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opacity: 1; data-450transform:translate3d(0px, 20px, 0px); opacity: 0;> !-- SVG elements for button --> svg width42px height42px viewBox0 0 42 42 version1.1 xmlns xmlns:xlink> g fillnone stroke#FFFFFF transformtranslate(-8.000000, -8.000000)> !-- fixed circle --> circle opacity0.5 cx29 cy29 r20>/circle> !-- Circle - animating with hover --> path classanimating dM29,49 C40.045695,49 49,40.045695 49,29 C49,17.954305 40.045695,9 29,9 C17.954305,9 9,17.954305 9,29 C9,40.045695 17.954305,49 29,49 Z transformtranslate(29.000000, 29.000000) rotate(180.000000) translate(-29.000000, -29.000000) >/path> !-- Pause lines --> rect classplaying opacity0.5 x24.6 y20.7 width1 height16 rx0.5>/rect> rect classplaying opacity0.5 x31.6 y20.7 width1 height16 rx0.5>/rect> !-- Play triangle --> polyline classpaused fill#fff strokenone opacity0.5 points25 22 34.3019094 29.4082224 25 36.8035437>/polyline> /g> /svg> !-- End SVG elements for button --> /div> !-- End Audio --> /div> !-- End Play-pause button -->/section>!-- End Home -->!-- Start About Section -->section idabout classabout text-center bg_black> !-- Section Inner --> div classsection-inner container stylemargin-bottom: -3rem !important> !-- Section Subtitle --> h6 classsection-subtitle> About /h6> !-- Section Title --> h2 classsection-title font-secondary font-secondary> KOJO ANTWI, THE MUSIC MAESTRO /h2> p classsection-desc color_white idabout_text> 24th Night with Kojo Antwi is a culture and tourism niche on the calendar of Ghana carved over years by Ghana’s favourite Son Mr Music Man. Using his melodious music and unique appeal to bring together residents and visitors from all over the world for a fascinating and memorable cultural experience in Ghana, he shines the spotlight on other fine talents too. Reggie Rockstone, Nana Quame, Samini, Nana Yaa, BukBak, Kontihene, Wutah, Kwaw Kesse, Efya, Becca, King Promise, Fameye, Krymi, Sefa and many more have performed with great delight, and speak highly of the platform. /p>br> a href classnav-button home-button2 bg-colored bg-colored1-hover ml-2 text-center>Read More/a> /div> !-- End Section Inner -->/section>!-- End About Section -->!-- Start Pricing Tables Section -->section idprices classprices bg_black > !-- Section Inner --> div classsection-inner container> !-- Section Subtitle --> h6 classsection-subtitle> Our Ticket Packages /h6> !-- Section Title --> h2 classsection-title font-secondary> We have uniquely crafted ticket packages for everyone. /h2> !-- Section Description --> p classsection-desc> /p> !-- Prices Wrapper --> div classprices-wrapper idprices> !-- Row for packages --> div classrow> !-- Package --> div classpackage active col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-12 animated data-animationfadeIn data-animation-delay100> !-- Package Wrapper 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Unit and billing --> div classprice-right font-secondary> span classcurrency-unit mb-auto mt-auto>GH¢/span> /div> !-- Price --> span classprice-package font-secondary> 1,000 /span> /div> !-- Calculate detail for yearly --> !-- Package Title --> span classpackage-title font-secondary>Business Class/span> !-- Package List --> ul classpackage-list> li>i classti-star>/i>Exclusive Pre-Event Reception from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm/li> li>i classti-star>/i> Enjoy Assorted Drinks/li> li>i classti-star>/i> Mouthwatering Canape/li> li>br>/li> li>br>/li> /ul> !-- Package Button --> a href classpackage-button>Buy Now/a> /div> !-- End Package Wrapper --> /div> !-- End Package --> !-- Package --> div classpackage active col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-12 animated data-animationfadeIn data-animation-delay300> !-- Package Wrapper --> div classpackage-wrapper> !-- Top details --> div classtop-details> !-- Unit and billing --> div classprice-right font-secondary> span classcurrency-unit mb-auto mt-auto>GH¢/span> /div> !-- Price --> span classprice-package font-secondary> 400 /span> /div> !-- Calculate detail for yearly --> !-- Package Title --> span classpackage-title font-secondary>Club Class/span> !-- Package List --> ul classpackage-list > li>i classti-star>/i>Seating of choice on Upper Decks/li> li>i classti-star>/i>Front rows for early arrivals/li> li>br>/li> li>br>/li> li>br>/li> li>br>/li> /ul> !-- Package Button --> a href classpackage-button>Buy Now/a> /div> !-- End Package Wrapper --> /div> !-- End Package --> !-- Package --> div classpackage active col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-12 animated data-animationfadeIn data-animation-delay400> !-- Package Wrapper --> div classpackage-wrapper> !-- Top details --> div classtop-details> !-- Unit and billing --> div classprice-right font-secondary> span classcurrency-unit mb-auto mt-auto>GH¢/span> /div> !-- Price --> span classprice-package font-secondary> XX.00 /span> /div> !-- Calculate detail for yearly --> !-- Package Title --> span classpackage-title font-secondary>PLATINUM EXCLUSIVE /span> !-- Package List --> ul classpackage-list > li>i classti-star>/i>Table of 6/li> li>i classti-star>/i>Stage Front/li> li>i classti-star>/i>Sumptuous Food Platter /li> li>i classti-star>/i>Champagne, Wine & Exotic Drinks br> br> /li> li> +233 245085016/li> /ul> !-- Package Button --> a href classpackage-button>Call Now/a> /div> !-- End Package Wrapper --> /div> !-- End Package --> /div> !-- End Row for packages --> /div> !-- End Prices Wrapper --> /div> !-- End Section Inner -->/section>!-- End Pricing Tables Section -->!-- Start Gallery Section -->section idgallery classaddress bg_black stylemargin-top:8em !important;> div classsection-inner container> !-- Section Title --> h2 classsection-title font-secondary stylemargin-bottom: 2rem !important> Gallery /h2> div classgallery gallery_top idgallery > div classgallery-item> div classcontent>img srcassets/images/gallery/01.jpg alt>/div> /div> div classgallery-item> div classcontent>img 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