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8pt;>myths/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-37 tag-link-position-27 stylefont-size: 8pt;>newsdigest/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-38 tag-link-position-28 stylefont-size: 8pt;>pictures/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-13 tag-link-position-29 stylefont-size: 8pt;>plugins/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-60 tag-link-position-30 stylefont-size: 8pt;>predictions/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-40 tag-link-position-31 stylefont-size: 8pt;>production/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-25 tag-link-position-32 stylefont-size: 8pt;>professional-engineers/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-69 tag-link-position-33 stylefont-size: 8pt;>promotion/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-15 tag-link-position-34 stylefont-size: 8pt;>psychoacoustics/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-31 tag-link-position-35 stylefont-size: 8pt;>reference-cd/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-22 tag-link-position-36 stylefont-size: 8pt;>reverb/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-72 tag-link-position-37 stylefont-size: 8pt;>snare-drum/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-28 tag-link-position-38 stylefont-size: 8pt;>songfight/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-48 tag-link-position-39 stylefont-size: 8pt;>studioporn/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-39 tag-link-position-40 stylefont-size: 8pt;>studios/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-33 tag-link-position-41 stylefont-size: 8pt;>tips-digest/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-21 tag-link-position-42 stylefont-size: 8pt;>tracking/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-14 tag-link-position-43 stylefont-size: 8pt;>video/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-12 tag-link-position-44 stylefont-size: 8pt;>vocals/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-23 tag-link-position-45 stylefont-size: 8pt;>vst/a>/div> div idprimary> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-394>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Improve Your Recordings and Mixes, on the Cheap>Improve Your Recordings and Mixes, on the Cheap/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Saturday, May 31st in a href relcategory tag>Articles for Beginners/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>87 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img stylefloat:right;margin-left:10px src altmusicmoney.gif />Some of the easiest ways to improve your recordings are also the cheapest. In fact, the most effective techniques require no money at all. /p>p>Here’s a collection of tips you might find helpful the next time a pricey piece of gear stands between you and great recordings. /p>h3>Help from others/h3>p>strong>Have a friend perform: /strong> Home recording, especially for singer/songwriters and electronic musicians, often involves a single musician writing and recording all the music. But artists in this situation can find themselves too close to the song, at mix time, to make decisions critically./p>p>Working with other musicians might initially complicate recording and mixing. However, creating a great mix depends, in part, on your ability to remove unnecessary details, and most of us are more comfortable objectively critiquing someone em>else’s/em> work. So asking a friend (or a href titleThe Missing Track>some professionals/a>) to perform a track or two will ultimately a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading Improve Your Recordings and Mixes, on the Cheap>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>arrangement/a>, a href reltag>mixing/a>, a href reltag>professional-engineers/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-391>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to 10 Myths About Normalization>10 Myths About Normalization/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Sunday, April 20th in a href relcategory tag>Articles for Beginners/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>84 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img src altdistortion />The process of normalization often confuses newcomers to digital audio production. The word itself, “normalize,” has various meanings, and this certainly contributes to the confusion. However, beginners and experts alike are also tripped up by the myths and misinformation that abound on the topic. /p>p>I address the 10 most common myths, and the truth behind each, below./p>h3>Peak Normalization/h3>p>First, some background: While “normalize” can mean several things (a href>see below/a>), the myths below primarily involve strong>peak normalization/strong>. /p>p>Peak normalization is an automated process that changes the level of each sample in a digital audio signal by the same amount, such that the loudest sample reaches a specified level. Traditionally, the process is used to ensure that the signal peaks at 0dBfs, the loudest level allowed in a digital system./p>p>Normalizing is indistinguishable from moving a volume knob or fader. The entire signal changes by the same fixed amount, up or down, as required. But the process is automated: The digital audio system scans the entire signal to find the loudest peak, then adjusts each sample accordingly./p>p>Some of the myths below reflect nothing more than a misunderstanding of this process. As usual with common misconceptions, though, some of the myths also stem from a more fundamental a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading 10 Myths About Normalization>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>mixing/a>, a href reltag>myths/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-389>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Using Delays for 3D Sound Placement>Using Delays for 3D Sound Placement/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Tuesday, March 4th in a href relcategory tag>Technique/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>23 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img stylefloat:right;margin-left:5px src altSound wave />The easiest way to move a track “back” in a mix is to lower its volume. This works because in our everyday lives, sounds get quieter as they recede from us, so we’re accustomed to the effect./p>p>But our brains also use other cues to determine distance. For example, human hearing excels at matching a sound with the echoes and reflections it causes, to localize its source. And we can apply this principle to add realism when creating the a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading Using Delays for 3D Sound Placement>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>delay/a>, a href reltag>hearing/a>, a href reltag>psychoacoustics/a>, a href reltag>reverb/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-384>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Busy Day>Busy Day/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Thursday, February 7th in a href relcategory tag>Tools/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>5 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>My apologies if you tried to reach Hometracked earlier and saw a 503 error. The site got a little busy – visitors from Digg, Reddit, and the awesome a href>AbsolutePunk/a> – and Dreamhost throttled my bandwidth. (So much for the 10Tb, I guess.) No matter, everything looks to be running again, and the hate-mail from angry NFG fans has let up./p>p>It’s a good time to point out, though, that if you subscribe to Hometracked updates via RSS (a href>click here/a>, or use the links on the left), you take Dreamhost’s whims out of the equation. I publish a full feed, so you can read all Hometracked’s articles in their ad-free entirety within your feed reader./p>p>Anyway, back to the good stuff!/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>hometracked/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-371>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Vocal EQ Tips>Vocal EQ Tips/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Thursday, February 7th in a href relcategory tag>Articles for Beginners/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>34 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img stylefloat:right;margin-left:8px src altElvis-style vintage microphone />Here are some tips and techniques for treating vocal tracks with EQ while mixing. /p>p>strong>Most importantly:/strong> Every voice is different, and every song is different. That advice bears remembering, even if you’ve heard it dozens of times. When you find yourself approaching a vocal mix on auto-pilot, applying effects “because they worked last time,” consider disabling the EQ altogether to gauge just how badly the adjustments are needed./p>p>strong>Reasons to EQ:/strong> The 3 main reasons to filter a vocal with EQ arebr /> 1) to help the voice sit better in the mix,br /> 2) to correct a specific problem, and a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading Vocal EQ Tips>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>EQ/a>, a href reltag>mixing/a>, a href reltag>vocals/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-383>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Auto-Tune Abuse in Pop Music – 10 Examples>Auto-Tune Abuse in Pop Music – 10 Examples/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Tuesday, February 5th in a href relcategory tag>Tips/a>, a href relcategory tag>Tools/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>238 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img stylefloat:right; margin-left:8px; src altFaders />Pitch correction software has applications from restoration and mix-rescue to outright distortion of a voice or instrument. I’ll discuss some of the more tasteful uses of these auto-tune tools (whether the original from Antares, or a variant like the free a href>GSnap/a>) below. But first I thought I’d highlight their em>misuse/em> to illustrate the effects we usually try to avoid./p>p>So, listen here to 10 of pop music’s most blatant auto-tune abuses:br />div classembeddedMP3>embed src width300 height20 typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage flashvarsfile /> span styleposition:relative;top:-5px;>a href>download MP3/a>/span>/div>/p>p>If you’re unfamiliar with Auto-tune, and especially if you listen to much pop and rock, you might not hear it initially. When overdone, the effect yields an unnatural yodel or warble in a singer’s voice. But the sound is so commonplace in modern mainstream music that your ears may have a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading Auto-Tune Abuse in Pop Music – 10 Examples>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>freeplugins/a>, a href reltag>mixing/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-374>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to EQ – “Cut narrow, boost wide” explained>EQ – “Cut narrow, boost wide” explained/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Thursday, January 31st in a href relcategory tag>Technique/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>24 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img src altMix desk faders />This tip arises in most discussions of good equalizer technique: “Use narrow adjustments when cutting frequencies, and wide adjustments when boosting.”/p>p>There are some great reasons to heed this advice. But they’re not immediately obvious, especially if you’re unfamiliar or uncomfortable with parametric EQs, and they’re rarely fully explained. I’ll explain and demonstrate below, and you can use the information to improve your EQ adjustments, and in turn your mixes. a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading EQ – “Cut narrow, boost wide” explained>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>EQ/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-366>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Friday scraps>Friday scraps/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Friday, January 25th in a href relcategory tag>Online discussions/a>, a href relcategory tag>Tools/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>8 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img stylefloat:right; src altfriday-beer.jpg />A few regulars debate the a href>merits of dithering/a>. The conversation could easily have devolved into a flame war, but the participants kept it civil, and offered some great food for thought./p>blockquote>p>Some engineers even argue over which type of dither is best, claiming this algorithm is more airy sounding that that one, and so forth. But just because everyone believes this, does that make it true?/p>/blockquote>p>That quote comes from Ethan Winer’s a href titleWhy dither?>great summary/a> of his position on the matter – he’s squarely in the “dithering is usually not needed” camp. /p>p>I tend to agree with Ethan. Responsible mixing engineers don’t apply processing to a mix if they themselves don’t hear the effect of the processing. Simply put, if you can’t a href>hear a difference, don’t make the change/a>./p>div styletext-align:center;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em>strong>…/strong>/div>p>Unmitigated awesome: Daved Lee Roth’s a href>vocal track from em>Runnin With The Devil/em>/a>, solo’d./p>div styletext-align:center;padding-bottom:0.5em>strong>…/strong>/div>p>Converting a href>Ikea bedside tables into studio racks/a>: “the Rast bedside table makes a snug rack for music machines.”/p>div styletext-align:center;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em>strong>…/strong>/div>p>Two unrelated sites feature famous songwriters discussing what went on behind the scenes as they wrote:/p>p>First, Joni Mitchell on the a href>writing and recording of her most recent album/a>:/p>blockquote>p>When I recorded it, I was sick so a doctor prescribed some penicillin, which I had an allergic reaction to. I was delirious, stressed out, and we worked all night long. I was so delirious that I was playing way back on the beat… In January 2007, I had demos of the Shine songs with me and played them to some friends at a party afterward. James Taylor told me that he had to play on this song. I wasn’t sure if anyone could because it was created in such a rare spirit. But James came in anyway and I asked him to play short figures like a saxophone. So you can hear fractions of James’ guitar playing here./p>/blockquote>p>a href>Jim Vallance’s site/a> has some fantastic insight into the mind of a professional songwriter. Jim, who’s worked with Aerosmith, Ozzy, Bryan Adams, The Scorpions, and Thornley, a href>meticulously lists every song he has ever written/a>. The site is full of anecdotes and details about his creation process. /p>blockquote>p>On our very first basement demo of “Summer of ’69” we started the song with the 12-string riff, exactly like the “break down” section in the middle of the song … but on subsequent demo’s we replaced the 12-string with a chunky 6-string intro. In fact, we toiled over the musical arrangement for several weeks, maybe longer. We recorded the song three or four different ways, and we still weren’t convinced we had it right! Bryan even considered dropping the song from the Reckless album./p>p>Now, 20 years later, when I hear “Summer of ’69” on the radio, I honestly can’t remember what bothered us./p>/blockquote> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>arrangement/a>, a href reltag>hearing/a>, a href reltag>myths/a>, a href reltag>vocals/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-367>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Quick Home Studio Monitor Tests>Quick Home Studio Monitor Tests/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Friday, January 25th in a href relcategory tag>Articles for Beginners/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>21 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img src altSound Waves />I keep a collection of audio samples designed to help check my monitor setup. Test tones, essentially, that I use after I’ve moved my speakers or desk, to ensure the speakers still behave as they should./p>p>I’ve included 4 of the samples below, and I hope you find them useful – and possibly enlightening. Each tests a facet of the two most common monitoring problems in home studios: Uneven bass response, and poor stereo imaging./p>h3>Sine wave sweep/h3>p>strong>Contents:/strong> A sine wave sweeping from 40Hz to />strong>Use this to test for:/strong> Bass response, sympathetic />div classembeddedMP3>embed src width300 height20 typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage flashvarsfile /> span styleposition:relative;top:-5px;>a href>download MP3/a>/span>/div>/p>p>Unless you’re outdoors, or listening on headphones, you’ll notice the volume rising and falling as the audio plays. That’s normal, although the level doesn’t actually change. (Open the MP3 in your DAW to confirm this.) Rather, you’re exposing the acoustic response of a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading Quick Home Studio Monitor Tests>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>acoustics/a>, a href reltag>monitors/a>, a href reltag>stereo/a>/p> /div> /div> div classentry> div classpost-meta> h2 classpost-title idpost-301>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to 7 Questions from Amateur Mix Engineers>7 Questions from Amateur Mix Engineers/a>/h2> p classpost-metadata>Thursday, January 24th in a href relcategory tag>Articles for Beginners/a> by a href titlePosts by des relauthor>des/a> | a href>25 comments/a>/p> /div> div classpost-content> p>img stylefloat:right; src altHometracked Note />Over time, I’ve noted several questions that arise repeatedly on the web’s home recording forums. Each question reads as though it em>should/em> have a simple answer, but none of them do. And indeed, the questions themselves betray their askers’ lack of experience with the subject./p>p>In effect, posing one of these questions tells the world you’re an amateur. But I hope that by explaining why the questions don’t have the simple answers a rookie expects, you’ll appreciate how an experienced engineer thinks about each problem, and be better equipped to identify gaps in your own knowledge. a href classmore-link>span aria-labelContinue reading 7 Questions from Amateur Mix Engineers>(more…)/span>/a>/p> p classtagdata>strong>Tags: /strong>a href reltag>EQ/a>, a href reltag>FAQs/a>, a href reltag>microphones/a>, a href reltag>miking/a>, a href reltag>mixing/a>, a href reltag>professional-engineers/a>/p> /div> /div> div>a href >« Previous Entries/a> a href >Next Page »/a>/div>/div>div idsecondary> h3>Stay updated/h3>p>form stylemargin-top:0;padding-top:0; action methodpost targetpopupwindow, popupwindow, scrollbarsyes,width550,height520);return true>a onClickjavascript:urchinTracker(/goal/feed/topLeft) href titleSubscribe to the Hometracked RSS feed relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml>img src alt width32px height32px; styleborder:0;float:left;margin-right:2px;/>/a>a onClickjavascript:urchinTracker(/goal/feed/topLeft) href titleSubscribe to the Hometracked RSS feed relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml>Subscribe via RSS/a>br />(a href>whats this?/a>)br />br />Your email address:br />input typetext stylewidth:130px nameemail/>br />input typehidden value nameurl/>input typehidden valueHometracked nametitle/>input typesubmit valueSubscribe />/form>br />/p> h3>Navigation/h3> ul classnavlist> li classpage_item>a href titleWelcome to Hometracked>First time here?/a>/li> li classpage_item>a href titleAbout>About/a>/li> li classpage_item>a href titleArchives>Archives/a>/li> li classpage_item>a href titleTags>Tags/a>/li> /ul> ul classnavlist> li classcat-item cat-item-1>a href>Articles for Beginners/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-7>a href>Industry issues/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-5>a href>Online discussions/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-4>a href>Technique/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href>Tips/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-2>a href>Tools/a>/li> /ul> h3>/h3> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> br />br /> /div>/div>div idfooter> div idmiscellany> div classwidgets> div classsearchbox> form methodget idsearchform action/index.php>fieldset> input typetext value names ids tabindex21 /> input typesubmit idsearchsubmit valueSearch tabindex22 /> /fieldset>/form>/div> /div> /div> div idabout> div idrecent>h3>Recent Articles/h3> ul> li>h4 classrecent-title>a titleView this post href>Free Creativity Tools for Beating Mixer’s Block/a>/h4> p classrecent-metadata>Tuesday, January 22nd in a href relcategory tag>Tools/a>/p> p classrecent-excerpt content>As a songwriter I’m (far too) familiar with writer’s block, and when my creative energy wanes, I’m not above using outside help to keep fresh ideas flowing. In particular, I own and love Naomi Epel’s Observation Deck. If I sense a creative lull creeping on, I pull out a card and ponder its message (for …/p>/li> li>h4 classrecent-title>a titleView this post href>Making the Best of a Cheap Mic/a>/h4> p classrecent-metadata>Monday, January 21st in a href relcategory tag>Articles for Beginners/a>/p> p classrecent-excerpt content>For most home recordists, working with cheap microphones is a fact of life. “Amateur” and “budget-constrained” are practically synonymous in audio engineering. But cheap doesn’t have to mean bad. With a little effort, even the most cost-conscious mic owner can capture great sounds. To that end, here are 7 tips for getting the most from …/p>/li> li>h4 classrecent-title>a titleView this post href>The Rule Of Mixing/a>/h4> p classrecent-metadata>Tuesday, November 13th in a href relcategory tag>Articles for Beginners/a>/p> p classrecent-excerpt content>I’m amazed when I compare Glyn Johns’s early mixes of Let It Be with Phil Spector’s final release. The music and performances are the same, but the mixes couldn’t sound more different. Shouldn’t these men, both professionals practicing a time-honoured craft, have created similar mixes with the same material? Of course, no two listeners hear …/p>/li> li>h4 classrecent-title>a titleView this post href>Snare Drum Miking – forum digest/a>/h4> p classrecent-metadata>Monday, November 12th in a href relcategory tag>Online discussions/a>, a href relcategory tag>Technique/a>/p> p classrecent-excerpt content>From Gearslutz: How can I treat nasty snare drum ringing? usually a “ring” isnt in one frequency…it’s a complex combination of frequencies. so you may need to eq out 2-3 different places. if you find a resonance, and eq it out, but still hear a ring, then repeat the process till all rings are gone. …/p>/li> li>h4 classrecent-title>a titleView this post href>Avoiding inter sample peaks/a>/h4> p classrecent-metadata>Thursday, November 8th in a href relcategory tag>Technique/a>/p> p classrecent-excerpt content>To play sound our ears and brain understand, a digital audio system must emit an analog signal. The switch from digital to analog is handled by the digital-to-analog converter, usually just called a DAC. Under specific conditions, which I describe below, the DAC can produce an analog signal that momentarily exceeds the level of the …/p>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div idtheme-info> p>Design inspired by a href>Tarski/a> - a onClickjavascript:urchinTracker(/goal/feed/footer) classfeed titleSubscribe to the Hometracked feed href>Subscribe for updates, including email and RSS/a> - ©2004-2008 a rellicense href>img styleborder:0;vertical-align:middle; altCreative Commons License src>/a>/p> /div>/div>/div>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; _gaq.push(_setAccount, UA-1060795-1); _gaq.push(_trackPageview); (function() { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : http://www) +; ga.setAttribute(async, true); document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(ga); })();/script>/body>/html>
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