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margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px;>form idsearchform methodget action/index.php>input typetext valueSearch this website... names ids onfocusif (this.value Search this website...) {this.value ;} onblurif (this.value ) {this.value Search this website...;} />input typesubmit idsbutt valueGO />/form>/div>/div>/div>div classmaincontent>/div>div idpage classclearfix>div idcontentleft classmaincontent>div idcontent classclearfix>!-- h2 classfeature-title>span>Recent Articles/span>/h2> -->div classpost-16073 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-favbrowsercom idpost-main-16073>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Good Bye and Thank You!>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Good Bye and Thank You!>Good Bye and Thank You!/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | January 14, 2016/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for Good Bye and Thank You!>37 Comments/a>/span>/div>p>img src altGood Bye and Thank You! width625 height469 classalignnone size-full wp-image-16077 srcset 625w, 300w sizes(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px />/p>p>Hey guys,/p>p>As the title suggests, I am saying good bye to this little project of mine. It’s been an absolute pleasure to write about the web browsers, join / create flame wars and just be a part of this passionate community. Here’s a small secret: during tough times, while I was extremely sick, I would first post a news article, and only then call the ambulance / be taken to the hospital. I was extremely committed on keeping you updated but after 7 years (I’ve started this blog when I was 20 years old), it is time for me to move on. /p>p>strong>FavBrowser will live on/strong>, and will be updated by the new and awesome people so don’t worry. Just give it some time. /p>p>What am I going to do next? Focus on my health, investments and organic tea / hosting projects. Feel free to strong>add to me on Facebook/strong> if you want to chat / keep in touch or a href>strong>join this post discussion here/strong>/a>./p>p>I am extremely grateful to all of you. Take care and thank you, thank you, thank you!/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16070 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-google-chrome category-security category-web-browsers tag-chrome tag-google idpost-main-16070>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to AVG Chrome Extension Makes Users Vulnerable>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to AVG Chrome Extension Makes Users Vulnerable>AVG Chrome Extension Makes Users Vulnerable/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 30, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for AVG Chrome Extension Makes Users Vulnerable>0 Comments/a>/span>/div>p>img src width128 height128 altAVG Chrome Extension Makes Users Vulnerable classalignright />You would think that installing extension that is bundled with your anti-virus software will make you more secure but as it turns out, at least in this case, it’s the opposite./p>p>What are we talking about? The extension called WebTuneUp, which flags search results that might appear suspicious, although Google already does the very same thing, it looks like AVG did a pretty decent job at convincing that you need more protection./p>p>And just as with every software, a new exploit has been found, as explained by Tavis Ormandy, “This extension adds numerous JavaScript API’s to Chrome, apparently so that they can hijack search settings and the new tab page. The installation process is quite complicated so that they can bypass the chrome malware checks, which specifically tries to stop abuse of the extension API. Anyway, many of the API’s are broken.”br /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16067 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-fun category-web-browsers tag-browsers tag-web idpost-main-16067>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Control Family’s Christmas Lights with From Web Browser>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Control Family’s Christmas Lights with From Web Browser>Control Family’s Christmas Lights with From Web Browser/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 28, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for Control Family’s Christmas Lights with From Web Browser>0 Comments/a>/span>/div>p>img src width128 height128 altControl Family’s Christmas Lights with From Web Browser classalignright />On or off./p>p>While not as fun as controlling fireworks, one family has decided to share their Christmas spirit with others and created a simple website, where you can control holiday decorations from your web browser. /p>p>As it turns out, this is not their first time either, the couple has been doing this since 2010. Hopefully, next year they will think of something better than just on and off /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16064 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-favbrowsercom idpost-main-16064>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Happy Holidays!>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Happy Holidays!>Happy Holidays!/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 25, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for Happy Holidays!>1 Comment/a>/span>/div>p>img src altHappy Holidays! width625 height417 classalignnone size-full wp-image-16065 />/p>p>Hey guys,/p>p>We just wanted to wish you a very Happy Holidays. Thank you for being a part of our community and as always, enjoy the company and warmth that these holidays bring, be it from your friends, your family or your /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16062 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-google-chrome category-microsoft-edge category-security tag-chrome tag-google tag-security tag-ssl idpost-main-16062>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to SHA-1 Certificates Will Soon Be Deemed Invalid by Google Chrome>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to SHA-1 Certificates Will Soon Be Deemed Invalid by Google Chrome>SHA-1 Certificates Will Soon Be Deemed Invalid by Google Chrome/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 22, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for SHA-1 Certificates Will Soon Be Deemed Invalid by Google Chrome>0 Comments/a>/span>/div>p>img src width128 height128 altSHA-1 Certificates Will Soon Be Deemed Invalid by Google Chrome classalignright />At least the new ones./p>p>As a part of Google’s program to get rid of the unsafe certificates and clean up the web, the search giant has announced that starting from early 2016, Google Chrome 48 will display a certificate error if the site:/p>p>– Uses the SHA-1 based certificate,br />– The certificate is issued after January 1, 2016br />– And it chains to a public CAbr /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16060 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-finances category-opera category-opera-software tag-opera tag-software idpost-main-16060>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Exclusive: Opera to Spin Off Browser Business>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Exclusive: Opera to Spin Off Browser Business>Exclusive: Opera to Spin Off Browser Business/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 21, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for Exclusive: Opera to Spin Off Browser Business>1 Comment/a>/span>/div>p>img src width128 height128 altExclusive: Opera to Spin Off Browser Business classalignright />It will remain the owner./p>p>Now here is something that does not happen every day. According to the email we have received, Opera’s board of directors wants to separate browser and TV business into two separate companies, which will still be owned by the Opera Software ASA./p>p>Why? It’s part of their global restructuring, which should help to provide more flexibility for both /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16056 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-market-share category-microsoft-edge tag-edge tag-microsoft idpost-main-16056>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Microsoft Edge is Losing Market Share>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Microsoft Edge is Losing Market Share>Microsoft Edge is Losing Market Share/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 20, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for Microsoft Edge is Losing Market Share>3 Comments/a>/span>/div>p>This is what you get for releasing beta as final./p>p>Despite the ever growing number of Windows 10 installs and touted Edge improvements, it looks like more and more users have switched from Microsoft’s latest browser (which we consider to be the Beta product anyway) to something more serious./p>p>Now, before you point out that Edge’s market share is actually slowly growing, we want to remind you that this is the Windows 10 users report only. Yes, Edge is growing due to more and more people upgrading to Windows 10, but those that do don’t stick with it, at least for now./p>p>So what does the current Edge market share chart look like?br /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16054 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-microsoft-edge tag-edge tag-microsoft tag-redstone tag-windows idpost-main-16054>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to First Windows Redstone Build Includes Hints at Edge Extensions>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to First Windows Redstone Build Includes Hints at Edge Extensions>First Windows Redstone Build Includes Hints at Edge Extensions/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 18, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for First Windows Redstone Build Includes Hints at Edge Extensions>0 Comments/a>/span>/div>p>img src width128 height128 altFirst Windows Redstone Build Includes Hints at Edge Extensions classalignright />Build 11082/p>p>Earlier this week, the software giant has released the very first (of many) Windows Redstone build for the Insiders, which, according to Microsoft, does not include any new features but instead, focuses on the underground changes that will lay the foundation for the upcoming batches./p>p>If you are not familiar with Redstone, it’s basically the next major upgrade for the Windows 10 users, set for 2016./p>p>So what does the Redstone have to do with browsers? Well, this is likely when the support for extensions will be introduced on Edge and now, it looks the very first public Redstone build does already contain some of the /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16050 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-firefox tag-firefox tag-mozilla idpost-main-16050>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Firefox 64-bit for Windows Now Available>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Firefox 64-bit for Windows Now Available>Firefox 64-bit for Windows Now Available/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 16, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for Firefox 64-bit for Windows Now Available>4 Comments/a>/span>/div>p>img src width128 height128 altFirefox 64-bit for Windows Now Available classalignright />Grab it now./p>p>With the recent release of Firefox 43, Mozilla has finally introduced the stable 64-bit build for Windows users, something we have been waiting for almost a decade./p>p>In case you forgot, Mozilla has abandoned the 64-bit builds back in 2012 due to the “significant negative feedback” only to change their minds /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classpost-16048 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-google-chrome category-tips-google-chrome tag-chrome tag-google tag-star-wars tag-tips idpost-main-16048>div classentry basic-1 clearfix>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Google Chrome Tip: Block Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers>/a>h2 classpost-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Google Chrome Tip: Block Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers>Google Chrome Tip: Block Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers/a>/h2>div classmeta>span classmeta-date>By a href titlePosts by Vygantas relauthor>Vygantas/a> | December 15, 2015/span> | span classmeta-comments>a href relbookmark titleComments for Google Chrome Tip: Block Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers>1 Comment/a>/span>/div>p>img src width128 height128 altGoogle Chrome Tip: Block Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers classalignright />I’m not your father./p>p>If you are not going to watch the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie as soon as it is released and would like to save yourself from potentially ruining your own mood by reading spoilers, then here is a tip for you./p>p>A company called Priceless Misc has developed an extension called “Force Block”, which will block pages that are likely to spoil the movie, it also includes whitelisting in case of a false alarm as well as pattern /> a href classmore-link relnofollow>Continue Reading/a>/p>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>div classnavigation clearfix> div classwp-pagenavi>span classpages>Page 1 of 335/span>span classcurrent>1/span>a classpage 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