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Please try again.);return false;}}//-->/script>div classbox> Sign up for Paradox Newsletter/div>div classbox_content> p> img src/img/newsletter_paradox.jpg altNewsletter classblog stylemargin-left: 0px; /> Sign up for the Paradox newsletter, and get all the news directly from Paradox Interactive. /p> p>Email-address:/p> form nameSubscriberForm action onsubmitreturn CorrectEmailaddress(this); methodpost target_blank> input classpf_Email typetext namepf_Email size30 /> input typehidden namepf_DeliveryFormat valueHTML /> !-- Do not change name or type on submit button, to change visible text, change text for value --> input typesubmit nameSubmit valueSubscribe » classsubmitLink /> input typehidden namepf_FormType valueOptInForm /> input typehidden namepf_OptInMethod valueSingleOptInMethod /> input typehidden namepf_CounterDemogrFields value12 /> input typehidden namepf_CounterMailinglists value1 /> input typehidden namepf_AccountId value619 /> input typehidden namepf_ListById value1 /> input typehidden namepf_Version value2 /> input typehidden namepf_CharSet valueutf-8 /> input typehidden namepf_MailinglistName1 value2279 /> /form>/div>br/>br/>a href>img styleborder: 0px; src/img/225x130_EIC_webad.jpg altDownload Official eGuide />/a> img stylemargin-top: 35px; srcimg/esrb.jpg altEsrb Content Rating: Teen /> /div> div idcontent_right> div classnews_item> h2>East India Company Collection Gold Edition/h2> h2 classdate>17th October 2012/h2> img src/img/EIC_Gold_box.png altNews /> p> East India Company Collection Gold Edition has been released by TopWare Interactive under ReplayNow brand! In addition to the main game East India Company Collection Gold Edition 2012 contains: br/> br/> - East India Company Designer´s Cut br/> br/> - Pirate Bay Expansion Pack br/> br/> - Battle of Trafalgar Expansion Pack br/> br/> - Privateer Expansion Packbr/>br/> For more information click a href target _blank>here/a> /p> /div> div classclear>/div> div classnews_item> h2>Woody Two-Legs Video Competition Announced!/h2> h2 classdate>30th November 2010/h2> img src/img/news_teaser.jpg altNews /> p> Get yourself a i>free East India Company Collection/i> by taking part into a Woody Two-Legs Attack of the Zombie Pirates Video-competition. Competition lasts for four weeks and each week someone wins a bunch of i>Paradox Interactive games/i> and i>personalized Woody T-shirt/i>! br/>br/> For more detailed instructions check a href target_blank>here/a>. /p> /div> div classclear>/div> div classnews_item> h2>Manual for East India Company!/h2> h2 classdate>14th May 2010/h2> img src/img/EIC_box.png altNews /> p> The East India Company manual is now available for download. The manual is in PDF format and its available in four languages: english, german, french and spanish. br />br /> Download the manual a href/?pagemanual>here/a>. /p> /div> div classclear>/div> div classnews_item> h2>East India Company Collection Now Available!/h2> h2 classdate>30th April 2010/h2> img src/img/100x100_collection.jpg altNews /> p> Take on the waters as you never have before with all four installments of the East India Company series with the release of the East India Company Collection. The East India Company Collection includes the Designers Cut version of the East India Company along with the Pirate Bay, Privateer, and Battle of Trafalgar expansion packs in one bundled package. br />br /> Read more about the Collection a href/?pageeast_india_company_collection>here/a>. br/>br/> Watch the release trailer a href target_blank>here/a>. br />br /> Check the press release a href target_blank>here/a>.br/> /p> /div> div classclear>/div> div classnews_item> h2>New Game Announced!/h2> h2 classdate>22nd January 2010/h2> img src/img/100x100_commander.jpg altNews /> p> Nitro Games and Paradox Interactive have announced i>Commander: Conquest of the Americas/i> at Paradox Interactive Convention held in Stockholm. br/>br/> Commander: Conquest of the Americas combines the best elements of trading and strategy games. Set in the 16th century, players will take charge of a wide variety of European nations in efforts to conquer the New World. With as many as 30 ships to control and varied environments (from the Caribbean to the Hudson Bay), players have much to look forward to when the game is released Q3 2010. br />br /> Check the press release a href target_blank>here/a>.br/> /p> /div> div classclear>/div> div classnews_item> h2>East India Company: Battle of Trafalgar Announced/h2> h2 classdate>24th November 2009/h2> img src/img/100x100_trafalgar.jpg altNews /> p> Paradox Interactive is excited to announce East India Company: Battle of Trafalgar, a stand-alone add-on to their naval war strategy game East India Company, exclusively available for digital download at all major digital download portals from December 8th. br/>br/> Battle of Trafalgar recreates the legendary naval battle fought between the British Royal navy and the combined fleets of the French and Spanish navies during the height of the Napoleonic wars in late 1805. br />br /> Watch the announcement trailer a href target_blank>here/a>. br />br /> Check the press release a href/content/press/trafalgar_announced.html>here/a>.br/> /p> /div> div classclear>/div> a classmorelink stylemargin-left: 402px; href/?pagenews>News Archive »/a> /div> div classclear>/div> div classsite_div>/div> div idsite_foot> © 2017 Nitro Games Plc. East India Company is a trademark of Nitro Games Plc. All rights reserved. /div> div classsite_div>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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