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Io nerache lo saluto!/em>br />em> Ecco, mi saluto per lei! (si stringera una/em>br />em> mano con l’altra) Buona Fortuna!/em>/p>p>strong>Let us walk then, you and I/strong>br />strong> While the twilight is pressed up against the sky,/strong>br />strong> Like a chicken slaughtered in a laundry./strong>br />strong> Let us crawl through dream’s half-crowded alleys,/strong>br />strong> Minding the cats in the fog,/strong>br />strong> Alleys that initiate a tedious monologue/strong>br />strong> Of digressions and regressions/strong>br />strong> To answer that overwhelming riddle …/strong>br />strong> Oh, do not ask ‘What is it?’/strong>br />strong> Let us do something illicit./strong>/p>p>strong>In the room the women sew and stitch/strong>br />strong> Chatting with Malcolm Muggeridge./strong>/p>p>strong>In a time there will be time/strong>br />strong> For a clock to change the mind,/strong>br />strong> Rubbing its knobs against the gutter./strong>br />strong> There will be time, there will be time/strong>br />strong> When present passes into future’s past,/strong>br />strong> Scratching its belly in the violet hour,/strong>br />strong> To face the space of those beckoning bracelets./strong>br />strong> arma virumque canunt,/strong>br />strong> Chewing pink meringues dipped in tea./strong>/p>p>strong>In the room the women sew and stitch/strong>br />strong> Chatting with Malcolm Muggeridge./strong>/p>p>strong>And indeed there will be time/strong>br />strong> When the universe is rolled into a ball./strong>br />strong> Time in which we might presume,/strong>br />strong> Acting in eyes the Sophoclean progress,/strong>br />strong> (Acting at times also the chorus/strong>br />strong> If she should say, ‘Oh, hang it all!’)/strong>/p>p>strong>‘And one unloosed the laces of Adonis,’/strong>br />strong> While another cut off Samson’s mighty floss./strong>br />strong> I have known them all already, known them all,/strong>br />strong> In my hovel wriggling on the floor,/strong>br />strong> Spitting out the dregs of pneumatic days/strong>br />strong> After the smell of steak and garlic cloves,/strong>br />strong> As if a draft horse stumbled in the meadows./strong>/p>p>strong>Shall I part the hair below? Do I dare to spit a pip?/strong>br />strong> I have seen the mermaids crack a whip/strong>/p>p>strong>Do I dare/strong>br />strong> Consume my Easter egg?/strong>/p>p>strong>The shutters drawn, closed each to each,/strong>br />strong> Garlic and sapphires tumble in the bog,/strong>br />strong> Rattling the Theban bottles in the corridors/strong>br />strong> Until inhuman voices call us through the fog./strong>/p>p>strong>Fred Holzknecht/strong>/p>p>(fromem> The Leviathan Machine and Other Stories/em>)/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2014-02-07T11:04:00+00:00>07/02/2014/time>time classupdated datetime2014-02-07T11:08:21+00:00>07/02/2014/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Fred Holzknecht/a>, a href reltag>Lovesong/a>, a href reltag>modern poetry/a>, a href reltag>parody/a>, a href reltag>Prufrock/a>, a href reltag>satire/a>, a href reltag>T. S. Eliot/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-481 classpost-481 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-uncategorized tag-armed-guards-in-schools tag-columbine tag-guns tag-nra tag-sandy-hook-elementary> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>NRA Solution: Armed Guards at Schools/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>The NRA’s solution to prevent tragedies like those at Sandy Hook Elementary and Columbine is to have armed guards in every school. Leaving aside the fact that there was an armed guard at Columbine, and assuming that armed guards is a viable solution, consider the costs of such a />The area where I live has relatively small school districts. Even so, the costs of an adequate number of guards would probably be in excess of one and a half million dollars a year. Multiply that by the number of schools throughout the country, add in the colleges and universities, and the annual costs would run into many />Both safety and freedom have their costs. Since guns are the reason for the guards, the costs should be met through taxes on guns and ammunition. They would probably end up being substantial, but, hey, that would be the cost of “freedom†of ownership./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2012-12-23T23:30:23+00:00>23/12/2012/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>armed guards in schools/a>, a href reltag>Columbine/a>, a href reltag>guns/a>, a href reltag>NRA/a>, a href reltag>Sandy Hook Elementary/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-471 classpost-471 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-science tag-96 tag-doomsday tag-marduk tag-mayan-calendar tag-mayan-prophecy tag-nabiru tag-venus> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Is 2012 the End of the World?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Now that we are past the 2011 winter solstice and entering into the year 2012, according to some we in the last year before the world comes to an end on the next winter solstice. Their evidence is based on their interpretation of a Mayan prophecy, unearthed in the 1960s. The date supposedly marks the end of the Mayan calendar./p>p>Associated with this now modern prediction of Doomsday on December 2012, is the prediction of the return of a rogue planet Nibiru after a close encounter with Earth 3,600 years ago. This planet is large, maybe four times the size of earth. This time, they say, it is coming to finish us off for good./p>p>We can squash this last prediction very easily. If this planet were going to hit us in 2012, it would be already in the solar system within telescopic sight. Some web sites claimed it would be visible to the naked eye by spring 2009. Why hasn’t anyone mentioned seeing it yet? The answer from the alarmist is the hoary old “government conspiracy†theory. “They†aren’t telling us, so we won’t panic. This is so ridiculous that it’s laughable. The United States government could hardly keep every astronomer in the world quiet, let alone the thousands of amateur astronomers around the world./p>p>The idea that the Mayan calendar predicts this dire event is also nonsensical. To the Maya, the end of a cycle and the start of a new one was the cause of celebration – a far cry from the doomsday idea. Besides, archaeology shows that the Mayans also recorded dates for after the supposed apocalypse./p>p>Our Mayan “doomsday†was originally predicted for May 2003, but since that date passed without astronomical incidence, the date has now been recalculated to the winter solstice of 2012. Doesn’t this remind you of religious predictions of the “raptureâ€, such as those recent misfires by Harold Camping of Christian radio? When it doesn’t happen on one day, “recalculate†and set another date. (Camping got some sense after his last failure because he is not going to make anymore predictions.)/p>p>Nibiru is a name that appears in the Babylonian poem em>Enuma Elish/em>. It is associated with the god Marduk. Scholars are not sure what Nibiru is or what it may refer to. Marduk is the god that corresponds to Zeus or Jupiter. In planetary terms, Marduk is the planet Jupiter. I for one am prepared to accept the planetary nature of Nibiru, but it is not an unknown planet. Nibiru is the planet Venus, whom the Greeks associated with Athena (not Aphrodite, who was the goddess of the moon). Recall that in Greek mythology, Athena sprang from the forehead of Zeus. The planets Venus and Jupiter are therefore closely linked. We have the same association with Nibiru and Marduk. If Nibiru is a planet, it is the planet Venus, now safe in its inner orbit around the sun./p>p>a namepost-214>/a>(Some parts of this post originally appeared in November 2009, under “2012: A Space Idiocy (but a Movie to Seeâ€).)/p>p> /p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-12-21T12:35:08+00:00>21/12/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-12-28T12:25:40+00:00>28/12/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Science/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>2012/a>, a href reltag>doomsday/a>, a href reltag>Marduk/a>, a href reltag>Mayan calendar/a>, a href reltag>Mayan prophecy/a>, a href reltag>Nabiru/a>, a href reltag>Venus/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-465 classpost-465 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-conservatives tag-covert tag-gingrich tag-iran tag-republicans> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Gingrich on Covert Operations in Iran/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>In the South Carolina GOP debate, candidates talked about the need for covert operations in Iran and criticized Obama on the lack of such operations. At issue is not whether there should be such operations. What is at issue is that the candidates do not know what they are talking about. Precisely because such operations are covert, none of the candidates know whether they exist or not. As far as the debate is concerned, all their talk is just that, hot empty air./p>p>Now Newt Gingrich, riding on a wave of don’t-want-Romney-and-cooling-on-Cain, is taking the matter further. Of course, he still doesn’t know what is going on. Now he advocates taking out Iran’s scientists and hitting Iran’s oil and gasoline infrastructure./p>p>Talk like that may solidify his new approval rating, though that is doubtful. What we have to realize is what some of the consequences are, especially of hitting oil production. For someone who wants to be president of this country, Gingrich is showing an amazing lack of awareness. Which is more likely? Will such action bring about a regime change, or will it cause gas prices in the country to sky rocket and send our economy tumbling into a recession far deeper than the one we are crawling out of? The regime change is unlikely to change, done the Gingrich way, but irresponsible action will certainly bring about the other consequence./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-14T14:28:28+00:00>14/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-14T17:22:42+00:00>14/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>covert/a>, a href reltag>Gingrich/a>, a href reltag>Iran/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-463 classpost-463 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-bush tag-carter tag-clinton tag-conservatives tag-economy tag-fdr tag-republicans tag-ronald-reagan tag-tax tag-taxes> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Reagan to Fix Economy?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>In a recent survey, people were asked who among recent presidents they would most trust to fix the American economy. The two leading answers were Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. FDR makes sense as he was the president who brought the country out of the Depression, but perhaps he was not “recent†enough, because most of the respondents opted for Reagan./p>p>Reagan inherited a relatively small deficit (compared to more recent deficits) when he took over from Jimmy Carter. In fact, in his campaign he hammered Carter over it. Instead of fixing the deficit, however, the Reagan administration blew it out, and it stayed out of control until it was reigned in under the Clinton administration. Then under George W. Bush it blew out again, and it is now no longer economically viable to bring it under control until the economy improves considerably./p>p>Be that as it may, this does not negate the idea that Reagan might be the one to do something here. But today, despite the reverence the conservatives hold for him, Reagan would not even win his party’s nomination. This is why: Towards the end of his administration, there was a realization that a fix was needed, and Reagan took the hard choice and began raising taxes. These days, the GOP is so blindly obsessed about taxes that anyone suggesting taxes is automatically out, not matter how reasonable and economically sensible such a move might be. And that must include Ronald Reagan./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-14T13:38:50+00:00>14/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-14T14:29:52+00:00>14/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Bush/a>, a href reltag>Carter/a>, a href reltag>Clinton/a>, a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>economy/a>, a href reltag>FDR/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>Ronald Reagan/a>, a href reltag>tax/a>, a href reltag>taxes/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-457 classpost-457 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-cain tag-clarence-thomas tag-conservatives tag-republicans tag-romney tag-sexual-harassment> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Is Cain Still Able to Win?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>As the sexual harassment accusations continue, Herman Cain and his camp continue to deny the allegations as “baseless†and “bogus†and to brand his accusers as liars. At his press conference on November 8, 2011, he claimed that the “Democratic machine†is out to get him. This is a change of direction; originally, Cain blamed the Perry organization for raising the issue of sexual harassment./p>p>It is not easy to believe that these accusations are the machinations of the Democratic party. That party is focused on Romney getting the nomination. It would be very much to the Democrats’ advantage to have Cain run for president. He is inexperienced, he will appeal less to the swinging center because he is more conservative than Romney, and being black, he will turn off some of the Republican vote./p>p>Actually, Cain’s troubles will have little effect on his race for the GOP nomination. Conservatives are quite prepared to put the accusations down to the “liberals†and the “liberal media.” For a precedent, we have only to look to the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, the most unqualified appointee in modern times. The accusations of sexual harassment against him only strengthened the Republican resolve to appoint him. (See my post “Virginia Doubtsâ€, dated October 10, 2010.)/p>p>What this means is that Cain can still win the Republican nomination, but it is even more clear now that he cannot win the presidency./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-08T17:56:16+00:00>08/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T19:44:14+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>Clarence Thomas/a>, a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>Romney/a>, a href reltag>sexual harassment/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-451 classpost-451 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-tea-party-news category-uncategorized tag-bachmann tag-cain tag-conservatives tag-perry tag-republicans tag-romney tag-sarah-palin> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Sarah Palin Should Run!/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>When Sarah Palin announced that she was not running for the Republican presidential nomination, she said she thought she would be more of an influence from outside the race. This, however, has not proven to be true. Once she dropped out, media interest shifted away from her, and without the media attention that she has been able to garner in the past, she is rapidly becoming irrelevant./p>p>Look at the field. Romney is a virtual liberal pretending he’s conservative. Perry keeps faltering. Cain is about to head south. Palin’s main rival, Michelle Bachmann, is losing her former supporters, as they realize that she is in it for herself rather than for the greater cause. So the time ripe for Sarah Palin to come back in and revitalize the conservative movement./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-07T16:53:47+00:00>07/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-07T21:14:27+00:00>07/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Tea Party/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Bachmann/a>, a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>Perry/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>Romney/a>, a href reltag>Sarah Palin/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-447 classpost-447 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-california tag-marijuana tag-medical-marijuana tag-pot> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>California’s Marijuana Crackdown/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>The Feds have been cracking down on California’s medical marijuana dispensaries to stop a national marijuana trade by people with criminal backgrounds. Naturally, marijuana users are up in arms about what they see as an incursion into their â€right†to have access to the drug. While federal law prohibits the use of marijuana, conflict with state law is not the issue here. It is the corruption of the industry by criminal elements./p>p>When voters approved the medical marijuana proposition, there was no guide as to how the drug would be distributed. Medical marijuana should have only been available through pharmacies, just like other prescription medications. There are no shops set up to distribute other specific prescribed meds. Likewise, there should not be any for medical marijuana. It is this failure in the original proposition that has brought about the current problem./p>p>Significantly, U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte acknowledged that in Sacramento recently. He said, “While California law permits collective cultivation of marijuana in limited circumstances, it does not allow commercial distribution through the store-front model we see across California.†The state can still remedy the problem and require that medical marijuana be sold only through pharmacies./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-07T16:32:37+00:00>07/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T19:55:40+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>California/a>, a href reltag>marijuana/a>, a href reltag>medical marijuana/a>, a href reltag>pot/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-445 classpost-445 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-tea-party-news category-uncategorized tag-9-9-9 tag-cain tag-flat-tax tag-republicans tag-sales-tax tag-tax tag-tea-party> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Tea Party Supports Higher Taxes?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p alignLEFT>Is it possible that tea partyists actually support higher taxes? If it is true that they are now supporting Herman Cain, they are in fact supporting higher taxes./p>p alignLEFT>Unless you are earning more than $120,000 a year, Cain’s 9-9-9 tax solution means higher taxes. And the last 9 is a federal sales tax. That gets added on to the sales and local taxes that are already in existence. This means that Cain will raise the sales tax you pay from whatever it is now to anywhere between 14 to 17 percent or more. If you live in a state that does not have sales tax at present, you will be paying 9 percent under Cain./p>p alignLEFT>Is the tea party actually supporting this? I don’t think so. Then who is giving Cain his support? Republicans too are against increased taxes, so what is going on? Are they being suckered by the glib simplicity of 9-9-9? Are they too dumb to realize that their taxes are going to go up?/p>p alignLEFT> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-10-18T08:16:56+00:00>18/10/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T17:57:55+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Tea Party/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>9-9-9/a>, a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>flat tax/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>sales tax/a>, a href reltag>tax/a>, a href reltag>tea party/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-433 classpost-433 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-uncategorized tag-9-9-9 tag-cain tag-flat-tax tag-republicans tag-sales-tax tag-tax> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Cain’s Snake Oil 9-9-9: Come and Get It/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Herman Cain’s flat 9 percent tax rate may sound initially attractive, but appearances are deceptively misleading. The removal of deductions is enough to push the income tax burden of the majority of tax payers to a rate that is higher than at present, especially for families with children. Only the wealthy would benefit, so in this respect Cain is showing his Republican colors./p>p>Worst than increases in income tax, the 9 percent sales tax would be 9 percent only in the few states that at present have no sales tax. But take California, for example. Under Cain’s scheme, sales tax would end up being around 17 percent, once you add on state and local taxes. No only would this be a burden for consumers, but it would discourage sales and ultimately stifle the economy./p>p>Are we back in the Wild West? The 9-9-9 tax proposal is little more than snake oil hawked by a shyster./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-10-13T13:18:21+00:00>13/10/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T17:56:59+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>9-9-9/a>, a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>flat tax/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>sales tax/a>, a href reltag>tax/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- 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Io nerache lo saluto!/em>br />em> Ecco, mi saluto per lei! (si stringera una/em>br />em> mano con l’altra) Buona Fortuna!/em>/p>p>strong>Let us walk then, you and I/strong>br />strong> While the twilight is pressed up against the sky,/strong>br />strong> Like a chicken slaughtered in a laundry./strong>br />strong> Let us crawl through dream’s half-crowded alleys,/strong>br />strong> Minding the cats in the fog,/strong>br />strong> Alleys that initiate a tedious monologue/strong>br />strong> Of digressions and regressions/strong>br />strong> To answer that overwhelming riddle …/strong>br />strong> Oh, do not ask ‘What is it?’/strong>br />strong> Let us do something illicit./strong>/p>p>strong>In the room the women sew and stitch/strong>br />strong> Chatting with Malcolm Muggeridge./strong>/p>p>strong>In a time there will be time/strong>br />strong> For a clock to change the mind,/strong>br />strong> Rubbing its knobs against the gutter./strong>br />strong> There will be time, there will be time/strong>br />strong> When present passes into future’s past,/strong>br />strong> Scratching its belly in the violet hour,/strong>br />strong> To face the space of those beckoning bracelets./strong>br />strong> arma virumque canunt,/strong>br />strong> Chewing pink meringues dipped in tea./strong>/p>p>strong>In the room the women sew and stitch/strong>br />strong> Chatting with Malcolm Muggeridge./strong>/p>p>strong>And indeed there will be time/strong>br />strong> When the universe is rolled into a ball./strong>br />strong> Time in which we might presume,/strong>br />strong> Acting in eyes the Sophoclean progress,/strong>br />strong> (Acting at times also the chorus/strong>br />strong> If she should say, ‘Oh, hang it all!’)/strong>/p>p>strong>‘And one unloosed the laces of Adonis,’/strong>br />strong> While another cut off Samson’s mighty floss./strong>br />strong> I have known them all already, known them all,/strong>br />strong> In my hovel wriggling on the floor,/strong>br />strong> Spitting out the dregs of pneumatic days/strong>br />strong> After the smell of steak and garlic cloves,/strong>br />strong> As if a draft horse stumbled in the meadows./strong>/p>p>strong>Shall I part the hair below? Do I dare to spit a pip?/strong>br />strong> I have seen the mermaids crack a whip/strong>/p>p>strong>Do I dare/strong>br />strong> Consume my Easter egg?/strong>/p>p>strong>The shutters drawn, closed each to each,/strong>br />strong> Garlic and sapphires tumble in the bog,/strong>br />strong> Rattling the Theban bottles in the corridors/strong>br />strong> Until inhuman voices call us through the fog./strong>/p>p>strong>Fred Holzknecht/strong>/p>p>(fromem> The Leviathan Machine and Other Stories/em>)/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2014-02-07T11:04:00+00:00>07/02/2014/time>time classupdated datetime2014-02-07T11:08:21+00:00>07/02/2014/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Fred Holzknecht/a>, a href reltag>Lovesong/a>, a href reltag>modern poetry/a>, a href reltag>parody/a>, a href reltag>Prufrock/a>, a href reltag>satire/a>, a href reltag>T. S. Eliot/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-481 classpost-481 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-uncategorized tag-armed-guards-in-schools tag-columbine tag-guns tag-nra tag-sandy-hook-elementary> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>NRA Solution: Armed Guards at Schools/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>The NRA’s solution to prevent tragedies like those at Sandy Hook Elementary and Columbine is to have armed guards in every school. Leaving aside the fact that there was an armed guard at Columbine, and assuming that armed guards is a viable solution, consider the costs of such a />The area where I live has relatively small school districts. Even so, the costs of an adequate number of guards would probably be in excess of one and a half million dollars a year. Multiply that by the number of schools throughout the country, add in the colleges and universities, and the annual costs would run into many />Both safety and freedom have their costs. Since guns are the reason for the guards, the costs should be met through taxes on guns and ammunition. They would probably end up being substantial, but, hey, that would be the cost of “freedom†of ownership./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published updated datetime2012-12-23T23:30:23+00:00>23/12/2012/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>armed guards in schools/a>, a href reltag>Columbine/a>, a href reltag>guns/a>, a href reltag>NRA/a>, a href reltag>Sandy Hook Elementary/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-471 classpost-471 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-science tag-96 tag-doomsday tag-marduk tag-mayan-calendar tag-mayan-prophecy tag-nabiru tag-venus> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Is 2012 the End of the World?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Now that we are past the 2011 winter solstice and entering into the year 2012, according to some we in the last year before the world comes to an end on the next winter solstice. Their evidence is based on their interpretation of a Mayan prophecy, unearthed in the 1960s. The date supposedly marks the end of the Mayan calendar./p>p>Associated with this now modern prediction of Doomsday on December 2012, is the prediction of the return of a rogue planet Nibiru after a close encounter with Earth 3,600 years ago. This planet is large, maybe four times the size of earth. This time, they say, it is coming to finish us off for good./p>p>We can squash this last prediction very easily. If this planet were going to hit us in 2012, it would be already in the solar system within telescopic sight. Some web sites claimed it would be visible to the naked eye by spring 2009. Why hasn’t anyone mentioned seeing it yet? The answer from the alarmist is the hoary old “government conspiracy†theory. “They†aren’t telling us, so we won’t panic. This is so ridiculous that it’s laughable. The United States government could hardly keep every astronomer in the world quiet, let alone the thousands of amateur astronomers around the world./p>p>The idea that the Mayan calendar predicts this dire event is also nonsensical. To the Maya, the end of a cycle and the start of a new one was the cause of celebration – a far cry from the doomsday idea. Besides, archaeology shows that the Mayans also recorded dates for after the supposed apocalypse./p>p>Our Mayan “doomsday†was originally predicted for May 2003, but since that date passed without astronomical incidence, the date has now been recalculated to the winter solstice of 2012. Doesn’t this remind you of religious predictions of the “raptureâ€, such as those recent misfires by Harold Camping of Christian radio? When it doesn’t happen on one day, “recalculate†and set another date. (Camping got some sense after his last failure because he is not going to make anymore predictions.)/p>p>Nibiru is a name that appears in the Babylonian poem em>Enuma Elish/em>. It is associated with the god Marduk. Scholars are not sure what Nibiru is or what it may refer to. Marduk is the god that corresponds to Zeus or Jupiter. In planetary terms, Marduk is the planet Jupiter. I for one am prepared to accept the planetary nature of Nibiru, but it is not an unknown planet. Nibiru is the planet Venus, whom the Greeks associated with Athena (not Aphrodite, who was the goddess of the moon). Recall that in Greek mythology, Athena sprang from the forehead of Zeus. The planets Venus and Jupiter are therefore closely linked. We have the same association with Nibiru and Marduk. If Nibiru is a planet, it is the planet Venus, now safe in its inner orbit around the sun./p>p>a namepost-214>/a>(Some parts of this post originally appeared in November 2009, under “2012: A Space Idiocy (but a Movie to Seeâ€).)/p>p> /p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-12-21T12:35:08+00:00>21/12/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-12-28T12:25:40+00:00>28/12/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Science/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>2012/a>, a href reltag>doomsday/a>, a href reltag>Marduk/a>, a href reltag>Mayan calendar/a>, a href reltag>Mayan prophecy/a>, a href reltag>Nabiru/a>, a href reltag>Venus/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-465 classpost-465 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-conservatives tag-covert tag-gingrich tag-iran tag-republicans> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Gingrich on Covert Operations in Iran/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>In the South Carolina GOP debate, candidates talked about the need for covert operations in Iran and criticized Obama on the lack of such operations. At issue is not whether there should be such operations. What is at issue is that the candidates do not know what they are talking about. Precisely because such operations are covert, none of the candidates know whether they exist or not. As far as the debate is concerned, all their talk is just that, hot empty air./p>p>Now Newt Gingrich, riding on a wave of don’t-want-Romney-and-cooling-on-Cain, is taking the matter further. Of course, he still doesn’t know what is going on. Now he advocates taking out Iran’s scientists and hitting Iran’s oil and gasoline infrastructure./p>p>Talk like that may solidify his new approval rating, though that is doubtful. What we have to realize is what some of the consequences are, especially of hitting oil production. For someone who wants to be president of this country, Gingrich is showing an amazing lack of awareness. Which is more likely? Will such action bring about a regime change, or will it cause gas prices in the country to sky rocket and send our economy tumbling into a recession far deeper than the one we are crawling out of? The regime change is unlikely to change, done the Gingrich way, but irresponsible action will certainly bring about the other consequence./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-14T14:28:28+00:00>14/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-14T17:22:42+00:00>14/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>covert/a>, a href reltag>Gingrich/a>, a href reltag>Iran/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-463 classpost-463 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-bush tag-carter tag-clinton tag-conservatives tag-economy tag-fdr tag-republicans tag-ronald-reagan tag-tax tag-taxes> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Reagan to Fix Economy?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>In a recent survey, people were asked who among recent presidents they would most trust to fix the American economy. The two leading answers were Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. FDR makes sense as he was the president who brought the country out of the Depression, but perhaps he was not “recent†enough, because most of the respondents opted for Reagan./p>p>Reagan inherited a relatively small deficit (compared to more recent deficits) when he took over from Jimmy Carter. In fact, in his campaign he hammered Carter over it. Instead of fixing the deficit, however, the Reagan administration blew it out, and it stayed out of control until it was reigned in under the Clinton administration. Then under George W. Bush it blew out again, and it is now no longer economically viable to bring it under control until the economy improves considerably./p>p>Be that as it may, this does not negate the idea that Reagan might be the one to do something here. But today, despite the reverence the conservatives hold for him, Reagan would not even win his party’s nomination. This is why: Towards the end of his administration, there was a realization that a fix was needed, and Reagan took the hard choice and began raising taxes. These days, the GOP is so blindly obsessed about taxes that anyone suggesting taxes is automatically out, not matter how reasonable and economically sensible such a move might be. And that must include Ronald Reagan./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-14T13:38:50+00:00>14/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-14T14:29:52+00:00>14/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Bush/a>, a href reltag>Carter/a>, a href reltag>Clinton/a>, a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>economy/a>, a href reltag>FDR/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>Ronald Reagan/a>, a href reltag>tax/a>, a href reltag>taxes/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-457 classpost-457 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-cain tag-clarence-thomas tag-conservatives tag-republicans tag-romney tag-sexual-harassment> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Is Cain Still Able to Win?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>As the sexual harassment accusations continue, Herman Cain and his camp continue to deny the allegations as “baseless†and “bogus†and to brand his accusers as liars. At his press conference on November 8, 2011, he claimed that the “Democratic machine†is out to get him. This is a change of direction; originally, Cain blamed the Perry organization for raising the issue of sexual harassment./p>p>It is not easy to believe that these accusations are the machinations of the Democratic party. That party is focused on Romney getting the nomination. It would be very much to the Democrats’ advantage to have Cain run for president. He is inexperienced, he will appeal less to the swinging center because he is more conservative than Romney, and being black, he will turn off some of the Republican vote./p>p>Actually, Cain’s troubles will have little effect on his race for the GOP nomination. Conservatives are quite prepared to put the accusations down to the “liberals†and the “liberal media.” For a precedent, we have only to look to the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, the most unqualified appointee in modern times. The accusations of sexual harassment against him only strengthened the Republican resolve to appoint him. (See my post “Virginia Doubtsâ€, dated October 10, 2010.)/p>p>What this means is that Cain can still win the Republican nomination, but it is even more clear now that he cannot win the presidency./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-08T17:56:16+00:00>08/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T19:44:14+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>Clarence Thomas/a>, a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>Romney/a>, a href reltag>sexual harassment/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-451 classpost-451 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-tea-party-news category-uncategorized tag-bachmann tag-cain tag-conservatives tag-perry tag-republicans tag-romney tag-sarah-palin> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Sarah Palin Should Run!/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>When Sarah Palin announced that she was not running for the Republican presidential nomination, she said she thought she would be more of an influence from outside the race. This, however, has not proven to be true. Once she dropped out, media interest shifted away from her, and without the media attention that she has been able to garner in the past, she is rapidly becoming irrelevant./p>p>Look at the field. Romney is a virtual liberal pretending he’s conservative. Perry keeps faltering. Cain is about to head south. Palin’s main rival, Michelle Bachmann, is losing her former supporters, as they realize that she is in it for herself rather than for the greater cause. So the time ripe for Sarah Palin to come back in and revitalize the conservative movement./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-07T16:53:47+00:00>07/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-07T21:14:27+00:00>07/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Tea Party/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Bachmann/a>, a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>conservatives/a>, a href reltag>Perry/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>Romney/a>, a href reltag>Sarah Palin/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-447 classpost-447 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits tag-california tag-marijuana tag-medical-marijuana tag-pot> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>California’s Marijuana Crackdown/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>The Feds have been cracking down on California’s medical marijuana dispensaries to stop a national marijuana trade by people with criminal backgrounds. Naturally, marijuana users are up in arms about what they see as an incursion into their â€right†to have access to the drug. While federal law prohibits the use of marijuana, conflict with state law is not the issue here. It is the corruption of the industry by criminal elements./p>p>When voters approved the medical marijuana proposition, there was no guide as to how the drug would be distributed. Medical marijuana should have only been available through pharmacies, just like other prescription medications. There are no shops set up to distribute other specific prescribed meds. Likewise, there should not be any for medical marijuana. It is this failure in the original proposition that has brought about the current problem./p>p>Significantly, U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte acknowledged that in Sacramento recently. He said, “While California law permits collective cultivation of marijuana in limited circumstances, it does not allow commercial distribution through the store-front model we see across California.†The state can still remedy the problem and require that medical marijuana be sold only through pharmacies./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-11-07T16:32:37+00:00>07/11/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T19:55:40+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>California/a>, a href reltag>marijuana/a>, a href reltag>medical marijuana/a>, a href reltag>pot/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-445 classpost-445 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-tea-party-news category-uncategorized tag-9-9-9 tag-cain tag-flat-tax tag-republicans tag-sales-tax tag-tax tag-tea-party> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Tea Party Supports Higher Taxes?/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p alignLEFT>Is it possible that tea partyists actually support higher taxes? If it is true that they are now supporting Herman Cain, they are in fact supporting higher taxes./p>p alignLEFT>Unless you are earning more than $120,000 a year, Cain’s 9-9-9 tax solution means higher taxes. And the last 9 is a federal sales tax. That gets added on to the sales and local taxes that are already in existence. This means that Cain will raise the sales tax you pay from whatever it is now to anywhere between 14 to 17 percent or more. If you live in a state that does not have sales tax at present, you will be paying 9 percent under Cain./p>p alignLEFT>Is the tea party actually supporting this? I don’t think so. Then who is giving Cain his support? Republicans too are against increased taxes, so what is going on? Are they being suckered by the glib simplicity of 9-9-9? Are they too dumb to realize that their taxes are going to go up?/p>p alignLEFT> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-10-18T08:16:56+00:00>18/10/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T17:57:55+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Tea Party/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>9-9-9/a>, a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>flat tax/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>sales tax/a>, a href reltag>tax/a>, a href reltag>tea party/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## -->article idpost-433 classpost-433 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-pundits category-uncategorized tag-9-9-9 tag-cain tag-flat-tax tag-republicans tag-sales-tax tag-tax> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Cain’s Snake Oil 9-9-9: Come and Get It/a>/h2> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Herman Cain’s flat 9 percent tax rate may sound initially attractive, but appearances are deceptively misleading. The removal of deductions is enough to push the income tax burden of the majority of tax payers to a rate that is higher than at present, especially for families with children. Only the wealthy would benefit, so in this respect Cain is showing his Republican colors./p>p>Worst than increases in income tax, the 9 percent sales tax would be 9 percent only in the few states that at present have no sales tax. But take California, for example. Under Cain’s scheme, sales tax would end up being around 17 percent, once you add on state and local taxes. No only would this be a burden for consumers, but it would discourage sales and ultimately stifle the economy./p>p>Are we back in the Wild West? The 9-9-9 tax proposal is little more than snake oil hawked by a shyster./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>img alt src srcset 2x classavatar avatar-49 photo height49 width49 />span classscreen-reader-text>Author /span> a classurl fn n href>Fred/a>/span>/span>span classposted-on>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on /span>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2011-10-13T13:18:21+00:00>13/10/2011/time>time classupdated datetime2011-11-08T17:56:59+00:00>08/11/2011/time>/a>/span>span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory>News/a>, a href relcategory>Punditry/a>, a href relcategory>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>9-9-9/a>, a href reltag>Cain/a>, a href reltag>flat tax/a>, a href reltag>Republicans/a>, a href reltag>sales tax/a>, a href reltag>tax/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-## --> nav classnavigation pagination rolenavigation> h2 classscreen-reader-text>Posts navigation/h2> div classnav-links>span classpage-numbers current>span classmeta-nav screen-reader-text>Page /span>1/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classmeta-nav screen-reader-text>Page /span>2/a>span classpage-numbers dots>…/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classmeta-nav screen-reader-text>Page /span>7/a>a classnext page-numbers href>Next page/a>/div> /nav> /main>!-- .site-main --> /div>!-- .content-area --> aside idsecondary classsidebar widget-area rolecomplementary> section idcategories-3 classwidget widget_categories>h2 classwidget-title>Categories/h2> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-63>a href >Ancient History/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-23>a href >Apples/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-129>a href >Christians/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-28>a href >Family/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-4>a href titleCurrent Events>News/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-5>a href titleInteresting articles, videos, and opinions.>Punditry/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-8>a href >Science/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-11>a href >Sport/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-169>a href >Tea Party/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-1>a href >Uncategorized/a>/li> /ul>/section> section idrecent-posts-3 classwidget widget_recent_entries> h2 classwidget-title>Recent Posts/h2> ul> li> a href>Prufrock Rex/a> /li> li> a href>NRA Solution: Armed Guards at Schools/a> /li> li> a href>Is 2012 the End of the World?/a> /li> li> a href>Gingrich on Covert Operations in Iran/a> /li> li> a href>Reagan to Fix Economy?/a> /li> /ul> /section> section idtag_cloud-3 classwidget widget_tag_cloud>h2 classwidget-title>Tags/h2>div classtagcloud>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-96 tag-link-position-1 stylefont-size: 1em;>2012/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-288 tag-link-position-2 stylefont-size: 1em;>Apples/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-59 tag-link-position-3 stylefont-size: 1em;>Australia/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-177 tag-link-position-4 stylefont-size: 1em;>Bush/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-252 tag-link-position-5 stylefont-size: 1em;>Cain/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-199 tag-link-position-6 stylefont-size: 1em;>California/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-232 tag-link-position-7 stylefont-size: 1em;>Canaan/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-137 tag-link-position-8 stylefont-size: 1em;>Christian extremists/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-136 tag-link-position-9 stylefont-size: 1em;>Christian Hate/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-227 tag-link-position-10 stylefont-size: 1em;>Clarence Thomas/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-84 tag-link-position-11 stylefont-size: 1em;>conservatives/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-98 tag-link-position-12 stylefont-size: 1em;>Football/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-130 tag-link-position-13 stylefont-size: 1em;>Fred Phelps/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-149 tag-link-position-14 stylefont-size: 1em;>fruit/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-29 tag-link-position-15 stylefont-size: 1em;>Germany/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-41 tag-link-position-16 stylefont-size: 1em;>global warming/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-134 tag-link-position-17 stylefont-size: 1em;>homophobia/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-135 tag-link-position-18 stylefont-size: 1em;>Homosexuality/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-221 tag-link-position-19 stylefont-size: 1em;>housekeeper/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-160 tag-link-position-20 stylefont-size: 1em;>ignorance/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-222 tag-link-position-21 stylefont-size: 1em;>illegal immigrant/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-66 tag-link-position-22 stylefont-size: 1em;>Kashmir/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-197 tag-link-position-23 stylefont-size: 1em;>legalizing/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-94 tag-link-position-24 stylefont-size: 1em;>Marduk/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-194 tag-link-position-25 stylefont-size: 1em;>marijuana/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-64 tag-link-position-26 stylefont-size: 1em;>Moses/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-68 tag-link-position-27 stylefont-size: 1em;>Mount Nebo/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-71 tag-link-position-28 stylefont-size: 1em;>Obama/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-238 tag-link-position-29 stylefont-size: 1em;>Obamacare/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-195 tag-link-position-30 stylefont-size: 1em;>pot/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-67 tag-link-position-31 stylefont-size: 1em;>Promised Land/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-196 tag-link-position-32 stylefont-size: 1em;>Proposition 19/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-86 tag-link-position-33 stylefont-size: 1em;>Republicans/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-161 tag-link-position-34 stylefont-size: 1em;>rewriting history/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-87 tag-link-position-35 stylefont-size: 1em;>Sarah Palin/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-229 tag-link-position-36 stylefont-size: 1em;>sexual harassment/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-99 tag-link-position-37 stylefont-size: 1em;>soccer/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-256 tag-link-position-38 stylefont-size: 1em;>tax/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-76 tag-link-position-39 stylefont-size: 1em;>tea party/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-50 tag-link-position-40 stylefont-size: 1em;>Velikovsky/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-46 tag-link-position-41 stylefont-size: 1em;>Venus/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-101 tag-link-position-42 stylefont-size: 1em;>video replay/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-132 tag-link-position-43 stylefont-size: 1em;>Westboro Baptist Church/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-220 tag-link-position-44 stylefont-size: 1em;>Whitman/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-102 tag-link-position-45 stylefont-size: 1em;>World Cup 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