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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: keep-aliveContent-Length: 58148strict-transport-security: max-age2592000; includeSubDomainscross-origin-opener-policy: same-originx-frame-options: SAMEORIGINcontent-type: text/html; charsetutf-8via: 1.1 varnish, 1.1 varnish, 1.1 varnishserver: nginxAccept-Ranges: bytesAge: 59288Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:07:33 GMTX-Served-By: cache-iad-kcgs7200044-IAD, cache-iad-kcgs7200044-IAD, cache-bfi-kbfi7400113-BFIX-Cache: MISS, HIT, HITX-Cache-Hits: 0, 12, 0X-Timer: S1731078453.451475,VS0,VE2Vary: Accept-Encoding, X-Requested-With, origin !DOCTYPE html>html classno-js langen-US> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> meta http-equivx-ua-compatible contentieedge> title>Home | Refined Northern Italian Frasca Food & Wine in Boulder, CO/title> !-- Powered by BentoBox --> !-- ___ ___ _ _ _____ ___ ___ _____ __ | _ ) __| \| |_ _/ _ \| _ )/ _ \ \/ / | _ \ _|| .` | | || (_) | _ \ (_) > |___/___|_|\_| |_| \___/|___/\___/_/\_\ --> meta namekeywords contentAlcohol, Beer, Cocktails, Coffee, Italian, Vegetarian options, Wine, Boulder, Restaurants open in Boulder, Patio> meta namedescription contentFrasca Food and Wine - Your refined neighborhood restaurant serving food from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northeast Italy.> link relicon href> link relcanonical href> meta nameRevisit-After content5 Days> meta nameDistribution contentGlobal> meta nameRating contentGeneral> meta propertyog:site_name contentFrasca Food and Wine - Michelin-starred restaurant serving food from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northeast Italy.> meta propertyog:title contentHome | Refined Northern Italian Frasca Food & Wine in Boulder, CO> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite> meta propertyog:url content> meta propertyog:description contentFrasca Food and Wine - Your refined neighborhood restaurant serving food from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northeast Italy.> meta propertyog:image content,format&csorigin&h600&bgfff&pad100> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary> meta nametwitter:title contentHome | Refined Northern Italian Frasca Food & Wine in Boulder, CO> meta nametwitter:description contentFrasca Food and Wine - Your refined neighborhood restaurant serving food from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northeast Italy.> meta nametwitter:site content@FrascaFoodWine> meta nametwitter:creator content@FrascaFoodWine> meta nametwitter:image content,format&csorigin&h600&bgfff&pad100> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript> WebFont.load({custom: { families: Albertus, Neutra BK }, google: { families: Montserrat }}); /script> noscript> style typetext/css> link href relstylesheet typetext/css> /style> /noscript> link relstylesheet href// /> script src>/script> script typetext/javascript> Modernizr.addTest(maybemobile, function(){ return (Modernizr.touchevents && screen and (max-width: 768px))) ? 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Celebrate special moments with us., logo:\u0026fitmax\u0026autocompress,format\u0026csorigin\u0026h600, subOrganization: {@type: FoodEstablishment, @id:, url:, name: Frasca Food and Wine, description: ParkingFrasca Food \u0026amp; Wine is located at the corner of 18th St. and Pearl St. Parking is available at the public garage at 15th and Pearl St. We do not offer valet parking.AttireFrasca is known as a special occasion restaurant, and we look forward to celebrating life\u0026rsquo;s cherished moments with you. While we don\u0026rsquo;t have a formal dress code, we find that most guests err on the dressier side., image: , photo: , address: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Frasca Food and Wine, streetAddress: 1738 Pearl St, addressLocality: Boulder, addressRegion: CO, postalCode: 80302}, location: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Frasca Food and Wine, streetAddress: 1738 Pearl St, addressLocality: Boulder, addressRegion: CO, postalCode: 80302}, telephone: (303) 442-6966, hasMap:, parentOrganization: {@type: Organization, @id:}, servesCuisine: Italian, European, priceRange: $$$}, sameAs:,, potentialAction: {@type: ReserveAction, object: {@type: Reservation, name: Table, url:}, result: {@type: Reservation, name: Table}, target:}, {@type: SubscribeAction, object: {@type: Product, name: Mailing List}, target:}, {@type: BuyAction, object: {@type: Product, name: Product}, target:}, {@type: BuyAction, object: {@type: Product, name: Catering Product}, target:}}/script> script 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loadingeager altfront of the restaurant with a big window and plants styleobject-position: none;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src Exterior - Megan Swann - StarChefs (3).jpg?w1200&fitmax&autocompress,format&csorigin> img classsr-only altfront of the restaurant with a big window and plants > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 1 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1800w > img src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 class loadingeager alta piece of cake 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data-src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5> img classsr-only alta glass of wine on a table > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 3 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1800w > img src,format&csorigin class loadingeager alta group of people in a dining room styleobject-position: none;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src,format&csorigin> img classsr-only alta group of people in a dining room > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 4 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1800w > img src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 class loadingeager alta flower sits in a piece of cake on a plate styleobject-position: 50.0% 50.0%;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5> img classsr-only alta flower sits in a piece of cake on a plate > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 5 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1800w > img src,format&csorigin class loadingeager alta group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses styleobject-position: none;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src,format&csorigin> img classsr-only alta group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 6 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1800w > img src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 class loadingeager alta piece of cake on a plate styleobject-position: 50.0% 50.0%;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5> img classsr-only alta piece of cake on a plate > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 7 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin 1800w > img src (1).jpg?w1200&fitmax&autocompress,format&csorigin class loadingeager alta waiter showing a bottle of wine to the customers styleobject-position: none;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src (1).jpg?w1200&fitmax&autocompress,format&csorigin> img classsr-only alta waiter showing a bottle of wine to the customers > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 8 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1800w > img src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 class loadingeager alta room filled with furniture and vase of flowers on a table styleobject-position: 50.0% 50.0%;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5> img classsr-only alta room filled with furniture and vase of flowers on a table > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 9 of 10/span> /li> li> div classgallery__item gallery__item-enhancement> picture> source media(max-width: 559px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1000w > source media(min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 767px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1200w > source media(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1400w > source media(min-width: 1024px) sizes100vw srcset,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 1800w > img src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5 class loadingeager alta bottle of wine sitting on top of a wooden counter styleobject-position: 50.0% 50.0%;> /picture> /div> div classgallery__item gallery__item-fallback data-src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5> img classsr-only alta bottle of wine sitting on top of a wooden counter > /div> span classsr-only>Slide 10 of 10/span> /li> /div> div idmotion-elements-control-section> button classbtn fa fa-play play-motion ada-motion-toggle-btns hide-motion data-actionplay> span classsr-only>hero gallery paused, press to play images slides/span> /button> button classbtn fa fa-pause pause-motion ada-motion-toggle-btns data-actionpause> span classsr-only>Playing hero gallery, press to pause images slides/span> /button> /div> /section> section classc-split c-split--vcenter revealable> div classc-split__col > div classc-split__col-inner> div classc-split__content content> h2 classh2 c-split__heading>Hours & Location /h2> p>strong>Monday - Saturday: 5:00PM - 9:00PM/strong>/p>p>strong>Sunday: 4:30PM - 8:30PM/strong>/p>p>br>/p>div styletext-align: center;>a href,-105.2746617,17z/data!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7685f633d80ee97a!8m2!3d40.0193093!4d-105.272473 relnoopener noreferrer target_blank>1738 Pearl St, Boulder, CO/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>a hreftel:3034426966>(303) 442-6966/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>br>/div>p styletext-align: center;>Frasca Food and Wine is the Michelin-starred and James Beard Foundation Award winning restaurant from Bobby Stuckey, Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson and Peter Hoglund. Steeped in food and wine traditions of the northeastern region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Frasca Food and Wine welcomes guests in nightly with warm hospitality, exceptional cuisine and expertly selected wines./p> /div> /div> /div> div classc-split__col c-split__col--empty> div classc-split__col-inner> div classc-split__image roleimg aria-labelRisotto tableside stylebackground-image: url(,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5);background-position: 50.0% 50.0%>/div> /div> /div> /section> section classc-split c-split--vcenter c-split--alternate revealable> div classc-split__col > div classc-split__col-inner> div classc-split__content content> h2 classh2 c-split__heading>Our Inspiration/h2> p>Friuli-Venezia Giulia is a sub-alpine region in northeast Italy. Steeped in tradition, nestled at the foot of the Carnic and Julian Alps and bordered by Austria, Slovenia, and the Adriatic Sea, it is a region of immense cultural blending, geographical diversity, and idyllic beauty./p>p>A huge part of the Friulano food tradition is the neighborhood em>frasca/em>. Historically found throughout Friuli, frascas were friendly and informal gathering places, a destination for farmers, friends, and families to share a meal and a bottle of wine. Identified by a tree branch hanging over a doorway portal, they were a symbol of local farm cuisine, wine, and warm hospitality. As the harvest came to a close, the branch would wither and change colors to indicate the end of the season. The frascas would then close their doors until the next year./p> /div> /div> /div> div classc-split__col c-split__col--empty> div classc-split__col-inner> div classc-split__image roleimg aria-labelan aerial view of a village filled with green areas and trees stylebackground-image: url(,format&csorigin);background-position: none>/div> /div> /div> /section> section classc-split c-split--vcenter revealable> div classc-split__col > div classc-split__col-inner> div classc-split__content content> h2 classh2 c-split__heading>Accolades/h2> p>strong>Michelin Guide/strong>/p>p>2023 | One Star/p>p>2023 | Outstanding Service Award/p>p>strong> img src,format&h1000 classfr-fic fr-dib data-alt_texticon alticon stylewidth: 89px;>/strong>/p>p>strong>James Beard Foundation Award for Excellence/strong>/p>p>2008 | Best Chef: Southwest em>Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson/em>/p>p>2013 | Outstanding Wine Service/p>p>2019 | Outstanding Service/p>p>img src,format&h1000 data-alt_texta close up of a sign classfr-fic fr-dib alta sign of the restaurants founder stylewidth: 122px;>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classc-split__col c-split__col--empty> div classc-split__col-inner> div classc-split__image roleimg aria-labela room filled with furniture and vase of flowers on a table stylebackground-image: url(,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5);background-position: 50.0% 50.0%>/div> /div> /div> /section> /main> aside classhospitality revealable> div classhospitality__list> div classhospitality__item> a href target_blank relnoopener> img src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5|resize(786) classFalse loadinglazy alta person in a dark room styleobject-position: 50.0% 50.0%;> /a> /div> div classhospitality__item> a href target_blank relnoopener> img src,format&csorigin&cropfocalpoint&fp-x0.5&fp-y0.5|resize(786) classFalse loadinglazy alta close up of a logo styleobject-position: 50.0% 50.0%;> /a> /div> div classhospitality__item> a href target_blank relnoopener> img 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