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The pleasure to watch it is constantly multiplied by such techniques as colour and black & white shift, eye-dimming, mythological or religious symbolism, dream sequences,... href> Bombay rose /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 22 Octobre 2023/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleThe great value of animation movie Bombay Rose (Gitanjali Rao, 2019) is multifaceted. The pleasure to watch it is constantly multiplied by such techniques as colour and black & white shift, eye-dimming, mythological or religious symbolism, dream sequences,...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>The great value of animation movie Bombay Rose (Gitanjali Rao, 2019) is multifaceted. The pleasure to watch it is constantly multiplied by such techniques as colour and black & white shift, eye-dimming, mythological or religious symbolism, dream sequences,.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/film%20reviews/>#Film reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-188198472>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-188198472), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleWell, perhaps not so new if you knew it, naturally. But here I found some 400 pictures of the actress, a number of which do not come out in the English-based search engines, probably because the language used on the website is Cyrillic Russian (АКТРИСЫ... href> A new Nutan treasure-trove /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 8 Octobre 2023/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleWell, perhaps not so new if you knew it, naturally. But here I found some 400 pictures of the actress, a number of which do not come out in the English-based search engines, probably because the language used on the website is Cyrillic Russian (АКТРИСЫ...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Well, perhaps not so new if you knew it, naturally. But here I found some 400 pictures of the actress, a number of which do not come out in the English-based search engines, probably because the language used on the website is Cyrillic Russian (АКТРИСЫ.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/nutan/>#Nutan/a>, a href/tag/bollywood%20talk/>#Bollywood Talk/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-184194320>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-184194320), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleDifficult Daughters, by Manju Kapur, written in 1998, tells the story of Virmati, an Amritsar-based young girl, the eldest daughter of an middle-class Arya Samaj family in which nevertheless certain traditions weigh as much as in any other more backward... href> Difficult daughters - Manju Kapur /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 13 Juin 2021/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleDifficult Daughters, by Manju Kapur, written in 1998, tells the story of Virmati, an Amritsar-based young girl, the eldest daughter of an middle-class Arya Samaj family in which nevertheless certain traditions weigh as much as in any other more backward...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Difficult Daughters, by Manju Kapur, written in 1998, tells the story of Virmati, an Amritsar-based young girl, the eldest daughter of an middle-class Arya Samaj family in which nevertheless certain traditions weigh as much as in any other more backward.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/book%20reviews/>#Book reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-182554493>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-182554493), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleArvind Adigas story has been turned into a movie, shot by Ramin Bahrani and which has just come out on Netflix. Its an excellent movie, which does full credit to the novel; I really have no negatives about it. The cast is great, led by a glorious Adarsh... href> The white tiger, movie /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 28 Mars 2021/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleArvind Adigas story has been turned into a movie, shot by Ramin Bahrani and which has just come out on Netflix. Its an excellent movie, which does full credit to the novel; I really have no negatives about it. The cast is great, led by a glorious Adarsh...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Arvind Adigas story has been turned into a movie, shot by Ramin Bahrani and which has just come out on Netflix. Its an excellent movie, which does full credit to the novel; I really have no negatives about it. The cast is great, led by a glorious Adarsh.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/bollywood%20talk/>#Bollywood Talk/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-121345812>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-121345812), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleNutan, who loved bhajans and classical music, has written some poetry, of which I have collected a little over the years. Given her talent and the quality of what I present here, there must be much more, so I went to Lalitha Tamhanes book on Nutan Asen... href> Nutan the poet /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 21 Février 2020/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleNutan, who loved bhajans and classical music, has written some poetry, of which I have collected a little over the years. Given her talent and the quality of what I present here, there must be much more, so I went to Lalitha Tamhanes book on Nutan Asen...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Nutan, who loved bhajans and classical music, has written some poetry, of which I have collected a little over the years. Given her talent and the quality of what I present here, there must be much more, so I went to Lalitha Tamhanes book on Nutan Asen.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/nutan/>#Nutan/a>, a href/tag/poetry/>#Poetry/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-109319617>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-109319617), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleAlas, I was not the person who interviewed Nutans son! But thanks to Seema, my desi Nutan-collaborator, I would like to indicate the recent interview which appeared in Filmfare. Youll find it here . Its by Farhana Farook, whom Ill thank in advance... href> An interview with Mohnish Bahl /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 11 Octobre 2019/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleAlas, I was not the person who interviewed Nutans son! But thanks to Seema, my desi Nutan-collaborator, I would like to indicate the recent interview which appeared in Filmfare. Youll find it here . Its by Farhana Farook, whom Ill thank in advance...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Alas, I was not the person who interviewed Nutans son! But thanks to Seema, my desi Nutan-collaborator, I would like to indicate the recent interview which appeared in Filmfare. Youll find it here . Its by Farhana Farook, whom Ill thank in advance.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/bollywood%20talk/>#Bollywood Talk/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-106383827>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-106383827), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleThis blog has already reviewed collections of short stories ( here and here ) and rather similarly, this volume contains stories which revolve loosely around the theme of femininity and motherhood of desi women abroad. To be more precise, the 11 stories... href> Arranged Marriage /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 11 Août 2019/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleThis blog has already reviewed collections of short stories ( here and here ) and rather similarly, this volume contains stories which revolve loosely around the theme of femininity and motherhood of desi women abroad. To be more precise, the 11 stories...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>This blog has already reviewed collections of short stories ( here and here ) and rather similarly, this volume contains stories which revolve loosely around the theme of femininity and motherhood of desi women abroad. To be more precise, the 11 stories.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/book%20reviews/>#Book reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-104057315>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-104057315), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleHeres a beautiful and poignant little movie (2014) by Souvik Mitra featuring Soumitra Chatterjeee and Roopa Ganguly (above; I had seen her - much younger, it was 1989 - in Ek din achanak ); but what makes its beauty? Probably its story, its poetic charm,... href> Punashcha, the poetry of Love and Life /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 3 Juin 2019/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleHeres a beautiful and poignant little movie (2014) by Souvik Mitra featuring Soumitra Chatterjeee and Roopa Ganguly (above; I had seen her - much younger, it was 1989 - in Ek din achanak ); but what makes its beauty? Probably its story, its poetic charm,...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Heres a beautiful and poignant little movie (2014) by Souvik Mitra featuring Soumitra Chatterjeee and Roopa Ganguly (above; I had seen her - much younger, it was 1989 - in Ek din achanak ); but what makes its beauty? Probably its story, its poetic charm,.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/film%20reviews/>#Film reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-95612705>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-95612705), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleHave you ever wondered why you were born poor and not rich ? (if it’s the other way round, you often don’t wonder) Have you asked yourself why this injustice continues in today’s developed world? And if you are a victim of this injustice, have you never... href> Manzil (1979): do you mind lying and deceit? /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 23 Septembre 2018/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleHave you ever wondered why you were born poor and not rich ? (if it’s the other way round, you often don’t wonder) Have you asked yourself why this injustice continues in today’s developed world? And if you are a victim of this injustice, have you never...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Have you ever wondered why you were born poor and not rich ? (if it’s the other way round, you often don’t wonder) Have you asked yourself why this injustice continues in today’s developed world? And if you are a victim of this injustice, have you never.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/film%20reviews/>#Film reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-93904201>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-93904201), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleFirst the story for those who don’t remember Basu Chatterji’s Rajnigandha (1974): it’s based on Mannu Bhandari ’s book Yahi Sach Hai. Deepa (Vidya Sinha) and Sanjay (Amol Patekar) are a young, aspiring couple living in Delhi. He’s a jolly, outspoken civil... href> The said and the unsaid: Rajnigandha /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 12 Juillet 2018/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleFirst the story for those who don’t remember Basu Chatterji’s Rajnigandha (1974): it’s based on Mannu Bhandari ’s book Yahi Sach Hai. Deepa (Vidya Sinha) and Sanjay (Amol Patekar) are a young, aspiring couple living in Delhi. He’s a jolly, outspoken civil...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>First the story for those who don’t remember Basu Chatterji’s Rajnigandha (1974): it’s based on Mannu Bhandari ’s book Yahi Sach Hai. Deepa (Vidya Sinha) and Sanjay (Amol Patekar) are a young, aspiring couple living in Delhi. He’s a jolly, outspoken civil.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/film%20reviews/>#Film reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-93369927>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-93369927), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleBelow youll find a number of the folders in which I have collected pictures of Nutan over the years. Most of them have been found on the net, but if some readers consider their posting an offense to their rights, please contact me so I can remove them.... href> Nutan picture treasure-trove /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 26 Juin 2018/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleBelow youll find a number of the folders in which I have collected pictures of Nutan over the years. Most of them have been found on the net, but if some readers consider their posting an offense to their rights, please contact me so I can remove them....> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Below youll find a number of the folders in which I have collected pictures of Nutan over the years. Most of them have been found on the net, but if some readers consider their posting an offense to their rights, please contact me so I can remove them..../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/nutan/>#Nutan/a>, a href/tag/practical%20info/>#Practical info/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-93344346>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-93344346), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleSo much has already been said about this Yash Chopra 1981 movie… And here I am adding to the pileup! Well, I hope it won’t be too long and too boring to read. In fact what I want to say can be quickly summed up: I’m perplexed at actors accepting to stage... href> Silsila, the spiciness of exposure /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 25 Juin 2018/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleSo much has already been said about this Yash Chopra 1981 movie… And here I am adding to the pileup! Well, I hope it won’t be too long and too boring to read. In fact what I want to say can be quickly summed up: I’m perplexed at actors accepting to stage...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>So much has already been said about this Yash Chopra 1981 movie… And here I am adding to the pileup! Well, I hope it won’t be too long and too boring to read. In fact what I want to say can be quickly summed up: I’m perplexed at actors accepting to stage.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/film%20reviews/>#Film reviews/a>, a href/tag/bollywood%20talk/>#Bollywood Talk/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-92553191>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-92553191), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleWatching Sone ki chidiya (the golden bird, Shaheed Latif, 1958) has been a bit of an adventure, because even though I knew it was good, it doesn’t exist with subtitles, and some time has passed before I could get round to understanding everything. And... href> Sone ki chidiya, pure gold does not fear the smelter /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 3 Juin 2018/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleWatching Sone ki chidiya (the golden bird, Shaheed Latif, 1958) has been a bit of an adventure, because even though I knew it was good, it doesn’t exist with subtitles, and some time has passed before I could get round to understanding everything. And...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Watching Sone ki chidiya (the golden bird, Shaheed Latif, 1958) has been a bit of an adventure, because even though I knew it was good, it doesn’t exist with subtitles, and some time has passed before I could get round to understanding everything. And.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/nutan/>#Nutan/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-91146752>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-91146752), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleLast addition to a programme begun 10 years ago with Pather Panchali, here are a few words about the trilogys n°3 about which Im sure that nothing has been left unsaid (check story here). Its a vision of tenderness; centered around the character of... href> Apur Sansar, tenderness /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 9 Avril 2018/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleLast addition to a programme begun 10 years ago with Pather Panchali, here are a few words about the trilogys n°3 about which Im sure that nothing has been left unsaid (check story here). Its a vision of tenderness; centered around the character of...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>Last addition to a programme begun 10 years ago with Pather Panchali, here are a few words about the trilogys n°3 about which Im sure that nothing has been left unsaid (check story here). Its a vision of tenderness; centered around the character of.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/film%20reviews/>#Film reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> article classpost> header classheader> div classcomments-number> a href titlecommentaires classcomments> span idcomment-count-90896199>…/span>script> ob.commentCount(document.querySelector(#comment-count-90896199), { resource:, format: (count) > { const string count 0 ? no comment : count 1 ? %c commentaire : %c commentaires return string.replace(%c, count) } })/script> /a> /div> div classtitle> h2 classpost-title> a titleMy discovery of Maitreyi Devi happened, probably like so many outside of India, through Mircea Eliade’s novel which I read in French, La nuit Bengali, written in 1933 three years after this Romanian scholar, who later rose to become an influential ethnologist... href> Maitreyi Devi & La nuit bengali /a> /h2> /div> div classdate> p>Publié le 27 Mars 2018/p> /div> /header> div classbody> div classpost-cover> a href titleMy discovery of Maitreyi Devi happened, probably like so many outside of India, through Mircea Eliade’s novel which I read in French, La nuit Bengali, written in 1933 three years after this Romanian scholar, who later rose to become an influential ethnologist...> img src alt title width582 height288 /> /a> /div> p>My discovery of Maitreyi Devi happened, probably like so many outside of India, through Mircea Eliade’s novel which I read in French, La nuit Bengali, written in 1933 three years after this Romanian scholar, who later rose to become an influential ethnologist.../p> p classreadmore> a href> Lire la suite /a> /p> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classtags> p> Rédigé par span>yves/span> /p> p classtag> span>Publié dans/span> a href/tag/book%20reviews/>#Book reviews/a> /p> /div> /footer> /article> /section> section idright-content rolecomplementary> aside idsidebar> div classwidget subscribe> p classwidget-title>Newsletter/p> div classbox-content> p>Abonnez-vous pour être averti des nouveaux articles publiés./p> !-- subscription form -->form action/mail/subscribe?utm_source_ob_abo_newsletter&utm_medium_ob_sidebar methodpost classob-form ob-form-subscription> div classob-form-field> label classob-label required forform_email>Email/label> input typeemail idform_email nameemail placeholderSaisissez votre email ici requiredrequired classob-input ob-input-email /> /div> input typesubmit valueSabonner classob-input ob-input-submit />/form> /div> /div> div classwidget> p classwidget-title>Catégories/p> ul> li> a href/tag/film%20reviews/>Film reviews/a> /li> li> a href/tag/bollywood%20talk/>Bollywood Talk/a> /li> li> a href/tag/book%20reviews/>Book reviews/a> /li> li> a href/tag/trips%20to%20india/>Trips to India/a> /li> li> a href/tag/nutan/>Nutan/a> /li> li> a href/tag/miscellaneous/>Miscellaneous/a> /li> li> a href/tag/poetry/>Poetry/a> /li> li> a href/tag/practical%20info/>Practical info/a> /li> li> a href/tag/songs/>Songs/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classwidget last> p classwidget-title>articles récents/p> ul> li classleft> div classob-h3 > a href titleEn savoir plus "Bombay rose"> img src alt width146 height146 /> /a> /div> /li> li > div classob-h3 > a href titleEn savoir plus "A new Nutan treasure-trove"> img src alt width146 height146 /> /a> /div> /li> div classcb>/div> li classleft> div classob-h3 > a href titleEn savoir plus "Difficult daughters - 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