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classtitle>Effortless English Page/h1>/div>div classdescriptionwrapper>p classdescription>span>Fan website about method of learning English by AJ Hoge/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>div idmenu>/div>/div>div idcontent-wrapper>div idcrosscol-wrapper styletext-align:center>div classcrosscol section idcrosscol>div classwidget HTML data-version1 idHTML2>div classwidget-content>br />span stylefont-size:30px;idrandomtext>/span>script>function randomtext() { var randomtxt a href target_blank>Learn Naturally and Playfully Like a Child/a>, a href target_blank>Never Study Grammar Rules/a>, a href target_blank>Learn With Your Ears, Not Your Eyes/a>,a href target_blank>Learn Spoken Grammar With Fun Stories/a>,a href target_blank>Learn Actively By Answering Simple Questions/a>,a href target_blank>Emotional Lessons That are Memorable/a>; return randomtxtMath.floor((Math.random() * 5.99));}document.getElementById(randomtext).innerHTML randomtext();/script>br />br />br />br />script async src//>/script>!-- Effortless English Page (Header 2) -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-2629485169734321 data-ad-slot3189492449 data-ad-formatauto>/ins>script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>/div>/div>div idmain-wrapper>div classmain section idmain>div classwidget Blog data-version1 idBlog1>div classblog-posts hfeed>!--Cant find substitution for tag defaultAdStart-->div classpost hentry uncustomized-post-template>a name8666601256114435887>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title>a href>Power English Lessons (Review)/a>/h3>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>div classpost-body entry-content>div classMsoNormal>I mustadmit that when I first heard of this new method of learning English I didn`tsuppose I will like it. I am one of those people who believe that to achievesomething you need to put some effort in it. So the expression “EffortlessEnglish” triggered an alarm in my head and made me thinking that this is somekind of a />br />table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 classtr-caption-container stylemargin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;>tbody>tr>td styletext-align: center;>span stylemargin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>img border0 height156 src width320 />/span>/td>/tr>tr>td classtr-caption styletext-align: center;>Ann recording video for Effortless English Page YT channel/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>After fewmoments with the lessons I changed my mind and found them fairly interesting.But before I start, I`ll try to describe what Effortless English is and how itworks. I`ll get back to the word “effortless”, too./div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>For people who try but can`to:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>br />/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>EffortlessEnglish is an English a href stylefont-size: 14px;>course/a> prepared by A.J. Hoge, American from st1:place w:ston>st1:city w:ston>San Francisco/st1:city>/st1:place>, who teachesEnglish to foreigners. As the lessons are all in English, it is prepared forpeople with at least basic knowledge. The group target are people who tried tolearn English very hard and often for a very long time but never succeed. So,if you are able to understand some basic lines from movies or songs but have noidea how to say anything in English, the course is for you./span>br />br />table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 classtr-caption-container stylemargin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;>tbody>tr>td styletext-align: center;>img border0 src />/td>/tr>tr>td classtr-caption styletext-align: center;>A.J. Hoge - Director of Effortless English Club/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>Everylesson – set, consists of few parts: there`s a Text Article you should “readbut not study”, according to A.J. There is also an audio version of this textyou should listen to. Then, there`s audio Vocabulary Lesson in which theteacher explains words used in the lesson. The most important part is theMini-Story. This is the key to overcome the fear of speaking English. There are30 regular lessons and 10 bonus ones. There are also Action Vocab videos duringwhich you will learn new words by repeating them and showing them with yourwhole />br />table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 classtr-caption-container stylemargin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;>tbody>tr>td styletext-align: center;>a href>img border0 src />/a>/td>/tr>tr>td classtr-caption styletext-align: center;>Power English Lessons (Print Screen of Folder Structure)/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>A veryimportant rule is not to do more than one set a week. Even if you feel youunderstand pretty much everything you need to wait until another week to startthe next step. This course is based not on learning the vocabulary by heart buton listening to it so often that you will finally learn them without actuallynoticing that./div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>Effortless or not?o:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>br />/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>And this iswhen we go back to the word “effortless”. In the Welcome Guide we learn that itwould be best to listen to all the audios every day of the week for two hours aday – as you need to listen to all the parts (or at least to most of the parts)repeatedly. You do not need to listen them all at once, though, and A.J.advices to listen them from some mobile devices while commuting to work, eatinglunch or before sleep. However, if you don`t commute to work or your dailyschedule is to occupied to spend so much time on learning every single day yourchances of succeeding aren`t too big.o:p>/o:p>/span>br />span langEN-US>br />/span>span langEN-US>a href>Click Here to Get Effortless English Lessons and Learn English Fast!/a>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>This is whyI wouldn`t call this method effortless. Yes, you don`t sit by your desk forhours, you don`t need to keep a notebook with vocabulary or learn grammar butstill you need to put a lot of effort and time into learning./span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>You shouldlisten to every set for at least a week but there`s no upper limit – if youdon`t feel you learnt everything, you may listen to it for a few weeks. As itis good you can work in your own pace, the time of learning lengthens. /span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>b> o:p>/o:p>/b>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>So, thecourse does take a lot of time but is it its disadvantage? Well, not really, itwould be better to say it`s the reality. As I said before, if you are going toachieve something, you need to put something in return – and with this courseit`s your time. The good thing about it is that you can work when you want andwhen you have time for this and if you sign up for a course with meetings twicea week with at stated time you can`t change it. What I mean is that withEffortless English you decide how and when you want to be taught. o:p>/o:p>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>Big dose of positive energyo:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>br />/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>When youstart watching first video you see this excited guy who tells you he will teachyou English. The impression is… overwhelming. OK, to be honest, he does sound abit stupid. But after few minutes you can`t help sharing his energy and goodfeeling. You will soon learn that the attitude is what matters in learningEnglish and achieving new abilities in general./span>br />br />table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 classtr-caption-container stylemargin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;>tbody>tr>td styletext-align: center;>img border0 src />/td>/tr>tr>td classtr-caption styletext-align: center;>Energy during Effortless English Seminar/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>Accordingto many studies – says A.J. – it is not the method you choose that matters. Itplays only about 20 per cent in your success. The truth is that 80 per cent areyour attitude and your emotions. Basically, the happier you feel about learningEnglish, the easier you learn. Many studies show that students who felt relax,cheerful and rested were able to make much more progress than students who felttired, angry or anxious. And with every lesson that deepens – happy students doa lot of progress, feel that learning is easy and find it more and morepainless to study hard. On the other hand, unhappy students are angry and feelmore and more anxious about their lack of progress. Vicious />br />a href>Start Learning with Effortless English today!/a>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>Well, it iseasier said than done. It is not like you can just start feeling content, isit? These is what those Text Articles are all about. Those are ways (based ondifferent studies and books about self-development) of how to “master youremotions”, to quote the subject of the first lesson./span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>In myopinion, these is the best and most valuable part of this course.o:p>/o:p>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>You mayreally want to learn English and in general have fun with this. But from timeto time (or even every time) you may just find yourself too distracted or tootired to do the lessons. You may be angry that you don`t see the results yet.That is why A.J. shows some methods to make yourself feel better. These aresome simple exercises – both psychical and mental – which will help you forceyourself to have better attitude. And this is why the way A.J. acts and talksis so important. He is very joyful and while listening to him it is hard tostay serious. o:p>/o:p>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>Anotherimportant thing is that you are more than welcome to use those methods indifferent activities and it doesn`t matter if they are connected to learningEnglish or other things in your daily life. You can use some working patterns inyour school or at work. They can be used while you`re at home and just feelingtoo tired to spend time with your child or to go to the gym. All the booktitles he mentions you can find in texts so it is easy to read them later. o:p>/o:p>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>Mini-Story, mega-funo:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>br />/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>Before Istart with the Mini-Stories, I must admit that they are my favorite part ofthis course. Those are the easiest ones, also, if you think about vocabulary orgrammar. But their main goal is to help people overcoming their fear forspeaking English./span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>There aremany students terrified of speaking English. They are so afraid of makingmistakes that are unable to speak even if they know vocab and grammar rules.What is worse, in standard, old-fashioned schools, teachers correct everysingle mistake those people do, making them feel even worse. With EffortlessEnglish that is not the problem./span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>TheMini-Story is a very simple narrative which consists of simple statements eg.“Vanilla was a beautiful, intelligent woman”. The students role is just to say“Ohhh” or “Ahhh”. Then there is a question eg. “What kind of woman wasVanilla?” and the student responds “She was a beautiful, intelligent woman” orjust “beautiful and intelligent”. A.J. says not to worry about grammar or aboutgiving full answers but only to focus on giving the answers. Saying them aloud.Shouting them./span>br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>/div>table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 classtr-caption-container stylemargin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;>tbody>tr>td styletext-align: center;>img border0 src />/td>/tr>tr>td classtr-caption styletext-align: center;>Mini Stories are very popular among Effortless English fans/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>Does itwork? Yes. You are at home alone, there`s no one who see you shouting strangestatements about Vanilla and there`s no teacher to correct your answers. Youwill hear the answer from A.J. so to know if you are correct. In the comfort ofyour own home you do not need to feel ashamed of anyone. The stories are funnyand said in a very joyful way. There are not only statements and answers butalso little mistakes that bring studentsattention to the plot and make them want to say “no, you are wrong, that is nottrue”. Again, it is hard not to share A.J. positive attitude and by repeatingover and over the same words it is hard not to learn them by heart./div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>The problemis, it is not the best thing to listen to Mini-Stories while commuting,otherwise people may think there is something wrong with you murmuring somestrange things.o:p>/o:p>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>For who Effortless English is?o:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>b>span langEN-US>br />/span>/b>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>This courseis basically for people with at least basic understanding of English. If youare watching a movie and are able to understand parts of it without anytranslation than it`s OK. It is aimed for people who tried signing up forregular classes but failed to memorized vocabulary and grammar rules. It isalso for people who hate learning English – A.J. Hoge will quickly change yourattitude.o:p>/o:p>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>Thoselessons are definitely for students with fear of speaking. The whole idea is tohelp them to start speaking: not to start speaking correctly, not to startspeaking using wide vocabulary, only to start speaking. Now think about yourdaily life: how do you speak? Because I – as most people – do some mistakes anduse rather simple vocab most of the time. o:p>/o:p>/span>br />span langEN-US>br />/span>span langEN-US>a href>Go to The Official Effortless English Website and Start Learning Today!/a>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>So, if youwant to communicate with foreigners during your vacations or are planning tolive and work abroad and want to be able to speak freely with other people,Effortless English will respond to your needs.o:p>/o:p>/span>br />span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>But whatabout taking tests, like those prepared by British Council? Or working withEnglish and writing official correspondence? Than the Effort English course isnot enough. Again, this method teaches everyday life English – if you need tolearn medical English to work as a nurse abroad than Mini-Stories won`t helpyou with this.o:p>/o:p>/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>But no onesaid that Effortless English is the only course you can take at the time. A.J.often says that these methods of fast learning or being motivated are good touse with other kinds of English courses. If you need to learn all the grammarrules and specific vocabulary it would be best to mix Effortless with some moreold fashioned lessons./span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>And thereis one more thing to remember. A.J. Hoge is American and he teaches Americanreal-life English. While on vacations or doing business in Europe you willencounter many people for whom English is a second language and who learnt itwith those standard rules. And yes, some of those people would expect you tospeak in long, formal sentences. /span>br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href>img border0 src />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>br />a href idshow_download_link target_blank>span stylefont-size: large;>>>> Click Here To Get Your Power English Course <<</span>/a>/div>br />br />/div>div classMsoNormal>span langEN-US>/span>img border0 src />span langEN-US>br />/span>/div>div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-author vcard>/span>span classpost-timestamp>/span>span classreaction-buttons>/span>span classstar-ratings>/span>span classpost-comment-link>/span>span classpost-backlinks post-comment-link>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-906181911>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src// width18>/a>/span>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>span classpost-location>/span>/div>/div>/div>!--Cant find substitution for tag adEnd-->/div>div classblog-pager idblog-pager>span idblog-pager-older-link>/span>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>div classwidget Text data-version1 idText1>div classwidget-content>span classApple-style-span stylecolor: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:Trebuchet MS, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Georgia, sans-serif;font-size:15px;>table classtanbox border0 width100% stylebackground-color: rgb(250, 239, 190); border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); border-right-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); border-bottom-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); border-left-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-top: 6px; padding-right: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-left: 6px; >tbody>tr>td classredtext stylefont-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Georgia, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: rgb(153, 4, 12); font-weight: bold; font: normal normal normal 17px/normal Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; margin-left: 45px; >We Learn Faster With Effortless English!/td>/tr>tr>td classboxtext stylefont-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Georgia, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-weight: normal; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 45px; >“AJ, It’s much easier to learn English with you. You are happy and you are always well. Thank you so much! strong>We learn faster with you/strong>.br/>Thank you for your Energy- I must be a good student because you are The BEST !!!!!!! Kisses from Fatima”/td>/tr>tr alignright>td>Fatima, Sao Paulo, Brazil/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/span>br/>span classApple-style-span stylecolor: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:Trebuchet MS, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Georgia, sans-serif;font-size:15px;>table classtanbox border0 width100% stylebackground-color: rgb(250, 239, 190); border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); border-right-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); border-bottom-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); border-left-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-top: 6px; padding-right: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-left: 6px; >tbody>tr>td classredtext stylefont-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Georgia, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: rgb(153, 4, 12); font-weight: bold; font: normal normal normal 17px/normal Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; margin-left: 45px; >A New Job!/td>/tr>tr>td classboxtext stylefont-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Georgia, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-weight: normal; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 45px; >“Thanks for your great method. Thanks to you, I passed my interview and now have a job with Emirates Airlines!”/td>/tr>tr alignright>td>Ploy, Bangkok, Thailand/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/span>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>/div>/div>div idsidebar-wrapper>div classsidebar section idsidebar>div classwidget PageList data-version1 idPageList1>h2>Main menu/h2>div classwidget-content>ul>li classselected>a href>Home/a>/li>li>a href>7 Rules ( with text )/a>/li>li>a href>Video Lessons ( 94 )/a>/li>li>a href>MP3 Free Download ( 167 )/a>/li>li>a href>Podcast ( 19 )/a>/li>li>a href>Business English ( 40 )/a>/li>li>a href>Free E-mail Course/a>/li>li>a href>Original Effortless English Lessons/a>/li>li>a href>Power English/a>/li>li>a href>My Story/a>/li>li>a href>AJ Hoge/a>/li>li>a href>Review & Opinions/a>/li>li>a href>Live Video Chat Room/a>/li>li>a href>English Chat/a>/li>li>a href>The Effortless English Show ( 78 )/a>/li>li>a href>Questions & Answers ( 7 )/a>/li>/ul>div classclear>/div>/div>/div>div classwidget HTML data-version1 idHTML4>div classwidget-content>script async src//>/script>!-- Effortless English Page (Sidebar 2) -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:inline-block;width:300px;height:250px data-ad-clientca-pub-2629485169734321 data-ad-slot5567911648>/ins>script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>div classwidget Image data-version1 idImage1>h2>Power English Lessons/h2>div classwidget-content>a href>img altPower English Lessons height187 idImage1_img src width161/>/a>br/>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>div classwidget Text data-version1 idText2>div classwidget-content>Go to a href>official Effortless English website/a> and learn more about a href>Power English Lessons!/a>div>br />div>Ready to buy Power English Lessons? a href>Click here/a>/div>/div>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>div classwidget LinkList data-version1 idLinkList2>h2>Blog posts/h2>div classwidget-content>ul>li>a href>10 Free Effortless English Lessons With Text/a>/li>li>a href>English Mini Story Lesson - Facebook/a>/li>li>a href>17 Useful Tips To Help You Learn English In 2015/a>/li>li>a href>Power English Lessons (Review)/a>/li>li>a href>My Biggest Problem with Learning English. What is it?/a>/li>li>a href>How Should You Learn English Online?/a>/li>li>a href>How To Learn English Effectively (Infographic)/a>/li>li>a href>Break The Rules To Improve Your English Skills/a>/li>li>a href>Diverse Sources Of Materials That Expand Your Knowledge/a>/li>li>a href>How Emotions Help To Learn Language More Effectively/a>/li>li>a href>How To Learn English Effectively/a>/li>li>a href>Use English Materials That You Are Excited About/a>/li>li>a href>5 Common English Learning Mistakes/a>/li>li>a href>How To Learn English Grammar Without Studying Rules?/a>/li>li>a href>Effortless English School in Your City?/a>/li>li>a href>Movie Techniques For Learning English/a>/li>li>a href>Killer YouTube Channels To Learn English/a>/li>li>a href>Learn English via Skype with AJ Hoge Fans/a>/li>li>a href>The difference between Original Effortless English and Power English lessons?/a>/li>li>a href>Official Effortless English Forum/a>/li>li>a href>Best AJ Hoges English Learning Tips From Facebook/a>/li>li>a href>3 Reasons Why You Are Bad English Speaker/a>/li>li>a href>Do I Really Need To Buy AJ Hoges Lessons?/a>/li>li>a href>5 Tips For Learning English/a>/li>/ul>div classclear>/div>/div>/div>div classwidget HTML data-version1 idHTML5>div classwidget-content>script async src//>/script>!-- Effortless English Page (Sidebar 3) -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:inline-block;width:300px;height:250px data-ad-clientca-pub-2629485169734321 data-ad-slot9858510440>/ins>script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>div classwidget LinkList data-version1 idLinkList1>h2>Free Effortless English Mini Stories/h2>div classwidget-content>ul>li>a href>Effortless English - Mini Story Robert Lewandowski/a>/li>li>a href>Effortless English - Mini Story Google, Facebook & The Internet/a>/li>li>a href>Effortless English - Mini Story about Eminem/a>/li>li>a href>Effortless English - Mini Story about David Beckham/a>/li>li>a href>Effortless English - Mini Story John and his travel/a>/li>li>a href>Effortless English - Mini Story about Madonna/a>/li>/ul>div classclear>/div>/div>/div>div classwidget Text data-version1 idText5>div classwidget-content>Above lessons are not official Effortless English lessons. 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