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15.1875L21.75 21V21.75H2.25V21L9.99998 15.1875L11.1 16.0125ZM12 14.8125L2.25 7.5V6.75H21.75V7.5L12 14.8125ZM2.25 9.375L8.75002 14.25L2.25 19.125V9.375ZM21.75 19.125L15.25 14.25L21.75 9.375V19.125Z fillcurrentColor>/path> /svg>/div> div classtext-size-small text-color-white nav>> /div> /div> /div> div classnavigation_content-bottom> a href classbrand w-nav-brand> div classtext-size-regular text-color-black text-weight-bold>Denver Carpet Cleaning/div> /a> nav rolenavigation classnav-menu w-nav-menu> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>HOME/a> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>CARPET/a> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>UPHOLSTERY/a> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>ESTIMATE/a> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>BOOK ONLINE/a> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>SPEACIALS/a> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>BLOG/a> div classnav-wrapper> a href classnav-link w-nav-link>REQUEST A QUOTE/a> /div> /nav> div classmenu-button w-nav-button> div classw-icon-nav-menu>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection-hero-main> div classpadding-global> div classcontainer-large> div classcontent-hero_main> div idw-node-c1dbefd5-8ea3-8eca-6104-9b77dc0f23d6-3979eab3 classhero_services-wrapper> div classtext-size-small text-weight-bold text-color-blue>SERVICE PROVIDE/div> div classtext-size-medium line-height-big text-weight-medium>We are proving all type of cleaning solutions for every small and big businesses./div> /div> div idw-node-_424fdbe2-9def-060f-1079-83cf16914c8d-3979eab3 classhero_rug-cleaning-wrapper> div classimage-wrapper-hero>/div> div classtext-wrapper-hero> div classtext-size-small text-weight-medium>Rug Cleaning/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray>Rug Cleaning will take every precaution to ensure your oriental rug remains safe./div> /div> /div> div idw-node-ed41c452-2ce1-629f-89d2-f989a12fb37d-3979eab3 classhero_carpet-cleaning-wrapper> div classimage-wrapper-hero _2>/div> div classtext-wrapper-hero> div classtext-size-small text-weight-medium>Carpet Cleaning/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray>Carpet Cleaning understands that your home is your number one>/div> /div> /div> div idw-node-_50e0c2c3-ce08-62b9-e350-bcd444b88dfb-3979eab3 classhero_mile-high-wrapper> div classimage-wrapper-hero _3>/div> div classtext-wrapper-hero> div classtext-size-small text-weight-medium>Mile High Carpet Cleaning/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray>Mile High Carpet Cleaning is Leading Denver by raising standard for cleaning services/div> /div> /div> div idw-node-d8cf62f5-b271-bab7-ed9d-2fcec1d1163a-3979eab3 classhero_upholstery-cleaning-wrapper> div classimage-wrapper-hero _4>/div> div classtext-wrapper-hero> div classtext-size-small text-weight-medium>Upholstery Cleaning/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray>Upholstery Cleaning of Denver we use a combination of patented cleaning techniques./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection-image> div classpadding-global> div classcontainer-large> div classcontent_image> div classimage-wrapper-section-2> div classsec-image_contact-info_wrapper> div classtext-wrapper-yellow-box> div classtext-size-medium>FOR SERVICES & IMMEDIATE ATTENTION 24/7/div> /div> div classicon-wrapper-yellow-box> div classicon-wrapper_yellow>img srcimages/download-removebg-preview-17.png loadinglazy width102 alt>/div> /div> div classcontact-info-wrapper_yellow-box> div classtext-size-small>CALL US NOW:/div> div classtext-size-small text-weight-bold>(720) 597-7095/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection-steps> div classpadding-global> div classcontainer-large> div classsteps_content-wrapper> div classsteps_text-wrapper> div classtext-size-small line-height-big text-align-center>span classspan-blue text-weight-bold>OUR PROCESS/span>br>Get amazing cleaningbr>in 4 simple steps/div> /div> div classsteps_step-wrapper> div classsteps-content-wrapper> div classsteps-image_wrapper>img srcimages/step-1.png loadinglazy width100 alt classimage-2>/div> div classsteps-text_wrapper> div classtext-size-small text-weight-bold text-align-center>Easy Online Order/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray text-align-center>The number of rooms is determinedbr> by any dividing walls or areas overbr> 250 square feet./div> /div> /div> div classsteps-content-wrapper> div classsteps-image_wrapper>img srcimages/step-2.png loadinglazy width100 alt classimage-2>/div> div classsteps-text_wrapper> div classtext-size-small text-weight-bold text-align-center>Easy Online Order/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray text-align-center>Mile High Carpet Cleaning offersbr> products that are 100% safe to kids,br> pets and the environment./div> /div> /div> div classsteps-content-wrapper> div classsteps-image_wrapper>img srcimages/step-3.png loadinglazy width100 alt classimage-2>/div> div classsteps-text_wrapper> div classtext-size-small text-weight-bold text-align-center>Easy Online Order/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray text-align-center>Scotchgard Carpet Protector has br>unique fluorochemical properties thatbr> make it incompatible with dust./div> /div> /div> div classsteps-content-wrapper> div classsteps-image_wrapper>img srcimages/step-3.png loadinglazy width100 alt classimage-2>/div> div classsteps-text_wrapper> div classtext-size-small text-weight-bold text-align-center>Easy Online Order/div> div classtext-size-tiny text-color-gray text-align-center>Mile High Carpet Cleaning is Leadingbr> Denver by raising the standard forbr> carpet cleaning services./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection-info> div classpadding-global> div classcontainer-large> div classinfo_content-wrapper> div classtext-size-small text-align-center>span classspan-bold>Carpet Cleaning Denverbr>/span>br>Mile High Carpet Cleaning of Denver, CO is proud to offer its residents the most dependable, professional cleaners & dedicated Denver carpet cleaning services & Upholstery Cleaning service in the industry. Other Denver Carpet Cleaning services do not compare to the quality and workmanship of Mile High Carpet Cleaning,br>br>Mile High Carpet Cleaning of Denver, Colorado offers the finest truck mounted and portable steam cleaning units in the industry. Add professional and dedicated employees to state of the art equipment, Denver are guaranteed to get the best carpet cleaning results. Mile High Carpet Cleaning assures the best cleaning and shortest dry time compared to other Denver Carpet Cleaning>br>Mile High Carpet Cleaning of Denver, offers every service from carpet cleaning to upholstery cleaning services. Mile High Carpet cleaning’s competitive pricing for carpet and upholstery cleaning service in the Denver market is sure to make Mile High Carpet Cleaning Inc your number one choice in Denver for Carpet Cleaning. 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