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Along with our professional a href/meet-the-team>team/a>, Dr. Ma focuses on achieving the best smile results in both aesthetics and function./p>p>Treatments at Dr. Yuci Ma Orthodontic Associates of Lexington are fully customizable to meet your unique needs and concerns. We explain each treatment and dental procedure in ways that make sense, and we’re always available if you have questions or concerns. We are proud to offer:/p>ul> li>a href/two-phase-treatment>Early treatment/a>/li> li>a href/airway-orthodontics>Airway Orthodontics/a>/li> li>a href/types-of-braces>Comprehensive treatment for teens and adults/a>/li> li>a href/tmj-tmd>TMJ disorder therapy/a>/li> li>a href/invisalign-treatment>Invisalign® clear aligners/a>/li> li>a href/glo-teeth-whitening>GLO® teeth whitening/a>/li>/ul>p>To learn more about orthodontics, and to schedule a complimentary consultation, please contact our a href/lexington-office>Lexington/a>, MA office. Dr. Ma and our team can’t wait to welcome you to our orthodontic family and start you on the path to healthy, straight teeth for a lifetime of confident, beautiful smiles!/p> /div> !-- .main --> /div>!--/content--> /div>!--container-->/div>!--/bd--> !-- doctor spotlight -->div classspotlight spot01 spotright container> img classdecor src/assets/images/spotlight/spot01.jpg alt /> div classinfo> h2>Meet Dr. Ma/h2> div classdetail>Dr. Yuci Ma looks forward to working with you to maximize your orthodontic treatment, which encompasses tooth alignment, a healthy bite and proper chewing function. Dr. Ma’s treatment style is a collaborative one, with over 25 years of expertise in the practice and continuing study of orthodontics, she believes that having patients very involved in their treatment leads to the most successful outcomes./div> a href/meet-dr-yuci-ma classbtn lm>Lets Meet/a> /div> /div>!--spot01-->!-- spotlight -->div classspotlight spot02 spotleft container> img classdecor src/assets/images/spotlight/spot02.jpg alt /> div classinfo> h2>Early Treatment/h2> div classdetail>The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an initial visit to an orthodontist by the age of 7 at the latest, when a child has both “baby” teeth and permanent ones. Very few children will immediately begin treatment or have braces put on at this age. In most cases it will be suggested that a child be reevaluated in a year or so. There are many cases where early intervention, while the teeth are still coming in and the face is still growing, will shorten actual treatment times./div> a href/early-orthodontic-treatment classbtn lm>Learn More/a>a href/early-orthodontic-treatment#ba classbtn>Before & After/a>a href/early-orthodontic-treatment#vid classbtn>Patient Video/a> /div> /div>!-- spotlight -->div classspotlight spot03 spotright container> img classdecor src/assets/images/spotlight/spot03.jpg alt /> div classinfo> h2>Comprehensive Treatment/h2> div classdetail>Many of our patients begin treatment as either teens or adults. Dr. Ma’s approach begins with an initial assessment, and includes photographs of inside and outside the mouth, digital X rays, and an iTero Element oral scan, all providing a comprehensive picture of what is happening inside the mouth./div> a href/comprehensive-treatment classbtn lm>Learn More/a>a href/comprehensive-treatment#ba classbtn>Before & After/a>a href/comprehensive-treatment#vid classbtn>Patient Video/a> /div> /div>!-- spotlight --> div classspotlight spot04 spotleft container> img classdecor src/assets/images/spotlight/spot04.jpg alt /> div classinfo> h2>Invisalign/h2> div classdetail>Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to straighten the teeth. Dr. Ma was part of an early group of orthodontists who were certified to use Invisalign. By wearing the aligners for most of the day and night (except when eating or brushing the teeth), the teeth are straightened without anyone knowing a patient is wearing them./div> a href/invisalign-treatment classbtn lm>Learn More/a>a href/invisalign-treatment#ba classbtn>Before & After/a>a href/invisalign-treatment#vid classbtn>Patient Video/a> /div> /div>!-- spotlight -->div classspotlight spot05 spotright container> img classdecor src/assets/images/spotlight/spot05.jpg alt /> div classinfo> h2>TMJ Disorder/h2> div classdetail>The temporomandibular joints, or TMJs, connect the jawbone to the skull. When these joints are healthy, stable, and in harmony with the proper bite, the result is optimal chewing function. Dr. Ma holds specialized certifications in Functional Occlusion and Bioesthetic Dentistry, making her an expert in healthy jaw function./div> a href/tmj-tmd classbtn lm>Learn More/a> a href/tmj-tmd#ba classbtn>Before & After/a> a href/tmj-tmd#vid classbtn>Patient Video/a> /div> /div>!-- Testimonials -->div idtestimonials-box classrow> h2>Our Patients Love Us/h2> div classclear>/div> div classcycle-slideshow testimonial-slideshow data-cycle-slides> a data-cycle-timeout9000 data-cycle-auto-heightcalc data-cycle-prev#prev data-cycle-next#next data-cycle-swipetrue data-cycle-swipe-fxscrollHorz > a href/testimonials classtest-slide slide1> img classpatient src/assets/images/patient01.jpg alt /> div classmod> span classvoluble>“Im so impressed with the beautiful results! I am much more confident and happy now with my straight teeth. Thank you Dr. Ma and staff, for your hard work and patience...keep working your magic!”/span>br/> span classcred>Alyssa/span> /div> /a> a href/testimonials classtest-slide slide2> img classpatient src/assets/images/patient02.jpg alt /> div classmod> span classvoluble>“My wife and I found that choosing Dr. Yuci Ma to be George’s orthodontist was the best decision we’ve made.”/span> span classcred>Georges dad/span> /div> /a> a href/testimonials classtest-slide slide3> img classpatient src/assets/images/patient03.jpg alt /> div classmod> span classvoluble>“Getting my braces done with Dr. Ma was a great experience because she took the time to fix all the issues, not just the cosmetic ones, and improved my smile!”/span>br/> span classcred>Eugenia/span> /div> /a> a href/testimonials classtest-slide slide4> img classpatient src/assets/images/patient04.jpg alt /> div classmod> span classvoluble>“Dr. Ma’s office is the place to go for orthodontic care. Not only will you leave with great teeth but also with a big smile!”/span>br/> span classcred>Andrew/span> /div> /a> a href/testimonials classtest-slide slide5> img classpatient src/assets/images/patient05.jpg alt /> div classmod> span classvoluble>“Thanks to Dr. Ma and her staff, my teeth are much better. The Invisalign treatment was easy and nobody even noticed it.”/span>br/> span classcred>Weslly/span> /div> /a> a href/testimonials classtest-slide slide6> img classpatient src/assets/images/patient06.jpg alt /> div classmod> span classvoluble>“The difference between the before and after picture is amazing. Doctor Ma is an artist in her field.”/span>br/> span classcred>Kerris Mom/span> /div> /a> a href/testimonials classtest-slide slide7> img classpatient src/assets/images/patient07.jpg alt /> div classmod> span classvoluble>“I really liked the personal interest and patience of Dr. Ma and the staff. They made my experience with getting braces a painless one.”/span>br/> span classcred>Christopher/span> /div> /a> div classcycle-pager>/div> /div>!-- div classcontrols> a hrefjavascript:void(0) idprev aria-labelprevious testimonial slide>span classicon fal fa-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> /a>a hrefjavascript:void(0) idnext aria-labelnext testimonial slide>span classicon fal fa-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span>/a> /div> -->!--.controls-->div classcontainer spacefix>div classmediaSlider office-tour-outer> div classcycle-slideshow office_tour data-cycle-slides> span data-cycle-center-horztrue data-cycle-auto-height300 data-cycle-timeout9000> span>!-- div classvideo-sleeve>div classvideo-container> -->iframe width560 height315 src>/iframe>!-- /div>/div> -->/span> span>!-- div classvideo-sleeve>div classvideo-container> -->iframe width560 height315 src>/iframe>!-- /div>/div> -->/span> span>!-- div classvideo-sleeve>div classvideo-container> -->iframe width560 height315 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