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In/em> - Supports Bar Code key tags, and real-time membership alerts... /span>/td> td>img namevt_front_r2_c10 srcimages/vt_front_r2_c10.jpg width7 height161 border0 idvt_front_r2_c10 alt />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> !-- row 2 --> td>table alignleft border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width262> tr> !-- row 1 --> td>img namevt_front_r4_c6 srcimages/vt_front_r4_c6.jpg width185 height28 border0 idvt_front_r4_c6 alt />/td> td>a hreffeatures.html>img namevt_front_r4_c8 srcimages/vt_front_r4_c8.jpg width66 height28 border0 idvt_front_r4_c8 alt />/a>/td> td>img namevt_front_r4_c9 srcimages/vt_front_r4_c9.jpg width11 height28 border0 idvt_front_r4_c9 alt />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> !-- row 3 --> td>img namevt_front_r6_c6 srcimages/vt_front_r6_c6.jpg width262 height100 border0 idvt_front_r6_c6 alt />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> !-- row 3 --> td>table alignleft border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width562> tr> !-- row 1 --> td>img namevt_front_r10_c1 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With our partners, eVendo provides a total solution for the health club owner, including integration with 3rd party billing companies, and most business accounting packages (including Quickbooks). eVendo is.../p> /td> /tr> tr> !-- row 2 --> td>table alignleft border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width248> tr> !-- row 1 --> td bgcolor#4C5359>div alignright>a hrefabout.html>img namevt_front_r4_c3 srcimages/vt_front_r4_c3.jpg width69 height12 border0 idvt_front_r4_c3 alt />/a>/div>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> td>img namevt_front_r2_c5 srcimages/vt_front_r2_c5.jpg width13 height192 border0 idvt_front_r2_c5 alt />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> !-- row 2 --> td>img namevt_front_r7_c1 srcimages/vt_front_r7_c1.jpg width300 height14 border0 idvt_front_r7_c1 alt />/td> /tr> tr> !-- row 3 --> td>img namevt_front_r8_c1 srcimages/vt_front_r8_c1.jpg width300 height33 border0 idvt_front_r8_c1 alt />/td> /tr> tr> !-- row 4 --> td>table alignleft border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width300> tr> 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