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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 05:13:10 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 17:20:03 GMTETag: 3f8d-5d64310011f4fAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 16269Cache-Control: max-age600Expires: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 05:23:10 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>HTML>HEAD>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>META NAMEdescription contentFree icon editor for Windows. Download free icon maker software, it allows you to create icons, edit small images in ICO, PNG, GIF, BMP formats, make icons for Windows 7/Vista/XP, web sites, mobile software>META NAMEkeywords contentfree,icon,maker,editor,windows,creator,icon makers,icon editor,download> TITLE>Free Icon Editor. Icon Maker Software./TITLE>LINK hrefa.css typetext/css relstylesheet> /HEAD>BODY bottomMargin0 bgColorwhite leftMargin0 topMargin0 rightMargin0 marginheight0 marginwidth0>SCRIPT languageJavaScript srcad.js typetext/javascript>/SCRIPT>TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% height100% border0>!-- title -->tr height50 bgcolor#6699cc>TD width138>IMG height50 width138 border0 altfree icon editor titleicon editor srcimages/titlelogo.png>/TD>TD width5 classtopbg>img height50 width5 border0 alt srcimages/top_bg.gif>/td>TD width320 classtopbg>IMG height50 width320 border0 altfree icon maker titlefree icon maker srcimages/titlefirm.png>/TD>TD width276 classtopbg>img height50 width276 border0 alticon maker software titleicon maker software srcimages/top_bg.gif>/td>TD width244 classtitle backgroundimages/top_bg.gif>IMG border0 height8 width228 srcimages/top_links.gif useMap#toplinks>MAP nametoplinks>AREA coords0,0,37,7 href shapeRECT altHome>AREA coords42,0,123,7 href shapeRECT altDownloads>AREA coords128,0,165,7 href shapeRECT altBuy>AREA coords170,0,227,7 href shapeRECT altContact>/MAP>/TD>TD width40 classtopbg>img height50 width40 border0 alt srcimages/top_bg.gif>/td> TD backgroundimages/top_bg.gif> /td>/tr>!-- end title -->tr>td classblue>!-- left menu --> table cellPadding0 cellSpacing0 border0 width127 height170>tr>td rowspan8>img srcimages/tr.gif width5 height170>/td>td>img srcimages/tr.gif width1 height3>/td>/tr>tr>td>a href>img srcimages/m_home.gif width127 height27 border0 altHome>/a>/td>/tr>tr>td>a href>img srcimages/m_products.gif width127 height27 border0 altProducts>/a>/td>/tr>tr>td>a hrefdownload.htm>img srcimages/m_download.gif width127 height27 border0 altDownload Free Icon Maker titledownload icon maker>/a>/td>/tr>tr>td>a href>img srcimages/m_order.gif width127 height27 border0 altOrder>/a>/td>/tr>tr>td>a href>img srcimages/m_icons.gif width127 height27 border0 altIcons>/a>/td>/tr>tr>td>a href>img srcimages/m_support.gif width127 height27 border0 altSupport>/a>/td>/tr>tr>td>img srcimages/tr.gif width1 height10>/td>/tr>/table>div classblacknews>a hreficon-articles.htm>font colorwhite>img srcimages/gtw.gif width4 height7 border0> Icon Articles/font>/a>br>a hrefandroid-icon-studio.htm>font colorwhite>img srcimages/gtw.gif width4 height7 border0> Android Iconbr>Studio/font>/a>br>br>a href>font colorwhite>img srcimages/gtw.gif width4 height7 border0> Business Icons/font>/a>br>br>/div>center>a href>img srcimages/icondesign.jpg width128 height128 border0 alticon design>/a>br>br>/center>!-- end left menu -->/td>td width5>/td>td colspan2>!-- main -->Table cellSpacing10 cellPadding0 width593 height100% border0>tr>td classjustify>table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0>tr>td>img altfree Icon Maker titlefree icon editor srcfree-icon-editor/page.png height44 width331 border0>/td>td>IMG height16 alt srcimages/ready-icons.gif width16> A href>Icon Sets/A>br>IMG height16 alt srcimages/dl.gif width16> a href>Download/a>br>/td>/tr>/table>hr>h1>Free Icon Editor. a hrefdownload.htm>Download Icon Maker Software./a>/h1>p>Junior Icon Editor is font colorred>free software/font> now!/p>p>Its an easy to use icon maker for creating and editing icons for Windows./p>a hreffree-icon-editor/scrf.png target_blank>img srcfree-icon-editor/scr.jpg border0 width341 height312 altFree Icon Maker titlefree icon editor classscrfloat>/a>b>With this free icon editor you can:/B>ul>li>Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors. Standard icon sizes are 16x16, 32x32, 48x48li>Make icons with transparencyli>Make icons for Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000 in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channelli>Make PNG icons for mobile software, including iPhone, Android, iPad, Nokia, Windows Phoneli>Create buttons for websitesli>Paint images with pen, brush, airbrush, ellipse, rectangle, line, curve toolsli>Roll, shift and rotate imagesli>Import and export .ico, .png, .xpm, .xbm, and .icpr formatsli>Sort images inside iconsli>Copy and paste images to other applicationsli>Test icons/ul>b>System requirements:/b> Windows>br>a href>img srcimages/dl.gif width16 height16 border0 altdownload free icon maker titledownload free icon maker> b>Download Free Icon Editor/b>/a>BR>BR>hr>h2> Delivers the Icon Design Capability its Name Promises/h2>h4>i>Become a master stock icon artist or simply touch up existing small graphics with Free-Icon-Editor.coms easy software./i>/h4>Beautiful toolbar icons and small graphics used throughout development projects bring a professional touch no matter where theyre used, and can instantly transform applications, operating system environments, and websites into more usable, visually-appealing, and ultimately valuable resources. Its not always easy to find the perfect icons for a given project, however, and sometimes its necessary to start from scratch, pixel by pixel, or to modify existing icons to personalize them or to create a theme. With the help of the user-friendly software available without charge at Free-Icon-Editor, each of these tasks can be accomplished with minimal time and effort.BR>BR>Many modern graphics editors and illustration programs are marked by complex user environments and confusing controls, making the creation of stock icons especially difficult. Free-Icon-Editor.coms Junior Icon Editor, on the other hand, has been designed specifically with the needs of beginning and intermediate icon designers in mind, making it easy to get started. Offering a number of helpful graphic creation tools, vibrant colors at up to 16 million depth, and the ability to make icons in various standard sizes, this software has everything needed to achieve professional-looking results.BR>BR>Free-Icon-Editor.coms accessible software also makes it easy to test icons before implementation into development projects, and allows for rapid modification when any changes need to be made. From the simplest of website buttons and bullet points to the most impressive-looking favicons and other icon design pieces, all small graphics needs can be met with this basic yet powerful application. The frustration and hassle of searching for stock icons that just dont seem to fit with individual project needs can finally be solved with a simple download and a few minutes spent creating or editing. Both complete design novices and users with some experience in icon design creation are sure to find this useful program an essential part of their development toolbox.BR>BR>h2>Where to Get Icons?/h2>i>There are several ways to get icon images done for Web sites and software applications. Enterprises with deep pockets employ artists and designers crafting them unique icons for salary. Smaller companies outsource their images to third-party design studios, getting their images for hefty fees. Organizations that are even smaller contract small design studios, saving some money at the risk of not getting any graphics at all, getting something not drawn to specs, or receiving the order too late./i>br>br>Going stock saves software and Web developers time, money and uncertainty. Why should you a href>download professionally-designed icons/a>? There are numerous reasons. With a href>ready-made icons/a>, youll get your graphics immediately after placing an order. Ready-made graphics are available for instant preview and immediate download the moment you place your order. No long waits and no surprises in getting your graphics done! br>br>center>A href>IMG height248 width483 border1 src styleBORDER-COLOR: #a9c3dc altall icons bundle titletoolbar icons bundle>h4>Toolbar Icons for Business/h4>/a>/center>br>By purchasing a a href>ready-made icon set/a>, you save on ordering custom graphics. Stock images are much more affordable than any icons you get from a design studio. By going stock, you are saving time and money, moving your project a leap closer to completion without robbing the bank. br>br>With ready-made images, you get graphics on time, guaranteed! No delays and no surprises - you get exactly what you see the immediately after placing an>br>With stock images, you pay once, use anywhere. If you purchase royalty-free images such as those offered by b>Perfect Icons/b>, you can use the graphics in as many projects as you wish. Pay once, use anywhere! No additional licensing fees are required. br>br>If you deal with Perfect Icons, you can get up to 5 matching icons made for you. Free with every purchase of an icon set! Need just one or two icons matching the a href>collection of icons/a> youve just purchased to finish your project? How about five? Perfect Icons will make you up to five images to match your specs and the style of the collection you have purchased without charging you a penny!br>br>b>About Perfect Icons/b>br>br>Perfect Icons offers multiple collections of affordable stock images ready to be used by application and Web developers. By providing developers with readily-available, royalty-free graphics, Aha-Soft helps you speed up software development, remove uncertainty of looks of the final product, and reduce expenses on graphics>br>Perfect Icons contains a number of graphics sets in a variety of image styles, themes, and sizes. The site features icons designed in Classic and a href>Windows Vista styles/a>, as well as theme graphics having their own unique>br>img srcimages/gt.gif width4 height7> a hreficon-articles.htm>Icon Articles/a>br>br>hr>/td>/tr>tr height100%>td classcopyright>div classdarkblue>a href>Home/a> | a href>Products/a> | a hrefdownload.htm classgreen>Downloads/a> | a href classgreen>Order/a> | a href classgreen>Icons/a> | a href classgreen>Support/a>br>br>a hrefprivacy-policy.htm classgreen>Privacy Policy/a> | a hrefterms-of-use.htm classgreen>Terms of Use/a> | a hrefrefund-policy.htm classgreen>Refund Policy/a>/div>p>Copyright © 2005-2022 SibCode. All rights reserved./p>/td>/tr>/Table>!-- end main-->/td>td>!-- news -->table height100% border0 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 width230>tr>td>table styleborder: solid 1px #4073a6; bgcolor#cde4fc cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height100%>tr>td classpop>img srcimages/pops.png width230 height23 border0 altPopular Icon editors> div classblacknews>h4>a href>img srcimages/gtgt.gif width9 height8 border0> Icons for Windows 7/Vista/h4>img src altIcons for Windows 7 and Vista width210 height114 border0>/a>h4>a href>img srcimages/gtgt.gif width9 height8 border0> Perfect Toolbar Icons/h4>img src altPerfect Toolbar Icons width210 height114 border0>/a>h4>a href>img srcimages/gtgt.gif width9 height8 border0> Business Toolbar Icons/h4>img src altBusiness Toolbar Icons width210 height114 border0>/a>h4>a href>img srcimages/gtgt.gif width9 height8 border0> Database Toolbar Icons/h4>img src altDatabase Toolbar Icons width210 height114 border0>/a>h4>a href>img srcimages/gtgt.gif width9 height8 border0> People Icons for Vista/h4>img src altPeople Icons for Vista width210 height114 border0>/a>a href> h4>Icon Editor/h4>img src alticon editor titleicon editor width210 height200 border0>/a>br>br>IconLover is an icon editor. It allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these kinds of graphics can now be designed in a single>div alignright>a href>img srcimages/gtgt.gif width9 height8 border0> Download icon editor/a>br>/div>p>/p>/div> /td>script languageJavaScript>!--var hdocument.body.scrollHeight-70; if(window.opera)document.write(td>img srcimages/tr.gif width0 height+h+>/td>);// -->/script>/tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>!-- end news -->/td> td classblue colspan2>!-- empty -->!-- end empty -->/td>/tr>/TABLE>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost((https:document.location.protocol)?https://ssl.:http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker_gat._getTracker(UA-2982729-12);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/BODY>/HTML>
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