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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 07 Jan 2025 11:05:02 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.7Last-Modified: Thu, 20 May 2021 11:26:11 GMTETag: 467e-5c2c135e12ca7Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 18046Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html HEAD>TITLE>Dizge Elektronik Danışmanlık ve Bilgi Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti./TITLE>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1254>META NAMEKeywords CONTENTİskenderiye, kütüphane bilgi sistemi, kütüphane, otomasyon, program, kataloglama, library,kütüphaneci, marc, katalog kartı, barkod,sayım, üye,ödünç,rezerve>META nameauthor>LINK hrefcss/styles.css typetext/css relstylesheet>/HEAD>BODY leftMargin0 topMargin0 marginheight0 marginwidth0 bgColor#398abb backgroundimgs/body_bckround.gif>CENTER>table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width836 aligncenter border0>tr>td width836>TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width833 bgColor#4d90cd border0> TBODY> TR> TD width130 valignbottom height63> IMG srcimgs/dizge_logo4.jpg width130 alignbottom height63> /TD> TD width530 valigntop > IMG srcimgs/dizgebaslik2.jpg width564 alignbottom height66>/TD> TD vAligntop alignright width140 backgroundimgs/ust_yan2.gif> /TD> /TR> tr> td colspan10 bgcolor#OD63A2 height1 width833> p stylemargin-left: -1; margin-right: -1>font stylefont-size: 1pt>/font> /td> /tr> /TBODY>/TABLE>TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width838 bgcolor#608eb2 border0 height20 styleborder-collapse: collapse> TBODY> TR> TD aligncenter onMouseOverthis.bgColor#a5c7e1 onMouseOutthis.bgColor#608EB2 width75> b>a classmenu hrefindex.html> Ana Sayfa /a>/b> /TD> TD aligncenter classmenu onMouseOverthis.bgColor#a5c7e1 onMouseOutthis.bgColor#608EB2 width84> b>a classmenu hrefhakkimizda.html> Hakkımızda /a>/b> /TD> TD aligncenter classmenu onMouseOverthis.bgColor#a5c7e1 onMouseOutthis.bgColor#608EB2 width111> b>a classmenu hrefreferans.html> Referanslarımız /a>/b> /TD> TD aligncenter classmenu onMouseOverthis.bgColor#a5c7e1 onMouseOutthis.bgColor#608EB2 width77> b>a classmenu hrefiletisim.html> İletişim /a>/b> /TD> TD aligncenter classmenu onMouseOverthis.bgColor#a5c7e1 onMouseOutthis.bgColor#608EB2 width77> b>a classmenu hrefyazilim.html> Yazılım /a>/b> /TD> TD aligncenterclassmenu onMouseOverthis.bgColor#a5c7e1 onMouseOutthis.bgColor#608EB2 width78> b>a classmenu hrefdonanim.html> Donanım/a>/b> /TD> TD aligncenterclassmenu onMouseOverthis.bgColor#a5c7e1 onMouseOutthis.bgColor#608EB2 width138> b>a classmenu hrefforum/Forumlar.php> İskenderiye Forum/a>/b> /TD> TD alignmiddle width198>A titleAna Sayfa href> IMG titleAna Sayfa height8 altAna Sayfa srcimgs/home.jpg width8 border0>/A> FONT colorwhite>I A titleMail Gönder> IMG titleMail Gönder height6 altMail Gönder srcimgs/mail.jpg width8 border0>/A> I A titleSık Kullanılanlara Ekle onclickjavascript:window.external.AddFavorite(,Dizge Elektronik Ltd. 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Bugün Türkiyenin saygın 75 kütüphanesinde kullanılan yazılım, yakında tüm Türkiyede... a hrefiskenderiye.html>>>/a> /FONT> /b> /td> td width26> /td> /table> /TD> /TR> /TBODY> /TABLE> /td> /tr> tr> TD width10 alignright height309>/td> TD vAligntop width413 height309 alignleft> table width272> tr> TD styleBORDER-RIGHT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #e7e3ef 1px solid vAligntop width387 height50> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width218 border0 bordercolordark#003366 bordercolorlight#FFFFFF styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111 height133> TBODY> TR> TD width218 colSpan2 height21>A hrefyazilim.html> IMG height18 srcimgs/baslik_yazilim.gif width184 border0>/A> /TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop width91 height111> IMG height94 srcimgs/yapim.jpg width86 border0> /TD> TD vAligntop width127 height111> p alignright> font faceVerdana>font stylefont-size: 9pt>Firmamız dünyanın en büyük veri tabanı üreticisi olan font color#FF0000>b>ORACLE/b>/font>nın çözüm ortağı olarak faaliyet göstermektedir. /font> A hrefyazilim.html>font stylefont-size: 9pt>>>/font>/A>font stylefont-size: 9pt> /font>/font> /TD> /TR> /TBODY> /TABLE> /TD> TD styleBORDER-RIGHT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #e7e3ef 1px solid vAligntop width388> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width219 border0 bordercolordark#003366 bordercolorlight#FFFFFF styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111 height137> TBODY> TR> TD width219 colSpan2 height21>A hrefdonanim.html> IMG height18 srcimgs/baslik_donanim.gif width184 border0>/A> /TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop width94 height115> IMG styleBORDER-RIGHT: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #294d8c 1px solid srcimgs/laptop.jpg border0 width87 height83> /TD> TD vAligntop width125 height115> p alignright stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> FONT faceVerdana stylefont-size: 9pt>Dizge, kamu ve özel sektörde yer alan pek çok kurum ve kuruluşun bilişim projelerine başarılı ile imza atmıştır. A hrefdonanim.html>>>/A> /FONT> /TD> /TR> /TBODY> /TABLE> /TD> /tr> tr> TD styleBORDER-RIGHT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #e7e3ef 1px solid vAligntop width387> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width217 border0 bordercolorlight#FFFFFF bordercolordark#003366 styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111 height121> TBODY> TR> TD width217 colSpan2 height21>A hrefdonanim.html> IMG height18 srcimgs/baslik_teknik.gif width184 border0>/A> /TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop width116 height99> IMG styleBORDER-RIGHT: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #294d8c 1px solid srcimgs/hard.gif border0 width111 height93 > /TD> TD vAligntop width96 height99> p alignright>font faceVerdana> span stylefont-size: 9pt>Firmamız Bilgisayar teknolojilerinde satış sonrası teknik desteği vermektedir. A hrefdonanim.html>>>/A> /span>/font> /TD> /TR> /TBODY> /TABLE> /TD> TD styleBORDER-RIGHT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #e7e3ef 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #e7e3ef 1px solid vAligntop width388> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width219 border0 bordercolordark#003366 bordercolorlight#FFFFFF styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111> TBODY> TR> TD width217 colSpan2>A hrefdanisman.html> IMG height18 srcimgs/danismanlik.gif width184 border0>/a> /TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop width98> IMG styleBORDER-RIGHT: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #294d8c 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #294d8c 1px solid height92 srcimgs/danisma.gif width93 border0> /TD> TD vAligntop width118> p alignright>font faceVerdana>span stylefont-size: 9pt>Firmamız sorularınızı ve sorunlarınızı sizin yerinize düşünür ve en uygun çözümü üretir. A hrefdanisman.html>>>/A>/span>/font>/TD> /TR> /TBODY> /TABLE> /TD> /tr> /table> /td> TD vAligntop bgColor#ffffff aligncenter width190 height309> TABLE height200 cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width326 bordercolor#cccccc border0> TR> TD width252 height25 aligncenter backgroundimgs/haberust.gif vAlignmiddle > /TD> TD width9 rowspan3 > /TD> TD rowspan3 width215 > font faceVerdana size2> iframe border0 nameI4 marginWidth1 marginHeight1 frameBorder0 width181 scrollingno height321 src> /iframe>/font> /TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop bgColor#608EB2 aligncenter width252> p> SCRIPT languageJavaScript1.2 classkayan_yazi> var marqueewidth185 var marqueeheight230 var speed2 var yonup var marqueecontentstable width185 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 height155> marqueecontents+tr>td classkayan_yazi onmouseoverstopScroll(); onmouseoutstartScroll(); width185 aligntottom alignleft> • Sanal Mağazamız adresinden hizmete başladı. Teknolojinin son ürünlerini ve özelliklerini bu adresten takip edebilir, satın>br> marqueecontents+tr>td classkayan_yazi onmouseoverstopScroll(); onmouseoutstartScroll(); width185 aligntottom alignleft> • Bursa Nilüfer Belediyesi - İskenderiye Kütüphane Bilgi Sistemini seç>İskenderiye Kütüphane Bilgi Sistemini bütün modülleri ile satın aldı.br>br> marqueecontents+tr>td classkayan_yazi onmouseoverstopScroll(); onmouseoutstartScroll(); width180 alignleft> • İskenderiye Kütüphane Bilgi Sistemini kullanan kütüphane sayısı 78 oldu. br>br> marqueecontents+tr>td classkayan_yazi onmouseoverstopScroll(); onmouseoutstartScroll(); width180 aligntottom alignleft> • İskenderiye Kütüphane Bilgi Sisteminin 4.0 versiyonu ile işler daha da>br> marqueecontents+tr>td classkayan_yazi onmouseoverstopScroll(); onmouseoutstartScroll(); width180 aligntottom alignleft> • İskenderiye Kütüphane Bilgi Sistemi.. Bilgisayarlı kütüphaneciliğin geleceğ>br> marqueecontents+/td>/tr> marqueecontents+/table> function startScroll() { idyakis.scrollAmount1; } function stopScroll() { idyakis.scrollAmount0; } function upScroll() { idyakis.directionup; } function downScroll() { idyakis.directiondown; } if (document.all) document.write(marquee namenamayakis ididyakis direction+yon+ scrollAmount+speed+ stylewidth:+marqueewidth+;height:+marqueeheight+>+marqueecontents+/marquee>) /SCRIPT> /P> /TD> /TR> TR> TD width252 height25 alignleft backgroundimgs/haberalt.gif vAlignmiddle > /TD> /TR> /TABLE> /TD> /TR> /TBODY>/TABLE> TABLE height50 cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width833 border0> TBODY> TR> TD vAligncenter alignleft width400 backgroundimgs/turuncuarkaplan.gif> p aligncenter>FONT faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size2>B>FONT size1> /FONT>/B>/FONT>p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> FONT faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size1>B>İskenderiye Kütüphane Bilgi Sistemi/B>/FONT>p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> FONT faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size1>B> Bilgisayarlı Kütüphaneciliğin geleceği/B>/FONT>/TD> TD vAligncenter alignleft width36 backgroundimgs/turuncukose.gif> /TD> TD alignleft width397 bgColor#ffffff> img border0 srcimgs/oracle.gif width100 height18> a href>img srcimgs/eticaretbuton.png width200 height36 altOnline Alışveriş border0>/a> /TD>/TR> /TBODY>/TABLE> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width833 bgColor#ffffff border0> TBODY> TR> TD width833> /TD> /TR> TR> TD width833> font faceVerdana size2> iframe border0 nameI6 marginWidth1 marginHeight1 frameBorder0 width700 scrollingno height250 src> /iframe> /font> /TD> /TR> /TBODY>/TABLE>TABLE height46 cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width832 backgroundimgs/altimg.gif border0> TBODY> TR> TD width822> p alignleft> IMG height5 srcimgs/10x10.gif width10>BR> b>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size1> Dizge Elektronik Danışmanlık ve Bilgi Teknolojileri Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti./font>/b>FONT faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color#000000 size1>BR> IMG height1 srcimgs/10x10.gif width10>BR> /FONT> FONT faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color#666666 size1> /FONT> font faceVerdana size1 color#666666>G.M.K. Bulvarı Yeni Alemdar Pasajı No:71/33-34 Maltepe Çankaya/Ankara • Telefon: 0312 230 65 66 (Pbx) • Faks: 0312 230 86 31/font> a styletext-decoration:none; color:#BCBFCA href>jinshanlunwen/a> a styletext-decoration:none; color:#BCBFCA href>fake yeezy boost 350/a> /TD> TD vAligntop alignright width10> /TD> /TR> /TBODY>/TABLE>/CENTER>/td>/tr>/table>/CENTER>/BODY>/HTML>
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