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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 20:41:47 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 13:46:41 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 13001Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML>!-- Prologue 1.2 by HTML5 UP | @n33co Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (>html> head> title>Landtug Marine Transportation Boat Transport Boat Shipping Boat Moving Boat Haul SailboatYacht Jerry Sprenkel 2022/title> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 /> meta namedescription contentyacht shippingsailboat transportationboat haulagemaritime transport companiessailboat transportboat transport companiesyacht transportboat hauling servicesboat transportationboat haulersshipping a boatboat movingboat moversboat shippingtransportation boatsboat haulingtransport a boatboat transportmarine transportation /> meta namekeywords contentmarine transportation, boat transport, transport a boat, boat shipping, boat moving, boat haul,sailboat,yacht /> link href,300,400,600 relstylesheet typetext/css /> !--if lte IE 8>script srcjs/html5shiv.js>/script>!endif--> script srcjs/jquery.min.js>/script> script srcjs/skel.min.js>/script> script srcjs/skel-panels.min.js>/script> script srcjs/init.js>/script> style typetext/css> !--p.MsoNormal {margin-top:0cm;margin-right:0cm;margin-bottom:10.0pt;margin-left:0cm;line-height:115%;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:Calibri,sans-serif;}.style1 {font-size: 14pt}.style2 {color: #000000}.style3 {font-size: 36px}.style4 {font-size: 24px}.style5 {color: #FF0000}.style8 {font-size: 24}--> /style> noscript> link relstylesheet hrefcss/skel-noscript.css /> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css /> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style-wide.css />/noscript> !--if lte IE 9>link relstylesheet hrefcss/ie9.css />!endif--> !--if lte IE 8>link relstylesheet hrefcss/ie8.css />!endif--> script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){ (ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o), ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,script,//,ga); ga(create, UA-48291579-1,; ga(send, pageview);/script> /head> body> !-- Header --> div idheader classskel-panels-fixed> div classtop> !-- Logo --> div idlogo> span classimage avatar48>img srcimages/avatar.jpg alt />/span> h1 idtitle>LandTug/h1> span classbyline>/span> /div> !-- Nav --> nav idnav> !-- Prologues nav expects links in one of two formats: 1. Hash link (scrolls to a different section within the page) li>a href#foobar idfoobar-link classskel-panels-ignoreHref>span classfa fa-whatever-icon-you-want>Foobar/span>/a>/li> 2. Standard link (sends the user to another page/site) li>a hrefhttp://foobar.tld>span classfa fa-whatever-icon-you-want>Foobar/span>/a>/li> --> ul> li>a hrefindex.html idtop-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-home>Home/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefabout.html idportfolio-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-th>About/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefchecklist.html idabout-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-user>Checklist/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefphotos.html idcontact-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-camera>Photos/Videos/span>/a>/li> li>a hreflinks.html idcontact-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-external-link>Boat Services Links/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact.html idcontact-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-envelope>Contact/span>/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> div classbottom> !-- Social Icons --> ul classicons> a href>img srctwitter.png altxTwitter stylewidth:25px;height:25px;>/a> li>a href classfa fa-facebook solo>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact.html classfa fa-envelope solo>span>Email/span>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> !-- Main --> div idmain> !-- Intro --> section idtop classone> div classcontainer> a href classimage featured>img srcimages/pic01.jpg alt />/a> header> h2 classalt>SERVICING Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes/h2> /header> p classMsoNormal style1 styletext-indent:36.0pt;>We, as a company, have not forgotten how important you are. We are a company that is big enough to service your needs, as well as small enough to give you the personalized service you deserve. Many of our customers utilize our services multiple times per year. If you are looking for a boat, selling your boat or just relocating, we ensure we are cost-effective and time-efficient, so you pay as little as possible. We are also quite knowledgeable in most aspects of the boating industry and will be here to help with advice, anyway we can. Land Tug is a very professional service that transports boats all over Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes./p> p classMsoNormal style1 styletext-indent:36.0pt;>a hrefbookingform.html classstyle4 stylecolor: rgb(0, 135, 0); font-size: 40px; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 36px; orphans: auto; text-align: -webkit-center; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);>/a>/p> p>a hrefbookingform.html>IMG SRCBOOKQ.png>/p> p classMsoNormal style1 styletext-indent:36.0pt;>a hrefform.html classstyle4 stylecolor: rgb(0, 135, 0); font-size: 40px; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 36px; orphans: auto; text-align: -webkit-center; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);>/a>/p> p aligncenter classstyle2>font faceArial>PAYMENTS:/FONT>/p> /DIV> center> p classstyle4>font faceArial>span classstyle5>AT PICKUP OR DROPOFF: /span>Payments CASH or BANKDRAFTS Only! Made out to LANDTUG/FONT> p classstyle4>font faceArial>span classstyle5>E-TRANSFER TO Pre-Authorized through Online Banking/span> For Pre-Payment ONLY or DEPOSITS! MUST be paid 24 hours prior to pick-up or dropoff. /FONT>/p>center/> td width0>span classstyle8> IMG SRCcc.jpg> center> p span classstyle5>/span> /span>Credit Card only by Pre Arrangement at higher cost/span> /span>/TD> /p>center/> TD width283> /TD> td>/TD> TD> /TD> td>/TD> TD> /TD> td>/td> !-- /tr> --> !-- tr>form targetpaypal action methodpost> -->!-- TD width150 VALIGNMIDDLE> -->!-- span classstyle8> -->!-- input typeimage src border0 nameI1 altMake payments with PayPal - its fast, free and secure! width73 height44> -->!-- img alt border0 srcpixel.gif width1 height1> -->!-- input typehidden nameadd value1> -->!-- input typehidden namecmd value_cart> -->!-- input typehidden namebusiness> -->!-- input typehidden nameshipping value0.00> -->!-- input typehidden nametax value0> -->!-- input typehidden namereturn value> -->!-- input typehidden nameno_note value1> -->!-- input typehidden namecurrency_code valueCAD> -->!-- input typehidden namelc valueCA> -->!-- input typehidden namebn valuePP-ShopCartBF> -->!-- /span> -->!-- DIV ALIGNCENTER classstyle8> --> !-- table border0 cellpadding1 cellspacing0> --> !-- TR> --> !-- td alignRIGHT>font faceArial> --> !-- Amount including tax:/FONT> --> !-- TD>INPUT TYPETEXT NAMEamount>/TD> --> !-- /TR> --> !-- TR> --> !-- td alignRIGHT>font faceArial>Note:/FONT> --> !-- TD>INPUT TYPETEXT NAMEitem_name SIZE35>/TD> --> !-- /TR> --> !-- TR> --> center>a href classtwitter-follow-button data-show-countfalse>Follow us on @x/a>script async src charsetutf-8>/script>center/> center>iframe width560 height315 src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share referrerpolicystrict-origin-when-cross-origin allowfullscreen>/iframe> center> table border0> TR> TD WIDTH40>/TD> /TR> /TABLE> /TD> /form> td width2>/td> /tr> center>iframe src width350 height500 styleborder:none;overflow:hidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowfullscreentrue allowautoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share>/iframe>center/> /table> p aligncenter>strong>Professional Boat Transporting Business/strong>br /> strong>IN THE TRENT-SEVERN AREA/strong>strong classtitle style2>em> LAND TUG/em>/strong>br /> (Boat Transportation & Marine Services)br /> CARRYING PLACE, Ontario, CANADA br /> Email:a>>/p> p aligncenter>span classstyle10>1-613-392-9808/span>br /> span classstyle10>1-877-392-9808/span>/p> strong>So call or E-mail us, anytime!/strong>/p> blockquote> center> h2 >LAND TUG SPECIALIZES IN:/h2> p >- TRIPS FOR BOATERS TO ANY AREA OF WATER IN ONTARIO, QUEBEC & THE MARITIMESbr /> - RELOCATIONSbr /> - SPRING AND FALL HAULAGEbr /> - NEW/USED BOAT DELIVERY br /> - MAKING YOUR BOAT TRANSPORT AFFORDABLE - WE DO NOT DO ANY USA /p> h2 >PROFESSIONAL SERVICE:/h2> p >- FULLY COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNT TRACKINGbr /> - FULLY LICENSEDbr /> - FULLY INSUREDbr /> - $200,000 CARGO INSURANCEbr /> - DETAILED BILLING br /> - INSURANCE CERTIFICATES ON REQUESTbr /> - INSURED ESCORT VEHICLEbr /> - SPECIAL PERMITS h2 >BENEFITS TO YOU :/h2> p >- NEWEST EQUIPMENT ON MARKETbr /> - PRICES VERY ECONOMICALbr /> - OUR PRICES ARE VERY COMPETITIVEbr /> - WE ALSO HAVE A WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH SELECT OTHER TRANSPORTERS TO SERVICE THE AREAS WE DO NOTbr /> - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE br /> - WE ALSO DO PRICE MATCHING (WRITTEN QUOTES ONLY)br /> br /> LAND TUGbr /> 613-392-9808 OR 1-877-392-9808/p> /center> p > br /> /p> /blockquote> /div> div classtwocols>/div>/td> /tr>/table> /div> div idcontent> div classtwocols> div classcol1> h2 classtitle>strong>/span>/strong>/h2> /div> div classcol2>/div> /div> /div> div styleclear: both;> /div> /div> /footer> /div> /section> !-- Footer --> div idfooter> !-- Copyright --> div classcopyright> p> /p> ul classmenu> li> p idlegal>Copyright © 2024 . All Rights Reserved | Designed by Landtug /a href>> and a href>html5up/a>/p> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 20:41:48 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 13:46:41 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 13001Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML>!-- Prologue 1.2 by HTML5 UP | @n33co Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (>html> head> title>Landtug Marine Transportation Boat Transport Boat Shipping Boat Moving Boat Haul SailboatYacht Jerry Sprenkel 2022/title> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 /> meta namedescription contentyacht shippingsailboat transportationboat haulagemaritime transport companiessailboat transportboat transport companiesyacht transportboat hauling servicesboat transportationboat haulersshipping a boatboat movingboat moversboat shippingtransportation boatsboat haulingtransport a boatboat transportmarine transportation /> meta namekeywords contentmarine transportation, boat transport, transport a boat, boat shipping, boat moving, boat haul,sailboat,yacht /> link href,300,400,600 relstylesheet typetext/css /> !--if lte IE 8>script srcjs/html5shiv.js>/script>!endif--> script srcjs/jquery.min.js>/script> script srcjs/skel.min.js>/script> script srcjs/skel-panels.min.js>/script> script srcjs/init.js>/script> style typetext/css> !--p.MsoNormal {margin-top:0cm;margin-right:0cm;margin-bottom:10.0pt;margin-left:0cm;line-height:115%;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:Calibri,sans-serif;}.style1 {font-size: 14pt}.style2 {color: #000000}.style3 {font-size: 36px}.style4 {font-size: 24px}.style5 {color: #FF0000}.style8 {font-size: 24}--> /style> noscript> link relstylesheet hrefcss/skel-noscript.css /> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css /> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style-wide.css />/noscript> !--if lte IE 9>link relstylesheet hrefcss/ie9.css />!endif--> !--if lte IE 8>link relstylesheet hrefcss/ie8.css />!endif--> script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){ (ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o), ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,script,//,ga); ga(create, UA-48291579-1,; ga(send, pageview);/script> /head> body> !-- Header --> div idheader classskel-panels-fixed> div classtop> !-- Logo --> div idlogo> span classimage avatar48>img srcimages/avatar.jpg alt />/span> h1 idtitle>LandTug/h1> span classbyline>/span> /div> !-- Nav --> nav idnav> !-- Prologues nav expects links in one of two formats: 1. Hash link (scrolls to a different section within the page) li>a href#foobar idfoobar-link classskel-panels-ignoreHref>span classfa fa-whatever-icon-you-want>Foobar/span>/a>/li> 2. Standard link (sends the user to another page/site) li>a hrefhttp://foobar.tld>span classfa fa-whatever-icon-you-want>Foobar/span>/a>/li> --> ul> li>a hrefindex.html idtop-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-home>Home/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefabout.html idportfolio-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-th>About/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefchecklist.html idabout-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-user>Checklist/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefphotos.html idcontact-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-camera>Photos/Videos/span>/a>/li> li>a hreflinks.html idcontact-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-external-link>Boat Services Links/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact.html idcontact-link classskel-panels>span classfa fa-envelope>Contact/span>/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> div classbottom> !-- Social Icons --> ul classicons> a href>img srctwitter.png altxTwitter stylewidth:25px;height:25px;>/a> li>a href classfa fa-facebook solo>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact.html classfa fa-envelope solo>span>Email/span>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> !-- Main --> div idmain> !-- Intro --> section idtop classone> div classcontainer> a href classimage featured>img srcimages/pic01.jpg alt />/a> header> h2 classalt>SERVICING Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes/h2> /header> p classMsoNormal style1 styletext-indent:36.0pt;>We, as a company, have not forgotten how important you are. We are a company that is big enough to service your needs, as well as small enough to give you the personalized service you deserve. Many of our customers utilize our services multiple times per year. If you are looking for a boat, selling your boat or just relocating, we ensure we are cost-effective and time-efficient, so you pay as little as possible. We are also quite knowledgeable in most aspects of the boating industry and will be here to help with advice, anyway we can. Land Tug is a very professional service that transports boats all over Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes./p> p classMsoNormal style1 styletext-indent:36.0pt;>a hrefbookingform.html classstyle4 stylecolor: rgb(0, 135, 0); font-size: 40px; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 36px; orphans: auto; text-align: -webkit-center; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);>/a>/p> p>a hrefbookingform.html>IMG SRCBOOKQ.png>/p> p classMsoNormal style1 styletext-indent:36.0pt;>a hrefform.html classstyle4 stylecolor: rgb(0, 135, 0); font-size: 40px; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 36px; orphans: auto; text-align: -webkit-center; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);>/a>/p> p aligncenter classstyle2>font faceArial>PAYMENTS:/FONT>/p> /DIV> center> p classstyle4>font faceArial>span classstyle5>AT PICKUP OR DROPOFF: /span>Payments CASH or BANKDRAFTS Only! Made out to LANDTUG/FONT> p classstyle4>font faceArial>span classstyle5>E-TRANSFER TO Pre-Authorized through Online Banking/span> For Pre-Payment ONLY or DEPOSITS! MUST be paid 24 hours prior to pick-up or dropoff. /FONT>/p>center/> td width0>span classstyle8> IMG SRCcc.jpg> center> p span classstyle5>/span> /span>Credit Card only by Pre Arrangement at higher cost/span> /span>/TD> /p>center/> TD width283> /TD> td>/TD> TD> /TD> td>/TD> TD> /TD> td>/td> !-- /tr> --> !-- tr>form targetpaypal action methodpost> -->!-- TD width150 VALIGNMIDDLE> -->!-- span classstyle8> -->!-- input typeimage src border0 nameI1 altMake payments with PayPal - its fast, free and secure! width73 height44> -->!-- img alt border0 srcpixel.gif width1 height1> -->!-- input typehidden nameadd value1> -->!-- input typehidden namecmd value_cart> -->!-- input typehidden namebusiness> -->!-- input typehidden nameshipping value0.00> -->!-- input typehidden nametax value0> -->!-- input typehidden namereturn value> -->!-- input typehidden nameno_note value1> -->!-- input typehidden namecurrency_code valueCAD> -->!-- input typehidden namelc valueCA> -->!-- input typehidden namebn valuePP-ShopCartBF> -->!-- /span> -->!-- DIV ALIGNCENTER classstyle8> --> !-- table border0 cellpadding1 cellspacing0> --> !-- TR> --> !-- td alignRIGHT>font faceArial> --> !-- Amount including tax:/FONT> --> !-- TD>INPUT TYPETEXT NAMEamount>/TD> --> !-- /TR> --> !-- TR> --> !-- td alignRIGHT>font faceArial>Note:/FONT> --> !-- TD>INPUT TYPETEXT NAMEitem_name SIZE35>/TD> --> !-- /TR> --> !-- TR> --> center>a href classtwitter-follow-button data-show-countfalse>Follow us on @x/a>script async src charsetutf-8>/script>center/> center>iframe width560 height315 src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share referrerpolicystrict-origin-when-cross-origin allowfullscreen>/iframe> center> table border0> TR> TD WIDTH40>/TD> /TR> /TABLE> /TD> /form> td width2>/td> /tr> center>iframe src width350 height500 styleborder:none;overflow:hidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowfullscreentrue allowautoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share>/iframe>center/> /table> p aligncenter>strong>Professional Boat Transporting Business/strong>br /> strong>IN THE TRENT-SEVERN AREA/strong>strong classtitle style2>em> LAND TUG/em>/strong>br /> (Boat Transportation & Marine Services)br /> CARRYING PLACE, Ontario, CANADA br /> Email:a>>/p> p aligncenter>span classstyle10>1-613-392-9808/span>br /> span classstyle10>1-877-392-9808/span>/p> strong>So call or E-mail us, anytime!/strong>/p> blockquote> center> h2 >LAND TUG SPECIALIZES IN:/h2> p >- TRIPS FOR BOATERS TO ANY AREA OF WATER IN ONTARIO, QUEBEC & THE MARITIMESbr /> - RELOCATIONSbr /> - SPRING AND FALL HAULAGEbr /> - NEW/USED BOAT DELIVERY br /> - MAKING YOUR BOAT TRANSPORT AFFORDABLE - WE DO NOT DO ANY USA /p> h2 >PROFESSIONAL SERVICE:/h2> p >- FULLY COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNT TRACKINGbr /> - FULLY LICENSEDbr /> - FULLY INSUREDbr /> - $200,000 CARGO INSURANCEbr /> - DETAILED BILLING br /> - INSURANCE CERTIFICATES ON REQUESTbr /> - INSURED ESCORT VEHICLEbr /> - SPECIAL PERMITS h2 >BENEFITS TO YOU :/h2> p >- NEWEST EQUIPMENT ON MARKETbr /> - PRICES VERY ECONOMICALbr /> - OUR PRICES ARE VERY COMPETITIVEbr /> - WE ALSO HAVE A WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH SELECT OTHER TRANSPORTERS TO SERVICE THE AREAS WE DO NOTbr /> - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE br /> - WE ALSO DO PRICE MATCHING (WRITTEN QUOTES ONLY)br /> br /> LAND TUGbr /> 613-392-9808 OR 1-877-392-9808/p> /center> p > br /> /p> /blockquote> /div> div classtwocols>/div>/td> /tr>/table> /div> div idcontent> div classtwocols> div classcol1> h2 classtitle>strong>/span>/strong>/h2> /div> div classcol2>/div> /div> /div> div styleclear: both;> /div> /div> /footer> /div> /section> !-- Footer --> div idfooter> !-- Copyright --> div classcopyright> p> /p> ul classmenu> li> p idlegal>Copyright © 2024 . All Rights Reserved | Designed by Landtug /a href>> and a href>html5up/a>/p> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /body>/html>
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