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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 08:15:40 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-Encoding !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>!-- InstanceBegin template/Templates/PrimaryPage.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse --> !-- HEAD BEGIN --> head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 /> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nametwKeywords --> meta namedescription contentParental control software in Internet. Blocking the pornography and any forbidden site. /> meta namekeywords contentparental control,blocking the porno,Internet filter,contentwasher,trafficwasher,web filtering /> meta namerobots contentindex,follow /> meta namedistribution contentglobal /> !-- OPEN GRAPH BEGIN --> meta propertyog:title contentContentWasher/> meta propertyog:type contentproduct/> meta propertyog:url content> meta propertyog:image content> meta propertyog:site_name contentHome site of the ContentWasher internet filter/> meta propertyfb:admins> !-- OPEN GRAPH END --> meta namegoogle-site-verification contentd56uxnPMLIrf7gCBQeyjLaSF8HKiuvk73tKnFJiKWU8 /> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> !-- STYLESHEETS BEGIN --> link href/css/reset.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href/css/styles.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href/css/main-banr.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> !-- STYLESHEETS END --> !-- ADDITIONAL HEADER ELEMENTS BEGIN --> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nameheader --> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> !-- ADDITIONAL HEADER ELEMENTS END --> !--if IE 6> script srcDD_belatedPNG.js>/script> script> DD_belatedPNG.fix(.iepngfix); /script> !endif--> script src/cookies.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/utils.js typetext/javascript>/script> script src/js/jquery.js typetext/javascript charsetutf-8>/script> script src/js/main-banr.js typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript> function setActiveTab(activeTabId) { if (activeTabId home) { passiveTabId office; } if (activeTabId office) { passiveTabId home; } var activeTab returnObjById(activeTabId); var passiveTab returnObjById(passiveTabId); var activeTabCaption returnObjById(activeTabId + Caption); var passiveTabCaption returnObjById(passiveTabId + Caption); none; block; removeClass(passiveTabCaption, active); addClass(activeTabCaption, active); createCookie(activeTab, activeTabId, 1) } function initTabs() { var activeTab readCookie(activeTab); if (activeTab ! 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Its easy as 1-2-3!/p> div classbs_dwbutton_container> div stylebackground:url(/images/tw_dwbutton_green.png) top left no-repeat #008cd3; width:240px; height:50px; classiepngfix> a href/cgi-bin/go.cgi?1> span classbs_dwbutton_row1> Download now /span> span classbs_dwbutton_row2> contwashinst.exe (8,5 Mb) /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /td> td idtw_slide_3_image classtw_banner_image_cell> /td> /tr> /table> !-- SLIDE 3 END --> !--if gte IE 6> style typetext/css> .tw_banner_navigation a { color:#FFFFFF; font-size:24px; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a.prev, .tw_banner_navigation ul li { background:none; padding:0; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a.prev:hover { color:#d8e8f0; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li { color:#d8e8f0; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a.current { background:#FFFFFF; color:#007ab8; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a:hover { color:#d8e8f0; } /style> !endif--> div classtw_banner_navigation> ul> li>a href#prevSlide classprev></a>/li> li>a href#tw_banner_slide_1 classtw_slide_link current >1/a>/li> li>a href#tw_banner_slide_2 class tw_slide_link>2/a>/li> li>a href#tw_banner_slide_3 class tw_slide_link>3/a>/li> li>a href#nextSlide classnext>>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- BANNER END --> !-- CONTENT BEGIN --> div classbs_content> div classbs_left_column> !-- BLOCK_01 BOX BEGIN --> div classbs_feature_list_block bs_left_column_box bs_dotted_box> div classl1>div classl2>div classl3>div classl4>div classl5>div classl6> div classbs_dotted_inside bs_text_styles > h2>What can you do with ContentWasher?/h2> ul classbs_feature_list> li>a href/features/ban_access_to_websites.html>Ban access to websites that contain forbidden words./a>/li> li>a href/features/restrict_computer_access.html>Control and restrict the computer access./a>/li> li>a href/features/block_social_networking.html>Restrict access to social networking sites. Block ad banners./a>/li> li>a href/features/ban_sites_from_black_list.html>Ban sites from the black list./a>/li> li>a href/features/pre-approved_sites.html>Allow access only to pre-approved sites./a>/li> li>a href/ospc/>Online System of Parental Control./a>/li> li>a href/features/remote_monitor_viewing.html>See over network what your child sees on his monitor./a>/li> li>a href/features/control_icq_and_email.html>Control ICQ and email messages./a>/li> li>a href/features/prevent_file_downloads.html>Prevent file downloads (video, audio, flash, torrent, etc.)/a>/li> li>a href/features/schedule_access.html>Schedule Internet access./a>/li> li>a href/features/get_statistics_on_internet_usage.html>Get statistics on Internet usage./a>/li> li>a href/features/administer_over_local_network.html>Administer ContentWasher over a local network./a>/li> li>a href/features/block_applications.html>Block games and applications./a>/li> li>a href/features/filter_https_traffic.html>Filter HTTPS traffic./a>/li> li>a href/features/self_control.html>Self-control function in internet./a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div> !-- BLOCK_01 BOX END --> /div> div classbs_main_column> div classbs_usecase_box> !-- TABS HEADER BEGIN --> div classbs_usecase_tabs_header> div classl1>div classl2> ul idbs_usecase_tabs classsubsection_tabs> li classtab> div idhomeCaption classtabCaption active stylewidth:180px onclicksetActiveTab(home);> span classl1>span classl2> span classbs_tab_caption_container> span classbs_tab_caption>For home/span> span classbs_tab_label>safe Internet/span> /span> /span>/span> span classbs_cur>/span> /div> /li> li classtab> div idofficeCaption classtabCaption stylewidth:260px onclicksetActiveTab(office);> span classl1>span classl2> span classbs_tab_caption_container> span classbs_tab_caption>For organizations/span> span classbs_tab_label>Internet under your control/span> /span> /span>/span> span classbs_cur>/span> /div> /li> /ul> /div>/div> /div> !-- TABS HEADER END --> !-- TABS PAGES BEGIN --> div classbs_tabpage> div classl1>div classl2>div classl3>div classl4> div classbs_tabpage_container bs_text_styles> div idhome> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nametwHomeTabPage --> h2>Three-in-One solution for parents !/h2> p classt_strong>img src/images/bs_bullet_01.png width45 height50 alignleft stylemargin: 10px/>Protect your children from obscene content in Internet. /p> p>Today the Internet is flooded with information which is b>unsuitable for children to see/b>. It may be acts of violence, explicit porn photos and videos, propaganda of drugs, dangerous cults and sects./p> p>How can we ensure strict b>a href/features/ban_access_to_websites.html>parental control/a>/b>a href/features/ban_access_to_websites.html> in the Internet/a>? Do you want to rid yourself from fears when you leave your child alone with the Web?/p> p>We have a solution for you! Now you can:/p> ul> li>b>Ban access to webpages/b>, ICQ conversations, or emails if they contain b>forbidden keywords/b>./li> li>b>Restrict access to the Internet/b> by week days and time of the day./li> li>b>Block porn websites/b> from the black list./li> li>Allow the child to visit only those websites that have been b>approved by parents./b>/li> li>Use several predefined categories of forbidden words: Sex, Drugs, Religious Sects, etc./li> li>b>Block ad banners/b> with objectionable content (ads for porn websites)./li> li>b>Get a log of Internet usage/b> sent to parents automatically by email./li> /ul> p>span classt_strong>img src/images/bs_bullet_02.png alt width45 height50 alignleft stylemargin: 10px/>/span>/p> p classt_strong>Limit access to a computer at whole !/p> p>Child spends too much time at the computer? Or immediately after school starts to play in the computer games and forget about the lessons?/p> p>a href/features/restrict_computer_access.html>Control the access to a computer/a> with ContentWasher !/p> ul> li>b>/b>Counting the time that kid spends at the computer./li> li>b>Limiting access to a computer in certain hours and days./b>./li> li>Ability to view the childs screen and control his computer over the local network./li> li>Automatic switching off the computer when allowed time is over./li> li>b>Block computer games by time/b>./li>/ul> p>span classt_strong>img src/images/bs_bullet_03.png alt width45 height50 alignleft stylemargin: 10px/>/span>/p> p classt_strong>Online System of Parental Control/p> p>This a href/ospc/>online system/a> allows you control the time that your child spend on the computer through internet. Youll be able:/p> ul> li>To power off the childs computer and to block its using on hour or two;/li> li>To receive the email messages when your child starts to use the computer;/li> li>To make the video calls to childs computer;/li> li>To receive the screenshots and photos from webcam to your email./li> /ul> p> /p> p>b>a href/cgi-bin/go.cgi?1>Try ContentWasher!/a>/b>br /> Its free and it takes just a few minutes to download and install the trial version./p> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> div idoffice> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nametwOfficeTabPage --> h2>ContentWasher for organizations/h2> div classbs_orgincut> span> a href/school.html>For schools/a> a href/for_press/index.html>For press/a> /span> /div> p>According to the recent statistics, office workers that enjoy free access to the Internet spend from 20% to 40% of their working hours on personal needs. They chat in ICQ, post to personal blogs, download music, movies or applications, hang around in b>social networking sites/b>, etc. As a result, the employer has indirect losses related to poor performance in the workplace and extra expenses on b>Internet traffic/b>./p> p>Do you have similar problems in the office? We have a solution for you! Now you can:/p> ul> li>b>Restrict ICQ chats by time/b> or specific contacts./li> li>b>Block any social networking site/b> like Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube./li> li>b>Allow visiting only particular websites/b>./li> li>b>Block ad banners/b>./li> li>Set the program to send b>statistics on employees Internet usage/b> by email./li> li>Manage program settings and view a b>log of Internet usage/b> over a local network from any computer./li> li>Use a b>corporate blocking webpage/b>./li> /ul> p>b>a href/cgi-bin/go.cgi?1>Try ContentWasher!/a>/b>br />Its free and it takes a few minutes to download and install the trial version./p> p classinv>Download the a href/g/vista_parental_controls.html>Vista parental controls/a> for your child./p> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div> /div> !-- TABS PAGES END --> script typetext/javascript> initTabs(); /script> /div> /div> /div> !-- CONTENT END --> div classbs_clear>/div> div classbs_footer_ghost>/div> /div> !-- FOOTER BEGIN --> div classbs_footer> div classbs_footer_container iepngfix> div classtw_footer_text_container> div classbs_br_corner> p classtw_footer_link> | a href/support/index.html>Zimin IP/a>/p> p classtw_footer_link> | a href/terms.html>Terms of Use/a>/p> p classtw_footer_link> | a href/privacy.html>Privacy Policy/a>/p> p classtw_footer_link>a href/>Home page/a>/p> /div> p classbs_copyright twc_t twc_b>2009-2022 © Contentspan classtwc_t twc_b twt_bl>Washer/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> !-- FOOTER END --> /div> /body> !-- InstanceEnd -->/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 08:15:41 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-Encoding !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>!-- InstanceBegin template/Templates/PrimaryPage.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse --> !-- HEAD BEGIN --> head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 /> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nametwKeywords --> meta namedescription contentParental control software in Internet. 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Its easy as 1-2-3!/p> div classbs_dwbutton_container> div stylebackground:url(/images/tw_dwbutton_green.png) top left no-repeat #008cd3; width:240px; height:50px; classiepngfix> a href/cgi-bin/go.cgi?1> span classbs_dwbutton_row1> Download now /span> span classbs_dwbutton_row2> contwashinst.exe (8,5 Mb) /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /td> td idtw_slide_3_image classtw_banner_image_cell> /td> /tr> /table> !-- SLIDE 3 END --> !--if gte IE 6> style typetext/css> .tw_banner_navigation a { color:#FFFFFF; font-size:24px; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a.prev, .tw_banner_navigation ul li { background:none; padding:0; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a.prev:hover { color:#d8e8f0; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li { color:#d8e8f0; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a.current { background:#FFFFFF; color:#007ab8; } .tw_banner_navigation ul li a:hover { color:#d8e8f0; } /style> !endif--> div classtw_banner_navigation> ul> li>a href#prevSlide classprev></a>/li> li>a href#tw_banner_slide_1 classtw_slide_link current >1/a>/li> li>a href#tw_banner_slide_2 class tw_slide_link>2/a>/li> li>a href#tw_banner_slide_3 class tw_slide_link>3/a>/li> li>a href#nextSlide classnext>>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- BANNER END --> !-- CONTENT BEGIN --> div classbs_content> div classbs_left_column> !-- BLOCK_01 BOX BEGIN --> div classbs_feature_list_block bs_left_column_box bs_dotted_box> div classl1>div classl2>div classl3>div classl4>div classl5>div classl6> div classbs_dotted_inside bs_text_styles > h2>What can you do with ContentWasher?/h2> ul classbs_feature_list> li>a href/features/ban_access_to_websites.html>Ban access to websites that contain forbidden words./a>/li> li>a href/features/restrict_computer_access.html>Control and restrict the computer access./a>/li> li>a href/features/block_social_networking.html>Restrict access to social networking sites. Block ad banners./a>/li> li>a href/features/ban_sites_from_black_list.html>Ban sites from the black list./a>/li> li>a href/features/pre-approved_sites.html>Allow access only to pre-approved sites./a>/li> li>a href/ospc/>Online System of Parental Control./a>/li> li>a href/features/remote_monitor_viewing.html>See over network what your child sees on his monitor./a>/li> li>a href/features/control_icq_and_email.html>Control ICQ and email messages./a>/li> li>a href/features/prevent_file_downloads.html>Prevent file downloads (video, audio, flash, torrent, etc.)/a>/li> li>a href/features/schedule_access.html>Schedule Internet access./a>/li> li>a href/features/get_statistics_on_internet_usage.html>Get statistics on Internet usage./a>/li> li>a href/features/administer_over_local_network.html>Administer ContentWasher over a local network./a>/li> li>a href/features/block_applications.html>Block games and applications./a>/li> li>a href/features/filter_https_traffic.html>Filter HTTPS traffic./a>/li> li>a href/features/self_control.html>Self-control function in internet./a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div> !-- BLOCK_01 BOX END --> /div> div classbs_main_column> div classbs_usecase_box> !-- TABS HEADER BEGIN --> div classbs_usecase_tabs_header> div classl1>div classl2> ul idbs_usecase_tabs classsubsection_tabs> li classtab> div idhomeCaption classtabCaption active stylewidth:180px onclicksetActiveTab(home);> span classl1>span classl2> span classbs_tab_caption_container> span classbs_tab_caption>For home/span> span classbs_tab_label>safe Internet/span> /span> /span>/span> span classbs_cur>/span> /div> /li> li classtab> div idofficeCaption classtabCaption stylewidth:260px onclicksetActiveTab(office);> span classl1>span classl2> span classbs_tab_caption_container> span classbs_tab_caption>For organizations/span> span classbs_tab_label>Internet under your control/span> /span> /span>/span> span classbs_cur>/span> /div> /li> /ul> /div>/div> /div> !-- TABS HEADER END --> !-- TABS PAGES BEGIN --> div classbs_tabpage> div classl1>div classl2>div classl3>div classl4> div classbs_tabpage_container bs_text_styles> div idhome> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nametwHomeTabPage --> h2>Three-in-One solution for parents !/h2> p classt_strong>img src/images/bs_bullet_01.png width45 height50 alignleft stylemargin: 10px/>Protect your children from obscene content in Internet. /p> p>Today the Internet is flooded with information which is b>unsuitable for children to see/b>. It may be acts of violence, explicit porn photos and videos, propaganda of drugs, dangerous cults and sects./p> p>How can we ensure strict b>a href/features/ban_access_to_websites.html>parental control/a>/b>a href/features/ban_access_to_websites.html> in the Internet/a>? Do you want to rid yourself from fears when you leave your child alone with the Web?/p> p>We have a solution for you! Now you can:/p> ul> li>b>Ban access to webpages/b>, ICQ conversations, or emails if they contain b>forbidden keywords/b>./li> li>b>Restrict access to the Internet/b> by week days and time of the day./li> li>b>Block porn websites/b> from the black list./li> li>Allow the child to visit only those websites that have been b>approved by parents./b>/li> li>Use several predefined categories of forbidden words: Sex, Drugs, Religious Sects, etc./li> li>b>Block ad banners/b> with objectionable content (ads for porn websites)./li> li>b>Get a log of Internet usage/b> sent to parents automatically by email./li> /ul> p>span classt_strong>img src/images/bs_bullet_02.png alt width45 height50 alignleft stylemargin: 10px/>/span>/p> p classt_strong>Limit access to a computer at whole !/p> p>Child spends too much time at the computer? Or immediately after school starts to play in the computer games and forget about the lessons?/p> p>a href/features/restrict_computer_access.html>Control the access to a computer/a> with ContentWasher !/p> ul> li>b>/b>Counting the time that kid spends at the computer./li> li>b>Limiting access to a computer in certain hours and days./b>./li> li>Ability to view the childs screen and control his computer over the local network./li> li>Automatic switching off the computer when allowed time is over./li> li>b>Block computer games by time/b>./li>/ul> p>span classt_strong>img src/images/bs_bullet_03.png alt width45 height50 alignleft stylemargin: 10px/>/span>/p> p classt_strong>Online System of Parental Control/p> p>This a href/ospc/>online system/a> allows you control the time that your child spend on the computer through internet. Youll be able:/p> ul> li>To power off the childs computer and to block its using on hour or two;/li> li>To receive the email messages when your child starts to use the computer;/li> li>To make the video calls to childs computer;/li> li>To receive the screenshots and photos from webcam to your email./li> /ul> p> /p> p>b>a href/cgi-bin/go.cgi?1>Try ContentWasher!/a>/b>br /> Its free and it takes just a few minutes to download and install the trial version./p> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> div idoffice> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nametwOfficeTabPage --> h2>ContentWasher for organizations/h2> div classbs_orgincut> span> a href/school.html>For schools/a> a href/for_press/index.html>For press/a> /span> /div> p>According to the recent statistics, office workers that enjoy free access to the Internet spend from 20% to 40% of their working hours on personal needs. They chat in ICQ, post to personal blogs, download music, movies or applications, hang around in b>social networking sites/b>, etc. As a result, the employer has indirect losses related to poor performance in the workplace and extra expenses on b>Internet traffic/b>./p> p>Do you have similar problems in the office? We have a solution for you! Now you can:/p> ul> li>b>Restrict ICQ chats by time/b> or specific contacts./li> li>b>Block any social networking site/b> like Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube./li> li>b>Allow visiting only particular websites/b>./li> li>b>Block ad banners/b>./li> li>Set the program to send b>statistics on employees Internet usage/b> by email./li> li>Manage program settings and view a b>log of Internet usage/b> over a local network from any computer./li> li>Use a b>corporate blocking webpage/b>./li> /ul> p>b>a href/cgi-bin/go.cgi?1>Try ContentWasher!/a>/b>br />Its free and it takes a few minutes to download and install the trial version./p> p classinv>Download the a href/g/vista_parental_controls.html>Vista parental controls/a> for your child./p> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div> /div> !-- TABS PAGES END --> script typetext/javascript> initTabs(); /script> /div> /div> /div> !-- CONTENT END --> div classbs_clear>/div> div classbs_footer_ghost>/div> /div> !-- FOOTER BEGIN --> div classbs_footer> div classbs_footer_container iepngfix> div classtw_footer_text_container> div classbs_br_corner> p classtw_footer_link> | a href/support/index.html>Zimin IP/a>/p> p classtw_footer_link> | a href/terms.html>Terms of Use/a>/p> p classtw_footer_link> | a href/privacy.html>Privacy Policy/a>/p> p classtw_footer_link>a href/>Home page/a>/p> /div> p classbs_copyright twc_t twc_b>2009-2022 © Contentspan classtwc_t twc_b twt_bl>Washer/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> !-- FOOTER END --> /div> /body> !-- InstanceEnd -->/html>
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