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classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-6514>a href# data-ps2id-apitrue>span classdashicons dashicons-portfolio>/span> “Open Rhetoric: A Collaborative History of Rhetorical Theory and Practice” by Various Contributors — Contributed Writingsvg classicon icon-angle-down aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-angle-down xlink:href#icon-angle-down>/use> /svg>/a> ul classsub-menu> li idmenu-item-6513 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-6513>a target_blank href data-ps2id-apitrue>span classdashicons dashicons-portfolio>/span> “Open Rhetoric: A Collaborative History of Rhetorical Theory and Practice” by Various Contributors — Contributed Writing span classdashicons dashicons-external>/span>svg classicon icon-angle-down aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-angle-down xlink:href#icon-angle-down>/use> /svg>/a> ul classsub-menu> li idmenu-item-6515 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom 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profile on Amazon span classdashicons dashicons-external>/span>/a>/li> li idmenu-item-5272 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-5272>a target_blank href titleThis is Kyle C Blanchard on the Kyle C Blanchard’s Amazon profile (the link opens in a new tab) (the link opens in a new tab) data-ps2id-apitrue>span classdashicons dashicons-amazon>/span> This is Kyle C Blanchard on the Kyle C Blanchard’s Amazon profile span classdashicons dashicons-external>/span>/a>/li> li idmenu-item-3492 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-3492>a target_blank href titleClick to go to the profile page @kylecblanchard — (@kyl3cblanchard on (the link opens in a new tab) data-ps2id-apitrue>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress-alt>/span> span classdashicons dashicons-admin-users>/span> @kylecblanchard — (@kyl3cblanchard on span classdashicons dashicons-external>/span>/a>/li> li idmenu-item-5610 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom 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!-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on December 8, 2024, 12:40 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 8, 2024, 12:43 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Best Sinnoh Stone evolutions in Pokemon Go – and they’re better than Megas – Dexerto (Outside Article (a href titleBest Sinnoh Stone evolutions in Pokemon Go – and they’re better than Megas – Dexerto (Outside Article relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Best Sinnoh Stone evolutions in Pokemon Go – and they’re better than Megas - Dexerto (Outside Article/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10952 classpost-article post-10952 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-12-02T01:53:52-06:00>December 2, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-12-02T02:10:44-06:00>December 2, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleNeccrozma Fusion Raid Day this December 14th, 2024 in Pokémon GO relbookmark>Neccrozma Fusion Raid Day this December 14th, 2024 in Pokémon GO/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on December 2, 2024, 1:53 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 2, 2024, 2:10 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Neccrozma Fusion Raid Day this December 14th, 2024 in Pokémon GO (a href titleNeccrozma Fusion Raid Day this December 14th, 2024 in Pokémon GO relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1438 height690 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy srcset 1438w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 350w sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10951 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1438,690 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleScreenshot_20241202_015053_Pokmon GO data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Necrozma raids are back! Image Image Image Image Find out more on their blog post at (opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Neccrozma Fusion Raid Day this December 14th, 2024 in Pokémon GO/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10908 classpost-article post-10908 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-24T09:24:29-06:00>November 24, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleDaily Incense Catches Which Includes my 1st Caught Purple Articuno relbookmark>Daily Incense Catches Which Includes my 1st Caught Purple Articuno/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 24, 2024, 9:24 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 24, 2024, 9:24 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Daily Incense Catches Which Includes my 1st Caught Purple Articuno (a href titleDaily Incense Catches Which Includes my 1st Caught Purple Articuno relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1422 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10907 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1422,1445 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-11-24-09222332 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Daily Incense Catches Which Includes my 1st Caught Purple Articuno/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10904 classpost-article post-10904 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-23T10:19:24-06:00>November 23, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMedal Earned for go wild area 2024 relbookmark>Medal Earned for go wild area 2024/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 23, 2024, 10:19 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 23, 2024, 10:19 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Medal Earned for go wild area 2024 (a href titleMedal Earned for go wild area 2024 relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1499 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10903 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1499,1499 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-11-23-10174729 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Medal Earned for go wild area 2024/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10858 classpost-article post-10858 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-16T05:25:53-06:00>November 16, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titlePlease Bear With The Time to Take to Reconnect to Social Media & Enjoy a Mentally Meditated Scene of Posited Laughter Medicine relbookmark>Please Bear With The Time to Take to Reconnect to Social Media & Enjoy a Mentally Meditated Scene of Posited Laughter Medicine/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 16, 2024, 5:25 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 16, 2024, 5:25 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Please Bear With The Time to Take to Reconnect to Social Media & Enjoy a Mentally Meditated Scene of Posited Laughter Medicine (a href titlePlease Bear With The Time to Take to Reconnect to Social Media & Enjoy a Mentally Meditated Scene of Posited Laughter Medicine relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width338 height314 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10857 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size338,314 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-title1731743786874_8166865461987 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> By author content creator: Image capture Moving pixelsp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Please Bear With The Time to Take to Reconnect to Social Media & Enjoy a Mentally Meditated Scene of Posited Laughter Medicine/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10844 classpost-article post-10844 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-facebook-games category-gaming category-vampires-the-darkside-2 category-vampires-the-darkside tag-gaming tag-vampires-the-darkside stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-11-14T23:54:59-06:00>November 14, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-15T00:01:33-06:00>November 15, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleDarkside Update to VDS Gameplay (Support Article) relbookmark>Darkside Update to VDS Gameplay (Support Article)/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 14, 2024, 11:54 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 15, 2024, 12:01 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Darkside Update to VDS Gameplay (Support Article) (a href titleDarkside Update to VDS Gameplay (Support Article) relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width851 height315 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy srcset 851w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 350w sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10843 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size851,315 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleNr1 data-image-description<p>VDS Darkside image<br />Source:</p> data-image-caption<p>Darkside image</p> data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Updated VDS gameplay news. Accessible at (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Darkside Update to VDS Gameplay (Support Article)/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Facebook Games/a>, a href relcategory tag>Gaming/a>, a href relcategory tag>Vampires: The Darkside/a>, a href relcategory tag>Vampires: The Darkside (VDS)/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Gaming/a>, a href reltag>Vampires: The Darkside/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10819 classpost-article post-10819 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-17T14:24:54-05:00>October 17, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-15T00:57:52-06:00>November 15, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleGame News — Pokémon GO and Walmart partner to bring PokéStops and adventure to Walmart stores! relbookmark>Game News — Pokémon GO and Walmart partner to bring PokéStops and adventure to Walmart stores!/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 17, 2024, 2:24 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 15, 2024, 12:57 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Game News — Pokémon GO and Walmart partner to bring PokéStops and adventure to Walmart stores! (a href titleGame News — Pokémon GO and Walmart partner to bring PokéStops and adventure to Walmart stores! relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width672 height378 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy srcset 672w, 300w, 150w, 350w sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10848 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size672,378 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-title1000076637 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> See the post at (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Game News — Pokémon GO and Walmart partner to bring PokéStops and adventure to Walmart stores!/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10813 classpost-article post-10813 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-pokemon-go category-pokemon-go-routes category-routes tag-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go-routes tag-routes stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-13T09:02:37-05:00>October 13, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-13T09:03:10-05:00>October 13, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMy Published Pokémon GO Routes as of Today relbookmark>My Published Pokémon GO Routes as of Today/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 13, 2024, 9:02 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 13, 2024, 9:03 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> My Published Pokémon GO Routes as of Today (a href titleMy Published Pokémon GO Routes as of Today relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Such an enjoyable hobby, Pokémon GO is! Image Image Thanks Niantic for approving my routes!p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>My Published Pokémon GO Routes as of Today/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Routes/a>, a href relcategory tag>Routes/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO Routes/a>, a href reltag>Routes/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10809 classpost-article post-10809 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-pokemon-go category-pokemon-go-hub tag-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go-hub stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-13T08:27:26-05:00>October 13, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-13T08:29:21-05:00>October 13, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titlePokémon GO Evolution Items Guide | Pokémon GO Hub — Article relbookmark>Pokémon GO Evolution Items Guide | Pokémon GO Hub — Article/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 13, 2024, 8:27 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 13, 2024, 8:29 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Pokémon GO Evolution Items Guide | Pokémon GO Hub — Article (a href titlePokémon GO Evolution Items Guide | Pokémon GO Hub — Article relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width498 height280 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10808 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size498,280 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1727846662083.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> See (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Pokémon GO Evolution Items Guide | Pokémon GO Hub — Article/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Hub/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO Hub/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10783 classpost-article post-10783 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-09T03:24:13-05:00>October 9, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-14T12:08:16-05:00>October 14, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titlePokémon GO Eevee Guide: How to evolve all Eevee forms | Pokémon GO Hub relbookmark>Pokémon GO Eevee Guide: How to evolve all Eevee forms | Pokémon GO Hub/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 9, 2024, 3:24 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 14, 2024, 12:08 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Pokémon GO Eevee Guide: How to evolve all Eevee forms | Pokémon GO Hub (a href titlePokémon GO Eevee Guide: How to evolve all Eevee forms | Pokémon GO Hub relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Pokémon GO Eevee Guide: How to evolve all Eevee forms | Pokémon GO Hub/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10702 classpost-article post-10702 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-05T11:14:56-05:00>October 5, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T10:10:10-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleGmail just got a huge upgrade for millions that will save you time (article) relbookmark>Gmail just got a huge upgrade for millions that will save you time (article)/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 5, 2024, 11:14 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 10:10 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Gmail just got a huge upgrade for millions that will save you time (article) (a href titleGmail just got a huge upgrade for millions that will save you time (article) relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Visit (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Gmail just got a huge upgrade for millions that will save you time (article)/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10700 classpost-article post-10700 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-cosmog category-pokemon category-pokemon-go tag-cosmog tag-pokemon tag-pokemon-go stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-05T09:57:55-05:00>October 5, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T10:10:35-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCosmog pokémon in Pokémon GO via eurogamer relbookmark>Cosmog pokémon in Pokémon GO via eurogamer/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 5, 2024, 9:57 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 10:10 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Cosmog pokémon in Pokémon GO via eurogamer (a href titleCosmog pokémon in Pokémon GO via eurogamer relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width498 height280 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10699 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size498,280 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1728140489678.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content>,choose%20between%20Solgaleo%20and%20Lunala (🔗 the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Cosmog pokémon in Pokémon GO via eurogamer/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>cosmog/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>cosmog/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10686 classpost-article post-10686 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-necrozma category-pokemon category-pokemon-go tag-necrozma tag-pokemon tag-pokemon-go stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-03T07:54:51-05:00>October 3, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T10:10:56-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleNecrozma Fusions for Pokémon in Pokémon GO — Harness the power of the sun and moon with two new Adventure Effects: Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam! – Pokémon GO relbookmark>Necrozma Fusions for Pokémon in Pokémon GO — Harness the power of the sun and moon with two new Adventure Effects: Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam! – Pokémon GO/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 3, 2024, 7:54 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 10:10 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Necrozma Fusions for Pokémon in Pokémon GO — Harness the power of the sun and moon with two new Adventure Effects: Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam! – Pokémon GO (a href titleNecrozma Fusions for Pokémon in Pokémon GO — Harness the power of the sun and moon with two new Adventure Effects: Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam! – Pokémon GO relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width360 height202 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10685 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size360,202 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1727960266108.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content>,Necrozma%20fused%20with%20Solgaleo%20into%20Dusk%20Mane%20Necrozma,the%20Charged%20Attack%20Sunsteel%20Strike.&textDawn%20Wings%20Necrozma-,Necrozma%20fused%20with%20Lunala%20into%20Dawn%20Wings%20Necrozma,the%20Charged%20Attack%20Moongeist%20Beam (opens in a new tab) link opens in a new tab. Necrozma Fusions for Pokémon in Pokémon GO — Harness the power of the sun and moon with two new Adventure Effects: Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam! – Pokémon GO My Necrozma pokémon catchesp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Necrozma Fusions for Pokémon in Pokémon GO — Harness the power of the sun and moon with two new Adventure Effects: Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam! – Pokémon GO/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>necrozma/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>necrozma/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10677 classpost-article post-10677 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-02T20:12:53-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-02T20:14:50-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleLevel Forty-One! relbookmark>Level Forty-One!/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 2, 2024, 8:12 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 2, 2024, 8:14 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Level Forty-One! (a href titleLevel Forty-One! relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1152 height1150 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy srcset 1152w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 100w, 250w, 350w sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10675 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1152,1150 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleScreenshot_20241002_201018_Pokmon-GO.png data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Yippee, level up! Level 41 Rewardsp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Level Forty-One!/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10665 classpost-article post-10665 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-02T00:45:37-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T10:12:16-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCSS Masonry & CSS Grid relbookmark>CSS Masonry & CSS Grid/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 2, 2024, 12:45 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 10:12 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> CSS Masonry & CSS Grid (a href titleCSS Masonry & CSS Grid relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See source (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>CSS Masonry & CSS Grid/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10655 classpost-article post-10655 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-02T00:35:47-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-02T00:41:49-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCatch Cards of Pokémon in my Niantic Pokémon GO Trainer Account relbookmark>Catch Cards of Pokémon in my Niantic Pokémon GO Trainer Account/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 2, 2024, 12:35 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 2, 2024, 12:41 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Catch Cards of Pokémon in my Niantic Pokémon GO Trainer Account (a href titleCatch Cards of Pokémon in my Niantic Pokémon GO Trainer Account relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width480 height368 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10654 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size480,368 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1727847383930.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Catch Cards Catch Cards gifp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Catch Cards of Pokémon in my Niantic Pokémon GO Trainer Account/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10522 classpost-article post-10522 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-uncategorised category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-26T02:51:35-05:00>September 26, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-26T02:57:35-05:00>September 26, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMy scroll of—Niantic (the pokémon company) mobile—compatible app pokémonGo—yipYip relbookmark>My scroll of—Niantic (the pokémon company) mobile—compatible app pokémonGo—yipYip/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 26, 2024, 2:51 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 26, 2024, 2:57 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> My scroll of—Niantic (the pokémon company) mobile—compatible app pokémonGo—yipYip (a href titleMy scroll of—Niantic (the pokémon company) mobile—compatible app pokémonGo—yipYip relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1499 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10547 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1499,1499 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-title1000005282 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> __/ | to my poƙəɗéx scroll | to scrollable feed | to my niaɲtíc profile | tagged as relatable to this | categorised as relatable to this | \__ Some of this content may not as of typing uploaded Niantic ëvēnts Mys ɓest buɗdï poƙémon ɓaɗge pŕogresŝesp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>My scroll of—Niantic (the pokémon company) mobile—compatible app pokémonGo—yipYip/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorised/a>, a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10491 classpost-article post-10491 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-pokemon category-pokemon-2 category-pokemon-go category-pokemon-go-pokeex category-pokex category-poeex tag-pokemon-go-pokeex stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-22T04:43:37-05:00>September 22, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-22T06:11:40-05:00>September 22, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleThine Own Categorized\Categorised pokémon go pokédéx noted page of postings of catches relbookmark>Thine Own Categorized\Categorised pokémon go pokédéx noted page of postings of catches/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 22, 2024, 4:43 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 22, 2024, 6:11 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Thine Own Categorized\Categorised pokémon go pokédéx noted page of postings of catches (a href titleThine Own Categorized\Categorised pokémon go pokédéx noted page of postings of catches relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Thine Own Categorized\Categorised pokémon go pokédéx noted page of postings of catches Tokyo vivillion scatterbug Tokyo vivillion scatterbug pokémon via pokémon go Screenshots taken by keylaybruddi2002p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Thine Own Categorized\Categorised pokémon go pokédéx noted page of postings of catches/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon/a>, a href relcategory tag>pokémoń/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href relcategory tag>pokémon go pokéɗéx/a>, a href relcategory tag>pokɛƊëx/a>, a href relcategory tag>poƙéɗéx/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>pokémon go pokéɗéx/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10424 classpost-article post-10424 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-backbonemetafeed category-fbdeveloper category-keylaybruddi2o tag-backbone tag-fbdeveloper tag-feed tag-keylaybruddi2o tag-meta stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-09-18T05:34:43-05:00>September 18, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titlepinned article post for gaming plus mobile relbookmark>pinned article post for gaming plus mobile/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 18, 2024, 5:34 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 18, 2024, 5:34 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> pinned article post for gaming plus mobile (a href titlepinned article post for gaming plus mobile relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width480 height362 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10423 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size480,362 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-title1726623609849_459879382375 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Heretofore (opens in new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>pinned article post for gaming plus mobile/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>backbone,meta,feed/a>, a href relcategory tag>fbdeveloper/a>, a href relcategory tag>keylaybruddi2o⁰²/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>backbone/a>, a href reltag>fbdeveloper/a>, a href reltag>feed/a>, a href reltag>keylaybruddi2o⁰²/a>, a href reltag>meta/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-9797 classpost-article post-9797 post type-post status-publish format-chat has-post-thumbnail sticky hentry category-603 tag-604 tag-article tag-articles tag-colonel-pride tag-color-overlay tag-creative-commons-wiki tag-creative-nonfiction tag-hegel tag-honesty tag-modern-literature tag-newsletter tag-opinion tag-page tag-personal-narrative tag-pokemon tag-pokemon-go tag-quotes tag-reblog tag-reference tag-references tag-review tag-single-sign-on tag-source tag-sources post_format-post-format-chat stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-06-19T01:08:56-05:00>June 19, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMemories. relbookmark>Memories./a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on June 19, 2024, 1:08 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on June 19, 2024, 1:08 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Memories. (a href titleMemories. relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width200 height120 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy srcset 200w, 150w sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id9795 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size200,120 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlePokémon_GO_logo.svg data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p>Write about your first crush. I find this to be truly funny, it invokes so many memories. So when I was around 12 there was this chic we used to school with, her name was Benazir, she was Indian. She was the only Indian in our school. At that time, this was a very deal …/p>cite>a href>Memories./a>/cite>/blockquote>hr classwp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity/>hr classwp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity/>hr classwp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity/>hr classwp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity/>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p><? Php¿/p>hr classwp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity/> a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> “Memories.”/span>/a>/blockquote>/blockquote>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p> /p>!-- wp:quote -->blockquote classwp-block-quote>!-- wp:paragraph -->p><? Php¿/p>!-- /wp:paragraph -->!-- wp:separator -->hr classwp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity/>!-- /wp:separator --> a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> “Memories.”/span>/a>/blockquote>/blockquote> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>70301/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>70301/a>, a href reltag>Article/a>, a href reltag>Articles/a>, a href reltag>Colonel Pride!/a>, a href reltag>color overlay/a>, a href reltag>Creative Commons wiki/a>, a href reltag>Creative nonfiction/a>, a href reltag>Hegel/a>, a href reltag>Honesty/a>, a href reltag>Modern literature/a>, a href reltag>newsletter/a>, a href reltag>opinion/a>, a href reltag>Page/a>, a href reltag>Personal narrative/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href reltag>Quotes/a>, a href reltag>Reblog/a>, a href reltag>Reference/a>, a href reltag>References/a>, a href reltag>review/a>, a href reltag>Single sign-on/a>, a href reltag>Source/a>, a href reltag>Sources/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-9393 classpost-article post-9393 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2023-10-23T15:29:06-05:00>October 23, 2023/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-15T00:26:43-06:00>November 15, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleVampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and Community Support relbookmark>Vampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and Community Support/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 23, 2023, 3:29 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 15, 2024, 12:26 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Vampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and Community Support (a href titleVampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and Community Support relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Vampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and their Community Support Source: (20+) ? CSD TRANSITION ANNOUNCEMENT As of OCT... - Vampires: The Darkside | Facebook (the link opens in a new tab) Synopsis (off the @Vampires: The Darkside | the link opens in a … p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> Vampires: The Darkside Has A New Home for Help Desk, Tickets, and Community Support/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-6532 classpost-article post-6532 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2023-03-21T17:09:07-05:00>March 21, 2023/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-15T00:28:36-06:00>November 15, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleSee How To “Add A Clickable Phone Number to A WordPress Menu and Other Links” On ‘Themes Harbor’ relbookmark>See How To “Add A Clickable Phone Number to A WordPress Menu and Other Links” On ‘Themes Harbor’/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on March 21, 2023, 5:09 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 15, 2024, 12:28 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> See How To “Add A Clickable Phone Number to A WordPress Menu and Other Links” On ‘Themes Harbor’ (a href titleSee How To “Add A Clickable Phone Number to A WordPress Menu and Other Links” On ‘Themes Harbor’ relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See How To Add A Clickable Phone Number to A WordPress Menu and Other Links On Themes Harbor Screenshot Source: Screenshot (accessed) by Kyle C Blanchard on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 By Taras Dashkevych, see how you can let visitors create a call-to-action telephone link, allowing visitors to call … p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> See How To “Add A Clickable Phone Number to A WordPress Menu and Other Links” On ‘Themes Harbor’/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-2146 classpost-article post-2146 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> svg classicon icon-thumb-tack aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-thumb-tack xlink:href#icon-thumb-tack>/use> /svg> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2020-10-21T19:06:44-05:00>October 21, 2020/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T10:13:56-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleSticky mobile menu | relbookmark>Sticky mobile menu |>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 21, 2020, 7:06 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 10:13 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Sticky mobile menu | (a href titleSticky mobile menu | relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Sticky mobile menu |>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10996 classpost-article post-10996 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-12-29T22:36:01-06:00>December 29, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-12-29T22:36:05-06:00>December 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleReddit relbookmark>Reddit/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on December 29, 2024, 10:36 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 29, 2024, 10:36 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Reddit (a href titleReddit relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> http://www.reddit.cpm/u/kylecblanch classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Reddit/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10994 classpost-article post-10994 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-12-29T20:58:06-06:00>December 29, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-12-29T20:58:12-06:00>December 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleBulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia ‐ A Pokémon Resource relbookmark>Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia ‐ A Pokémon Resource/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on December 29, 2024, 8:58 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 29, 2024, 8:58 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia ‐ A Pokémon Resource (a href titleBulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia ‐ A Pokémon Resource relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Visit (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia ‐ A Pokémon Resource/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10987 classpost-article post-10987 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-12-17T20:03:44-06:00>December 17, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-12-17T20:03:47-06:00>December 17, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMy Catches from Dec 2024 Necrozma Raid Day relbookmark>My Catches from Dec 2024 Necrozma Raid Day/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on December 17, 2024, 8:03 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 17, 2024, 8:03 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> My Catches from Dec 2024 Necrozma Raid Day (a href titleMy Catches from Dec 2024 Necrozma Raid Day relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> These are my Necrozma raid catches from the December 2024 Necrozma raid day in Pokémon GO. Related: Neccrozma Fusion Raid Day this December 14th, 2024 in Pokémon GOp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>My Catches from Dec 2024 Necrozma Raid Day/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10985 classpost-article post-10985 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-12-17T11:35:27-06:00>December 17, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCollection Challenge Medal 43 Earned Today relbookmark>Collection Challenge Medal 43 Earned Today/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on December 17, 2024, 11:35 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 17, 2024, 11:35 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Collection Challenge Medal 43 Earned Today (a href titleCollection Challenge Medal 43 Earned Today relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1499 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10984 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1499,1499 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-12-17-11340476 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Collection Challenge Medal 43 Earned Today/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10964 classpost-article post-10964 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-buddy-pokemon-souvenir category-pokemon-go tag-buddy-pokemon-souvenir tag-pokemon-go stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-12-04T02:30:37-06:00>December 4, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-12-04T02:38:26-06:00>December 4, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleBuddy Pokémon Souvenir Received Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 relbookmark>Buddy Pokémon Souvenir Received Wednesday, December 4th, 2024/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on December 4, 2024, 2:30 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 4, 2024, 2:38 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Buddy Pokémon Souvenir Received Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 (a href titleBuddy Pokémon Souvenir Received Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width498 height278 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10963 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size498,278 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1733301061337 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> A buddy Pokémon today gifted me a souvenir — Mees feelies especial of its fetching a souvenir fors me Image Caption Image gifp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Buddy Pokémon Souvenir Received Wednesday, December 4th, 2024/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>buddy pokémon souvenir/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>buddy pokémon souvenir/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10942 classpost-article post-10942 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-29T05:42:58-06:00>November 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMedal № Forty relbookmark>Medal № Forty/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 29, 2024, 5:42 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 29, 2024, 5:42 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Medal № Forty (a href titleMedal № Forty relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1499 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10941 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1499,1499 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-11-29-05405414 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> 40th medal imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Medal № Forty/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10934 classpost-article post-10934 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-29T02:06:40-06:00>November 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleNew Collector Medal relbookmark>New Collector Medal/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 29, 2024, 2:06 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 29, 2024, 2:06 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> New Collector Medal (a href titleNew Collector Medal relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1880 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10933 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1880,1253 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlequiet park bench in tranquil forest setting data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>New Collector Medal/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10929 classpost-article post-10929 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-11-29T01:33:52-06:00>November 29, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-29T01:34:46-06:00>November 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMark Your Syllabus Calendar Trainers! Because December 14th 2024 is Going to Be a Big Day for Pokemon GO Players says Gamerant – Outside Opinion relbookmark>Mark Your Syllabus Calendar Trainers! Because December 14th 2024 is Going to Be a Big Day for Pokemon GO Players says Gamerant – Outside Opinion/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 29, 2024, 1:33 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 29, 2024, 1:34 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Mark Your Syllabus Calendar Trainers! Because December 14th 2024 is Going to Be a Big Day for Pokemon GO Players says Gamerant – Outside Opinion (a href titleMark Your Syllabus Calendar Trainers! Because December 14th 2024 is Going to Be a Big Day for Pokemon GO Players says Gamerant – Outside Opinion relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width466 height498 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10928 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size466,498 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1732865672600.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> For info . . . visit (in a new tab) Not affiliated with Gamerant. Not affiliated with Pokémon GO Hub.p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Mark Your Syllabus Calendar Trainers! Because December 14th 2024 is Going to Be a Big Day for Pokemon GO Players says Gamerant - Outside Opinion/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10900 classpost-article post-10900 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pokemon-go tag-games tag-gaming tag-pokemon-go stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-23T09:15:53-06:00>November 23, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleToday’s Daily Incense Results relbookmark>Today’s Daily Incense Results/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 23, 2024, 9:15 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 23, 2024, 9:15 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Today’s Daily Incense Results (a href titleToday’s Daily Incense Results relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1422 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10899 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1422,1445 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-11-23-09140546 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Todays Daily Incense Results/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>games/a>, a href reltag>Gaming/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10880 classpost-article post-10880 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-19T19:51:41-06:00>November 19, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleIncreased Pokémon GO Storage Available as of Earlier Today relbookmark>Increased Pokémon GO Storage Available as of Earlier Today/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 19, 2024, 7:51 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 19, 2024, 7:51 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Increased Pokémon GO Storage Available as of Earlier Today (a href titleIncreased Pokémon GO Storage Available as of Earlier Today relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width498 height306 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10879 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size498,306 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1732067566774 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Hey there, trainers! Increased Pokémon GO Storage Available as of Earlier Today Yip yip!p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Increased Pokémon GO Storage Available as of Earlier Today/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10878 classpost-article post-10878 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-19T11:05:30-06:00>November 19, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleSong relbookmark>Song/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 19, 2024, 11:05 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 19, 2024, 11:05 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Song (a href titleSong relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Give this album a listen: Astronomia Heres the clickable link: (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Song/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10875 classpost-article post-10875 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-11-18T12:08:47-06:00>November 18, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-18T12:09:07-06:00>November 18, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCatch For today sunsoaked get-a-way relbookmark>Catch For today sunsoaked get-a-way/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 18, 2024, 12:08 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 18, 2024, 12:09 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Catch For today sunsoaked get-a-way (a href titleCatch For today sunsoaked get-a-way relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1439 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10874 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1439,1499 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleScreenshot_20241118_103039_Pokmon-GO.png data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Text captions of image Current outfit Animation captioned Stop by soon — ^_^ Lorem ipsum Medalp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Catch For today sunsoaked get-a-way/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10865 classpost-article post-10865 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-11-16T22:23:14-06:00>November 16, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-16T22:23:23-06:00>November 16, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleClikdabccably–Duo-Blurryily-demureyish-craetorc0ntentshareablerightby40cc—–blurb-bingishnesses-trainér-kéylaybruddi0022-pikakhugo—in–paasdyed—–neighborhoodishness-en–us-internalisationizations-uri?assigner% relbookmark>Clikdabccably–Duo-Blurryily-demureyish-craetorc0ntentshareablerightby40cc—–blurb-bingishnesses-trainér-kéylaybruddi0022-pikakhugo—in–paasdyed—–neighborhoodishness-en–us-internalisationizations-uri?assigner%/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 16, 2024, 10:23 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 16, 2024, 10:23 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Clikdabccably–Duo-Blurryily-demureyish-craetorc0ntentshareablerightby40cc—–blurb-bingishnesses-trainér-kéylaybruddi0022-pikakhugo—in–paasdyed—–neighborhoodishness-en–us-internalisationizations-uri?assigner% (a href titleClikdabccably–Duo-Blurryily-demureyish-craetorc0ntentshareablerightby40cc—–blurb-bingishnesses-trainér-kéylaybruddi0022-pikakhugo—in–paasdyed—–neighborhoodishness-en–us-internalisationizations-uri?assigner% relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Clikdabccably--Duo-Blurryily-demureyish-craetorc0ntentshareablerightby40cc-----blurb-bingishnesses-trainér-kéylaybruddi0022-pikakhugo---in--paasdyed-----neighborhoodishness-en--us-internalisationizations-uri?assigner%/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10853 classpost-article post-10853 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-11-15T12:34:36-06:00>November 15, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleThat’s Two Uncaught Legendary Birds in Two Back to Back Days relbookmark>That’s Two Uncaught Legendary Birds in Two Back to Back Days/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 15, 2024, 12:34 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 15, 2024, 12:34 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> That’s Two Uncaught Legendary Birds in Two Back to Back Days (a href titleThat’s Two Uncaught Legendary Birds in Two Back to Back Days relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> For two days in a row back-to-back, the red Zapdos spawned during daily incense being activated for me in Pokémon GO. Both days the legendary red Zapdos birds escaped my attempts to collect them in a pokéball. Neither of them were shiny. I have yet to collect a shiny legendary … p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> That’s Two Uncaught Legendary Birds in Two Back to Back Days/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10826 classpost-article post-10826 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pokemon-go category-pokemon-go-events category-pokemon-go-hub category-uncategorized tag-events tag-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go-events tag-pokemon-go-hub stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-11-01T03:15:25-05:00>November 1, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-12-08T12:47:37-06:00>December 8, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titlePokémon GO November 2024 Events Summarized From Pokémon GO Hub Post relbookmark>Pokémon GO November 2024 Events Summarized From Pokémon GO Hub Post/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on November 1, 2024, 3:15 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 8, 2024, 12:47 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Pokémon GO November 2024 Events Summarized From Pokémon GO Hub Post (a href titlePokémon GO November 2024 Events Summarized From Pokémon GO Hub Post relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width738 height424 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy srcset 738w, 300w, 150w, 350w sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id9938 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size738,424 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleclipart3020702 data-image-description<p>Pokémon GO logo</p><p>Accessed 20 August 2024<br />Source url:</p> data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Heres whats to come in November 2024 in Pokémon GO. See my Facebook post. See Pokémon GO Hubs Facebook post for their post of November 2024 events. Head over directly to the Pokémon GO Hub post for November 2024 events at Pokémon GO November 2024 Event Guide | Pokémon GO … p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> Pokémon GO November 2024 Events Summarized From Pokémon GO Hub Post/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Events/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Hub/a>, a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Events/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO Events/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO Hub/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10822 classpost-article post-10822 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-pokemon-go category-pokemon-go-medals tag-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go-medals stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-19T09:50:01-05:00>October 19, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleA Medal for Completion of 50 Routes relbookmark>A Medal for Completion of 50 Routes/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 19, 2024, 9:50 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 19, 2024, 9:50 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> A Medal for Completion of 50 Routes (a href titleA Medal for Completion of 50 Routes relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>A Medal for Completion of 50 Routes/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Medals/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO Medals/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10817 classpost-article post-10817 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-catch-card category-pokemon-go category-pokemon-go-catch-card tag-catch-card tag-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go-catch-card stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-13T12:52:08-05:00>October 13, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-13T12:53:43-05:00>October 13, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCatch Card for Today After Beating A Grunt of Team Rocket relbookmark>Catch Card for Today After Beating A Grunt of Team Rocket/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 13, 2024, 12:52 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 13, 2024, 12:53 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Catch Card for Today After Beating A Grunt of Team Rocket (a href titleCatch Card for Today After Beating A Grunt of Team Rocket relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width1439 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10816 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1439,2501 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleScreenshot_20241013_124927_Pokmon-GO.png data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Shadow Dratiñi catch card imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Catch Card for Today After Beating A Grunt of Team Rocket/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Catch Card/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Catch Card/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Catch Card/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a>, a href reltag>Pokémon GO Catch Card/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10806 classpost-article post-10806 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-12T03:48:32-05:00>October 12, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-12T03:48:43-05:00>October 12, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titlePokémon GO — Go Wild Area Event (2024) relbookmark>Pokémon GO — Go Wild Area Event (2024)/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 12, 2024, 3:48 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 12, 2024, 3:48 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Pokémon GO — Go Wild Area Event (2024) (a href titlePokémon GO — Go Wild Area Event (2024) relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See their website and blog for more. Accessible at (the link opens in a new tab). Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Pokémon GO — Go Wild Area Event (2024)/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10803 classpost-article post-10803 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-11T12:05:50-05:00>October 11, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-11T12:05:56-05:00>October 11, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCatch Card After Defeating Grunt Today relbookmark>Catch Card After Defeating Grunt Today/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 11, 2024, 12:05 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 11, 2024, 12:05 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Catch Card After Defeating Grunt Today (a href titleCatch Card After Defeating Grunt Today relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Catch Card After Defeating Grunt Today/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10794 classpost-article post-10794 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-10T09:07:36-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-11-15T00:21:24-06:00>November 15, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href Login Gets Mandatory Affiliation Checkbox Following WP Engine Dispute — WPTavern Article relbookmark> Login Gets Mandatory Affiliation Checkbox Following WP Engine Dispute — WPTavern Article/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 10, 2024, 9:07 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on November 15, 2024, 12:21 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Login Gets Mandatory Affiliation Checkbox Following WP Engine Dispute — WPTavern Article (a href Login Gets Mandatory Affiliation Checkbox Following WP Engine Dispute — WPTavern Article relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See (the link opens in a new tab).p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> Login Gets Mandatory Affiliation Checkbox Following WP Engine Dispute — WPTavern Article/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10792 classpost-article post-10792 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-10T06:55:45-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T06:56:00-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleHow do I redeem a promo code on the Web Store? — Pokémon GO Help Center relbookmark>How do I redeem a promo code on the Web Store? — Pokémon GO Help Center/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 10, 2024, 6:55 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 6:56 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> How do I redeem a promo code on the Web Store? — Pokémon GO Help Center (a href titleHow do I redeem a promo code on the Web Store? — Pokémon GO Help Center relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> (the link opens in a new tab) Arricle mentions for the current promo code for a star piece.STARPIECE2024 (case sensitive)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>How do I redeem a promo code on the Web Store? — Pokémon GO Help Center/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10790 classpost-article post-10790 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-10T06:35:24-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T06:35:29-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMax Pokémon & Power Spots — Pokémon GO Help Center relbookmark>Max Pokémon & Power Spots — Pokémon GO Help Center/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 10, 2024, 6:35 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 6:35 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Max Pokémon & Power Spots — Pokémon GO Help Center (a href titleMax Pokémon & Power Spots — Pokémon GO Help Center relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Max Pokémon & Power Spots — Pokémon GO Help Center/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10788 classpost-article post-10788 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-10T06:34:20-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-10T06:34:29-05:00>October 10, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleGO Big with Dynamax! – Pokémon GO relbookmark>GO Big with Dynamax! – Pokémon GO/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 10, 2024, 6:34 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 10, 2024, 6:34 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> GO Big with Dynamax! – Pokémon GO (a href titleGO Big with Dynamax! – Pokémon GO relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> See (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>GO Big with Dynamax! – Pokémon GO/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10786 classpost-article post-10786 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-09T06:23:00-05:00>October 9, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-09T06:23:08-05:00>October 9, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleA Daily Incense Infographic relbookmark>A Daily Incense Infographic/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 9, 2024, 6:23 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 9, 2024, 6:23 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> A Daily Incense Infographic (a href titleA Daily Incense Infographic relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>A Daily Incense Infographic/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10781 classpost-article post-10781 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-09T01:23:48-05:00>October 9, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-09T01:23:58-05:00>October 9, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleIt’s official: Earth now has two moons relbookmark>It’s official: Earth now has two moons/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 9, 2024, 1:23 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 9, 2024, 1:23 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> It’s official: Earth now has two moons (a href titleIt’s official: Earth now has two moons relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Its official: Earth now has two moons/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10771 classpost-article post-10771 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-07T01:26:01-05:00>October 7, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCollection Challenge Medal Thirty relbookmark>Collection Challenge Medal Thirty/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 7, 2024, 1:26 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 7, 2024, 1:26 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Collection Challenge Medal Thirty (a href titleCollection Challenge Medal Thirty relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Image for 30th medalp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Collection Challenge Medal Thirty/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10739 classpost-article post-10739 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T23:00:17-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T23:00:31-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleSome Musico/Musica with YouTube relbookmark>Some Musico/Musica with YouTube/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 11:00 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 11:00 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Some Musico/Musica with YouTube (a href titleSome Musico/Musica with YouTube relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Musíca/Musícó (the link opens in a new tab) #keylaybruddi2002p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Some Musico/Musica with YouTube/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10735 classpost-article post-10735 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-pokemon-go-collection-challenge tag-pokemon-go-collection-challenge stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T22:06:16-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T22:07:16-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCollection Challenge Completion medal #²⁹ relbookmark>Collection Challenge Completion medal #²⁹/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 10:06 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 10:07 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Collection Challenge Completion medal #²⁹ (a href titleCollection Challenge Completion medal #²⁹ relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Collection Challenge Completion medal #²⁹/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Collection Challenge/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO Collection Challenge/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10733 classpost-article post-10733 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-06T20:41:38-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleThe Best Haunted Hotels Across America To Stay At (If You’re Brave Enough) – Opera News Official relbookmark>The Best Haunted Hotels Across America To Stay At (If You’re Brave Enough) – Opera News Official/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 8:41 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 8:41 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> The Best Haunted Hotels Across America To Stay At (If You’re Brave Enough) – Opera News Official (a href titleThe Best Haunted Hotels Across America To Stay At (If You’re Brave Enough) – Opera News Official relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>The Best Haunted Hotels Across America To Stay At (If Youre Brave Enough) - Opera News Official/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10731 classpost-article post-10731 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T10:28:49-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T10:28:56-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href title“‘Gargoyle” Podcast relbookmark>“‘Gargoyle” Podcast/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 10:28 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 10:28 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> “‘Gargoyle” Podcast (a href title“‘Gargoyle'” Podcast relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Image (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Gargoyle Podcast/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10728 classpost-article post-10728 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T10:25:19-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T10:25:26-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href title“The Grim Reaper” Podcast relbookmark>“The Grim Reaper” Podcast/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 10:25 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 10:25 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> “The Grim Reaper” Podcast (a href title“The Grim Reaper” Podcast relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Image (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>The Grim Reaper Podcast/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10725 classpost-article post-10725 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T10:21:36-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T10:21:42-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href title“The Qilin” Podcast via Parcast relbookmark>“The Qilin” Podcast via Parcast/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 10:21 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 10:21 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> “The Qilin” Podcast via Parcast (a href title“The Qilin” Podcast via Parcast relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> (the link opens in a new tab) Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>The Qilin Podcast via Parcast/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10722 classpost-article post-10722 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T10:18:36-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T10:19:15-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href title‘Medusa’ Podcast via Parcast relbookmark>‘Medusa’ Podcast via Parcast/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 10:18 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 10:19 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> ‘Medusa’ Podcast via Parcast (a href title‘Medusa’ Podcast via Parcast relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> (the link opens in a new tab) Imagep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Medusa Podcast via Parcast/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10719 classpost-article post-10719 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T09:58:55-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T09:59:03-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleKing Arthur pt ii episode podcast relbookmark>King Arthur pt ii episode podcast/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 9:58 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 9:59 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> King Arthur pt ii episode podcast (a href titleKing Arthur pt ii episode podcast relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> image (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>King Arthur pt ii episode podcast/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10714 classpost-article post-10714 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T09:54:51-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T09:54:57-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleKing Arthur pt i episode podcast relbookmark>King Arthur pt i episode podcast/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 9:54 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 9:54 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> King Arthur pt i episode podcast (a href titleKing Arthur pt i episode podcast relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> image (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>King Arthur pt i episode podcast/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10709 classpost-article post-10709 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-06T08:06:45-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-06T08:06:50-05:00>October 6, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleAudible Audiobook of “Frankenstein” relbookmark>Audible Audiobook of “Frankenstein”/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 6, 2024, 8:06 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 6, 2024, 8:06 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Audible Audiobook of “Frankenstein” (a href titleAudible Audiobook of “Frankenstein” relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Listen to Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley on Audible. (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Audible Audiobook of Frankenstein/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10707 classpost-article post-10707 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-05T17:17:04-05:00>October 5, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-05T17:17:11-05:00>October 5, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleShiny $hînx as góod buddy relbookmark>Shiny $hînx as góod buddy/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 5, 2024, 5:17 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 5, 2024, 5:17 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Shiny $hînx as góod buddy (a href titleShiny $hînx as góod buddy relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Shinƴ shïñxp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Shiny $hînx as góod buddy/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10704 classpost-article post-10704 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-05T11:15:33-05:00>October 5, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-05T11:15:38-05:00>October 5, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleShiny Galarian Legendary Birds Confirmed to Not Flee (PokemonGO Hub article) relbookmark>Shiny Galarian Legendary Birds Confirmed to Not Flee (PokemonGO Hub article)/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 5, 2024, 11:15 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 5, 2024, 11:15 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Shiny Galarian Legendary Birds Confirmed to Not Flee (PokemonGO Hub article) (a href titleShiny Galarian Legendary Birds Confirmed to Not Flee (PokemonGO Hub article) relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Shiny Galarian Legendary Birds Confirmed to Not Flee (PokemonGO Hub article)/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10697 classpost-article post-10697 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-04T10:40:15-05:00>October 4, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-04T10:40:57-05:00>October 4, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMaster Ball Research Available relbookmark>Master Ball Research Available/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 4, 2024, 10:40 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 4, 2024, 10:40 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Master Ball Research Available (a href titleMaster Ball Research Available relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width338 height498 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10696 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size338,498 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1728056439758.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Image¹ Image²p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Master Ball Research Available/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10691 classpost-article post-10691 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-04T10:18:43-05:00>October 4, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-04T10:22:57-05:00>October 4, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleHow To Beat Giovanni In Pokémon GO (October 2024) — from screenrant relbookmark>How To Beat Giovanni In Pokémon GO (October 2024) — from screenrant/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 4, 2024, 10:18 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 4, 2024, 10:22 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> How To Beat Giovanni In Pokémon GO (October 2024) — from screenrant (a href titleHow To Beat Giovanni In Pokémon GO (October 2024) — from screenrant relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> (the link opens in a new tab)p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>How To Beat Giovanni In Pokémon GO (October 2024) — from screenrant/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10690 classpost-article post-10690 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-03T08:54:58-05:00>October 3, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCurrent Local Weather relbookmark>Current Local Weather/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 3, 2024, 8:54 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 3, 2024, 8:54 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Current Local Weather (a href titleCurrent Local Weather relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width975 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10689 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size975,1300 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleraindrops on window data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Source: appp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Current Local Weather/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10679 classpost-article post-10679 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-03T00:23:40-05:00>October 3, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-03T00:42:46-05:00>October 3, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMeta Verified relbookmark>Meta Verified/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 3, 2024, 12:23 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 3, 2024, 12:42 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Meta Verified (a href titleMeta Verified relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Meta Verified Entry Heys 🙂 Peoples of mí pages and posts: Please comment on this post or message me if have anything to share about cons...Posted by Kyle Blanchard on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 <iframe src width846 height591 styleborder:none;overflow:hidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowfullscreentrue allowautoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share allowFullScreentrue></iframe> … p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> Meta Verified/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10672 classpost-article post-10672 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-02T02:31:31-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMicrosoft Paint is getting Photoshop-like generative AI fill and erase features relbookmark>Microsoft Paint is getting Photoshop-like generative AI fill and erase features/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 2, 2024, 2:31 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 2, 2024, 2:31 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Microsoft Paint is getting Photoshop-like generative AI fill and erase features (a href titleMicrosoft Paint is getting Photoshop-like generative AI fill and erase features relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Microsoft Paint is getting Photoshop-like generative AI fill and erase features/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10669 classpost-article post-10669 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-02T01:07:17-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-02T01:09:32-05:00>October 2, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleDecoratable, Seasonal Sweets relbookmark>Decoratable, Seasonal Sweets/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 2, 2024, 1:07 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 2, 2024, 1:09 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Decoratable, Seasonal Sweets (a href titleDecoratable, Seasonal Sweets relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width2000 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10671 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size2560,1196 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"1.7","credit":"","camera":"Galaxy S23 Ultra","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1727830988","copyright":"","focal_length":"6.3","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.0083337","title":"","orientation":"1"} data-image-title20241002_010307.jpg data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> (opens in a new tab) Yippee Seasonal Sweetsp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Decoratable, Seasonal Sweets/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10652 classpost-article post-10652 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pokemon-go tag-pokemon-go stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-01T23:22:30-05:00>October 1, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-12-08T12:50:34-06:00>December 8, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titlePokémon GO — GO Wild Area: Global Ticket Infographics relbookmark>Pokémon GO — GO Wild Area: Global Ticket Infographics/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 1, 2024, 11:22 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on December 8, 2024, 12:50 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Pokémon GO — GO Wild Area: Global Ticket Infographics (a href titlePokémon GO — GO Wild Area: Global Ticket Infographics relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width498 height280 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10651 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size498,280 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlewp-1727846662083.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Pokémon GO — GO Wild Area: Global Ticket Infographics Details can be found online at (opens in a new tab) :::: ( (the link opens in a new tab) ) Infographics Infographic ¹ Infographic ² Infographic ³ gif gifp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Pokémon GO — GO Wild Area: Global Ticket Infographics/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10639 classpost-article post-10639 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-pokemon-go-hub tag-pokemon-go-hub stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-01T21:52:49-05:00>October 1, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleFalinks Max Battle Guide relbookmark>Falinks Max Battle Guide/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 1, 2024, 9:52 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 1, 2024, 9:52 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Falinks Max Battle Guide (a href titleFalinks Max Battle Guide relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Falinks Max Battle Guide/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Pokémon GO Hub/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon GO Hub/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10635 classpost-article post-10635 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-01T13:55:13-05:00>October 1, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCheck out “Disney Pixel RPG” relbookmark>Check out “Disney Pixel RPG”/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 1, 2024, 1:55 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 1, 2024, 1:55 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Check out “Disney Pixel RPG” (a href titleCheck out “Disney Pixel RPG” relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Check out Disney Pixel RPG/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10634 classpost-article post-10634 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-10-01T07:43:49-05:00>October 1, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleAnother Created Routé relbookmark>Another Created Routé/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 1, 2024, 7:43 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 1, 2024, 7:43 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Another Created Routé (a href titleAnother Created Routé relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Route submission pending review for approval :: Come join the poƙé-fun! Roūté submissionp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Another Created Routé/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10606 classpost-article post-10606 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-10-01T07:05:37-05:00>October 1, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-10-01T07:05:44-05:00>October 1, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleGeedarnick, Wild Moltres Fled Again relbookmark>Geedarnick, Wild Moltres Fled Again/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on October 1, 2024, 7:05 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on October 1, 2024, 7:05 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Geedarnick, Wild Moltres Fled Again (a href titleGeedarnick, Wild Moltres Fled Again relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> 🙁 ( ´-`) ( ´-`) 😭 — Missed ańother wíld legenɗary bird Journal Entrƴ Wild Mõltrés flééing Imageroll Moltrés, wild Wild Moltŕés Moltréśp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Geedarnick, Wild Moltres Fled Again/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10596 classpost-article post-10596 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pokemon-scatterbug tag-pokemon tag-pokemon-scatterbug stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-30T20:38:25-05:00>September 30, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-30T20:39:37-05:00>September 30, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCatch Card of Scattérɓug relbookmark>Catch Card of Scattérɓug/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 30, 2024, 8:38 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 30, 2024, 8:39 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Catch Card of Scattérɓug (a href titleCatch Card of Scattérɓug relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width771 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10595 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size771,1511 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-09-30-20365700.jpg data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> Scattérbug catch carɗp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Catch Card of Scattérɓug/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>pokémon scatterbug/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>Pokémon/a>, a href reltag>pokémon scatterbug/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10592 classpost-article post-10592 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-30T18:54:46-05:00>September 30, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-30T18:54:51-05:00>September 30, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleApparently there are more than one region of zapdos? relbookmark>Apparently there are more than one region of zapdos?/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 30, 2024, 6:54 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 30, 2024, 6:54 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Apparently there are more than one region of zapdos? (a href titleApparently there are more than one region of zapdos? relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Me first zapdos, the nonyellow one: zapdo$p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Apparently there are more than one region of zapdos?/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10588 classpost-article post-10588 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-30T17:18:13-05:00>September 30, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-30T17:18:20-05:00>September 30, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleCompleted Collection Challenge relbookmark>Completed Collection Challenge/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 30, 2024, 5:18 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 30, 2024, 5:18 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Completed Collection Challenge (a href titleCompleted Collection Challenge relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Complətɛɗ cõllëctîòń chall3e3ɛ3ngép classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Completed Collection Challenge/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10585 classpost-article post-10585 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-09-30T02:21:16-05:00>September 30, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleStay Safe: Pokemon Sword and Shield are leaking | Pokémon GO Hub relbookmark>Stay Safe: Pokemon Sword and Shield are leaking | Pokémon GO Hub/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 30, 2024, 2:21 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 30, 2024, 2:21 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Stay Safe: Pokemon Sword and Shield are leaking | Pokémon GO Hub (a href titleStay Safe: Pokemon Sword and Shield are leaking | Pokémon GO Hub relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Stay Safe: Pokemon Sword and Shield are leaking | Pokémon GO Hub/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10583 classpost-article post-10583 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-09-29T20:36:59-05:00>September 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleThe best free alternatives for pricey software: Adios, Office and Adobe relbookmark>The best free alternatives for pricey software: Adios, Office and Adobe/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 29, 2024, 8:36 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 29, 2024, 8:36 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> The best free alternatives for pricey software: Adios, Office and Adobe (a href titleThe best free alternatives for pricey software: Adios, Office and Adobe relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>The best free alternatives for pricey software: Adios, Office and Adobe/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10582 classpost-article post-10582 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-09-29T20:30:09-05:00>September 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine relbookmark> temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 29, 2024, 8:30 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 29, 2024, 8:30 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine (a href temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10580 classpost-article post-10580 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-09-29T20:28:49-05:00>September 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine relbookmark> temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 29, 2024, 8:28 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 29, 2024, 8:28 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine (a href temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text> temporarily lifts its ban on WP Engine/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10572 classpost-article post-10572 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-29T17:05:58-05:00>September 29, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-29T17:06:20-05:00>September 29, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href title#farsidegallery#bykeylaybruddi2002 relbookmark>#farsidegallery#bykeylaybruddi2002/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 29, 2024, 5:05 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 29, 2024, 5:06 pm by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> #farsidegallery#bykeylaybruddi2002 (a href title#farsidegallery#bykeylaybruddi2002 relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width480 height342 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10571 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size480,342 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-title1727625298437_66541529228261.gif data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> #redwhitebluep classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>#farsidegallery#bykeylaybruddi2002/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10561 classpost-article post-10561 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-dynamax category-necrozma category-scroll tag-dynamax tag-necrozma tag-scroll stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-28T06:32:10-05:00>September 28, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-28T06:34:01-05:00>September 28, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleƝɛcrözMÄ relbookmark>ƝɛcrözMÄ/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 28, 2024, 6:32 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 28, 2024, 6:34 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> ƝɛcrözMÄ (a href titleƝɛcrözMÄ relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width771 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10560 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size771,1511 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-09-28-06264807.jpg data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> p classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>ƝɛcrözMÄ/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>dynamax/a>, a href relcategory tag>necrozma/a>, a href relcategory tag>scroll/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>dynamax/a>, a href reltag>necrozma/a>, a href reltag>scroll/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10557 classpost-article post-10557 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-27T06:43:29-05:00>September 27, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-27T06:43:33-05:00>September 27, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href title‘The Divine Comedy’ via audiobook relbookmark>‘The Divine Comedy’ via audiobook/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 27, 2024, 6:43 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 27, 2024, 6:43 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> ‘The Divine Comedy’ via audiobook (a href title‘The Divine Comedy’ via audiobook relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Listen to The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, Stephen Wyatt on Audible. classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>The Divine Comedy via audiobook/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10555 classpost-article post-10555 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-27T06:34:57-05:00>September 27, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-27T06:35:06-05:00>September 27, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleGrœœƙëÿ relbookmark>Grœœƙëÿ/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 27, 2024, 6:34 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 27, 2024, 6:35 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Grœœƙëÿ (a href titleGrœœƙëÿ relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Grookeyp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Grœœƙëÿ/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10552 classpost-article post-10552 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-udies tag-uies stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-26T03:30:47-05:00>September 26, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-26T03:33:00-05:00>September 26, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleSimply another good ɓúƊɗï põƙé-notificationons relbookmark>Simply another good ɓúƊɗï põƙé-notificationons/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 26, 2024, 3:30 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 26, 2024, 3:33 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Simply another good ɓúƊɗï põƙé-notificationons (a href titleSimply another good ɓúƊɗï põƙé-notificationons relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classpost-thumbnail> a href> img width771 height1200 src classattachment-twentyseventeen-featured-image size-twentyseventeen-featured-image wp-post-image alt decodingasync loadinglazy sizes(max-width: 767px) 89vw, (max-width: 1000px) 54vw, (max-width: 1071px) 543px, 580px data-attachment-id10551 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size771,1511 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleIMG_2024-09-26-03222228.jpg data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file /> /a> /div>!-- .post-thumbnail --> div classentry-content> excerpt follows asp classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Simply another good ɓúƊɗï põƙé-notificationons/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>ɓûɗdiés/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: Tags: a href reltag>ɓûɗƊÏèś/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10521 classpost-article post-10521 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-09-25T09:03:35-05:00>September 25, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleiHeart 104.1 relbookmark>iHeart 104.1/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 25, 2024, 9:03 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 25, 2024, 9:03 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> iHeart 104.1 (a href titleiHeart 104.1 relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>iHeart 104.1/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10482 classpost-article post-10482 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2024-09-22T02:40:51-05:00>September 22, 2024/time>time classupdated datetime2024-09-22T02:40:57-05:00>September 22, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleMotion Picture Soundtrack with Vehicles relbookmark>Motion Picture Soundtrack with Vehicles/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 22, 2024, 2:40 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 22, 2024, 2:40 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Motion Picture Soundtrack with Vehicles (a href titleMotion Picture Soundtrack with Vehicles relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> Give this album a listen: Gone In 60 Seconds - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Motion Picture Soundtrack with Vehicles/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src> /span> /p> p aligncenter>span classgo-back-to-the-top>a href# title↑ Click to go back to the top ↑>!-- -->span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2>/span>↑ Go back to the top ↑/a>/span> /p> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-postmetadata --> /div>!-- .kyle-footer-metacontent --> /article>!-- #post-## -->br/>hr stylewidth:80%>!-- horizontal line separator -->!-- @link | @link | @link -->!-- @link -->article idpost-10470 classpost-article post-10470 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized stylebackground-color:#fff;/*#f1f1f1*/padding:1em;>!-- Add more classes (found in post/content.php), where in this case I added post-article to the default entry code of post_class(); | from the post_class ( post_class(); ) code reference on | --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2024-09-22T01:01:25-05:00>September 22, 2024/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h2 classentry-title>a href titleThe Psychic Spectacular Event returns in Pokémon GO! relbookmark>The Psychic Spectacular Event returns in Pokémon GO!/a>/h2> div classthe_modified_time> !-- @uri --> p> span classkyle-entry-metacontent-author> a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>img classkylecblanchard-author-image altAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard) styleheight:80px;width:80px;vertical-align:text-bottom; src>/a> !-- | Code Reference | do_shortcode do_shortcode() and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortcode) and echo do_shortcode(name_of_shortocde) | @link -->!-- --> img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-50 photo height50 width50 loadinglazy decodingasync/> !-- @link -->!-- @link | | | | | --> /span>!-- .kyle-entry-metacontent-author --> !-- --> span>img src altPosted on width20 height20 titlePosted on> Posted on September 22, 2024, 1:01 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>span>img src altModified on width20 height20 titleModified on> Modified on September 22, 2024, 1:01 am by a href titleAuthor Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)>Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard)/a>./span> /p> p>!-- --> !-- Used as Link With Title Tag Creates a link for the permalink, with the post’s title as the link text. This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> The Psychic Spectacular Event returns in Pokémon GO! 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This is a common way to put the post’s title. --> span classpermalink-header>span classdashicons dashicons-wordpress>/span> img src altPermalink width20 height20 titleBookmark this link to get back to this entry — The Bookmarks link, or permanent link is called its Permalink url> Permalink/permanent link — !-- --> Discover updates to Daily Adventure Incense during the Galarian Expedition event! – Pokémon GO (a href titleDiscover updates to Daily Adventure Incense during the Galarian Expedition event! – Pokémon GO relbookmark>>)/span> /p> /div> !-- .the_modified_time --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> classlink-more>a href classmore-link>Continue readingspan classscreen-reader-text>Discover updates to Daily Adventure Incense during the Galarian Expedition event! – Pokémon GO/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classkyle-footer-metacontent> div classkyle-footer-postmetadata stylepadding:1em;> p classpostmetadata-categories> span>img src altCategories width20 height20 titleCategories> Categories: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> !-- -->/span>/p> p classpostmetadata-tags> span>img src altTags width20 height20 titleTags> Tags: !-- -->/span>/p> p> span>img src altComments width20 height20 titleComments> Comments: !-- -->a href>This post has no comments yet, however, you can leave a comment. →/a>/span>/p> p aligncenter> span> img altKyle Christopher Blanchard title© Kyle Christopher Blanchard styleheight:100px;vertical-align:text-bottom; 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0.295q0.643-0.089 1.33-0.125t1.313-0.036 1.232 0.027 1.143 0.071 1.009 0.098 0.857 0.116 0.652 0.107 0.446 0.080zM27.429 16q0 3.732-1.839 6.884t-4.991 4.991-6.884 1.839-6.884-1.839-4.991-4.991-1.839-6.884 1.839-6.884 4.991-4.991 6.884-1.839 6.884 1.839 4.991 4.991 1.839 6.884z>/path>/symbol>symbol idicon-skype viewBox0 0 27 32>path classpath1 dM20.946 18.982q0-0.893-0.348-1.634t-0.866-1.223-1.304-0.875-1.473-0.607-1.563-0.411l-1.857-0.429q-0.536-0.125-0.786-0.188t-0.625-0.205-0.536-0.286-0.295-0.375-0.134-0.536q0-1.375 2.571-1.375 0.768 0 1.375 0.214t0.964 0.509 0.679 0.598 0.714 0.518 0.857 0.214q0.839 0 1.348-0.571t0.509-1.375q0-0.982-1-1.777t-2.536-1.205-3.25-0.411q-1.214 0-2.357 0.277t-2.134 0.839-1.589 1.554-0.598 2.295q0 1.089 0.339 1.902t1 1.348 1.429 0.866 1.839 0.58l2.607 0.643q1.607 0.393 2 0.643 0.571 0.357 0.571 1.071 0 0.696-0.714 1.152t-1.875 0.455q-0.911 0-1.634-0.286t-1.161-0.688-0.813-0.804-0.821-0.688-0.964-0.286q-0.893 0-1.348 0.536t-0.455 1.339q0 1.643 2.179 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0.161-0.75 0.929 0 0.357 0.241 0.616t0.634 0.259q0.089 0 0.661-0.143 2.357-0.482 4.339-0.482 4.036 0 7.089 1.839 0.339 0.196 0.589 0.196 0.339 0 0.589-0.241t0.25-0.616zM21.839 17.768q0-0.714-0.625-1.089-4.232-2.518-9.786-2.518-2.732 0-5.411 0.75-0.857 0.232-0.857 1.143 0 0.446 0.313 0.759t0.759 0.313q0.125 0 0.661-0.143 2.179-0.589 4.482-0.589 4.982 0 8.714 2.214 0.429 0.232 0.679 0.232 0.446 0 0.759-0.313t0.313-0.759zM23.768 13.339q0-0.839-0.714-1.25-2.25-1.304-5.232-1.973t-6.125-0.67q-3.643 0-6.5 0.839-0.411 0.125-0.688 0.455t-0.277 0.866q0 0.554 0.366 0.929t0.92 0.375q0.196 0 0.714-0.143 2.375-0.661 5.482-0.661 2.839 0 5.527 0.607t4.527 1.696q0.375 0.214 0.714 0.214 0.518 0 0.902-0.366t0.384-0.92zM27.429 16q0 3.732-1.839 6.884t-4.991 4.991-6.884 1.839-6.884-1.839-4.991-4.991-1.839-6.884 1.839-6.884 4.991-4.991 6.884-1.839 6.884 1.839 4.991 4.991 1.839 6.884z>/path>/symbol>symbol idicon-soundcloud viewBox0 0 41 32>path classpath1 dM14 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