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But if you need an official profile, discography and other stuff, you’ll find that too here in this website./p> !--a href# classgo>See all features/a>--> /div> div classgrid12-3> a href> img src classfade-on-hover altConcert clips /> /a> h4 classheading>Concert clips/h4> p>This is me myself, from my heart. But if you need an official profile, discography and other stuff, you’ll find that too here in this website./p> !--a href# classgo>See all features/a>--> /div> div classgrid12-3> a href> img src classfade-on-hover altUpcoming Sermons /> /a> h4 classheading>Upcoming Sermons/h4> p>This is me myself, from my heart. But if you need an official profile, discography and other stuff, you’ll find that too here in this website./p> !--a href# classgo>See all features/a>--> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav-item level0 level-top right> a classlevel-top href titleAbout Us> span>About Us/span> /a> /li> /ul> div classnav-border-bottom>/div> script typetext/javascript> //!CDATA var MegaMenu { mobileMenuThreshold: 960 , bar: jQuery(#nav) , panels: null , mobnavTriggerWrapper: null , itemSelector: li , panelSelector: .nav-panel , openerSelector: .opener , isTouchDevice: (ontouchstart in window) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0) , ddDelayIn: 50 , ddDelayOut: 200 , ddAnimationDurationIn: 50 , ddAnimationDurationOut: 200 , init : function() { MegaMenu.panels; MegaMenu.mobnavTriggerWrapper jQuery(.mobnav-trigger-wrapper); } , initDualMode : function() { MegaMenu.init(); if (jQuery(#nav-holders-wrapper-mobile).length) { MegaMenu.hookToModeChange(); //Hook to events only if necessary (if holders wrapper exists) }, MegaMenu.openerSelector, MegaMenu.itemSelector); 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//Important: disable flag StickyHeader.requiredRecalculation false; } , init : function() { StickyHeader.hookToActivatedDeactivated(); //Important: call before activateSticky is called StickyHeader.calculateStickyContainerOffsetTop(); StickyHeader.applySticky(); StickyHeader.hookToScroll(); StickyHeader.hookToResize(); if (StickyHeader.stickyThreshold > 0) { enquire.register((max-width: + (StickyHeader.stickyThreshold - 1) + px), { match: StickyHeader.suspendSticky, unmatch: StickyHeader.unsuspendSticky }); } } , applySticky : function() { if (StickyHeader.isSuspended) return; //If recalculation required if (StickyHeader.requiredRecalculation) { //Important: recalculate only when header is not sticky if (!StickyHeader.isSticky) { StickyHeader.calculateStickyContainerOffsetTop(); } } var viewportOffsetTop $(window).scrollTop(); if (viewportOffsetTop > StickyHeader.stickyContainerOffsetTop) { if (!StickyHeader.isSticky) { StickyHeader.activateSticky(); } } else { if (StickyHeader.isSticky) { StickyHeader.deactivateSticky(); 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StickyHeader.applySticky(); } , hookToScroll : function() { $(window).on(scroll, StickyHeader.applySticky); } , hookToScrollDeferred : function() { var windowScrollTimeout; $(window).on(scroll, function() { clearTimeout(windowScrollTimeout); windowScrollTimeout setTimeout(function() { StickyHeader.applySticky(); }, 50); }); } , hookToResize : function() { $(window).on(themeResize, function(e) { //Require recalculation StickyHeader.requiredRecalculation true; //Remove the compensation of the header height change StickyHeader.headerContainer.css(height, ); }); } , hookToActivatedDeactivated : function() { //Move elements to sticky header $(document).on(sticky-header-before-activated, function(e, data) { //Move mini cart to sticky header but only if mini cart is NOT yet inside the holder //(if parent of parent doesnt have class nav-holder). if (jQuery(#mini-cart).parent().parent().hasClass(nav-holder) false) { jQuery(#nav-holder1).prepend(jQuery(#mini-cart)); } //Move mini compare to sticky header but only if mini compare is NOT yet inside the holder //(if parent of parent doesnt have class nav-holder). if (jQuery(#mini-compare).parent().parent().hasClass(nav-holder) false) { jQuery(#nav-holder2).prepend(jQuery(#mini-compare)); } }); //end: on event //Move elements from sticky header to normal position $(document).on(sticky-header-deactivated, function(e, data) { //Move mini cart back to the regular container but only if mini cart is directly inside the holder if (jQuery(#mini-cart).parent().hasClass(nav-holder)) { jQuery(#mini-cart-wrapper-regular).prepend(jQuery(#mini-cart)); } //Move mini compare back to the regular container but only if mini compare is directly inside the holder if (jQuery(#mini-compare).parent().hasClass(nav-holder)) { jQuery(#mini-compare-wrapper-regular).prepend(jQuery(#mini-compare)); } }); //end: on event } }; //end: StickyHeader StickyHeader.init(); }); //end: on document ready //>/script> div classmain-container col1-layout> div classmain-top-container> div classthe-slideshow-wrapper-outer stylemargin-top:20px;> div classthe-slideshow-wrapper> div classthe-slideshow slider-arrows2 slider-pagination2 pagination-pos-over-bottom-centered> div idslideshow-c6f4a5ddd4b5515e494fdbae1ee4c648 classslides> div classitem slide> div styletext-align:center;>a href#> img src altSample slide />!-- div classcaption light1> h2 classheading permanent>Sample slide caption/h2> p>Sample text inside the slideshow, replace with custom content./p> /div>-->/a>/div> /div> div classitem slide> div styletext-align:center;>a href#> img src altSample slide />/a>/div> /div> /div> !-- end: slides --> /div> !-- end: the-slideshow --> /div> !-- end: the-slideshow-wrapper --> /div> !-- end: the-slideshow-wrapper-outer --> script typetext/javascript>//!CDATA jQuery(function($) { var owl $(#slideshow-c6f4a5ddd4b5515e494fdbae1ee4c648); owl.owlCarousel({ singleItem: true, slideSpeed: 200, paginationSpeed: 500, autoPlay: 10000, stopOnHover: true, rewindNav: true, rewindSpeed: 600, transitionStyle: fade, navigation: true, navigationText: false }); //end: owl });//>/script>/div> div classmain container> div classinner-container> div classpreface>/div> div classcol-main> div classstd>br/>br/>br/>div classgrid12-4> div classfeature feature-icon-hover centered> span classic ic-3x ic-star ib ib-size-xxxl>/span> h3>Audio Songs/h3> p>This is me myself, from my heart. But if you need an official profile, discography and other stuff, you’ll find that too here in this website.../p> a href classgo>read more.../a> /div>/div>div classgrid12-4> div classfeature feature-icon-hover centered> span classic ic-3x ic-compare ib ib-size-xxxl>/span> h3>Concert clips/h3> p>This is me myself, from my heart. But if you need an official profile, discography and other stuff, you’ll find that too here in this website.../p> a href classgo>read more.../a> /div>/div>div classgrid12-4> div classfeature feature-icon-hover centered> span classic ic-3x ic-list ib ib-size-xxxl>/span> h3>Upcoming Sermons/h3> p>This is me myself, from my heart. But if you need an official profile, discography and other stuff, you’ll find that too here in this website.../p> a href classgo>read more.../a> /div>/div>div classclearer>/div>br/>br/>br/>span classsection-title>Famous Albums/span>br />div classcategory-products> ul classproducts-grid category-products-grid itemgrid itemgrid-adaptive itemgrid-4col single-line-name centered hover-effect equal-height size-s> li classitem> div classproduct-image-wrapper stylemax-width:295px;> a href titleWinning Battles classproduct-image> img idproduct-collection-image-94 src altWinning Battles /> /a> ul classadd-to-links clearer addto-links-icons addto-onimage display-onhover> li>a classlink-wishlist href titleAdd to Wishlist> span class2 icon ib ic ic-heart>/span> /a>/li> li>a classlink-compare href,,/form_key/URkYxmixqf1wK9J8/ titleAdd to Compare> span class2 icon ib ic ic-compare>/span> /a>/li>/ul> /div> !-- end: product-image-wrapper --> h2 classproduct-name>a href titleWINNING BATTLES>WINNING 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People call me musician, performer, mentor, life coach, trainer, minister and lot of other things. But frankly speaking, for the past 26 years, I’ ve been doing the one thing that I love to do and that is connecting with people, spending time with them and helping them build their lives. I do this through music, songs, conferences, seminars, concerts and camps. My leisure interests are graphic designing, window shopping and playing around with gadgets that fit my budget./p> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classpostscript>/div> /div> /div> div classmain-bottom-container>/div> /div> div classfooter-container>div classfooter-container2>div classfooter-container3> div classfooter-top-container section-container> div classfooter-top footer container> div classinner-container> div classsection clearer links-wrapper-separators> div classitem item-right>ul classlinks hide-below-768> li classfirst> a href titlePolicy>Terms of use/a> /li> li class> a href titleAbout US>Privacy Policy/a> /li> li classlast> a href titleAbout US>Returns Policy/a> /li>/ul>/div> /div> !-- end: footer-top section --> /div> !-- end: inner-container --> /div> !-- end: footer-top --> /div> div classfooter-primary-container section-container> div classfooter-primary footer container> div classinner-container> div classclearer> div classgrid12-12> div classstd>div classgrid12-4> div classcollapsible mobile-collapsible> h6 classblock-title heading>About Isaac Joe/h6> div classblock-content> img src altIsaac Joe /> div classfeature first last> p>I’ve been through pretty hard times. My life was in a mess and I thought there was no way out. But I was terribly wrong!!! I was rescued, transformed and rebuilt into a stronger person. With time, I realized that I was standing on high ground scaling high peaks./p> h5>a classgo href#>more info.../a>/h5> /div> /div> /div>/div>!--div classgrid12-3> div classcollapsible mobile-collapsible> h6 classblock-title heading>Theme Features/h6> div classblock-content> ul classdisc> li>a href>Theme Features/a>/li> li>a href>Typography/a>/li> li>a href#>Some Sample Link/a>/li> li>a href#>Meat Our Best Partners/a>/li> li>a href#>Latest Work Samples/a>/li> li>a href#>Our Other Projects/a>/li> li>a href#>One Click To Join Us/a>/li> li>a href#>Follow Us On Twitter/a>/li> li>a href>Magento Themes/a>/li> li>a href#>Ecommerce/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>/div>-->div classgrid12-4> div classcollapsible mobile-collapsible> h6 classblock-title heading>Key Features/h6> div classblock-content> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent first> span classib ic ic-char>1/span> p classno-margin>a href#>Dream Centre/a>/p> /div> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent> span classib ic ic-char>2/span> p classno-margin >Buy Albums in Snapdeal/p> /div> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent> span classib ic ic-char>3/span> p classno-margin >TV Program @ Thamizhan Channel/p> /div> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent> span classib ic ic-char>4/span> p classno-margin >TV Program @ Holy God TV/p> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classgrid12-4> div classcollapsible mobile-collapsible> h6 classblock-title heading>Company Info/h6> div classblock-content> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent first> span classib ic ic-phone ic-lg>/span> p classno-margin >Call Us +91-98844 55550br/>Fax +91-98844 55550/p> /div> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent> span classib ic ic-mobile ic-lg>/span> p classno-margin >+91-98844 55550br/>+91-98844 55550/p> /div> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent> span classib ic ic-letter ic-lg>/span> p classno-margin >info@isaacjoestore.combr/>> /div> div classfeature feature-icon-hover indent last> span classib ic ic-skype ic-lg>/span> p classno-margin >Skype: isaacjoestorebr/>skype-support/p> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classclearer>/div>/div>/div> /div> !-- end: footer-primary section --> div classfooter-primary-bottom grid12-12> div classfooter-primary-bottom-spacing clearer> div classitem item-left clearer block_footer_primary_bottom_left> div classsocial-links ib-wrapper--square> a classfirst href# titleFollow us on Twitter> span classib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-twitter>/span> /a> a href# titleJoin us on Facebook> span classib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-facebook>/span> /a> a href# titleJoin us on Google Plus> span classib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-googleplus>/span> /a> a href# titleYoutube> span classib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-youtube>/span> /a>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end: footer-primary-bottom --> /div> !-- end: inner-container --> /div> !-- end: footer-primary --> /div> div classfooter-bottom-container section-container> div classfooter-bottom footer container> div classinner-container> div classclearer> div classitem item-left> div classfooter-copyright>Copyright ©2016 Isaac Joe Store. 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