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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:41:03 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.57 (Rocky Linux) OpenSSL/3.0.7 mod_perl/2.0.12 Perl/v5.32.1Location: 236Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:41:04 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.57 (Rocky Linux) OpenSSL/3.0.7 mod_perl/2.0.12 Perl/v5.32.1Last-Modified: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 16:10:03 GMTETag: 45d6-62900d48cccc0Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 17878Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> meta http-equivx-ua-compatible contentieedge> title> est en vente/title> !-- MDB icon --> link relicon href/asset/img/mdb-favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> !-- Font Awesome --> link relstylesheet href> !-- Google Fonts Roboto --> link relstylesheet href,400,500,700&displayswap> !-- Bootstrap core CSS --> link relstylesheet href/asset/css/bootstrap.min.css> !-- Material Design Bootstrap --> link relstylesheet href/asset/css/mdb.min.css> !-- Your custom styles (optional) --> link relstylesheet href/asset/css/style.css>/head>body> nav classnavbar fixed-top navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark indigo> a classnavbar-brand href/>strong>>/a> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#navbarText aria-controlsnavbarText aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarText> ul classnavbar-nav mr-auto> li classnav-item active> a classnav-link href/>Accueil span classsr-only>(current)/span> /a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link relnofollow href target_blank>Acheter ce nom de domaine/a> /li> /ul> /span> /div> /nav> br> br> div classcontainer mt-5> !--Section: Content--> section classtext-center> h3 classh3-responsive mb-4>a target_blank stylecolor: #e20e0e relnofollow href>le nom de domaine/a>/h3> h1 classh1-responsive font-weight-bold mb-4>a target_blank stylecolor: #e20e0e relnofollow href>> h3 classh3-responsive mb-4>a target_blank stylecolor: #e20e0e relnofollow href>est en vente / i>may be for sale/i>/a>/h3> p classtext-muted>/p> /section> !--Section: Content--> /div> div classcontainer my-5 py-5 z-depth-1> !--Section: Content--> section classpx-md-5 mx-md-5 text-center dark-grey-text> !--Grid row--> div classrow> !--Grid column--> div classcol-md-12 mb-4 mb-md-0> h3 classh3-responsive font-weight-bold mb-4>Recevoir sans engagement une offre du vendeur/h3> p classtext-muted>strong>Le prix de vente du nom de domaine permet son transfert définitif de propriété/strong> à votre nom effectué auprès de votre propre prestataire (GoDaddy, OVH, IONOS, Gandi…). Vous ne payerez par la suite à votre prestataire que le coût de renouvellement annuel, soit quelque euros par an./p> a target_blank stylebackground-color: #e20e0e; color: #ffffff classbtn btn-md ml-0 btn-rounded relnofollow href rolebutton>Contacter le vendeuri classfas fa-arrow-right fs-9 ml-2>/i>/a> /div> !--Grid column--> /div> !--Grid row--> /section> !--Section: Content--> /div>!-- Sequestre & Brockering-->div classcontainer my-5 py-5 z-depth-1> !--Section: Content--> section classpx-md-5 mx-md-5 text-center dark-grey-text> !--Grid row--> div classrow> !--Grid column--> div classcol-md-12 mb-4 mb-md-0> h3 classh3-responsive font-weight-bold mb-4>Vous préférez passer par un intermédiaire ?/h3> /div> /div> !--Grid row--> div classrow> !--Grid column--> div classcol-md-6 mb-4 mb-md-0> p classtext-muted>La strong>maison de ventes aux enchères Boischaut/strong>, spécialiste de la vente de biens incorporels professionnels pour vous assister en tant que tiers de confiance réglementé. Elle vous assistera dans la strong>négociation/strong> et sera strong>séquestre des fonds/strong> pendant la transaction. /p> a target_blank classbtn btn-indigo btn-md ml-0 btn-rounded relnofollow href rolebutton>Demande dassistancei classfas fa-arrow-right fs-9 ml-2>/i>/a> p classtext-muted mt-4>strong>Coût du service :br>69 € HT/strong> (facturé au début et non remboursable)br>+ b>Success fee : 200 € HT/b>/p> /div> !--Grid column--> !--Grid column--> div classcol-md-5 mb-4 mb-md-0 col d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> img src classimg-fluid rounded alt> /div> !--Grid column--> /div> !--Grid row--> /section> !--Section: Content-->/div>div classcontainer mt-5> !--Section: Content--> section classtext-center> !-- Section heading --> h5 classfont-weight-bold mb-5>Boischaut organise régulièrement des ventes aux enchères de noms de domaine /h5> a target_blank classbtn btn-indigo btn-md ml-0 btn-rounded mb-4 waves-effect waves-light relnofollow href rolebutton>Etre informé des ventes futuresi classfas fa-arrow-right fs-9 ml-2>/i>/a> p classtext-muted mb-5>strong>Quelques résultats récents de ventes aux enchères de Boischaut :/strong>/p> !-- Grid row --> div classrow mb-5> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12 mb-4> !-- Card --> div classpricing-card> !-- Content --> div classcard-body> !-- Price --> p classdisplay-4>872 €/p> h3 classfont-weight-normal mb-4>> /div> !-- Content --> /div> !-- Card --> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6 mb-4> !-- Card --> div classpricing-card> !-- Content --> div classcard-body> !-- Price --> p classdisplay-4>2990 €/p> h3 classfont-weight-normal mb-4>> /div> !-- Content --> /div> !-- Card --> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6 mb-4> !-- Card --> div classpricing-card> !-- Content --> div classcard-body> !-- Price --> p classdisplay-4>1046 €/p> h3 classfont-weight-normal mb-4>> /div> !-- Content --> /div> !-- Card --> /div> !-- Grid column --> /div> !-- Grid row --> /section> !--Section: Content-->/div>div classcontainer mt-5 d-none> !--Section: Content--> section classtext-center> !-- Section heading --> h5 classfont-weight-bold mb-5>Boischaut organise régulièrement des ventes aux enchères de noms de domaine /h5> a target_blank classbtn btn-indigo btn-md ml-0 btn-rounded mb-4 relnofollow href rolebutton>Etre informé des ventes futuresi classfas fa-arrow-right fs-9 ml-2>/i>/a> p classtext-muted mb-5>strong>Quelques ventes récentes :/strong>/p> !-- Grid row --> div classrow> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12 mb-lg-0 mb-4> !-- Card --> div classcard hoverable> !-- Card image --> img classcard-img-top src/asset/images/3.jpg altCard image cap> /div> !-- Card --> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6 mb-md-0 mb-4> !-- Card --> div classcard hoverable> !-- Card image --> img classcard-img-top src/asset/images/2.jpg altCard image cap> /div> !-- Card --> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6 mb-0> !-- Card --> div classcard hoverable> !-- Card image --> img classcard-img-top src/asset/images/1.jpg altCard image cap> /div> !-- Card --> /div> !-- Grid column --> /div> !-- Grid row --> /section> !--Section: Content-->/div> !-- Editorial --> div classcontainer my-5> !--Section: Content--> section classmagazine-section dark-grey-text d-none> !-- Section heading --> h3 classtext-center font-weight-bold mb-4 pb-2>Actualités & informations/h3> !-- Section description --> p classtext-center w-responsive mx-auto mb-5>Sélection darticles lus sur nos sites partenaires dans cette thématique:/p> !-- Grid row --> div classrow> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 mb-4> !-- Featured news --> div classsingle-news> !-- Image --> div classview overlay rounded z-depth-1-half mb-4> img classimg-fluid src,1.jpg altSample image> a> div classmask rgba-white-slight>/div> /a> /div> !-- Data --> div classnews-data d-flex justify-content-between> a href#! classdeep-orange-text> h6 classfont-weight-bold>i classfas fa-utensils pr-2>/i>Travaux/h6> /a> p classfont-weight-bold dark-grey-text>i classfas fa-clock-o pr-2>/i>27/02/2018/p> /div> !-- Excerpt --> h3 classfont-weight-bold dark-grey-text mb-3>a>L’importance du volet dans l’isolation thermique et acoustique/a>/h3> p classdark-grey-text>Le volet joue un rôle primordial dans l’isolation thermique et acoustique d’un foyer. Afin de réaliser des économies d’énergie et de gagner en confort, il est donc important de soigner son installation et d’opter pour les meilleurs matériaux du marché. /p> /div> !-- Featured news --> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 mb-4> !-- Small news --> div classsingle-news mb-4> !-- Grid row --> div classrow> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-3> !--Image--> div classview overlay rounded z-depth-1 mb-4> img classimg-fluid src,1.jpg altSample image> a> div classmask rgba-white-slight>/div> /a> /div> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-9> !-- Excerpt --> p classfont-weight-bold dark-grey-text>26/02/2018/p> div classd-flex justify-content-between> div classcol-11 text-truncate pl-0 mb-3> a href#! classdark-grey-text>Les différents types de pose de fenêtre : de l’intérêt du client et du poseur /a> /div> a>i classfas fa-angle-double-right>/i>/a> /div> /div> !-- Grid column --> /div> !-- Grid row --> /div> !-- Small news --> !-- Small news --> div classsingle-news mb-4> !-- Grid row --> div classrow> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-3> !--Image--> div classview overlay rounded z-depth-1 mb-4> img classimg-fluid src,1.jpg altSample image> a> div classmask rgba-white-slight>/div> /a> /div> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-9> !-- Excerpt --> p classfont-weight-bold dark-grey-text>25/02/2018/p> div classd-flex justify-content-between> div classcol-11 text-truncate pl-0 mb-3> a href#! classdark-grey-text>Comment poser une fenêtre d’aplomb ?/a> /div> a>i classfas fa-angle-double-right>/i>/a> /div> /div> !-- Grid column --> /div> !-- Grid row --> /div> !-- Small news --> /div> !--Grid column--> /div> !-- Grid row --> /section> !--Section: Content--> /div> !-- Footer-->!-- Footer -->footer classpage-footer font-small indigo> !-- Footer Links --> div classcontainer> !-- Grid row--> div classrow text-center d-flex justify-content-center pt-5 mb-3> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-2 mb-3> h6 classtext-uppercase font-weight-bold> a hreflegal.html relnofollow>Mentions légales/a> /h6> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-2 mb-3> h6 classtext-uppercase font-weight-bold> a hrefrgpd.html relnofollow>RGPD/a> /h6> /div> !-- Grid column --> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-2 mb-3> h6 classtext-uppercase font-weight-bold> a relnofollow href>Contact/a> /h6> /div> !-- Grid column --> /div> !-- Grid row--> hr classrgba-white-light stylemargin: 0 15%;> !-- Grid row--> div classrow d-flex text-center justify-content-center mb-md-0 mb-4> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-8 col-12 mt-5> p styleline-height: 1.7rem>Sites partenaires thématiques : a href>> | a href>Lien 2/a> | a href>Lien 3/a>./p> /div> !-- Grid column --> /div> !-- Grid row--> hr classclearfix d-md-none rgba-white-light stylemargin: 10% 15% 5%;> !-- Grid row--> div classrow pb-3> !-- Grid column --> div classcol-md-12> div classmb-5 flex-center> !-- Facebook --> a classfb-ic href target_blank relnofollow> i classfab fa-facebook-f fa-lg white-text mr-4> /i> /a> !-- Twitter --> a classtw-ic href target_blank relnofollow> i classfab fa-twitter fa-lg white-text mr-4> /i> /a> !--Linkedin --> a classli-ic href target_blank relnofollow> i classfab fa-linkedin-in fa-lg white-text mr-4> /i> /a> !--Instagram--> a classins-ic href target_blank relnofollow> i classfab fa-instagram fa-lg white-text mr-4> /i> /a> a classins-ic href target_blank relnofollow> i classfab fa-youtube fa-lg white-text mr-4>/i> /a> /div> /div> !-- Grid column --> /div> !-- Grid row--> /div> !-- Footer Links --> !-- Copyright --> div classfooter-copyright text-center py-3>© 2024 Copyright Boischaut Digital & Boischaut SVV - Agrément 2002-363 au CMV /div> !-- Copyright -->/footer>!-- Footer --> !-- jQuery --> script typetext/javascript src/asset/js/jquery.min.js>/script> !-- Bootstrap tooltips --> script typetext/javascript src/asset/js/popper.min.js>/script> !-- Bootstrap core JavaScript --> script typetext/javascript src/asset/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script> !-- MDB core JavaScript --> script typetext/javascript src/asset/js/mdb.min.js>/script> !-- Your custom scripts (optional) --> script typetext/javascript>/script>/body>/html>
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