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classmagazine-slider has-pagination woo-slideshow stylemax-height:315px;>ul classslides stylemax-height:315px;>li idslide-542 classslide slide-number-1 style>a href titleKate’s TRT Showreel>img src altKate presenting the weekly Beyond the Game sport show width623 titleKate’s TRT Showreel classwoo-image />/a>div classcontent>h2 classtitle>a href titleKate’s TRT Showreel>Kate’s TRT Showreel/a>/h2>div classexcerpt>p>Sports news presenting in 2023-24/p>/div>/div>/li>li idslide-491 classslide slide-number-2 stylewidth: 623px; display:none;>a href titleShowreel 2018-19>img src altKate presenting the news from the RT studio in Moscow width623 titleShowreel 2018-19 classwoo-image />/a>div classcontent>h2 classtitle>a href titleShowreel 2018-19>Showreel 2018-19/a>/h2>div classexcerpt>p>Presenting and reporting on news and sport/p>/div>/div>/li>li idslide-517 classslide slide-number-3 stylewidth: 623px; display:none;>a href titleRT Sport 2009-14>img src altKate presenting the SpoRT Show width623 titleRT Sport 2009-14 classwoo-image />/a>div classcontent>h2 classtitle>a href titleRT Sport 2009-14>RT Sport 2009-14/a>/h2>div classexcerpt>p>Presenting and reporting on RT Sport/p>/div>/div>/li>/ul>!-- /.slides -->/div>div classpagination-wrap slider-pagination>ol classflex-control-nav flex-control-paging>li>a>1/a>/li>li>a>2/a>/li>li>a>3/a>/li>/ol>/div>div classfix>/div>div classfix>/div>article classpost-529 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tv>a href titleBrexit and Election Nights>img src altKate and Bill Dod present the news on the nights that the UK left the EU and Boris Johnson’s Conservative party won a clear majority width150 height150 titleBrexit and Election Nights classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleBrexit and Election Nights>Brexit and Election Nights/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2022-01-24T17:16:52+0000>January 24, 2022/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in TV>TV/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>Kate and Bill Dod present the news on the nights that the UK left the EU and Boris Johnson’s Conservative party won a clear majority/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classfix>/div> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post -->article classpost-389 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-thebeautifulgame>a href titleCan the Lions and Bears be World Cup Tigers?>img src altTop Draw: Russia, England and the 30 other finalists found out their group opponents for the World Cup width150 height150 titleCan the Lions and Bears be World Cup Tigers? classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleCan the Lions and Bears be World Cup Tigers?>Can the Lions and Bears be World Cup Tigers?/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2018-02-08T09:50:13+0000>February 8, 2018/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in The Beautiful Game>The Beautiful Game/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>Could England, with their Premier League stars and talented youth, or hosts Russia, with their semi-final target, cause an upset at the 2018 World Cup?/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classfix>/div> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> div classblock> article classpost-368 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-radio>a href titleTalkSPORT News & Sport Bulletin>img src alttalkSPORT A width100 height100 titleTalkSPORT News & Sport Bulletin classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleTalkSPORT News & Sport Bulletin>TalkSPORT News & Sport Bulletin/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2016-03-17T23:04:19+0000>March 17, 2016/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Radio>Radio/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>Kate reads the news and sport at talkSPORT, recorded at 0900 on Saturday 21st November 2015, during the Weekend Sports Breakfast/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block--> div classblock last> article classpost-384 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-radio>a href titleA Familiar Voice on the Offside Rule Podcast>img src altCAP TOR II 22.11.13 width100 height100 titleA Familiar Voice on the Offside Rule Podcast classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleA Familiar Voice on the Offside Rule Podcast>A Familiar Voice on the Offside Rule Podcast/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2016-03-17T23:04:08+0000>March 17, 2016/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Radio>Radio/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>Kate joins Lynsey Hooper and Kait Borsay to discuss football’s best love-ins, the latest top four predictions, and inspirational team talks in Episode 27 of The Offside Rule Podcast/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block-->div classfix>/div> div classblock> article classpost-382 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-online>a href titleEuropean Football: That’s Why We’re Champions>img src altPhoto©John Cassidy The Headshot Guy® 07768 401009 width100 height100 titleEuropean Football: That’s Why We’re Champions classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleEuropean Football: That’s Why We’re Champions>European Football: That’s Why We’re Champions/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2016-03-17T22:56:08+0000>March 17, 2016/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Online>Online/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>With Barcelona and Sevilla in the ascendancy after part one of Europe’s semi-finals, Kate’s eleventh Offside Rule Euro Bites blog looks at the enduring power of a champion’s mentality/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block--> div classblock last> article classpost-379 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-online>a href titleThe Reign Again of Spain in European Football>img src altPhoto©John Cassidy The Headshot Guy® 07768 401009 width100 height100 titleThe Reign Again of Spain in European Football classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleThe Reign Again of Spain in European Football>The Reign Again of Spain in European Football/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2016-03-17T22:32:50+0000>March 17, 2016/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Online>Online/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>It’s advantage Iberia after the first leg of the European quarter-finals and a shock bad week for Germany’s all stars, in Kate’s tenth Offside Rule Euro Bites blog/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block-->div classfix>/div> div classblock> article classpost-360 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-online>a href titleEuropean Football: Money Doesn’t Always Buy Happiness>img src altPhoto©John Cassidy The Headshot Guy® 07768 401009 width100 height100 titleEuropean Football: Money Doesn’t Always Buy Happiness classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleEuropean Football: Money Doesn’t Always Buy Happiness>European Football: Money Doesn’t Always Buy Happiness/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2015-04-05T15:07:30+0000>April 5, 2015/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Online>Online/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>After Everton’s defeat in Kiev, England have failed to produce a European football quarter-finalist for the first time since 1993. Kate asks if a strong domestic league means continental weakness, in her ninth Offside Rule Euro Bites blog/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block--> div classblock last> article classpost-358 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-online>a href titleEuropean Football: The Profit-Versus-Prestige Ratio>img src altPhoto©John Cassidy The Headshot Guy® 07768 401009 width100 height100 titleEuropean Football: The Profit-Versus-Prestige Ratio classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleEuropean Football: The Profit-Versus-Prestige Ratio>European Football: The Profit-Versus-Prestige Ratio/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2015-04-05T14:49:49+0000>April 5, 2015/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Online>Online/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>After a disappointing week for all but one of the UK’s teams in European football, and a mixed domestic weekend, Kate’s eighth Offside Rule Euro Bites blog asks: is it all worth it?/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block-->div classfix>/div> div classblock> article classpost-356 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-online>a href titleEuropean Football: The Europa Has Bite>img src altPhoto©John Cassidy The Headshot Guy® 07768 401009 width100 height100 titleEuropean Football: The Europa Has Bite classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleEuropean Football: The Europa Has Bite>European Football: The Europa Has Bite/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2015-04-05T14:38:42+0000>April 5, 2015/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Online>Online/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>Kate champions the second-tier tournament in her seventh Offside Rule Euro Bites blog, after a mixed opening week in European football’s knock-out stages/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block--> div classblock last> article classpost-352 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-radio>a href titleThe Ins and the Outs: European Football Week Six>img src altCAP TOR II 22.11.13 width100 height100 titleThe Ins and the Outs: European Football Week Six classwoo-image thumbnail alignleft />/a> header> h2 classtitle>a href relbookmark titleThe Ins and the Outs: European Football Week Six>The Ins and the Outs: European Football Week Six/a>/h2> /header>div classpost-meta>span classsmall>By/span> span classauthor vcard>span classfn>a href titlePosts by Kate Partridge relauthor>Kate Partridge/a>/span>/span> span classsmall>on/span> abbr classdate time published title2015-04-04T23:50:13+0000>April 4, 2015/abbr> span classsmall>in/span> span classcategories>a href titleView all items in Radio>Radio/a>/span> /div> section classentry> p>The draw for the knock-out stage is the focus after Week Six in Europe. Six Brits are in the pots along with Europe’s grandees and new stars but without some headline casualties, as Kate discusses in the Offside Rule Euro Review Show/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classpost-more> span classread-more>a href titleContinue Reading>Continue Reading/a>/span> /div>/article>!-- /.post --> /div>!--/.block-->div classfix>/div>div classpagination woo-pagination>span aria-currentpage classpage-numbers current>1/span>a classpage-numbers href>2/a>span classpage-numbers dots>…/span>a classpage-numbers href>6/a>a classnext page-numbers href>Next →/a>/div> /section>!-- /#main --> aside idsidebar>div idwoo_blogauthorinfo-2 classwidget widget_woo_blogauthorinfo>h3>Kate – The Original KP/h3>span classleft>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-128 photo height128 width128 />/span>p>Kate is a sports presenter, journalist and wellbeing coach. She has worked at the Daily Mail, ITV, ITN and talkSPORT. She is also a qualified personal trainer and produces the Reverse Time Machine lifestyle website/p>p>a href>Read More/a>/p>div classfix>/div>/div>div idwoo_search-2 classwidget widget_woo_search>h3>Search/h3>div classsearch_main> form methodget classsearchform action > input typetext classfield s names valueSearch... onfocusif (this.value Search...) {this.value ;} onblurif (this.value ) {this.value Search...;} /> button typesubmit classicon-search submit namesubmit value>/button> /form> div classfix>/div>/div>/div>div idwoo_subscribe-2 classwidget widget_woo_subscribe> aside idconnect> h3>Subscribe / Connect/h3> div > p>Why not check out a few of my social profiles?/p> div classsocial> a href classsubscribe titleRSS>/a> a target_blank href classtwitter titleTwitter>/a> a target_blank href classfacebook titleFacebook>/a> a target_blank href classyoutube titleYouTube>/a> a target_blank href classlinkedin titleLinkedIn>/a> /div> /div>!-- col-left --> div classfix>/div> /aside> /div>div idtext-5 classwidget widget_text> div classtextwidget> a classtwitter-timeline href data-widget-id672882587644379137>Tweets by @KatePartridge33/a> script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjsd.getElementsByTagName(s)0,p/^http:/.test(d.location)?http:https;if(!d.getElementById(id)){jsd.createElement(s);js.idid;js.srcp+://;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,script,twitter-wjs);/script> /div> /div>/aside>!-- /#sidebar --> /div>!-- /#main-sidebar-container --> /div>!-- /#content --> footer idfooter classcol-full> div idcopyright classcol-left> p>© 2025 Kate Partridge. 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