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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.20.1Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 10:02:21 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 24498Last-Modified: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 03:12:36 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 66a9aba4-5fb2Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html>head> meta charsetutf-8>meta http-equivExpires content0>meta http-equivPragma contentno-cache>meta http-equivCache-control contentno-cache>meta http-equivCache contentno-cache> meta namerenderer contentwebkit> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge,chrome1> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, minimum-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0, user-scalable0> title>共采云官网/title> link relicon hrefstatic/images/logo.png> link relstylesheet hrefstatic/lib/layui/css/layui.css> link relstylesheet hrefstatic/css/admin.css> link relstylesheet hrefstatic/css/common.css>/head>style> /** 头部区域 */ .layui-logo-img{ display: inline-block; border-radius: 5px; width: 40px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; } .nav-item-ul-txt{ width: 100px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; 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} .bottom-phone-img{ width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0 10px; } .bottom-phone-text{ height: 39px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; font-weight: 800; font-size: 20px; color: #414141; line-height: 33px; text-stroke: 1px #414141; font-style: normal; text-transform: none; padding-left: 4px; } .bottom-beian-container{ display: flex; justify-content: center; width: 100%; height: 30px; } .bottom-beian-text{ height: 28px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; font-weight: 500; font-size: 16px; color: #868686; line-height: 23px; font-style: normal; text-transform: none; } body .demo-class{ border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 20px; } /** 登录 */ .login-dev{ background: linear-gradient( 207deg, #FFE7E7 0%, #FBF1F1 100%); border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 20px; padding-top: 0; width: 360px; height: 290px; padding: 20px; display: none; } .login-title{ height: 30px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; color: #414141; line-height: 30px; text-align: left; font-style: normal; text-transform: none; display: flex; } .plt-name{ width: 74px; height: 24px; background: #F6403D; border-radius: 16px 16px 16px 0px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; font-weight: 500; font-size: 13px; color: #FFFFFF; line-height: 24px; text-align: center; margin-left: 10px; } .login-hint{ height: 20px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; color: #6B6B6B; line-height: 20px; text-align: left; font-style: normal; text-transform: none; } .login-form{ margin-top: 15px; width: 360px; height: 220px; background: #FFFFFF; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; } .login-row{ margin: 10px 20px 15px 20px; display: flex; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; background: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; } /* 鼠标点击时的颜色变化 */ .login-row:hover{ background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #F6403D; } .l-ror-input{ background: #F4F4F4; border: 0; height: 40px; } .l-ror-input:hover{ background: #FFFFFF; border: 0; height: 40px; } .login-label{ height: 40px; line-height: 40px; width: 60px; text-align: center; } .login-lin{ height: 40px; line-height: 40px; width: 10px; text-align: center; } .login-input{ width: 260px; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; } .icon-width{ width: 23px; height: 40px; padding-right: 12px; float: right; cursor: pointer; } .login-auth{ height: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; font-weight: 500; font-size: 12px; color: #F6403D; text-align: left; font-style: normal; text-transform: none; padding: 0 20px 0 20px; } .l-left{ float: left; cursor: pointer; } .l-right{ float: right; cursor: pointer; } .login-but{ height: 36px; line-height: 36px; border-radius: 25px 25px 25px 25px; font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font-style: normal; text-transform: none; margin: 14px 20px 0 20px; cursor: pointer; } .but-not{ background: #FE9D9C; } .but-on{ background: #F6403D; display: none; }/style> body classlayui-layout-body styleoverflow: visible; idwebsite> div classlayui-layout layui-layout-admin> !-- 头部区域 --> div classlayui-header styleheight: 76px;line-height: 60px;> div stylewidth: 76%;margin: 0 auto;display: flex;> ul classlayui-nav stylemargin-left: 20px;width: 66%;> li classlayui-nav-item idlayui-navbar-move > !-- logo --> div stylewidth: 260px;> div classlayui-logo-img> img srcstatic/pc_images/logo.png stylewidth: 150px;height: 40px;> /div> /div> /li> li classlayui-nav-item nav-item-ul-txt nav-item-ul-on>首页/li> !-- li classlayui-nav-item nav-item-ul-txt>公司简介/li> --> li classlayui-nav-item idnavTelephone> div classnav-item-ul-txt idnavTelephone2 onclickshowTelephone()>联系我们/div> !-- 联系电话弹窗 --> div classopen-telephone idopenTelephone> div classtel-icon> img width30px height30px srcstatic/pc_images/website/phone.png/> /div> div classtel-text>客服电话:0571-89011786/div> div classtel-copy onclicktelCopy(0571-89011786)>复制/div> /div> /li> /ul> ul classlayui-nav display-flex stylewidth: 30%;float: right;> li classlayui-nav-item stylewidth: 50%;> div classhnav-nav-icon> img onclickopenLogin() width120px height40px srcstatic/pc_images/website/login-but.png/> /div> /li> li classlayui-nav-item stylewidth: 50%;> div classhnav-nav-icon> img onclickopenRegister() width120px height40px srcstatic/pc_images/website/register-but.png/> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> !-- 内容 --> div classmiddle-div> div classbanner-div> div classbanner-text> div classplatform-name>共采云/div> div classplatform-hint>大宗农副产品阳光集采平台/div> div classplatform-div> div classplt-but onclicktoIndex()> div>我要采购/div> div classplt-but-img> img width21px height19px srcstatic/pc_images/website/to-icon.png/> /div> /div> div classplt-but idopenAppCode onclickshowAppCode(1)> div>共采云APP/div> div classplt-but-img> img width21px height19px srcstatic/pc_images/website/to-icon.png/> /div> !-- 二维码弹窗 --> div classopen-app-code idappCode> div classo-app-title>扫码下载APP/div> div> img width200px height200px srcstatic/pc_images/website/app-code.png/> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classplt-title> div classplt-t-left>/div> div classplt-t-center>共采云-阳光集采平台/div> div classplt-t-right>/div> /div> div classplt-introduce> div classplt-i-row> 共采云”阳光集采平台是积极响应2023中央一号文件实施“数商兴农”、浙江省现代供应链发展十四五规划“构建云端协同、覆盖全程、开放共享的农业供应链大数据体系,培育一批全程物联化、全链可追溯、全域可视化的特色农产品供应链平台,畅通农产品流通渠道”等文件精神,为解决广大团餐配送企业分散采购成本高、食品安全追溯体系难健全、采购人员难管理、采购票据难获得等行业痛点难点,为行业发展提供一站式解决方案,由浙江共采科技服务有限公司专门开发建设的大宗农副产品供应链数字化阳光集采B2B专属化平台。 /div> div classplt-i-row2> 使命:让采购简单、给行业赋能; 核心价值观:诚信、成就、共享、兴农; 宗旨:为客户创造价值,助企业持续成功; 经营理念:大宗好货、共赢共富; 愿景:成为大宗农副产品数字化供应链龙头企业; /div> /div> div classplt-item> img width800px height500px srcstatic/pc_images/website/plt-item.png/> div classplt-app>共采云APP/div> div classplt-pc>共采云PC采购/div> /div> /div> !-- 底部 --> div classbot-div> div stylemargin-top: 30px;>/div> div classlayui-col-md12 bottom-container> div classbottom-info> div classbottom-icon>img classbottom-icon1 srcstatic/pc_images/index/bottom1.png>/div> div classbottom-text>食材齐全/div> /div> div classbottom-info> div classbottom-icon>img classbottom-icon2 srcstatic/pc_images/index/bottom2.png>/div> div classbottom-text>品质保证/div> /div> div classbottom-info> div classbottom-icon>img classbottom-icon3 srcstatic/pc_images/index/bottom3.png>/div> div classbottom-text>安全配送/div> /div> div classbottom-info> div classbottom-icon>img classbottom-icon4 srcstatic/pc_images/index/bottom4.png>/div> div classbottom-text>售后无忧/div> /div> /div> div classlayui-col-md12 bottom-phone-container > div classbottom-phone-icon>img classbottom-phone-img srcstatic/pc_images/index/phone.png>/div> div classbottom-phone-text idserverPhone>客服电话:0571-89011786/div> /div> hr> div classlayui-col-md12 bottom-beian-container> div classbottom-beian-text>Copyright © 2024 浙江共采科技服务有限公司 版权所有 !--| 备案证书号:浙ICP备19019711号-1 -->/div> /div> div classlayui-col-md12 bottom-beian-container> a target_blank href iddomainNameICP> div classbottom-beian-text> 浙ICP备2023011716号-2 /div> /a> /div> div classlayui-col-md12 bottom-beian-container> /div> /div> /div> !-- 登录 --> div classlogin-dev idloginDev> div classlogin-title> div>欢迎登录/div> div classplt-name>共采云/div> /div> div classlogin-hint>我们提供全品类餐饮食材/div> div classlogin-form> div styleheight: 10px;>/div> div classlogin-row> div classlogin-label>账户/div> div classlogin-lin>|/div> div classlogin-input> input typetext namephone idphone required onkeyupnoPoint(this) lay-verifyrequired placeholder请输入账号 autocompleteoff classlayui-input l-ror-input maxlength11> /div> /div> div classlogin-row> div classlogin-label>密码/div> div classlogin-lin>|/div> div classlogin-input> input typepassword namepwds idpwds required lay-verifyrequired placeholder请输入密码 autocompleteoff classlayui-input l-ror-input maxlength30> /div> div classicon-width onclicktogglePassword(1)> img idpwdsShow_1 styledisplay: none; srcstatic/pc_images/website/show-icon.png/> img idpwdsHide_1 srcstatic/pc_images/website/hide-icon.png/> /div> /div> div classlogin-auth> div classl-left onclickopenRegister()>注册/div> div classl-right onclickopenForgetPwd()>忘记密码/div> /div> div classlogin-but but-not idloginBut> 登录 /div> div classlogin-but but-on idloginBut2 onclickuserLoginFun()> 登录 /div> /div> /div> script srcstatic/lib/jquery.min.js>/script> script srcstatic/lib/layui/layui.all.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcstatic/pc_api.js>/script> script> document.write(script srcstatic/app/common.js?v+sessionStorage.getItem(VERSION)+>\/script>); /script> script> var table layui.table, $ layui.$, form layui.form, element layui.element; //登录 function openLogin(){ //默认隐藏密码 var passwordField document.getElementById(pwds); passwordField.type password; $(#pwdsShow_1).hide(); $(#pwdsHide_1).show();{ //type: 2, type: 1, fixed: false, maxmin: false, skin: demo-class, area: 400px, 330px, title: false, //content: pc_view/index/open_login.html, content: $(#loginDev), end:function () { let isClick sessionStorage.getItem(USER_LOGIN_CLICK); if (isClick 1){ sessionStorage.removeItem(USER_LOGIN_CLICK); //刷新 //location.reload(); toIndex(); } } }); } //检测账户输入 $(#phone).on(input, function() { let phone $(this).val(); let pws $(#pwds).val(); if(phone.length>2 && pws.length>2){ $(#loginBut).hide(); $(#loginBut2).show(); }else{ $(#loginBut).show(); $(#loginBut2).hide(); } }); //检测密码输入 $(#pwds).on(input, function() { let pws $(this).val(); let phone $(#phone).val(); if(phone.length>2 && pws.length>2){ $(#loginBut).hide(); $(#loginBut2).show(); }else{ $(#loginBut).show(); $(#loginBut2).hide(); } }); /** * 登录 * */ function userLoginFun(){ var loginName $(#phone).val(); var pwd $(#pwds).val(); if(loginName null || loginName ){ layer.msg(请输入登录账号); return; } if(pwd null || pwd ){ layer.msg(请输入密码); return; } var obj $.parseJSON(ajaxMain(serviceUrl.userLogin, {phone: loginName, pwd: pwd})); if (obj.code 1) { sessionStorage.setItem(constants.TOKEN,; sessionStorage.setItem(constants.USER_LOGIN_PHONE,; sessionStorage.setItem(constants.LOGIN_URL, jumpLogin); var index parent.layer.getFrameIndex(; parent.layer.close(index); sessionStorage.setItem(USER_LOGIN_CLICK,1); // layer.msg(obj.message, { // icon: 6, // time: 2000 // }); // setTimeout(function() { // var index parent.layer.getFrameIndex(; // parent.layer.close(index); // }, 2000); toIndex(); } else { layer.msg(obj.message, { icon: 5, time: 2000 }); } } //密码显示 function togglePassword(v) { //密码 var passwordField document.getElementById(pwds); if (passwordField.type password) { passwordField.type text; $(#pwdsShow_+v).show(); $(#pwdsHide_+v).hide(); } else { passwordField.type password; $(#pwdsShow_+v).hide(); $(#pwdsHide_+v).show(); } } //忘记密码 function openForgetPwd(){{ type: 2, fixed: false, maxmin: false, skin: demo-class, area: 400px, 330px, title: false, content: pc_view/index/open_forgetPwd.html, end:function () { //刷新 //location.reload(); } }); } //注册 function openRegister(){{ type: 2, fixed: false, maxmin: false, closeBtn:0, skin: demo-class, area: 454px, 684px, title: false, content: pc_view/index/open_register.html, end:function () { let isClick sessionStorage.getItem(USER_LOGIN_CLICK); if (isClick 1){ sessionStorage.removeItem(USER_LOGIN_CLICK); //刷新 //location.reload(); //toIndex(); } } }); } //首页 function toIndex(){ window.location.href pc_index.html; } /** * 联系电话弹窗 */ function showTelephone(e){ $(#openTelephone).attr(style,display:flex); $(#navTelephone2).addClass(nav-item-ul-on); } //关闭窗口 $(document).on(click, function(event) { // 检查点击事件的目标元素是否是容器的子元素 if (!$( { // 隐藏元素 $(#openTelephone).hide(); $(#navTelephone2).removeClass(nav-item-ul-on); } }); /** * 复制电话 */ function telCopy(text){ var $temp $(textarea>); $(body).append($temp); $temp.val(text).select(); document.execCommand(copy); $temp.remove(); layer.msg(复制成功!, { icon: 6, time: 2000 }); } /** * 展开app二维码弹窗 */ function showAppCode(e){ $(#appCode).show(); } //关闭窗口 $(document).on(click, function(event) { // 检查点击事件的目标元素是否是容器的子元素 if (!$( { // 隐藏元素 $(#appCode).hide(); } }); /script>/body>/html>
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