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/a> div classmobileButtons> div classe-search> a classnav-search icon> i classfa fa-search>/i> /a> /div> div classe-menu> span>/span> span>/span> span>/span> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-9 col-lg-8 no-padding-sm> div classn-mainmenu> ul classmenulist> li classmenulink> a href/mental-health-topics/>Mental Health Topics/a> div classn-megaMenu> div classrow> div classcol-xs-4 textblock> div classtext> h4>Mental Health Topics/h4> p>Our Mental Health Topics A-Z offers information on problems, issues and treatment options./p> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-4 linkblock first> ul> li>a href/mental-health-topics/addiction/ target >Addiction/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-topics/ageing-well/ target >Ageing Well/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-topics/agoraphobia/ target >Agoraphobia/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-topics/alzheimers-disease/ target >Alzheimer's Disease/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-topics/anorexia-nervosa/ target >Anorexia Nervosa/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classcol-xs-4 linkblock> ul> li>a href/mental-health-topics/anxiety/ target >Anxiety/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-topics/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/ target >ADHD/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-topics/autism/ target >Autism/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-topics/bereavement/ target >Bereavement/a> /li> a href/mental-health-topics/ target classcta-link>View all mental health topics/a> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classmenulink> a href/self-help-resources/>Self Help Resources/a> div classn-megaMenu> div classrow> div classcol-xs-4 textblock> div classtext> h4>Self Help Resources/h4> p>In this section we are offering booklets on a range of mental health problems that are known to benefit from self-help./p> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-4 linkblock first> ul> li>a href/self-help-resources/beating-the-blues/ target >Beating The Blues/a> /li> li>a href/self-help-resources/calm-distress-online-course/ target >Calm Distress - Online Course/a> /li> li>a href/self-help-resources/daylight-and-sleepio-online-courses/ target >Daylight and Sleepio Online Courses/a> /li> li>a href/self-help-resources/healthy-reading/ target >Healthy Reading/a> /li> li>a href/self-help-resources/mind-to-listen/ target >Mind to Listen/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classcol-xs-4 linkblock> ul> li>a href/self-help-resources/silvercloud-cbt-programme/ target >SilverCloud CBT Programme/a> /li> li>a href/self-help-resources/silvercloud-for-helping-children-and-teens/ target >SilverCloud for Helping Children and Teens/a> /li> li>a href/self-help-resources/suicide-prevention-week-2023/ target >Suicide Prevention Week 2023/a> /li> li>a href/self-help-resources/well-connected-programme/ target >Well Connected Programme/a> /li> a href/self-help-resources/ target classcta-link>View all resources/a> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classmenulink> a href/support-projects-groups/>Support, Projects & Groups/a> div classn-megaMenu> div classrow> div classcol-xs-4 textblock> div classtext> h4>Support, Projects & Groups/h4> p>Here you can find out about the latest campaigns from across Lanarkshire./p> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-4 linkblock first> ul> li>a href/support-projects-groups/projects-campaigns/greenspace/ target >Greenspace/a> /li> li>a href/support-projects-groups/support/memory-matters/ target >Memory Matters/a> /li> li>a href/mental-health-awareness-week-may-2024/ target >Mental Health Awareness Week - May 2024/a> /li> li>a href/support-projects-groups/projects-campaigns/scottish-mental-health-arts-festival-lanarkshire-2023/ target >Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival - Lanarkshire 2023/a> /li> li>a href/support-projects-groups/projects-campaigns/see-me/ target >See Me/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classcol-xs-4 linkblock> ul> li>a href/support-projects-groups/support/spirituality-and-mental-health/ target >Spirituality and Mental Health/a> /li> li>a href/support-projects-groups/projects-campaigns/suicide-prevention/ target >Suicide Prevention North Lanarkshire/a> /li> li>a href/support-projects-groups/support/quit-your-way/ target >Quit Your Way/a> /li> a href/support-projects-groups/ target classcta-link>View all support, projects & groups/a> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-hidden-xs col-md-3 col-lg-2> div classe-information> div classtop>Information for.../div> div classm-informationmenu> ul> li> a href/adults/>Adults/a> /li> li> a href/young-people/>Young People/a> /li> li> a href/carers-family-friends/>Carers, Family & Friends/a> /li> li> a href/professionals/>Professionals/a> /li> li> a href/training/>Training/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/nav> section classm-homeCarousel> div classslider> div classslide idslide1 data-button-labelAdults> img src/media/1046/carouselimage.png?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1010&formatjpeg&quality80 /> div classtext> h1 classslide-title>Support for Adults/h1> p>Lanarkshires first stop for online mental health and wellbeing, providing information for people seeking assistance with mental health problems/p> div classbtn-white>a href/adults/ target >Find out more/a> /div> /div> /div> div classslide idslide2 data-button-labelYoung People> img src/media/1454/young-people-sitting.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1010&quality80 /> div classtext> h1 classslide-title>Support for young people/h1> p>Elament provides information for people seeking assistance with mental health problems; including a directory of services in your area./p> div classbtn-white>a href/young-people/ target >Find out more /a> /div> /div> /div> div classslide idslide3 data-button-labelCarers, Family & Friends> img src/media/1438/carerforelderlytwo.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1010&quality80 /> div classtext> h1 classslide-title>Support for parents and carers/h1> p>There are an estimated 34,000 carers currently living in South Lanarkshire. You may be caring for an older relative, friend, partner, child or neighbour or someone in a job who has a caring role. We are committed to providing information and support to carers./p> div classbtn-white>a href/carers-family-friends/ target >Find out more/a> /div> /div> /div> div classslide idslide4 data-button-labelProfessionals> img src/media/1436/mental-health-workers.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1010&quality80 /> div classtext> h1 classslide-title>Support for Professionals/h1> p>span>A wide variety of training courses are available in Lanarkshire. Most of the courses are free. Courses are available for people who have an interest in mental health to professionals working in this field or to support employers to promote a mentally healthy work place. /span>/p> div classbtn-white>a href/professionals/ target >Find out more /a> /div> /div> /div> div classslide idslide5 data-button-labelTraining> img src/media/1451/training-image.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1010&quality80 /> div classtext> h1 classslide-title>Training/h1> p>Find out more about a range of training opportunities happening across Lanarkshire./p> div classbtn-white>a href/training/ target >Find out more/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classm-homePreamble> div classcontainer> h2>Welcome to Elament/h2> p styletext-align: center;>span>Mental health is about how people think and feel. How we think and feel affects our overall health and wellbeing and quality of life. Many factors influence mental health - housing, jobs, schools, transport, the environment - as well as the way we live our lives./span>/p>h3 styletext-align: center;>span>Important Notice/span>/h3>p styletext-align: center;>span>Due to the current and changing guidance provided by the government on COVID-19 please be aware that services and groups may be subject to change at very short notice. Please contact services, supports, projects and groups directly for up to date information./span>/p> div classbtn-purple centered>a classhide-parent styledisplay: none;>Find out more/a> /div> /div>/section>section classm-fourboxes> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 image pull-right> img src/media/1633/scottish-government.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width880&height540&quality80 /> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 purple> div classtext> h2>Distress Brief Intervention Programme/h2> p>Distress Brief Interventions (DBIs) are an innovative way of supporting people in distress./p> div classbtn-white>a href target_blank >Find out more/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 image > img src/media/1328/well-connected-banner-homepage.jpg?crop0,0,0,0.00073941469489419&cropmodepercentage&width880&height540&quality80 /> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 white> div classtext> h2>Well Connected Programme/h2> p>Well Connected is Lanarkshire's social prescribing programme. Well Connected makes it easy for people to take part in and benefit from activities and services that we know can improve well-being./p> div classbtn-purple>a href/self-help-resources/well-connected-programme/ target >Find out more/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 image pull-right> img src/media/2310/calmdistress-01.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width880&height540&quality80 /> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 purple> div classtext> h2>Calm Distress/h2> p>Calm Distress, a new online course from NHS Lanarkshire Psychological Services./p> div classbtn-white>a href/self-help-resources/calm-distress-online-course/ target >Find out more/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 image > img src/media/2434/resourcelist.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width880&height540&quality80 /> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 white> div classtext> h2>Lanarkshire Keepsafe Resource List/h2> p>/p> div classbtn-purple>a classhide-parent styledisplay: none;>Download Resource/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classm-homepagetopics> img classbg-image src/images/homepagetopics.png/> div classcontainer> div classe-title> h2>Mental Health Topics/h2> p>Our Mental Health Topics A-Z offers information on problems, issues and treatment options, including the latest news, upcoming events and free, downloadable self help guides on issues relating to well being and mental health./p> /div> div classrow idgridContainer> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/ageing-well/ classe-griditem> h4>Ageing Well/h4> p> Growing old is a natural process but it can produce a range of reactions in some people. /p> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/agoraphobia/ classe-griditem> h4>Agoraphobia/h4> p> Until recently agoraphobia was defined as a fear of open spaces. It now also includes several other related fears such as a fear of entering shops, fear of crowds and more. /p> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/alzheimers-disease/ classe-griditem> h4>Alzheimer's Disease/h4> p> Alzheimers disease is a progressive disease of the brain that causes dementia, gradually destroying a persons memory and ability to learn, reason, make judgements. /p> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/addiction/ classe-griditem> h4>Addiction/h4> p> Addiction is not having control over doing, taking or using something, to the point that it may be harmful to you. /p> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/anorexia-nervosa/ classe-griditem> h4>Anorexia Nervosa/h4> p> People with Anorexia Nervosa may have a normal appetite, but drastically control their eating so as not to satisfy their appetite. /p> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/anxiety/ classe-griditem> h4>Anxiety/h4> p> Everyone has temporary feelings of anxiety or worry from time to time. However, you may have an anxiety disorder if persistent worry and anxiety interferes with your life. /p> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/ classe-griditem> h4>Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)/h4> p> Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or hyperkinetic disorder is used to describe children who have three main kinds of problem. /p> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/mental-health-topics/autism/ classe-griditem> h4>Autism/h4> p> Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects how the brain functions. It affects how a person communicates with, and relates to other people. /p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classbtn-white centered>a href/mental-health-topics/ target >View all/a> /div>/section> section classm-homepagenewsevents> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 large left hidden-sm> a href/news-events/2021/12/feeling-snowed-under-a-guide-to-surviving-christmas/> img src/media/2350/snowedunder.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width760&height990&rnd132840422830000000 alt> div classtext> h1>Feeling snowed under? Guide to surviving Christmas/h1> p classpreamble> This booklet gives some handy hints and tips for surviving the festive season as well as useful information and telephone numbers in case you need support. /p> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 right hidden-xs> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 small white> a href/news-events/2021/12/coping-with-christmas/> div classevent-text> h3>Coping with Christmas/h3> p> Difficult Feelings: Many of us find Christmas difficult. It's been a tough year for most of us, perhaps you’re already at a low ebb and feel overwhelmed /p> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 small> a href/news-events/2021/4/suicide-prevention-in-lanarkshire-app/> div classimg-container> img src/media/2313/mobile-phone.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width380&height490&rnd132641682850000000 alt> /div> div classtext> h4>Suicide Prevention in Lanarkshire App/h4> p> Suicide Prevention in Lanarkshire app is packed with useful information to help keep people safe and provide guidance on how to look out for others you may be concerned about. /p> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 small hidden-xs> a href/news-events/2021/1/virtual-runcycle-event-2021-in-support-of-suicide-prevention-north-lanarkshire/> div classimg-container> img src/media/2297/runningcycling.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width380&height490&rnd132557832690000000 alt> /div> div classtext> h4>Virtual Run/Cycle Event 2021/h4> p> Pull on your trainers or get on your bikes and take part in our virtual run or cycle event to help raise awareness about suicide prevention. /p> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 small purple> a href/news-events/2020/9/animated-learning-resources-children-and-young-people-s-mental-health/> div classevent-text> h3>Animated Learning Resources/h3> p> Scotland’s suicide prevention action plan, Every Life Matters sets out the ambition of developing learning resources on mental health improvement and suicide prevention for the wider public workforce. /p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section>section classm-resourcecarousel grey> div classcontainer> div classe-title> h2>Self-Help Resources/h2> p>Many people can benefit from using self-help booklets as an aid to understand the problems they are experiencing and learn new ways to help them deal with those problems./p> /div> div classrow> div classe-slides> div classcol-xxs-12 col-xs-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/self-help-resources/after-suicide-samh/ classe-item pack> div classe-text> h4>After Suicide - SAMH/h4> p>This document will help you with the practical issues that need to be faced after a suicide, talk about some of the emotions you might be experiencing and suggest some places where you can get help./p> /div> div classe-bottom> p>PDF DOCUMENT/p> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-xxs-12 col-xs-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/self-help-resources/assertiveness/ classe-item pack> div classe-text> h4>Assertiveness/h4> p>A guide to being assertive. Assertiveness is the ability to stand up for ourselves and to say how we feel when we feel we need to./p> /div> div classe-bottom> p>PDF DOCUMENT/p> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-xxs-12 col-xs-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/self-help-resources/calm-distress-online-course/ classe-item pack> div classe-text> h4>Calm Distress - Online Course/h4> p>Calm Distress is a new online course from NHS Lanarkshire Psychological Services, designed for you to use in your own time and at your own pace./p> /div> div classe-bottom> p>External Link/p> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-xxs-12 col-xs-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/self-help-resources/chronic-pain/ classe-item pack> div classe-text> h4>Chronic Pain/h4> p>Chronic pain affects millions of people in the UK, so youre not alone. It can have a huge impact on your quality of life, and can also affect the lives of your family and those around you./p> /div> div classe-bottom> p>EXTERNAL LINK/p> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-xxs-12 col-xs-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3> a href/self-help-resources/coping-with-dementia-a-practical-guide-for-carers/ classe-item pack> div classe-text> h4>Coping With Dementia: A Practical Guide For Carers/h4> p>This book contains information and advice for people who care for someone in the middle to late stages of dementia (moderate to severe dementia)./p> /div> div classe-bottom> p>EXTERNAL LINK/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classbtn-purple centered>a href/self-help-resources/ target >View all/a> /div> /div>/section>section classm-twitterfeed > div classcontainer> h2>Our latest Tweets/h2> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12> div classcentered btn btn-purple> a href target_blank> View Twitter page /a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classm-newsletter> div classcontainer> h2>Keep up to 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