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classnav-next>/div> /div>!-- #nav-above --> div idpost-1634 classpost-1634 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Zinfonia 2024 Review/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title9:59 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>January 20, 2025/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> h2 classwp-block-heading>Most Performed works in 2024/h2>ol classwp-block-list>li>strong>Arturo Márquez/strong> Danzon No. 2em> (Peermusic Classical) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Leonard Bernstein/strong> West Side Story. Symphonic Dancesem> (Boosey & Hawkes) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Carl Orff/strong> Carmina Buranaem> (Schott Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>George Gershwin/strong> Rhapsody in Blueem> (Gershwin Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Aaron Copland/strong> Appalachian Spring Suiteem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Samuel Barber/strong> Concerto for Violin and Orchestraem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Leonard Bernstein/strong> Candide. Overture Standard Concert Versionem> (Boosey & Hawkes) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Sergey Rachmaninov/strong> Symphonic Dancesem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Benjamin Britten/strong> The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestraem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Modest Mussorgsky/strong> Pictures at an Exhibition; arr. Ravelem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Benjamin Britten/strong> Four Sea Interludesem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Florence Price/strong> Symphony No. 1 in e minorem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>John Rutter/strong> Requiem ensemble versionem> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Béla Bartók/strong> Concerto for Orchestraem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Howard Blake/strong> Snowman (Concert Version), Theem> (Chester Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Max Richter/strong> Four Seasons Recomposed, Theem> (Chester Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>José Pablo Moncayo/strong> Huapangoem> (Peermusic Classical) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Gustav Mahler/strong> Sinfonie Nr. 5em> (Edition Peters) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Maurice Ravel/strong> Concerto en Solem> (Editions Durand) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Erich Wolfgang Korngold/strong> Konzert D-Durem> (Schott Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Sergey Prokofiev/strong> Romeo and Juliet. Suite No. 2, Op. 64bem> (G.Schirmer/Sergei Prokofiev Estate) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>William Grant Still/strong> Afro-American Symphonyem> (Novello & Co) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Aaron Copland/strong> Appalachian Spring. Suite Chamber Versionem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Gian Carlo Menotti/strong> Amahl and the Night Visitors, Operaem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Mack Wilberg/strong> Joy to the World orch Index No. 273em> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Francis Poulenc/strong> Gloriaem> (Salabert) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Gabriela Ortiz/strong> Kauyumariem> (Boosey & Hawkes (Hendon)) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Aaron Copland/strong> Appalachian Spring. Ballet 13 Instrumentsem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Alberto Ginastera/strong> Estancia. Dancesem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Mack Wilberg/strong> Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing orchem> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Sergey Rachmaninov/strong> Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganiniem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Arturo Márquez/strong> Conga del Fuego Nuevoem> (Peermusic Classical) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Richard Strauss/strong> Four Last Songsem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Igor Stravinsky/strong> Pulcinella. Suiteem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Paul Hindemith/strong> Symphonic Metamorphosisem> (Schott Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>John Adams/strong> Short Ride in a Fast Machineem> (Boosey & Hawkes (Hendon)) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>John Rutter/strong> Magnificat (chamber orch version)em> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Aaron Copland/strong> Clarinet Concerto Standard Versionem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Leonard Bernstein/strong> Chichester Psalms Full Versionem> (Boosey & Hawkes) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Pyotr Tchaikovsky/strong> Nutcracker Suite, for Orchestra, Theem> (Tempo Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Leonard Bernstein/strong> On the Town. 3 Dance Episodesem> (Boosey & Hawkes) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Sergey Prokofiev/strong> Romeo and Juliet, Ballet, Op. 64em> (G.Schirmer/Sergei Prokofiev Estate) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Jean Sibelius/strong> Symphony No. 5em> (Edition Wilhelm Hansen AS) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Karl Jenkins/strong> The Armed Man Reduced Versionem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>John Rutter/strong> Gloria full orchestra versionem> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Ástor Piazzolla/strong> The Four Seasons in Buenos Airesem> (Warner Chappell) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Maurice Ravel/strong> Boléroem> (Editions Durand) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Igor Stravinsky/strong> Petrushka Revisedem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Ralph Vaughan Williams/strong> Lark Ascending full version, Theem> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Grazyna Bacewicz/strong> Koncert na orkiestrę smyczkowąem> (PWM Edition) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Leonard Bernstein/strong> Mambo (Concert Ending)em> (Boosey & Hawkes) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Aaron Copland/strong> Symphony No.3em> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Gabriela Lena Frank/strong> Three Latin-American Dances for Orchestraem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Lili Boulanger/strong> D’un matin de printempsem> (Editions Durand) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Sergey Prokofiev/strong> Romeo and Juliet. Suite No. 1, Op. 64aem> (G.Schirmer/Sergei Prokofiev Estate) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Dmitri Shostakovich/strong> Symphony No. 5 in D minor, Op. 47em> (Dmitri Shostakovich Estate) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Florence Price/strong> Symphony No. 3 in c minorem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Aaron Copland/strong> Lincoln Portraitem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Zoltán Kodály/strong> Tänze aus Galantaem> (Universal Edition) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Dmitri Shostakovich/strong> Sinfonie Nr. 5em> (VAAP) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Florence Price/strong> Andante moderato for string orchestraem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>John Rutter/strong> Requiem orchestral versionem> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Florence Price/strong> Symphony No.1 JUBA DANCEem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Richard Strauss/strong> Der Rosenkavalier. Suiteem> (Boosey & Hawkes) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Dmitri Shostakovich/strong> Festive Overtureem> (VAAP) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Francis Poulenc/strong> Sinfoniettaem> (Chester Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>George Gershwin/strong> An American in Parisem> (Gershwin Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>John Adams/strong> Chairman Dances: Foxtrot for Orchestra, Theem> (Associated Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Dmitri Shostakovich/strong> Concerto for Piano No. 2, Op. 102em> (Dmitri Shostakovich Estate) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Igor Stravinsky/strong> The Rite of Spring 1911-13, rev.1947em> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Joaquín Rodrigo/strong> Concierto de Aranjuezem> (Schott Music Mainz / Ediciones Joaquín Rodrigo) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Margaret Bonds/strong> The “Montgomery Variations”em> (Hildegard Publishing Company) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Ralph Vaughan Williams/strong> Symphony No.5 in D Majorem> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Wojciech Kilar/strong> Orawaem> (PWM Edition) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Igor Stravinsky/strong> Firebird Suite (1919), Theem> (Chester/Firebird) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Joan Tower/strong> Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman, No. 1em> (Associated Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>John Rutter/strong> Twelve Days of Christmas CC2 orchIndex 107em> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Mack Wilberg/strong> The First Nowell Index No. 269em> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>William Walton/strong> Concerto for Viola revised 1962em> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Karl Jenkins/strong> The Armed Manem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Jean Sibelius/strong> Violin-Konzert d-Mollem> (Robert Lienau Musikverlag) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Samuel Barber/strong> Knoxville, Summer of 1915, Op. 24em> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Bernard Herrmann/strong> Psycho: A Short Suite for String Orchestraem> (Sony/ATV Melody) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Francis Poulenc/strong> Concerto en sol mineurem> (Salabert) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Leonard Bernstein/strong> Glitter and Be Gayem> (Boosey & Hawkes) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Dmitri Shostakovich/strong> Concerto No. 1 for Violoncello and Orchestra –em> (Dmitri Shostakovich Estate) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Florence Price/strong> Piano Concerto in One Movementem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Gian Carlo Menotti/strong> Medium, Opera, Theem> (G. Schirmer) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Joaquín Rodrigo/strong> Concierto de Aranjuezem> (Ediciones Joaquín Rodrigo) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Ástor Piazzolla/strong> Cuatro Estaciones Portenas; arr. Violin & Str”Four Seasons of Buenos Airesem> (Warner Chappell Music | Astor Piazzolla (Faber)) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Einojuhani Rautavaara/strong> Cantus arcticusem> (Fennica Gehrman) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Aaron Copland/strong> Billy the Kid. Suiteem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Anna Clyne/strong> Masqueradeem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers US) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Christopher Tin/strong> Sogno di Volareem> (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Dmitri Shostakovich/strong> Kammersinfonie für Streichorchester nach dem Streichquartett Nr. 8em> (VAAP) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>William Dawson/strong> Negro Folk Symphonyem> (AMSCO/Wise Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Igor Stravinsky/strong> Concerto en réem> (Schott Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>George Gershwin/strong> Concerto in Fem> (Gershwin Music) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Grazyna Bacewicz/strong> Uwerturaem> (PWM Edition) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>li>strong>Ralph Vaughan Williams/strong> Dona Nobis Pacem (full orchestra)em> (Oxford University Press) a href target_blank relnoopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone size-full wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/em>/li>/ol>h2 classwp-block-heading>Most Performed composers in 2024/h2>ol classwp-block-list>li>Leonard strong>Bernstein a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>John strong>Rutter a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>George strong>Gershwin a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Aaron strong>Copland a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Mack strong>Wilberg a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Benjamin strong>Britten a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Florence strong>Price a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Dmitri strong>Shostakovich a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Igor strong>Stravinsky a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Ralph strong>Vaughan Williams a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Dmitri strong>Shostakovich a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Sergey strong>Prokofiev a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Arturo strong>Márquez a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Sergey strong>Rachmaninov a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Sergey strong>Prokofiev a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Karl strong>Jenkins a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Samuel strong>Barber a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Richard strong>Strauss a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Maurice strong>Ravel a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>li>Gustav strong>Mahler a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 size-full src altattach>/a>/strong>/li>/ol>h2 classwp-block-heading>Zinfonia Composers who died in 2024/h2>figure classwp-block-image size-full>a href>img fetchpriorityhigh decodingasync width600 height212 src alt classwp-image-1642 srcset 600w, 300w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px />/a>/figure>ul classwp-block-list>li>Bernhard strong>Lewkovitch/strong> (28.v.1927—4.i.2024) a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/li>li>John strong>White/strong> (5.iv.1936—4.i.2024) a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/li>li>Bruno strong>Ducol/strong> (22.iii.1949—11.i.2024) a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/li>li>David strong>Lumsdaine/strong> (31.x.1931—12.i.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Romuald strong>Twardowski/strong> (—13.i.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Laurie strong>Johnson/strong> (7.ii.1927—16.i.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Peter strong>Schickele/strong> (17.vii.1935—16.i.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Vazha strong>Azarashvili/strong> (13.vii.1936—7.ii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Georg strong>Riedel/strong> (8.i.1934—25.ii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Makoto strong>Shinohara/strong> (10.xii.1931—3.iii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>George strong>Newson/strong> (27.vii.1932—8.iii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Eric strong>Carmen/strong> (11.viii.1949—9.iii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>James strong>Whitbourn/strong> (17.viii.1963—12.iii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Aribert strong>Reimann/strong> (4.iii.1936—13.iii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Lita strong>Grier/strong> (14.iii.1937—17.iii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Péter strong>Eötvös/strong> (2.i.1944—24.iii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Thomas strong>Kessler/strong> (25.ix.1937—0.iv.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Peter strong>Förtig/strong> (15.iii.1934—12.iv.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Bill strong>Holman/strong> (21.v.1927—6.v.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Richard M strong>Sherman/strong> (—25.v.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Emma Lou strong>Diemer/strong> (24.xi.1927— a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Ernstalbrecht strong>Stiebler/strong> (29.iii.1934— a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Michael strong>Graubart/strong> (26.xi.1930— a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Jarmo strong>Sermilä/strong> (16.viii.1939— a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Alexander strong>Knaifel/strong> (28.xi.1943— a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Édith strong>Lejet/strong> (19.vii.1941—15.vii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Alcides strong>Lanza/strong> (—17.vii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Joji strong>Yuasa/strong> (12.viii.1929—21.vii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Wolfgang strong>Rihm/strong> (13.iii.1952—27.vii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Miguel strong>Gomez-Martinez/strong> (17.ix.1949—4.viii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Zdenek strong>Pololáník/strong> (25.x.1935—12.viii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Alexander strong>Goehr/strong> (10.viii.1932—25.viii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Benny strong>Golson/strong> (25.i.1929—21.ix.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Leif strong>Segerstam/strong> (2.iii.1944—9.x.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Barbara strong>Kolb/strong> (10.ii.1939—21.x.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Jan strong>Morthenson/strong> (7.iv.1940—22.x.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Quincy strong>Jones/strong> (14.iii.1933—3.xi.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Siegfried strong>Thiele/strong> (28.iii.1934—24.xi.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Hans strong>Hammerschmid/strong> (12.iii.1930—30.xi.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Marlos strong>Nobre/strong> (18.ii.1939—2.xii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Jón strong>Nordal/strong> (6.iii.1926—5.xii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Michio strong>Mamiya/strong> (—11.xii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach width16 height16>/a>/li>li>Tom strong>Johnson/strong> (18.xi.1939—31.xii.2024) a href target_blank relnoopener>img loadinglazy decodingasync width16 height16 classalignnone wp-image-1030 src altattach>/a>/li>/ul>figure classwp-block-image size-full>a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync width600 height224 src alt classwp-image-1639 srcset 600w, 300w sizesauto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px />/a>/figure>p>/p>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Zinfonia 2024 Review/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1634 --> div idpost-1622 classpost-1622 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-general category-incopyright category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Contributing to the Global Music Publisher feed/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title2:54 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>October 25, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> h3 classwp-block-heading>Here is a brief guide to posting content to the Global Music Publisher feed on In©/h3>p>strong>What you Need/strong>/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>a strong>headline/strong> for your post /li>li>the strong>content/strong> of your post in English (and optionally translations in any of the Zinfonia languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian or Polish). The best posts are those which are succinct but with enough information to encourage your readers to click on the link to get more detailed information./li>li>a strong>link/strong> or URL for more information. Links to non-Zinfonia websites will be charged in the normal manner, but links to works in Zinfonia may be created at no cost (feel free to ask us for help to create these)./li>li>a 200×200 pixel (square) jpeg, png or gif strong>image/strong> that you have the rights to share with us./li>/ul>p>strong>Where to go/strong>/p>p>In the In© portal, head to the strong>News Feed /strong> section of the Promotion/Marketing tab or click on this link: a href>>. Note: if you cannot see this option, you need to ask your In© administrator to grant you the em>Marketing and Promotion/em> permission./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height683 src alt classwp-image-1623 srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1225w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/figure>p>Once there, you will be presented with a set of empty white boxes, the number of which is calculated by the level of your subscription, all of which can used for a different story. You can always purchase additional news items which are charged on a monthly basis, but as there is no restriction how often you update your stories, these will not normally be required./p>p>strong>Creating your First Post/strong>/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>Click on the green EDIT button/li>li>Enter the HEADLINE/li>li>Enter the TEXT (you can use the formatting options to highlight particular text)/li>li>Click on the other language tabs if you have translations and repeat/li>li>Enter the link you want people to click when they read your story (please include the full url including the https://www if that is applicable)/li>li>Optionally enter the dates from and until you would like the item to be displayed/li>li>Click on the Blue Upload News image box at the top of the listing and select your image./li>/ul>figure classwp-block-image size-full>a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync width648 height785 src alt classwp-image-1628 srcset 648w, 248w sizesauto, (max-width: 648px) 100vw, 648px />/a>/figure>p>As soon as you upload an image you changes are saved BUT THE POST IS NOT YET VISIBLE./p>p>Click the Edit button again, and if you are happy with the way the image looks and the content is ready, toggle the VISIBLE button at the bottom the post, and your message will be visible to all new logins at>p>strong>Check your Post/strong>/p>p>Use the blue VIEW button at the top of the post to see the story exactly as it appears in Zinfonia. Make sure you test the link and make any changes in the InC platform which are visible immediately on Zinfonia./p>p>strong>Measure the success of your campaign/strong>/p>p>Every click on an external link on your post is captured, and you can access some useful information to measure the success of your stories in the strong>Click/Link Report/strong> found in the Reports option of the Tools menu./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height476 src alt classwp-image-1624 srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1277w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/figure>p>strong>Update your Posts from time to time/strong>/p>p>Newer posts each month are given priority in Zinfonia, and so you should try to post new content to keep your customers engaged with your content. When you want to upload a new post, if you do not have spare news slots left, click the red ARCHIVE button which will keep the post, but remove it from the cycling news feed./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>General/a>, a href relcategory>in©/a>, a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Contributing to the Global Music Publisher feed/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1622 --> div idpost-1618 classpost-1618 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-general> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Closed for the holidays?/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title12:23 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>July 8, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>If your office is closing for any extended period, do not forget to set the dates in the strong>Office Closed /strong>section of the Zinfonia panel in your strong>Authority/strong> settings in a href data-typelink data-id>InCopyright/a>./p>div classwp-block-media-text is-stacked-on-mobile>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width306 height603 src alt classwp-image-1619 size-full srcset 306w, 152w sizesauto, (max-width: 306px) 100vw, 306px />/figure>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>When entered, your customers are notified of the office closure when they create any new orders or send a message via the InC/Zinfonia messaging service so that any delays in processing will be shared with your customer at this time./p>p>Dates can be set in advance of known closures because they are not displayed until the day you enter in the CLOSED section./p>p>You also do not have to remember to clear the dates when your office re-opens as the the message will only be displayed until the REOPEN date./p>p>When you enter dates in this section, don’t forget to press the SAVE CHANGES button to commit the changes to the system./p>/div>/div>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>General/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Closed for the holidays?/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1618 --> div idpost-1608 classpost-1608 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-general category-uic category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Well-formed UICs/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title1:41 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>June 24, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile>div classwp-block-media-text__content>h2 classwp-block-heading>The Universal Instrumentation Code or UIC will soon play a more important role in your Zinfonia presence./h2>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width609 height609 src alt classwp-image-1609 size-full srcset 609w, 300w, 150w sizesauto, (max-width: 609px) 100vw, 609px />/figure>/div>p>The UIC is an industry-supported standard to represent instrumental parts using hierarchical numeric system to make it easier to display, share and search performing materials (you can find more about the UIC here: a href>>)./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Why are UICs important?/h2>p>Probably the most obvious benefit for having UICs on all of your titles is to provide your customers as part of the order process with the precise breakdown of the individual parts they are requesting (in their own language), and are prompted only to input the desired quantities on those items which require this information (like scores, vocal and choral materials and string forces)./p>p>/p>p>UICs are also being used increasingly to share information between different systems. The system was originally created by us to help digital distribution systems connect the performer with the part they need to play, but is now used to move large amounts of information effortlessly between companies and platforms./p>p>Very soon we will be introducing two new features on Zinfonia, both of which depend on the availability of well-formed UICs on your titles. The first new feature is advanced searching of Zinfonia databases based on the instrumentation, to not only locate works of specific groups of players (both small and large) but also to locate works with the same or similar forces. /p>p>The second feature is the concept of em>Search Tags/em> that give Zinfonia users new ways to locate the pieces they are looking for. At the moment, if you know the composer or title, Zinfonia searches are easy, but if you are looking for something based on genre, category or instrumentation then these Zinfonia Search Tags will be very useful to reveal new programming opportunities. Publishers will have the facility to maintain their own tags, but those which are specific to the instrumentation (like Music for Orchestra, or Violin Solo and Orchestra) will be automatically applied based on the UIC, so having these in place before that feature is available will help make your catalogue more visible. More on these features soon./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>How to get UICs in Zinfonia/h2>p>For users that use HLMSW or Chordata, the process is automatic – we do though STRONGLY recommend all HLMSW users take the time to convert any titles that have not yet been converted to UICs into this format. When HLMSW is retired in a few years, we will need to have consistent data, and so UICs across all works, sets and transactions will need to be in place. To make this transition easier, we have created a bunch of utilities to help you work though this process – please contact us to get a personal tour of these./p>p>For non-HLMSW/Chordata users, the new UIC editor is available in the Edit Work screen accessed by clicking on the EDIT button in InCopyright. /p>div classwp-block-image>figure classaligncenter size-full>a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync width551 height154 src alt classwp-image-1612 srcset 551w, 300w sizesauto, (max-width: 551px) 100vw, 551px />/a>/figure>/div>p>You can use the a href data-typelink data-id>UIC Toolbox/a> to create complete UICs, or you can copy and paste UICS from existing titles in Zinfonia using the options available. We are also creating mass upload tools if you can support the UIC on your existing systems (please ask us for more information)./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>What is a Well-Formed UIC?/h2>p>The UIC has a number of important principles that, when followed, will produce the best results:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>The Instrument defined in Position 0 MUST be unique in a set of parts (this instrument also defines the sort order of the elements). You can use the Descriptor or Number designators to distinguish between similar instruments./li>li>When other instruments are included on the same line (to indicate doubling or shared parts) it is important to include the DOUBLING flag when required so that the UIC knows that the same player plays all instruments./li>li>Keep all of your instruments in logical groups within the UIC using the DOMAIN designator. For example if you have a violin concerto, the solo violin part should be attached to the SOLO domain so that it is kept separate from the rest of the instruments. The Domain can be omitted if all instruments are part of the same group. /li>li>For parts where there is a one-to-one relationship with the players (like winds, brass and percussion in an orchestral context) , make sure you include a Quantity value as part of the UIC. For items with non-specific quantities like scores, vocal & choral material and string forces, no quantity should be entered so that users are required to nominate the number of copies they require when ordering./li>li>While the UIC is available in 8 languages, we recommend managing your UIC listings in English because this is the only version that every instrument is guaranteed unique. If you do not like any of the UIC terms or transactions, on HLMSW and Chordata you can create your own dictionaries so that that it is displayed the way you prefer./li>/ul>p>Don’t forget to visit the a href data-typelink data-id>UIC Toolbox/a> on InCopyright to get a better understanding of the system and to see a demonstration of some of the power behind this versatile system./p>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>General/a>, a href relcategory>UIC/a>, a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Well-formed UICs/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1608 --> div idpost-1601 classpost-1601 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-update category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Auto-Process HLMSW Messages/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title10:35 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>June 10, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>With HLMSW v8.02 Build 0.18 we introduce a regularly requested feature to automatically marked as processed transactions in the HLMSW queue which have been answered in In©./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Zinfonia/In© Messaging is Efficient/h2>p>The Zinfonia/In© messaging facility is the best way to communicate with your customers. Any message sent this way is delivered immediately, and if the customer has the desktop notification feature enabled, they will be notified in real-time. From In© you can include attachments and links that often trigger over-aggressive email spam filters that are common in our age. Every communication is logged and visible to all which makes team communications much easier to manage./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Answer messages on In©/h2>p>A good percentage of new requests require more information from the customer before they can be quoted or allocated stock, and we recommend you use In© to maintain your message queue because it is easier to see at a glance which items are waiting for a response from you/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height288 src alt classwp-image-1602 srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1168w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/figure>p>Messages with a non-white background usually require some kind of interaction with you. This may be a message the customer has sent (indicated by the Unread Message counter) or it may be informational like a Quote has been accepted and/or paid. If you have transactions which do not require a response but are non-white in your list, I recommend you Archive them so that your list remains easy to view. /p>p>You can also use the new All Unanswered Status option to view just unanswered requests/p>figure classwp-block-image size-full>a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync width810 height153 src alt classwp-image-1603 srcset 810w, 300w, 768w sizesauto, (max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px />/a>/figure>p>The change we have introduced with the most recent HLMSW release, is that when you answer a request in In©, the system will automatically mark it as done and hide it from the HLMSW Zinfonia messages queue. This may not happen in real time because the queue is only updated at semi-regularly intervals, but you can always force a refresh of the queue by selecting the strong>REFRESH /strong>button in HLMSW./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>In©/HLMSW Best Practice/h2>p>To manage your HLMSW and In© systems we recommend you use them together in this way:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>Make sure that the strong>Auto Archive orders/strong> option is selected in the In© Authority (this will automatically archive any Zinfonia transaction that have had no activity for a while or the performance has passed or quote expired). It is important to remember that if there is any activity on an Archived transaction the Archive flag will be removed, and you can continue to search any Archived transaction with the strong>Show Archive/strong> button set on the In© Orders screen/li>li>Make sure the strong>Manual Order Release /strong> option is set on BOTH Zinfonia and HLMSW. This will stop any order from appearing the HLMSW queue until you are ready to process it or the customer accepts and/or pays. You can make any transaction appear on HLMSW by using the strong>RELEASE /strong> button in In©. Even without this setting, all orders are still being sent to HLMSW and so can be displayed by entering the Zinfonia ID (they are just not displayed in the queue). Contact us to help set up this option./li>li>Triage any incoming request (with a non-white background) and either:br>a) Use the messages facility to ask or answer question posed by the customerbr>b) Issue a Quotebr>c) Release the transaction so it can be managed in HLMSW/li>li>d) Archive the transaction to remove it from the live queue/li>/ul>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>Update/a>, a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Auto-Process HLMSW Messages/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1601 --> div idpost-1597 classpost-1597 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-incopyright> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>In© Account Tariffs, Status & Notes/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:28 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>June 3, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>Today we launched some new features on InCopyright to provide publishers and distributors with tools to make it easier for you to interact with your Zinfonia customers by having the option to assign Authority-wide notes to your anyone ordering through Zinfonia./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Tariffs/h2>div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile stylegrid-template-columns:auto 32%>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>Users with Admin permissions can click on the Authority menu option to display a new Tariff card to allow you to create categories that can be assigned to your customers and works to assist in the calculation of fees and charges./p>p>There is no limit to the number of Tariffs you can enter, and they are designed to link directly to online resources to assist in the calculation of fees, both for in-house use and also optionally for public access as well./p>p>The system makes it easy to manage multiple currencies and annual changes in rates. /p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width322 height615 src alt classwp-image-1598 size-full srcset 322w, 157w sizesauto, (max-width: 322px) 100vw, 322px />/figure>/div>h2 classwp-block-heading>Account Status, Tariff and Notes/h2>div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>Every order now has a redesigned Customer card which give you quick access to the last 5 orders and well as a new system for users with Admin or Quote permissions to assign a status (Standard/Priority/Alert/STOPPED), a tariff and free-text notes which are visible to EVERYONE in your Authority (but not visible to your clients in Zinfonia). The same information is also displayed on quotes, along with a link to your online resource for fee calculation./p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width570 height523 src alt classwp-image-1599 size-full srcset 570w, 300w sizesauto, (max-width: 570px) 100vw, 570px />/figure>/div>h2 classwp-block-heading>Want to know more? Check out the Video/h2>p>We have created the first of what we expect to be a growing library of short videos to help explain how to use new and existing features on InCopyright as they happen./p>p>a href>Click here to check it out/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>in©/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on In© Account Tariffs, Status & Notes/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1597 --> div idpost-1592 classpost-1592 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Zinfonia at MOLA Cleveland/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title10:07 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>May 14, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> p>/p>div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile>div classwp-block-media-text__content>h3 classwp-block-heading>Zinfonia will be represented at the 42nd Annual strong>M/strong>ajor strong>O/strong>rchestra strong>L/strong>ibrarians’ strong>A/strong>ssociation hosted by the Cleveland Orchestra commencing on May 24th./h3>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width500 height100 src alt classwp-image-791 size-full/>/figure>/div>p>For this event, Zinfonia will be promoting the new a href data-typepost data-id1571>Zinfonia Publisher News Feed/a> and so if you have content that you think would be valuable to orchestral music librarians across the globe, please make sure your news items are visible BEFORE May 24th, 2024. It may also be a good opportunity to review and update your Zinfonia banner as well. Both of these can be maintained in the Promotion/Marketing section of your a href>InCopyright/a> portal – please contact us if you need assistance with access or use of these features./p>p>strong>Ulrich Steffen Eck/strong>, the operations manager of Zinfonia and curator of the Zinfonia databases will be at the Tech Fair and subsequent sessions and he would love to see you if you are in attendance. /p>p> /p>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Zinfonia at MOLA Cleveland/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1592 --> div idpost-1578 classpost-1578 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-incopyright category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>In© New Features/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title3:45 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>April 28, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> h3 classwp-block-heading>Here is a summary of the many new features span styletext-decoration: underline;>now/span> available at the publisher portal./h3>h2 classwp-block-heading>Statistics and Reports/h2>div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile stylegrid-template-columns:auto 30%>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>You can now view and download a range of important facts and figures in the new \Tools\Reports section of In© where you can view OR download (in csv format):/p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width239 height146 src alt classwp-image-1580 size-full/>/figure>/div>ul classwp-block-list>li>strong>Statistics /strong>is a graphic overview of the transactions and clicks with a comparison to the previous year to see how you are tracking./li>li>strong>Transaction Report/strong> is a list of all transactions that have been submitted by users in the given period for all of your catalogues /li>li>strong>Click/Link Report/strong> is a list of all clicks on your banners, news items or with links you have provided by users in the given period/li>li>strong>Top 100 Works Report/strong> will provide you with a list of the MOST performed titles in your catalogues/li>li>strong>Hidden Works Report/strong> is a list of all works not available to Zinfonia users for a variety of reasons (it is recommended you check this from time to time to make sure something is not visible when it should be)/li>/ul>h2 classwp-block-heading>Zinfonia Subscription Details and Invoices/h2>div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile stylegrid-template-columns:auto 30%>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>You can now view and keep track in real-time all details of your existing subscription and invoices by selecting the option strong>Invoices/Payments – Zinfonia Invoices/strong>/p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width241 height177 src alt classwp-image-1584 size-full/>/figure>/div>h2 classwp-block-heading>Managing your Zinfonia catalogue with In©/h2>p>For publishers that upload content directly into Zinfonia, we have a number of new features and resources available to you to keep you Zinfonia catalogue up to date./p>p>strong>Uploading Content from a File/strong>/p>div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile stylegrid-template-columns:auto 30%>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>Using the same tab-delimited Unicode file formats for data and links as the old Zinfonia, you can upload your content into Zinfonia using the new strong>\Zinfonia Catalog\Upload/strong> menu option. /p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width243 height138 src alt classwp-image-1581 size-full/>/figure>/div>p>To upload a file. just use the strong>Upload Items/strong> button and follow the prompts. After a file has been uploaded and processed by us, title will be marked as Ready with a green background, and these can inserted into Zinfonia using the strong>Process Items/strong> button. If there are any items you do not want to process, select them using the check box, and press the strong>Remove Items/strong> button./p>p>strong>Editing Existing Content/strong>/p>div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile stylegrid-template-columns:auto 62%>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>To edit any existing content, use the new Edit button you will find located next to all of your works in the strong>Zinfonia Catalog/ALL Zinfonia/strong> search./p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width544 height191 src alt classwp-image-1583 size-full srcset 544w, 300w sizesauto, (max-width: 544px) 100vw, 544px />/figure>/div>p>Here you can edit all Zinfonia information and links, with the new option of adding a UIC. The UIC makes for a much better user experience for your customers because they can see precisely what parts make up a set and is a recommended inclusion for all items on Zinfonia. /p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Changes to Visibility rules for Banners and News Items/h2>p>To keep the publisher banners and news items fresh for our regular users, we are now applying some weighting algorithms to feature more recent content./p>p>strong>Global Publisher News/strong>/p>p>We recommend you update your content every month because content that has been updated in the last month with be featured ahead of older content. We are also testing a RSS feed for news items you can subscribe to with your favourite news reader at a href>>/p>p>strong>Banners/strong>/p>p>You should aim to updated them at least once a year to keep give them most chance of being seen. We also have the facility to boost certain banner ads for a limited time if you have something special you want people to see (there is a small additional fee for boosting banner content)./p>p>You can use the new Click/Link report mentioned above to track the success of your Zinfonia marketing campaigns./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>in©/a>, a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on In© New Features/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1578 --> div idpost-1571 classpost-1571 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Zinfonia Global Publisher News Feed is Live/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title11:42 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>April 9, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile>div classwp-block-media-text__content>h3 classwp-block-heading>The Global Publisher News Feed with content provided by our publisher partners is now visible on Zinfonia (a href data-typelink data-id>click here to view the entire feed/a>)./h3>p>All Zinfonia publishers now can promote their catalogues and activities DIRECTLY to all active Zinfonia users by uploading banners and articles through the Marketing option of In©. As Zinfonia reaches more than 4k unique users every week, your posts will bee seen by librarians, musicians, educators and artistic personnel from all over the world./p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width825 height821 src alt classwp-image-1573 size-full srcset 825w, 300w, 150w, 768w sizesauto, (max-width: 825px) 100vw, 825px />/figure>/div>p>This feature is FREE for all Zinfonia Connect publishers with an active subscription (with the number of concurrent news items being based on the level of your subscription)./p>p>When a user logs into Zinfonia, they are presented with a random selection of News Feed articles, the number of which is dependant on the platform they are using to view Zinfonia. /p>p>All news articles may be posted in several languages, and all clicks (to non-Zinfonia sites) are logged and charged at your usual rate. /p>div classwp-block-media-text is-stacked-on-mobile>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width828 height530 src alt classwp-image-1574 size-full srcset 828w, 300w, 768w sizesauto, (max-width: 828px) 100vw, 828px />/figure>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p>Links to searches in Zinfonia are span styletext-decoration: underline;>not/span> charged, and the easiest way to create Zinfonia links is via Zinfonia Catalogue option in In©. Locate an example of a work you want to feature, and click the purple action button and use the LINKS tab and drop down to create a variety of links for this work. mark stylebackground-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) classhas-inline-color has-blue-color>Note: Make sure you test all links to make sure they are OK before publishing./mark>/p>/div>/div>p>Posts are promoted for a month after their release, and so if you want your posts to remain in high rotation, we recommend you update the content every month./p>p>If you need help with this, please do not hesitate to contact us./p>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Zinfonia Global Publisher News Feed is Live/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1571 --> div idpost-1566 classpost-1566 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-incopyright category-zinfonia> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Zinfonia Global Publisher News Feed Launches in April/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classmeta-prep meta-prep-author>Posted on/span> a href title10:48 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>March 4, 2024/span>/a> span classmeta-sep>by/span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by btmi>btmi/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> div classentry-content> div classwp-block-media-text has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile stylegrid-template-columns:auto 27%>div classwp-block-media-text__content>p classhas-medium-font-size>The global publisher newsfeed, a key new feature of Zinfonia 2.0 will be visible to all Zinfonia users from April 1st, 2024./p>p>The global publisher news feed is a unique and free opportunity for all Zinfonia publishers to promote new composers, first performances, important anniversaries or any information that you think will be of interest to the 81k of Zinfonia users world-wide./p>/div>figure classwp-block-media-text__media>img loadinglazy decodingasync width150 height300 src alt classwp-image-1567 size-medium srcset 150w, 200w sizesauto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/figure>/div>p>Every piece of news can be delivered in multiple languages and includes a clickable link that you can take your users to titles in Zinfonia for free, or to pages on your websites for a small fee./p>p>To start creating your news feed, please head to (you will need Marketing permissions to view this page). All you will need is a headline, some text, a link to provide more information and a square image no smaller than 100 x 100 pixels./p>p>The number news items you can submit at any time is related to the level of your Zinfonia subscription, with additional slots available for a small fee but you can can update the news items any time you like./p>p>A preview of the news feed is available here>h2 classwp-block-heading>Don’t Forget your Banner Ad/h2>p>While you are updating this information, don’t forget to review your Zinfonia Banner ad which may be updated here: Zinfonia Banners are a highly visible promotional opportunity available to all Zinfonia publishers as part of your subscription./p>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> div classentry-utility> span classcat-links> span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory>in©/a>, a href relcategory>Zinfonia/a> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classcomments-link>span>Comments Offspan classscreen-reader-text> on Zinfonia Global Publisher News Feed Launches in April/span>/span>/span> /div>!-- .entry-utility --> /div>!-- #post-1566 --> div idnav-below classnavigation> div classnav-previous>a href >span classmeta-nav>←/span> Older posts/a>/div> div classnav-next>/div> /div>!-- #nav-below --> /div>!-- #content --> /div>!-- #container --> div idprimary classwidget-area rolecomplementary> ul classxoxo>li idsearch-5 classwidget-container widget_search>form rolesearch methodget idsearchform classsearchform action> div> label classscreen-reader-text fors>Search for:/label> input typetext value names ids /> input typesubmit idsearchsubmit valueSearch /> /div> /form>/li>li idcategories-6 classwidget-container widget_categories>h3 classwidget-title>Categories/h3>form action methodget>label classscreen-reader-text forcat>Categories/label>select namecat idcat classpostform> option value-1>Select Category/option> option classlevel-0 value10>emREADER/option> option classlevel-0 value3>General/option> option classlevel-0 value13>in©/option> option classlevel-0 value12>nkoda/option> option classlevel-0 value4>Training/option> option classlevel-0 value11>UIC/option> option classlevel-0 value5>Update/option> option classlevel-0 value7>Urgent/option> option classlevel-0 value6>Zinfonia/option>/select>/form>script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */(function() { var dropdown document.getElementById( cat ); function onCatChange() { if ( dropdown.options dropdown.selectedIndex .value > 0 ) { dropdown.parentNode.submit(); } } dropdown.onchange onCatChange;})();/* > *//script>/li>li idlinkcat-2 classwidget-container widget_links>h3 classwidget-title>Links/h3> ul classxoxo blogroll>li>a href relnoopener titleBTM Innovation Web Site target_blank>BTM Innovation/a>/li>li>a href relnoopener titleRemote Support from BTMI target_blank>BTMI Quick Support/a>/li>li>a href relnoopener target_blank>BTMI Server Support/a>/li>li>a href titleHLMSW Help Files>HLMSW Help Utilities/a>/li>li>a href relnoopener titlePart one of the HLMSW New User Guide target_blank>HLMSW User Guide Part I/a>/li>li>a href titlePart two of the HLMSW New User Guide>HLMSW User Guide Part II/a>/li>li>a href relnoopener titleZinfonia – The Classical Music Publisher Portal target_blank>Zinfonia/a>/li> /ul>/li>li idlinkcat-8 classwidget-container widget_links>h3 classwidget-title>PDF/h3> ul classxoxo blogroll>li>a href relnoopener titleLearn how to add formatting to HLMSW Emails target_blank>HLMSW Tutorial – HTML Formatted Emails/a>/li>li>a href relnoopener titleA brief guide to install or update your HLMSW system target_blank>HLMSW Tutorial – Updating and Installing HLMSWv8/a>/li>li>a href relnoopener titleA tutorial to help HLMSW administrators add new users to HLMSW, or to change their permissions and unfreeze locked accounts target_blank>HLMSW Tutorial – Basic Account Maintenance/a>/li>li>a href relnoopener titlePart one of the HLMSW New User Guide target_blank>HLMSW User Guide Part I/a>/li>li>a href titlePart two of the HLMSW New User Guide>HLMSW User Guide Part II/a>/li> /ul>/li>li idarchives-7 classwidget-container widget_archive>h3 classwidget-title>Archives/h3> label classscreen-reader-text forarchives-dropdown-7>Archives/label> select idarchives-dropdown-7 namearchive-dropdown> option value>Select Month/option> option value> January 2025 (1)/option> option value> October 2024 (1)/option> option value> July 2024 (1)/option> option value> June 2024 (3)/option> option value> May 2024 (1)/option> option value> April 2024 (2)/option> option value> March 2024 (1)/option> option value> January 2024 (1)/option> option value> December 2023 (2)/option> option value> October 2023 (1)/option> option value> September 2023 (1)/option> option value> February 2023 (1)/option> option value> January 2023 (2)/option> option value> November 2022 (1)/option> option value> October 2022 (1)/option> option value> September 2022 (1)/option> option value> June 2022 (1)/option> option value> January 2022 (1)/option> option value> September 2021 (1)/option> option value> August 2021 (2)/option> option value> July 2021 (1)/option> option value> June 2021 (1)/option> option value> May 2021 (1)/option> option value> March 2021 (1)/option> option value> February 2021 (1)/option> option value> January 2021 (1)/option> option value> October 2020 (1)/option> option value> May 2020 (1)/option> option value> April 2020 (1)/option> option value> January 2020 (2)/option> option value> September 2019 (1)/option> option value> August 2019 (1)/option> option value> July 2019 (1)/option> option value> June 2019 (1)/option> option value> January 2019 (1)/option> option value> December 2018 (1)/option> option value> June 2018 (1)/option> option value> January 2018 (1)/option> option value> November 2017 (1)/option> option value> October 2017 (2)/option> option value> July 2017 (1)/option> option value> May 2017 (1)/option> option value> April 2017 (2)/option> option value> March 2017 (2)/option> option value> February 2017 (3)/option> option value> January 2017 (2)/option> option value> December 2016 (1)/option> option value> November 2016 (1)/option> option value> October 2016 (2)/option> option value> September 2016 (5)/option> option value> August 2016 (1)/option> option value> July 2016 (2)/option> option value> June 2016 (2)/option> option value> May 2016 (1)/option> option value> April 2016 (1)/option> option value> March 2016 (2)/option> option value> February 2016 (1)/option> option value> January 2016 (1)/option> option value> December 2015 (3)/option> option value> November 2015 (2)/option> option value> October 2015 (2)/option> option value> September 2015 (2)/option> option value> August 2015 (2)/option> option value> July 2015 (1)/option> option value> June 2015 (1)/option> option value> May 2015 (1)/option> option value> April 2015 (1)/option> option value> March 2015 (3)/option> option value> February 2015 (1)/option> option value> January 2015 (3)/option> option value> December 2014 (2)/option> option value> November 2014 (2)/option> option value> October 2014 (3)/option> option value> September 2014 (2)/option> option value> August 2014 (4)/option> option value> July 2014 (3)/option> option value> June 2014 (1)/option> option value> May 2014 (3)/option> option value> April 2014 (3)/option> option value> March 2014 (3)/option> option value> February 2014 (4)/option> option value> January 2014 (2)/option> option value> December 2013 (2)/option> option value> October 2013 (2)/option> option value> September 2013 (1)/option> option value> August 2013 (1)/option> option value> July 2013 (1)/option> option value> June 2013 (3)/option> option value> May 2013 (1)/option> option value> April 2013 (1)/option> option value> March 2013 (4)/option> option value> February 2013 (1)/option> option value> January 2013 (2)/option> option value> November 2012 (2)/option> option value> October 2012 (2)/option> option value> September 2012 (3)/option> option value> August 2012 (3)/option> option value> June 2012 (5)/option> option value> May 2012 (2)/option> option value> April 2012 (5)/option> option value> March 2012 (3)/option> option value> February 2012 (3)/option> option value> January 2012 (2)/option> option value> December 2011 (2)/option> option value> November 2011 (2)/option> option value> October 2011 (3)/option> option value> September 2011 (1)/option> option value> August 2011 (6)/option> option value> July 2011 (5)/option> option value> June 2011 (7)/option> option value> May 2011 (2)/option> /select> script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */(function() { var dropdown document.getElementById( archives-dropdown-7 ); function onSelectChange() { if ( dropdown.options dropdown.selectedIndex .value ! ) { document.location.href this.options this.selectedIndex .value; } } dropdown.onchange onSelectChange;})();/* > *//script>/li>li idsearch-3 classwidget-container widget_search>form rolesearch methodget idsearchform classsearchform action> div> label classscreen-reader-text fors>Search for:/label> input typetext value names ids /> input typesubmit idsearchsubmit valueSearch /> /div> /form>/li>li idcategories-4 classwidget-container widget_categories>h3 classwidget-title>Categories/h3> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-10>a href>emREADER/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href>General/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-13>a href>in©/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-12>a href>nkoda/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-4>a href>Training/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-11>a href>UIC/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-5>a href>Update/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-7>a href>Urgent/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-6>a href>Zinfonia/a>/li> /ul> /li>li idarchives-5 classwidget-container widget_archive>h3 classwidget-title>Archives/h3> label classscreen-reader-text forarchives-dropdown-5>Archives/label> select idarchives-dropdown-5 namearchive-dropdown> option value>Select Month/option> option value> January 2025 /option> option value> October 2024 /option> option value> July 2024 /option> option value> June 2024 /option> option value> May 2024 /option> option value> April 2024 /option> option value> March 2024 /option> option value> January 2024 /option> option value> December 2023 /option> option value> October 2023 /option> option value> September 2023 /option> option value> February 2023 /option> option value> January 2023 /option> option value> November 2022 /option> option value> October 2022 /option> option value> September 2022 /option> option value> June 2022 /option> option value> January 2022 /option> option value> September 2021 /option> option value> August 2021 /option> option value> July 2021 /option> option value> June 2021 /option> option value> May 2021 /option> option value> March 2021 /option> option value> February 2021 /option> option value> January 2021 /option> option value> October 2020 /option> option value> May 2020 /option> option value> 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