.pdf>Secrets of the Four Corners/Colorado Plateau Region/a>/li>li>a hrefdestinations/travel-arches-national-park-utah.pdf>Arches National Park, Moab, Utah/a>/li>/ul>p>You will find these and more destination overviews on the a hrefdestinations/index.html>Destinations/a> page./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Photo Slideshows/font>/h2>p>Here are the latest photo slideshows I have posted to YouTube./p> ul>li>a href>Paris - Notre Dame Cathedral/a>/li>li>a href>Waco - Fixer Upper, Magnolia and Chip & Joanna Gaines/a>/li>li>a href>Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument - Paria River Quicksand 2/a>/li>/ul>p>And for you dinosaur and alligator fans.../p> ul>li>a href>Moab - Dinosaur Bones and Tracks, Mill Canyon Dinosaur Trail/a>/li>li>a href>Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument - Twenty Mile Wash Dinosaur Trackway/a>/li>li>a href>Everglades - Looking for Alligators/a>/li>/ul>p>You will find these and more slideshows on the a hrefslideshows/index.html>Slideshows/a> page. And remember to subscribe to the a href>MarkHitsTheRoad channel on YouTube/a>./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Wasson Family Genealogy Documents/font>/h2>p>Copies of the latest versions of my Wasson Family History genealogy documents can be found a hrefgenealogy/index.html>here/a>./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- Each page ends with an image that includes current copyright information.-->img srcgraphics/mhtr-copyright-notice.png width600 height80 altcopyright notice/>p>/p>/div>/div>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 11:41:23 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sat, 05 Oct 2024 00:44:05 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 12568Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html>!-- #0000000 Home Page Mark Wasson October 4, 2024 (created January 27, 2013)-->!-- The head defines information and styles for the page.-->head>!-- Each webpage has a descriptive title.-->title>Mark Hits The Road To Discover Great Destinations And Cool Sights Along The Way/title>!-- Specify the general stylesheet to be used and print.css stylesheet to provide printing guidance.-->link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/content.css />link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/print.css mediaprint />/head>!-- The body provides the content to be displayed.-->body>!-- The #page division defines the entire scope of the web page. It is primarily used here to serve as a container for the four components of the webpage. The #page container is used to center the contents of the whole page on the background image.-->div idpage>!-- The #header division displays the Mark Hits The Road banner image across the top of the webpage. The image serves as a hypertext link that returns users to the home (index) page.-->div idheader>a hrefindex.html>img srcgraphics/markhitstheroad-banner.gif width615 height99 altMark Hits The Road Home styleborder: none;/>/a>/div>!-- The #navigation division appears just below the #header division and displays the high-level website navigation links across the width of the webpage. The navigation links consist of left-justified bold text.-->div idnavigation>p>b>a hrefindex.html titleGo Home>Home/a> | a hreftravel/across-america.html titleExplore A US State>Across America/a> | a hreftravel/around-the-world.html titleVisit Another Country>Around The World/a> | a hrefroadtrips/index.html titleTake A Road Trip>Road Trips/a> | a hrefdestinations/index.html titleLearn More About A Destination>Destinations/a> | a hrefslideshows/index.html titleWatch Slideshows About Favorite Places>Slideshows/a>/b>/p>/div>!-- The #sidebar division displays as a right column on the page. It presents the About Mark Hits The Road button, links to social media, and vertical ads. Content in this division is centered.-->div idsidebar>!-- The About button.-->a hrefabout/about-markhitstheroad.html classaboutmhtr titleAbout, FAQs, Contact Information, etc.>/a>!-- Display the 250-pixel-wide yellow lines separator.-->img srcgraphics/mhtr-yellow-lines-250.gif width250 height17 altdecorative line/>!-- Display a link to the MarkHitsTheRoad channel on YouTube.-->p>a href>img srcgraphics/youtube-logo.png width95 height40 altMarkHitTheRoad YouTube Channel titleMarkHitsTheRoad on YouTube styleborder: none;/>/a>/p>p>img srcgraphics/mhtr-yellow-lines-250.gif width250 height17 altdecorative line/>/p>!-- Display some sidebar photos.-->img srcsidebarimages/cover-photo-01.jpg width250 height167 altMexican HattitleMistaya River, Banff National Park, Alberta />img srcsidebarimages/cover-photo-02.jpg width250 height167 altSt. Peters BasilicatitleJackson Square, New Orleans />img srcsidebarimages/cover-photo-03.jpg width250 height167 altJohn DaytitleSquaw Flats Trail, Canyonlands National Park, Utah />!-- Display the 250-pixel yellow lines separator.-->p>img srcgraphics/mhtr-yellow-lines-250.gif width250 height17 altdecorative line/>/p>!-- Display comments, ads and/or bold Happy Travels!.-->P>b>Happy Travels!/b>/p>/div>!-- The #content is the primary division for presenting the content on a webpage. The content will generally include text, one or more photos, a tag image and a copyright notice image. It may also include horizontal ads following the last photo.-->div idcontent>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Welcome to Mark Hits The Road!/font>/h2>p> is a hobby website where I share trip summaries, destination overviews and photos from my travels across the U.S. and around the world. I hope you enjoy them and that they inspire your own travels./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Road Trip and Travel Summaries and Photos/font>/h2>p>Here are the latest trip summaries with photos that Ive posted to the site:/p>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>To Iowa and Back (including Yellowstone) Road Trip/h4>p>I made my annual trip to the Midwest to see family, with stops at Colorados Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve and in St. Louis as I headed east. Heading back west, I visited the Badlands and Black Hills in South Dakota, and I finally had a nice visit to Yellowstone National Park after other attempts in recent years were thwarted by early winter storms. /p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/ToIowaAndBack2024.pdf>To Iowa and Back Road Trip (Part 1) - Along the way to Iowa and then South Dakota Sites/a>/li>li>a hrefroadtrips/YellowstoneAndGrandTeton2024.pdf>To Iowa and Back Road Trip (Part 2) - Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Fort Worth a.k.a. Museums Road Trip/h4>p>I headed to Fort Worth, Texas to visit family. Although I didnt do any sightseeing in Fort Worth itself, I visited a number of sites on the drive out there and the drive back home, with special emphasis on museums. One of these museums was arguably the most unique museum I have come across so far in my travels. /p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/FortWorth2024.pdf>Fort Worth a.k.a. Museums Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Spring Utah Hiking Road Trip/h4>p>It was time for my annual spring Utah trip, where I focused on hiking and sightseeing at a number of places in southeast and south central Utah. I took in a number of archaeological sites as well as a pair of dinosaur trackway sites./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/HikingUtahSoutheast2024.pdf>Spring Utah Hiking Road Trip (Part 1) - Activities in the Page, AZ and Blanding, UT Areas/a>/li>li>a hrefroadtrips/HikingUtahSouthCentral2024.pdf>Spring Utah Hiking Road Trip (Part 2) - Activities in the Moab/Green River and Escalante, UT Area/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Central Nevada Road Trip/h4>p>I headed to the Carson City/Reno area to check out mining towns Virginia City and Dayton, as well as to visit a few state museums in Carson City. Then I headed east to the Ely area for more sightseeing. I capped off the trip with a pair of rock art sites in the Basin and Range National Monument area./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/CentralNevada2024.pdf>Central Nevada Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Palm Springs Area Road Trip/h4>p>I headed to Palm Springs, California by way of Phoenix, Arizona in order to visit some sites between the two cities and to finish off my list of sites in the Palm Springs area that Ive wanted to see./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/PalmSprings2024.pdf>Palm Springs Area Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Wet Death Valley Road Trip/h4>p>Heavy rain in August 2023 and February 2024 created a lake in the heart of Death Valley. So, I thought Id check that out and do some hiking at other regional sites./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/WetDeathValley2024.pdf>Wet Death Valley Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->h4 styleline-height: 0.2;>Arizona Archaeology and Museums Getaway Road Trip/h4>p>I spent a few days in the Phoenix and Prescott areas of Arizona to check out some archaeological sites and a couple of museums./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/ArizonaGetaway2024.pdf>Arizona Archaeology and Museums Getaway Road Trip/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->!--h4 styleline-height: 0.4;>Summary of Marks Retirement Travel Destinations/h4>!-- ***************************************************** p>If youre curious, heres a PDF that lists all of my travel destinations since I retired September 30, 2016. Its a pretty big list./p>ul>li>a hrefroadtrips/TravelSummary.pdf>Where Mark Has Hit The Road, October 2016-March 2020/a>/li>/ul>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Destinations/font>/h2>p>Here are the latest destination overviews that Ive posted to the site:/p>ul>li>a hrefdestinations/travel-four-corners-colorado-plateau-secrets.pdf>Secrets of the Four Corners/Colorado Plateau Region/a>/li>li>a hrefdestinations/travel-arches-national-park-utah.pdf>Arches National Park, Moab, Utah/a>/li>/ul>p>You will find these and more destination overviews on the a hrefdestinations/index.html>Destinations/a> page./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Photo Slideshows/font>/h2>p>Here are the latest photo slideshows I have posted to YouTube./p> ul>li>a href>Paris - Notre Dame Cathedral/a>/li>li>a href>Waco - Fixer Upper, Magnolia and Chip & Joanna Gaines/a>/li>li>a href>Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument - Paria River Quicksand 2/a>/li>/ul>p>And for you dinosaur and alligator fans.../p> ul>li>a href>Moab - Dinosaur Bones and Tracks, Mill Canyon Dinosaur Trail/a>/li>li>a href>Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument - Twenty Mile Wash Dinosaur Trackway/a>/li>li>a href>Everglades - Looking for Alligators/a>/li>/ul>p>You will find these and more slideshows on the a hrefslideshows/index.html>Slideshows/a> page. And remember to subscribe to the a href>MarkHitsTheRoad channel on YouTube/a>./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->h2 styleline-height: 0.2; >Wasson Family Genealogy Documents/font>/h2>p>Copies of the latest versions of my Wasson Family History genealogy documents can be found a hrefgenealogy/index.html>here/a>./p>!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- ***************************************************** -->!-- Each page ends with an image that includes current copyright information.-->img srcgraphics/mhtr-copyright-notice.png width600 height80 altcopyright notice/>p>/p>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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