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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 22:10:12 GMTServer: Apachex-frame-options: SAMEORIGINreferrer-policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origincross-origin-opener-policy: same-originExpires: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: ee48bfe5c922ddd79f3d83b10536e23994a209ec22824ebc690572d000a78ed9; path/; secure; HttpOnlyLast-Modified: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 22:10:13 GMT !DOCTYPE html>html langen-GB dirltr> head> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge /> meta charsetutf-8> meta namedescription contentStyles of leadership, engaging leadership, the role of management, leadership reinvented, employee engagement, how to engage employees> meta namegenerator contentJoomla! - Open Source Content Management> title>Start/title> link href/?formatfeed&typerss relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleStart> link href/?formatfeed&typeatom relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleStart> link href/templates/jl_besto/favicon.ico relicon typeimage/> link href/media/vendor/joomla-custom-elements/css/joomla-alert.min.css?0.2.0 relstylesheet> link href/templates/jl_besto/css/jluikit.min.css relstylesheet> link href/media/gantry5/engines/nucleus/css-compiled/nucleus.css relstylesheet> link href/templates/jl_besto/custom/css-compiled/besto_12.css relstylesheet> link href/media/gantry5/engines/nucleus/css-compiled/bootstrap5.css relstylesheet> link href/media/system/css/joomla-fontawesome.min.css relstylesheet> link href/media/plg_system_debug/css/debug.css relstylesheet> link href/templates/jl_besto/custom/css-compiled/besto-joomla_12.css relstylesheet> link href/templates/jl_besto/custom/css-compiled/custom_12.css relstylesheet> style>html {height: auto;}/style> style>#jlnavbar-5523-particle .jl-navbar-container:not(.jl-navbar-transparent) {background-color: #ffffff;}#jlnavbar-5523-particle .jl-logo { color: #ffffff;}#js-search-jlnavbar-5523 .jl-search-large .jl-search-input {background: #f8f8f8;border: none;box-shadow:none}#js-search-jlnavbar-5523 .jl-search-large .jl-search-icon:not(.jl-search-icon-flip)~.jl-search-input {padding-left: 40px;}#js-search-jlnavbar-5523 .jl-search-large .jl-search-icon{width: 80px;}/style> script typeapplication/json classjoomla-script-options new>{joomla.jtext:{ERROR:Error,MESSAGE:Message,NOTICE:Notice,WARNING:Warning,JCLOSE:Close,JOK:OK,JOPEN:Open},system.paths:{root:,rootFull:,base:,baseFull:},csrf.token:1b7dcd7de9aa7672564e80b3ba359870}/script> script src/media/system/js/core.min.js?2cb912>/script> script src/media/system/js/messages.min.js?9a4811 typemodule>/script> script src/templates/jl_besto/js/jluikit.min.js>/script> /head> body classgantry site com_content view-featured no-layout no-task dir-ltr itemid-101 outline-12 g-default g-style-preset4> div idg-page-surround> section idg-navigation classnomarginall nopaddingall> div classg-grid> div classg-block size-100 logo-divider> div idjlnavbar-5523-particle classg-content g-particle> div idjlnavbar-5523 classtm-header menu-extended horizontal-center jl-visible@m jl-header>div jl-sticky media@m show-on-up animationjl-animation-slide-top cls-activejl-navbar-sticky sel-target.jl-navbar-container>div classjl-navbar-container> div classjl-container> nav classjl-navbar el-horiz-nav jl-navbaralign: left; container: > jl-sticky; boundary: .jl-navbar-container;> div classjl-navbar-left> a classjl-navbar-item jl-logo href/ titleEngaging Leadership aria-labelBack to the homepage relhome > Engaging Leadership /a> /div> div classjl-navbar-center> ul classjl-navbar-nav> li classitem-type-component item-101 jl-active> a href/> Start /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-105 jl-parent> a href/lead> Lead span jl-drop-parent-icon>/span> /a> div classjl-navbar-dropdown jl-dropcls-drop: jl-navbar-dropdown; animation: jl-animation-slide-bottom-small; animate-out: true;> ul classjl-nav jl-nav-default jl-navbar-dropdown-nav> li classitem-type-component item-120> a href/lead/three-kinds-of-leadership> Three Kinds of Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-121> a href/lead/leadership-or-management> Leader or Manager? /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-122> a href/lead/the-ideal-leader> The Ideal Leader /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-123> a href/lead/leading-by-example> Leading By Example /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-138> a href/lead/more-leadership> More Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-139> a href/lead/leadership-not-a-role> Leadership, Not A Role /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li classitem-type-component item-106 jl-parent> a href/engage> Engage span jl-drop-parent-icon>/span> /a> div classjl-navbar-dropdown jl-dropcls-drop: jl-navbar-dropdown; animation: jl-animation-slide-bottom-small; animate-out: true;> ul classjl-nav jl-nav-default jl-navbar-dropdown-nav> li classitem-type-component item-125> a href/engage/engaging-leadership> Engaging Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-126> a href/engage/how-engaging-are-you> How Engaging Are You? /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-127> a href/engage/engaging-partnership> Engaging Partnership /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-128> a href/engage/selling-engagement> Selling Engagement /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-129> a href/engage/pro-active-listening> Pro-active Listening /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-130> a href/engage/conflict-resolution> Conflict Resolution /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-131> a href/engage/team-engagement> Team Engagement /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-132> a href/engage/engagement-reinvented> Engagement Reinvented /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-146> a href/engage/engaging-questions> Engaging Questions /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li classitem-type-component item-107 jl-parent> a href/manage> Manage span jl-drop-parent-icon>/span> /a> div classjl-navbar-dropdown jl-dropcls-drop: jl-navbar-dropdown; animation: jl-animation-slide-bottom-small; animate-out: true;> ul classjl-nav jl-nav-default jl-navbar-dropdown-nav> li classitem-type-component item-133> a href/manage/what-is-management> What is Management? /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-134> a href/manage/managing-your-boss> Managing Your Boss /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-135> a href/manage/celebrating-success> Celebrating Success /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li classitem-type-component item-140 jl-parent> a href/self> Self span jl-drop-parent-icon>/span> /a> div classjl-navbar-dropdown jl-dropcls-drop: jl-navbar-dropdown; animation: jl-animation-slide-bottom-small; animate-out: true;> ul classjl-nav jl-nav-default jl-navbar-dropdown-nav> li classitem-type-component item-141> a href/self/be-more-positive> Be More Positive /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-142> a href/self/gratitude-anyone> Gratitude Anyone? /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-143> a href/self/your-confidence> Your Confidence /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-144> a href/self/interview-questions> Interview Questions /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-145> a href/self/feeling-fortunate> Feeling Fortunate /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-147> a href/self/saying-no> Saying No /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li classitem-type-component item-108 jl-parent> a href/about> About span jl-drop-parent-icon>/span> /a> div classjl-navbar-dropdown jl-dropcls-drop: jl-navbar-dropdown; animation: jl-animation-slide-bottom-small; animate-out: true;> ul classjl-nav jl-nav-default jl-navbar-dropdown-nav> li classitem-type-component item-136> a href/about/about-engaging-leadership> About Engaging Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-type-component item-148> a href/about/contact-us> Contact Us /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> /ul> /div> div classjl-navbar-right> div classjl-navbar-item> a href#js-search-jlnavbar-5523 classjl-search-toggle jl-search-icon jl-toggle titleSearch Icon>/a>div idjs-search-jlnavbar-5523 classjl-modal-full jl-modal jl-modal> div classjl-modal-dialog jl-flex jl-flex-center jl-flex-middle jl-height-viewport> button classjl-modal-close-full jl-close-large typebutton jl-close>/button> form classjl-search jl-search-large action/component/finder/search methodget rolesearch> span jl-search-icon classjl-search-icon>/span> input idjlnavbar-5523 classjl-search-input jl-text-center typesearch nameq placeholderSearch... value autofocus> input typehidden nameoption valuecom_finder /> input typehidden nameItemid value101 /> /form> /div>/div> /div> /div> /nav> /div>/div>/div>/div>div classtm-header-mobile jl-hidden@m>div jl-sticky cls-activejl-navbar-sticky sel-target.jl-navbar-container>div classjl-navbar-container> div classjl-container> nav classjl-navbar el-horiz-nav jl-navbarcontainer: .tm-header-mobile> div classjl-navbar-left> a classjl-navbar-item jl-logo href/ titleEngaging Leadership aria-labelBack to the homepage relhome > Engaging Leadership /a> /div> div classjl-navbar-right> a classjl-navbar-toggle jl-navbar-toggle-animate mobile-toggle href#mobile-jlnavbar-5523 jl-toggleanimation: jl-animation-fade>span jl-navbar-toggle-icon>/span>/a> /div> /nav> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idg-container-main classg-wrapper jl-section> div classjl-container> div classg-grid> div classg-block size-100> main idg-mainbar> div classg-grid> div classg-block size-100> div classg-system-messages> div idsystem-message-container aria-livepolite>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classg-grid> div classg-block size-100> div classg-content> div classplatform-content container>div classrow>div classcol>div classblog-featured itemscope itemtype> div classpage-header> h1> Start /h1> /div> div classjl-grid jl-child-width-1-1 > div classel-blog-item itempropblogPost itemscope itemtype> article classjl-article itemscope itemtype data-permalink> meta itempropinLanguage contenten-GB> meta propertyauthor typeofPerson contentMitch McCrimmon> meta propertydateModified content2024-12-01T11:32:17-05:00> meta propertydatePublished content2024-11-21T10:49:15-05:00> meta classjl-margin-remove-adjacent propertyarticleSection contentUncategorised> h2 classel-title jl-h4 jl-margin-small-top jl-margin-remove-bottom itempropheadline> a href/component/content/article/what-is-engaging-leadership?catid2 itempropurl> What is Engaging Leadership? /a> /h2> div classjl-margin-top propertytext> p>Can you SHOW leadership without BEING a leader in a position of authority over people? MLK Jr showed leadership to the general public by promoting a change in attitude toward African Americans, not by getting things done through a team. You can show leadership by example to your work colleagues by demonstrating a smarter way of working. You can also coax new directions out of people by using engaging questions designed to stimulate people to think differently and to co-create better solutions./p>p>Seestrong> span stylecolor: rgb(0, 0, 0);>a stylecolor: rgb(0, 0, 0); href>span stylecolor: rgb(53, 152, 219);>Three Kinds of Leadership/span>/a>/span>/strong>span stylecolor: rgb(0, 0, 0);> /span>for more on thinking differently about leadership. A major focus of this website is onstrong> a href>span stylecolor: rgb(53, 152, 219);>Engaging Leadership/span>/a> /strong>A good place to start./p>p>Whats novel about this new way of thinking about leadership is that it does not entail occupying a role or being a certain type of person. My claim is that people in authority positions are managers. Leadership is not a role, it can only be SHOWN on an occasional basis./p>p>Engaging leadership is a bit like participative or democratic leadership but much more proactive because it actively draws people out with the most engaging question there is: “What do you think?” This question has hundreds of variations. Engaging leaders can even propose their own ideas in the form of What do you think? questions such as: How do you think X would work?/p>p>This site covers how to be a more engaging leader but it also argues that leadership can be defined in a broader way than being an authority figure. How to think differently and more positively about management is also explored. Other topics include how to celebrate success and conduct more engaging performance appraisals. In addition, there is some material on how to build your confidence, how to feel more positive and feel more fortunate./p> /div> /article> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /main> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div> div idmobile-jlnavbar-5523 jl-offcanvasmode: push; flip: true; overlay: true;> div classtm-nav-mobile jl-offcanvas-bar> button classjl-offcanvas-close typebutton jl-close>/button> div classjl-child-width-1-1 jl-grid> div> ul classjl-nav jl-nav-default jl-text-left jl-navtargets: > .js-accordion> li classitem-101 jl-active> a href/> Start /a> /li> li classitem-105 jl-parent> a href/lead> Lead span jl-nav-parent-icon>/span> /a> ul classjl-nav-sub> li classitem-120> a href/lead/three-kinds-of-leadership> Three Kinds of Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-121> a href/lead/leadership-or-management> Leader or Manager? /a> /li> li classitem-122> a href/lead/the-ideal-leader> The Ideal Leader /a> /li> li classitem-123> a href/lead/leading-by-example> Leading By Example /a> /li> li classitem-138> a href/lead/more-leadership> More Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-139> a href/lead/leadership-not-a-role> Leadership, Not A Role /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classitem-106 jl-parent> a href/engage> Engage span jl-nav-parent-icon>/span> /a> ul classjl-nav-sub> li classitem-125> a href/engage/engaging-leadership> Engaging Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-126> a href/engage/how-engaging-are-you> How Engaging Are You? /a> /li> li classitem-127> a href/engage/engaging-partnership> Engaging Partnership /a> /li> li classitem-128> a href/engage/selling-engagement> Selling Engagement /a> /li> li classitem-129> a href/engage/pro-active-listening> Pro-active Listening /a> /li> li classitem-130> a href/engage/conflict-resolution> Conflict Resolution /a> /li> li classitem-131> a href/engage/team-engagement> Team Engagement /a> /li> li classitem-132> a href/engage/engagement-reinvented> Engagement Reinvented /a> /li> li classitem-146> a href/engage/engaging-questions> Engaging Questions /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classitem-107 jl-parent> a href/manage> Manage span jl-nav-parent-icon>/span> /a> ul classjl-nav-sub> li classitem-133> a href/manage/what-is-management> What is Management? /a> /li> li classitem-134> a href/manage/managing-your-boss> Managing Your Boss /a> /li> li classitem-135> a href/manage/celebrating-success> Celebrating Success /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classitem-140 jl-parent> a href/self> Self span jl-nav-parent-icon>/span> /a> ul classjl-nav-sub> li classitem-141> a href/self/be-more-positive> Be More Positive /a> /li> li classitem-142> a href/self/gratitude-anyone> Gratitude Anyone? /a> /li> li classitem-143> a href/self/your-confidence> Your Confidence /a> /li> li classitem-144> a href/self/interview-questions> Interview Questions /a> /li> li classitem-145> a href/self/feeling-fortunate> Feeling Fortunate /a> /li> li classitem-147> a href/self/saying-no> Saying No /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classitem-108 jl-parent> a href/about> About span jl-nav-parent-icon>/span> /a> ul classjl-nav-sub> li classitem-136> a href/about/about-engaging-leadership> About Engaging Leadership /a> /li> li classitem-148> a href/about/contact-us> Contact Us /a> /li> /ul> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div>/div> script typetext/javascript src/media/gantry5/assets/js/main.js>/script> /body>/html>
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