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data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_480,w_640,color_FFFFFF&1 titleCommercial Rice Cooker altCommercial Rice Cooker classnlazy>/a> div classm1zi> a href/commercial-rice-cooker.html classm1a titleCommercial Rice Cooker>Commercial Rice Cooker/a> div classm1p> p> a href/commercial-rice-cooker.html titleThe large-capacity, high-power electric commercial rice cooker can cook rice evenly and quickly. Suitable for hotels, high-end restaurants, buffets, schools, canteens and other catering business. It can be used to serve more people at a time with its large capacity than regular rice cookers.>The large-capacity, high-power electric commercial rice cooker can cook rice evenly and quickly. Suitable for hotels, high-end restaurants, buffets, schools, canteens and other catering business. It can be used to serve more people at a time with its large capacity than regular rice cookers./a> /p> /div> a href/commercial-rice-cooker.html classm1mor titleView More>View More/a> /div> /div> div classm1lie m1lie2> a href/household-rice-cooker.html title classm1tu>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_480,w_640,color_FFFFFF&1 titleHousehold Rice Cooker altHousehold Rice Cooker classnlazy>/a> div classm1zi> a href/household-rice-cooker.html classm1a titleHousehold Rice Cooker>Household Rice Cooker/a> div classm1p> p> a href/household-rice-cooker.html titleThe smart home rice cooker can start and select different cooking modes with one key, and quickly make sweet and delicious rice, which can meet the cooking requirements of different families.>The smart home rice cooker can start and select different cooking modes with one key, and quickly make sweet and delicious rice, which can meet the cooking requirements of different families./a> /p> /div> a href/household-rice-cooker.html classm1mor titleView More>View More/a> /div> /div> /div>!-- main2 -->!-- main3 -->div classmain3 zong> a href/products.html classm2a titleHot Products>Hot Products/a> h1 classdisnone styledisplay: none;> rice cookers/h1> p classm3pz> a href/products.html titleGuangzhou Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd. is an R & D manufacturing enterprise focusing on the foreign trade business of rice cookers, especially on commercial ones.>Guangzhou Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd. is an R & D manufacturing enterprise focusing on the foreign trade business of rice cookers, especially on commercial ones./a> /p> div classm3n> div classm3lie maln> div classm3tu> a href/products/rice-cooker-big-size-for-hotel.html titlerice cooker big size for hotel classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 titlerice cooker big size for hotel altrice cooker big size for hotel classnlazy>/a> a href/products/rice-cooker-big-size-for-hotel.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/rice-cooker-big-size-for-hotel.html classm3a titlerice cooker big size for hotel>rice cooker big size for hotel /a> /div> /div> div classm3lie > div classm3tu> a href/products/big-size-commercial-drum-rice-cooker.html titlebig size commercial drum rice cooker classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 titlebig size commercial drum rice cooker altbig size commercial drum rice cooker classnlazy>/a> a href/products/big-size-commercial-drum-rice-cooker.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/big-size-commercial-drum-rice-cooker.html classm3a titlebig size commercial drum rice cooker>big size commercial drum rice cooker /a> /div> /div> div classm3lie > div classm3tu> a href/products/smart-ih-multifunctional-commercial-large-rice-cooker.html titleSmart IH Multifunctional Commercial Large Rice Cooker classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 titleSmart IH Multifunctional Commercial Large Rice Cooker altSmart IH Multifunctional Commercial Large Rice Cooker classnlazy>/a> a href/products/smart-ih-multifunctional-commercial-large-rice-cooker.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/smart-ih-multifunctional-commercial-large-rice-cooker.html classm3a titleMultifunctional Commercial Smart IH Rice Cooker>Multifunctional Commercial Smart IH Rice Cooker /a> /div> /div> div classm3lie > div classm3tu> a href/products/22l-multifunctional-hotel-restaurant-commercial-rice-cooker.html title22L Multifunctional Hotel Restaurant Commercial Rice Cooker classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 title22L Multifunctional Hotel Restaurant Commercial Rice Cooker alt22L Multifunctional Hotel Restaurant Commercial Rice Cooker classnlazy>/a> a href/products/22l-multifunctional-hotel-restaurant-commercial-rice-cooker.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/22l-multifunctional-hotel-restaurant-commercial-rice-cooker.html classm3a title22L Commercial Rice Cooker for Restaurant Use>22L Commercial Rice Cooker for Restaurant Use /a> /div> /div> div classm3lie maln> div classm3tu> a href/products/2250w-stainless-steel-commercial-rice-cooker.html title2250w Stainless Steel Commercial Rice Cooker classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 title2250w Stainless Steel Commercial Rice Cooker alt2250w Stainless Steel Commercial Rice Cooker classnlazy>/a> a href/products/2250w-stainless-steel-commercial-rice-cooker.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/2250w-stainless-steel-commercial-rice-cooker.html classm3a title2250w Stainless Steel Rice Cooker>2250w Stainless Steel Rice Cooker /a> /div> /div> div classm3lie > div classm3tu> a href/products/stainless-steel-multifunctional-boba-tapioca-milk-tea-rice-cooker.html titleStainless Steel Multifunctional Boba Tapioca Milk Tea Rice Cooker classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 titleStainless Steel Multifunctional Boba Tapioca Milk Tea Rice Cooker altStainless Steel Multifunctional Boba Tapioca Milk Tea Rice Cooker classnlazy>/a> a href/products/stainless-steel-multifunctional-boba-tapioca-milk-tea-rice-cooker.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/stainless-steel-multifunctional-boba-tapioca-milk-tea-rice-cooker.html classm3a titleStainless Steel Multifunctional Boba Tapioca Milk Tea Rice Cooker>Stainless Steel Multifunctional Boba Tapioca Milk Tea Rice Cooker /a> /div> /div> div classm3lie > div classm3tu> a href/products/30-cup-commercial-large-capacity-rice-cooker.html titleCommercial large capacity 22L Rice Cooker Kitchen Appliances classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 titleCommercial large capacity 22L Rice Cooker Kitchen Appliances altCommercial large capacity 22L Rice Cooker Kitchen Appliances classnlazy>/a> a href/products/30-cup-commercial-large-capacity-rice-cooker.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/30-cup-commercial-large-capacity-rice-cooker.html classm3a title30 Cup Commercial Large Capacity Rice Cooker>30 Cup Commercial Large Capacity Rice Cooker /a> /div> /div> div classm3lie > div classm3tu> a href/products/non-stick-coating-inner-pot-commercial-rice-cooker.html title5.4L Stainless Steel Non-stick coating Inner Pot Commercial Rice Cooker classm3tun>img data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_270,w_270,color_FFFFFF&1 title5.4L Stainless Steel Non-stick coating Inner Pot Commercial Rice Cooker alt5.4L Stainless Steel Non-stick coating Inner Pot Commercial Rice Cooker classnlazy>/a> a href/products/non-stick-coating-inner-pot-commercial-rice-cooker.html classm3fu titleView More>span>View More/span>/a> /div> div classm3zi> a href/products/non-stick-coating-inner-pot-commercial-rice-cooker.html classm3a titleNon-stick Coating Inner Pot Commercial Rice Cooker>Non-stick Coating Inner Pot Commercial Rice Cooker /a> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- main4 -->div classmain4> h1 classdisnone styledisplay: none;> the foreign trade business of rice cookers/h1> div classzong> div classm4zi> a href/about-us.html classm2a titleAbout Us>About Us/a> div classm4p> p> a href/about-us.html titleGuangzhou Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd. is an R & D manufacturing enterprise focusing on the foreign trade business of rice cookers, especially on commercial ones. We are the first and the biggest IH commercial rice cooker supplier in China.>Guangzhou Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd. is an R & D manufacturing enterprise focusing on the foreign trade business of rice cookers, especially on commercial ones. We are the first and the biggest IH commercial rice cooker supplier in China./a> /p> /div> a href/about-us.html classm1mor titleView More>View More/a> /div> div classm4tu> div classab1shipin> a classm4tun titleGuangzhou Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd.> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_480,w_640,color_FFFFFF&1 titleGuangzhou Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd. altGuangzhou Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd. data-src> /a> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div>/div>div classtankaunga>/div>!-- main4 --> div classmain4 main42> div classzong> div classm4zi> a href/video.html classm2a titleVideo>Video/a> div classm4p> p> a href/video.html>There are 11 advanced operation lines with 200 well-trained workshop employees in our factory. The state-of-the-art production facilities and automatic inspection instruments cover the whole production procedure, like punching, coating, product assembly etc./a> /p> /div> a href/video.html classm1mor titleView More>View More/a> /div> div classm4tu> a href classm4tun titleVideo>img classnlazy data-original titleVideo altVideo>/a> /div> div classclear>/div> /div>/div>!-- main5 -->div classmain5> h1 classdisnone styledisplay: none;> There are 11 advanced operation lines with 200 well-trained workshop employees in our factory/h1> div classzong> a href/news.html classm2a titleLatest News>Latest News/a> p classm3pz> a href/news.html titleThere are 11 advanced operation lines with 200 well-trained workshop employees in our factory. The state-of-the-art production facilities and automatic inspection instruments cover the whole production procedure>There are 11 advanced operation lines with 200 well-trained workshop employees in our factory. The state-of-the-art production facilities and automatic inspection instruments cover the whole production procedure/a> /p> div classm5n> div classm5lie fl> a href/news/rice-cooker-can-not-only-be-used-to-steam-rice.html titleRice Cooker Can Not Only Be Used to Steam Rice! classm5tu>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_225,w_300,color_FFFFFF&1 altRice Cooker Can Not Only Be Used to Steam Rice! titleRice Cooker Can Not Only Be Used to Steam Rice!>/a> div classm5zi> a href/news/rice-cooker-can-not-only-be-used-to-steam-rice.html classm5a titleRice Cooker Can Not Only Be Used to Steam Rice!>Rice Cooker Can Not Only Be Used to Steam Rice!/a> p classm5p> a href/news/rice-cooker-can-not-only-be-used-to-steam-rice.html titleMany people think that a small rice cooker can only be used to cook white rice, but in fact, a small rice cooker can be more than just a little bit functional. Here, please follow Vikaf to see the big function of a small rice cooker!>Many people think that a small rice cooker can only be used to cook white rice, but in fact, a small rice cooker can be more than.../a> /p> span classm5riqi>i classiconfont icon-calendar1>/i>Mar. 21, 2023/span> /div> /div> div classm5lie fr1> a href/news/home-rice-cooker-using-and-caring-tips.html titleHome Rice Cooker Using and Caring Tips classm5tu>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_225,w_300,color_FFFFFF&1 altHome Rice Cooker Using and Caring Tips titleHome Rice Cooker Using and Caring Tips>/a> div classm5zi> a href/news/home-rice-cooker-using-and-caring-tips.html classm5a titleHome Rice Cooker Using and Caring Tips>Home Rice Cooker Using and Caring Tips/a> p classm5p> a href/news/home-rice-cooker-using-and-caring-tips.html titleA rice cooker may be the perfect choice for you. Rice cookers are designed to take the guesswork out of cooking, allowing you to be ready in minutes with minimal effort and cleanup. Using an electric rice cooker also frees up the burners on the stovetop to cook other dishes. While its designed to make cooking rice easy, the name rice cooker understates the devices capabilities.>A rice cooker may be the perfect choice for you. Rice cookers are designed to take the guesswork out of cooking, allowing you to.../a> /p> span classm5riqi>i classiconfont icon-calendar1>/i>Feb. 22, 2023/span> /div> /div> div classm5lie fl> a href/news/guidelines-for-commercial-rice-cookers.html titleGuidelines for The Use of Commercial Rice Cookers. classm5tu>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_225,w_300,color_FFFFFF&1 altGuidelines for The Use of Commercial Rice Cookers. titleGuidelines for The Use of Commercial Rice Cookers.>/a> div classm5zi> a href/news/guidelines-for-commercial-rice-cookers.html classm5a titleGuidelines for The Use of Commercial Rice Cookers>Guidelines for The Use of Commercial Rice Cookers/a> p classm5p> a href/news/guidelines-for-commercial-rice-cookers.html titleWith the advancement of technology, electric rice cookers have appeared in every household, and the rice cookers at home often do not need to be powerful, but restaurants and hotels are full of people and diners, so how can they meet the needs of so many people? The commercial rice cooker was born. They are powerful enough to cook large quantities of ingredients in a short time. Vikaf(Guangzhou Hu>With the advancement of technology, electric rice cookers have appeared in every household, and the rice cookers at home often do.../a> /p> span classm5riqi>i classiconfont icon-calendar1>/i>Feb. 08, 2023/span> /div> /div> div classm5lie fr1> a href/news/the-evolutionary-history-of-three-generations-of-rice-cookers.html titleThe Evolutionary History of Three Generations of Rice Cookers! classm5tu>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_225,w_300,color_FFFFFF&1 altThe Evolutionary History of Three Generations of Rice Cookers! titleThe Evolutionary History of Three Generations of Rice Cookers!>/a> div classm5zi> a href/news/the-evolutionary-history-of-three-generations-of-rice-cookers.html classm5a titleThe Evolutionary History of Three Generations of Rice Cookers!>The Evolutionary History of Three Generations of Rice Cookers!/a> p classm5p> a href/news/the-evolutionary-history-of-three-generations-of-rice-cookers.html titleRice cooker is the most used home appliance in our daily life. You must know a lot about its brand and performance, but how much do you know about the history of rice cookers? Do you know who invented the worlds first rice cooker?>Rice cooker is the most used home appliance in our daily life. You must know a lot about its brand and performance, but how much.../a> /p> span classm5riqi>i classiconfont icon-calendar1>/i>Jan. 29, 2023/span> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- main6 -->div classmain6 zong> h1 classdisnone styledisplay: none;> CB, CE, ETL, cETL, FDA, NSF, RoHS, LFGB, GS, CCC/h1> a href/certificate.html classm2a titleCertificate>Certificate/a> p classm3pz> a href/certificate.html titleOur factory has passed the stringent audit of BSCI, our productions are performed in strict accordance with ISO9001 quality standard and most of our products have the certification required by mainstream markets around the world, such as CB, CE, ETL, cETL, FDA, NSF, RoHS, LFGB, GS, CCC etc.>Our factory has passed the stringent audit of BSCI, our productions are performed in strict accordance with ISO9001 quality standard and most of our products have the certification required by mainstream markets .../a> /p> div classm6n> div classm6lie maln> a href/certificate.html classm6tu titleCETL>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_272,w_196,color_FFFFFF&1 altCETL titleCETL>/a> a href/certificate.html classm6zi titleCETL>CETL/a> /div> div classm6lie > a href/certificate.html classm6tu titleBSCI>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_272,w_196,color_FFFFFF&1 altBSCI titleBSCI>/a> a href/certificate.html classm6zi titleBSCI>BSCI/a> /div> div classm6lie > a href/certificate.html classm6tu titleROHS>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_272,w_196,color_FFFFFF&1 altROHS titleROHS>/a> a href/certificate.html classm6zi titleROHS>ROHS/a> /div> div classm6lie > a href/certificate.html classm6tu titleNSF>img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_272,w_196,color_FFFFFF&1 altNSF titleNSF>/a> a href/certificate.html classm6zi titleNSF>NSF/a> /div> /div>/div>!-- main7 -->div classmain7> div classzong> h1 classdisnone styledisplay: none;> committed to providing you with high-quality products/h1> a href/faq.html classm2a titleFAQ>FAQ/a> p classm3pz> a href/faq.html titleWe are committed to providing you with high-quality products.We are a reliable supplier to KFC, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Costco, and so on. These are all our long-term partners. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.>We are committed to providing you with high-quality products.We are a reliable supplier to KFC, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Costco, and so on. These are all our long-term partners. We are looking forward to coopera.../a> /p> div classm7n> div classm7lie> p classm7a>em>Q: /em>a href/faq.html titleWhat is the MOQ of your products?>What is the MOQ of your products?/a> /p> div classm7p> p>strong>A: /strong>a href/faq.html titleThe MOQ of our products is 1000 pcs for one model one size.>The MOQ of our products is 1000 pcs for one model one size./a> /p> /div> /div> div classm7lie> p classm7a>em>Q: /em>a href/faq.html titleId like to know your Payment way.>Id like to know your Payment way./a> /p> div classm7p> p>strong>A: /strong>a href/faq.html titleThe payment term is T/T or irrevocable L/C at sight.>The payment term is T/T or irrevocable L/C at sight./a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- download -->!-- foot -->!-- foot -->footer classfoot> div classzong> div classfo1> span classfobiao>Contact Us/span> ul classfoul> li>E-mail: a>span styledisplay:inline-block; direction:ltr>>/a>/li> li>Mobile: span styledisplay:inline-block; direction:ltr>+86 13501474538/span>/li> li>Tel.: span styledisplay:inline-block; direction:ltr>+86 20 3625 1468/span>/li> li>WeChat: span styledisplay:inline-block; direction:ltr>13501474538/span>/li> li>WhatsApp: a href title+8613501474538 target_blank relnofollow>span styledisplay:inline-block; direction:ltr>+8613501474538/span>/a>/li> li>Add.: span styledisplay:inline-block; direction:ltr>Building 3, No. 28, Zhenzhong North Road, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou/span>/li> /ul> div classshejiao2> a href target_blank relnofollow classiconfont icon-facebook she1 stylemargin-left: 12px !important;>/a> a href target_blank relnofollow classiconfont icon-twitter she2>/a> a href target_blank relnofollow classiconfont icon-instagram she3>/a> a href target_blank relnofollow classiconfont icon-youtube she5>/a> a href target_blank relnofollow classiconfont icon-linkedin she6>/a> a href target_blank relnofollow classiconfont icon-pinterest she4>/a> /div> /div> div classfo2> span classfobiao>Navigation/span> div classfonav> a href/ titleHome>Home/a> a href/products.html titleProducts>Products/a> a href/news.html titleNews>News/a> a href/application.html titleApplication>Application/a> a href/download.html titleDownload>Download/a> /div> /div> div classclear2> /div> div classfo3> p classfobiao>Request a Quote/p> form classfoxin action/index/inquiry/inquirypost/source/3.html> div classint1 xing> input typetext namename placeholderName> /div> div classint1 xing> input typetext nameemail placeholderE-mail> /div> div classclear> /div> div classint2 xing> textarea namecontent placeholderMessage classtex>/textarea> /div> div classint3 xing> input typetext placeholderCAPTCHA namecode> /div> img src/index/common/verify/id/13.html classyanzheng onclickthis.src/index/common/verify/id/13.html?+Math.random() altCAPTCHA titleCAPTCHA> div classclear> /div> div classint4> input typebutton onclicksubBottomInquiry(this) valueSend> /div> /form> /div> div classclear> /div> div classfotag youlian> span stylecolor:#fff;>Links:/span> a href target_blank titleResources stylecolor: #fff>Resources/a> /div> /div> div classfoot2> div classzong> p classfop>Copyright © Guangdong Huijiafu Industrial Co., Ltd. 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