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HTTP/1.1 200 OKdate: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 22:33:35 GMTset-cookie: PHPSESSIDbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d; path/; domainwww.hypertracker.comexpires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTcache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0pragma: no-cachetransfer-encoding: chunkedcontent-type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>!-- $Id: htmlHead.php,v 1.3 2004/11/19 11:19:25 bszymi Exp $-->HTML>!-- This site is available at: -->HEAD> META HTTP-EQUIVContent-type CONTENTtext/html> META HTTP-EQUIVContent-Language CONTENTen-us> META NAMEDescription CONTENT> META NAMEKeywords CONTENTad tracker, ROI, roi, advertising effectiveness, online advertising, track advertising, advertising, tracker, promotion tracker, track sales, track clicks, visitors counter, ad tracker, promotion, campaign tracker, track ads, track advertisement> META NAMERobots CONTENTINDEX, FOLLOW> TITLE> - ad tracker/TITLE> LINK RELstylesheet HREFstyle.css TYPEtext/css> SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript SRCscripts/images.js>/SCRIPT> SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript SRCscripts/popup.js>/SCRIPT> /HEAD>!-- ad tracker, ROI, roi, advertising effectiveness, online advertising, track advertising, advertising, tracker, promotion tracker, track sales, track clicks, visitors counter, ad tracker, promotion, campaign tracker, track ads, track advertisement -->BODY marginheight0 marginwidth0 leftmargin0 topmargin0 ONLOADpreloadImages(); bgcolor#E6E6FA backgroundimg/tlo.gif>div aligncenter> center>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width730> tr> td width50%>a href>img border0 srcimg/logo.gif width390 height68>/a>/td> td width50% bgcolor#CCCCFF>SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript>!-- document.write(IMG + SRCxcount.php?id WIDTH1 HEIGHT1 BORDER0>); //-->/SCRIPT> /td> /tr>/table>TABLE BORDER0 CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0> TR> TD> IMG NAMEola_01 SRCimg/ola_01-over.gif WIDTH82 HEIGHT24 BORDER0>/TD> TD>IMG SRCimg/ola_02.gif WIDTH89 HEIGHT24>/TD> TD> a classmenu hrefweb/ModMain/Order/ titleOrder PRO version of HyperTracker, now!> IMG NAMEola_03 SRCimg/ola_03.gif WIDTH93 HEIGHT24 BORDER0>/a>/TD> TD> IMG NAMEola_04 SRCimg/ola_04.png WIDTH121 HEIGHT24 BORDER0> /TD> TD>IMG SRCimg/ola_05.gif width123 height24>/TD> TD> a classmenu hrefweb/ModSupport/ShowSupport/ titleAny problems or questions? Contact us!> IMG NAMEola_06 SRCimg/ola_06.gif WIDTH76 HEIGHT24 BORDER0>/a>/TD> TD>/TD> TD>IMG SRCimg/ola_08.gif WIDTH65 HEIGHT24>/TD> /TR>/TABLE>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width730> tr> td width170 valigntop> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100% valigntop>img border0 srcimg/flashy.gif width170 height67>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#666699> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding8 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100% alignleft>!-- LEFT NAVIGATION --> !-- LOGIN FORM -->FORM ACTIONadmin.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d METHODPOST>INPUT TYPEHIDDEN NAMElogin VALUEtrue>div alignright> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width90%> tr> td width100% alignleft> div classtext> If youve already a classmenu hreftrial.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d titleLog-in and use your personal hyperTracker>signed up/a>, enter your login as well as password below and press "Login" button br>br> font color#FFFFFF>b>L O G I N/b>/font> br> input typetext nameuser size12 classserif maxlength20 stylewidth: 120px; font-size: 8pt> img border0 srcimg/ha08.gif width1 height8>br> br> font color#FFFFFF>b>P A S S W O R D/b>/font> br> input typepassword namepassword size12 classserif maxlength20 stylewidth: 120px; font-size: 8pt> div alignleft> input typecheckbox nameremember value1/>Log me in automaticallybr/> /div> br/> div alignright stylewidth: 120px>A HREFpassword.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d>font color#FFFFFF>Forgot Your Password?/font>/A>/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% aligncenter> img border0 srcimg/ha08.gif width1 height8>br> input typeimage srcimg/login.gif width105 height60 border0> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> p classtext> font color#FFFFFF> Youll get access to your personal hyperTracker control center. /font> /p> /td> /tr>/table>/div>/FORM> !-- LOGIN FORM --> !-- end of LEFT NAVIGATION --> /td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td width170 valigntop>img border0 srcimg/down.gif width170 height25>/td> /tr> !-- SUCCESS STORIES --> tr> td width170 valigntop aligncenter> br> b>font color#FFFFFF>Success Stories/font>br>br>/b> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding8 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA width160 bordercolor#666699> tr> td classverySmall> "Great tool. I tried most of the tracking tools on the market, and no one compares in tracking features."br> B>-- Edwin Montgomery/B>br> B>a href target_blank>>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> hr color#FFFFFF> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA bordercolor#666699 width160> tr> td classverySmall> "HyperTracker has helped me evaluate the effectiveness of my Internet marketing efforts. I can know immediately if Im receiving hits to my site and the results of those hits. I wouldnt market without it."br> B>-- Don Morris,/B>br> B>a href target_blank>>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> hr color#FFFFFF> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA bordercolor#666699 width160> tr> td classverySmall> "All I can say is b>WOW!/b> ... what a super product you have, here. With Hypertracker I was up and running in less than 5 minutes! I checked out all the tracking services available out there, and yours beats them all, hands down!br> br> Hypertracker has it all at about b>half the cost/b> of other services (like AdMinder). I know exactly where my sales are coming from because every click is tracked. This saves me an incredible amount of money on advertising, as I only continue to use what> br> The support folks are professional and quick to respond to my questions, too. Continue the great work Simon!"br> B>-- Rich Creal,/B>br> B>a href target_blank>>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> hr color#FFFFFF> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA bordercolor#666699 width160> tr> td classverySmall> "I think this is a great way to see exactly how your promotions are doing and which ones are getting a better response."br> B>-- Timothy Pacello,/B>br> B>a href target_blank>>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> hr color#FFFFFF> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA bordercolor#666699 width160> tr> td classverySmall> "I dont normally write to people about products that Ive bought from them, but I couldnt resist praising Hypertracker. Ive written several custom scripts for my various websites and was planning on writing a tracking program, but when I found Hypertracker, I knew it would be futile to try and make a better tracking> br> Hypertracker has b>EVERY/b> feature I wanted and then some! Its surprisingly easy to use too! I almost feel guilty only paying $17 per month for your terrific service. I always do my homework before making business investments, but I could not find any other tracking software that even compares to Hypertracker. Thanks a lot!"br> B>-- Chris Gagliano,/B>br> B>a href target_blank>>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> hr color#FFFFFF> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA bordercolor#666699 width160> tr> td classverySmall> "Hypertracker has been a true worth its weight in gold analysis tool. It has proven to be a valuable asset to my company, and my customers love the fact that they receive a report from me that they can actually understand. The daily email report saves me the time to log in and my results every day, when I dont need to do a full analysis. Of course I have been able to save my money and my time by not advertising or promoting in Ezines, submissions services that I now know for sure to do not provide results."br> B>-- Michael Nigro,/B>br> B>a href target_blank>>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> hr color#FFFFFF> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA bordercolor#666699 width160> tr> td classverySmall> "Well, theres tracking and theres tracking aint there. You guys at Hypertracker win the Gold Logi (Aussie best-of-the-best award) for the premier web-based tracking system on the net. Its fast, sophisticated and excellent value for money. Personally, I wouldnt leave home without it. Well done!"br> B>-- Kenneth Doyle - e*Analyst,/B>BR> B>a href target_blank>Feed Your Hungry Mind/a>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> hr color#FFFFFF> div alignleft> table border1 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA bordercolor#666699 width160> tr> td classverySmall> " Hypertracker gives us B>every/B> tool we need to track our adresponses. We can (and do) split test, track sales, trackvisitors... its a virtual cornucopia of tracking! p>Weve been marketing online B>since 1998/B> and can honestlysay that, without tracking, it is simply impossible tosucceed on the scale that we all desire. We simply wontmarket without tracking. p>I think weve tried every tracker out there. Weve triedweb-based trackers, software you buy, CGI scripts and more.The bottom line is this. Hypertracker is B>the best/B>! p>By the way, they didnt ask for this testimonial. We offered itbecause Hypertracker is simply that good!" p>B>-- Ruth Townsend and Charlie Page/B>,BR>B>A HREF>>/B> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> !-- / SUCCESS STORIES --> /table> /td> td width561 valigntop aligncenter bgcolor#FFFFFF> !-- PAGE HEADER --> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr valigntop> td width651> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100% bgcolor#CCCCFF>img border0 srcimg/hahaha.gif width559 height66>/td> /tr> tr> td width100%> OBJECT classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,0,0 IDola WIDTH559 HEIGHT78> PARAM NAMEmovie VALUEimg/hyper.swf> PARAM NAMEquality VALUEhigh> PARAM NAMEbgcolor VALUE#FFFFFF> EMBED srcimg/hyper.swf qualityhigh bgcolor#FFFFFF WIDTH559 HEIGHT78 TYPEapplication/x-shockwave-flash PLUGINSPAGE>/EMBED> /OBJECT> /td> /tr> /table> img srcimg/_.gif width1 height12 border0 alt>br> /td> /tr> /table> !-- / PAGE HEADER --> SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript>!-- Begin//,,height450,width500,scrollbarsyes);// End -->/SCRIPT>SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript>!-- Begin function cheatWindow(){,,height400,width300,scrollbarsyes); } function sampleWindow(){,,height350,width545,scrollbarsyes); } // End -->/SCRIPT>DIV ALIGNLEFT STYLEmargin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px>!--p aligncenter>b>FONT COLOR#CC0000>U>EXCLUSIVE 14-DAYS FREE SPECIAL OFFER/U>/FONT>/b>/p>p aligncenter>b>a href#order titleSign up now and power-up your business with hyperTracker>font size4>Click here for instant sign-upbr>(14 days FREE, no credit card required)!/font>/a> /b>/p>--> p aligncenter>b>Make more. Spend less. /b>With this proven, automated, easy-to-use tracking management tool that gives you a kind of psychic ability with every marketing step you take, I u>b>guarantee/b>/u> that you will learn how to.../p> p aligncenter>b>font size4>"font color#666699>Detonate/font> Your Web Site And font color#666699>Chop/font> As Much As 90% Off Your Marketing Expenses When You Can Accuratelyfont color#666699> Pinpoint/font> Your Most Productive Ads, Visitors Or Products -- Quickly And Automatically, 24 Hours A Day!"/font>/b>/p> p aligncenter>b>The all-NEW span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker Professional 2.0/span>/b> is a sophisticated i>tracking management system/i> that helps you to convert more clicks into customers and save wads of cash wasted in unproductive marketing./p>BR> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing6 width92% aligncenter> tr> td valigntop>img border0 srcimg/point2.gif>/td> td classnavi valigntop>b>NEW features with span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker Professional 2.0/span>! /b>Track, measure and view u>unlimited/u> campaigns./td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>img border0 srcimg/point2.gif>/td> td classnavi valigntop>b>Faster than ever before!/b> At the click of a button, automatically and instantly isolate whichb> /b>ads, visitors andb> /b>productsb> /b>are u>productive/u>./td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>img border0 srcimg/point2.gif>/td> td classnavi valigntop>b>Track anything, anytime, anywhere!/b> Track and view the entire u>lifespan/u> of a campaign./td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>img border0 srcimg/point2.gif>/td> td classnavi valigntop>b>NEW advanced security and protection! /b>span>Calculate your results with advanced b>a hrefjavascript:cheatWindow()>duplicate protection/a>/b> and a secure, u>encrypted/u> connection!/span>/td> /tr> /table> blockquote> p alignleft classnavi>b>i>font color#666699>"Your system is a godsend! The 40 cents a day I spend on your service is saving me over $1,200 a month in advertising costs and earning me literally double that amount... You guys are simply the best!"/font>/i>font color#666699> -- /font>Fred Hugill/b>/p> /blockquote> table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding5 width100% bgcolor#CCCCFF> tr> td> div stylemargin-left: 20px; margin-right: 80px; classsmall> p>b>font size4>In a rush? Take our five minute tour!br> /font>/b>font size2>See the tracking power b>hyperTracker 2.0 /b>provides! a hreftour01.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d>b>Click here!/b>/a>/font> /div> /td> /tr> /table> p alignleft>font color#000000>Tuesday, March 26th, 2008./font>/p> p alignleft>font color#000000>From Simon Grabowskibr>CEO of>/p> p classola alignleft>font color#000000>Re: /font>u>b>How to squeeze 450% more cash out of everything you do online!/b>/u>/p> p>font color#000000>Dear friend,/font>/p> p classnavi>Whether youre marketing your web site with free or paid promotional ads, you can save tons of b>dollars and hours/b> wasted on unproductive marketing -- and b>make/b> b>more money/b> doing the same thing youre doing, be it with:/span>/p> table border0 cellpadding10 cellspacing0 bgcolor#E6E6FA aligncenter> tr> td> ul> li>search engines/li> li>email newsletters/li> li>opt-in email ads/li> li>pay-per-click ads/li> li>email marketing/li> li>free classifieds/li> li>paid classifieds/li> li>bulletin boards/li> li>email signature files/li> li>message boards/li> li>article submissions/li> li>reseller programs/li> li>internal links/li> li>a href>autoresponders/a>/li> li>newsgroup postings/li> /ul> /td> td> ul> li>pop-up advertising/li> li>network marketing/li> li>joint ventures/li> li>reciprocal links/li> li>article submissions/li> li>ebook marketing/li> li>banner ads/li> li>affiliate programs/li> li>press releases/li> li>giveaway contests/li> li>shareware downloads/li> li>"viral" marketing/li> li>long copy sales letters/li> li>offline marketing/li> li>b>... And much more!/b>/li> /ul> /td> /tr> /table> p classnavi alignleft>If you sell anything online, you have the ability to save hundreds, even thousands of dollars in expensive marketing mistakes. Imagine being able to handpick span>b>promotions, products or places /b>that u>really/u> make you money!/span>/p> p classnavi aligncenter>b>font color#666699 size4>The Key Is To Test, Test And Test! But Testing And Tracking Is Not Enough!/font>/b>/p> p classnavi alignleft>font color#000000>The true secret to generating profits (and not just sales) is delivering the /font>b>font color#666699>r/font>/b>font color#000000>b>font color#666699>ight/font>/b> product to the /font>b>font color#666699>r/font>/b>font color#000000>b>font color#666699>ight/font>/b> people with the /font>b>font color#666699>right/font>/b>font color#000000> ad using the /font>font color#666699>b>right/b>/font>font color#000000> medium at the /font>b>font color#666699>r/font>/b>font color#000000>b>font color#666699>ight/font>/b> time -- but all of that takes time, effort and, of course, money./font>/p> p classnavi alignleft>font color#000000>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>In order to get there, you need to u>test/u> everything./span>/b>/font>/p> p classnavi alignleft>You can test new product ideas, try new media to target your message, and experiment with new strategies. You can even try different headlines, subject lines, copy, lengths, target markets, offers, prices, etc, etc, etc./p> p classnavi alignleft>But without properly and quantifiablyb> tracking, measuring and analyzing /b>your test results, youre simply losing money, visitors, customers and so much more -- i>right under your nose! /i>And tracking alone is not enough.../p> p classnavi alignleft>Imagine juggling multiple marketing strategies (such as banner rotations, classified ads, press releases, pay-per-click ads, etc) -- b>all simultaneously/b> -- and you can instantly see that it can become a logistical u>nightmare/u>!/p> p classnavi alignleft>In addition to running several campaigns simultaneously, imagine running "split-run" test campaigns, selling affiliate programs from your web site, and tracking visitors, downloads and ezine subscriptions, all at the same time!/p> p classnavi alignleft>b>You can easily lose track. /b>Therefore, you need to also u>manage/u> your tracking. You also need to do so in a way that allows to quickly, instantly and automatically analyze all your campaigns in a blink of an eye./p> blockquote> p classnavi alignleft>b>font color#666699>i>"My sales were going great, but the problem was I didnt know where they were coming from. With your powerful service, I was able to see exactly where I needed to continue advertising and saved over $800 a month by dumping the useless ads." /i>/font>-- Tony Garon/b>/p> /blockquote> p classnavi alignleft>Now this time, imagine a sophisticated system that can do all of that for you simply, instantly and automatically! Imagine having more time and money to invest on b>growing your businesses/b> instead of marketing it!/p> p classnavi alignleft>b>font color#000000>No more guesswork. No more gruntwork. /font>/b>As well as saving (and making) you money, this i>fully automated business tool/i> will instantly answer all the following important questions without the need for you to lift a finger:/p> ul> li>Is the money you spend on Internet advertising b>actually worth it?/b>/li> li>Which ads b>are/b> b>profitable /b>and which ones should you b>keep/b> b>buying/b>?/li> li>Which audiences areb> qualified for /b>andb> interested in/b> what you offer?/li> li>Which campaigns are b>losing money /b>andb> /b>should be dumped ASAP?/li> li>What is the current b>return on investment/b>i> /i>of your campaigns?/li> li>If you are making money, are you actually making b>good money/b>?/li> li>Should you divert your marketing budget into b>more productive ads/b>?/li> li>b>How much traffic/b> are your ads bringing and b>how many sales?/b>/li> li>Which ad is creating b>the most /b>subscribers, downloads, referrals, etc?/li> li>How can youb> measure and analyze/b> what your ads are producing?/li> /ul> p classnavi aligncenter>b>a href#order titleSign up now and power-up your business with hyperTracker>font size4>OK, Im convinced! Sign Me Up!br> /font>/a>font size4>Or a hreftour01.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d>Give Me A FREE, Five-Minute tour!/a>/font>/b>/p> p classnavi>But if youre not convinced, then in the next couple of moments, Ill show you how this proven, b>automated/b> b>tool/b> will instantly answer all of the above questions, increase your profits and save wasted advertising costs./p> p classnavi aligncenter>b>font color#666699 size4>A Super-Fast, Easy-To-Use, Automated "Hypertracking" Management System!/font>/b>/p> p>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker 2.0/span>/b> provides you with a variety of statistics for analyzing the success of each campaign. Its fully i>automated/i>, works i>around the clock /i>and offers all the i>vital statistics/i> you need to make important decisions/p> p>On one b>a hrefjavascript:sampleWindow()>easy-to-read screen/a>/b>, you can see which campaigns are b>successful/b> and which ones are b>struggling/b> -- all at a single glance. font color#00cc00>b>GREEN/b>/font> indicates a campaign that is going well, while font color#cc0000>b>RED/b>/font> indicates one that is doing poorly./p> b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>Heres just an overview of what hyperTracker 2.0 will do for you:br>/span>/b> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing6 width85%> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>Count the number of unique visitors generated by each ad campaign./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>Track how many sales, clicks or actions were generated by each one./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>Instantly compare the success rate of all of your past or ongoing ads./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>Show you which ads generate the most visitors, actions, sales, etc./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>Calculate ratios for each ad such as cost-per-click and clicks-to-sales./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>Offer a quick look at all of your previous, ongoing and new ads./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>Organize, sort and display all the important details about your ads./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>NEW with 2.0!/span> /b>Set email alerts (such as ads that are not working or are about to expire) and have activity reports emailed to you regularly./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>NEW with 2.0!/span> /b>Analyze your campaign by products or target URLs -- easily discover which product is selling or which sales letter is pulling./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/td> td valigntop>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>NEW with 2.0!/span> /b>See an at-a-glance, graphical interpretation of your analysis -- just take a quick look and see what is on the first place./td> /tr> tr> td width15 valigntop>span>img srcimg/sq1.gif width6 height6>/span>/td> td valigntop>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>NEW with 2.0!/span> /b>Track and view your campaigns with greater security -- get peace of mind with b>a hrefjavascript:cheatWindow()>dupe protection/a>/b> and a secure connection./td> /tr> /table> /div> p>And all of this is supplied b>a hrefjavascript:sampleWindow()>at-a-glance/a>/b>. /span>You can compare number of clicks, sales and actions as well as Return-on-Investment (ROI), Cost-Per-Click (CPC), Cost-Per-Sale (CPS), Click-To-Sales (C2S) and b>soooo much more/b>./p> p>And best of all, b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker Professional 2.0/span>/b> can be easily integrated with your own web site! Unlike b>a hrefcomparison.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d target_blank>other "leading" trackers/a>/b> that force you to use long, abstract and unprofessional-looking URLs, such as.../p> ul> li>b>i>>/b>/li> li>b>i>>/b>/li> li>i>b>>/i>/li> /ul> p>... You can simply use b>i> /i>/b>withb>i> /i>/b>whatever file, web page or directory u>you/u> want! In fact, there are b>u>NO/u>/b> set-up fees, b>u>NO/u>/b> programming or server requirements, b>u>NO/u>/b> software to download and install, and b>u>NO/u>/b> risks!/p> p>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>You have complete control!/span>/b>/p> blockquote> p>b>i>font color#666699>"My sales were going great, but the problem was I didnt know where they were coming from. With your powerful service, I was able to see exactly where I needed to continue advertising and saved over $800 a month by dumping the useless ads."/font>/i>/b> -- b>Tony Garon/b>/p> /blockquote> p classnavi aligncenter>b>font color#666699 size4>"Sure, But What Will It Do For u>Me/u>!"/font>/b>/p> p classnavi>i>Then pay close attention to what Im about to share with you.../i>/p> p classnavi>font color#000000>Why is it that the superior products are pulling b>pitiful profits/b> while inferior web sites are making b>an absolute killing/b>? Youve probably seen web sites that were horrendously u>ugly/u> but their owners are making a sweet fortune!/font>/p> p classnavi>Do you think that well-known brands such as i>Timex/i>, i>Kleenex/i>, i>Q-Tips/i>, i>Dixie Cups/i> or i>7UP/i> have always been successful? b>Youre in for a surprise!/b>/p> ul> li> span classnavi> Timex had been a total failure until their cheap watches were put on sale in, of all places, u>pharmacies/u>. Their success is based on the fact that they tested b>new places/b> to promote and sell their products!br> br> /span> /li> li> span classnavi> In the 1920s, Leo Gerstenzang saw his wife clean out their babys ears with cotton balls stuck with toothpicks. He then got the idea to design b>cotton swabs/b>, which he originally called "Baby Gays" in> br> But it wasnt until he discovered that people were using his swabs for b>different uses/b> other than cleaning baby ears that he decided to change the name to "Q-Tips." b>After that, sales skyrocketed!/b>br> br> /span> /li> li> span classnavi> Kleenex was originally advertised as a makeup removal tissue. But when it was learned that people were using it to blow their noses, they changed their advertising and b>sales exploded almost instantly/b>.br> br> /span> /li> li> span classnavi> Struggling for survival, 7UP was originally a means of settling infants upset stomachs and, later, as an adult hangover remedy. But when the makers turned it into a soft drink, b>it rocked the world/b>! br> /span> /li> /ul> p classnavi>Maybe these products were lucky. But their managers were willing to try new marketing strategies. And eventually, sales u>boomed/u>. b>Same product, different marketing./b> They tested and tested, because they knew that.../p> p classnavi>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>Its the marketing that decides success or failure!/span>/b>/p> p classnavi>The same principle applies to online businesses: the product, while being the foundation, is b>NOT/b> enough. You need an effective plan that will return your investment several times over. b>You need to test, test and test./b>/p> p classnavi>But testing is insufficient. You need an u>automated/u> tool to b>scientifically measure/b> your test results. Without it, youre wasting a lot of money and energy either on unproductive marketing or in tracking your tests./p> p classnavi>Some marketers think that its enough to track the traffic each campaign generates. And in some cases, other marketers think that tracking which ads provide their traffic is enough. b>Let me tell you, its far from enough!/b>/p> p classnavi>What you need to do is b>analyze your marketing strategies/b> and effectively shift about your ads, so that the majority of your money is concentrated on profit-pulling campaigns and divest those that pull less desirable results./p> blockquote> p classnavi>b>i>font color#666699>"No marketer should do business on the web without this tool! If it wasnt for you, I wouldnt have a clue how to track my advertising effectively let alone actually work out which ads to dump and which to keep promoting. All I can say is u>THANK YOU/u>!"/font>/i>font color#666699> -- /font>Jenny Wong/b>/p> /blockquote> p classnavi aligncenter>b>a href#order titleSign up now and power-up your business with hyperTracker>font size4>OK! I want it... Let me in!br> /font>/a>font size4>Or a hreftour01.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d>let me see your FREE tour!/a>/font>/b>/p> p classnavi>b>If you sell u>anything/u> online, then with a small snippet of hidden HTML code, span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker Professional 2.0/span> will save you literally hundreds, even font color#666699>thousands/font> of dollars in expensive marketing mistakes./b>/p> center> p classnavi aligncenter>font color#666699 size4>b>Our No-Risk, No-Frills, 100% u>GUARANTEE/u>!/b>/font>/p> /center> p classnavi>If you signup for the b>feature-rich professional version/b>,b> /b>theres absolutely b>NO RISK/b>. Your investment is completely guaranteed. Our iron-clad, no-risk guarantee ensures your full satisfaction... Every step of the way!/p> p classnavi>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>1) First of all, theres no long-term commitment./span>/b>/p> p classnavi>If you choose to cancel at any time for any reason, well happily cancel your subscription -- no questions asked. Theres no obligation to go further and no long-term contract of any kind. b>Simply put, we want you to be happy!/b>/p> p classnavi>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>2) Second of all, your investment is totally risk-free./span>/b>/p> p classnavi>90 days into 30 days. br/>br/>Reason: we provide 30day money back guarantee and our ToS state that: The Customer has a period of i>30 days/i> in which to withdraw from ordering PRO Account without penalty and without obligation to give any reason./p> p classnavi>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>3) Third of all, its dedicated, fast and up u>all/u> the time./span>/b>/p> p classnavi>Our super-fast, dedicated server handles monitoring b>around the clock/b> for you and will reveal your most effective campaigns -- with a b>99% uptime/b> guarantee! It beats the pants off any tracking system currently offered!/p> p classnavi alignleft>b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>4) And finally, its easy to use -- support is available at your fingertips./span>/b>/p> p classnavi alignleft>Our online tool works directly with your own site, analyzing every visitor and ensures you get the most bang for your advertising buck.b> /b>i>Its childs play. /i>Youll get up and running in less than u>five/u> minutes! b>GUARANTEED!/b>/p> center> p classnavi aligncenter>b>font size4>font color#666699>How Does /font>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker 2.0/span>font color#666699> Compare?/font>/font>/b>/p> /center> p classnavi alignleft>Weve developed a comparative analysis between two of the Internets leading trackers and b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker/span>/b>. a hrefcomparison.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d>b>Click here/b>/a> to view it and discover the b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker 2.0/span>/b> difference! span>But /span>if youre still not convinced, ask yourself:/p> ol> li> p classnavi alignleft>Do you want your web site to earn b>more money/b>?br> br> /li> li> p classnavi alignleft>Do you want to b>save money/b> on marketing costs by dumping the promotions that arent pulling (and re-investing in those that are)?br> br> /li> li> p classnavi alignleft>And do you want to b>automate your efforts/b> at the lowest possible cost, and ultimately saving you needless u>guesswork/u> and u>gruntwork/u>?br> /li> /ol> p classnavi alignleft>Then signup and discover how our superb tracking system will boost your online profits and add tons of cash to your bottom-line... Quickly and easily./p> p classnavi aligncenter>span>b>a href#order titleSign up now and power-up your business with hyperTracker>font size4>Click here and detonate your web site!/font>/a>/b>/span>/p> p classnavi>It will only take you two minutes and less than three to get started. In fact, inside you will have an intuitive control panel, a user guide and a detailed FAQ. b>And if youre really stuck, tech support is right there for you./b>/p> p classnavi alignleft>Sincerely,br> IMG SRCimg/sign4.gif ALT BORDER0>BR> font color#666699 size5>font faceBrush Script MT>Simon Grabowski/font>br> /font>President,GetResponse/p> p classnavi alignleft>b>u>P.S./u>/b> Remember that b>span stylebackground-color: #E6E6FA>hyperTracker 2.0/span>/b> is proven and fully b>u>font color#666699>GUARANTEED/font>/u>/b>. Our iron-clad, no-risk guarantee ensures your full satisfaction. Youre not 100% happy? Well issue you a refund immediately... b>No questions asked!/b>/p> blockquote> p classnavi alignleft>b>i>font color#666699>"I cant help but chuckle... to think that 20 bucks a month would be responsible for helping me generate an additional 6-figure yearly income sounds ridiculous. Want to know a secret? Its true, and the reason behind it is"/font>/i>font color#666699> /font>-- David Robertson/b>/p> /blockquote> table border0 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 width90% bgcolor#E6E6FA> tr> td> a nameorder>/a> div stylemargin-left: 20px; margin-right: 50px;> p classola>b>img srcimg/yes.gif border0 width37 height35> font color#666699 size4>u>YES/u>! Give me instant access!/font>/b>/p> p classola>b>I understand/b> that, because of the digital nature of hyperTracker, I will literally have access to this advanced, powerful tool within u>seconds/u>./p> p classola>b>I understand/b> that I can save even u>more/u> money by choosing from several prepaid options... Up to a whopping u>33% off/u>! Choices are:/p> ul> li> p classola>b>$19.95/b> per month (monthly rebilling)/li> li> p classola>b>$17.95/b> per month for a half-year prepaid (11% discount)/li> li> p classola>b>$14.95/b> per month for one year prepaid (33% discount)/li> /ul> p classola>b>Finally, I understand /b>that there is u>NO/u> fine print, u>NO/u> time-restricted access and u>NO/u> minimum term contracts. Its impossible for me to lose!/p> p>b>Sign up and start "hyperTracking" in minutes! /b>Click the link below and see for yourself how itb> /b>can help your business. i>It is risk-free./i>/p> p classola aligncenter>!-- task #6562B>font color#666699>Option #1 - Order Online/font>/B>-->BR>B>Place your order by secure credit card company.../B>p classola aligncenter>FORM ACTIONindex.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d METHODPOST>INPUT TYPEHIDDEN NAMEverify VALUEtrue> select nameoption2 size3 classfrm stylewidth: 300px; font-size: 8pt> option value10>BRONZE - $19.95 per month, renewed each month/option> option value20>SILVER - $17.95 per month, semi-annual rebilling (6 months)/option> option value30>GOLD - $14.95 per month, annual rebilling (12 months)/option> /select>p classsmall aligncenter>Ready to get the Holy Grail of online marketing?BR>input typesubmit valueGet instant access now! stylewidth: 300px; font-size: 8pt>BR>BR>/FORM>IMG SRCimg/all_cards_horizontal.gif ALT BORDER0 WIDTH376 HEIGHT60>!-- task #6562BR>p classola aligncenter>B>font color#666699>Option #2 - Order by Phone/font>/B>BR>B>Place your order by giving us a call.../B>p classola>B>Call us toll-free/B> at 1-877-446-7549 (1-877-4GetResponse) between 9am and 5pm, Eastern Time, Monday to Friday.p classola>B>Have your credit card ready/B> and well set your account up within minutes!When you call, make sure to mention B>Special 10000/B> in order to get your B>$250 worth of FREE extra bonuses/B>!BR>BR>-->p classola aligncenter>B>font color#993333>Prices above are guaranteed onlyBR>until Friday, November 8th, so act NOW!/font>/B>BR>BR> /p> /td> /tr> /table> /DIV>BR>BR>script languageJavaScript> document.write(img + src width1 height1 border0>); /script>/td> td width1 bgcolor#666699 valigntop alignleft> img border0 srcimg/ha041.gif width1 height41> /td>/tr>tr> td width170 valigntop> /td> td width561 valigntop aligncenter> !-- FOOTER --> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width100% aligncenter bgcolor#666699> p classtext> font color#FFFFFF> img border0 srcimg/ha016.gif width1 height16>br> b>a classmenu hrefindex.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d titleBegin your voyage with hyperTracker>welcome/a>/b> | B>a classmenu hreflogin.php?SESSIONbbc859219cd72f54b8c3b89a34b74c9d titleLog-in and use your personal hyperTracker>user login/a>/B> | B>a classmenu hrefweb/ModSupport/ShowSupport/ titleAny problems or questions? 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