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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: awselb/2.0Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 07:22:56 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 134Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>/body>/html>
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We pour every drop of our expertise into compact audio speaker solutions to give you a one-of-a-kind sound experience for every application. This has been K-array\u2019s mission for over 30 years.,lookbook_1:Browse through our lookbook, featuring a meticulously curated selection of our projects from around the world. Discover how K-array technology has made a significant impact in various applications.,lookbook_kscape:Discover a new series of application specific brochures that provide comprehensive references on how AV designers, integrators, consultants and end-users can configure sound by room type using a combination of K-array, KGEAR and KSCAPE solutions. The guides cover audio visual sound in a range of applications such as Hospitality and Leisure, Corporate, Government and Residential, Yachting.,lookbook_2:The versatility and distinctive design of our line array technology are evident in a wide range of applications, including Marine, Hospitality, Museums, Retail, Live Concerts, Theatres, and more.,projects:Latest},light:{audio_and_light:Audio & Light},general:{discover_all:DISCOVER OUR SOUND SYSTEMS AND SPEAKER PRODUCTS,whether_live:Whether You Are A Live Sound Pro,whether_arch:Or Looking For Installed Solutions,whe_live_title:Whether You Are,whe_live_sub:A LIVEbr>SOUND PRO,whe_arch_title:OR LOOKING FOR,whe_arch_sub:INSTALLEDbr>SOLUTIONS,inspiring_title:INSPIRING YOUR,inspiring_sub:NEXT PROJECT,range_application:Range Of Applications,our_partnership:ALLIANCE PARTNERS,preferred_appli:Preferred Customer Applications,title_project:Project and Applications,discovery_title:Discover Familys Products},menu:{products:Products,applications:Applications,backstage:Backstage,k-academy:K-Academy,about_us:About Us,contact:Contact,case_studies:Case Studies,news:Articles,discontinued:Discontinued Products,contacts:Contacts,product:Product,projects:Projects,resources:Resources,brands:Brands,distributors:Distributors & Partners,logo_karray:Innovative and compact, K-ARRAY audio solutions seamlessly transform prestigious spaces worldwide, delivering premium, custom-tailored sound experiences.,logo_kgear:KGEAR delivers high-quality, competitive traditional audio solutions, guaranteeing exceptional performance for everyday applications.,logo_kscape:KSCAPE merges audio and lighting in sleek designs, streamlining immersive, architectural sound and light experiences.},reserved-area:{reserved-area:Reserved Area,profile:Profile,dashboard:Dashboard,settings:Settings,logout:Logout,privacy_settings:Privacy Settings,download:Download Documents,download_area:Download Area,communication:Communication,profiling:Profiling,social_profile:Social Profiles,welcome:Welcome in your reserved area,download_tab:In this section you can easily find and download all the manuals and product files of our catalog. Use our search engine and immediately find the product you are interested in!,table_type:Type,table_filename:Filename,table_products:Product,table_action:Actions,download_btn:Download,loading:Loading data...,reset:Reset Filter,tipo_filter:{manuali:Manuals,disegni2d:2D Design,disegni3d:3D Design,firmware:Firmware,easeData:Ease Data,documenti:Documents,applicativi:Software,dataSheet:Datasheet,bim:Bim,certificazioni:Certifications}},accessories:{related:Related accessories,title:Accessories,description:Customize your system setup with dedicated accessories},software:{title:Software},products:{overview:Overview,features:Features,specification:Specifications,downloads:Downloads,accessories:Accessories,backstage:Case Studies,select_color:Select Color,share:Share,related_title:Compatible products,related_sub:Find out with which other products you can use :product,discontinued_title:Discontinued Products,discontinued_sub:In this page you can find our discontinued products.,call_family:Learn more about span classtext-white kfont>:family\/span> line!,call_family_kgear:Learn more about span classtext-white>b>:family\/b>\/span> line!,become_installer:Do you want to become our installer?,contact_us:Contact K-ARRAY,are_you_professional:Are you a professional and need consulting and support?,load_more:Load More},contact:{title:Be part of the solution!,subtitle:Get in touch with us. Lets become friends,technical_ass:Receive technical assistance,concact_sales:Contact a salesperson,distributors_net:Official Global Contacts,distributors_sub:Whether your enquiry is related to sales, marketing or technical the K-array family extends all over the world and is ready to support you. Find one of our official partners in your area.,form_title:Leave you message here,form_subtitle:You will be contacted as soon as possible,are_categories:Are you in these professional categories?,categories_text:ul>li>System Integrator\/li>li>Installer\/li>li>Rental Company\/li>li>Designer\/li>\/ul>,be_part:Be part of the solution,join:Join our network of certified pros to be listed within our partner,technical_support:Technical Support,technical_sub:Whether you need to fix your products, design an audio project, or looking for more information, K-array\u2019s specialist team is always ready to give support.,headqoarters_peo:Headquarters & People,headquarters_sub:Discover our management team from our main office in Italy, USA and China,apply:Apply,want_request:I need something b class\fw-bold\>repaired\/b>,looking_for:I\u2019m looking for b class\fw-bold\>spare parts\/b>,need_information:I need b class\fw-bold\>technical information\/b>,need_project:I need b class\fw-bold\>project support\/b>,form:{first_name:First Name,last_name:Last Name,email:Email,phone:Phone,write:Get In Touch,org_name:Organization Name,org_type:Organization Type,country:Country,message:Message,send:Send your message,enter_your:Enter Your,select:Select,serial_number:Serial Number,country_select:Choose your country,no_contact:No contacts found for the selected country,contact_type:Contact Type,msg_sent:The message was successfully forwarded to,auth_com:I agree to receive optional informations, newsletters and communications from K-Array,auth_mark:div class\d-flex align-items-center\>div class\pe-2\>I agree to the privacy policy\/div>a href\https:\/\/\/privacy-policy\/12933600\ class\no-brand iubenda-embed\ title\Privacy Policy\>Privacy Policy\/a>\/div>,product_ranges:Product range offered}},distributors:{title:Distribution & Partners,subtitle:Official Global Distribution & Partners},footer:{recent_post:Recent Posts,visit_brand:Visit all our brands,outlet:Outlet,go_to_outlet:K-array Outlet},users:{no_activate_title:Attention!,no_activate_sub:Problems with user activation, please try again,reset_title:Reset Password,reset_sub:Enter the new password,sign-up:Want to be a part of the K-family?,sign-up-text:Sign up for unlimited access to our innovative technology and our team of product specialists. Here you can download an abundance of product information, browse and retrieve our digital catalog, communicate with our technical experts and open service tickets for easy online maintenance. Register now!,update_title:Congratulation,update_sub:User updated,register:Register,update:Update,form:{first_name:First Name,last_name:Last Name,email:Email,phone:Phone,write:Get In Touch,serial_number:Serial Number,org_name:Organization Name,org_type:Organization Type,country:Country,city:City,message:Message,send:Send your message,enter_your:Enter Your,sector:Sector,select:Select,position:Position\/Role,password_confirm:Confirm Password,password_length:The password must include uppercase and lowercase letters numbers and symbols (#?!@$%^&*-,). Minimum length 8 characters,auth_com:I agree to receive optional informations, newsletters and communications from K-Array,auth_mark:div class\d-flex align-items-center\>div class\pe-2\>I agree to the privacy policy\/div>a href\https:\/\/\/privacy-policy\/12933600\ class\no-brand iubenda-embed\ title\Privacy Policy\>Privacy Policy\/a>\/div>,newsletter_livepro:Subscribe to Live Pro Newsletter,newsletter_architectural:Subscribe to Installed Newsletter,request_installer_account:Request an installer account,request_installer_account_description:Gain exclusive access to our cloud control area to manage your installed amplifier online. Your application will be reviewed by our commercial and technical team to ensure all qualifications are met.}},kacademy:{read_more:Read More,close:Close,register_now:Register Now,attention:Attention!,alert_text:To access this resource you need to login,events_title:Events,videos_title:Videos,text:The K-academy is an educational program composed of workshops, seminars and courses which cover every aspect of the audio experience and are dedicated to sound engineers, system integrators, architects, DJs, students and anyone interested in elevating their sound awareness.},spareparts:{title:Spare parts,subtitle:This is the official K-array online store for replacement spare parts where you can order genuine components such as cone drivers, amp models, original chassis and pins.,search_product:Search By Product,search_codice:Search By Code,buy_part:Order it,search:Search,reset:Reset,order_string:Request order for spare part with code},resources:{installation_guides:Installation Guides,tecnical_documents:Technical Documents,brochures:Brochures}}},json:},es:{php:{front:{user_login:Inicio de sesi\u00f3n de usuario,loign:Acceso,username:Nombre de usuario,password:Password,email_address:Direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico,project:Proyectos y Novedades,portfolio:Portafolio,related_project:Proyecto relacionado,products_used:Productos utilizados,contact_title:Contacto,distributors_text:Distribuidoras,openwebsite:Visita la p\u00e1gina web,download_catalog:Descargar Cat\u00e1logo,subwoofer:Subwoofer,amplifiers:Amplificadores,electronics:Electr\u00f3nica,home:{first_title:DAMOS ESPACIO br> TU ESPACIO,first_text:Soluciones Slim. La tecnolog\u00eda K-array siempre supera los l\u00edmites. br>El desaf\u00edo es reducir el tama\u00f1o de los altavoces, mientras se crea una experiencia de sonido envolvente.,projects:\u00daltimas noticias,lookbook_1:Eche un vistazo a nuestro cat\u00e1logo, que incluye una cuidada selecci\u00f3n de nuestros proyectos en todo el mundo. Descubra c\u00f3mo la tecnolog\u00eda K-array ha tenido un impacto significativo en diversas aplicaciones.,lookbook_2:La versatilidad y el dise\u00f1o distintivo de nuestra tecnolog\u00eda line array son apreciables en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, como la marina, la hosteler\u00eda, los museos, el comercio minorista, los conciertos en directo, los teatros, etc.},light:{audio_and_light:Sonido y Luz},general:{discover_all:Descubre Todo Tipo De Productos,whether_live:Si Usted Esta Viva Sonido Pro,whether_arch:O Buscando Arquitectonico Soluciones,whe_live_title:SI TU ERES,whe_live_sub:UNbr>LIVE SOUND PRO,whe_arch_title:O SI BUSCAS,whe_arch_sub:SOLUCI\u00d3NESbr>ARQUITECTONICAS,inspiring_title:INSPIRANDO SU,inspiring_sub:PR\u00d3XIMO PROYECTO,range_application:Gama de aplicaciones,our_partnership:Nuestra asociaci\u00f3n,preferred_appli:Aplicaciones de Clientes Preferidos,title_project:Proyecto y Aplicaciones,discovery_title:Descubre los productos de la familia},menu:{products:Productos,applications:Aplicaciones,backstage:Entre bastidores,k-academy:K-Academy,about_us:Sobre nosotros,contact:Contacto,discontinued:Productos Descontinuados,case_studies:Case Studies,news:Art\u00edculos,contacts:Contactos,product:Producto,projects:Proyectos,resources:Recursos,brands:Marcas,distributors:Distributores y Socios,logo_karray:K-ARRAY: Transforma espacios prestigiosos en escenarios sonoros exclusivos gracias a soluciones de audio compactas y innovadoras.,logo_kgear:KGEAR: La calidad y la competitividad se unen en soluci\u00f3nes de audio tradicionales para obtener un rendimiento audio excepcional en cualquier contexto.,logo_kscape:KSCAPE: Crea experiencias inmersivas uniendo sonido y luz en un equilibrio arquitect\u00f3nico perfecto.},reserved-area:{reserved-area:\u00c1rea reservada,profile:Perfil,settings:Ajustes,dashboard:Tablero de mandos,logout:Cerrar sesi\u00f3n,privacy_settings:La configuraci\u00f3n de privacidad,download:Descargar documentos,download_area:Descargar \u00c1rea,communication:Comunicaci\u00f3n,profiling:Perfilado,social_profile:Perfiles Sociales,welcome:Bienvenidos en su \u00e1rea reservada,download_tab:En esta secci\u00f3n puede encontrar y descargar f\u00e1cilmente todos los manuales y archivos de producto de nuestro cat\u00e1logo. \u00a1Utilice nuestro motor de b\u00fasqueda y encuentre inmediatamente el producto que le interesa!,table_type:Tipolog\u00eda,table_filename:Nombre del archivo,table_products:Producto,table_action:Acci\u00f3n,download_btn:Descargar,loading:Cargando datos...,reset:Restablecer filtro,tipo_filter:{manuali:Manuales,disegni2d:Dise\u00f1o 2D,disegni3d:Dise\u00f1o 3D,firmware:Firmware,easeData:Ease Data,documenti:Documentos,applicativi:Software,dataSheet:Datasheet,bim:Bim,certificazioni:Certificaciones}},software:{title:Software},accessories:{related:Accesorios relacionados,title:Accesorios,description:Personalice la configuraci\u00f3n de su sistema con accesorios dedicados},products:{overview:Vista general,features:Caracter\u00edsticas,specifications:Especificaci\u00f3nes,downloads:Descargar,accessories:Accesorios,backstage:Case Studies,select_color:Seleccionar el color,share:Cuota,related_title:Productos compatibles,related_sub:Descubra con qu\u00e9 otros productos puede utilizar :product,discontinued_title:Discontinuados Productos,discontinued_sub:En esta p\u00e1gina usted puede encontrar productos discontinuados.,call_family:\u00a1Aprende m\u00e1s sobre la l\u00ednea de span classtext-white kfont>:family\/span>!,become_installer:\u00bfQuieres ser nuestro instalador?,contact_us:Contacta K-ARRAY,are_you_professional:Are you a professional and need consulting and support?,load_more:Cargar m\u00e1s},contact:{title:Se parte de la solucion!,subtitle:P\u00f3ngase en contacto con nosotros. Seamos amigos,technical_ass:Reciba asistencia t\u00e9cnica,concact_sales:P\u00f3ngase en contacto con un vendedor,distributors_net:Nuestra red de distribuidores,distributors_sub:Ya sea que su consulta est\u00e9 relacionada con ventas, marketing o t\u00e9cnica, la familia K-array se extiende por todo el mundo y est\u00e1 lista para ayudarlo. Encuentre uno de nuestros socios oficiales en su \u00e1rea.,form_title:Deja Tu Mensaje Aqu\u00ec,form_subtitle:Ser\u00e1s contactado lo antes posible,are_categories:\u00bfEst\u00e1 usted en estas categor\u00edas profesionales?,categories_text:ul>li>Integrador de sistemas\/li>li>Instalador\/li>li>Empresa de alquiler\/li>li>Dise\u00f1ador\/li>\/ul>,be_part:Se parte de la solucion,join:\u00danase a nuestra red de profesionales certificados para ser incluido en nuestro socio,apply:Aplicar,technical_support:Apoyo t\u00e9cnico,technical_sub:Ya sea que necesite reparar sus productos, dise\u00f1ar un proyecto de audio o buscar m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, el equipo de especialistas de K-array siempre est\u00e1 listo para brindarle asistencia.,headqoarters_peo:Sedes y Personas,headquarters_sub:Descubra nuestro equipo directivo desde nuestra oficina principal en Italia, EE. UU. y China,want_request:Quiero pedir una b class\fw-bold\>reparacion\/b>,looking_for:Estoy buscando b class\fw-bold\>repuestos\/b>,need_information:Necesito b class\fw-bold\>informacion tecnica\/b>,need_project:Necesito b class\fw-bold\>proyecto de apoyo\/b>,form:{first_name:Primer nombre,last_name:Apellido,email:Email,phone:Tel\u00e9fono,serial_number:N\u00famero de serie,org_name:Nombre de la Organizaci\u00f3n,org_type:Tipo de organizaci\u00f3n,country:Pa\u00eds,write:Escribe un mensaje,message:Mensaje,send:Env\u00ede su mensaje,enter_your:Entra tu,select:Seleccione,country_select:Selecciona tu pais,no_contact:No se encontraron contactos para el pa\u00eds seleccionado,contact_type:Tipo de Contacto,msg_sent:El mensaje fue reenviado con \u00e9xito a,auth_com:Acepto recibir informaci\u00f3n opcional, boletines y comunicaciones de K-Array,auth_mark:div class\d-flex align-items-center\>div class\pe-2\>Acepto la \/div>a href\https:\/\/\/privacy-policy\/78181687\ class\no-brand iubenda-embed\ title\Privacy Policy\>Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad\/a>\/div>,product_ranges:Gamas de productos}},distributors:{title:Distribuidores y socios,subtitle:Distribuidores global oficiales y socios},footer:{recent_post:Mensajes recientes,visit_brand:Visita todas nuestras marcas,outlet:Outlet,go_to_outlet:K-array Outlet},users:{no_activate_title:Precauci\u00f3n!,no_activate_sub:Problemas con la activaci\u00f3n del usuario, int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo,reset_title:Restablecer la contrase\u00f1a,reset_sub:Ingrese la nueva contrase\u00f1a,sign-up:Quiere ser parte de la K-family?,sign-up-text:Reg\u00edstrese para obtener acceso ilimitado a nuestra tecnolog\u00eda innovadora y nuestro equipo de especialistas en productos. Aqu\u00ed puede descargar una gran cantidad de informaci\u00f3n de productos, navegar y recuperar nuestro cat\u00e1logo digital, comunicarse con nuestros expertos t\u00e9cnicos y abrir tickets de servicio para un f\u00e1cil mantenimiento en l\u00ednea. \u00a1Reg\u00edstrate ahora!,update_title:Enhorabuena,update_sub:Usuario actualizado,register:Registrarse,update:Actualizar,form:{first_name:Primer nombre,last_name:Apellido,email:Email,phone:Tel\u00e9fono,serial_number:N\u00famero de serie,write:Escribe un mensaje,org_name:Nombre de la Organizaci\u00f3n,org_type:Tipo de organizaci\u00f3n,country:Pa\u00eds,city:Ciudad,message:Mensaje,send:Env\u00ede su mensaje,enter_your:Entra tu,sector:Sector,select:Seleccione,position:Posici\u00f3n\/Rol,password_confirm:Confirmar contrase\u00f1a,password_length:La contrase\u00f1a debe incluir letras may\u00fasculas y min\u00fasculas n\u00fameros y s\u00edmbolos (#?!@$%^&*-,),auth_com:Acepto recibir informaci\u00f3n opcional, boletines y comunicaciones de K-Array,auth_mark:div class\d-flex align-items-center\>div class\pe-2\>Acepto la \/div>a href\https:\/\/\/privacy-policy\/78181687\ class\no-brand iubenda-embed\ title\Privacy Policy\>Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad\/a>\/div>,newsletter_livepro:Suscr\u00edbete al bolet\u00edn Live Pro,newsletter_architectural:Suscr\u00edbete al Newsletter de Arquitectura,request_installer_account:Solicite los Privilegios de Instalador,request_installer_account_description:Obtenga acceso exclusivo a nuestra \u00e1rea de control en nuestro cloud dedicado para gestionar su amplificador instalado en l\u00ednea. Su solicitud ser\u00e1 revisada por nuestro equipo comercial y t\u00e9cnico para asegurar que se cumplan todos los requisitos.}},kacademy:{read_more:Lee mas,close:Cerca,register_now:Reg\u00edstrate ahora,attention:Atenci\u00f3n!,alert_text:Para acceder a este recurso necesita iniciar sesi\u00f3n,events_title:Eventos,videos_title:Videos,text:La K-academy es un programa educativo compuesto por talleres, seminarios y cursos que cubren todos los aspectos de la experiencia de audio y est\u00e1n dedicados a ingenieros de sonido, integradores de sistemas, arquitectos, DJ, estudiantes y cualquier persona interesada en elevar su conocimiento del sonido.},spareparts:{title:Piezas de repuesto,subtitle:Esta es la tienda en l\u00ednea oficial de K-array para repuestos donde puede pedir componentes originales como controladores de cono, modelos de amplificadores, chasis y pines originales.,search_product:Buscar por producto,search_codice:Buscar por c\u00f3digo,buy_part:Ordenalo,search:Buscar,reset:Reiniciar,order_string:Solicitar pedido de repuesto con c\u00f3digo},resources:{installation_guides:Gu\u00edas de instalaci\u00f3n,tecnical_documents:Documentos t\u00e9cnicos,brochures:Folletos}}},json:}}; /script> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->script async src>/script>script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-15922553-7, { anonymize_ip: true });/script> !-- Google Tag Manager -->script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){wlwl||;wl.push({gtm.start: new Date().getTime(),event:gtm.js});var fd.getElementsByTagName(s)0, jd.createElement(s),dll!dataLayer?&l+l:;j.asynctrue;j.src;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,script,dataLayer,GTM-NLKC8SL);/script> !-- End Google Tag Manager -->/head>body classstretched> !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->noscript>iframe src height0 width0 styledisplay:none;visibility:hidden>/iframe>/noscript> 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K-ARRAY /a> a href classtext-dark d-none d-md-block text-uppercase fw-bold> Contact K-ARRAY /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-6 py-2 py-md-4 my-md-4> div classd-flex justify-content-center> a href classtext-white d-md-none> Distributors & Partners /a> a href classtext-dark d-none d-md-block text-uppercase fw-bold> Distributors & Partners /a> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classmenu-item mega-menu mega-menu-full> a classmenu-link href#>div>Brands/div>/a> div classmega-menu-content mega-menu-style-2 p-0> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow p-0 sub-menu-container> div classcol-12 p-0 product-menu menu-item> div classd-flex flex-column flex-md-row text-center justify-content-center mt-4 mb-4 container> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 px-5 my-3> a href classp-3 text-center> picture> source media(min-width: 996px) srcset> img src width100% stylemargin-left: -14px> /picture> /a> p classd-flex d-lg-none text-white mt-3 text-left>Innovative and compact, K-ARRAY audio solutions seamlessly transform prestigious spaces worldwide, delivering premium, custom-tailored sound experiences./p> p classd-none d-lg-flex text-dark mt-3 text-left>Innovative and compact, K-ARRAY audio solutions seamlessly transform prestigious spaces worldwide, delivering premium, custom-tailored sound experiences./p> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 px-5 my-3> a href classp-3> picture> source media(min-width: 996px) srcset> img src width100% stylemargin-left: -14px> /picture> /a> p classd-flex d-lg-none text-white mt-3 text-left>KGEAR delivers high-quality, competitive traditional audio solutions, guaranteeing exceptional performance for everyday applications./p> p classd-none d-lg-flex text-dark mt-3 text-left>KGEAR delivers high-quality, competitive traditional audio solutions, guaranteeing exceptional performance for everyday applications./p> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 px-5 my-3> a href classp-3> picture> source media(min-width: 996px) srcset> img src width100% stylemargin-left: -14px> /picture> /a> p classd-flex d-lg-none text-white mt-3 text-left>KSCAPE merges audio and lighting in sleek designs, streamlining immersive, architectural sound and light experiences./p> p classd-none d-lg-flex text-dark mt-3 text-left>KSCAPE merges audio and lighting in sleek designs, streamlining immersive, architectural sound and light experiences./p> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /nav>!-- #primary-menu end --> div classtop-search-form position-fixed vw-100> search-component :routes {"post":"https:\/\/\/en\/post","products":"https:\/\/\/en\/product","application":"https:\/\/\/en\/application","family":"https:\/\/\/en\/products\/line","accessory":"https:\/\/\/en\/accessory"} >/search-component> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classheader-wrap-clone>/div>/header>!-- #header end --> kscape-home-lottie>/kscape-home-lottie> section idcontent> news-component postlink>/news-component> section idcontent> div classcontainer-fluid p-sm-5 stylebackground-color:hsl(0, 0%, 100%);>div classrow pt-5 px-5 pb-0>div classcol-md-6 p-0 p-sm-5>p classp1 styleline-height:1; lineheight1>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:30px;>VISUALLY DISCREET/span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>span stylecolor:hsl(0,0%,30%);font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>For architectural reasons, a visually discreet audio system is essential, thats why we combined it with a high quality lighting system to give more options to your design requirements./span>/p>/div>div classcol-md-6 p-0 p-sm-5 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>p classp1 styleline-height:1; lineheight1 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:30px;>DYNAMIC PRO AUDIO/span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>span stylecolor:hsl(0,0%,30%);font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>RAIL and RAIL S include high performance audio technology from K-array to create a truly unique professional sound performance ready for most applications./span>/p>/div>/div>div classrow pt-0 px-5 pb-5>div classcol-md-6 p-0 p-sm-5 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>p classp1 styleline-height:1; lineheight1 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:30px;>SIMPLE INSTALLATION/span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>span stylecolor:hsl(0,0%,30%);font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>KSCAPEs catalog can be installed in a variety of ways including recessed, suspended and more. With just one device to provide audio and light, installing RAIL or RAIL S is simple and saves time./span>/p>/div>div classcol-md-6 p-0 p-sm-5>p classp1 styleline-height:1; lineheight1 fontcolorhsl(0, 0%, 30%)>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:30px;>CONTROL YOUR WAY/span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4>span stylecolor:hsl(0,0%,30%);font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>KSCAPEs products are both Casambi ready, DALI ready or can be operated simply with the 24/48V on off. Paired also with K-arrays software and amplifiers, you have a ready to go eco-system at your fingertips./span>/p>/div>/div>/div> div classcontainer-fluid p-4 p-sm-5 stylebackground-color:hsl(0, 0%, 0%);>div classrow p-sm-5>div classcol-md-6 p-sm-5>figure classimage>img src>/figure>p styleline-height:1; lineheight1> /p>p styleline-height:1; lineheight1>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:30px;>RAIL/span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4>span stylecolor:hsl(0,0%,100%);font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>RAIL is a 1.2-meter line of warm, homogeneous linear architectural light with integrated professional audio that can adapt to a variety of challenges architects and designers face thanks to multiple combinations to cover a wide range of applications./span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4>a href>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>> Download The Brochure/span> /a>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4>a href/en/products/line/rail>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>> Find Out More/span> /a>/p>/div>div classcol-md-6 p-sm-5>figure classimage>img src>/figure>p styleline-height:1; lineheight1> /p>p styleline-height:1; lineheight1>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:30px;>RAIL S/span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4>span stylecolor:hsl(0,0%,100%);font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>KSCAPEs latest innovation that seamlessly blends light and professional sound powered by K-array. Unveiling initially as a versatile track system, RAIL S combines an architectural lighting system with integrated projectors with superior audio—all within a sleek design that respects the architects vision./span>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4>a href>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>> Download The Brochure/span>/a>/p>p classp1 styleline-height:1.4; lineheight1.4>a href/en/products/line/rail-s>span stylecolor:#009DB6;font-size:17px;font-weight:100;>> Find Out More/span>/a>/p>/div>/div>/div> /section> div classcontent-wrap pt-0 pb-0> section idslider classslider-element swiper_wrapper height-embed-video> div classswiper-container swiper-parent> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div classcontainer> div classslider-caption d-none d-sm-flex stylemax-width: inherit !important> h3 stylefont-size:4em classfw-light lh-1 text-white data-animatefadeInUp>/h3> /div> div classslider-caption d-sm-none stylemax-width: inherit !important> h3 stylefont-size:4em classfw-light lh-1 text-white data-animatefadeInUp>/h3> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide-bg stylebackground-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(36, 36, 36, 0.452) 0%, rgba(65, 65, 77, 0.329) 61%, rgba(0,212,255,0) 100%), url(;>/div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classcontainer> div classslider-caption d-none d-sm-flex stylemax-width: inherit !important> h3 stylefont-size:4em classfw-light lh-1 text-white data-animatefadeInUp>/h3> /div> div classslider-caption d-sm-none stylemax-width: inherit !important> h3 stylefont-size:4em classfw-light lh-1 text-white data-animatefadeInUp>/h3> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide-bg stylebackground-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(36, 36, 36, 0.452) 0%, rgba(65, 65, 77, 0.329) 61%, rgba(0,212,255,0) 100%), url(;>/div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classcontainer> div classslider-caption d-none d-sm-flex stylemax-width: inherit !important> h3 stylefont-size:4em classfw-light lh-1 text-white data-animatefadeInUp>/h3> /div> div classslider-caption d-sm-none stylemax-width: inherit !important> h3 stylefont-size:4em classfw-light lh-1 text-white data-animatefadeInUp>/h3> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide-bg stylebackground-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(36, 36, 36, 0.452) 0%, rgba(65, 65, 77, 0.329) 61%, rgba(0,212,255,0) 100%), url(;>/div> /div> /div> div classslider-arrow-left>i classicon-angle-left>/i>/div> div classslider-arrow-right>i classicon-angle-right>/i>/div> /div>/section>/div> div classcontent-wrap pb-4 bg-light> div classcontainer clearfix data-aosfade-up classaos-init aos-animate> div classrow> div classcol-12 text-center> div classfs-3 fw-bold>INSPIRING YOUR span classfw-light>NEXT PROJECT/span>/div> /div> /div> div classrow justify-content-md-center mt-5> div classcol-12 col-md-8> Discover a new series of application specific brochures that provide comprehensive references on how AV designers, integrators, consultants and end-users can configure sound by room type using a combination of K-array, KGEAR and KSCAPE solutions. The guides cover audio visual sound in a range of applications such as Hospitality and Leisure, Corporate, Government and Residential, Yachting. /div> /div> div classrow justify-content-md-center> div classcol-12 col-md-4> div classw-100 mb-5 mt-5 portfolio-single-image> iframe allowfullscreen allowfullscreen styleborder:none;width:100%;height:626px; src//>/iframe> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-4> div classw-100 mb-5 mt-5 portfolio-single-image> iframe allowfullscreen allowfullscreen styleborder:none;width:100%;height:626px; src//>/iframe> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-4> div classw-100 mb-5 mt-5 portfolio-single-image> iframe allowfullscreen allowfullscreen styleborder:none;width:100%;height:626px; src//>/iframe> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcontent-wrap mb-4 data-aosfade-up classaos-init aos-animate> div classcontainer applications-list clearfix first-section> div classrow> div classcol-12 text-center> h4 classfs-4 text-uppercase>Range Of Applications/h4> /div> /div> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-12 col-md-3 pt-4> div classd-flex flex-row pl-2 pl-sm-0> div stylefont-size: 2em classtext-dark d-flex justify-content-center mr-2 kicon-a16>/div> div stylemargin-left: 10px classd-flex justify-content-center>a classtext-dark pt-1 href>Museum and Ehibitions/a>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-3 pt-4> div classd-flex flex-row pl-2 pl-sm-0> div stylefont-size: 2em classtext-dark d-flex justify-content-center mr-2 kicon-a18>/div> div stylemargin-left: 10px classd-flex justify-content-center>a classtext-dark pt-1 href>Residential/a>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-3 pt-4> div classd-flex flex-row pl-2 pl-sm-0> div stylefont-size: 2em classtext-dark d-flex justify-content-center mr-2 kicon-a13>/div> div stylemargin-left: 10px classd-flex justify-content-center>a classtext-dark pt-1 href>Common Spaces/a>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-3 pt-4> div classd-flex flex-row pl-2 pl-sm-0> div stylefont-size: 2em classtext-dark d-flex justify-content-center mr-2 kicon-a17>/div> div stylemargin-left: 10px classd-flex justify-content-center>a classtext-dark pt-1 href>Corporate, Education and Government/a>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-3 pt-4> div classd-flex flex-row pl-2 pl-sm-0> div stylefont-size: 2em classtext-dark d-flex justify-content-center mr-2 kicon-a4>/div> div stylemargin-left: 10px classd-flex justify-content-center>a classtext-dark pt-1 href>Hospitality/a>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-3 pt-4> div classd-flex flex-row pl-2 pl-sm-0> div stylefont-size: 2em classtext-dark d-flex justify-content-center mr-2 kicon-a3>/div> div stylemargin-left: 10px classd-flex justify-content-center>a classtext-dark pt-1 href>Retail/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcontent-wrap bg-light> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-12 text-center> h4 classfs-4 text-uppercase>ALLIANCE PARTNERS/h4> /div> div classcol-12> div idoc-clients-full classowl-carousel image-carousel carousel-widget data-margin30 data-navfalse data-loopfalse data-autoplay50000 data-pagifalse data-items-xs2 data-items-sm3 data-items-md4 data-items-lg5 data-items-xl6 > a href#modal_0 data-lightboxinline>img width191 height150 src altClients loadinglazy>/a> a href#modal_1 data-lightboxinline>img width191 height150 src altClients loadinglazy>/a> a href#modal_2 data-lightboxinline>img width191 height150 src altClients loadinglazy>/a> a href#modal_3 data-lightboxinline>img width191 height150 src altClients loadinglazy>/a> a href#modal_4 data-lightboxinline>img width191 height150 src altClients loadinglazy>/a> a href#modal_5 data-lightboxinline>img width191 height150 src altClients loadinglazy>/a> a href#modal_6 data-lightboxinline>img width191 height150 src altClients loadinglazy>/a> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmfp-hide idmodal_0> div classblock mx-auto stylebackground-color: #F9F9F9; max-width: 500px;> div classfeature-box fbox-effect fbox-lg border-bottom-0 mb-0 stylepadding: 40px; padding-bottom: 0px !important> K-ARRAY is a member of the Q-SYS Technology Partner Program with a “Certified” integration.The Q-sys Technology Partner Program with K-array is a dynamic collaboration between two industry leaders in advanced AV systems. Q-sys is a software-based AV platform that delivers powerful audio, video, and control processing for a wide range of applications. K-array, on the other hand, is a leading manufacturer of high-performance, ultra-compact audio solutions.Together, Q-sys and K-array are dedicated to providing cutting-edge audio solutions for advanced AV systems. K-arrays innovative audio solutions provide exceptional sound performance and clarity, all while maintaining a sleek and unobtrusive design. With products ranging from in-ceiling speakers to subwoofers and amplifiers, K-arrays technology seamlessly integrates with Q-sys AV systems for a fully integrated audio experience.As a Q-sys technology partner, K-array offers an extensive range of products that have been specifically designed to work with Q-sys AV systems. This ensures that customers can enjoy the full benefits of Q-sys technology, while also benefiting from K-arrays cutting-edge audio solutions.Whether youre a systems integrator, consultant, or end-user, the Q-sys Technology Partner Program with K-array can deliver the exceptional audio performance and integration you need. Explore our partnership and discover how were revolutionizing the way we experience audio in advanced AV applications with world-class audio technology. br/> a href target_blank classm-0 mt-3>Visit Website/a> /div> div classsection center m-0 stylepadding: 20px;> a href# classbutton onClick$.magnificPopup.close();return false;>Close/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmfp-hide idmodal_1> div classblock mx-auto stylebackground-color: #F9F9F9; max-width: 500px;> div classfeature-box fbox-effect fbox-lg border-bottom-0 mb-0 stylepadding: 40px; padding-bottom: 0px !important> The darc awards is a unique concept utilising arc and darc magazines’ reputation as being the most widely read and respected lighting design publications in the world. br/> a href target_blank classm-0 mt-3>Visit Website/a> /div> div classsection center m-0 stylepadding: 20px;> a href# classbutton onClick$.magnificPopup.close();return false;>Close/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmfp-hide idmodal_2> div classblock mx-auto stylebackground-color: #F9F9F9; max-width: 500px;> div classfeature-box fbox-effect fbox-lg border-bottom-0 mb-0 stylepadding: 40px; padding-bottom: 0px !important> The K-array and Avixa partnership is a powerful collaboration between two industry leaders in the pro-AV space. Avixa, the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, is a global trade association representing the professional audiovisual and information communications industries. K-array, on the other hand, is a leading manufacturer of high-performance, ultra-compact audio solutions.Together, K-array and Avixa are dedicated to elevating the audio experience in the pro-AV industry. With Avixas expertise in audiovisual technology and K-arrays innovative audio solutions, this partnership offers unparalleled audio technology solutions for a wide range of applications.K-arrays cutting-edge audio solutions provide exceptional performance and clarity, all while maintaining a sleek and unobtrusive design. With products ranging from loudspeakers to subwoofers and amplifiers, K-arrays technology is versatile enough to fit any application, from corporate events to live concerts.Whether youre designing a conference room, a performance space, or a live event, the K-array and Avixa partnership can deliver the exceptional audio performance and design you need. Explore our partnership and discover how were transforming the pro-AV industry with world-class audio technology. br/> a href target_blank classm-0 mt-3>Visit Website/a> /div> div classsection center m-0 stylepadding: 20px;> a href# classbutton onClick$.magnificPopup.close();return false;>Close/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmfp-hide idmodal_3> div classblock mx-auto stylebackground-color: #F9F9F9; max-width: 500px;> div classfeature-box fbox-effect fbox-lg border-bottom-0 mb-0 stylepadding: 40px; padding-bottom: 0px !important> The K-array and CEDIA partnership is a dynamic collaboration between two industry leaders in the home technology space. CEDIA, the Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association, is a global trade association representing home technology professionals. K-array, on the other hand, is a leading manufacturer of high-performance, ultra-compact audio solutions.Together, K-array and CEDIA are dedicated to transforming the home audio experience. K-arrays cutting-edge audio solutions provide exceptional sound performance and clarity, all while maintaining a sleek and unobtrusive design. With products ranging from in-ceiling speakers to subwoofers and amplifiers, K-arrays technology is versatile enough to fit any home audio application, from home theaters to multi-room audio systems.CEDIAs expertise in the home technology industry ensures that K-arrays technology is optimized for the unique needs of home technology professionals. With a deep understanding of home automation, smart home technology, and home entertainment systems, CEDIA provides invaluable insight into the latest trends and technologies.Whether youre a home technology professional, interior designer, or homeowner, the K-array and CEDIA partnership can deliver the exceptional audio performance and design you need. Explore our partnership and discover how were revolutionizing the way we experience home audio with world-class audio technology. br/> a href target_blank classm-0 mt-3>Visit Website/a> /div> div classsection center m-0 stylepadding: 20px;> a href# classbutton onClick$.magnificPopup.close();return false;>Close/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmfp-hide idmodal_4> div classblock mx-auto stylebackground-color: #F9F9F9; max-width: 500px;> div classfeature-box fbox-effect fbox-lg border-bottom-0 mb-0 stylepadding: 40px; padding-bottom: 0px !important> Medelhan is the community where leading architects, designers, manufacturers, and investors coming from the five continents meet to expand their business. Through highly targeted meetings and dedicated events Medelhan offers an exclusive format to the industry market-makers. Breaking the boundaries between on-line and off-line, Medelhan merges the best of the digital world with top global in-person events specifically designed for the community members. With its 300+ members, Medelhan originates from established relationships and relies on their trust which is constantly enriched thanks to dedicated content and services. The strength of its team is the belief that strategic innovation can lead to the growth of every business. br/> a href target_blank classm-0 mt-3>Visit Website/a> /div> div classsection center m-0 stylepadding: 20px;> a href# classbutton onClick$.magnificPopup.close();return false;>Close/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmfp-hide idmodal_5> div classblock mx-auto stylebackground-color: #F9F9F9; max-width: 500px;> div classfeature-box fbox-effect fbox-lg border-bottom-0 mb-0 stylepadding: 40px; padding-bottom: 0px !important> K-arrays partnership with Archiproduct brings cutting-edge audio technology to the world of architecture and design. With K-arrays innovative audio solutions and Archiproducts expertise in the design industry, this partnership delivers seamless integration of high-quality sound into architectural and interior design projects. Explore our partnership section to learn more about how K-array and Archiproduct are redefining the way we experience sound in the built environment. br/> a href target_blank classm-0 mt-3>Visit Website/a> /div> div classsection center m-0 stylepadding: 20px;> a href# classbutton onClick$.magnificPopup.close();return false;>Close/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classmfp-hide idmodal_6> div classblock mx-auto stylebackground-color: #F9F9F9; max-width: 500px;> div classfeature-box fbox-effect fbox-lg border-bottom-0 mb-0 stylepadding: 40px; padding-bottom: 0px !important> The K-array and MuDeTo partnership is a groundbreaking collaboration between two leaders in the design and art space. MuDeTo, the Museo del Design Toscano, is a museum dedicated to promoting design and culture in Tuscany. K-array, on the other hand, is a leading manufacturer of high-performance, ultra-compact audio solutions.Together, K-array and MuDeTo are dedicated to enhancing the design and art experience through innovative audio technology. K-arrays cutting-edge audio solutions provide exceptional sound performance and clarity, all while maintaining a sleek and unobtrusive design. With products ranging from compact loudspeakers to subwoofers and amplifiers, K-arrays technology is versatile enough to fit any design and art application, from museums to exhibitions.MuDeTos dedication to design and culture ensures that K-arrays technology is optimized for the unique needs of design and art enthusiasts. With a deep understanding of the importance of sound in the world of design and art, MuDeTo provides invaluable insight into the latest trends and technologies.Whether youre a designer, artist, or design and art enthusiast, the K-array and MuDeTo partnership can deliver the exceptional audio performance and design you need. Explore our partnership and discover how were redefining the way we experience design and art with world-class audio technology. br/> a href target_blank classm-0 mt-3>Visit Website/a> /div> div classsection center m-0 stylepadding: 20px;> a href# classbutton onClick$.magnificPopup.close();return false;>Close/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcontent-wrap container idbackstage> div classrow data-aosfade-up> div classcol-12 text-center> h4 classfs-4 text-uppercase>Latest/h4> /div> div classcol-lg-4 mb-4> div classflip-card text-center m-3> div classflip-card-front dark lazyimg data-src> div classflip-card-inner> div classcard bg-transparent border-0 text-center> div classcard-body> i classicon-line2-camera h1>/i> h3 classcard-title>AV Group Headquarters/h3> p classcard-text fw-normal>Boardrooms and Conference Rooms/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflip-card-back bg-dark no-after> div classflip-card-inner> p classmb-2 text-white>AV Group, a leading provider in the audio-visual industry and K-array official distributor in Brazil, sought to create a.../p> a typebutton href classbtn btn-outline-light mt-2>View Details/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 mb-4> div classflip-card text-center m-3> div classflip-card-front dark lazyimg data-src> div classflip-card-inner> div classcard bg-transparent border-0 text-center> div classcard-body> i classicon-line2-camera h1>/i> h3 classcard-title>KSCAPE'S LESSONS - UGR/h3> p classcard-text fw-normal>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflip-card-back bg-dark no-after> div classflip-card-inner> p classmb-2 text-white>Welcome to our exclusive lessons on light and audio with KSCAPE. In a world where lighting and sound play a crucial role.../p> a typebutton href classbtn btn-outline-light mt-2>View Details/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 mb-4> div classflip-card text-center m-3> div classflip-card-front dark lazyimg data-src> div classflip-card-inner> div classcard bg-transparent border-0 text-center> div classcard-body> i classicon-line2-camera h1>/i> h3 classcard-title>KSCAPE: Application-Focused Webinars for AV Integrators/h3> p classcard-text fw-normal>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflip-card-back bg-dark no-after> div classflip-card-inner> p classmb-2 text-white>At KSCAPE, we’re not just about creating speakers with lights—we’re about creating experiences. This September, we’re br.../p> a typebutton href classbtn btn-outline-light mt-2>View Details/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> /div> /div> footer idfooter classdark mt-0> div classcontainer-fluid px-4 px-sm-5> div classfooter-widgets-wrap pb-5> div classrow justify-content-md-center col-mb-50> div classcol-lg-8> div classrow col-mb-50> div classcol-md-3> div classwidget clearfix> img src width126 height40 altImage classfooter-logo loadinglazy> div classlazyimg data-src stylebackground-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: 100%;> address> strong>Headquarters:/strong>br> Via P. Romagnoli 17 - 50038br> Scarperia e San Pierobr> Firenze - Italybr> P.IVA/VAT/CF 06206990480br> /address> abbr titlePhone Number>strong>Phone:/strong>/abbr> +39 055-8487222br> abbr titleEmail Address>strong>Email:/strong>/abbr> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classwidget widget_links clearfix> h4 classtext-uppercase>Contacts/h4> ul> li>a href>Distributors/a>/li> li>a href>Receive technical assistance/a>/li> li>a href>Spare parts/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classwidget widget_links clearfix> h4 classtext-uppercase>Reserved Area/h4> ul> li>a href>Login/a>/li> li>a href>Sign Up/a>/li> li>a href>Download Area/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classwidget clearfix> h4>Recent Posts/h4> div classposts-sm row col-mb-30 idpost-list-footer> div classentry col-12> div classgrid-inner row> div classcol> div classentry-title> h4>a href>AV Group Headquarters/a>/h4> /div> div classentry-meta> ul> li>07/11/2024/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classentry col-12> div classgrid-inner row> div classcol> div classentry-title> h4>a href>KSCAPES LESSONS - UGR/a>/h4> /div> div classentry-meta> ul> li>08/08/2024/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classentry col-12> div classgrid-inner row> div classcol> div classentry-title> h4>a href>KSCAPE: Application-Focused Webinars for AV Integrators/a>/h4> /div> div classentry-meta> ul> li>05/08/2024/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> a href target_blank> img src/images/simbolo-riciclo.png width30px classmt-4> /a> a href target_blank> div classd-flex justify-content-center justify-content-md-start mt-4> div classalign-self-center> img src/images/whistle-blowing.png width45px stylemargin-right: 10px> /div> div classpl-4 align-self-center>Whistleblowing/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- .footer-widgets-wrap end --> div classrow> div classcol-12 text-center> div classd-flex justify-content-center> div classtext-uppercase stylefont-size: 0.7em> Visit all our brands /div>/div>div classd-flex justify-content-center mb-5 mt-3> div classpx-3> a href target_blank> img width100px src> /a> /div> div classpx-3> a href target_blank> img width100px src> /a> /div> div classpx-3> a href target_blank> img width100px src> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Copyrights --> div idcopyrights> div classcontainer> div classrow col-mb-30> div classcol-md-4 text-center text-md-start> Copyrights © 2020 All Rights Reserved by K-array Surlbr> div classcopyright-links>a href classiubenda-white no-brand iubenda-noiframe iubenda-embed iubenda-noiframe titleCookie Policy >Cookie Policy/a>script typetext/javascript>(function (w,d) {var loader function () {var s d.createElement(script), tag d.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.src; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener(load, loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent(onload, loader);}else{w.onload loader;}})(window, document);/script> / a href classiubenda-white no-brand iubenda-noiframe iubenda-embed iubenda-noiframe titlePrivacy Policy >Privacy Policy/a>script typetext/javascript>(function (w,d) {var loader function () {var s d.createElement(script), tag d.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.src; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener(load, loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent(onload, loader);}else{w.onload loader;}})(window, document);/script> /div> /div> div classcol-md-5 col-12 d-flex justify-content-center> img widthauto src> /div> div classcol-md-3 text-center text-md-end> div classd-flex justify-content-center justify-content-md-end> a href target_new classsocial-icon si-small si-borderless si-facebook> i classicon-facebook>/i> i classicon-facebook>/i> /a> a href target_new classsocial-icon si-small si-borderless si-twitter> i classicon-twitter>/i> i classicon-twitter>/i> /a> a href target_new classsocial-icon si-small si-borderless si-youtube> i classicon-youtube>/i> i classicon-youtube>/i> /a> a href target_new classsocial-icon si-small si-borderless si-instagram> i classicon-instagram>/i> i classicon-instagram>/i> /a> a href target_new classsocial-icon si-small si-borderless si-linkedin> i classicon-linkedin>/i> i classicon-linkedin>/i> /a> /div> div classclear>/div> Powered by a classtext-light href target_blank>Mow S.r.l./a> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- #copyrights end -->/footer> !-- Go To Top --> div idgotoTop classicon-angle-up>/div> !-- JavaScripts --> script src/js/app.js?id596471c93b36a38934b2>/script> script src/js/front.js?id44e448bbfabfffbefe4e>/script> link asstyle relstylesheet preload prefetch href/css/font-icons.min.css typetext/css crossoriginanonymous /> link asstyle relstylesheet preload prefetch href/css/k-icons.min.css?idb390dd7796c4ab4ed2ff typetext/css crossoriginanonymous /> link asstyle relstylesheet preload prefetch href/css/front.css?id32b970d67d24224ec21b typetext/css crossoriginanonymous /> /body>/html>
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