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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 07:50:10 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age600Expires: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 08:00:10 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Length: 5234Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html> head> title>Expert IT Solutions - Company Overview - Computer & Networking Services - Phoenix, Arizona Area/title>meta charsetUTF-8>meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge /> !-- Ensure IE never uses compatiblity mode. -->meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0; />link relstylesheet href_css/normalize.css />link relstylesheet href_css/screen.css />link relstylesheet typetext/css href_css/slick.css/>!-- Always load scripts after stylesheets. Respond is used to allow olderbrowsers to use CSS media queries. The Google API is used to load a map viaJavaScript instead of embed code. -->script src_scripts/jquery.min.js>/script>script src_scripts/respond.min.js>/script>script src>/script>script src_scripts/global.js>/script>script typetext/javascript src_scripts/slick.min.js>/script> !--carousel things --> meta namedescription contentExpert I.T. Solutions provides computer, server, network and Wi-Fi support for businesses and homes. We offer friendly, in-store repairs, phone support and our technicians can come to you at your home or office. /> /head> body> header> div classcontent> img classlogo altExpert I.T. Solutions Logo src/_images/expert-it-solutions-logo.jpg /> div classphone>a hreftel:+16023344667>602 334 4667/a>/div> a href#nav rolebutton classnav-collapse idnav-menu-button>Menu img altNavigation Menu Toggle Button src/_images/nav-menu-button-icon.jpg />/a> nav> ul> li>a href/>Home/a>/li> li>a href/services.shtml>Services/a>/li> li>a href/pricing.shtml>Pricing/a>/li> li>a href/contact.shtml>Phone Support/a>/li> li>a href/company.shtml>About/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div>/header> main rolemain> article>div classcarousel styleborder: 1px solid #BDB;> div>img src_images/cabling2.jpg altcomputer networking />/div> div>img src_images/computer2.jpg altcomputer repairs />/div> div>img src_images/server2.jpg altserver maintenance and support />/div> div>img src_images/tune2.jpg altcomputer tune ups />/div> div>img src_images/virus2.jpg altVirus removal />/div>/div> h1>Company Overview/h1> p>Expert I.T. Solutions provides computer, server, network and Wi-Fi support for businesses and homes. We offer friendly, in-store repairs, phone support and our technicians can come to you at your home or office. Let our team of well-rounded computer techs help you support the technology you rely on./p> p>We service the entire Metro Phoenix area including Chandler, Tempe, Gilbert, Mesa, Scottsdale, & Ahwatukee from our office in Tempe, AZ./p> h1>Featured Services/h1> h2>Office Support/h2> p>Give your employees the technology support they need to do their job. Let our team be your organizations help desk. We can support your employees in person, by phone and by E-mail for less than an in-house technician. And, with our simple fee structure, you can be assured that your employees are taken care of./p> p>Compare our service to both in-house technicians and our competition and we believe you will be very happy with both our level of support and the price we can offer./p> h2>Computer Repair & Service/h2> p>We offer same-day on-site computer, server, printer and network support. Expert I.T. Solutions understands that broken computers hurt your productivity. We strive to make your systems work and keep them working with regular maintenance./p> /article> aside> section idassistance> h2>Online Assistance/h2> p>We offer instant, interactive support through a simple download from this site./p> p>em>Call a hreftel:+16023344667>602-334-4667/a> then click below for instant help./em>/p> ul> li>a relnofollow href>img altRemote Assistance Software Download src_images/remote-assistance-logo.jpg />/a>/li> li>a relnofollow href>Host/a>/li> /ul> /section>/aside> /main> footer> p>Site Content © Expert IT Solutions 2014/p> p classbyline>A a href>ChromeDome Design/a> Creation/p>/footer> /body>/html>
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