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Engineering/a> | a hrefMechanical>Mechanical Engineering/a> | a hrefMarine> Marine Engineering/a> | a hrefCivil> Civil Engineering/a> | a hrefSoftware>Software Engineering/a> /p> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>div classtemplatemo-service> div classcontainer> p>Engineering Conference Alerts has been a trusted partner to user to search International Conferences on Engineering, Technology and relevant fields. Conference Alerts and Notification are provided to subscribers which help them to know about Upcoming International Conferences in the year 2019. Conference at Singapore, Dubai, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and all major cities as well as conferences in other countries like USA, China, India could be found easily at few finger clicks./p> h4>Conducting an International Conference:/h4> p>Conducting international and national level conferences and symposiums in colleges are important to provide a outer world iteration and exposure to staffs and students of the institution. Scientific events and conferences includes technical interactions between professionals, researchers and academician to inculcate the applications of science and technology .Organizing an international conference and Upcoming conference alerts includes few major activities like initial activities, publicity and announcement ,publications and review and conference management./p> h4>Initial Activities:/h4> p>These includes the conference initiation approaches like finalizing the title and topics for the conference. The title of the conference we decide to initiate should be cache, short and palatable to get what the conference is about. Dates for the conference should be scheduled with a ample time for publicity and convenience of attendees should be prioritized .Once the date ,place and the conference title is finalized the organizer should release the initial announcement which should include a brief description and a brief agenda which should be posted in online, print and electronic media . The department of Human resource development should be intimated about the international conference alerts chennai to facilitate oversea attendees to avail visa to reach the conference venue. Following the above state the conference website should be created with all detail information like important dates, place and tracks or sessions included./p> h4>Posting/Indexing:/h4> p>The conference should be posted at Conference alerts which indexes the international and national conferences scheduled at business cities across the world in its calendar. Conference organizer can post the conference details and banners at the advertisement and highlighted pages of conference alerts to make a better publicity. Conference alerts also provides different packages for the advertisement of the conference which are very effective to reach the interested conference attendees./p> h4>Publications:/h4> p>The research articles presented in the conference are published in the conference proceedings and journals. Colleges can take help of publishers like Springers, IEEE, Elsevier and IFERP to make the articles and research abstracts published in the proceedings and journals. Accepted research paper should undergo a strict and peer review to avoid plagiarism before getting published./p> h4>Conference Management:/h4> p>Conference and scientific event management is a professional art of executing a conference and could be outsourced with reputed event management companies. This includes treatment to guest, speakers and other attendees as well as operation of help desk and registration counters. The sessions are followed by keynote addresses of invited eminent speakers and interactive presentation of thought provoking scientific ideas. The attendees are served with buffet lunch and the post lunch a session is terminated with winding activities like vote of thanks by the convener and organizer./p> /div>/div>div classtemplatemo-event> div classcontainer> h1>i classfa fa-calendar aria-hiddentrue>/i> Upcoming Conference Alerts List/h1> div classsee-all> div classcol-md-9> !--h1 classup-con>i classfa fa-calendar aria-hiddentrue>/i> Upcoming Conference Alerts List/h1>--> div idexTab2> input idtab1 typeradio nametabs checked> label fortab1 name1 classtabname >All/label> input idtab2 typeradio nametabs> label fortab2 name2 classtabname>January/label> input idtab3 typeradio nametabs> label fortab3 name3 classtabname> March/label> input idtab4 typeradio nametabs> label fortab4 name4 classtabname> March/label> input idtab5 typeradio nametabs> label fortab5 name5 classtabname> April/label> input idtab6 typeradio nametabs> label fortab6 name6 classtabname> May/label> input idtab7 typeradio nametabs> label fortab7 name7 classtabname> June/label> input idtab8 typeradio nametabs> label fortab8 name8 classtabname> July/label> input idtab9 typeradio nametabs> label fortab9 name9 classtabname> August/label> input idtab10 typeradio nametabs> label fortab10 name10 classtabname> September/label> input idtab11 typeradio nametabs> label fortab11 name11 classtabname> October/label> !--input idtab9 typeradio nametabs> label fortab9>September/label>--> section idcontent1> h3>All Conference List/h3> p> table idusers-table1 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent2> h3>January/h3> p> table idusers-table2 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent3> h3>March/h3> p> table idusers-table3 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent4> h3>March/h3> p> table idusers-table4 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent5> h3>April/h3> p> table idusers-table5 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent6> h3>May/h3> p> table idusers-table6 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent7> h3>June/h3> p> table idusers-table7 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent8> h3>July/h3> p> table idusers-table8 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent9> h3>August/h3> p> table idusers-table9 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent10> h3>September/h3> p> table idusers-table10 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> section idcontent11> h3>October/h3> p> table idusers-table11 classtable table-hover> thead> tr> th>Date/th> th>Conference Name/th> th>Venue/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /p> /section> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3> !--div classbann> div classbanner> /div> /div> --> div classbann> div classfb-page fb_iframe_widget data-href data-height500px data-hide-covertrue data-show-facepiletrue data-show-poststrue fb-xfbml-staterendered fb-iframe-plugin-queryapp_id&container_width350&height500&hide_covertrue&>span stylevertical-align: bottom; width: 100%; height: 500px;>iframe namef1253a8f4eb32a8 width100% height500px frameborder0 allowtransparencytrue allowfullscreentrue scrollingno titlefb:page Facebook Social Plugin src styleborder: none; visibility: visible; width: 100%; height: 500px; class>/iframe>/span>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /.row --> /div> !-- /.container -->/div>div classtemplatemo-footer > div classcontainer> div classrow> div classtext-center> div classfooter_container> ul classlist-inline> li> a classtwitter-share-button href> img src alttwitter target_blank> /a> /li> li> div classfb-share-button data-href data-layoutbutton data-sizelarge data-mobile-iframetrue>a target_blank href classfb-xfbml-parse-ignore> img src alttwitter target_blank>/a>/div> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src alttwitter target_blank> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src alttwitter target_blank> /a> /li> !--li>a href data-actionshare/whatsapp/share>Share via Whatsapp/a>/li>--> /ul> div classlist-inline-sec> ul> li> a href> Add Event | /a> /li> li> a href> Subscribe | /a> /li> li> a href> How to use our site? 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