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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 11:44:32 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.54 (Ubuntu)Last-Modified: Thu, 06 Jul 2017 01:50:00 GMTETag: 7bf-5539c55a4365dAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 1983Vary: Accept- html>head> title>Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Hannes Ervens Homepage/title>/head>body>!--p>a href>imgsrc petition bannerwidth732 height121 />/a> /p>-->p>/p>h1>Dipl.-Ing. Mag. (MSc MSc) Hannes Ervens Homepage/h1>p>Having finished my studies of i>Computer Science/i> and i>Business Informatics/i> at the a href>Vienna University of Technology/a>in May 2007, b>I offer professional business consulting, programming and general IT services/b> with experience in that field since 2000./b>My home is in a href>Vienna, Austria/a>./p>p>Since 2017, I own and run a href//>Handig Eekhoorn GmbH/a>. The company focuses on agile software development and builds tailor-made IT solutions for customers of varying size and industries./p>p>h2>I am also involved in these Open Source projects:/h2>ul> li>a href>Eclipse Libra/a> WAR Product Export committer/maintainer/A> li>a href>Eclipse IDE user, Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) application developer/A> li>a href>PostgreSQL/A> DBA and a href>Java/A> developer/a> li>developer with the a href>Apache Web Services Project/a>,br>namely the a href>Apache Kandula 1/A> transaction framework for WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and in particular the WS-BusinessActivity implementation/ul>/p>p>h2>Other interests:/h2>ul> li>travel, especially to Spain and Portugal li>aviation li>photography/ul>/p>h5>If you are interested in my work, research or would like to contact me: a>>./h5>/body>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 11:44:33 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.54 (Ubuntu)Last-Modified: Thu, 06 Jul 2017 01:50:00 GMTETag: 7bf-5539c55a4365dAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 1983Vary: Accept- html>head> title>Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Hannes Ervens Homepage/title>/head>body>!--p>a href>imgsrc petition bannerwidth732 height121 />/a> /p>-->p>/p>h1>Dipl.-Ing. Mag. (MSc MSc) Hannes Ervens Homepage/h1>p>Having finished my studies of i>Computer Science/i> and i>Business Informatics/i> at the a href>Vienna University of Technology/a>in May 2007, b>I offer professional business consulting, programming and general IT services/b> with experience in that field since 2000./b>My home is in a href>Vienna, Austria/a>./p>p>Since 2017, I own and run a href//>Handig Eekhoorn GmbH/a>. The company focuses on agile software development and builds tailor-made IT solutions for customers of varying size and industries./p>p>h2>I am also involved in these Open Source projects:/h2>ul> li>a href>Eclipse Libra/a> WAR Product Export committer/maintainer/A> li>a href>Eclipse IDE user, Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) application developer/A> li>a href>PostgreSQL/A> DBA and a href>Java/A> developer/a> li>developer with the a href>Apache Web Services Project/a>,br>namely the a href>Apache Kandula 1/A> transaction framework for WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and in particular the WS-BusinessActivity implementation/ul>/p>p>h2>Other interests:/h2>ul> li>travel, especially to Spain and Portugal li>aviation li>photography/ul>/p>h5>If you are interested in my work, research or would like to contact me: a>>./h5>/body>
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