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She is the founder of Sonic Disturbances, an experimental label, she mentors emerging talent, promotes club nights and more. Lets catch up with her now../p>p>em>Recently i’ve been changing my music taste, no joke. I feel like I’m discovering music for the 1st time. I started to get into broken beat / dubstep / bass music over the last few months. I also started a new radio show on the best radio station SUBTLE RADIO. Imagine walking into a radio station and every show is run by labels / djs you just started to listen to. I’m also putting a night on at the new bass heavy club CU DALSTON on the 7th of February, its 100 cap small basement club with a mighty soundsystem. I have booked Berlin bass label crew Fear Of Silence, my next track will be on their compilation. I’m super excited to have them in London on my night. On the night will be Glut Sound and Buer one of the founders of SUBTLE RADIO. BIG BUSINESS!!!! Everyone is welcome and if any one struggles for funds please reach out. We have a few spots on our guest list. /em>/p>p>em>This was recorded at MACHINE WOMAN HQ ;P on my cdjs 2000 nexus + tascam DR 40. /em>/p>p>em>The idea for the mix was to share the music I’m excited about right now. Most of this sounds new to me, some tracks I found via TikTok like Deffy (big up), RAFA.wav from Paris really taken me back with his mixes and blends of dubstep and experimental, I have also included neogrime artist CSV, a very new genre to me. A couple of drops from Air Protection Office and Delta Division (playing at CU on 7th of February) and a track that changes tempo 5 times inside the track, I thought it was a rekordbox glitch but then you play it on cdjs it goes all Bermuda Triangle on you I never seen it before. I also put in a couple of my favourite Mexican artists Buena Tarde and Peso Pluma. They are both from Guadalajara, with all the exciting music coming from Mexico. This is a place I would love to visit. Also big love to Fracture as I recently went to his exhibition in Hackney and it was really inspiring to see the documentation of pirate radio culture./em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>My night SONIC DISTURBANCES on 7th of February with the bass heavy sweethearts 🖤 at CU DALSTON ;P + then a trip to Berlin to play at OHM !!! + new music and new signings to my labels SD. ohhh and a lot more of MWTV interviews + videos./em>/p>p>em>Thank you for inviting me/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>p>1. Sounds of the Jungle – Fracturebr />2. Complexity – Air Protection Officebr />3. Acid Saw – RAFA.wavbr />4. Feel U – CSVbr />5. To Find Love Is To Seek The End (feat. Flying Lotus) Ivy Lab Remix – Little Snakebr />6. U Don’t Wanna – DEFFYbr />7. Ocean of Data (New Mix sm1) – Mercy Systembr />8. No, Thank You. – DIESSAbr />9. Disposal Ashore – KAPHAbr />10. ERIXO – Buena Tardebr />11. Track ID – NoRecallbr />12. Real Shh (Combine Remix) – The Greysbr />13. Imagination – Delta Divisionbr />14. Monsoon – Ivy Labbr />15. Lemme Get That! – Buttybr />16. On Embers – EVIAN Christbr />17. Ella Baila Sola – Peso Pluma/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22727>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22727>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a>, a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>254/a>, a href reltag>bassline/a>, a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>BICEP MIX/a>, a href reltag>electronic/a>, a href reltag>feel my bicep/a>, a href reltag>fmb/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape/a>, a href reltag>Machine Woman/a>, a href reltag>sonic disturbances/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22718 classpost-22718 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-bicep tag-bicep-mix tag-feelmybicep-mix tag-fmb-mixtape tag-fmb-mixtape-series tag-matt-karmil> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:00 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>January 9, 2025/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22719 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, download,;>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this weeks episode of the FMB series, we have Matt Karmil, an in-demand producer, mixer, masterer and remixer making his own distinctive, dusky and elegant electronic music. Artists who have enlisted his skills include us, Underworld, Mall Grab, Jayda G, Sofia Kourtesis and more. His new album ‘No Going Back’ is the strongest expression of Matt’s artistic vision to date, combining microhouse, broken beat, dub techno and epic dark ambient. Let hear more../p>p>em>Recently, I’ve been surviving the Scandinavian winter, mixing records and making tunes./em>/p>p>em>I decided to make this mix from 100% unreleased material. Most of this was made using the Make Noise Morphagene, Bitwig, Ableton Live, XO drum sequencer and Shaperbox 3./em>/p>p>em>I often make my albums as continuous streams (“Will” in particular), and sometimes I split tracks off into individual ideas. For the mix I felt very free just to let it flow. So although there are distinct moments and tracks, it didn’t matter if ideas repeated or blended into the next track.span classgmail-apple-converted-space> /span>It was really interesting to turn out some demos and develop some rough ideas — previously I’d have tested these tunes in DJ sets and work out a general feel for arrangements etc., but this was another route to find something that makes sense to me.span classgmail-apple-converted-space> /span>Hopefully the final mix feels like a blend between an album, a mixtape and a soundtrack./em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>More of the same, really. I’ve a few collaborations planned, a lot of mixing work and I will also set up a smaller 2nd studio, this time in London. There’s quite a lot more of my own material coming too.span classgmail-apple-converted-space> /span>Looking forward to 2025!/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>p>1. Utter – Matt Karmilbr />2. Soubriquet – Matt Karmilbr />3. Too little, too late – Matt Karmilbr />4. Cologne’s promise – Matt Karmilbr />5. Endless quest – Matt Karmilbr />6. Keep moving on / shape the future – Matt Karmil – Respect to CDbr />7. More and more from less – Matt Karmil – Respect to NA, DLbr />8. Be cool a minute – Matt Karmilbr />9. Fadeout – Matt Karmilbr />10. SFP Refix – respect to JO – Matt Karmil/p>p>Ambience recorded by Puprleaux/p>p> /p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22718>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22718>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>BICEP MIX/a>, a href reltag>feelmybicep mix/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape series/a>, a href reltag>matt karmil/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22714 classpost-22714 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-acid tag-bicep tag-feelmybicep tag-fmb-252 tag-jungle tag-sacred-pools tag-toshiki-ohta> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:00 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>November 28, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22715 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA /a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this weeks episode of the FMB mixtape series we welcome Toshiki Ohta. He span stylefont-weight: 400;>is a London based Anglo-Japanese DJ and a co-host of the cult NTS show Sacred Pools. He’s known for mixing between textures, genres, tempos and styles, underground and overground, with a love for pitched down jungle, pitched up breakbeat rave, EBM, dark balearic and acid rollers. Let’s catch up… /span>/p>p>em>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Music wise, I’ve had a great year – for someone isn’t a “career” DJ, I’ve been lucky to play at some amazing spots in 2024 – Fabric for Daniel Avery’s Divided Love (b2b with Bicep support Manami), Queens Yard Summer Party, Love International, Waterworks and Field Maneuvers were some highlights. I’ve had a relatively quiet close to the year, but just had my NTS Sacred Pools show recently. /span>/em>/p>p>em>span stylefont-weight: 400;>This mix was recorded at home on x3 Pioneer XDJ1000 and a Pioneer DJM800 mixer. I actually recorded this in the middle of the night so I had to do this using my wife’s headphones (also not my usual AI AI AI ones as I have misplaced them…) as my family were asleep. It took over 20 attempts to record it as the first 4 minutes is three tracks layered over each other and trying to get that right with no monitor and non-dj standard headphones was a mission. Nailed it at 03:30 am… /span>/em>/p>p>em>span stylefont-weight: 400;>In the same way that Matt and Andy cover a wide range of BPMs and textures across what they play, I wanted to do the same with this mix where what I play is loosely in their world of music, but at the same time this is something to listen to rather than just hearing on the dance floor. I described it to Matt as “ethereal bangers” and this mix is relatively pacy with a 136 – 166 bpm range. I’ve dug deep into my collection for this, with tracks from 1991 through to 2024, with selections from all 4 decades. I love recording mixes just as much as I love playing to a dance floor. /span>/em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>Just locking in some dates for next year which is exciting. I’m playing for the Dairy Farm crew at Low Profile Studios Manor House, London tomorrow night (Friday 29th Nov) – that will be quite slamming hardcore / bass / techno / jungle set, then spending a month in Ibiza on a family trip (I’ll be playing at The Standard with legendary promoter Mark Broadbent on 12th December), and my first show next year is 28th February with Full Measure at The Waiting Room, Stoke Newington. Some very exciting festival and club dates to be announced…/em>/p>p>em>For mixes, I’m in conversation with an institutional London record store to contribute to their mix series which I’m excited about as well, plus the usual quarterly Sacred Pools show on NTS./em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>ol>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>The Gateway Experience – Twin Freaks | Stealth Records 1991/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Lobe – Limbic | Swim 1995/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Chemical Brothers – Leave Home (Terror Drums) | Freestyle Dust 1995/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>DJ Close Your Eyes To Find Me – Angel Trance Edit 11 | Falling Star Erotica 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Distance Dancer – Brain Dance | Nowt Music 2020/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>The Jaffa Kid – Ytron | Self Release 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Apollo Two – Return To Atlantis (LTJ Bukem Remix | Good Looking 1993/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Paranoid London – The State Of That | Self Release 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Pierre Rousseau – Mémoire De Forme (Joakim Redrum Remix) | Beats In Space 2023/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Mathis Ruffing – Somersault | none/such 2023/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>PAN-AL – It’s Rigged | Apollo Records 2019/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Slowdive – Kisses (Daniel Avery Remix) | Dead Oceans 2024/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>DJ Rap – A Strange Paradise | Propa Talent 2006/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Paul Blackford – Half Life | Deadlock 2009/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Scarper – Night Flight | Self Release 2018/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>DJ LHC – Blue Beam | ZONAᴇxᴘ 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Navdeep – Amrit | Nasha 2002/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Orca – Rain Of Drums | Lucky Spin 1993/span>/li>/ol>p> /p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22714>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22714>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>acid/a>, a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>feelmybicep/a>, a href reltag>fmb 252/a>, a href reltag>jungle/a>, a href reltag>Sacred pools/a>, a href reltag>Toshiki Ohta/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22708 classpost-22708 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-bicep tag-club tag-dance tag-electronic tag-feel-my-bicep tag-fmb-251 tag-fmb-mixtape tag-tia-cousins> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:00 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>November 14, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22711 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this week of the FMB Mixtape we welcome Tia Cousins, she is a collector with a passion for in-between sounds, for experimental genres and niches both old and new. She is the co-parent of the newly launched Music To Watch Seeds Grow Bt imprint & hosts a monthly show on Bristol’s Noods Radio. Let’s catch up with her…/p>p>em>In the beginning there was Tia, and Tia had a groove, and from this groove, came the groove of all grooves/em>/p>p>em>And while one day viciously throwing down on his box, Tia boldy declared, “Let there be CHUG!”/em>/p>p>em>I’ve been playing lots of fun gigs & getting stuff together for the launch of mine & Wil’s cassette/digital label ‘Music To Watch Seeds Grow By’. the first cassette drops later this month & we’ve got some other exciting releases in the pipeline too!/em>/p>p>em>I recorded this one morning at home on my housemates cdj set up – 2x CDJ900s, some sort of DJM mixer and a coffee next to me./em>/p>p>em>I get pretty stressed out recording mixes so I had a start and end track in mind, the rest is a bit of a freestyle. I guess it’s a snippet from a dark, sweaty club when you’re not too sure what the time is anymore./em>/p>p>Up next…/p>p>em>Winding down for the year! Got a few gigs for some homies – playing at Wigflex Exxxtra Long at Corsica Studios, Digital Garden’s first party at The Flying Duck in Glasgow and then me and my DJ partner in crime Ruf Dug will be hosting a pub quiz & 6 hour b2b for The Mirror Dance in Edinburgh!/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>ol>li>Paula Tape – Panamericana/li>li>Steele-Up – Waiting For You (Fabrizio Mammarella Rework)/li>li>Zerocks – Margin / Industrie/li>li>Iro Aka – Olafon/li>li>Dave Aju – Telekuneko/li>li>In Flagranti – Raw Substance (Eric Duncan Remix)/li>li>Cowboy Rhythmbox – Rock Music (Erol Alkan Rework)/li>li>Miss Represented – Crack That Habit (Johnny Aux Remix)/li>li>Open Secret – Chatterbox/li>li>Amor Fati – Mattie’s Word Down Edit/li>li>Idjut Boys – Schlagstock (Vacant Gaze Version)/li>li>Babes In Love – Bonus Babes Dub Reprise/li>li>Benedikt Frey – Dominatrix/li>li>Cute Heels – Third Skin (Steffi Remix)/li>li>Nova Materia – Aparence en Suenos/li>/ol>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22708>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22708>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>club/a>, a href reltag>dance/a>, a href reltag>electronic/a>, a href reltag>feel my bicep/a>, a href reltag>FMB 251/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape/a>, a href reltag>Tia cousins/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22702 classpost-22702 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-bicep tag-bicep-mix tag-breaks tag-fmb-250 tag-fmb-mixtape-series tag-rose-kourts tag-techno tag-trance> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title2:54 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>October 31, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22703 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this weeks episode of the FMB Mixtape series, we welcome Rose Kourts, the Brooklyn-based DJ and radio host whose built a reputation for sets that surprise and delight. She is a co-founder and resident of beloved renegade party Sweet Kicks and is a resident at Lot Radio for her show “GEMS”. Her selections weave through house, techno, electro, trance and jungle! Let’s catch up with her…/p>p>em>I’ve been keeping very busy! I’ve been on the road every month this year, and when I’m home I’m usually either DJing in NYC, prepping for an upcoming set, or out on a dancefloor enjoying the immense talent and incredible events we have here every weekend. Lately though I’ve also been sprinkling in weekends off for rest and self-care, which has looked like quality time with loved ones outside the club, going down rabbit holes at home with new records and assignments for an Ableton course I’m taking, and monthly trips to the sauna (new fave way to rejuvenate!). I also think it’s very important as an artist to slow down and take time to reflect on how your artistry is being expressed and received. This is especially true the bigger and bigger the opportunities coming your way get. Speaking personally, my entire year has seen nonstop, iconic, inspirational, wildly rewarding new experiences and connections and a few dreams come true so I have lots to reflect on and immense gratitude for all the trust to tear it up all over the place. At the risk of sounding cheesy I have genuinely just been soaking up the blessings, trying to take any stresses in stride and not limit myself in any of my own imaginings for the future./em>/p>p>em>I recorded this mix at home using two XDJ-1000s and a DJM-750 mixer, focusing on getting songs to kiss with one eye on the decks and one eye on my cats./em>/p>p>em>As this mix is scheduled to air on Halloween, I decided to take the phrase “bubble, bubble, toil and trouble” as inspiration. I wanted to conjure up a mix built around tracks that bring to mind a bubbling cauldron (is it a love potion, or poison?) and blend grooves that evoke mischief magic with those that hold a simmering darkness – ultimately with the goal of casting a spell upon my coven of listeners. I tend to be a rather genre-agnostic selector; while I originally thought I would lean entirely into a spooky bag, in the end I’m delighted that this mix traverses a range of moods across different corners of electronic music. Listening back I feel slinky sensuality playing an groovy tug of war with weirdo twists and turns. Very Rose Kourts./em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>When this mix comes out, I’ll be out in Montréal for the first time playing during Halloween weekend! Afterwards I’ll be taking a short break from gigs to focus on other creative projects, like production and a few more mixes I finally have the headspace for. I’m also taking some time to vision board the future; thinking about next iteration of dreamy gigs to work towards is the first step in manifesting, whenever the stars align. I am already working on dates for 2025, including a much anticipated EU tour in May (yes y’all, she’s back!) and would love to explore more of the world in next autumn. Unrelated to DJing, I’m delighted to be firmly in my Auntie era and am eager to share the joy of music with some sweet babies in my life :)/em>/p>p>em>P.S. Big love to Bicep for having me join their North America CHROMA tour date in NYC last month, and as a contributor on this excellent mix series!/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>ol>li>HONEY B & Next Dimensional – MYSTERY INC/li>li>Modini – Impressive Pineapple/li>li>Neil Landstrumm – Purple/li>li>Lady Blacktronika – Feel So Good/li>li>Mazewski & Verlake – Gokaider (Hizuo Remix)/li>li>estoc – A Sea of Flowers (Pollination Mix)/li>li>CCL – The Plot Thickens (ft. D Tiffany)/li>li>WILHELMINA – Loose/li>li>Jennifer Loveless – Pleasure (tINI Booty Remix)/li>li>Huey Mnemonic – Brainscraatch/li>li>Escaflowne – Monterey Bay/li>li>Paál – Quarter Pounder Remix (G. Flame’s Deeper Loft Dub)/li>li>WILHELMINA – DANCE RITUAL/li>li>WTCHCRFT – THE ENGINEER/li>li>Maōh – The Escape/li>li>Maōh – Time’s Up/li>li>Huey Mnemonic – Slipping into Madness/li>li>Regal86 – Cross-eye view/li>li>KETTALYNNE & Yazzus – Tefla/li>li>Maōh – Labyrinthion/li>li>Franco Alesso – Genetic Skunk (Original Mix)/li>/ol>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22702>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22702>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>BICEP MIX/a>, a href reltag>breaks/a>, a href reltag>FMB 250/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape series/a>, a href reltag>Rose Kourts/a>, a href reltag>TECHNO/a>, a href reltag>TRANCE/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idnav-below classnavigation> div classnav-previous>a href >span classmeta-nav>←/span> Older posts/a>/div> div classnav-next>/div> /div>!-- #nav-below --> /div>!-- #content --> /div>!-- #container --> div idprimary classwidget-area rolecomplementary> ul classxoxo> li idcustomizable-search classwidget-container widget_customizable_search> h3 classwidget-title>FLEX/h3> form methodget idsearchform action> div> input typetext value names size30 ids />input typesubmit valueBOOM /> /div> /form> /li>li idtext-5 classwidget-container widget_text>h3 classwidget-title>SPOTIFY/h3> div classtextwidget>iframe styleborder-radius:12px src width68% height152 frameBorder0 allowfullscreen allowautoplay; 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She is the founder of Sonic Disturbances, an experimental label, she mentors emerging talent, promotes club nights and more. Lets catch up with her now../p>p>em>Recently i’ve been changing my music taste, no joke. I feel like I’m discovering music for the 1st time. I started to get into broken beat / dubstep / bass music over the last few months. I also started a new radio show on the best radio station SUBTLE RADIO. Imagine walking into a radio station and every show is run by labels / djs you just started to listen to. I’m also putting a night on at the new bass heavy club CU DALSTON on the 7th of February, its 100 cap small basement club with a mighty soundsystem. I have booked Berlin bass label crew Fear Of Silence, my next track will be on their compilation. I’m super excited to have them in London on my night. On the night will be Glut Sound and Buer one of the founders of SUBTLE RADIO. BIG BUSINESS!!!! Everyone is welcome and if any one struggles for funds please reach out. We have a few spots on our guest list. /em>/p>p>em>This was recorded at MACHINE WOMAN HQ ;P on my cdjs 2000 nexus + tascam DR 40. /em>/p>p>em>The idea for the mix was to share the music I’m excited about right now. Most of this sounds new to me, some tracks I found via TikTok like Deffy (big up), RAFA.wav from Paris really taken me back with his mixes and blends of dubstep and experimental, I have also included neogrime artist CSV, a very new genre to me. A couple of drops from Air Protection Office and Delta Division (playing at CU on 7th of February) and a track that changes tempo 5 times inside the track, I thought it was a rekordbox glitch but then you play it on cdjs it goes all Bermuda Triangle on you I never seen it before. I also put in a couple of my favourite Mexican artists Buena Tarde and Peso Pluma. They are both from Guadalajara, with all the exciting music coming from Mexico. This is a place I would love to visit. Also big love to Fracture as I recently went to his exhibition in Hackney and it was really inspiring to see the documentation of pirate radio culture./em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>My night SONIC DISTURBANCES on 7th of February with the bass heavy sweethearts 🖤 at CU DALSTON ;P + then a trip to Berlin to play at OHM !!! + new music and new signings to my labels SD. ohhh and a lot more of MWTV interviews + videos./em>/p>p>em>Thank you for inviting me/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>p>1. Sounds of the Jungle – Fracturebr />2. Complexity – Air Protection Officebr />3. Acid Saw – RAFA.wavbr />4. Feel U – CSVbr />5. To Find Love Is To Seek The End (feat. Flying Lotus) Ivy Lab Remix – Little Snakebr />6. U Don’t Wanna – DEFFYbr />7. Ocean of Data (New Mix sm1) – Mercy Systembr />8. No, Thank You. – DIESSAbr />9. Disposal Ashore – KAPHAbr />10. ERIXO – Buena Tardebr />11. Track ID – NoRecallbr />12. Real Shh (Combine Remix) – The Greysbr />13. Imagination – Delta Divisionbr />14. Monsoon – Ivy Labbr />15. Lemme Get That! – Buttybr />16. On Embers – EVIAN Christbr />17. Ella Baila Sola – Peso Pluma/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22727>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22727>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a>, a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>254/a>, a href reltag>bassline/a>, a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>BICEP MIX/a>, a href reltag>electronic/a>, a href reltag>feel my bicep/a>, a href reltag>fmb/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape/a>, a href reltag>Machine Woman/a>, a href reltag>sonic disturbances/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22718 classpost-22718 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-bicep tag-bicep-mix tag-feelmybicep-mix tag-fmb-mixtape tag-fmb-mixtape-series tag-matt-karmil> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:00 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>January 9, 2025/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22719 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, download,;>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 253 | MATT KARMIL (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this weeks episode of the FMB series, we have Matt Karmil, an in-demand producer, mixer, masterer and remixer making his own distinctive, dusky and elegant electronic music. Artists who have enlisted his skills include us, Underworld, Mall Grab, Jayda G, Sofia Kourtesis and more. His new album ‘No Going Back’ is the strongest expression of Matt’s artistic vision to date, combining microhouse, broken beat, dub techno and epic dark ambient. Let hear more../p>p>em>Recently, I’ve been surviving the Scandinavian winter, mixing records and making tunes./em>/p>p>em>I decided to make this mix from 100% unreleased material. Most of this was made using the Make Noise Morphagene, Bitwig, Ableton Live, XO drum sequencer and Shaperbox 3./em>/p>p>em>I often make my albums as continuous streams (“Will” in particular), and sometimes I split tracks off into individual ideas. For the mix I felt very free just to let it flow. So although there are distinct moments and tracks, it didn’t matter if ideas repeated or blended into the next track.span classgmail-apple-converted-space> /span>It was really interesting to turn out some demos and develop some rough ideas — previously I’d have tested these tunes in DJ sets and work out a general feel for arrangements etc., but this was another route to find something that makes sense to me.span classgmail-apple-converted-space> /span>Hopefully the final mix feels like a blend between an album, a mixtape and a soundtrack./em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>More of the same, really. I’ve a few collaborations planned, a lot of mixing work and I will also set up a smaller 2nd studio, this time in London. There’s quite a lot more of my own material coming too.span classgmail-apple-converted-space> /span>Looking forward to 2025!/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>p>1. Utter – Matt Karmilbr />2. Soubriquet – Matt Karmilbr />3. Too little, too late – Matt Karmilbr />4. Cologne’s promise – Matt Karmilbr />5. Endless quest – Matt Karmilbr />6. Keep moving on / shape the future – Matt Karmil – Respect to CDbr />7. More and more from less – Matt Karmil – Respect to NA, DLbr />8. Be cool a minute – Matt Karmilbr />9. Fadeout – Matt Karmilbr />10. SFP Refix – respect to JO – Matt Karmil/p>p>Ambience recorded by Puprleaux/p>p> /p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22718>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22718>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>BICEP MIX/a>, a href reltag>feelmybicep mix/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape series/a>, a href reltag>matt karmil/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22714 classpost-22714 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-acid tag-bicep tag-feelmybicep tag-fmb-252 tag-jungle tag-sacred-pools tag-toshiki-ohta> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:00 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>November 28, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22715 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA /a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 252 | TOSHIKI OHTA (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this weeks episode of the FMB mixtape series we welcome Toshiki Ohta. He span stylefont-weight: 400;>is a London based Anglo-Japanese DJ and a co-host of the cult NTS show Sacred Pools. He’s known for mixing between textures, genres, tempos and styles, underground and overground, with a love for pitched down jungle, pitched up breakbeat rave, EBM, dark balearic and acid rollers. Let’s catch up… /span>/p>p>em>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Music wise, I’ve had a great year – for someone isn’t a “career” DJ, I’ve been lucky to play at some amazing spots in 2024 – Fabric for Daniel Avery’s Divided Love (b2b with Bicep support Manami), Queens Yard Summer Party, Love International, Waterworks and Field Maneuvers were some highlights. I’ve had a relatively quiet close to the year, but just had my NTS Sacred Pools show recently. /span>/em>/p>p>em>span stylefont-weight: 400;>This mix was recorded at home on x3 Pioneer XDJ1000 and a Pioneer DJM800 mixer. I actually recorded this in the middle of the night so I had to do this using my wife’s headphones (also not my usual AI AI AI ones as I have misplaced them…) as my family were asleep. It took over 20 attempts to record it as the first 4 minutes is three tracks layered over each other and trying to get that right with no monitor and non-dj standard headphones was a mission. Nailed it at 03:30 am… /span>/em>/p>p>em>span stylefont-weight: 400;>In the same way that Matt and Andy cover a wide range of BPMs and textures across what they play, I wanted to do the same with this mix where what I play is loosely in their world of music, but at the same time this is something to listen to rather than just hearing on the dance floor. I described it to Matt as “ethereal bangers” and this mix is relatively pacy with a 136 – 166 bpm range. I’ve dug deep into my collection for this, with tracks from 1991 through to 2024, with selections from all 4 decades. I love recording mixes just as much as I love playing to a dance floor. /span>/em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>Just locking in some dates for next year which is exciting. I’m playing for the Dairy Farm crew at Low Profile Studios Manor House, London tomorrow night (Friday 29th Nov) – that will be quite slamming hardcore / bass / techno / jungle set, then spending a month in Ibiza on a family trip (I’ll be playing at The Standard with legendary promoter Mark Broadbent on 12th December), and my first show next year is 28th February with Full Measure at The Waiting Room, Stoke Newington. Some very exciting festival and club dates to be announced…/em>/p>p>em>For mixes, I’m in conversation with an institutional London record store to contribute to their mix series which I’m excited about as well, plus the usual quarterly Sacred Pools show on NTS./em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>ol>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>The Gateway Experience – Twin Freaks | Stealth Records 1991/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Lobe – Limbic | Swim 1995/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Chemical Brothers – Leave Home (Terror Drums) | Freestyle Dust 1995/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>DJ Close Your Eyes To Find Me – Angel Trance Edit 11 | Falling Star Erotica 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Distance Dancer – Brain Dance | Nowt Music 2020/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>The Jaffa Kid – Ytron | Self Release 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Apollo Two – Return To Atlantis (LTJ Bukem Remix | Good Looking 1993/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Paranoid London – The State Of That | Self Release 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Pierre Rousseau – Mémoire De Forme (Joakim Redrum Remix) | Beats In Space 2023/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Mathis Ruffing – Somersault | none/such 2023/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>PAN-AL – It’s Rigged | Apollo Records 2019/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Slowdive – Kisses (Daniel Avery Remix) | Dead Oceans 2024/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>DJ Rap – A Strange Paradise | Propa Talent 2006/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Paul Blackford – Half Life | Deadlock 2009/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Scarper – Night Flight | Self Release 2018/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>DJ LHC – Blue Beam | ZONAᴇxᴘ 2021/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Navdeep – Amrit | Nasha 2002/span>/li>li stylefont-weight: 400; aria-level1>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Orca – Rain Of Drums | Lucky Spin 1993/span>/li>/ol>p> /p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22714>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22714>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>acid/a>, a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>feelmybicep/a>, a href reltag>fmb 252/a>, a href reltag>jungle/a>, a href reltag>Sacred pools/a>, a href reltag>Toshiki Ohta/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22708 classpost-22708 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-bicep tag-club tag-dance tag-electronic tag-feel-my-bicep tag-fmb-251 tag-fmb-mixtape tag-tia-cousins> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:00 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>November 14, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22711 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 251 | TIA COUSINS (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this week of the FMB Mixtape we welcome Tia Cousins, she is a collector with a passion for in-between sounds, for experimental genres and niches both old and new. She is the co-parent of the newly launched Music To Watch Seeds Grow Bt imprint & hosts a monthly show on Bristol’s Noods Radio. Let’s catch up with her…/p>p>em>In the beginning there was Tia, and Tia had a groove, and from this groove, came the groove of all grooves/em>/p>p>em>And while one day viciously throwing down on his box, Tia boldy declared, “Let there be CHUG!”/em>/p>p>em>I’ve been playing lots of fun gigs & getting stuff together for the launch of mine & Wil’s cassette/digital label ‘Music To Watch Seeds Grow By’. the first cassette drops later this month & we’ve got some other exciting releases in the pipeline too!/em>/p>p>em>I recorded this one morning at home on my housemates cdj set up – 2x CDJ900s, some sort of DJM mixer and a coffee next to me./em>/p>p>em>I get pretty stressed out recording mixes so I had a start and end track in mind, the rest is a bit of a freestyle. I guess it’s a snippet from a dark, sweaty club when you’re not too sure what the time is anymore./em>/p>p>Up next…/p>p>em>Winding down for the year! Got a few gigs for some homies – playing at Wigflex Exxxtra Long at Corsica Studios, Digital Garden’s first party at The Flying Duck in Glasgow and then me and my DJ partner in crime Ruf Dug will be hosting a pub quiz & 6 hour b2b for The Mirror Dance in Edinburgh!/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>ol>li>Paula Tape – Panamericana/li>li>Steele-Up – Waiting For You (Fabrizio Mammarella Rework)/li>li>Zerocks – Margin / Industrie/li>li>Iro Aka – Olafon/li>li>Dave Aju – Telekuneko/li>li>In Flagranti – Raw Substance (Eric Duncan Remix)/li>li>Cowboy Rhythmbox – Rock Music (Erol Alkan Rework)/li>li>Miss Represented – Crack That Habit (Johnny Aux Remix)/li>li>Open Secret – Chatterbox/li>li>Amor Fati – Mattie’s Word Down Edit/li>li>Idjut Boys – Schlagstock (Vacant Gaze Version)/li>li>Babes In Love – Bonus Babes Dub Reprise/li>li>Benedikt Frey – Dominatrix/li>li>Cute Heels – Third Skin (Steffi Remix)/li>li>Nova Materia – Aparence en Suenos/li>/ol>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22708>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22708>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>club/a>, a href reltag>dance/a>, a href reltag>electronic/a>, a href reltag>feel my bicep/a>, a href reltag>FMB 251/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape/a>, a href reltag>Tia cousins/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idpost-22702 classpost-22702 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fmbpodcastfmb tag-bicep tag-bicep-mix tag-breaks tag-fmb-250 tag-fmb-mixtape-series tag-rose-kourts tag-techno tag-trance> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS relbookmark>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title2:54 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>October 31, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Feel My Bicep>Feel My Bicep/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>img classalignnone size-full wp-image-22703 src alt srcset 600w, 150w, 300w, 500w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px data-recalc-dims1 />/p>p>a href>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (320 DOWNLOAD));>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (320 DOWNLOAD)/a>/p>p>a href onclick__gaTracker(send, event, outbound-article,, FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (iTUNES));>FMB MIXTAPE 250 | ROSE KOURTS (iTUNES)/a>/p>p>On this weeks episode of the FMB Mixtape series, we welcome Rose Kourts, the Brooklyn-based DJ and radio host whose built a reputation for sets that surprise and delight. She is a co-founder and resident of beloved renegade party Sweet Kicks and is a resident at Lot Radio for her show “GEMS”. Her selections weave through house, techno, electro, trance and jungle! Let’s catch up with her…/p>p>em>I’ve been keeping very busy! I’ve been on the road every month this year, and when I’m home I’m usually either DJing in NYC, prepping for an upcoming set, or out on a dancefloor enjoying the immense talent and incredible events we have here every weekend. Lately though I’ve also been sprinkling in weekends off for rest and self-care, which has looked like quality time with loved ones outside the club, going down rabbit holes at home with new records and assignments for an Ableton course I’m taking, and monthly trips to the sauna (new fave way to rejuvenate!). I also think it’s very important as an artist to slow down and take time to reflect on how your artistry is being expressed and received. This is especially true the bigger and bigger the opportunities coming your way get. Speaking personally, my entire year has seen nonstop, iconic, inspirational, wildly rewarding new experiences and connections and a few dreams come true so I have lots to reflect on and immense gratitude for all the trust to tear it up all over the place. At the risk of sounding cheesy I have genuinely just been soaking up the blessings, trying to take any stresses in stride and not limit myself in any of my own imaginings for the future./em>/p>p>em>I recorded this mix at home using two XDJ-1000s and a DJM-750 mixer, focusing on getting songs to kiss with one eye on the decks and one eye on my cats./em>/p>p>em>As this mix is scheduled to air on Halloween, I decided to take the phrase “bubble, bubble, toil and trouble” as inspiration. I wanted to conjure up a mix built around tracks that bring to mind a bubbling cauldron (is it a love potion, or poison?) and blend grooves that evoke mischief magic with those that hold a simmering darkness – ultimately with the goal of casting a spell upon my coven of listeners. I tend to be a rather genre-agnostic selector; while I originally thought I would lean entirely into a spooky bag, in the end I’m delighted that this mix traverses a range of moods across different corners of electronic music. Listening back I feel slinky sensuality playing an groovy tug of war with weirdo twists and turns. Very Rose Kourts./em>/p>p>Up Next…/p>p>em>When this mix comes out, I’ll be out in Montréal for the first time playing during Halloween weekend! Afterwards I’ll be taking a short break from gigs to focus on other creative projects, like production and a few more mixes I finally have the headspace for. I’m also taking some time to vision board the future; thinking about next iteration of dreamy gigs to work towards is the first step in manifesting, whenever the stars align. I am already working on dates for 2025, including a much anticipated EU tour in May (yes y’all, she’s back!) and would love to explore more of the world in next autumn. Unrelated to DJing, I’m delighted to be firmly in my Auntie era and am eager to share the joy of music with some sweet babies in my life :)/em>/p>p>em>P.S. Big love to Bicep for having me join their North America CHROMA tour date in NYC last month, and as a contributor on this excellent mix series!/em>/p>p>Tracklist:/p>ol>li>HONEY B & Next Dimensional – MYSTERY INC/li>li>Modini – Impressive Pineapple/li>li>Neil Landstrumm – Purple/li>li>Lady Blacktronika – Feel So Good/li>li>Mazewski & Verlake – Gokaider (Hizuo Remix)/li>li>estoc – A Sea of Flowers (Pollination Mix)/li>li>CCL – The Plot Thickens (ft. D Tiffany)/li>li>WILHELMINA – Loose/li>li>Jennifer Loveless – Pleasure (tINI Booty Remix)/li>li>Huey Mnemonic – Brainscraatch/li>li>Escaflowne – Monterey Bay/li>li>Paál – Quarter Pounder Remix (G. Flame’s Deeper Loft Dub)/li>li>WILHELMINA – DANCE RITUAL/li>li>WTCHCRFT – THE ENGINEER/li>li>Maōh – The Escape/li>li>Maōh – Time’s Up/li>li>Huey Mnemonic – Slipping into Madness/li>li>Regal86 – Cross-eye view/li>li>KETTALYNNE & Yazzus – Tefla/li>li>Maōh – Labyrinthion/li>li>Franco Alesso – Genetic Skunk (Original Mix)/li>/ol>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>PUMP IT/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleShare on Facebook idsharing-facebook-22702>span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter idsharing-twitter-22702>span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>FMB MIXTAPE SERIES/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classtag-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>BICEP/a>, a href reltag>BICEP MIX/a>, a href reltag>breaks/a>, a href reltag>FMB 250/a>, a href reltag>fmb mixtape series/a>, a href reltag>Rose Kourts/a>, a href reltag>TECHNO/a>, a href reltag>TRANCE/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-## --> div idnav-below classnavigation> div classnav-previous>a href >span classmeta-nav>←/span> Older posts/a>/div> div classnav-next>/div> /div>!-- #nav-below --> /div>!-- #content --> /div>!-- #container --> div idprimary classwidget-area rolecomplementary> ul classxoxo> li idcustomizable-search classwidget-container widget_customizable_search> h3 classwidget-title>FLEX/h3> form methodget idsearchform action> div> input typetext value names size30 ids />input typesubmit valueBOOM /> /div> /form> /li>li idtext-5 classwidget-container widget_text>h3 classwidget-title>SPOTIFY/h3> div classtextwidget>iframe styleborder-radius:12px src width68% height152 frameBorder0 allowfullscreen allowautoplay; 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