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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 09 Aug 2023 16:31:51 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingX-Cache-Status: MISSX-Cache-Key: http://www. !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> title> Berger dAnatolie, Kangal, Karabash - tous chiens de protection de troupeaux ?.::/title> META http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> META NAMEtitle CONTENTBerger dAnatolie, Kangal, Karabash - tous chiens de protection de troupeaux ?> META NAMEdescription CONTENTKarabash depuis toujours, Kangal depuis 30 ans, Berger dAnatolie si vous le voulez. Son identit�, son travail, son milieu, son histoire, ses origines> META NAMEkeywords CONTENTprotection, troupeaux, karabash, karabas, kangal, anatolie, berger danatolie, lof, pedigree, chiens, coban kopegi, koyun kopegi, kopek, chien de berger, akbas, kars, turquie, asie centrale, pastoralisme, loups, predateurs, ours, lynx, chiens errants, steppes, suru, koyun surusu, koyun, koyunculuk, koyuncu> META NAMEauthor CONTENTSelim Derbent> META NAMEReply-to> META NAMEcontent-langage CONTENTfr> META NAMErobots CONTENTindex,follow,all> META NAMErevisit-after CONTENT15 days> META NAMEindentifier-URL CONTENT> link relicon typeimage/png href/images/Bozay12.png> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/monstyle.css typetext/css> /head> body stylebackground-image:url(images/stripes.png)> table classcellule aligncenter border2 width1158> colgroup> col width250/> col width790/> col width60/> /colgroup> tbody stylebackground-color:#D3D3D3> !--DEBUT BANDEAU--> div idBandeau_haut;> h1>/h1> tr classcellule> td colspan3 classcellule aligncenter> !--a href>-->a hrefindex.php?page50> img srcimages/INDEX/Sans_titre15.png altbandeau_haut titleRetours à la page daccueil> /a> /td> /tr>/div> !--FIN BANDEAU--> tr> !-- DEBUT MENU GAUCHE RUBRIQUES --> !--div idMenu_Gauche;>--> td rowspan2 valigntop alignleft width250 stylebackground-color:#d3d3d3> BR> !--FONT COLOR #394b5c SIZ
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 09 Aug 2023 16:31:52 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingX-Cache-Status: MISSX-Cache-Key: https://www !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> title> Berger dAnatolie, Kangal, Karabash - tous chiens de protection de troupeaux ?.::/title> META http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> META NAMEtitle CONTENTBerger dAnatolie, Kangal, Karabash - tous chiens de protection de troupeaux ?> META NAMEdescription CONTENTKarabash depuis toujours, Kangal depuis 30 ans, Berger dAnatolie si vous le voulez. Son identit�, son travail, son milieu, son histoire, ses origines> META NAMEkeywords CONTENTprotection, troupeaux, karabash, karabas, kangal, anatolie, berger danatolie, lof, pedigree, chiens, coban kopegi, koyun kopegi, kopek, chien de berger, akbas, kars, turquie, asie centrale, pastoralisme, loups, predateurs, ours, lynx, chiens errants, steppes, suru, koyun surusu, koyun, koyunculuk, koyuncu> META NAMEauthor CONTENTSelim Derbent> META NAMEReply-to> META NAMEcontent-langage CONTENTfr> META NAMErobots CONTENTindex,follow,all> META NAMErevisit-after CONTENT15 days> META NAMEindentifier-URL CONTENT> link relicon typeimage/png href/images/Bozay12.png> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/monstyle.css typetext/css> /head> body stylebackground-image:url(images/stripes.png)> table classcellule aligncenter border2 width1158> colgroup> col width250/> col width790/> col width60/> /colgroup> tbody stylebackground-color:#D3D3D3> !--DEBUT BANDEAU--> div idBandeau_haut;> h1>/h1> tr classcellule> td colspan3 classcellule aligncenter> !--a href>-->a hrefindex.php?page50> img srcimages/INDEX/Sans_titre15.png altbandeau_haut titleRetours à la page daccueil> /a> /td> /tr>/div> !--FIN BANDEAU--> tr> !-- DEBUT MENU GAUCHE RUBRIQUES --> !--div idMenu_Gauche;>--> td rowspan2 valigntop alignleft width250 stylebackground-color:#d3d3d3> BR> !--FONT COLOR #394b5c SIZ
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