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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 15:07:58 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 183177Connection: keep-aliveSet-Cookie: dnn_IsMobileFalse; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: languageen-US; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: .ASPXANONYMOUSdUmJhntSu4d7V2oTGT6P4rTZykBq_V_cEQHZ9CNb0q6JJllt8xf-0aoAOou2TarLy6ApOgKM-VctZM4fuIhKckUzP8Ij38zVyu5YYZa0f-JVewZO0; expiresSat, 08-Mar-2025 01:47:58 GMT; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: dnn_IsMobileFalse; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: languageen-US; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: .ASPXANONYMOUSdUmJhntSu4d7V2oTGT6P4rTZykBq_V_cEQHZ9CNb0q6JJllt8xf-0aoAOou2TarLy6ApOgKM-VctZM4fuIhKckUzP8Ij38zVyu5YYZa0f-JVewZO0; expiresSat, 08-Mar-2025 01:47:58 GMT; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: ARRAffinity5320be42f28510fd1b4af152380c2b0f33cd0efa41e78bfbcde91dc06433aab7;Path/;HttpOnly;Secure;Domainwww.jacksboatsandtrailers.comSet-Cookie: ARRAffinitySameSite5320be42f28510fd1b4af152380c2b0f33cd0efa41e78bfbcde91dc06433aab7;Path/;HttpOnly;SameSiteNone;Secure;Domainwww.jacksboatsandtrailers.comDNNOutputCache: trueX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockx-azure-ref: 20241228T150758Z-r158d6ff7cbbgtk7hC1CO1u1r80000000nkg000000002apbX-Cache: CONFIG_NOCACHEAccept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen-US>head idHead>meta contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 http-equivContent-Type />meta nameREVISIT-AFTER content1 DAYS />meta nameRATING contentGENERAL />meta nameRESOURCE-TYPE contentDOCUMENT />meta contenttext/javascript http-equivContent-Script-Type />meta contenttext/css http-equivContent-Style-Type />title> Boats for Sale in Tallahassee Area | Jacks Boats and Trailers, Perry, FL/title>meta idMetaDescription namedescription contentJack's Boats and Trailers in Perry serves the Tallahassee area and North Florida. We sell all kinds of boats - bay, center console, deck, jon, pontoon, saltwater fishing - and boat engines and trailers. 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We sell all kinds of boats - bay, center console, deck, jon, pontoon, saltwater fishing - and boat engines and trailers. Plus, were a Polaris ATV dealer for when youre back on land!,keyWords:Boats for Sale,Florida,Tallahassee,metaDescription:null}/script>link relSHORTCUT ICON href/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/favicon.ico?verpThqvATvy7poNf6PXKfmnw%3d%3d typeimage/x-icon />link href relcanonical />meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 />meta nametheme-color content#896753 />/head>body idBody>noscript>iframe src// height0 width0 styledisplay:none;visibility:hidden>/iframe>/noscript> form methodpost action/ idForm enctypemultipart/form-data>div classaspNetHidden>input typehidden name__EVENTTARGET id__EVENTTARGET value />input typehidden name__EVENTARGUMENT id__EVENTARGUMENT value />input typehidden name__VIEWSTATE id__VIEWSTATE valueu5+/l+pmj6Ll7dJ+FgOq7R1v1jbA13l80MPg2OZ7RBhDnv0kqllq/bqBwUBvoCQ3mbcv5blzOyFfNCtM6FXVZnymVde4JM3pgUTUSQ />/div>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAvar theForm document.formsForm;if (!theForm) { theForm document.Form;}function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) { if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() ! false)) { theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value eventTarget; theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value eventArgument; theForm.submit(); }}//>/script>script src/WebResource.axd?dpynGkmcFUV3Xfzci_IChrH6z-I2hlIGIDilUfcZMAR0cQXoHCijx5Obw8WE1&t638562563416868089 typetext/javascript>/script>script src/ScriptResource.axd?dNJmAwtEo3IqgM4I9yyJINLq2_Iqx0ym3XnQK_gZhuziXH_hcBNi_kuzFJ5WnqgyhHUnTKbNua6Kk2_OZ89_fF45CiErla6dYbi_IKN72PMJgG5XYG4wVTovKSVxtvTsj8GlrVg2&t583299c4 typetext/javascript>/script>script src/ScriptResource.axd?ddwY9oWetJoIiPg2KUgNIEFksh2864E555Ep9-kzgY0GKgW0B1lQ4FCb5SeV8TRliJOqSICdlQ_N-mL2HezrJHLNjjbuuiGdGTLrkToiLE7hqTv1agi0wNN5kU1NoWOL-hQC1PrgwePd7weM90&t583299c4 typetext/javascript>/script>div classaspNetHidden> input typehidden name__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR id__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR valueCA0B0334 /> input typehidden name__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED id__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED value /> input typehidden name__EVENTVALIDATION id__EVENTVALIDATION valueO+vPG/vivwV9thO/TsqnFDh1I6OlGsEDQC30SiHrFzJCyqfjzT9dT+7krJw+FKFMSNxicVsSF7uwFFlGHpeZmvuLtMzqMmrqAXHnmJ6GM4TQ9BkW />/div>script src/DependencyHandler.axd/af08cb2d23434f739d336a29bb6332f1/1153/js typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script src/DependencyHandler.axd/14658843322fc794d66715192051d254/1153/js typetext/javascript>/script>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATASys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize(ScriptManager, Form, tdnn$ctr24785$Listings_UP,dnn_ctr24785_Listings_UP, , , 90, );//>/script> link href|Roboto:500 relstylesheet>!--CDF(Css||DnnPageHeaderProvider|100)-->!--CDF(Javascript||DnnFormBottomProvider|100)-->!--CDF(Css||DnnPageHeaderProvider|100)-->!--CDF(Css|/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide/less/theme.css|DnnPageHeaderProvider|100)-->!--CDF(Javascript|/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide/js/custom.js|DnnFormBottomProvider|100)-->!--CDF(Javascript|/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide/js/search-bar.js|DnnFormBottomProvider|100)-->!--CDF(Javascript|/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide/js/html5shiv-respond.min.js|DnnPageHeaderProvider|100)-->script idDx1Sem typetext/javascript> var dx1SemName Dx1Sem; var semJsObj { IsDx1Sem: false, utm_campaign: }; var dx1GlobalVariables { portalid: 120 }; function isPaidUrl() { var utmValue ; var isDx1Sem false; var params utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content var search; if (search ! ) { search search.substring(1); var urlParams search.split(&); for (var i 0; i urlParams.length; i++) { var keyVal urlParamsi.split(); var p keyVal0.toLocaleLowerCase(); if(params.indexOf(p) > 0) { isDx1Sem true; } if (p.toLocaleLowerCase() utm_campaign) { utmValue keyVal1; } } } semJsObj.IsDx1Sem isDx1Sem; semJsObj.utm_campaign utmValue; return isDx1Sem; } function checkAndReplacePaidPhone() { var hasPaidCookie false; var value getCookie(dx1SemName); if (value ! ) { hasPaidCookie true; } if (!hasPaidCookie && isPaidUrl()) { document.cookie `Dx1Sem${JSON.stringify(semJsObj)}`;//Dx1SemTrue; hasPaidCookie true; } if (hasPaidCookie) { var each Array.prototype.forEach; var $myword $(:contains(850-584-2162)); $myword.each(function() {, function (ele) { if (ele.nodeType 3 && ele.nodeValue.indexOf(850-584-2162) > 0) { ele.nodeValue ele.nodeValue.replace(850-584-2162, (866) 512-4818); } }, this); }); } } function checkPaidExisting() { value getCookie(dx1SemName); if (value ) { return false; } var obj JSON.parse(value); return Boolean.parse(obj.IsDx1Sem); } function getCookie(cookieName) { var name cookieName + ; var allCookie decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(;); var cVal ; for (var i 0; i allCookie.length; i++) { if (allCookiei.trim().indexOf(name) 0) { cVal allCookiei.trim().split(); } } return cVal.length 0 ? 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There is no better time to purchase the ULTIMATE outboard for your new boat package or to repower your current boat. Contact your authorized Suzuki Marine dealer for additional>*If engine is purchased during a qualifying OPEN HOUSE/BOAT SHOW in the month of December you can receive double the base rebate offering. Promotional rebate period ends 12/31/2024./p>p>strong>Eligible Model/strong>/p>ul> li>DF2.5 - DF15HP /li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$50br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$50br>strong>Total:/strong> $100/p>ul> li>DF20 - DF30HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$100br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$100br>strong>Total:/strong> $200/p>ul> li>DF40 - DF60HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$200br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$200br>strong>Total:/strong> $400/p>ul> li>DF70 - DF140HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$300br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$300br>strong>Total:/strong> $600/p>p>DF150 - DF200HPbr>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$400br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$400br>strong>Total:/strong> $800/p>ul> li>DF225 - DF350HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$500br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$500br>strong>Total:/strong> $1,000/p>/div> /div> /div>1 div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1 target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-id8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1 data-promotion-namePolaris - Gift The Outdoors data-item-index2> img altPolaris - Gift The Outdoors data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>p styletext-align: center;>RESTRICTIONS: VALID FROM NOVEMBER 1ST – DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. SPEND $250 OR MORE (US OR CANADIAN DOLLARS) ON QUALIFYING POLARIS PARTS, GARMENTS, AND ACCESSORIES AND RECEIVE $50 OFF, OR SPEND $750 OR MORE AND RECEIVE $150 OFF. OFFER MAY BE REDEEMED ONCE PER CUSTOMER. APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES DO NOT COUNT TOWARD MINIMUM REQUIRED PURCHASE AMOUNT. DISCOUNT IS APPLIED AFTER APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES ARE ADDED. OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER PARTS, GARMENTS & ACCESSORIES (“PG&A”) COUPONS, DISCOUNTS, OFFERS OR PROMOTIONS. THESE OFFERS ARE NOT REDEEMABLE FOR CASH OR GIFT CARD, NOR ARE THEY VALID TOWARDS PRIOR PURCHASES. DEALERS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE DISCOUNT. OFFERS ARE VALID ON POLARIS.COM, POLARIS.COM/SNOWMOBILES, IN-STORE AT AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALERSHIPS AND ONLINE WITH AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALER WEBSITES. NOT VALID ON NON-POLARIS PRODUCTS OR PURCHASES BEFORE NOVEMBER 1ST OR AFTER DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. THESE OFFERS MAY BE DISCONTINUED OR MODIFIED AT ANY TIME BY POLARIS. OFFERS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN THE US AND CANADA. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR OTHERWISE RESTRICTED. RETURNS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PURCHASE WILL REQUIRE EQUAL FORFEITURE OF OFFER OR AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE OFFER./p>p styletext-align: center;>ALL RIDERS SHOULD ALWAYS WEAR HELMETS, EYE PROTECTION AND REFER TO THE OWNER’S MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE GEAR INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL. RIDE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF YOUR OWN ABILITIES. NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL. ALL RIDERS SHOULD TAKE A SAFETY TRAINING COURSE. CALL 800-342-3764 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC. © 2024 POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC./p>p styletext-align: center;>DEALER INSTRUCTIONS: THIS IS A POLARIS OEM COUPON. FOR REIMBURSEMENT LOG IN TO YOUR POLARIS DEALER WEBSITE THEN GO TO DEALER MANAGEMENT ON THE BLUE TOOL BAR AND CLICK COUPON REDEMPTION TO LOGIN AND PROCEED WITH THE SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SCAN THE COUPON ALONG WITH THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP THAT INDICATES THE DISCOUNT WAS ISSUED AT TIME OF PURCHASE, INCLUDING ALL APPLICABLE PART NUMBERS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS. DEALER MUST CHECK THE BOX ON WHICH OFFER WAS USED AND HIGHLIGHT CORRESPONDING ITEMS ON THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP. ALL REDEMPTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JANUARY 15TH, 2025 OR EARLIER. INCOMPLETE REDEMPTIONS WILL NOT BE CREDITED, AND CREDIT AMOUNT GIVEN WILL NOT EXCEED AMOUNT GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER. ALL REDEMPTIONS WILL BE CREDITED TO THE DEALER PARTS ACCOUNT./p>/div> /div> /div>2 div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-id0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf data-promotion-namePolaris - Up To $3000 Off Select Off Road Vehicles data-item-index3> img altPolaris - Up To $3000 Off Select Off Road Vehicles data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>p>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>**2.99% for 36 Months 2.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2025 RANGER, RZR Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>**5.99% for 84 Months 5.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 RANGER*, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth models are excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $15,000.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 84 monthly payments of $219.06 each. Interest rate is 5.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 5.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate /p>p>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>p>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>p>Rebate up to $1,750 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris RANGER®, Sportsman®, GENERAL® and, RZR® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying buyers of eligible models will receive a tiered rebate per vehicle when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to $1,750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>p>***2-Year Promotional Limited Warranty Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered 2025 RANGER models & 2024 RANGER XP Kinetic, RANGER XD 1500 models. The 2-year coverage consists of 12 months of Promotional Powertrain Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 24 months (2-years)./p>p>***5-Year Promotional Battery Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered RANGER XP Kinetic Models Only. The 5-year coverage consists of 48 months of Promotional Battery Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 60 months (5-years)./p>p>This offer only applies to the eligible models during the stated program period and does not apply to previous purchases. The promotional limited warranty/battery warranty carries a standard $50 deductible, has no mileage limitation, and is transferable. Promotional offer is non-cancellable. See dealer for offer details and terms and conditions./p>/div> /div> /div>3 div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856 target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-id619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856 data-promotion-namePolaris - Up To $1000 Off Sportsman Models data-item-index4> img altPolaris - Up To $1000 Off Sportsman Models data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>p>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman and Scrambler models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2024 Sportsman and Scrambler purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>p>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>p>Rebate up to $1,250 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris Sportsman® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>/div> /div> /div>4 div> img altPolaris Ranger UTV data-lazy /> /div> div> img altGator Tail data-lazy /> /div> div> img altKW 210 data-lazy /> /div> div> img altXpress data-lazy /> /div> div> img altHurricane boats data-lazy /> /div> div> img altBulls Bay data-lazy /> /div> div> img altStar Craft data-lazy /> /div> /div> div classslick-nav slick-buttons slider-arrows> button classslick-prev slick-arrow slider-arrow slider-arrow-prev fa fa-chevron-circle-left aria-labelPrevious typebutton style> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /button> button classslick-next slick-arrow slider-arrow slider-arrow-next fa fa-chevron-circle-right aria-labelNext typebutton style> span classsr-only>Next/span> /button> /div> div classslick-dots slider-pagination>/div> /div> script data-slideshow-setting-id92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37 typeapplication/json> {PagePath://Home,SlideshowInstanceId:92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37,IsEnableSpotlightPromotion:true,IsDisplayDisclaimer:true,SlideshowName:HomeSlideshow,IsDisplayOnPhones:false,IsActive:true,IsAutoPlay:true,IsDisplayArrow:true,IsDisplayBullet:true,TransitionStyleCode:SLIDE,SlideDisplayDuration:3.00,SlideSpeed:1.00,DealershipId:9c37a634-5ff7-448b-acad-a8cb011be9d7,SiteId:f2105f8c-2ed2-49b9-9c5a-a9c14465a4cf,Width:1366,Height:585,Slides:{SlideshowInstanceId:92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37,SlideId:a947af1f-c6b1-45ab-a2fa-b23b0056d3e4,Seq:1,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Suzuki Marine - Current Rebates,LongDescription:p>Now through December 31st 2024, Suzuki Marine is offering DECK THE DOCKS WITH SAVINGS on any qualifying 2.5hp-350hp engines up $1000*. There is no better time to purchase the ULTIMATE outboard for your new boat package or to repower your current boat. Contact your authorized Suzuki Marine dealer for additional>\r\n*If engine is purchased during a qualifying OPEN HOUSE/BOAT SHOW in the month of December you can receive double the base rebate offering. Promotional rebate period ends 12/31/2024./p>\r\n\r\np>strong>Eligible Model/strong>/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF2.5 - DF15HP /li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$50br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$50br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $100/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF20 - DF30HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$100br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$100br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $200/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF40 - DF60HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$200br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$200br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $400/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF70 - DF140HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$300br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$300br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $600/p>\r\n\r\np>DF150 - DF200HPbr>\r\nstrong>Base rebates: /strong>$400br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$400br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $800/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF225 - DF350HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$500br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$500br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $1,000/p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-a45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/a45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12/SPOTLIGHT/N000000017.jpg,PromotionGuid:a45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2023-08-03T12:51:07.833,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:840007616},{SlideshowInstanceId:92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37,SlideId:f7486718-37d7-47f7-bcc8-b2390074e57e,Seq:2,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Polaris - Gift The Outdoors,LongDescription:p style\text-align: center;\>RESTRICTIONS: VALID FROM NOVEMBER 1ST – DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. SPEND $250 OR MORE (US OR CANADIAN DOLLARS) ON QUALIFYING POLARIS PARTS, GARMENTS, AND ACCESSORIES AND RECEIVE $50 OFF, OR SPEND $750 OR MORE AND RECEIVE $150 OFF. OFFER MAY BE REDEEMED ONCE PER CUSTOMER. APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES DO NOT COUNT TOWARD MINIMUM REQUIRED PURCHASE AMOUNT. DISCOUNT IS APPLIED AFTER APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES ARE ADDED. OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER PARTS, GARMENTS & ACCESSORIES (“PG&A”) COUPONS, DISCOUNTS, OFFERS OR PROMOTIONS. THESE OFFERS ARE NOT REDEEMABLE FOR CASH OR GIFT CARD, NOR ARE THEY VALID TOWARDS PRIOR PURCHASES. DEALERS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE DISCOUNT. OFFERS ARE VALID ON POLARIS.COM, POLARIS.COM/SNOWMOBILES, IN-STORE AT AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALERSHIPS AND ONLINE WITH AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALER WEBSITES. NOT VALID ON NON-POLARIS PRODUCTS OR PURCHASES BEFORE NOVEMBER 1ST OR AFTER DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. THESE OFFERS MAY BE DISCONTINUED OR MODIFIED AT ANY TIME BY POLARIS. OFFERS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN THE US AND CANADA. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR OTHERWISE RESTRICTED. RETURNS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PURCHASE WILL REQUIRE EQUAL FORFEITURE OF OFFER OR AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE OFFER./p>\r\n\r\np style\text-align: center;\>ALL RIDERS SHOULD ALWAYS WEAR HELMETS, EYE PROTECTION AND REFER TO THE OWNER’S MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE GEAR INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL. RIDE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF YOUR OWN ABILITIES. NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL. ALL RIDERS SHOULD TAKE A SAFETY TRAINING COURSE. CALL 800-342-3764 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC. © 2024 POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC./p>\r\n\r\np style\text-align: center;\>DEALER INSTRUCTIONS: THIS IS A POLARIS OEM COUPON. FOR REIMBURSEMENT LOG IN TO YOUR POLARIS DEALER WEBSITE THEN GO TO DEALER MANAGEMENT ON THE BLUE TOOL BAR AND CLICK COUPON REDEMPTION TO LOGIN AND PROCEED WITH THE SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SCAN THE COUPON ALONG WITH THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP THAT INDICATES THE DISCOUNT WAS ISSUED AT TIME OF PURCHASE, INCLUDING ALL APPLICABLE PART NUMBERS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS. DEALER MUST CHECK THE BOX ON WHICH OFFER WAS USED AND HIGHLIGHT CORRESPONDING ITEMS ON THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP. ALL REDEMPTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JANUARY 15TH, 2025 OR EARLIER. INCOMPLETE REDEMPTIONS WILL NOT BE CREDITED, AND CREDIT AMOUNT GIVEN WILL NOT EXCEED AMOUNT GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER. ALL REDEMPTIONS WILL BE CREDITED TO THE DEALER PARTS ACCOUNT./p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1/SPOTLIGHT_W/O000000001.jpg,PromotionGuid:8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2024-11-26T17:47:55.73,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:7085},{SlideshowInstanceId:92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37,SlideId:2954fb09-b319-4f13-801c-b21b00649810,Seq:3,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Polaris - Up To $3000 Off Select Off Road Vehicles,LongDescription:p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>\r\n\r\np>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>**2.99% for 36 Months 2.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2025 RANGER, RZR Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>**5.99% for 84 Months 5.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 RANGER*, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth models are excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $15,000.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 84 monthly payments of $219.06 each. Interest rate is 5.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 5.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate /p>\r\n\r\np>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>\r\n\r\np>Rebate up to $1,750 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris RANGER®, Sportsman®, GENERAL® and, RZR® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying buyers of eligible models will receive a tiered rebate per vehicle when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to $1,750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>\r\n\r\np>***2-Year Promotional Limited Warranty Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered 2025 RANGER models & 2024 RANGER XP Kinetic, RANGER XD 1500 models. The 2-year coverage consists of 12 months of Promotional Powertrain Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 24 months (2-years)./p>\r\n\r\np>***5-Year Promotional Battery Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered RANGER XP Kinetic Models Only. The 5-year coverage consists of 48 months of Promotional Battery Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 60 months (5-years)./p>\r\n\r\np>This offer only applies to the eligible models during the stated program period and does not apply to previous purchases. The promotional limited warranty/battery warranty carries a standard $50 deductible, has no mileage limitation, and is transferable. Promotional offer is non-cancellable. See dealer for offer details and terms and conditions./p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf/SPOTLIGHT_W/O000000001.jpg,PromotionGuid:0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2024-10-31T13:19:29.347,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:7085},{SlideshowInstanceId:92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37,SlideId:e2abf6ea-72e7-47cc-9f6e-b21b00649810,Seq:4,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Polaris - Up To $1000 Off Sportsman Models,LongDescription:p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>\r\n\r\np>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman and Scrambler models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2024 Sportsman and Scrambler purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>\r\n\r\np>Rebate up to $1,250 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris Sportsman® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856/SPOTLIGHT_W/O000000001.jpg,PromotionGuid:619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2024-10-31T13:19:29.347,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:7085},{SlideshowInstanceId:92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37,SlideId:8e0ce808-9849-4296-86d7-3ef7bc809414,Seq:5,IsActive:true,FileExt:.jpg,Title:Polaris Ranger UTV,LongDescription:null,StartDate:null,EndDate:null,LinkUrl:null,ImageUrl:null,PromotionGuid:null,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2020-01-31T15:46:05.94,ExpiredDate:9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999,VendorId:null},{SlideshowInstanceId:92f29645-62e8-47f1-bfa0-1ae1f0755a37,SlideId:c2bf3fac-cd1d-42ec-9d28-351a08d41f6c,Seq:6,IsActive:true,FileExt:.jpeg,Title:Gator 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classcta-img>/div> div classcta-text>Engines/div> div classbar>/div> /a> a href/Trailers classCTA-4> div classcta-img>/div> div classcta-text>Trailers/div> div classbar>/div> /a> /section> section classfinancing-home-wrap> div classcontainer> div classcol-sm-8 financing-text-img-wrap> img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/finance-icon.png altGet financing with Jacks Boats & Trailers /> div classfinancing-text> h2>Get Financed/h2> p>Fill out our secure finance application & get approved today!/p> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 financing-btn> a href target_blank relnoopener>Get Financed/a> /div> /div> /section> div classrow welcome-message-wrap> div iddnn_FullBefore2Col classcol-xs-12>div classDnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML DnnModule-24790>a name24790>/a>div classnotitle> div iddnn_ctr24790_ContentPane classbody>!-- Start_Module_24790 -->div iddnn_ctr24790_ModuleContent classDNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC> div iddnn_ctr24790_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> h1 styletext-align: center;>Welcome to Jack's Boats & Trailers/h1>/div>/div>!-- End_Module_24790 -->/div> span classdnn-module-actions> /span>/div>/div>/div> div iddnn_Main classmain col-md-8>div classDnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML DnnModule-24792>a name24792>/a>div classnotitle> div iddnn_ctr24792_ContentPane classbody>!-- Start_Module_24792 -->div iddnn_ctr24792_ModuleContent classDNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC> div iddnn_ctr24792_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> div classwelcome-message>p>We’re your source for boats, a href/Engines>boat engines/a>, and a href/Trailers>boat trailers for sale/a> in the Tallahassee area and North Florida. We’re a href/Dealer-Info/Map-Hours>located in Perry, Florida/a>, near the Gulf of Mexico./p>p>At Jack's Boats & Trailers, we are committed to giving you what you deserve: quality! Our friendly staff will show you what type of boat and trailer fits your needs. And our a href/Dealer-Services/Service-Department>service department/a> can diagnose any problems with your equipment and help you fix it./p>p>If you are looking for boating gear, our a href/Dealer-Services/Parts-Department>parts department/a> has a full stock of marine accessories. Stop in or a href/Contact-Us>contact us/a> today to discover how Jack's Boats & Trailers can help you when “it’s time to get ’em in the water!”/p>/div>/div>/div>!-- End_Module_24792 -->/div> span classdnn-module-actions> /span>/div>/div>/div> div iddnn_Sidebar classsidebar col-md-4>div classDnnModule DnnModule-Dx1Slideshow DnnModule-24793>a name24793>/a>div classnotitle> div iddnn_ctr24793_ContentPane classbody>!-- Start_Module_24793 -->div iddnn_ctr24793_ModuleContent classDNNModuleContent ModDx1SlideshowC> div idmvcContainer-24793> div classdx1-slideshow-container dx1-slideshow-standard idPromotions data-slideshow-instance-id5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222> div classdx1-slideshow-items styledisplay: none;margin:auto> div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1 target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-id8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1 data-promotion-namePolaris - Gift The Outdoors data-item-index1> img altPolaris - Gift The Outdoors data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>p styletext-align: center;>RESTRICTIONS: VALID FROM NOVEMBER 1ST – DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. SPEND $250 OR MORE (US OR CANADIAN DOLLARS) ON QUALIFYING POLARIS PARTS, GARMENTS, AND ACCESSORIES AND RECEIVE $50 OFF, OR SPEND $750 OR MORE AND RECEIVE $150 OFF. OFFER MAY BE REDEEMED ONCE PER CUSTOMER. APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES DO NOT COUNT TOWARD MINIMUM REQUIRED PURCHASE AMOUNT. DISCOUNT IS APPLIED AFTER APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES ARE ADDED. OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER PARTS, GARMENTS & ACCESSORIES (“PG&A”) COUPONS, DISCOUNTS, OFFERS OR PROMOTIONS. THESE OFFERS ARE NOT REDEEMABLE FOR CASH OR GIFT CARD, NOR ARE THEY VALID TOWARDS PRIOR PURCHASES. DEALERS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE DISCOUNT. OFFERS ARE VALID ON POLARIS.COM, POLARIS.COM/SNOWMOBILES, IN-STORE AT AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALERSHIPS AND ONLINE WITH AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALER WEBSITES. NOT VALID ON NON-POLARIS PRODUCTS OR PURCHASES BEFORE NOVEMBER 1ST OR AFTER DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. THESE OFFERS MAY BE DISCONTINUED OR MODIFIED AT ANY TIME BY POLARIS. OFFERS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN THE US AND CANADA. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR OTHERWISE RESTRICTED. RETURNS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PURCHASE WILL REQUIRE EQUAL FORFEITURE OF OFFER OR AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE OFFER./p>p styletext-align: center;>ALL RIDERS SHOULD ALWAYS WEAR HELMETS, EYE PROTECTION AND REFER TO THE OWNER’S MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE GEAR INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL. RIDE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF YOUR OWN ABILITIES. NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL. ALL RIDERS SHOULD TAKE A SAFETY TRAINING COURSE. CALL 800-342-3764 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC. © 2024 POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC./p>p styletext-align: center;>DEALER INSTRUCTIONS: THIS IS A POLARIS OEM COUPON. FOR REIMBURSEMENT LOG IN TO YOUR POLARIS DEALER WEBSITE THEN GO TO DEALER MANAGEMENT ON THE BLUE TOOL BAR AND CLICK COUPON REDEMPTION TO LOGIN AND PROCEED WITH THE SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SCAN THE COUPON ALONG WITH THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP THAT INDICATES THE DISCOUNT WAS ISSUED AT TIME OF PURCHASE, INCLUDING ALL APPLICABLE PART NUMBERS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS. DEALER MUST CHECK THE BOX ON WHICH OFFER WAS USED AND HIGHLIGHT CORRESPONDING ITEMS ON THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP. ALL REDEMPTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JANUARY 15TH, 2025 OR EARLIER. INCOMPLETE REDEMPTIONS WILL NOT BE CREDITED, AND CREDIT AMOUNT GIVEN WILL NOT EXCEED AMOUNT GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER. ALL REDEMPTIONS WILL BE CREDITED TO THE DEALER PARTS ACCOUNT./p>/div> /div> /div>1 div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-05ea240d-2db4-479c-98b3-b20a002ccada target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-id05ea240d-2db4-479c-98b3-b20a002ccada data-promotion-nameSportsman - Buy Now Save Big data-item-index2> img altSportsman - Buy Now Save Big data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>h3>strong>Buy Now, Save Big: Incredible Savings on Your New Sportsman Boat!/strong>/h3>p>Don’t wait! Get up to $10,000 off on all 2023 and 2024 models today./p>p>Take advantage of our limited-time Buy Now, Save Big promotion and save up to $10,000 on select Sportsman Boats models. Whether you’re upgrading or buying your first boat, now is the perfect time to make your move. This exclusive offer ends on December 31, 2024, so act fast to lock in these amazing savings and get on the water sooner!/p>p>strong>The following models are included in the promotion./strong>/p>p>Incentive Amount: $3,500/p>ul> li>2023 or 2024 Open 212/li> li>2023 or 2024 Open 232/li> li>2023 or 2024 Heritage 211/li> li>2023 or 2024 Heritage 231/li> li>2023 or 2024 Masters 227/li>/ul>p>Incentive Amount: $5,000/p>ul> li>2023 or 2024 Open 252/li> li>2023 or 2024 Open 262/li> li>2023 or 2024 Heritage 261/li> li>2023 or 2024 Masters 247/li> li>2023 or 2024 Masters 247OE/li> li>2023 or 2024 Masters 267/li> li>2023 or 2024 Masters 267OE/li>/ul>p>Incentive Amount: $7,500/p>ul> li>2023 or 2024 Open 282/li> li>2023 or 2024 Open 282TE/li>/ul>p>Incentive Amount: $10,000/p>ul> li>2023 or 2024 Open 302/li> li>2023 or 2024 Open 322/li> li>2023 or 2024 Open 352/li>/ul>p>/p>p>strong>Disclosure/strong>/p>p>The “Buy Now, Save Big” promotion is valid on all new 2023 and 2024 Sportsman Boats models sold and delivered between the promotion start date and December 31, 2024. Eligible models and incentive amounts are predetermined and vary by model. To qualify, dealers must submit a final purchase agreement, including a line item stating “Sportsman Rebate Incentive,” within 14 days of the sale & delivery of the boat. This offer cannot be combined with any other promotions or discounts. All incentives are subject to availability, and Sportsman Boats reserves the right to modify or terminate this promotion at any time without notice. Please contact your participating dealer for further details./p>p>Contact your local dealer for full details and availability./p>/div> /div> /div>2 div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-a45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12 target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-ida45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12 data-promotion-nameSuzuki Marine - Current Rebates data-item-index3> img altSuzuki Marine - Current Rebates data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>p>Now through December 31st 2024, Suzuki Marine is offering DECK THE DOCKS WITH SAVINGS on any qualifying 2.5hp-350hp engines up $1000*. There is no better time to purchase the ULTIMATE outboard for your new boat package or to repower your current boat. Contact your authorized Suzuki Marine dealer for additional>*If engine is purchased during a qualifying OPEN HOUSE/BOAT SHOW in the month of December you can receive double the base rebate offering. Promotional rebate period ends 12/31/2024./p>p>strong>Eligible Model/strong>/p>ul> li>DF2.5 - DF15HP /li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$50br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$50br>strong>Total:/strong> $100/p>ul> li>DF20 - DF30HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$100br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$100br>strong>Total:/strong> $200/p>ul> li>DF40 - DF60HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$200br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$200br>strong>Total:/strong> $400/p>ul> li>DF70 - DF140HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$300br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$300br>strong>Total:/strong> $600/p>p>DF150 - DF200HPbr>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$400br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$400br>strong>Total:/strong> $800/p>ul> li>DF225 - DF350HP/li>/ul>p>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$500br>strong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$500br>strong>Total:/strong> $1,000/p>/div> /div> /div>3 div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-id0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf data-promotion-namePolaris - Up To $3000 Off Select Off Road Vehicles data-item-index4> img altPolaris - Up To $3000 Off Select Off Road Vehicles data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>p>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>**2.99% for 36 Months 2.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2025 RANGER, RZR Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>**5.99% for 84 Months 5.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 RANGER*, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth models are excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $15,000.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 84 monthly payments of $219.06 each. Interest rate is 5.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 5.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate /p>p>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>p>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>p>Rebate up to $1,750 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris RANGER®, Sportsman®, GENERAL® and, RZR® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying buyers of eligible models will receive a tiered rebate per vehicle when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to $1,750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>p>***2-Year Promotional Limited Warranty Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered 2025 RANGER models & 2024 RANGER XP Kinetic, RANGER XD 1500 models. The 2-year coverage consists of 12 months of Promotional Powertrain Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 24 months (2-years)./p>p>***5-Year Promotional Battery Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered RANGER XP Kinetic Models Only. The 5-year coverage consists of 48 months of Promotional Battery Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 60 months (5-years)./p>p>This offer only applies to the eligible models during the stated program period and does not apply to previous purchases. The promotional limited warranty/battery warranty carries a standard $50 deductible, has no mileage limitation, and is transferable. Promotional offer is non-cancellable. See dealer for offer details and terms and conditions./p>/div> /div> /div>4 div> a classdx1-slideshow-promotion-link promo-link href/Promotion-Details-619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856 target_self data-promotion1 data-promotion-id619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856 data-promotion-namePolaris - Up To $1000 Off Sportsman Models data-item-index5> img altPolaris - Up To $1000 Off Sportsman Models data-lazy /> /a> footer> div classbtn disclaimerIcon> a>/a> /div> /footer> div classdisclaimer> button typebutton classclose titleClose>/button> div classmfp-disclaimer text-left>p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>p>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman and Scrambler models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>p>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>p>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2024 Sportsman and Scrambler purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>p>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>p>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>p>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>p>Rebate up to $1,250 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris Sportsman® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>/div> /div> /div>5 /div> div classslick-nav slick-buttons slider-arrows> button classslick-prev slick-arrow slider-arrow slider-arrow-prev fa fa-chevron-circle-left aria-labelPrevious typebutton style> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /button> button classslick-next slick-arrow slider-arrow slider-arrow-next fa fa-chevron-circle-right aria-labelNext typebutton style> span classsr-only>Next/span> /button> /div> div classslick-dots slider-pagination>/div> /div> script data-slideshow-setting-id5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222 typeapplication/json> {PagePath://Home,SlideshowInstanceId:5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222,IsEnableSpotlightPromotion:true,IsDisplayDisclaimer:true,SlideshowName:Promotions,IsDisplayOnPhones:true,IsActive:true,IsAutoPlay:true,IsDisplayArrow:true,IsDisplayBullet:true,TransitionStyleCode:SLIDE,SlideDisplayDuration:5.00,SlideSpeed:2.00,DealershipId:9c37a634-5ff7-448b-acad-a8cb011be9d7,SiteId:f2105f8c-2ed2-49b9-9c5a-a9c14465a4cf,Width:768,Height:432,Slides:{SlideshowInstanceId:5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222,SlideId:004a3f5b-c9f1-4390-b7f8-b2390074e3df,Seq:1,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Polaris - Gift The Outdoors,LongDescription:p style\text-align: center;\>RESTRICTIONS: VALID FROM NOVEMBER 1ST – DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. SPEND $250 OR MORE (US OR CANADIAN DOLLARS) ON QUALIFYING POLARIS PARTS, GARMENTS, AND ACCESSORIES AND RECEIVE $50 OFF, OR SPEND $750 OR MORE AND RECEIVE $150 OFF. OFFER MAY BE REDEEMED ONCE PER CUSTOMER. APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES DO NOT COUNT TOWARD MINIMUM REQUIRED PURCHASE AMOUNT. DISCOUNT IS APPLIED AFTER APPLICABLE TAX, SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEES ARE ADDED. OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER PARTS, GARMENTS & ACCESSORIES (“PG&A”) COUPONS, DISCOUNTS, OFFERS OR PROMOTIONS. THESE OFFERS ARE NOT REDEEMABLE FOR CASH OR GIFT CARD, NOR ARE THEY VALID TOWARDS PRIOR PURCHASES. DEALERS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE DISCOUNT. OFFERS ARE VALID ON POLARIS.COM, POLARIS.COM/SNOWMOBILES, IN-STORE AT AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALERSHIPS AND ONLINE WITH AUTHORIZED POLARIS DEALER WEBSITES. NOT VALID ON NON-POLARIS PRODUCTS OR PURCHASES BEFORE NOVEMBER 1ST OR AFTER DECEMBER 31ST, 2024. OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. THESE OFFERS MAY BE DISCONTINUED OR MODIFIED AT ANY TIME BY POLARIS. OFFERS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN THE US AND CANADA. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR OTHERWISE RESTRICTED. RETURNS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PURCHASE WILL REQUIRE EQUAL FORFEITURE OF OFFER OR AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE OFFER./p>\r\n\r\np style\text-align: center;\>ALL RIDERS SHOULD ALWAYS WEAR HELMETS, EYE PROTECTION AND REFER TO THE OWNER’S MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE GEAR INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL. RIDE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF YOUR OWN ABILITIES. NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL. ALL RIDERS SHOULD TAKE A SAFETY TRAINING COURSE. CALL 800-342-3764 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC. © 2024 POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC./p>\r\n\r\np style\text-align: center;\>DEALER INSTRUCTIONS: THIS IS A POLARIS OEM COUPON. FOR REIMBURSEMENT LOG IN TO YOUR POLARIS DEALER WEBSITE THEN GO TO DEALER MANAGEMENT ON THE BLUE TOOL BAR AND CLICK COUPON REDEMPTION TO LOGIN AND PROCEED WITH THE SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SCAN THE COUPON ALONG WITH THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP THAT INDICATES THE DISCOUNT WAS ISSUED AT TIME OF PURCHASE, INCLUDING ALL APPLICABLE PART NUMBERS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS. DEALER MUST CHECK THE BOX ON WHICH OFFER WAS USED AND HIGHLIGHT CORRESPONDING ITEMS ON THE ORIGINAL SALES SLIP. ALL REDEMPTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JANUARY 15TH, 2025 OR EARLIER. INCOMPLETE REDEMPTIONS WILL NOT BE CREDITED, AND CREDIT AMOUNT GIVEN WILL NOT EXCEED AMOUNT GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER. ALL REDEMPTIONS WILL BE CREDITED TO THE DEALER PARTS ACCOUNT./p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1/SPOTLIGHT/N000000001.jpg,PromotionGuid:8c4fb8c5-f83d-464c-93c0-b234011fb7f1,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2024-11-26T17:47:55.73,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:7085},{SlideshowInstanceId:5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222,SlideId:14d6217f-942e-473a-9d56-b20a00e65bcf,Seq:2,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Sportsman - Buy Now Save Big,LongDescription:h3>strong>Buy Now, Save Big: Incredible Savings on Your New Sportsman Boat!/strong>/h3>\r\n\r\np>Don’t wait! Get up to $10,000 off on all 2023 and 2024 models today./p>\r\n\r\np>Take advantage of our limited-time Buy Now, Save Big promotion and save up to $10,000 on select Sportsman Boats models. Whether you’re upgrading or buying your first boat, now is the perfect time to make your move. This exclusive offer ends on December 31, 2024, so act fast to lock in these amazing savings and get on the water sooner!/p>\r\n\r\np>strong>The following models are included in the promotion./strong>/p>\r\n\r\np>Incentive Amount: $3,500/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 212/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 232/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Heritage 211/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Heritage 231/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Masters 227/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>Incentive Amount: $5,000/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 252/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 262/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Heritage 261/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Masters 247/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Masters 247OE/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Masters 267/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Masters 267OE/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>Incentive Amount: $7,500/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 282/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 282TE/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>Incentive Amount: $10,000/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 302/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 322/li>\r\n\tli>2023 or 2024 Open 352/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>/p>\r\n\r\np>strong>Disclosure/strong>/p>\r\n\r\np>The “Buy Now, Save Big” promotion is valid on all new 2023 and 2024 Sportsman Boats models sold and delivered between the promotion start date and December 31, 2024. Eligible models and incentive amounts are predetermined and vary by model. To qualify, dealers must submit a final purchase agreement, including a line item stating “Sportsman Rebate Incentive,” within 14 days of the sale & delivery of the boat. This offer cannot be combined with any other promotions or discounts. All incentives are subject to availability, and Sportsman Boats reserves the right to modify or terminate this promotion at any time without notice. Please contact your participating dealer for further details./p>\r\n\r\np>Contact your local dealer for full details and availability./p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-05ea240d-2db4-479c-98b3-b20a002ccada,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/05ea240d-2db4-479c-98b3-b20a002ccada/SPOTLIGHT/N000000002.jpg,PromotionGuid:05ea240d-2db4-479c-98b3-b20a002ccada,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2024-10-15T12:43:48.023,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:1840712206},{SlideshowInstanceId:5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222,SlideId:9cef70d2-7509-4a9d-a28f-b23b0056d35d,Seq:3,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Suzuki Marine - Current Rebates,LongDescription:p>Now through December 31st 2024, Suzuki Marine is offering DECK THE DOCKS WITH SAVINGS on any qualifying 2.5hp-350hp engines up $1000*. There is no better time to purchase the ULTIMATE outboard for your new boat package or to repower your current boat. Contact your authorized Suzuki Marine dealer for additional>\r\n*If engine is purchased during a qualifying OPEN HOUSE/BOAT SHOW in the month of December you can receive double the base rebate offering. Promotional rebate period ends 12/31/2024./p>\r\n\r\np>strong>Eligible Model/strong>/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF2.5 - DF15HP /li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$50br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$50br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $100/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF20 - DF30HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$100br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$100br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $200/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF40 - DF60HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$200br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$200br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $400/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF70 - DF140HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$300br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$300br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $600/p>\r\n\r\np>DF150 - DF200HPbr>\r\nstrong>Base rebates: /strong>$400br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$400br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $800/p>\r\n\r\nul>\r\n\tli>DF225 - DF350HP/li>\r\n/ul>\r\n\r\np>strong>Base rebates: /strong>$500br>\r\nstrong>Open house or boat show rebate: /strong>$500br>\r\nstrong>Total:/strong> $1,000/p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-a45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/a45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12/SPOTLIGHT/N000000017.jpg,PromotionGuid:a45e938a-c714-4b95-bcba-b05300294a12,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2023-08-03T12:51:07.833,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:840007616},{SlideshowInstanceId:5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222,SlideId:a7c77c8a-926f-4329-9af8-b21b0064953c,Seq:4,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Polaris - Up To $3000 Off Select Off Road Vehicles,LongDescription:p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>\r\n\r\np>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 Sportsman, Scrambler, RANGER, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>**2.99% for 36 Months 2.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2025 RANGER, RZR Models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>**5.99% for 84 Months 5.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and trade in credit and only available on 2024 RANGER*, RZR, GENERAL and Polaris XPEDITION models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth models are excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $15,000.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 84 monthly payments of $219.06 each. Interest rate is 5.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 5.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate /p>\r\n\r\np>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>\r\n\r\np>Rebate up to $1,750 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris RANGER®, Sportsman®, GENERAL® and, RZR® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying buyers of eligible models will receive a tiered rebate per vehicle when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to $1,750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>\r\n\r\np>***2-Year Promotional Limited Warranty Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered 2025 RANGER models & 2024 RANGER XP Kinetic, RANGER XD 1500 models. The 2-year coverage consists of 12 months of Promotional Powertrain Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 24 months (2-years)./p>\r\n\r\np>***5-Year Promotional Battery Coverage: This offer is valid through 12/31/2024. Valid on any new and unregistered RANGER XP Kinetic Models Only. The 5-year coverage consists of 48 months of Promotional Battery Warranty in addition to the 12-month factory warranty for a total term of 60 months (5-years)./p>\r\n\r\np>This offer only applies to the eligible models during the stated program period and does not apply to previous purchases. The promotional limited warranty/battery warranty carries a standard $50 deductible, has no mileage limitation, and is transferable. Promotional offer is non-cancellable. See dealer for offer details and terms and conditions./p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf/SPOTLIGHT/N000000001.jpg,PromotionGuid:0e4bffb1-e3d4-4b73-9ca2-b21900f5fcaf,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2024-10-31T13:19:29.347,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:7085},{SlideshowInstanceId:5b36d377-e3ce-4adf-9dcb-8840276c9222,SlideId:d4fbf67c-0248-46e2-bc78-b21b0064953c,Seq:5,IsActive:true,FileExt:null,Title:Polaris - Up To $1000 Off Sportsman Models,LongDescription:p>Offers vary by model. See your local dealer for full terms and conditions and details/p>\r\n\r\np>*Rebates available on select new and unregistered 2024 -2025 Sportsman and Scrambler models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>*Trade in Credit available on select new and unregistered 2024 Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar and Ranger XD 1500 models purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 ./p>\r\n\r\np>**1.99% for 36 Months 1.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>Offer in lieu of rebate and only available on 2024 Sportsman and Scrambler purchased between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Youth Models excluded. *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $214.79 each. Interest rate is 1.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 1.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>**6.99% for 36 Months 6.99% APR*/p>\r\n\r\np>*Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500.00, your Down Payment is $0.00 with 36 monthly payments of $231.54 each. Interest rate is 61.99% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 6.99% (E)./p>\r\n\r\np>Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Offers may vary by bank. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500.00; Maximum Amount Financed $75,000.00. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 . Offer subject to change without notice. “E” means estimate/p>\r\n\r\np>***Ag & Business Fleet Program/p>\r\n\r\np>Rebate up to $1,250 on select Polaris Off Road Models: Eligible units are all new and unused 2022 - 2025 Polaris Sportsman® models. All Youth models excluded. Qualifying 450/570CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $750 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Qualifying 850/1000CC Sportsman® models will receive a tiered rebate per unit when purchasing two or more qualifying models and up to up to $1,250 rebate per vehicle when purchasing a total of six or more qualifying models. Rebate per unit is earned based upon the total combination of qualifying Polaris Off Road models purchased. Minimum of 2 or more qualified vehicle purchases must be completed in a single transaction to earn the rebates. Qualified Ag & Commercial Fleet customers who purchase $1,000 worth of Polaris parts, accessories, riding gear, and clothing are eligible to receive an additional $100 rebate. Ag & Business Fleet offer cannot be combined with other Polaris promotional offers or promotional financing. See dealer for complete details./p>,StartDate:null,EndDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,LinkUrl:/Promotion-Details-619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856,ImageUrl:PROMOTION/619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856/SPOTLIGHT/N000000001.jpg,PromotionGuid:619a09f6-efec-4bd4-ab98-b21900fc6856,IsOpenLinkInCurrentWindow:true,ActiveDate:2024-10-31T13:19:29.347,ExpiredDate:2024-12-31T00:00:00,VendorId:7085},SortOrderOption:{SortOption:6,IsRandom:false,OrderByDealerIds:{Id:7085,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:0},{Id:1840710054,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:1},{Id:840302454,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:2},{Id:1840712305,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:3},{Id:1840712203,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:4},{Id:1840710627,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:5},{Id:840007539,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:6},{Id:840007596,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:7},{Id:1840711123,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:8},{Id:1840711585,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:9},{Id:1840712206,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:10},{Id:840007612,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:11},{Id:840007616,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:12},{Id:840007533,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:13},{Id:1840712218,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:14},{Id:1840712136,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:15},{Id:840007400,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:16},{Id:-1,IsDefaultId:false,IsHide:false,Sequence:17},DefaultVensor:null,CustomDefaultVendor:null,CustomVendorOrders:{VendorId:7085,SlideId:e1489816-c2f1-45cb-8fb7-b05001302d3c},{VendorId:840007616,SlideId:0f3aa2ec-b7b1-4a94-a7e2-b05300f0dd98},{VendorId:840007400,SlideId:89936d93-54c5-4e28-89f9-b07000eec903},{VendorId:7085,SlideId:e43b21b3-bd7f-4b4e-9f59-b0700080f679},{VendorId:7085,SlideId:1fbab771-7e1d-4768-9865-b0500116d4ad},{VendorId:7085,SlideId:5d84a43d-ff70-4613-9f30-b050006746c3},{VendorId:7085,SlideId:f4aa82a7-7080-4d0f-8ed7-b04b006c6147},{VendorId:7085,SlideId:096b818b-7fa7-4bba-b615-b04b006c6147},{VendorId:7085,SlideId:3d39d4b0-6693-4d5c-99b4-b04b006c6147},{VendorId:1840712206,SlideId:8930339d-a010-41f0-9a4c-b07000eec903},CustomVendorOrderHideItems:,DefaultVendorOrderHideItems:null,AllSelectedDefaultVendors:,AllSelectedCustomVendors:1840710054,840302454,1840712305,1840712203,1840710627,840007539,840007596,1840711123,7085,1840711585,1840712206,840007612,840007616,840007533,1840712218,1840712136,840007400},AuthorizeVendors:{\VendorId\:1840710054,\CodeName\:\Alumaweld\,\Url\:\VENDOR\\/690FDF7E-780A-4EA9-B495-A27E0023E0C8\\/LOGO\\/7F57809D-44CA-4467-BA79-1BD0D6CA81EA.jpg\},{\VendorId\:840302454,\CodeName\:\Alweld\,\Url\:\VENDOR\\/C8F64674-7785-4B43-8D1E-A42801119930\\/LOGO\\/5831A600-5B5B-431F-B7ED-4735E8B7750F.png\},{\VendorId\:1840712305,\CodeName\:\Blazer 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iddnn_ctr24788_ContentPane classbody>!-- Start_Module_24788 -->div iddnn_ctr24788_ModuleContent classDNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC> div iddnn_ctr24788_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> h2 classhome-oem-heading styletext-align: center;>Manufacturers/h2>/div>/div>!-- End_Module_24788 -->/div> span classdnn-module-actions> /span>/div>/div>/div> /div> !-- section classoem-wrap> div classoem> a href/Showroom/Manufacturer-Models/Model-List/Key-West>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/keyWestBoats.png altShop Key West Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/godfrey.png altShop Godfrey Pontoon Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/Manufacturer-Models/Model-List/Hurricane>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/hurricane.png altShop Hurricane Deck Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/gatorTail.png altShop Gator Tail Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/Manufacturer-Models/Model-List/E-Z-Go>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/ezgo.png altShop EZGO Golf Carts in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/Manufacturer-Models/Model-List/Yamaha>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/yamaha.png altShop Yamaha in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/Manufacturer-Models/Model-List/Xpress>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/xpressBoats.png altShop Xpress Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/Manufacturer-Models/Model-List/Power-Boats-Outboard?VendorSportsman&ModuleGuid2c3a2918-1b82-4776-af6c-a2c26ae72404>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/sportsmanBoats.png altShop Sportsman Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/Manufacturer-Models/Model-List/Polaris>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/polaris.png altShop Polaris in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/tohatsu.png altShop Tohatsu Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/alweld.png altShop Alweld Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/suzukiMarine.png altShop Suzuki Marine in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> /section> --> !-- section classoem-wrap> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Key-West>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/keyWestBoats.png altShop Key West Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/godfrey.png altShop Godfrey Pontoon Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers /> /div> div classoem> img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/hurricane.png altShop Hurricane Deck Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers /> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Gator-Tail>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/gatorTail.png altShop Gator Tail Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Bulls-Bay>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/bullsbay.png altShop Bulls Bay in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Yamaha>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/yamaha.png altShop Yamaha in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Boats/Xpress>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/xpressBoats.png altShop Xpress Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Boats?makeSportsman>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/sportsmanBoats.png altShop Sportsman Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Polaris>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/polaris.png altShop Polaris in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/tohatsu.png altShop Tohatsu Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers /> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Alweld>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/alweld.png altShop Alweld Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Suzuki-Marine>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/suzukiMarine.png altShop Suzuki Marine in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem oem-centered> a href/Boats/Blazer>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/blazer-logo-oem.png altShop Blazer High Performance Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> /section> --> section classoem-wrap> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Key-West>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/keyWestBoats.png altShop Key West Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Boats?makeSportsman>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/sportsmanBoats.png altShop Sportsman Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Boats/Xpress>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/xpressBoats.png altShop Xpress Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Gator-Tail>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/gatorTail.png altShop Gator Tail Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem2> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Bulls-Bay>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/bullsbay.png altShop Bulls Bay in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem2> a href/Boats/New-Boat-Inventory/New/Starcraft>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/starcraft.png altShop Starcraft Marine in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem2> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Alweld>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/alweld.png altShop Alweld Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> div classoem2> img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/godfrey.png altShop Godfrey Pontoon Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers /> /div> div classoem2> img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/hurricane.png altShop Hurricane Deck Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers /> /div> div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Yamaha>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/yamaha.png altShop Yamaha in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> !-- div classoem> a href/Showroom/All-Inventory/Polaris>img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/polaris.png altShop Polaris in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers />/a> /div> --> div classoem> img src/portals/jacksboatsandtrailers/skins/jacksboatsandtrailers-mudslide//images/tohatsu.png altShop Tohatsu Boats in Perry, FL at Jacks Boats and Trailers /> /div> div classoem> a 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