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We strive to create a strong partnership between patients, their families, and healthcare providers to ensure that decisions are aligned with your preferences and needs. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12> div classcard choose_card> div classcard-body> img src altInnovation> !-- a hrefjavascript:void(0);> --> h4> Innovation /h4> !-- /a> --> p> At the forefront of our mission is innovation. By integrating cutting-edge technology with the expertise of our skilled physicians, we offer the most advanced surgical solutions to our patients. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12> div classcard choose_card> div classcard-body> img src altWorld Class Healthcare> !-- a hrefjavascript:void(0);> --> h4> World Class Healthcare /h4> !-- /a> --> p> Health City Cayman Islands is a Joint Commission International accredited centre of excellence. We deliver high-quality, affordable healthcare in a comfortable, patient-focused environment. We are committed to providing world-class healthcare to everyone who walks through our doors. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12> div classcard choose_card lite_blue_bg> div classcard-body> img src altCentres of Excellence> !-- a hrefjavascript:void(0);> --> h4> Centres of Excellence /h4> !-- /a> --> p> Health City Cayman Islands is a leading centre of excellence that provides treatment for complex medical conditions. Our unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and patient experience sets us apart, ensuring that you receive the best care possible. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- section classget_ready_anxiety> div classcontainer> h2>Get care today for/h2> div classwords_slider> div> h2>Obesity/h2> /div> div> h2>Back Pain/h2> /div> div> h2>High Blood Pressure/h2> /div> div> h2>Palpitations/h2> /div> div> h2>Breast Cancer/h2> /div> div> h2>Snoring/h2> /div> div> h2>Alzheimer’s/h2> /div> /div> a href target_blank classbtn brdr_less_btn>Book an Appointmentspan>img src altright-arrow>/span>/a> /div> /section> --> section classCompassion_meets_new> div classcontainer> a href target_blank> div classrow row_bg_new> div classcol-md-12 p-0> img classw-100 src altimage compassion> /div> /div> /a> /div> /section> section classget_ready_anxiety> div classcontainer> h2>Get care today for/h2> div classwords_slider> div> h2>Obesity/h2> /div> div> h2>Back Pain/h2> /div> div> h2>High Blood Pressure/h2> /div> div> h2>Palpitations/h2> /div> div> h2>Breast Cancer/h2> /div> div> h2>Snoring/h2> /div> div> h2>Alzheimer’s/h2> /div> /div> a href target_blank classbtn brdr_less_btn>Book an Appointmentspan>img src altright-arrow>/span>/a> /div> /section> section classcenter_of_excellence contianer_fluid lite_blue_bg position-relative> div classcontainer> div classd-flex flex-wrap justify-content-between mb-md-4 pb-md-2 mb-3 pb-1> h2> Centres of Excellence /h2> a href classbtn blue_btn d-md-block d-none> Our Services/button> /a> /div> /div> div classlft_spc position-relative> div classexcellence_slier custom_dots data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration1000> div> a href classbtn learn_more text-start> div classexcellence_card lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classexcellence_txt> div classd-flex> h4> Oncology /h4>span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span> /div> !-- p classp-16 m-0>Get your prescription refilled without leaving your home. /p> --> /div> /div> /a> /div> div> a href classbtn learn_more text-start> div classexcellence_card lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classexcellence_txt> div classd-flex> h4> Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine /h4>span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span> /div> !-- p classp-16 m-0>Get your prescription refilled without leaving your home. /p> --> /div> /div> /a> /div> div> a href classbtn learn_more text-start> div classexcellence_card lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classexcellence_txt> div classd-flex> h4> Cardiac Sciences /h4>span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span> /div> !-- p classp-16 m-0>Get your prescription refilled without leaving your home. /p> --> /div> /div> /a> /div> div> a href classbtn learn_more text-start> div classexcellence_card lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classexcellence_txt> div classd-flex> h4> Neurosciences /h4>span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span> /div> !-- p classp-16 m-0>Get your prescription refilled without leaving your home. /p> --> /div> /div> /a> /div> div> a href classbtn learn_more text-start> div classexcellence_card lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classexcellence_txt> div classd-flex> h4> Gastrosciences /h4>span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span> /div> !-- p classp-16 m-0>Get your prescription refilled without leaving your home. /p> --> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> a href> button typebutton classbtn blue_btn d-md-none d-block mx-auto mt-5 w-100> Our Services/button> /a> ul classlist-unstyled d-flex custom_arrows> li classprev10> img src altprev-icon> /li> li classnext10> img src altnext-icon> /li> /ul> /div> /section> !-- locations_we_serve --> section classlocations_we_serve> div classcontainer> div classd-flex flex-wrap justify-content-between align-items-baseline mb-md-4 pb-md-2 mb-3 pb-1> h2 classd-md-block d-none> Locations /h2> h2 classd-md-none d-block> Locations /h2> a href typebutton classbtn blue_btn d-md-block d-none> Explore Locations /a> a href typebutton classread_a d-md-none d-block> Explore Locations /a> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> div classlocation_card tab_scroll> p classp-24 mb-4 d-md-block d-none> We Serve at Four Locations Across Cayman Islands /p> ul classnav nav-pills flex-md-column idpills-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link active text-md-start text-center d-flex idHealthCityatCamanaBayHospital1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#HealthCityatCamanaBayHospital1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsHealthCityatCamanaBayHospital aria-selectedtrue> span class tab_span text-center d-md-block d-none> 1/span> Camana Bay Hospital /button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link text-md-start text-center d-flex idGeneThompsonRadiotherapyCentre2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#GeneThompsonRadiotherapyCentre2 typebutton roletab aria-controlsGeneThompsonRadiotherapyCentre aria-selectedtrue> span class tab_span text-center d-md-block d-none> 2/span> Gene Thompson Radiotherapy Centre /button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link text-md-start text-center d-flex idHealthCityCamanaBayClinic3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#HealthCityCamanaBayClinic3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsHealthCityCamanaBayClinic aria-selectedtrue> span class tab_span text-center d-md-block d-none> 3/span> Camana Bay Clinic /button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link text-md-start text-center d-flex idHealthCityCaymanIslands4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#HealthCityCaymanIslands4 typebutton roletab aria-controlsHealthCityCaymanIslands aria-selectedtrue> span class tab_span text-center d-md-block d-none> 4/span> East End Hospital /button> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-md-8> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idHealthCityatCamanaBayHospital1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyHealthCityatCamanaBayHospital1-tab> div classloc_content_card> div classrow> div classcol-6 col-md-5> div classh-100> a href> img classloc_card_img w-100 h-100 src alttab_img_loc> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-7 align-self-center> span classp-20>New Hospital Now Open/span> h3 classhealth_32 my-2 mb-md-3 pb-md-3> Camana Bay Hospital /h3> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Address/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> a href,-81.3768611,248m/data!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x8f258714191e013f:0x961d02c25c66fd95!2sHealth+City+at+Camana+Bay+-+Gene+Thompson+Radiotherapy+Centre!8m2!3d19.3131976!4d-81.3767294!16s%2Fg%2F11v45f03dk!3m5!1s0x8f258736b875e137:0xe74302a4a3c32a95!8m2!3d19.3131614!4d-81.3771006!16s%2Fg%2F11w2k5fq0t?entryttu&g_epEgoyMDI0MTAyMy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> 25 Cerasee Way, Off Esterly Tibbetts Hwy, Cayman Islands /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Phone/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> a hreftel:++1 345-640-4040 classcol-7 p-16 high_a p-0> +1 345-640-4040 /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-4 pb-md-2> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Hours/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> Monday - Saturday, 7 am - 7 pm /p> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-block d-md-none> Monday - Saturday, 7 am - 7 pm /p> /div> div class d-md-block d-none> a href classbtn blue_btn>Learn More/a> /div> div class d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-2 py-2 loc_card_btnnew>Get Directions/a> /div> /div> !-- div classcol-md-12 text-center d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-3 py-2>Get Directions/a> /div> --> /div> /div> /div> div classtab-pane fade idGeneThompsonRadiotherapyCentre2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyGeneThompsonRadiotherapyCentre2-tab> div classloc_content_card> div classrow> div classcol-6 col-md-5> div classh-100> a href> img classloc_card_img w-100 h-100 src alttab_img_loc> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-7 align-self-center> span classp-20>Gene Thompson Radiotherapy Centre/span> h3 classhealth_32 my-2 mb-md-3 pb-md-3> Gene Thompson Radiotherapy Centre /h3> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Address/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> a href,-81.3806717,14z/data!4m6!3m5!1s0x8f258714191e013f:0x961d02c25c66fd95!8m2!3d19.3131976!4d-81.3767294!16s%2Fg%2F11v45f03dk?entrytts classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> Minerva Drive, Off, Esterly Tibbetts Hwy, Cayman Islands /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Phone/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> a hreftel:++1 345-640-4040 classcol-7 p-16 high_a p-0> +1 345-640-4040 /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-4 pb-md-2> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Hours/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> Mon-Fri: 6 am-3 pm /p> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-block d-md-none> Mon-Fri: 6 am-3 pm /p> /div> div class d-md-block d-none> a href classbtn blue_btn>Learn More/a> /div> div class d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-2 py-2 loc_card_btnnew>Get Directions/a> /div> /div> !-- div classcol-md-12 text-center d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-3 py-2>Get Directions/a> /div> --> /div> /div> /div> div classtab-pane fade idHealthCityCamanaBayClinic3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyHealthCityCamanaBayClinic3-tab> div classloc_content_card> div classrow> div classcol-6 col-md-5> div classh-100> a href> img classloc_card_img w-100 h-100 src alttab_img_loc> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-7 align-self-center> span classp-20>Health City Cayman Islands/span> h3 classhealth_32 my-2 mb-md-3 pb-md-3> Camana Bay Clinic /h3> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Address/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> a href,-81.3782555,15z/data!4m6!3m5!1s0x8f2587b8161be543:0x461bcf4a447d81cb!8m2!3d19.3213626!4d-81.3782555!16s%2Fg%2F11ngkdt46c?entrytts classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> 9 Forum Ln, Camana Bay KY1-9006, Cayman Islands /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Phone/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> a hreftel:++1 345-640-4040 classcol-7 p-16 high_a p-0> +1 345-640-4040 /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-4 pb-md-2> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Hours/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> Mon-Sat: 7am-7pm / Sun: 12pm-4pm /p> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-block d-md-none> Mon-Sat: 7am-7pm / Sun: 12pm-4pm /p> /div> div class d-md-block d-none> a href classbtn blue_btn>Learn More/a> /div> div class d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-2 py-2 loc_card_btnnew>Get Direction/a> /div> /div> !-- div classcol-md-12 text-center d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-3 py-2>Get Directions/a> /div> --> /div> /div> /div> div classtab-pane fade idHealthCityCaymanIslands4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyHealthCityCaymanIslands4-tab> div classloc_content_card> div classrow> div classcol-6 col-md-5> div classh-100> a href> img classloc_card_img w-100 h-100 src alttab_img_loc> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-7 align-self-center> span classp-20>Health City Cayman Islands/span> h3 classhealth_32 my-2 mb-md-3 pb-md-3> East End Hospital /h3> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Address/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> a href,-81.1845385,13z/data!4m6!3m5!1s0x8f25f4dc73f4b9af:0xdd5337f479ea1c57!8m2!3d19.2978348!4d-81.1465802!16s%2Fm%2F0s8yxbm?entryttu classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> High Rock, 1283 Sea View Rd, KY1-1005, Cayman Islands /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-3> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Phone/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> a hreftel:++1 345-640-4040 classcol-7 p-16 high_a p-0> +1 345-640-4040 /a> /div> div classrow mb-md-4 pb-md-2> p classp-16 add_p col-4 d-md-block d-none> img classme-1 src alttab_img_loc>Hours/p> span classcol-1 d-md-block d-none>:/span> img classcol-3 call_img pe-0 d-block d-md-none src alttab_img_loc> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-md-block d-none> 24/7 /p> p classcol-7 p-16 high_p p-0 d-block d-md-none> 24/7 /p> /div> div class d-md-block d-none> a href classbtn blue_btn>Learn More/a> /div> div class d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-2 py-2 loc_card_btnnew>Get Directions/a> /div> /div> !-- div classcol-md-12 text-center d-md-none d-block> a href# classbtn blue_btn mt-3 py-2>Get Directions/a> /div> --> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- section classhealth_city> div classcontainer> div classrow g-0 flex_d_col> div classcol-md-5 col_12> div classcard lite_blue_bg data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration1000 data-aos-anchor-placementcenter-bottom> h2>Health City in the Community/h2> p>Social responsibility is one of the core values at Health City, reflected in our promise to deliver compassionate services. /p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-7 col_12> figure> img classimg-fluid lazy data-src altHealth City in the Community> /figure> /div> /div> /div> /section> --> section classimportant_announcements contianer_fluid position-relative > div classcontainer> h2> Latest Updates /h2> /div> ul classlist-unstyled d-flex custom_arrows> li classprev_ann>img src altprev-icon> /li> li classnext_ann>img src altnext-icon> /li> /ul> div classannouncement_slider lft_spc data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration1000 data-aos-anchor-placementcenter-bottom> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Revolutionises Knee Replacement Surgery in the Caribbean with CORI Robotic Technology /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Hope Triumphs: Innovative Surgery at Health City Restores Shoulder Mobility /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City at Camana Bay Poised to Open /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Founder Lauds ‘Caymankind’ Hospitality as 10th Anniversary is Celebrated /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Cayman Islands Unveils Advanced Cervical Cancer Treatment Through Brachytherapy /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Cayman Islands Leads the Way in ‘Dementia-Friendly’ Care /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> Learn Morespan classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City, Doctors Hospital Bahamas Collaborate for Complex Off-Island Patient Care /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> Learn Morespan classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Cayman Islands Achieves Prestigious JCI Enterprise Accreditation /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> Learn Morespan classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Cayman Islands Announces Collaboration with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> Learn Morespan classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> A Journey of Healing: Health City Radiation Oncology Centre Gives Hope /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Surgeon Provides Hope for Critically Ill Cardiac Patients /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Heart-healing Surgeries at Health City Cayman Islands Save Mother and Baby /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> Learn Morespan classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Cayman Islands Celebrates Founder’s “Great Vision” /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Partners with Tomlinson Furniture for Sleep Lab Upgrade /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> First Patients Receive Life-Saving Radiotherapy at Health City’s Oncology Centre /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> High School Student Gives Advice on Work Experience at Health City /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City’s Primary School Science Fairs Set for June /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Original Healthcare Explorer to Return for Graduate Internship /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> First Patients Receive Life-Saving Radiotherapy at Health City /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Cayman Islands Brings Groundbreaking Brain Aneurysm Treatment to the Caribbean /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Health City Cayman Islands Introduces Leadless Pacemakers for Heart Patients /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> SURF 2023 Applications Now Open /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> Freedom from Smoking /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classcard announcement_card announcement_card_mb lazy stylebackground-image: url(; data-src> div classannouncement_card_txt> h3> New Radiation Oncology Centre /h3> p> /p> a href classbtn learn_more> span classms-3>img src altarrow-right>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classhear_our_parents lite_blue_bg position-relative> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-4 col_12> h2 class mb-4 pb-2 data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration1000> Hear from Our Patients and Their Families /h2> !-- div classd-flex justify-content-between mb-3 pb-1 mb-md-0 pb-md-0> h2 classd-block d-md-none>Testimonials/h2> a href# classread_a d-block d-md-none> Read All /a> /div> --> /div> div classcol-md-1 col_12 dot_slick_pa> div classslider-dots-box>/div> /div> div classcol-md-7 col_12> div classposition-relative> div classhear_slider hear_slider_resp data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration1000> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Monice Eugene /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>I don’t wanna sound crazy saying it, because you’re in a hospital and no-one likes to go to the hospital but you don’t feel like you’re in a hospital. The care everybody gives you is really nice. Whether it’s housekeeping, the nurses, the aides, anyone, you don’t feel like you’re in a hospital. I don’t think I’ve been told ‘No’. No matter what it is you ask for, they’re like ‘I’m gonna try’, and when you look it’s there! It’s been really, really good./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>Read More/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Monice Eugene /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Oscar Malic /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>The management and staff at Health City were very helpful. They were all sweethearts towards me. They actually assisted me with everything from beginning to end that I needed, what I was supposed to do every day, and it was a good experience overall./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>Read More/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Oscar Malic /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Roselyn Malcolm /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>I went to the hospital in Turks & Caicos for shortness of breath and something else and when I was there that’s when they detected I had something in my lungs. I had blood clots in my arteries and in my lungs. I think it (Health City) is one of the best hospitals in the world. I can’t compare it to any other. It’s world-class – all the doctors, all the care they give you, around the clock. They have the best doctors. They have the best nurses. Everybody played a part in my recovery. I’m thankful to be alive./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Roselyn Malcolm /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Sir Dennis Byron /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>This was phenomenal. I’m so grateful that I came here. This has really been a wonderful experience. I know going through surgery is not described as a nice thing but I feel as though I’ve been the beneficiary of a miracle. I never expected that my healing process would have been so rapid and recovery of my ability to walk (after double knee replacement surgery) would have been so quick but here I am – happy, grateful and I have only good thoughts and good things to say about Health City and the wonderful professionals and the staff at this institution./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Sir Dennis Byron /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> John Hurlstone /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Thanks to all our friends who sent best wishes to Robert. The Shetty Hospital and its great team immediately diagnosed his heart issue and put in two new stents to alleviate things. He was back in his room by 6 and by 7 was eating steak for supper!/span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> John Hurlstone /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Rod Linkous /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>In the States, if an ambulance pulls into a hospital, you never see a doctor until you’ve been processed inside. When I got here, Dr Ravi met me. He made me feel at ease with all the experience he had./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Rod Linkous /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Donna Linkous /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>We appreciate the attention and skill of Dr Ravi Kishore and his entire team of doctors and nurses. Professional, compassionate, and kind, every single one. We felt like friends with every person we met – from food service personnel to the top doctor … We are more than grateful./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Donna Linkous /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Nick Jackson /h4> span> Friend of Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>We were visiting a friend at the Health City… and just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all the staff that helped out in every way. All of the staff involved were amazing, and your level of kindness and professionalism during this time was first class. You are doing great work and we cannot thank you enough for your commitment to providing quality care! Thank you again./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Nick Jackson /h4> span> Friend of Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> div> !-- div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 d-block d-md-none> --> !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> !-- img src altprofile-icon> /div> div classflex-grow-1 d-block d-md-none ps-2 ms-1> h4> Ivan McLean /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> --> div classdreadmore> h3> p>i>span stylefont-weight: 400;>I would like to thank you and your staff for the exceptional care given to me (and witnessed as given to others) … if this is the typical standard by which your hospital functions, statistically speaking, Health City has a business model that should not fail its patients or its benefactors. I would recommend treatment at Health City Cayman Islands to anyone./span>/i>/p> /h3> /div> button typebutton classbtn read_mre_cta data-drm-toggler>/button> div classd-flex align-items-center> div classflex-shrink-0 > !-- img classme-3 src altprofile-icon> --> /div> div classflex-grow-1 > h4> Ivan McLean /h4> span> Patient /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> ul classlist-unstyled d-flex custom_arrows> li classprev1> img src altprev-icon> /li> li classnext1> img src altnext-icon> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Stay Connected with HCCI --> section classstay_connected_new> div classcontainer> div classstay_card row> div classcol-md-7> h2>Stay Connected with HCCI Connect/h2> p classp-20 mt-2 mb-4 pb-3 d-md-block d-none>Now stay more engaged and access your health record anywhere conveniently through our mobile application/p> div classrow> div classcol-md-6 d-md-block d-none> div classcard_new mb-4 pb-2> img src altstore> h5 classmt-2 pt-1>Experience hassle-free appointment 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let jsonAutoValue Dr Prathap Anthony Vincent,Dr Sridhar Devaraju,Dr Rose Giammarco,Dr Praveen Lokeshappa,Dr Vijaya Santhanakrishnan,Gynaecologic Oncology Services,Dr Troy Antony Gatcliffe,Dr Kavya Ramesha Upadhya,Dr Geeta Rajput,Dr Susant Bhuyan,Dr Ishani Bhuyan,Dr Vikas Roshan,Dr Harsha Venkataramanaswamy,Radiation Oncology Services,Dr Jaganmurugan Ramamurthy,Dr Manoj Kumar Rangapa,Dr Cyril Alex,Dr Sharath Babu Murthy,Dr Sanjay Saha,Dr Susan Paul,Dr Diwakar Sharma,Dr Tarun Sheshagiri,Dr Aritra Mukherji,Dr Agniva Basu,Dr Manjunatha Kandala,Dr Sunku Guptha,Dr Niranjan Nagaraja,Dr Sandeep Mahendra,Dr Archita Joshi,Dr Romnesh deSouza,ENT,Urology,Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine,Surgical Oncology,Plastic Surgery,Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery Services,Gynaecology,Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery,Bariatric Gastrointestinal & Hepatobiliary Surgery Services,Geriatric Medicine,Vascular and Interventional Radiology,Pulmonology,Sleep Medicine,Internal Medicine,Medical Gastroenterology Services,Critical Care,Paediatric Cardiology,Medical Oncology Services,Cardiology and Electrophysiology Services,Emergency Medicine,Interventional Neurology Services,Anaesthesiology,Dr Vineetha Binoy,Dr Ravi Kishore,Dr Dhruva Krishnan,Dr Binoy Chattuparambil; 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