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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginxDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 09:15:15 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 162Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 09:15:16 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Length: 88855Connection: keep-aliveX-Powered-By: PHP/8.2.26Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidatePragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: PHPSESSIDrdds3aptk139hhl718sovj5uk4; path/Vary: Accept-EncodingX-UA-Compatible: IEEdge,chrome1Cache-Control: private, must-revalidateStrict-Transport-Security: max-age15768000; includeSubDomainsX-Powered-By: PleskLin !doctype html>html langfr>head>meta charsetutf-8>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0>title>∞ Hôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage Argelès-sur-mer/title>meta namedescription content✅ SITE OFFICIEL | Hôtel familial les Mimosas situé à 150 m de la plage des Pins Argelès-sur-mer : 27 chambres, à proximité un parking voitures et autobus ...>link relicon typeimage/png href sizes32x32>link relpreload href asfont media(prefers-reduced-data: no-preference) crossorigin>link 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pratiques /a>/li> li classnav-item > a titlePhotos Hôtel terrasse Hôtel les Mimosas à Argelès-sur-Mer classnav-link text-center text-uppercase hrefgalerie-photos-videos-hotel-plage-des-pins-argeles-sur-mer> GALERIE /a>/li> li classnav-item dropdown> a rolelink relnoreferrer noopener classtext-dark nav-link href titleHôtel les Mimosas>EN/a> /li> /ul> /nav> /div> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-end resa-btn> div class h-100 px-2 d-flex align-items-center me-0> a href target_blank titleCompte Instagram Hôtel les Mimosas relnoreferrer noopener classpe-2> img loadinglazy srcimg/svg/instagram.min.svg?v1 width22 height22 altInstagram picto> /a>/div> a classtext-decoration-none bg-primary p-3 rounded-pill text-white text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center d-xxl-block d-none hreftel:+334 68 81 14 77 titletéléphone Hôtel les Mimosas aria-labeltéléphone Hôtel les Mimosas> img loadinglazy srcimg/svg/phone-white.min.svg altpicto téléphone width15 height15>span class ps-1 >+33 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hrefsejours-tourisme-hotel-plage-des-pins-argeles-sur-mer> Argelès-sur-Mer et sa région /a> /li> li classnav-item mb-3> a titleVenir à lHôtel les Mimosas à Argelès-sur-Mer classnav-link text-center text-uppercase hrefinfos-pratiques-hotel-plage-des-pins-argeles-sur-mer> Infos pratiques /a> /li> li classnav-item mb-3> a titlePhotos Hôtel terrasse Hôtel les Mimosas à Argelès-sur-Mer classnav-link text-center text-uppercase hrefgalerie-photos-videos-hotel-plage-des-pins-argeles-sur-mer> GALERIE /a> /li> /ul> /nav>/div> div classbestprice-parent wrapp-resa data-reservit-hotelid13765data-reservit-custid2 data-reservit-partid83> div classmodule widget-resa >div classwidget-resa-mobile>div classwrapp_widget bg-light > div idtarif classbloc_meilleur_tarif d-xl-block d-lg-block d-md-block d-none bg-primary sec-font fs-5 text-white d-flex position-absolute py-3 px-2 border-0 vertical-text top-0 > img srcimg/svg/arrow-right.min.svg?v1 altpicto fleche classmb-2 width30 height9> RÉSERVATION /div> ul classnav nav-resa-mobile bg-primary m-0 nav-tabs border-0 widget-resa-mobile idwidget-tabs roletablist> li classnav-item align-items-center d-flex flex-grow-1 justify-content-center rolepresentation> button classnav-link px-xl-3 px-lg-3 p-1 rounded-0 text-white fs-sm text-uppercase active sec-font border-0 pt-2 idresa-tab data-bs-toggletab data-bs-target#resa typebutton roletab aria-controlsresa aria-selectedfalse>img roleimg srcimg/svg/bed.min.svg alticon lit width18 height14 >br> Chambres /button> /li> li classnav-item align-items-center d-flex flex-grow-1 justify-content-center rolepresentation> button classnav-link px-xl-3 px-lg-3 p-1 pt-2 border-0 rounded-0 text-white fs-sm text-uppercase sec-font idoffres-tab data-bs-toggletab data-bs-target#offres typebutton roletab aria-controlsoffres aria-selectedfalse> img roleimg srcimg/svg/offer.min.svg?v1 altpicto offres width14 height14 > br> Offres /button> /li> li classnav-item align-items-center d-flex flex-grow-1 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form-control-lg bg-transparent border-primary border-1 rounded-2 p-2 d-flex justify-content-center tel-widget> a classtext-decoration-none text-primary text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center hreftel:+334 68 81 14 77 titletéléphone Hôtel les Mimosas aria-labeltéléphone Hôtel les Mimosas> img loadinglazy srcimg/svg/phone-couleur.min.svg altpicto téléphone width10 height10>span class ps-1 fs-xs>04 68 81 14 77 /span>/a> /div> /div> div classw-50 d-flex justify-content-center p-0 data-reservit-elementidbestPrice> button classbtn btn-primary text-white rounded-2 text-uppercase w-100 bestprice-element text-font fw-bold btn-large idsubmit-resa typesubmit> Réserver /button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> div classtab-pane fade text-center pt-xl-0 pt-lg-0 pt-md-0 pt-5 pb-xl-0 pb-lg-0 pb-md-0 pb-3 idoffres roletabpanel aria-labelledbyoffres-tab > div classpx-4> div classclose-widget-mobile bg-primary position-absolute end-0 top-0 text-end text-white z-index-2 p-3 d-xl-none d-lg-none d-md-none d-block>img roleimg loadinglazy srcimg/svg/close.min.svg altfermeture widget width16 height16>/div> div classmodule offre-widget > div classtext-center my-2> a classbtn btn-outline-primary rounded-pill px-3 text-uppercase scrollTo mb-3 hrefoffres-hotel-plage-des-pins-argeles-sur-mer titleOffres séjour | Hôtel Argelès-sur-mer | Hôtel les Mimosas> VOIR PLUS DOFFRES/a> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classcontent> !-- PAGE CONTENU --> div classmodule carousel >div idhomeCarousel classcarousel slide px-xl-4 px-lg-4 px-2 pb-xl-4 pb-lg-4 pb-2 carousel-fade data-bs-ridecarousel data-pausetrue> div classarrow bounce d-xl-block d-lg-block d-none> a classarrow-down scrollTo href#texte titlevoir le texte>/a> /div> div classcarousel-indicators > button typebutton aria-labelimage suivante data-bs-target#homeCarousel data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelSlide 1> /button> button typebutton aria-labelimage suivante data-bs-target#homeCarousel data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelSlide 2> /button> button typebutton aria-labelimage suivante data-bs-target#homeCarousel data-bs-slide-to2 aria-labelSlide 3> /button> button typebutton aria-labelimage suivante data-bs-target#homeCarousel data-bs-slide-to3 aria-labelSlide 4> /button> button typebutton aria-labelimage suivante data-bs-target#homeCarousel data-bs-slide-to4 aria-labelSlide 5> /button> /div> div classcarousel-inner chocolat-parent> div classbg-dark carousel-item active position-relative data-bs-interval3000> img roleimg srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w sizes100vw altHôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins classcover object-fit /> div classcarousel-caption> div classtext-white titre-font fs-1 mb-0> Hôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins /div> div classfs-3 text-white sous-titre-font mb-0> À ARGELES-SUR-MER /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classbg-dark carousel-item position-relative data-bs-interval3000> img roleimg srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w sizes100vw altHôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins classcover object-fit /> div classcarousel-caption> div classtext-white titre-font fs-1 mb-0> Hôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins /div> div classfs-3 text-white sous-titre-font mb-0> À ARGELES-SUR-MER /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classbg-dark carousel-item position-relative data-bs-interval3000> img roleimg srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w sizes100vw altHôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins classcover object-fit /> div classcarousel-caption> div classtext-white titre-font fs-1 mb-0> Hôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins /div> div classfs-3 text-white sous-titre-font mb-0> À ARGELES-SUR-MER /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classbg-dark carousel-item position-relative data-bs-interval3000> img roleimg srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w sizes100vw altHôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins classcover object-fit /> div classcarousel-caption> div classtext-white titre-font fs-1 mb-0> Hôtel les Mimosas à 150 m de la plage des Pins /div> div classfs-3 text-white sous-titre-font mb-0> À ARGELES-SUR-MER /div> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> div classbg-dark carousel-item position-relative data-bs-interval3000> img roleimg srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w sizes100vw altimage Hôtel les Mimosas classcover object-fit /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> !-- Modal --> /div>/div>/div> div classmodule popin >!-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idmyModal tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddenfalse> div classmodal-dialog > div classmodal-content rounded-4 overflow-hidden> div classmodal-body p-0 bg-white> div classbPopup yourModalClass idyourModalId> div classpop_content > div classoffre-image position-relative > button typebutton classbtn-close bg-primary rounded-pill me-3 mt-3 p-3 position-absolute top-0 end-0 data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> figure classm-0 d-xl-block d-lg-block d-none> img srcset 800w, sizes100vw altOuverture le 04 avril 2025 classw-100 img-fluid width height /> /figure> /div> div classoffre-content p-5> div class text-dark titre-font fs-3 text-center mb-1> Ouverture le 04 avril 2025 br> span classtext-font>/span> /div> div classtext-center text > p>Nous serons heureux de vous accueillir à partir du 4 avril 2025/p> /div> div classd-flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-content-center mt-3> a hrefdetail-hotel-plage-des-pins-argeles-sur-mer,ouverture-le-04-avril-2025,3052 class btn btn-outline-primary text-center text-uppercase fw-light rounded-pill me-3 px-3 onclick$(#myModal).modal(hide)> En savoir +/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>section classcontainer-fluid p-top px-0 > div classmodule texte >div classpattern position-relative p-xl-5 p-lg-5 p-2 idtexte > div classcontainer-fluid bg-secondary rounded-4> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-sm-12 col-xxl-7 col-xl-10 col-lg-10 py-5 px-xl-0 px-lg-0 px-5> h1 classtitre-font fs-1 text-primary text-center > span classtext-dark>Hôtel**/span> avec terrasse lounge à Argelès-sur-Mer /h1> h2 classtext fs-4 text-center my-3 pb-0 > Une invitation au voyage en Pays catalan à deux pas de la plage d’Argelès-sur-Mer /h2> div classtext text-start> p styletext-align: center;>A seulement 150 m de la plage des Pins se niche le point de chute idéal de vos strong>vacances à Argelès-sur-Mer/strong>, une adresse chaleureuse au cœur de la station mais au calme. /p>p styletext-align: center;>Bienvenue à l’hôtel Les Mimosas à Argelès-sur-Mer !/p>p styletext-align: center;>Vous apprécierez le strong>caractère convivial et bienveillant /strong>de cette agréable maison et l’accueil sympathique de toute l’équipe de Sandrine et Eric, tout nouveaux maîtres des lieux depuis janvier 2023. /p> /div> div classtext-center> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classrow py-5 px-xl-0 px-lg-0 px-5 bg-white d-flex flex-xl-row flex-lg-row flex-column> div classp-0 col-sm-12 col-lg-6 > div classmodule carousel-texte >div classswiffy-slider slider-item-show2-sm slider-item-reveal slider-item-ratio slider-item-ratio-4x3 slider-item-snapstart slider-nav-round slider-nav-sm slider-nav-visible slider-nav-autohide slider-nav-autopause slider-indicators-round slider-indicators-highlight slider-nav-animation-slow data-slider-nav-autoplay-interval6000 style--swiffy-slider-nav-light:#104b4d; --swiffy-slider-nav-dark:#fff;> ul classslider-container chocolat-parent> li classslide-visible> div>a href classchocolat-image data-srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w data-sizes100vw title> img roleimg srcset 800w 1280w, 1920w, 3200w altimage Hôtel les Mimosas width480 height319 classd-block w-100 cover loadinglazy decodingasync/>/a> /div>/li> li class> div>a href classchocolat-image data-srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w data-sizes100vw title> img roleimg srcset 800w 1280w, 1920w, 3200w altimage Hôtel les Mimosas width480 height319 classd-block w-100 cover loadinglazy decodingasync/>/a> /div>/li> li class> div>a href classchocolat-image data-srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w data-sizes100vw title> img roleimg srcset 800w 1280w, 1920w, 3200w altimage Hôtel les Mimosas width480 height319 classd-block w-100 cover loadinglazy decodingasync/>/a> /div>/li> /ul> button typebutton classslider-nav aria-labelimage suivante>/button> button typebutton classslider-nav slider-nav-next aria-labelimage precedente>/button> div classslider-indicators> span classactive >/span> span class>/span> span class>/span> /div>/div>/div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-lg-6> div classp-xl-5 p-lg-5 p-3 d-flex justify-content-center flex-column align-items-center h-100> h2 classtitre-font fs-1 text-primary text-center px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> span classtext-dark>Nos/span> chambres /h2> h3 classtext py-2 fs-4 text-center py-3 px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> séjour en bord de mer dans les Pyrénées Orientales /h3> div classtext text-start px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> p styletext-align: center;>Vous bénéficierez d’installations et équipements récents, fruits d’importants travaux effectués au fur et à mesure pour vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions./p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>Au programme/strong> : vous installer dans l’une des strong>27 chambres confortables/strong> avec ou sans balcon./p> /div> div classd-flex> a href titleNos chambres en savoir plus classbtn btn-outline-primary text-uppercase rounded-pill mt-3 px-4 py-3 text fw-bold> JE DECOUVRE /a> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classrow py-5 px-xl-0 px-lg-0 px-5 bg-white d-flex flex-xl-row-reverse flex-lg-row-reverse flex-column> div classp-0 col-sm-12 col-lg-6 > div classmodule carousel-texte >div classswiffy-slider slider-item-show2-sm slider-item-reveal slider-item-ratio slider-item-ratio-4x3 slider-item-snapstart slider-nav-round slider-nav-sm slider-nav-visible slider-nav-autohide slider-nav-autopause slider-indicators-round slider-indicators-highlight slider-nav-animation-slow data-slider-nav-autoplay-interval6000 style--swiffy-slider-nav-light:#104b4d; --swiffy-slider-nav-dark:#fff;> ul classslider-container chocolat-parent> li classslide-visible> div>a href classchocolat-image data-srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w data-sizes100vw title> img roleimg srcset 800w 1280w, 1920w, 3200w altimage Hôtel les Mimosas width480 height319 classd-block w-100 cover loadinglazy decodingasync/>/a> /div>/li> li class> div>a href classchocolat-image data-srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w data-sizes100vw title> img roleimg srcset 800w 1280w, 1920w, 3200w altimage Hôtel les Mimosas width480 height319 classd-block w-100 cover loadinglazy decodingasync/>/a> /div>/li> /ul> button typebutton classslider-nav aria-labelimage suivante>/button> button typebutton classslider-nav slider-nav-next aria-labelimage precedente>/button> div classslider-indicators> span classactive >/span> span class>/span> /div>/div>/div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-lg-6> div classp-xl-5 p-lg-5 p-3 d-flex justify-content-center flex-column align-items-center h-100> h2 classtitre-font fs-1 text-primary text-center px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> span classtext-dark>Petit-déjeuner/span> /h2> h3 classtext py-2 fs-4 text-center py-3 px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> /h3> div classtext text-start px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> p styletext-align: center;>Proposé entre 8h et 10h, sous la forme d’un strong>buffet continental/strong>, il se décline en version salée, sucrée, chaude et froide… pour satisfaire toutes les envies, tous les palais, les petites ou grandes faims…/p> /div> div classd-flex> a href titlePetit-déjeuner en savoir plus classbtn btn-outline-primary text-uppercase rounded-pill mt-3 px-4 py-3 text fw-bold> JE DECOUVRE /a> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classrow py-5 px-xl-0 px-lg-0 px-5 bg-white d-flex flex-xl-row flex-lg-row flex-column> div classp-0 col-sm-12 col-lg-6 > div classmodule carousel-texte >div classswiffy-slider slider-item-show2-sm slider-item-reveal slider-item-ratio slider-item-ratio-4x3 slider-item-snapstart slider-nav-round slider-nav-sm slider-nav-visible slider-nav-autohide slider-nav-autopause slider-indicators-round slider-indicators-highlight slider-nav-animation-slow data-slider-nav-autoplay-interval6000 style--swiffy-slider-nav-light:#104b4d; --swiffy-slider-nav-dark:#fff;> ul classslider-container chocolat-parent> li classslide-visible> div>a href classchocolat-image data-srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w data-sizes100vw title> img roleimg srcset 800w 1280w, 1920w, 3200w altimage Hôtel les Mimosas width480 height360 classd-block w-100 cover loadinglazy decodingasync/>/a> /div>/li> li class> div>a href classchocolat-image data-srcset 800w, 1280w, 1920w, 3200w data-sizes100vw title> img roleimg srcset 800w 1280w, 1920w, 3200w altimage Hôtel les Mimosas width480 height320 classd-block w-100 cover loadinglazy decodingasync/>/a> /div>/li> /ul> button typebutton classslider-nav aria-labelimage suivante>/button> button typebutton classslider-nav slider-nav-next aria-labelimage precedente>/button> div classslider-indicators> span classactive >/span> span class>/span> /div>/div>/div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-lg-6> div classp-xl-5 p-lg-5 p-3 d-flex justify-content-center flex-column align-items-center h-100> h2 classtitre-font fs-1 text-primary text-center px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> span classtext-dark>Argelès-sur-Mer/span> et sa région /h2> h3 classtext py-2 fs-4 text-center py-3 px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> /h3> div classtext text-start px-xl-5 px-lg-5 px-0> p styletext-align: center;>Des sites accessibles à pied depuis l’hôtel Les Mimosas. Les amateurs de randonnées à pied ou à vélo emprunteront le strong>sentier du littoral /strong>(strong>7 km/strong>)strong> /strong>éventuellement jusqu’à l’incontournable strong>Collioure /strong>et pourront se rendre à la strong>Tour de la Massane/strong> d’où ils découvriront un magnifique panorama sur la « grande bleue »./p> /div> div classd-flex> a href titleArgelès-sur-Mer et sa région en savoir plus classbtn btn-outline-primary text-uppercase rounded-pill mt-3 px-4 py-3 text fw-bold> JE DECOUVRE /a> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/section>section classcontainer-fluid px-0 bg-white > div classmodule services-equipements >div classbg-primary position-relative p-3 > div classcontainer-fluid bg-white > div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-sm-12 col-lg-7 py-5> div classrow> div classcol-sm-12 > h3 classtitre-font fs-1 text-primary text-center mb-5> span classtext-dark>Nos/span> équipements /h3> /div> div classcol-sm-12 > div classtext text-center text-dark lh-lg> table stylewidth: 100%;>tbody>tr>td styletext-align: center; width: 24.931%;>img height50 altpicto velo classfr-dib fr-img-move src width50 loadinglazy decodingasync>br>Local à vélo fermé sécurisébr>/td>td styletext-align: center; width: 24.931%;>br>img altpicto moto height40 classfr-dib src width68 loadinglazy decodingasync>br>Possibilité de stationner gratuitement les motosbr>/td>td styletext-align: center; width: 24.931%;>img altpicto terrasse height40 classfr-dib src width loadinglazy decodingasync>br>Terrassebr>/td>td stylewidth: 25%; text-align: center;>img altpicto parking height50 classfr-dib fr-img-move src width43 loadinglazy decodingasync>br>Parking public/td>/tr>tr>td styletext-align: center; width: 24.931%;>img altpicto pmr height40 classfr-dib fr-img-move src width34 loadinglazy decodingasync>br>Accueil PMRbr>br>/td>td styletext-align: center; width: 24.931%;>img altpicto bar height40 classfr-dib fr-img-move src width27 loadinglazy decodingasync>br>Barbr>br>/td>td styletext-align: center; width: 24.931%;>br>img altpicto animaux height40 classfr-dib fr-img-move src width66 loadinglazy decodingasync>br>Animaux domestiques (jusqu’à 5 kgs) acceptésbr>br>/td>td stylewidth: 25.0000%;>br>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/section>section classcontainer-fluid px-0 position-relative bg-white > div classcontainer py-xl-5 py-lg-5 py-2> div classmodule eco >div classcontainer-fluid p-xl-4 p-lg-4 p-3 bg-secondary rounded-5 > div classrow> div classcol-sm-12> h5 classtitre-font fs-2 text-dark mb-4 text-center>Nos span classtext-primary>éco-gestes/span>/h5> /div> /div> div classcontainer d-flex flex-wrap> div classrow> div classmb-2 bg-transparent col-sm-12 > div classd-flex flex-wrap> !-- confort thermique --> div classbg-energetique bloc-eco rounded rounded-3 border me-2 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center mb-2> h6 classtext-font fw-bold text-center mb-0 lh-1 py-xl-0 py-lg-0 py-2>Efficacité br> énergétique/h6> /div> div class bg-light d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center bloc-eco me-2 rounded rounded-3 border mb-2> button typebutton classbg-transparent border-0 h-100 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#confortThermique>span classemoji fs-1 roleimg aria-label🏕>🏕/span> span classfs-xs fw-bold text-font lh-1 pb-2>Confort thermique/span> /button> /div> !-- Modal confort thermique --> div classmodal fade idconfortThermique data-bs-backdropstatic data-bs-keyboardfalse tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyconfort thermique aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-xl modal-dialog-centered> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header bg-energetique> h1 classmodal-title fs-5 text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center idconfortThermiqueLabel>Efficacité énergétique | Confort thermique span classemoji fs-2 ps-2 roleimg aria-label🏕>🏕/span>/h1> button typebutton classbtn-close text-dark data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body d-flex flex-wrap p-4> div classd-flex flex-row align-items-center w-50 mb-3> svg width50pt height50pt viewBox0 0 1200 1200 xmlns>path dM563.8 785.13c-3.98 0-7.793 1.582-10.605 4.394a14.986 14.986 0 0 0-4.395 10.605v160.54c-31.133-13.102-92.766-52.434-92.766-158.17 0-5.359-2.859-10.312-7.5-12.992a15.018 15.018 0 0 0-15 0 14.995 14.995 0 0 0-7.5 12.993c0 85.766 36.234 133.77 66.668 158.96h-.003a175.66 175.66 0 0 0 56.102 31.234v13.566c0 42.465-10 73.332-29.301 91.668a63.902 63.902 0 0 1-42.832 17.934H458.3a14.89 14.89 0 0 0-10.47 4.363 14.894 14.894 0 0 0-4.367 10.469v.367a14.894 14.894 0 0 0 4.368 10.469 14.89 14.89 0 0 0 10.469 4.363H477.5a94.877 94.877 0 0 0 61.965-25.598c26.066-24.199 39.266-62.535 39.266-114l.003-206.3a14.986 14.986 0 0 0-4.418-10.496 14.997 14.997 0 0 0-10.516-4.37zM793.57 1115.9h-18.602a67.176 67.176 0 0 1-43.133-17.633c-19.699-18.301-29.699-49.234-29.699-92v-211.87a190.693 190.693 0 0 0 61.469-34.102c33-27.332 72.332-79.434 72.332-172.6v.004a14.999 14.999 0 1 0-30 0c0 119.17-70 161.4-103.77 174.9v-174.9a14.999 14.999 0 1 0-30 0v418.46c0 51.434 13.332 89.8 39.266 114a96.027 96.027 0 0 0 63.332 25.633h18.836a14.865 14.865 0 0 0 14.833-14.832v-.367a14.898 14.898 0 0 0-14.867-14.7zM265.8 316.67a72.507 72.507 0 0 1-72.469-72.566 72.502 72.502 0 0 1 21.297-51.258 72.483 72.483 0 0 1 51.305-21.176 72.497 72.497 0 0 1 72.398 72.632 14.999 14.999 0 0 1-30 0 42.498 42.498 0 0 0-42.398-42.633 42.507 42.507 0 0 0-30.094 12.387 42.529 42.529 0 0 0-12.508 30.047c-.016 11.277 4.45 22.098 12.414 30.082s18.777 12.473 30.055 12.484a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 0 30zM265.8 122.83a14.995 14.995 0 0 1-15-15V71.764a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 30 0v36.066a14.999 14.999 0 0 1-15 15zM362.3 162.8a15 15 0 0 1-10.598-4.398 14.99 14.99 0 0 1-4.39-10.602c0-3.973 1.577-7.79 4.386-10.602l25.5-25.5a15.002 15.002 0 0 1 14.277-3.47 15.002 15.002 0 0 1 10.391 10.392 14.99 14.99 0 0 1-3.469 14.277l-25.5 25.5a14.953 14.953 0 0 1-10.598 4.402zM143.8 381.3a14.989 14.989 0 0 1-10.527-4.46 14.984 14.984 0 0 1-4.328-10.583 15.017 15.017 0 0 1 4.387-10.559l25.5-25.5a14.995 14.995 0 0 1 14.172-3.25 14.995 14.995 0 0 1 10.27 10.285A14.994 14.994 0 0 1 180 351.397l-25.5 25.5a14.956 14.956 0 0 1-10.699 4.402zM129.33 259.3h-36a15 15 0 0 1 0-30h36a14.999 14.999 0 1 1 0 30zM169.3 162.8a14.963 14.963 0 0 1-10.602-4.402l-25.367-25.5a14.998 14.998 0 0 1-3.465-14.277 14.99 14.99 0 0 1 10.387-10.391 15.009 15.009 0 0 1 14.281 3.469l25.465 25.5a15.012 15.012 0 0 1 4.387 10.637 14.985 14.985 0 0 1-4.438 10.613A14.986 14.986 0 0 1 169.3 162.8z/>path dM1085 446.13h-19.703c15.535-46.398 12.332-89.633-9.602-123.33-23.766-36.668-66.332-57.633-116.67-57.633h-17.367.004a104.213 104.213 0 0 0-49.922-71.453 104.215 104.215 0 0 0-86.742-8.547 190.36 190.36 0 0 0-74.707-97.32 190.377 190.377 0 0 0-118.56-31.53 190.393 190.393 0 0 0-113.18 47.351 190.357 190.357 0 0 0-60.785 106.57H398.2a147.087 147.087 0 0 0-115.23 55.566 147.074 147.074 0 0 0-28.109 124.8 114.59 114.59 0 0 0-62.598 63.566 65.99 65.99 0 0 0-79.266 47.098h-4.668a74.766 74.766 0 0 0-64.75 112.153 74.766 74.766 0 0 0 64.75 37.383h41.234a76.662 76.662 0 0 0-15.156 53.312 76.69 76.69 0 0 0 24.746 49.598 76.68 76.68 0 0 0 51.707 19.957h44.77a56.658 56.658 0 0 0 54.332 41.465h253.73a67.342 67.342 0 0 0 58.324-33.676 67.346 67.346 0 0 0 0-67.348 67.342 67.342 0 0 0-58.324-33.676h-13.734a84.568 84.568 0 0 0-65.535-59.667 89.996 89.996 0 0 0 23.336-60.434c0-24.832-8.168-44.965-24.234-60-30.602-28.398-79.367-26.668-85.832-26.199a117.023 117.023 0 0 1-82.676-34.438 117.008 117.008 0 0 1-34.109-82.812 117.023 117.023 0 0 1 34.438-82.676 117.028 117.028 0 0 1 82.812-34.105h32.402a14.995 14.995 0 0 0 9.993-3.824 14.995 14.995 0 0 0 4.906-9.512 160.334 160.334 0 0 1 315.2-17.663 15.007 15.007 0 0 0 21.969 9.633c22.559-12.754 50.137-12.812 72.75-.156s36.984 36.191 37.914 62.09a15.003 15.003 0 0 0 15 14.399h30.8c40 0 73.332 16.035 91.633 43.965 14.566 22.465 18.066 51.199 10.5 83v.004a69.038 69.038 0 0 0-32.25-23.758 69.067 69.067 0 0 0-40.016-1.844c-12.668-32.262-38.555-57.551-71.105-69.461s-68.645-9.3-99.148 7.164a121.103 121.103 0 0 0-60.379 78.965H659.96a94.853 94.853 0 0 0-82.156 47.434 94.866 94.866 0 0 0 82.156 142.297H1085a78.359 78.359 0 0 0 67.852-39.172A78.353 78.353 0 0 0 1085 446.138zm-920.9 250.8a46.672 46.672 0 0 1 11.23-30.383 46.68 46.68 0 0 1 28.305-15.75h199.3-.004a83.965 83.965 0 0 0-11.133 18.098 50.403 50.403 0 0 0-55.633 33.336h-26.199a56.672 56.672 0 0 0-34.113 11.605 56.654 56.654 0 0 0-20.219 29.828h-44.77a46.702 46.702 0 0 1-33.086-13.656 46.689 46.689 0 0 1-13.68-33.078zm358.87.3a15.005 15.005 0 0 0 4.906 9.512 14.991 14.991 0 0 0 9.992 3.82h25.934a37.348 37.348 0 0 1 32.348 56.025 37.348 37.348 0 0 1-32.348 18.676h-253.83a26.471 26.471 0 0 1-22.922-13.23 26.477 26.477 0 0 1 0-26.47 26.474 26.474 0 0 1 22.922-13.233h38.465a14.984 14.984 0 0 0 10.402-4.18 14.974 14.974 0 0 0 4.598-10.219 20.29 20.29 0 0 1 6.227-13.906 20.296 20.296 0 0 1 14.14-5.66 20.012 20.012 0 0 1 10 2.598 15.003 15.003 0 0 0 13.392.671 15.004 15.004 0 0 0 8.578-10.305 54.538 54.538 0 0 1 80.149-34.796 54.533 54.533 0 0 1 27.05 40.7zm-124.8-192.96h1.066c.399 0 41.535-2.632 63.965 18.302 9.801 9.168 14.566 21.535 14.566 37.867l.004-.004a60.506 60.506 0 0 1-60.434 60.434h-106.3a14.833 14.833 0 0 0-4.03-.602h-96.138a76.948 76.948 0 0 0-9.531.602h-93a44.768 44.768 0 1 1 0-89.536h17.602-.004a14.984 14.984 0 0 0 10.402-4.18 14.974 14.974 0 0 0 4.598-10.219 35.968 35.968 0 0 1 53.57-30 14.994 14.994 0 0 0 13.387.668c4.32-1.894 7.5-5.71 8.578-10.3a84.764 84.764 0 0 1 48.3-58.267 147.199 147.199 0 0 0 133.4 85.23zm686.84 68.399H659.97a64.861 64.861 0 0 1-56.176-32.434 64.874 64.874 0 0 1 0-64.867 64.863 64.863 0 0 1 56.176-32.434h90.898a14.997 14.997 0 0 0 9.996-3.824 14.986 14.986 0 0 0 4.906-9.508 91.062 91.062 0 0 1 45.105-68.06 91.052 91.052 0 0 1 81.523-4.554 91.065 91.065 0 0 1 52.402 62.613 15.019 15.019 0 0 0 8.5 10.29 15.005 15.005 0 0 0 13.336-.56 38.971 38.971 0 0 1 38.094-.054 38.958 38.958 0 0 1 19.938 32.457 15.003 15.003 0 0 0 15 14.399h45.336c17.242 0 33.176 9.199 41.797 24.133a48.258 48.258 0 0 1 0 48.27 48.262 48.262 0 0 1-41.797 24.133z/>path dM1148.3 710.23H897.33a15 15 0 0 1 0-30h250.97a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 0 30zM1148.3 819.04H821.63a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 0-30h326.67a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 0 30zM1148.3 927.83H782.9a15 15 0 0 1 0-30h365.4a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 0 30zM1148.3 1036.7H821.63a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 0-30h326.67a14.999 14.999 0 0 1 0 30zM1148.3 1145.4H876.23a14.999 14.999 0 1 1 0-30h272.1-.004a15 15 0 1 1-.031 30z/>/svg> span classps-2> Amélioration de l’ombrage naturel /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-row align-items-center w-50 mb-3> svg width80 height80 viewBox0 0 700 500 xmlns>path dM213.95 174.99a5.601 5.601 0 0 0-5.531 5.441c-.09 3.215-1.848 79.04 30.902 111.77 12.562 12.555 28.98 18.863 45.215 18.863 13.785-.004 27.426-4.578 38.469-13.723l21.395 21.371v6.118h-92.047a5.601 5.601 0 0 0-5.602 5.601v45.551a5.601 5.601 0 0 0 5.602 5.602h4.062l10.781 117.33A5.594 5.594 0 0 0 272.77 504H427.7a5.597 5.597 0 0 0 5.575-5.09l10.78-117.33 3.59.004a5.601 5.601 0 0 0 5.602-5.602v-45.55a5.601 5.601 0 0 0-5.601-5.602h-92.047v-6.118l21.398-21.37c11.039 9.144 24.68 13.722 38.469 13.722 16.23 0 32.652-6.312 45.215-18.863 32.75-32.734 30.992-108.56 30.902-111.77a5.601 5.601 0 0 0-5.532-5.441c-2.457-.078-46.574-.363-81.699 12.867a64.423 64.423 0 0 0 7.032-29.289v-.004c.011-46.367-54.93-98.82-57.266-101.03a5.603 5.603 0 0 0-7.762.063c-2.34 2.28-57.246 56.43-57.258 101-.004 10.438 2.437 20.488 7.031 29.465-35.215-13.395-79.727-13.094-82.184-13.066zM422.59 492.8H277.87l-10.219-111.21h165.16zm19.457-122.42h-184.1v-34.352h184.1zm-124.28-156.59c9.832 9.82 15.375 22.73 15.617 36.352.207 11.602-3.484 22.516-10.445 31.312l-10.422-10.406 1.559-60.484c1.28 1.043 2.554 2.094 3.691 3.227zm-16.172 46.348l-25.91-25.875 1.043-40.578c9.32 2.39 18.406 5.547 26.328 9.707zm-74.859-16.863l41.066-1.059 25.926 25.891-57.059 1.47c-4.3-7.97-7.527-17.028-9.934-26.302zm38.027-19.918l-36.801-36.754c9.71.54 23.438 1.781 37.633 4.555zm-7.895 7.941l-32.684.84c-2.793-14.332-3.91-28.12-4.335-37.812zm-9.632 52.977c-1.145-1.14-2.192-2.414-3.243-3.683l60.668-1.563 10.367 10.355c-19.64 15.555-48.94 13.727-67.793-5.11zm83.684 5.145c9.101-10.992 13.934-24.801 13.668-39.48-.192-10.57-3.028-20.766-8.137-29.863 4.465 1.055 9.059 1.66 13.754 1.66h.055c.004 0 .007-.004.015-.004 4.536-.004 8.942-.562 13.2-1.539-5.067 9.063-7.876 19.22-8.067 29.746-.262 14.68 4.566 28.488 13.668 39.48l-19.078 19.055zm-30.297-135.75l44.039 41.828v14.699c-11.2-1.281-21.586-6.406-29.684-14.797-9.473-9.82-14.691-22.895-14.688-36.81 0-1.616.164-3.269.332-4.921zm14.508-38.391l29.53 28.047v36.723L303.35 140.81c2.664-8.559 6.867-17.23 11.78-25.531zm82.12 25.387l-41.394 39.312v-36.691l29.793-28.301c4.867 8.277 9 16.984 11.602 25.68zm2.926 17.887c-.011 26.668-19.426 48.688-44.316 51.629v-14.754l44-41.793c.157 1.644.317 3.293.317 4.918zm-55.516-30.672l-23.44-22.262c8.093-12.027 16.944-22.641 23.44-29.902zm131.16 104.26l-32.695-.84 37.027-36.977c-.425 9.688-1.535 23.484-4.332 37.816zm-12.488 37.438l-57.066-1.469 25.926-25.89 41.082 1.058c-2.41 9.27-5.64 18.332-9.94 26.3zm-28.102-46.22l-.828-32.187c14.188-2.774 27.918-4.016 37.625-4.559zm-10.922 10.907L398.4 260.14l-1.46-56.746c7.918-4.156 17.004-7.313 26.328-9.7zm-36.832 36.78l-10.422 10.407c-6.96-8.793-10.656-19.711-10.445-31.312.243-13.621 5.79-26.531 15.617-36.352 1.137-1.137 2.41-2.184 3.692-3.227zm-2.511 18.337l10.367-10.352L456 280.593c-1.051 1.27-2.098 2.543-3.242 3.684-18.852 18.84-48.152 20.66-67.793 5.106zm-5.387-184.07l-23.723 22.53V75.447c6.563 7.168 15.547 17.734 23.723 29.867z/>/svg> span classps-2> Végétalisation des extérieurs /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /Modal confort thermique --> !-- /confort thermique --> !------ Consommation d’énergie raisonnée -----> div class bg-light d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center bloc-eco 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flex-wrap p-4> div classd-flex flex-row align-items-center w-50 mb-3> svg width80 height80 viewBox0 0 700 500 xmlns>path dM568.4 492.8h-13.621V315.27a5.599 5.599 0 0 0-5.602-5.602H451.58a5.599 5.599 0 0 0-5.601 5.602V492.8H404.4V351.61a5.599 5.599 0 0 0-5.602-5.602h-97.594a5.599 5.599 0 0 0-5.601 5.602V492.8h-41.578v-94.141a5.599 5.599 0 0 0-5.602-5.602l-97.598.004a5.599 5.599 0 0 0-5.602 5.602V492.8h-13.62a5.599 5.599 0 0 0-5.602 5.602 5.599 5.599 0 0 0 5.601 5.601h436.8a5.602 5.602 0 0 0-.004-11.203zm-325.57 0h-86.402v-88.539h86.402zm150.38 0h-86.398V357.21h86.395zm150.38 0h-86.402V320.87h86.402zM349.87 304.09h.004a5.6 5.6 0 0 0 5.602-5.594l.019-27.77c40.902-2.96 73.344-38.227 73.355-81.25.016-60.387-71.902-129.05-74.965-131.94-2.172-2.062-5.602-2.039-7.762.059-3.058 2.992-74.953 73.887-74.973 131.92-.004 21.738 8.164 42.18 23.008 57.562 13.547 14.039 31.188 22.262 50.133 23.645l-.02 27.754c.005 3.097 2.509 5.61 5.599 5.61zm5.762-228.77c8.996 9.586 22.914 25.516 35.363 44.227l-35.414 33.637zm-.067 93.32l41.52-39.438c7.168 11.93 13.262 24.602 16.914 37.246l-58.469 55.543zm-.047 68.801l61.316-58.25c.493 3.457.817 6.894.813 10.281-.012 36.836-27.426 67.098-62.148 70.047zm-11.086-161.82l-.054 77.508-34.934-33.184c12.344-18.559 26.062-34.574 34.988-44.324zm-41.094 53.965l41.027 38.973-.039 53.316-58.16-55.238c3.746-12.441 9.934-25.074 17.172-37.051zm-1.117 109.72c-12.82-13.285-19.875-30.965-19.867-49.789 0-3.348.352-6.773.88-10.23l61.085 58.02-.015 22.223c-15.887-1.36-30.664-8.394-42.082-20.223z/>/svg> span classps-2> Éclairage basse consommation /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /Modal Consommation d’énergie raisonnée --> !------- Cuisson économe en énergie ------> !-- Modal Cuisson économe en énergie --> div classmodal fade idcuisson data-bs-backdropstatic data-bs-keyboardfalse tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyCuisson économe en énergie aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-xl modal-dialog-centered> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header bg-energetique> h1 classmodal-title fs-5 text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center idconsoEnergieLabel>Efficacité énergétique | Cuisson économe en énergie span classemoji fs-2 ps-2 roleimg aria-label🍳>🍳/span>/h1> button typebutton classbtn-close text-dark data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body d-flex flex-wrap p-4> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /.Modal Cuisson économe en énergie --> !------- Entretien économe en énergie du linge ------> !-- Modal Entretien économe en énergie du linge --> div classmodal fade idlinge data-bs-backdropstatic data-bs-keyboardfalse tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyEntretien économe en énergie du linge aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-xl modal-dialog-centered> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header bg-energetique> h1 classmodal-title fs-5 text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center identretienLingeLabel>Efficacité énergétique | Entretien économe en énergie du lingespan classemoji fs-2 ps-2 roleimg aria-label🧺>🧺/span>/h1> button typebutton classbtn-close text-dark data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body d-flex flex-wrap p-4> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /.Modal Entretien économe en énergie du linge --> !------- Usage économe des équipements en chambre ------> !-- Modal Usage économe des équipements en chambre --> div classmodal fade idchambre data-bs-backdropstatic data-bs-keyboardfalse tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyUsage économe des équipements en chambre aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-xl modal-dialog-centered> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header bg-energetique> h1 classmodal-title fs-5 text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center identretienLingeLabel>Efficacité énergétique | Usage économe des équipements en chambrespan classemoji fs-2 ps-2 roleimg aria-label🛏️>🛏️/span>/h1> button typebutton classbtn-close text-dark data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body d-flex flex-wrap p-4> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- //////// Approvisionnement Durable /////////--> !-- //////// Accessibilité /////////--> div classrow> div classmb-2 bg-transparent col-sm-12 > div classd-flex flex-wrap> div classbg-accessibilite bloc-eco rounded rounded-3 border me-2 d-flex align-items-center text-center mb-2 justify-content-center> h6 classtext-font fw-bold text-center mb-0 lh-1 py-xl-0 py-lg-0 py-2>Accessibilité/h6> /div> !-- //////// Support / Communication /////////--> div class bg-light d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center bloc-eco me-2 rounded rounded-3 border mb-2> button typebutton classbg-transparent border-0 h-100 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#supportsCom>span classemoji fs-1 roleimg aria-label💬>💬/span> span classfs-xs fw-bold text-font lh-1 pb-2>Support / Communication/span> /button> /div> !------ modal Support / Communication /////////--> div classmodal fade idsupportsCom data-bs-backdropstatic data-bs-keyboardfalse tabindex-1 aria-labelledbySupport / Communication aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-xl modal-dialog-centered> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header bg-accessibilite> h1 classmodal-title fs-5 text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center iddechetsLabel>Accessibilité | Support / Communicationspan classemoji fs-2 ps-2 roleimg aria-label💬>💬/span>/h1> button typebutton classbtn-close text-dark data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body d-flex flex-wrap p-4> div classd-flex flex-row align-items-center w-50 mb-3> svg width80 height80 viewBox0 0 700 500 xmlns>path dM253.68 28h193.2c8.96.559 17.359 4.48 23.52 10.641 6.16 6.16 9.52 14.559 10.078 22.961v436.8c-.559 8.96-4.48 17.359-10.641 23.52-6.16 6.16-14.559 9.52-22.961 10.078h-193.2c-8.96-.559-17.359-4.48-23.52-10.641s-9.52-14.559-10.078-22.961l-.004-436.8c.559-8.96 4.48-17.359 10.641-23.52 5.602-6.16 14-9.523 22.961-10.082m-12.32 22.398c-3.36 3.36-5.039 8.398-5.039 13.441v35.281h227.92v-35.84c0-7.281-5.04-14.559-11.762-16.801-2.8-1.121-6.16-1.68-9.52-1.68h-187.6c-5.039-.562-10.64 1.68-14 5.598m-5.039 64.402v319.76h227.92v-319.76h-227.92m0 336v45.922c0 5.04 2.239 10.078 5.602 14 3.36 3.36 8.398 5.04 13.441 5.04h190.4c9.52 0 17.922-8.4 18.48-17.923v-47.039h-227.92z/>path dM320.88 66.078c1.121-.559 1.68-.559 2.8-.559h53.763c2.8 0 5.601 2.239 5.601 5.602 0 2.8-2.238 5.602-5.601 5.602h-54.32c-2.801 0-5.04-2.239-5.602-5.04-.558-2.242 1.121-4.484 3.36-5.605zM350 220.08c9.52-3.36 20.16-3.36 29.68 0 8.96 3.36 17.359 9.52 22.398 17.922 9.52 14.559 9.52 34.16.559 48.719-6.16 9.52-15.68 16.238-26.32 19.039-13.441 3.922-28.56.559-39.2-7.84-12.32 12.32-25.198 25.2-37.52 37.52l-7.84-7.84 37.52-37.52c-5.038-6.718-8.398-15.12-9.519-23.52-1.12-10.078 1.68-20.16 6.72-28.559 6.163-7.84 13.444-14.559 23.522-17.922m12.32 8.403c-11.762.558-22.96 7.84-28 18.48-4.48 8.398-4.48 19.039-1.121 28 3.36 7.84 9.52 14.559 17.359 17.922 7.84 3.922 16.801 4.48 24.641 1.68 7.84-2.801 15.121-8.399 19.039-15.68 3.922-6.72 5.602-15.122 3.922-22.962-1.68-8.398-6.719-16.238-13.441-21.28-6.16-4.481-14.56-6.72-22.398-6.16zM344.96 460.88c10.641-2.238 21.84 3.922 25.762 14a23.277 23.277 0 010 17.359c-2.238 5.602-7.281 10.078-12.879 12.32-5.602 2.238-12.32 2.238-17.922-.559-5.602-2.8-10.078-7.84-11.762-14-1.68-6.16-1.121-12.879 2.238-18.48 2.801-5.597 8.403-9.52 14.562-10.64m.559 11.198c-4.48 1.122-7.84 5.04-8.399 9.52-.558 4.48 1.122 8.96 4.481 11.199 3.36 2.238 7.84 2.8 11.762 1.121 3.922-1.68 6.719-5.04 7.281-9.52.559-3.921-1.12-7.84-3.922-10.64-2.8-2.239-7.28-2.797-11.203-1.68z/>/svg> span classps-2> Accessibilité présentée sur les supports de communication /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-row align-items-center w-50 mb-3> svg width80 height80 viewBox0 0 700 500 xmlns>path dM329.55 91.441c-67.109 0-121.54 43.848-121.54 97.914 0 17.438 5.644 33.789 15.551 47.945 7.32 10.422 24.023 23.883 24.023 23.883 2.324 1.887 3.988 5.828 3.668 8.766 0 0-1.824 17.809-4.816 28.398-5.114 18.363-8.395 24.78-8.395 24.78-2.031 3.954-.242 5.965 3.953 4.512 0 0 12.77-4.507 34.68-18.133 10.703-6.652 26.828-20.266 26.828-20.266 2.25-1.925 6.524-3.203 9.504-2.906 0 0 8.836.934 16.535.934 67.117 0 121.54-43.871 121.54-97.91.012-54.07-54.414-97.918-121.53-97.918zm20.875 142.35l-12.926 9.246c-5.383 3.524-10.41 5.227-15.086 5.14a16.538 16.538 0 01-3.137-.331l-.46-.078c-7.036-1.372-12.118-8.399-10.833-15.035l10.387-53.895c.34-1.743-.023-2.403-.164-2.586-.636-.817-3.308-.168-5.68 1.449a69.464 69.464 0 01-4.703 3.039c-2.32 1.34-5.32.488-6.421-1.695-1.133-2.157-.282-4.996 1.898-6.446l12.945-9.218c6.125-4.04 13.25-5.813 18.996-4.692l.45.086c6.87 1.348 11.39 8.035 10.061 14.906l-10.387 53.88c-.347 1.73.016 2.405.164 2.593.649.816 3.317.172 5.696-1.469a79.023 79.023 0 014.726-3.031c2.219-1.32 5.281-.477 6.395 1.703 1.129 2.152.27 4.98-1.922 6.434zm4.21-96.75c-.804 4.043-2.921 7.309-6.382 9.637-2.648 1.82-5.539 2.714-8.547 2.66a15.376 15.376 0 01-2.742-.293c-4.031-.785-7.313-2.934-9.648-6.422-2.32-3.46-3.114-7.27-2.32-11.34.75-3.98 2.89-7.207 6.406-9.543 3.437-2.324 7.269-3.125 11.316-2.328 4.078.789 7.269 2.91 9.605 6.355 2.313 3.422 3.09 7.22 2.313 11.273z/>path dM573.57 290.03c-5.543-10.277-13.199-18.883-20.602-27.195-12.18-13.652-22.68-25.453-22.68-42.152 0-6.637 1.45-11.441 3.129-16.996 1.988-6.578 4.238-14.039 4.238-24.977 0-28.375-6.48-52.023-19.242-70.293-37.78-54.109-98.69-80.418-186.21-80.418-75.562 0-142.41 31.258-178.82 83.621-23.89 34.352-45.668 93.352-13.809 179.12 10.348 29.68 29.133 50.688 44.22 67.562 13.905 15.559 24.897 27.855 24.897 40.695 0 14.348-4.105 38.516-13.273 60.184-12.852 30.359-18.098 40.523-18.148 40.621-4.09 7.852-4.246 15.98-.422 22.281 3.828 6.3 11.094 9.918 19.945 9.918h212.03c.442 0 .88-.04 1.301-.102a8.84 8.84 0 008.25-3.246c10.125-12.62 4.895-42.547 3.05-51.418-.855-4.176-.179-7.765 1.911-10.098 2.11-2.324 5.61-3.37 9.856-2.941.074.012 9.66.984 37.12 4.21 23.93 2.813 40.325 1.216 51.61-5.023 28.582-15.766 15.109-41.938 8.636-54.516-1.132-2.207-2.613-5.062-3.238-6.562 1.137-.758 3.11-1.719 4.52-2.406 5.828-2.844 15.574-7.61 15.574-18.77 0-5.02-1.805-8.508-4.34-10.97 6.008-2.12 11.3-6.144 11.3-14.378 0-8.399-4.136-13.641-7.163-17.465-2.032-2.582-3.18-4.118-3.594-6.098 1.703-.863 4.664-1.91 6.793-2.664 8.133-2.871 18.258-6.453 22.898-15.73 4-8.004 4.09-16.672.265-23.793zm-16.199 15.816c-1.422 2.844-8.059 5.187-12.898 6.894-7.965 2.813-18.867 6.66-18.867 17.617 0 9.352 4.406 14.918 7.61 18.988 1.597 2.016 2.503 3.239 2.953 4.38-2.079.542-5.305.94-7.286 1.187-6.664.828-19.074 2.387-18.68 13.62.352 10.16 10.477 12.13 15.344 1.332.254 2.067.414-1.176.656-2.574 1.34-3.606 1.844-5.543 2.703-14.816 7.234-14.816 17.617 0 4.832 2.43 9.547 5.5 15.523 8.875 17.23 9.996 24.473-1.394 30.754-7.774 4.285-21.145 5.246-40.926 2.922-27.758-3.258-37.398-4.246-37.402-4.246-9.883-.997-18.97 2.195-24.875 8.753-5.918 6.56-8.149 15.902-6.137 25.648 2.613 12.645 3.246 26.605 1.797 33.305h-208.97c-3.074 0-4.418-.867-4.7-1.328-.28-.46-.437-2.062.985-4.78.223-.427 5.531-10.673 18.766-41.91 10.836-25.614 14.684-52.169 14.684-67.134 0-19.645-13.64-34.898-29.438-52.578-14.762-16.508-31.496-35.23-40.73-61.719-23.145-62.312-19.105-118.64 11.672-162.9 33.078-47.57 94.457-75.969 164.18-75.969 81.262 0 137.39 23.816 171.62 72.805 10.625 15.211 16.016 35.438 16.016 60.082 0 8.309-1.691 13.906-3.473 19.824-1.902 6.332-3.879 12.88-3.879 22.148 0 23.488 13.828 39.004 27.184 54.02 7.036 7.89 13.664 15.344 18.22 23.781 1.476 2.754.128 6.059-.516 7.356z/>/svg> span classps-2> Sensibilisation du personnel à l’accueil des clients en situation de handicap /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-row align-items-center w-50 mb-3> svg width80 height80 viewBox0 0 700 500 xmlns>path dM518 541.91h74.094v-6.89c-1.723-31.017-4.309-57.724-7.754-80.126v-1.722c-.863-11.2-5.168-22.398-11.199-33.602v-.864c-6.031-9.476-13.785-18.094-24.125-23.262-3.445-1.722-6.89-3.445-10.34-5.168l-55.137-19.812L462 410.094l-51.69-18.095-50.833 93.906h-19.816L289.692 392l-51.69 18.094-21.54-39.629-55.137 19.816c-4.308 1.723-7.754 3.446-10.34 5.168-10.34 6.032-18.094 13.785-24.125 23.262l-.863 1.723c-6.031 11.2-10.34 22.398-11.2 32.738v1.723c-3.444 22.398-6.03 49.969-7.753 80.125v6.89h74.094c0 4.309-.863 9.477-.863 14.645v6.891h339.45v-6.89c-.856-5.169-.856-9.473-1.72-14.646zm-28.43-155.07l43.938 15.508c3.445.863 6.031 2.586 8.617 4.309 7.754 4.308 14.645 11.199 18.953 18.953v.863c5.168 9.476 8.617 18.953 9.477 28.43v2.586c2.586 20.676 5.168 44.8 6.89 72.37h-62.03c-1.723-19.815-3.446-37.046-6.032-52.554v-1.723c-.863-11.199-5.168-22.398-11.199-33.602v-.863c-6.031-9.477-13.785-18.094-24.125-23.262-.863 0-1.723-.863-1.723-.863zM120.83 528.99c1.723-27.57 4.309-51.691 6.89-72.371v-2.586c.864-8.617 4.31-18.094 10.34-28.43 4.31-7.754 11.2-14.645 18.954-18.953 2.585-1.723 5.168-2.586 8.617-4.308l43.938-15.508 15.508 29.293c-11.2 6.03-20.676 14.645-26.707 24.984-7.754 12.922-11.2 25.848-11.2 38.77-.862 3.445-3.444 19.816-6.03 49.109zm73.23 21.539c2.586-44.801 6.89-68.922 6.89-68.922v-1.723c0-10.34 3.446-21.539 9.477-32.738 6.031-10.34 16.371-18.953 28.43-23.262l43.938-15.508 49.11 90.461h35.323l49.11-90.46 43.937 15.507c3.446.864 6.031 2.586 8.617 4.309 7.754 4.309 14.645 11.199 18.953 18.953v.863c5.168 9.477 8.618 18.953 9.477 28.43v2.586c2.586 20.676 5.168 44.801 6.89 72.371l-310.15-.008z/>path dM276.77 366.15c6.031 0 11.199-.863 17.23-1.723 13.785 14.645 33.602 24.125 56 24.125 21.539 0 41.355-9.476 56-24.125 6.031.864 11.199 1.723 17.23 1.723 43.078 0 77.539-35.324 77.539-77.539 0-43.078-35.324-77.539-77.539-77.539-20.676 0-41.355 8.617-56 23.262-5.168-.863-11.199-1.723-17.23-1.723s-12.062.864-17.23 1.723c-14.645-14.645-34.461-23.262-56-23.262-43.078 0-77.539 35.324-77.539 77.539 0 42.219 34.461 77.539 77.539 77.539zm146.46-143.02c36.184 0 64.617 29.293 64.617 64.617 0 35.324-29.293 65.477-64.617 65.477-2.586 0-5.168 0-7.754-.863 7.754-12.062 12.922-26.707 12.922-43.078 0-31.875-18.953-59.445-46.523-71.508 11.203-9.473 25.848-14.645 41.355-14.645zm-8.613 86.156c0 36.184-29.293 64.617-64.617 64.617-35.324-.004-64.617-28.434-64.617-64.617 0-36.184 29.293-64.617 64.617-64.617s64.617 29.293 64.617 64.617zm-137.85-86.156c15.508 0 30.152 5.168 41.355 15.508-27.57 12.062-46.523 39.629-46.523 71.508 0 15.508 5.168 30.152 12.922 43.078-2.586 0-5.168.863-7.754.863-36.184 0-64.617-29.293-64.617-64.617 0-35.324 29.293-66.34 64.617-66.34zM343.97 69.785v79.262h12.922V69.785l31.016 31.016 8.617-8.617-46.523-46.523-46.523 46.523 8.617 8.617zM343.97 188.68h12.922v12.922H343.97zM343.97 162.83h12.922v12.922H343.97zM440.46 21.539v78.398h12.922V21.539l31.016 31.016 9.477-9.477-46.52-46.523-47.387 46.523 9.476 9.477zM440.46 140.43h12.922v12.922H440.46zM440.46 114.59h12.922v12.922H440.46zM246.62 21.539v78.398h12.922V21.539l31.016 31.016 9.477-9.477-47.387-46.523-46.52 46.523 9.476 9.477zM246.62 114.59h12.922v12.922H246.62zM246.62 140.43h12.922v12.922H246.62z/>/svg> span classps-2> Formation du personnel à l’accueil des clients en situation de handicap /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !------ /.modal Support / Communication /////////--> !-- //////// Service /////////--> div class bg-light d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center bloc-eco me-2 rounded rounded-3 border mb-2> button typebutton classbg-transparent border-0 h-100 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#services>span classemoji fs-1 roleimg aria-label🦽>🦽/span> span classfs-xs fw-bold text-font lh-1 pb-2>Services/span> /button> /div> !-------- modal Services /////////--> div classmodal fade idservices data-bs-backdropstatic data-bs-keyboardfalse tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyServices aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-xl modal-dialog-centered> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header bg-accessibilite> h1 classmodal-title fs-5 text-font fw-bold d-flex align-items-center iddechetsLabel>Accessibilité | Servicesspan 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3.938 8.75 8.75s-3.938 8.75-8.75 8.75-8.75-3.938-8.75-8.75 3.938-8.75 8.75-8.75zm-30.625 83.125c-12.25 0-21.875 9.625-21.875 21.875s9.625 21.875 21.875 21.875 21.875-9.625 21.875-21.875-9.625-21.875-21.875-21.875zm0 13.125c4.813 0 8.75 3.938 8.75 8.75s-3.938 8.75-8.75 8.75-8.75-3.938-8.75-8.75 3.938-8.75 8.75-8.75zm-35 21.875c-12.25 0-21.875 9.625-21.875 21.875s9.625 21.875 21.875 21.875 21.875-9.625 21.875-21.875-9.625-21.875-21.875-21.875zm70 0c-12.25 0-21.875 9.625-21.875 21.875s9.625 21.875 21.875 21.875 21.875-9.625 21.875-21.875-9.625-21.875-21.875-21.875zm-70 13.125c4.813 0 8.75 3.938 8.75 8.75s-3.938 8.75-8.75 8.75-8.75-3.938-8.75-8.75 3.938-8.75 8.75-8.75zm70 0c4.813 0 8.75 3.938 8.75 8.75s-3.938 8.75-8.75 8.75-8.75-3.938-8.75-8.75 3.938-8.75 8.75-8.75zm-35 21.875c-12.25 0-21.875 9.625-21.875 21.875s9.625 21.875 21.875 21.875 21.875-9.625 21.875-21.875-9.625-21.875-21.875-21.875zm0 13.125c4.813 0 8.75 3.938 8.75 8.75s-3.938 8.75-8.75 8.75-8.75-3.938-8.75-8.75 3.938-8.75 8.75-8.75z/>/svg> span classps-2> Télécommande de télévision à grosses touches et couleurs contrastées /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-row align-items-center w-50 mb-3> svg width80 height80 viewBox0 0 700 500 xmlns>path dM294.56 341.6l2.8 8.398c6.161 14.56 20.16 25.2 36.399 25.2h56c21.84 0 39.199-17.36 39.199-39.2l.004-81.199c0-10.64-8.961-19.602-19.602-19.602-4.48 0-8.399 1.68-11.2 3.922-3.359-5.601-9.519-9.52-16.8-9.52-4.48 0-8.399 1.68-11.2 3.923-3.359-5.602-9.519-9.52-16.8-9.52-2.801 0-5.602.559-8.399 2.238V198.8c0-10.642-8.96-19.603-19.602-19.603s-20.16 8.961-20.16 19.602v68.32l-5.601-8.398c-5.04-7.84-15.68-10.64-24.078-6.16-4.48 2.238-9.52 6.16-9.52 15.68 0 3.36 25.762 67.758 28.56 73.359zm-17.359-73.363c0-3.36 1.121-5.04 3.36-5.602 3.359-1.68 7.84-.558 9.519 2.801l15.68 24.078c1.121 2.238 3.922 2.801 6.16 2.238 2.238-.558 3.922-2.8 3.922-5.601v-87.352c0-4.48 3.922-8.399 8.398-8.399 4.48 0 8.399 3.922 8.399 8.399l.004 86.8c0 3.36 2.238 5.602 5.601 5.602 3.36 0 5.602-2.238 5.602-5.601v-42c0-4.48 3.922-8.399 8.398-8.399 4.48 0 8.399 3.922 8.399 8.399v42c0 3.36 2.238 5.601 5.601 5.601 3.36 0 5.602-2.238 5.602-5.601v-36.398c0-4.48 3.922-8.399 8.398-8.399 4.48 0 8.399 3.922 8.399 8.399V285.6c0 3.36 2.238 5.601 5.601 5.601 3.36 0 5.602-2.238 5.602-5.601v-30.801c0-4.48 3.922-8.399 8.398-8.399 4.48 0 8.399 3.922 8.399 8.399v81.199c0 15.68-12.32 28-28 28h-55.441c-11.2 0-21.84-6.719-25.762-17.36l-2.801-7.839c-1.117-2.242-25.195-63.84-27.438-70.562z/>path dM417.2 100.8H282.8c-18.48 0-33.602 15.121-33.602 33.602v291.2c0 18.48 15.121 33.602 33.602 33.602h134.4c18.48 0 33.602-15.121 33.602-33.602v-291.2c0-18.477-15.121-33.598-33.602-33.598zm22.402 324.8c0 12.32-10.078 22.398-22.398 22.398h-134.4c-12.32 0-22.398-10.078-22.398-22.398v-11.199h179.2zm0-22.402h-179.2v-246.4h179.2zm0-257.6h-179.2v-11.199c0-12.32 10.078-22.398 22.398-22.398h134.4c12.32 0 22.398 10.078 22.398 22.398z/>path dM327.6 436.8h44.801c3.36 0 5.602-2.238 5.602-5.602 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