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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 05:18:30 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 178Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 05:18:30 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivepermissions-policy: interest-cohort()etag: 1olaglw !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8 /> meta namedescription contentA place to learn about sustainability on a personal and global scale. 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start({ target: document.querySelector(#svelte), paths: {base:,assets:}, session: {}, host:, route: true, spa: false, trailing_slash: never, hydrate: { status: 200, error: null, nodes: import(/_app/pages/__layout.svelte-d3e977c2.js), import(/_app/pages/index.svelte-2bc2a6ca.js) , page: { host:, // TODO this is redundant path: /, query: new URLSearchParams(), params: {} } } }); /script>/head>body>div idsvelte>div classpb-4rem> nav classsubpixel-antialiased w-full absolute>div classflex justify-between bg-opacity-0 text-gray-100 items-center sm:h-16> a href../>div classsm:px-8 px-4 sm:pr-4 cursor-pointer sm:text-xl text-light>♻ Is This Sustainable /div>/a> div classflex sm:pr-4 items-center h-12> div classpx-2 sm:px-4 sm:text-lg text-base>a href/ classtext-white>Home/a>/div>div classpx-2 sm:px-4 sm:text-lg text-base>a href/about classtext-white>About/a>/div>div classpx-2 sm:px-4 sm:text-lg text-base>a href/contact classtext-white>Contact/a>/div>/div>/div>/nav> div>div classtext-dark> div classhero-img bg-center bg-cover bg-no-repeat stylebackground-image: url(/plants.min.webp)> h1 classfont-serif text-2rem sm:text-5xl text-center capitalize text-light sm:tracking-wide sm:leading-snug leading-relaxed pt-28 pb-16>This is our journey br> To a sustainable future /h1> h2 classtext-2xl sm:text-2xl text-center text-light capitalize pb-12 px-2 sm:leading-relaxed leading-loose>We are dedicated to br> learning / sharing / changebr> on a personal and global scale /h2> div classcapitalize text-center py-4 tracking-wider flex justify-center flex-wrap bg-cyan-900 bg-opacity-80>a href/category/science classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-default text-gray-400 mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>science /div> /a>a href/category/technology classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-default text-gray-400 mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>technology /div> /a>a href/category/energy classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-default text-gray-400 mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>energy /div> /a>a href/category/lifestyle classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-pointer transition duration-400 ease-in-out transform hover:bg-cyan-600 hover:bg-opacity-60 text-white mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>lifestyle span classtext-base>/ 1 /span>/div> /a>a href/category/business classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-default text-gray-400 mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>business /div> /a>a href/category/psychology classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-pointer transition duration-400 ease-in-out transform hover:bg-cyan-600 hover:bg-opacity-60 text-white mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>psychology span classtext-base>/ 1 /span>/div> /a>a href/category/culture classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-default text-gray-400 mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>culture /div> /a>a href/category/nature classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-default text-gray-400 mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>nature /div> /a>a href/category/food classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-default text-gray-400 mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>food /div> /a>a href/category/updates classsvelte-1ejr6bw>div classcursor-pointer transition duration-400 ease-in-out transform hover:bg-cyan-600 hover:bg-opacity-60 text-white mx-1 py-2 w-10rem text-xl align-middle text-darkSecondary rounded-md hover:bg-opacity-80>updates span classtext-base>/ 1 /span>/div> /a>/div>/div> div classsm:w-4xl mx-auto sm:px-0 px-2 text-lg text-center my-8>h3 classsvelte-1ejr6bw>You / Me / Us /h3> div classgrid grid-cols-2 gap-2 pb-8 text-md font-light>div classtext-left>Life on earth is a set of complex systems that are interdependent. Our choices are not isolated, and we are only i>one/i> part of "Us" in the ecosystem. /div> div classtext-right>It is imperative that we, You and I, begin to explore and learn that "Us" is larger than our local spatio-temporal perception. /div>/div> h3 classsvelte-1ejr6bw>Our Actions Matter /h3> div classgrid grid-cols-2 gap-2 pb-8 text-md font-light>div classtext-left>Our responsibility to the only living thing we know to exist -earth and all of it's biodiversity- is to recognize what creates a sustainable and optimized future. /div> div classtext-right>What we do now, inside a href classsvelte-1ejr6bw>The Great Filter /a>, will determine our and earth's future. We are all we have left on this earth to save us from ourselves. /div>/div> h3 classinline-block svelte-1ejr6bw>The Great Filter /h3> div classgrid grid-cols-2 gap-2 pb-8 text-md font-light>div classtext-left>Our civilization is moving through "The Great Filter".br> Our education, understanding, sharing and actions will determine our and earth's lineage /div> div classtext-right>Through shared learning and action as individuals and a civilization, we can achieve sustainability as abr> a href classsvelte-1ejr6bw>Type I Civilization /a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div> div classtext-center capitalize text-light my-16>div classbg-center bg-cover bg-no-repeat absolute w-full -z-1 opacity-90 py-24 stylebackground-image: url(/earth-night.min.webp)>/div> div classsm:py-14 py-12>div classtext-2xl font-semibold tracking-wider>This is span classtext-orange-500 font-extrabold>our/span> journey /div> br> div classtext-xl font-thin tracking-wider>Join us span classtext-orange-500 font-bold>-/span> read along span classtext-orange-500 font-bold>-/span> learn together /div>/div>/div> div classtext-center font-serif text-4xl font-medium text-blue-gray-700 mb-8 capitalize>All Articles/div>div classflex flex-wrap sm:mx-auto sm:w-51rem>a href/article/welcome-to-is-this-sustainable>div classcard sm:w-xxs sm:shadow-md hover:shadow-2xl hover:shadow-purple-500 border rounded-lg cursor-pointer sm:m-2 my-4 transition-all duration-400 svelte-180d7vi> img src/_app/assets/trail-e7dd5241.webp altsteps on a trail inside of a sunlit forest styleheight: 12rem; width: 100% classobject-cover h-full rounded-t-lg h-12rem object-cover object-center w-full> div classtitle flex flex-col justify-center h-m-8rem text-xl font-bold text-dark sm:text-lg transition-all duration-400 sm:px-6 -mx-4 px-6 pt-2 pb-2 svelte-180d7vi>!-- HTML_TAG_START -->div classsm:text-2xl text-4xl text-center font-medium>Welcome to/div>i classsm:text-xl text-3xl text-center font-normal>Is This Sustainable/i>!-- HTML_TAG_END -->/div> div classh-m-4rem text-opacity-70 sm:text-sm text-lg text-black sm:font-medium sm:px-6 px-4 svelte-180d7vi>Goals, intentions, and what this blog is going to be about/div> div classflex justify-between pb-2 pl-6 pr-5> div classsm:text-xs my-auto text-blue-gray-700 sm:font-opacity-50 sm:font-semibold tracking-wider>8/03/2021/div> div classflex flex-wrap> div classsm:text-xs m-0.5 py-1 px-2 sm:px-2 rounded-lg border-purple-600 border-1 capitalize sm:text-xs font-medium text-center svelte-180d7vi>update /div>/div>/div>/div>/a>a href/article/3-quick-sustainability-changes-and-why-it-matters>div classcard sm:w-xxs sm:shadow-md hover:shadow-2xl hover:shadow-purple-500 border rounded-lg cursor-pointer sm:m-2 my-4 transition-all duration-400 svelte-180d7vi> img src/_app/assets/just-start-00c8831c.webp altJust start is written on a laptop screen styleheight: 12rem; width: 100% classobject-cover h-full rounded-t-lg h-12rem object-cover object-center w-full> div classtitle flex flex-col justify-center h-m-8rem text-xl font-bold text-dark sm:text-lg transition-all duration-400 sm:px-6 -mx-4 px-6 pt-2 pb-2 svelte-180d7vi>!-- HTML_TAG_START -->div classsm:text-2xl text-3xl text-center font-medium>3 Quick Sustainble/div> div classsm:text-xl text-2xl text-center font-normal>Changes at Home And Why It Matters/div>!-- HTML_TAG_END -->/div> div classh-m-4rem text-opacity-70 sm:text-sm text-lg text-black sm:font-medium sm:px-6 px-4 svelte-180d7vi>We can make immediate changes that save money, time and are sustainable/div> div classflex justify-between pb-2 pl-6 pr-5> div classsm:text-xs my-auto text-blue-gray-700 sm:font-opacity-50 sm:font-semibold tracking-wider>8/10/2021/div> div classflex flex-wrap> div classsm:text-xs m-0.5 py-1 px-2 sm:px-2 rounded-lg border-purple-600 border-1 capitalize sm:text-xs font-medium text-center svelte-180d7vi>lifestyle /div>/div>/div>/div>/a>a href/article/taking-action-is-easier-than-you-think>div classcard sm:w-xxs sm:shadow-md hover:shadow-2xl hover:shadow-purple-500 border rounded-lg cursor-pointer sm:m-2 my-4 transition-all duration-400 svelte-180d7vi> img src/_app/assets/feet-3d644b78.webp altbaby and adult feet made from stones laid out in sand styleheight: 12rem; width: 100% classobject-cover h-full rounded-t-lg h-12rem object-cover object-center w-full> div classtitle flex flex-col justify-center h-m-8rem text-xl font-bold text-dark sm:text-lg transition-all duration-400 sm:px-6 -mx-4 px-6 pt-2 pb-2 svelte-180d7vi>!-- HTML_TAG_START -->div classsm:text-2xl text-4xl text-center font-medium>Taking actions is easier/div>i classsm:text-xl text-3xl text-center font-normal>than you think/i>!-- HTML_TAG_END -->/div> div classh-m-4rem text-opacity-70 sm:text-sm text-lg text-black sm:font-medium sm:px-6 px-4 svelte-180d7vi>Action-minded thinking is what leads to progress, not focusing on expectations or outcomes/div> div classflex justify-between pb-2 pl-6 pr-5> div classsm:text-xs my-auto text-blue-gray-700 sm:font-opacity-50 sm:font-semibold tracking-wider>8/18/2021/div> div classflex flex-wrap> div classsm:text-xs m-0.5 py-1 px-2 sm:px-2 rounded-lg border-purple-600 border-1 capitalize sm:text-xs font-medium text-center svelte-180d7vi>psychology /div>/div>/div>/div>/a>/div> div classgo-top svelte-1503skd>svg viewBox0 0 24 24 style width:2rem; height:2rem; fill:white; classsvelte-1lui9gh>path dM15,20H9V12H4.16L12,4.16L19.84,12H15V20Z>/path>/svg>/div>/div> /div>/body>/html>
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