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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 11:27:14 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 167Connection: keep-aliveCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:27:14 GMTLocation: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?seUY3iFySs74TRmuX1sStOiNECSfo4qpuT%2BxZHJhWBJfOk20dGm8JYu9MCiekNj7oEwwT38DXU095IU3VUzuhR0Dueft9zU2QF8%2F9YElraGXlrzhVA8blab6zcgwAjxpoJ7zv},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f88f5d3cf232f65-PDXalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt6332&min_rtt6332&rtt_var3166&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes55&delivery_rate0&cwnd229&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>cloudflare/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 11:27:14 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveCache-Control: public, max-age600Pragma: no-cacheVary: Accept-EncodingAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONSAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, authorizationExpires: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 11:33:01 GMTAge: 252Via: Communityq/3.0cf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sApg4DxmbLSEW%2BswXXj9evz3UxKT4S%2FZRkiWyLNC%2F0sF7suRdy%2BW7B9fSQwLoflXR6%2BR5qNS%2Fr07RFB4uF4MFnkyENePGkhuGewgM5oj367FCKa9i2Wx%2BFHJwdXSqFPXDdHYU},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f88f5d4292fef57-PDXalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt6183&min_rtt6048&rtt_var1785&sent5&recv6&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes2853&recv_bytes727&delivery_rate478835&cwnd252&unsent_bytes0&cid87266ba4bb8409a8&ts141&x0 !doctype html> html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1, minimum-scale1> meta namedescription content /> script src//>/script> link relstylesheet href//> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href/css_system/cq_base_beta.css?vs20241122> link relstylesheet href/css_system/rvb.css?vs20241122> link relstylesheet href/css/style.css?vs20241122> title>Home - Hot Springs Village Voice/title> meta propertyog:site_name contentHot Springs Village Voice /> meta propertyog:site_name contentHome - Hot Springs Village Voice /> meta propertyog:title contentHome - Hot Springs Village Voice /> meta nametwitter:title contentHome - Hot Springs Village Voice> link relcanonical href /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta nametwt-article-url content> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> meta propertyfb:app_id content1782340335416902 /> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: NewsArticle, headline: Hot Springs Village Voice, description: null, publisher: { @type: Organization, name: Hot Springs Village Voice }, isAccessibleForFree: true, thumbnail:, image:} /script> script>(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){(ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o),ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,script,//,ga);ga(create, UA-191935644-1,;setCustomDimensions();ga(send, pageview);/script>!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->script async src>/script>script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; 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max-height:90px; margin: 0 auto; classhidden-sm hidden-xs> div classcq-creative data-placement2>/div>/div>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:250px; margin: 0 auto; classvisible-sm visible-xs> div classcq-creative data-placement5>/div>/div>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default -->div classbox box-bannerads-default>div stylemax-width:728px; max-height:90px; margin: 0 auto; classhidden-sm hidden-xs> div classcq-creative data-placement2>/div>/div>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:250px; margin: 0 auto; classvisible-sm visible-xs> div classcq-creative data-placement5>/div>/div>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> div id_cunbx01bp classpk-layer default container noear> div classrow> div classpk-section section-4col col-sm-8> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-content-carousel large photos> div classlabel>Top Stories/div>div classbox-yield> div idcarousel-441ea classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel> div classcarousel-inner> div classitem active with-photo> h1> a href/stories/kick-off-new-year-by-walking,76745>Kick off new year by walking/a> /h1> div classphoto> a href/stories/kick-off-new-year-by-walking,76745> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classarrows left-arrow href#carousel-441ea rolebutton data-slideprev onClick$(#carousel-441ea).carousel(pause);> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> div classarrows right-arrow href#carousel-441ea rolebutton data-slidenext onClick$(#carousel-441ea).carousel(pause);> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> p classlead> Learn about Spanish conquistadors and early explorers at the New Year’s Walk at noon Friday, Jan. 3.The guided one-mile walk starts and ends at the Balboa Trail head near Balboa Beach. … /p> /div> div classitem with-photo> h1> a href/stories/outgoing-gm-offers-thanks-to-many,76744>Outgoing GM offers thanks to many/a> /h1> div classphoto> a href/stories/outgoing-gm-offers-thanks-to-many,76744> img src altKelly Hale beams after thanks and a gift from committee volunteer Anne Shears during public comments. (Lewis Delavan photo) /> /a> /div> div classarrows left-arrow href#carousel-441ea rolebutton data-slideprev onClick$(#carousel-441ea).carousel(pause);> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> div classarrows right-arrow href#carousel-441ea rolebutton data-slidenext onClick$(#carousel-441ea).carousel(pause);> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> p classlead> Offering thanks to many and advice for the future, Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association general manager Kelly Hale delivered his last monthly report at the Dec. 18 POA Board of Directors … /p> /div> div classitem with-photo> h1> a href/stories/ken-unger-named-hot-springs-village-poas-new-general-manager,76346>Ken Unger named Hot Springs Village POAs new general manager/a> /h1> div classphoto> a href/stories/ken-unger-named-hot-springs-village-poas-new-general-manager,76346> img src altKen Unger addresses public after boards announcement that he is Hot Springs Village Property Owners Associations new general manager. (Lewis Delavan photo) /> /a> /div> div classarrows left-arrow href#carousel-441ea rolebutton data-slideprev onClick$(#carousel-441ea).carousel(pause);> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> div classarrows right-arrow href#carousel-441ea rolebutton data-slidenext onClick$(#carousel-441ea).carousel(pause);> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> p classlead> Ken Unger is the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Associations new general manager. In public remarks following the announcement by Larry Siener, Unger urged property owners to be involved … /p> /div> /div> /div> script> $(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $(#carousel-441ea .carousel-inner).height($(#carousel-441ea .carousel-inner).height()+px); $(#carousel-441ea .carousel-inner).css(overflow,hidden); }, 2500); fitSliderArrow($(#carousel-441ea .item:first)); }); $(#carousel-441ea).on(, function(e){ var slide $(e.relatedTarget); var carousel slide.closest(.carousel); carousel.find(.arrows).hide(); }).on(, function(e){ var slide $(this).find(; fitSliderArrow(slide); }) /script>/div> p classbox-link> a href/news/> More news i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p>/div>!-- .box-content-carousel.large -->div classbox box-content-list-lg-lede-thumbs> div classlabel>Community/div> div classlist-item first > div classother-story-wrap med> div classphoto-container text-center> a href/stories/police-offer-christmas-safety-tips,76749>img classphoto src altRetired Chicago policeman Andrew Jones Jr. discusses safety tips for Villagers. He was among a number of officers who offered advice. (Lewis Delavan photo) />/a> /div> h3> a href/stories/police-offer-christmas-safety-tips,76749> Police offer Christmas safety tips /a> /h3> div classtext-lede> Watchful eyes and caring neighbors go a long way to keeping Hot Springs Village safe.“Why don’t we have a high crime rate? Because we don’t allow it here,” HSV Police Chief Kristi Bennett … /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div> div classlist-item > div classother-story-wrap med> h3> a href/stories/accs-decisions-are-sometimes-challenging,76748> ACC’s decisions are sometimes challenging /a> /h3> div classtext-lede> The Hot Springs Village Architectural Control Committee is known for being efficient and diligent. This group consists of members who come in, sit down, and get to work. During their last meeting, … /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div> div classlist-item > div classother-story-wrap med> div classphoto-container text-center> a href/stories/inmate-on-ice-holdfaces-4-rape-counts,76747>img classphoto src altLeobardo Cruz />/a> /div> h3> a href/stories/inmate-on-ice-holdfaces-4-rape-counts,76747> Rape suspect on ICE hold faces 4 counts of assaulting minor /a> /h3> div classtext-lede> A Garland County inmate facing four counts of raping a minor is on hold for the U.S. Immigration and Custom Service.Leobardo Colis Cruz, 30, arrested on July 13, 2023 for alleged domestic … /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> div classlist-item > div classother-story-wrap med> div classphoto-container text-center> a href/stories/clara-nicolosi-new-president-of-the-hot-springs-village-board-of-realtors,76258>img classphoto src altThe Hot Springs Village Board of Realtors officers for 2025 were recently installed at the DeSoto Club. The board members are as follows: President Clara Nicolosi; President-Elect Kelly Burleson; Treasurer Austin Prince; Secretary Kayla Casada; and Directors Janette Carter, Jeffrey Jackson, and Randall Cummings, Immediate Past President Laurie Henderson; (Director Joann Frazier, not pictured). (Submitted photo) />/a> /div> h3> a href/stories/clara-nicolosi-new-president-of-the-hot-springs-village-board-of-realtors,76258> Clara Nicolosi new president of the Hot Springs Village Board of Realtors /a> /h3> div classtext-lede> Clara Nicolosi will be the president of the Hot Springs Village Board of Realtors in 2025. She and her board were officially installed at the DeSoto Club on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.The Hot … /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> p classbox-link> a href/local/> Read more community stories i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p>/div>!-- .box-content-list -->div classbox box-content-default> div classlabel>Police report/div> div classcontent-item clearfix first > h2>a href/stories/police-report-122424,76746>Police Report 12.24.24/a>/h2> div classtext-lede> The Hot Springs Village Police Department was involved in 296 incidents between 8 a.m. Dec. 12 to 8 a.m. Dec. 19. Leading topics: 176 house or building checks; 48 traffic stops; 3 fire department … /div> /div> /div>!-- .box-content-default --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> div classpk-section section-2col col-sm-4> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-bannerads-default>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:600px; margin: 0 auto;> div classcq-creative data-placement4>/div>/div> p classbox-link> a> Read more i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default -->div classbox box-eedition> div classlabel>E-edition/div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-5> p classphoto> a href/stories/december-24-2024,76743> img classcq-imgTag data-src data-lazytrue /> /a> /p> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-7 content> h1> a href/stories/december-24-2024,76743>December 24, 2024/a> /h1> p> a href/stories/december-24-2024,76743>View this issue/a> /p> p> a href/eeditions/> Browse other issues /a> /p> /div>!-- .content --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .box-content-calendar -->div classbox box-bannerads-default>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:250px; margin: 0 auto;> div classcq-creative data-placement1>/div>/div>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default -->div classbox box-bannerads-default>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:250px; margin: 0 auto;> div classcq-creative data-placement1>/div>/div>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classreverse-bar red> div classreverse-bar-label centered> Entertainment /div> /div> /div> /div> div id_xnnqv1uoj classpk-layer default container noear> div classrow> div classpk-section section-4col col-sm-8> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-content-columns-default> div classrow> div classlead-column col-md-4> div classcontent-area-list> div classphoto-container> a href/stories/voices-of-angels-2024-classic-christmas,76757> img classphoto src altMerry Christmas from The Muses Projects "Voices of Angels." /> /a> /div> h3> a href/stories/voices-of-angels-2024-classic-christmas,76757> Voices of Angels 2024 - Classic Christmas /a> /h3> p classtext-lede> The Muses Project again brought the perfect classical Christmas concert recently to HSV Woodlands Auditorium. The Prelude, Winter Vignette No. 1 was an original composition by Steve Suter, … /p> /div> /div> div classstory-column story-column-1 col-md-4> ul classcontent-area-list list-unstyled> li> h4> a href/stories/by-sandy-johansenstaff-writer,76756> A Jazzy Christmas Right Here /a> /h4> p classtext-lede> The Village Big Band entertained at Christ of the Hills Methodist Church Tuesday, December 17, presenting … /p> /li> li> h4> a href/stories/crystal-chimes-presents-deck-the-halls-all,76755> Crystal Chimes presents Deck The Halls & All /a> /h4> p classtext-lede> Another year of holiday celebration brought to HSV by Crystal Chimes Chorus, not only with cookies, … /p> /li> li> h4> a href/stories/colt-the-old-45s-rockin-the-christmas-season,76266> Colt & The Old 45s rockin the Christmas season /a> /h4> p classtext-lede> What better way to start the Christmas season than with friends and Colt & The Old 45s at Coronado … /p> /li> /ul> /div> div classstory-column story-column-2 col-md-4> ul classcontent-area-list list-unstyled> li> h4> a href/stories/cedar-mountain-singers-present-a-very-merry-christmas,76265> Cedar Mountain Singers present A Very Merry Christmas /a> /h4> p classtext-lede> The Christ of the Hills United Methodist Church recently welcomed a full audience to the Cedar … /p> /li> li> h4> a href/stories/christmas-in-the-village-an-incomparable-concert,76264> Christmas in the Village - An incomparable concert /a> /h4> p classtext-lede> The recent ASO Christmas in the Village Concert and Yuletide Cheer Celebration immediately … /p> /li> li> h4> a href/stories/cork-bottle-celebrate-world-tour-of-wines-10th-year,75773> Cork & Bottle celebrate World Tour of Wines 10th year /a> /h4> p classtext-lede> It was not only a celebration of the holiday season, but Cork & Bottle Liquor toasted the 10th … /p> /li> /ul> /div> /div> p classbox-link> a href/entertainment/> Read more entertainment stories i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p> /div>!-- .box-content-columns-default --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> div classpk-section section-2col col-sm-4> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-bannerads-default>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:250px; margin: 0 auto;> div classcq-creative data-placement1>/div>/div>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default -->div classbox box-bannerads-default>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:250px; margin: 0 auto;> div classcq-creative data-placement1>/div>/div>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default -->div classbox box-bannerads-default>div stylemax-width:300px; max-height:250px; margin: 0 auto;> div classcq-creative data-placement1>/div>/div>/div>!-- .box-bannerads-default --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classreverse-bar red> div classreverse-bar-label centered> Sports /div> /div> /div> /div> div id_0y2uu1q1v classpk-layer shaded container shaded noear> div classrow> div classpk-section section-4col col-sm-8> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-content-default> div classcontent-item clearfix first > div classphoto-container> a href/stories/ace-on-the-green-a-golfers-unforgettable-shot,76754>img classlede-image vertical photo src altHole in one golfer Hunter Satterfield (r) with his brother Conner (Photo courtesy of Ernie Armentrout) />/a> /div> h2 classside-head> a href/stories/ace-on-the-green-a-golfers-unforgettable-shot,76754> Ace on the Green: A golfers unforgettable shot /a> /h2> div classtext-lede side> According to Essential golf ( “The wow factor that hitting a hole-in-one in golf comes with is extremely blissful. It’s one of those moments a golfer cherishes for the rest of … /div> /div> /div>!-- .box-content-default -->div classbox box-content-grid> div> div classgrid-item col-3> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/oaklawn-racing-casino-resort-opens-2024-25-season,75771> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto altOpening season began with very cold weather on December 6, but warm temperatures brought spectators closer to the track outside on December 7. /> /div> /a> a href/stories/oaklawn-racing-casino-resort-opens-2024-25-season,75771 classsingle-story-head>Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort opens 2024-25 season/a> div classtext-lede> It was cool weather for opening day December 6, 2024 at Oaklawn, but bright sunshine and warmer weather brought lots of race fans outdoors the next day. This years season began with the $150,000 … /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-3> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/a-swing-through-memories-arkansas-hospice-brings-golfing-joy-to-a-patients-life,75208> /a> a href/stories/a-swing-through-memories-arkansas-hospice-brings-golfing-joy-to-a-patients-life,75208 classsingle-story-head>A swing through memories: Arkansas Hospice brings golfing joy to a patient’s life/a> div classtext-lede> Arkansas Hospice offers a wide range of services focused on enhancing the quality of life for individuals facing serious illnesses. These services include Home-Based Care, which is Hospice care … /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-3> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/wga-18-hole-holds-end-of-season-blow-out,75207> /a> a href/stories/wga-18-hole-holds-end-of-season-blow-out,75207 classsingle-story-head>WGA 18-hole holds end of season blow out/a> div classtext-lede> It was a rainy day for the WGA 18-hole end of season (meeting?) but you wouldn’t know it by the laughter, and camaraderie upstairs of Sunset Grill. Since the party fell on Halloween, everyone was … /div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div>!-- .box-content-list --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> div classpk-section section-2col col-sm-4> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-content-list> div classlabel>More sports/div> div classlist-item rule-below> div classwidget-image> a href/stories/langston-sparrow-win-seasons-final-bass-tournament,74701> img src left: Dave Keith, Don Langston, Dan Sparrow, Pete DeVries and Ernie Infusino. (Submitted photo) /> /a> /div> div>a classstory-head href/stories/langston-sparrow-win-seasons-final-bass-tournament,74701>Langston, Sparrow win seasons final bass tournament/a>/div> div classlead>Angler Don Langston and co-angler Dan Sparrow led the way in the season finale of the Hot Springs Village Anglers Club bass tournament schedule.Langston took first place with 4 bass weighing a …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classlist-item rule-below > div classwidget-image> a href/stories/diamante-mga-holds-annual-banquet-and-award-presentations,74700> img src altMGA Player of the Year being presented to David Weatherly. /> /a> /div> div>a classstory-head href/stories/diamante-mga-holds-annual-banquet-and-award-presentations,74700>Diamante MGA holds annual banquet and award presentations/a>/div> div classlead>The Diamante MGA season closed with the annual banquet and award presentations to winners in multiple categories. MGA Board President Phil Iantosca and Head Golf Professional David Howard made the …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classlist-item rule-below > div classwidget-image> a href/stories/swinging-back-in-time-the-art-and-tradition-of-hickory-golf,74132> img src altVillagers try out the hickory clubs. (Robin Raborn Burns photos) /> /a> /div> div>a classstory-head href/stories/swinging-back-in-time-the-art-and-tradition-of-hickory-golf,74132>Swinging back in time: The art and tradition of Hickory Golf/a>/div> div classlead>Hickory golf is a style of playing golf that uses traditional wooden-shafted clubs, mostly from the early 20th century or before, when hickory wood was the standard material for golf shafts. This …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classlist-item rule-below > div classwidget-image> a href/stories/juno-jamison-ron-knight-atop-the-leaderboard,74130> img src altFrom left are event winners Ernie Infusino, Paul Galfund, Juno Jamison, Ron Knight, Kirk Bixler and Dave Keith. (Submitted photo) /> /a> /div> div>a classstory-head href/stories/juno-jamison-ron-knight-atop-the-leaderboard,74130>Juno Jamison, Ron Knight atop the leaderboard/a>/div> div classlead>Hot Springs Village Anglers Club members traveled over to Lake Hamilton for their latest bass battle on Nov. 8. After 5 hours on the water co-angler Juno Jamison and angler Ron Knight picked up first …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classlist-item rule-below > div classwidget-image> a href/stories/diamante-pickleball-complex-grand-opening-held-nov-6,73542> img src altTerri Socha, Diamante Membership director. (Robin Raborn Burns photo) /> /a> /div> div>a classstory-head href/stories/diamante-pickleball-complex-grand-opening-held-nov-6,73542>Diamante Pickleball Complex grand opening held Nov. 6/a>/div> div classlead>The grand opening of the Diamante Pickleball Complex on November 6 marked an exciting new chapter for the community, adding to the array of amenities that enhance members’ daily lives. The event …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> p classbox-link> a href/sports/> More sports i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p>/div>!-- .box-content-list -->div classbox box-content->div classrow> /div>/div>!-- .box-content-displayads --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> div id_l7hxlhik9 classpk-layer default container noear> div classrow> div classpk-section section-6col col-sm-12> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-content-grid> div classlabel>Obituaries/div> div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/marcia-a-hayes,76752> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/stories/marcia-a-hayes,76752 classsingle-story-head>Marcia A. Hayes/a> div classtext-lede> Marcia A. Hayes, 83, of Hot Springs Village Arkansas passed away on Monday, December 16th, 2024.Marcia was born on Jan 21, 1941 in Davenport Iowa. Henry and Margaret (Harrison) Wollenburg. She … /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/jonathon-c-fisher,76751> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/stories/jonathon-c-fisher,76751 classsingle-story-head>Jonathon C. Fisher/a> div classtext-lede> Jonathon Charles Fisher was born in Chicago, Illinois on April 11, 1970. He passed from this life unexpectedly to his heavenly home on Dec. 10, 2024.Jon is survived by his Father John E. Fisher … /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/don-joe-prescott,76750> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/stories/don-joe-prescott,76750 classsingle-story-head>Don Joe Prescott/a> div classtext-lede> Don Joe Prescott, 88, of Hot Springs Village, Arkansas passed away December 12, 2024. He was born October 11, 1936, in Burkburnett, TX, to John Prescott and Etta Mae (Riggs) Prescott.Don was … /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/nicholas-e-hilt,76262> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/stories/nicholas-e-hilt,76262 classsingle-story-head>Nicholas E. Hilt/a> div classtext-lede> Nicholas E. Hilt, age 80, a long-time resident of HSV passed peacefully on Monday, December 9, with his family by his side. A commemoration of Nicks life will be held on Tuesday, December 17, at … /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/stories/linda-j-shearin,76261> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/stories/linda-j-shearin,76261 classsingle-story-head>Linda J. Shearin/a> div classtext-lede> Linda Jean Shearin, 79, of Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, passed away peacefully at home in Hot Springs Village Arkansas on December 10, 2024. She was born May 10, 1945, in Paris, Arkansas to Ernest … /div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> p classbox-link> a href/obituaries/> More obituaries i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p>/div>!-- .box-content-list --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> div id_oi2pvr4dy classpk-layer shaded container shaded noear> div classrow> div classpk-section section-2col col-sm-4> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-twitter-default> div classlabel>Follow us on Twitter /div>a classtwitter-timeline href width100% data-height600 data-themelight data-chrome>/a> script async src// charsetutf-8>/script>/div>!-- .box-content-calendar --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> div classpk-section section-2col col-sm-4> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-content-list> div classlabel>Opinion/div> div classlist-item rule-below> div>a classstory-head href/stories/veterans-vault-hefta-served-in-u-s-air-force-and-army-national-guard,76753>Veterans Vault - Hefta served in U. S. Air Force and Army National Guard/a>/div> div classlead>Village resident Don Hefta is from North Dakota. Growing up in Portland, North Dakota, he played football, basketball and track. At just 6 feet, 1 inch, he could dunk, but unfortunately in his senior …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classlist-item rule-below > div>a classstory-head href/stories/the-sweet-life-everyone-needs-a-tribe,76263>The Sweet Life - Everyone needs a tribe/a>/div> div classlead>Everyone needs a tribe—a group of people to surround themselves with during good and bad times. Although I have other friends, the ones Im writing about are a charming group known as The …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classlist-item rule-below > div>a classstory-head href/stories/jfk-files-agencies-defy-jfk-records-collection-act,75770>JFK Files - Agencies defy JFK Records Collection Act/a>/div> div classlead>Many of you likely remember the 1991 Oliver Stone movie, “JFK.” It caused quite a firestorm of criticism aimed at Stone. It also reignited interest in the JFK assassination not only in the United …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classlist-item rule-below > div>a classstory-head href/stories/exploring-the-world,75769>Exploring the world/a>/div> div classlead>I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Village Voice for bringing together people interested in traveling to various parts of the world. This Travel Club allows us to travel, knowing that …/div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> p classbox-link> a href/opinion/> More opinion i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p>/div>!-- .box-content-list --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> div classpk-section section-2col col-sm-4> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-facebook-default> div classlabel>Find us on Facebook/div> div classtext-center> div classfb-page data-href data-tabstimeline data-width300 data-height600 data-small-headerfalse data-adapt-container-widthtrue data-hide-coverfalse data-show-facepiletrue>blockquote cite classfb-xfbml-parse-ignore>a href>Facebook/a>/blockquote>/div> /div> /div>!-- .box-facebook-default --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> div id_hu5ym6iq2 classpk-layer default container noear> div classrow> div classpk-section section-6col col-sm-12> div classsection-margins> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classreverse-bar red> div classreverse-bar-label centered> Web extras /div> /div> /div> /div> div id_if3chrukd classpk-layer branding-light container branding-light noear> div classrow> div classpk-section section-6col col-sm-12> div classsection-margins> div classbox box-content-grid> div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/premium/familyfeatures/stories/nurturing-this-trait-could-bolster-kids-confidence,76640> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/premium/familyfeatures/stories/nurturing-this-trait-could-bolster-kids-confidence,76640 classsingle-story-head>Nurturing This Trait Could Bolster Kids Confidence/a> div classtext-lede> (Family Features) Creative expression not only helps children convey their thoughts and feelings, but it also helps build the self-esteem and resilience needed to navigate lifes complexities. /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/premium/familyfeatures/stories/learning-from-voices-of-war-honoring-the-80th-anniversary-of-world-war-iis-final-major-battle,76639> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/premium/familyfeatures/stories/learning-from-voices-of-war-honoring-the-80th-anniversary-of-world-war-iis-final-major-battle,76639 classsingle-story-head>Learning from Voices of War: Honoring the 80th anniversary of World War IIs final major battle/a> div classtext-lede> (Family Features) The Ardennes Offensive, commonly known as the Battle of the Bulge, stands as the single bloodiest battle fought by the United States during World War II. /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/premium/brandpoint/stories/five-ways-to-ease-your-retirement-worries,76645> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto alt /> /div> /a> a href/premium/brandpoint/stories/five-ways-to-ease-your-retirement-worries,76645 classsingle-story-head>Five Ways to Ease Your Retirement Worries/a> div classtext-lede> (BPT) - By Rob Williams, Managing Director, Financial Planning, Retirement Income and Wealth Management, Schwab Center for Financial ResearchThere are a lot of cautionary tales in the news these days … /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/premium/theconversation/stories/how-st-francis-created-the-nativity-scene-with-a-miraculous-event-in-1223,76518> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto altSt. Francis of Assisi preparing the Christmas crib at Greccio. Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Assisi, Italy /> /div> /a> a href/premium/theconversation/stories/how-st-francis-created-the-nativity-scene-with-a-miraculous-event-in-1223,76518 classsingle-story-head>How St. Francis created the Nativity scene, with a miraculous event in 1223/a> div classtext-lede> Nativity scenes showing the birth of baby Jesus first originated in the small Italian town of Greccio. /div> /div> /div> div classgrid-item col-5> div classw-clearfix horizontal> a href/premium/napsnet/stories/what-to-do-to-fight-the-flu-and-covid-19,76524> div classphoto-container> img src classphoto altIf you get COVID-19 or the flu, the faster you get proper treatment, the better your chances of a complete recovery. /> /div> /a> a href/premium/napsnet/stories/what-to-do-to-fight-the-flu-and-covid-19,76524 classsingle-story-head>What to Do to Fight the Flu and COVID-19/a> div classtext-lede> (NAPSI)—You may not know it, but chances are you have at least one risk factor that could make you vulnerable for serious complications from flu, COVID-19 and other dangerous diseases. Conditions … /div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> p classbox-link> a href/premium/> Read more Web Extra stories i classfa fa-caret-right>/i> /a> /p>/div>!-- .box-content-list --> /div> /div>!-- .pk-section --> /div>!-- .row --> /div>!-- .pk-layer --> /div>!-- .pk-landing-default -->footer classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-3 col-sm-12 footer-col nameplate-col photo> a href/ > img src> /a> p> 3576 N. 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