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classmt-0.625rem :class{active:pro_cate_current 1} @clickchange_pro_cate(,1)> a hrefjavascript: classhover:text-main .active_&:text-main .active_&:font-bold> Auto Laser Welding Machine /a> i classmx-2>//i> /li> li classmt-0.625rem :class{active:pro_cate_current 2} @clickchange_pro_cate(,2)> a hrefjavascript: classhover:text-main .active_&:text-main .active_&:font-bold> Co2 Laser Cutting Machine /a> i classmx-2>//i> /li> li classmt-0.625rem :class{active:pro_cate_current 3} @clickchange_pro_cate(,3)> a hrefjavascript: classhover:text-main .active_&:text-main .active_&:font-bold> Fiber Laser Marking Machine /a> /li> li classmt-0.625rem :class{active:pro_cate_current 4} @clickchange_pro_cate(,4)> a hrefjavascript: classhover:text-main .active_&:text-main .active_&:font-bold> Co2 Laser Marking Machine /a> i classmx-2>//i> /li> li classmt-0.625rem :class{active:pro_cate_current 5} @clickchange_pro_cate(,5)> a hrefjavascript: classhover:text-main .active_&:text-main .active_&:font-bold> Laser Cleaning Machine /a> i classmx-2>//i> /li> li classmt-0.625rem :class{active:pro_cate_current 6} @clickchange_pro_cate(,6)> a hrefjavascript: classhover:text-main .active_&:text-main .active_&:font-bold> Channel Letter Bending Machine /a> i classmx-2>//i> /li> li classmt-0.625rem :class{active:pro_cate_current 7} @clickchange_pro_cate(,7)> a hrefjavascript: classhover:text-main .active_&:text-main .active_&:font-bold> Laser Parts & Accessories /a> /li> /ul> /div> !-- PC cate end --> !-- Mobile cate start --> div classhidden md:block> select name id classblock h-11 mx-auto border border-border rounded-md px-3 py-2 focus:outline-main @changechange_pro_cate($event)> option value0> Fiber Metal Laser Cutting Machine /option> option value1> Auto Laser Welding Machine /option> option value2> Co2 Laser Cutting Machine /option> option value3> Fiber Laser Marking Machine /option> option value4> Co2 Laser Marking Machine /option> option value5> Laser Cleaning Machine /option> option value6> Channel Letter Bending Machine /option> option value7> Laser Parts & Accessories /option> /select> /div> !-- Mobile cate start --> /div> !-- contnet --> !-- 上面8个分类对应下面8组,一组分类显示6个产品 --> div classmt-10 relative> !-- bg --> div classabsolute left-1/2 top-1/2 -z-10 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 w-screen max-w-1920px> img src/lib/img/img_pro_bg.webp alt> /div> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 0> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Precision Small Size Fiber Laser Metal Cutting Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Small Size fiber laser metal cutting machine is the perfect solution for any business that needs to cut metal with precision and speed. It is a highly efficient and cost-effective way to cut metal quickly and accurately, while ensuring a high quality finished product. For processing gold and silver jewelry, precision instruments, and electronic communication equipment, a precise small size fiber metal laser cutting machine with high processing precision is needed. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src未标题-1.jpg alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Dual Source Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Sheet Metal Wood Acrylic/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> New Launched Professional Double Source Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Sheet Metal and Acrylic Wood with High Precision and Speed /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> CNC Flatbed Single Table Fiber Metal Laser Cutting Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Fiber metal laser cutting machines are powerful tools for cutting metal. They offer precise and repeatable cuts, high speed and accuracy, and have minimal material waste. They are also energy efficient and can be used on a wide range of materials, making them an ideal choice for many industries. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-400> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src、管板-单.jpg alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Dual Use Flat Sheet and Pipe Metal Fiber Laser Cutter/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Flat sheet and pipe fiber laser cutting is quickly becoming the go-to choice for businesses looking for an efficient, cost-effective way to cut materials. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-500> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> All Cover Exchange Table Metal Laser Cutting Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The protected fiber laser cutting machine uses a completely enclosed laser protective cover, a professional numerical control cutting system, high-quality imported parts, and a strict assembly procedure to ensure the cutters safe, stable, efficient, and high-precision functioning. Metal laser-cutting machines are becoming increasingly popular for those who need to cut metal. They offer a range of advantages over traditional cutting methods, such as higher accuracy, faster turnaround times, and more efficient use of materials. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-600> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Stainless Steel Fiber Metal Square Tube Laser Cutting Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> A flatbed single-table metal laser cutting machine is an exceptionally versatile tool for metal fabrication. It can cut a range of materials rapidly and accurately with minimal operator intervention. Additionally, in comparison to other techniques for fabricating metal, it is a reasonably affordable choice. High-precision metal processing machine for cutting various tubes and pipes such as round, square, and rectangular tubes, channel, angle, and special-shaped tubes. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 1> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Metal Electric Heater Automatic Fiber Laser Welding Machine 1500W/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> 1500W 2000W Cantilever Mold Repair Fiber Laser Welding Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> 1000W 1500W Metal Handheld Laser Welder Machine Price/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The handheld laser welder connects the optical fiber to the hand-held welding gun and then performs various welding operations. The fiber cable on a handheld laser welder is quite long and can be used to weld from a considerable distance, such as sinks and stainless steel kitchen cabinets, which can be welded without the need for a workbench. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-400> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> 1KW 1.5kw 2kw SS Aluminum Handheld Fiber Laser Welder/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The hand-held optical fiber laser welding machine operates in hand-held mode, which is flexible and convenient, and the welding distance is greater. The portable optical fiber laser welding equipment is primarily used for laser welding of long-distance and massive work parts, replacing the fixed optical path with a hand-held welding gun. Due to the minimal heat affected area during welding, the back wont deform or develop pores or blackening. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-500> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> 3 in 1 Stainless Steel Portable Fiber Laser Welding Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Laser cleaning is an emerging technology used to remove surface contamination and corrosion from a variety of materials. This process has become increasingly popular because of its ability to precisely remove surface layers without damaging the underlying material. Hand-held welding is the mode of operation of the handheld optical fiber laser welding machine, which replaces the previously fixed optical path with a hand-held welding gun that is flexible, convenient, and capable of remote welding. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-600> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Air Cooling Mini Portable Lightweld 1500 Laser Welding System/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The Mini Portable Lightweld 1500 is a revolutionary tool for laser welding, allowing users to quickly and easily make precise and consistent welds. This lightweight and compact system is capable of welding a broad range of materials, and its intuitive user interface makes it easy to use. The WF series air conditioning Its benefits over conventional gas and solid-state lasers include high electro-optical conversion efficiency and good beam quality. The Lightweld 1500 Laser Welding System was developed and manufactured by a self-reliant R&D team. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 2> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Small Desktop 50w 60w 6040 Co2 Laser Engraver Cutter/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Side-lighted flat aluminum coil, side-illuminated aluminum coil, single-folded coil, illuminated single-folded coil, side-illuminated coil, and side-illuminated coil are the most common types of aluminum coil. Waterproofing may be used indoors and outdoors and is not impacted by environmental factors. It is often utilized in the creation of advertising sign logos. The Small Desktop Co2 Laser Engraver Cutter is a great tool for creating intricate designs and cutting materials with precision. It’s a great option for businesses, makers, and even hobbyists looking for a versatile way to create custom designs and cuts. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Acrylic Wood MDF Co2 Laser Cutting Machine 9060/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The Co2 Laser Cutting Machine 9060 has been specifically built for high precision engraving and cutting of small non-metallic materials. The standard laser tube is 100W, but it can be matched with 130W, 150W, or 180W laser tubes with enlarged covers. An acrylic wood MDF CO2 laser cutting machine is a powerful and efficient tool for precision cutting of a wide range of materials. With its ability to cut cleanly and accurately, this type of laser cutting machine offers numerous benefits, including improved productivity, greater efficiency, and cost savings. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Distributor Wanted Compact Co2 Laser Cutting Machine 1390/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Separated New Design Co2 Laser Cutting Machine 13090 adopts a separated design, allowing it to freely access any size space and door width. It can be packaged into three layers, and one 40HQ can hold 24 sets, saving you a lot of money. This is an ideal Wood Plywood MDF co2 laser cutter for agents or distributors. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-400> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Hot Sale 80w 100w 130w 150w Co2 Laser Cutter Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> BE-DK14090V is a classic-styled CO2 laser cutting machine that combines 10+ years of technological advancements with unique look innovation. The machine can achieve high accuracy engraving and cutting on nonmetal materials by using robust and durable mechanical components. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-500> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> 150w Co2 Laser Wood Cutter Machine 1610/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The 1610 Co2 Laser Cutting Machine was designed for our clients heavy-duty work in the sign and advertising industries. The entire machine is built with a heavy-duty machine frame that ensures steady and precise cutting. The thicker strike working table can help to avoid defective products caused by backstop reflection when cutting acrylic and wood materials. is developed as our clients heavy-duty working in sign and advertising industry, the whole machine is with heavy loading machine structure which ensure the stable and high precision cutting. The thicken strike working table can avoid defective products caused by reflection of backstop while cutting acrylic & wood materials. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-600> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Dual Head CO2 Laser Engraving Cutting Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The working efficiency of the double laser head is several times faster than that of a standard laser cutting machine model, which lowers production costs and increases output. The double laser head can operate simultaneously or independently depending on your needs. The multi heads laser cutting machine is primarily used in the fabric, garment, and carpet industries for embroidery, clothing tags, and mass production. We can customize the co2 laser cutter machine with 2 heads, 4 heads, or 6 heads based on your requirements. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 3> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Enclosure 50W 100W Jewelry Metal Fiber Laser Engraving Cutting MachinE/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Professional double laser source cutting software with powerful function /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Widely Used 20W 30W 50W Fiber Laser Marking Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Metal laser marking machines are also referred to as fiber laser marking machines. It generates a fiber laser and then uses an ultra-high-speed scanning galvanometer to execute the marking function. High electro-optical conversion efficiency, good beam quality, high reliability, extended operating life, energy efficiency, and small size are among the machines strong qualities. Bitmap marking allows you to engrave beautiful images on metal, plastic, and other surfaces. It is mostly utilized in industries with high depth, smoothness, and fineness requirements, such as mobile phones, stainless steel, clocks, molds, IC, mobile phone buttons, and others. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Portable Mini Handheld Laser Marking Machine for Metal/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The portable laser marking equipment, which is equipped with a handheld laser head, allows for both regular and handheld marking, particularly on large-scale objects such as massive unmovable mechanical parts. Any marking method is acceptable, including serial codes, batch numbers, characters, letters, signs, and images. The portable laser marking machine has a lot of highlights, including a high-quality laser beam, great efficiency, a long lifespan (over 120,000 hours), no maintenance requirements, a small, compact design, no consumables, air cooling, and low power consumption with no ongoing maintenance fees! /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-400> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Mini Small Fiber Laser Metal Engraving Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The compact micro laser metal engraving machine is intended for use in confined spaces. The weight and dimensions of the entire machine were decreased through scientific optimization. This model seamlessly blends miniaturization and utility. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-500> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Laser Metal Marking Machine With Industrial PC/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The worlds most cutting-edge marking tool right now is a laser metal marking machine. It has good beam quality, a small size, a rapid speed, a long service life, is flexible and easy to install, and requires no maintenance. The sophisticated fiber laser source used in the laser metal marking machine has a wavelength of 1064 nm and a lifespan of more than 120,000 hours. The rate of optic-electric conversion is substantially higher when compared to other marking machines, and it also performs better in energy conservation and environmental preservation. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-600> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Stainless Steel Metal Color Marking Mopa Fiber Laser Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Mopa fiber laser marking machine uses sophisticated Mopa fiber laser, and the pulse duration, frequency, and energy can all be altered independently, making it highly versatile for precise marking. The pulse duration of the Mopa fiber laser marking machine is changeable, and the long and short pulses can be varied between 4-200ns; the pulse frequency range is between 1.6kHz-1MHz, which is widely utilized and can be more accurately tailored to processing material. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 4> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> High Performance DAVI Synrad 30w Co2 Galvo Laser Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> In response to the demand for non-metallic materials like wood, MDF, acrylic, etc. to be processed at high speed but with outstanding quality, we introduced the co2 galvo laser marking machine. By adopting the digital scanning galvo head, the marking speed could reach 7000mm/s, significantly increasing the engraving efficiency. The co2 laser marking machine uses a metal laser device as its laser source and has a maintenance-free lifespan of 20,000 to 30,000 hours. The Co2 laser markers may also be refilled after use. After investing, the entire life benefited. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Online Flying Co2 Laser Marking Machine for Production Line/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> It is possible to work continuously for 24 hours with great stability, which can guarantee long-term marking. Fully automated online marking system, ideal dynamic and static marking online, appropriate for various production lines and mass production requirements. Widely utilized in leather, food, beverage, textile, electronics, and other materials. Equipped with high speed scanning vibrating lens and extending focusing mechanism. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Large Size 3D Dynamic Co2 Cloth Leather Jeans Laser Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> A 3D dynamic auto-focusing laser marking machine that uses a metal laser device imported from the United States has a higher power, higher frequency, and a longer lifespan. It also uses a dynamic scanning head and control card that is highly advanced, giving it the distinct advantage of algorithm optimization and a high marking-cutting speed. Specifically built to meet the demands for a narrow laser point, a larger working area, and increased flexibility in laser scanning. Leather pattern carving, leather hollowing, invitation card marking, wood craft laser marking, denim cloth pattern marking, and other nonmetal laser marking processes all use this technology. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 5> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> 50W 100W Mini Portable Backpack Laser Rust Removal/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> laser rust removal machine is small and compact whether it is hand-held, backpack, or placed on the workstation.suitable for cleaning urban graffiti, cleaning after welding, and other tasks that require cleaning /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Advanced Small Compact Mopa Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Fiber laser cleaner adopts advanced 100W Mopa laser source and highest speed laser cleaning gun, which realizing high speed cleaning on different materials surface. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Small Compact Handheld Pulsed Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> In order to maximize protection and portability, the BST pulsed fiber laser cleaning system uses an innovative trolley case design. Open the front door to remove the laser head, turn on the power, choose the proper cleaning mode, and clean the area. Weighting less than 0.5kg, the laser head is compact and lightweight. It is generally applicable in a variety of handheld cleaning applications and can be connected to other tools like robotic arms using a quick switching device. The laser beam is narrow, allowing it to readily satisfy a variety of high-precision cleaning requirements. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 6> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Acrylic Plastic PVC PP Plexiglass ABS PC Bending Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Heating softens and bends thermoplastic materials such as acrylic, organic board, and PVC. It has a tiny portable size, is easy to carry, and has a wide range of applications. An acrylic plastic bending machine is a tool that is used to shape or bend acrylic plastics. These machines are used to create a variety of products, from furniture, signs, and displays to lighting fixtures, medical devices, and other industrial products. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Three Modules Hot Thermal PVC Plastic Acrylic Bender Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Our latest design high-efficiency acrylic bending machine is a three-module acrylic bending machine. In comparison to the original design BEL-700A/1300A, this new model has three separate heating modules&heating rods, allowing it to process plates at the same time. With the chain design, the distance between each heating module can be readily modified to meet the various size requirements and improve the user experience. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Automatic Accu-Clinch Letter Riveting Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> This auto riveting machine is designed to quickly and easily fasten aluminum or light steel parts together,reducing the time required to attach the return to the letter backs from about 15-20 minutes down to about 4-5 minutes. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-400> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Automatic Super Mini Aluminum Channel Letter Bending Tools/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Super Mini Aluminum Channel Letter Bending Tools is a great way to help create custom metal letters for signs and other projects. The tools are easy to use and make creating intricate designs quick and easy. With these tools, businesses and hobbyists can make custom metal letters that are durable and look great. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-500> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Mini Economic Aluminium Channel Letter Bending Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Mini Aluminium Channel Letter Bending Machines are widely used for creating custom signage for businesses, such as for storefronts and lobbies. They offer several advantages, including the fact that they are easy to use, require minimal training, and are highly accurate. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-600> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> High Precision CNC Aluminum Profile Channel Letter Bender Machine/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The A130S is a high precision Aluminium Channel Letter Bender for Flat and Different Types of Aluminum Profiles. It is equipped with a servo motor and telescope bending system and has a high bending torque and forming degree. These machines provide a perfect bend and shape in a fraction of the time that it would take to manually bend and shape aluminum profiles. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> !-- cate item start --> div v-showpro_cate_current 7> div class-m-5> div classproduct-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-100> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> 12 Months Warranty 90W 120W CDWG Co2 Glass Laser Tube/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> The marking effect of CO2 lasers is typically not excellent due to unstable power and spot changes on marking equipment. CDWG has used a variety of patented laser technologies, which effectively address this problem. These technologies are suited for the marking processing of various raw materials such as metal, acrylic, paper, etc., and are extensively used in marking and vibrating lens cutting. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-200> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Industrial Handheld Fiber Laser Welding Nozzle/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Handheld fiber laser welding nozzle (HFLWN) is a new type of welding technology that has the potential to provide high quality, fast, and low cost welding for thin metal parts. The HFLWN has been developed to provide a more efficient and cost-effective way to weld thin metal parts. The fiber laser welding machine uses welding nozzles. The welding nozzle can aid in the quick expulsion of gas, preventing debris such as molten spots from rebounding upward and also protecting the focusing lens. The welding nozzle replacement cycle is typically two months. Different nozzles must be replaced based on the welding requirements. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-300> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Laser Welding Cutting Engraving Marking Protection Goggle/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Laser safety goggles are explosion-proof safety eyewear constructed of polycarbonate and imported light-absorbing materials of particular wavelengths. It has the potential to lessen or prevent laser damage to human eyes. Laser operators frequently use it. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem sm:max-w-sm xs:max-w-xs> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group animate-fadeInDown animation-delay-400> !-- img --> div classaspect-square m-1.875rem mb-0 xs:m-5 xs:mb-0 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classp-1.875rem pt-0.9375rem xs:p-5 xs:pt-0.625rem> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold transition-all any-hover:group-hover:text-main> Fiber Laser Welding Cutting Protection Lens/h3> p classmt-3 xs:mt-2 text-text-sub text-overflow-3 xs:hidden> Fiber laser welding and cutting can produce high quality results with precision and accuracy. However, the high powered laser can also be hazardous to your eyesight. The right protection lens can provide you with the protection you need to complete the job safely and effectively. The lens protects the operator from the damaging effects of the laser beam and ensures that the best quality cuts and welds are achieved. /p> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alticon_right_white> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- cate item end --> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- pro end --> !-- company start --> section> div classrelative bg-text md:py-20 xs:py-10 fadeIn> div classw> !-- company info --> div classflex items-start> div classw-1/2 p-7.14286% pb-8.75rem pl-0 text-white lg:p-4.00000% md:w-full md:p-0 md:pb-10> h2 classc-title fadeInUp>COMPANY PROFILES/h2> div classmt-10 space-y-1em xs:mt-7> p>Wuhan BST LASER Machinery Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010 which has become a high-tech & leading company in industrial cnc laser field with abilities of R&D, manufacturing, marketing and services. Now we have High-level Factory with 40000m²,200 employees and more than highly educated R & D person .Our headquarters is located in the “China Optical Valley” – Wuhan City where we have the advantage of transportation & human resources & cost. We are confident to offer reliable quality, efficient deliveries and competitive prices./p>p>Our products include: fiber metal laser cutting machine,co2 laser engraving cutting machine fiber laser marking machines, UV/ MOPA/CO2/GREEN laser marking machine, cnc laser welding machines, laser cleaning machine ,laser parts & accessories,channel letter bending machine, non-standard automation equipment and so on.We can offer products with more than 30 series, 200 models, providing clients personalized solutions is our mission./p>p>BST Laser have the best and complete supply-chain-system for parts and components, and a solid record of quality and innovation, to prove that our 10+ years performance of the machine./p> /div> div classmt-10 xs:mt-7> a href/company-profiles.html/ classc-btn__wrap group> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alt> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> !-- company img --> div classabsolute right-0 top-0 flex items-center w-1/2 h-full overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl md:static md:w-full md:aspect-video> img src alt> /div> /div> /div> div class-mt-20 lg:mt-20 xs:mt-10 fadeInLeft> div classw> div class-m-5> div classadvantage-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> !-- item --> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-xs> div classh-full px-1.875rem py-3.75rem bg-white text-center shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl xs:py-5 xs:px-4> !-- icon --> div classw-3.75rem aspect-square mx-auto md:w-14 xs:w-12> img src alt> /div> !-- content --> div class> h3 classmy-5 xs:my-3 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold> Quality Assurance /h3> p classtext-text-sub> We adhere to integrity-based quality first and only adopt superior parts, Machine assembling testing under strictest standard to keep 0 failure. /p> /div> /div> /div> !-- item --> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-xs> div classh-full px-1.875rem py-3.75rem bg-white text-center shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl xs:py-5 xs:px-4> !-- icon --> div classw-3.75rem aspect-square mx-auto md:w-14 xs:w-12> img src alt> /div> !-- content --> div class> h3 classmy-5 xs:my-3 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold> Free Technical Training /h3> p classtext-text-sub> Skilled engineers standby online to provide training step by step from installation, operation to maintenance. Lifelong free technical consultation&support. /p> /div> /div> /div> !-- item --> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-xs> div classh-full px-1.875rem py-3.75rem bg-white text-center shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl xs:py-5 xs:px-4> !-- icon --> div classw-3.75rem aspect-square mx-auto md:w-14 xs:w-12> img src alt> /div> !-- content --> div class> h3 classmy-5 xs:my-3 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold> Professional Service /h3> p classtext-text-sub> Always put clients requirements on first and provide complete service from Pre-sale, in-sale to after-sale. Solving customers problem promptly. /p> /div> /div> /div> !-- item --> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-xs> div classh-full px-1.875rem py-3.75rem bg-white text-center shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl xs:py-5 xs:px-4> !-- icon --> div classw-3.75rem aspect-square mx-auto md:w-14 xs:w-12> img src alt> /div> !-- content --> div class> h3 classmy-5 xs:my-3 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold> OEM Solutions /h3> p classtext-text-sub> Independent R&D department to customize machinery and provide OEM solution.Integration of advanced technology and practical application. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- company end --> !-- video start --> section classmy-20 md:my-3.75rem xs:my-10> div classw> !-- title --> div classc-title__wrap> h2 classc-title fadeInUp> PRODUCT VIDEO /h2> /div> !-- content --> div classmt-10 fadeInLeft> div classvideo-swiper swiper md:overflow-visible> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide max-w-27.5rem> !-- item --> div data-src> !-- cover --> div classrelative aspect-video overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> iframe width560 height315 src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> !-- title --> h3 classmt-5 xs:mt-3 text-overflow-2 font-bold> Why Should We Choose Best Laser Marking Engraving Cutting Machine? /h3> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-27.5rem> !-- item --> div data-src> !-- cover --> div classrelative aspect-video overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> iframe width560 height315 src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> !-- title --> h3 classmt-5 xs:mt-3 text-overflow-2 font-bold> Looking here! Where to Find Most Reliable China Fiber Metal Laser Cutting Machine Manufacturer? /h3> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-27.5rem> !-- item --> div data-src> !-- cover --> div classrelative aspect-video overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> iframe width560 height315 src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> !-- title --> h3 classmt-5 xs:mt-3 text-overflow-2 font-bold> Factory Sale 3 in 1 Handheld Fiber Laser Welding Machine 1000w 1500w 2000w Usage /h3> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- video end --> !-- case start --> section classmt-20 md:mt-3.75rem xs:mt-10> div classw> !-- title --> div classc-title__wrap> h2 classc-title fadeInUp> CASE STUDIES /h2> /div> /div> !-- content --> div classmt-10 fadeInUp> div classcase-swiper swiper md:overflow-visible md:px-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide max-w-40rem> !-- item --> a href/category/application/metal-laser-cut-projects/ classblock aspect-4/3 relative overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- cover --> img src alt classw-full h-full object-cover> !-- content --> div classabsolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 px-5 py-1.875rem bg-main/70 hidden md:block animate-scaleIn group-hover:block> div classflex flex-col justify-between h-full max-w-36.25rem mx-auto> div classpt-21.55172% lg:pt-10% xs:pt-0 text-white text-center> h3 classmb-1.875rem xs:mb-4 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base text-overflow-2 font-bold> Metal Laser Cut Projects /h3> p classtext-overflow-3> Laser metal cutting is an frequently used and widely applied cutting technology for industrial metal fabrication. Comparing with traditional way, laser cutting covers plenty of good features, such as high precision, fast speed, excellent cutting edge, no consumables and free of maintenance. /p> /div> div classflex justify-end> div classc-btn c-btn--white> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon !bg-white> img src/lib/icon/icon_right.svg alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-40rem> !-- item --> a href/category/application/laser-welder-projects/ classblock aspect-4/3 relative overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- cover --> img src alt classw-full h-full object-cover> !-- content --> div classabsolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 px-5 py-1.875rem bg-main/70 hidden md:block animate-scaleIn group-hover:block> div classflex flex-col justify-between h-full max-w-36.25rem mx-auto> div classpt-21.55172% lg:pt-10% xs:pt-0 text-white text-center> h3 classmb-1.875rem xs:mb-4 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base text-overflow-2 font-bold> Laser Welder Projects /h3> p classtext-overflow-3> Welding speed is 3-8 times than argon welding, no pores and no need polishing. The welding seam can keep even and smooth consistently. /p> /div> div classflex justify-end> div classc-btn c-btn--white> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon !bg-white> img src/lib/icon/icon_right.svg alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-40rem> !-- item --> a href/category/application/co2-laser-engraver-projects/ classblock aspect-4/3 relative overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- cover --> img src alt classw-full h-full object-cover> !-- content --> div classabsolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 px-5 py-1.875rem bg-main/70 hidden md:block animate-scaleIn group-hover:block> div classflex flex-col justify-between h-full max-w-36.25rem mx-auto> div classpt-21.55172% lg:pt-10% xs:pt-0 text-white text-center> h3 classmb-1.875rem xs:mb-4 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base text-overflow-2 font-bold> Co2 Laser Cutter Projects /h3> p classtext-overflow-3> Realize all your nonmetal cutting requirement,as it’s non-contact processing so there is not any harm on materials surface and cutting speed could reach 100mm/s /p> /div> div classflex justify-end> div classc-btn c-btn--white> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon !bg-white> img src/lib/icon/icon_right.svg alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-40rem> !-- item --> a href/category/application/co2-laser-cutter-projects/ classblock aspect-4/3 relative overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- cover --> img src alt classw-full h-full object-cover> !-- content --> div classabsolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 px-5 py-1.875rem bg-main/70 hidden md:block animate-scaleIn group-hover:block> div classflex flex-col justify-between h-full max-w-36.25rem mx-auto> div classpt-21.55172% lg:pt-10% xs:pt-0 text-white text-center> h3 classmb-1.875rem xs:mb-4 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base text-overflow-2 font-bold> Metal Laser Etch Projects /h3> p classtext-overflow-3> Fiber laser engravers and markers can be used for engraving design,pattern, character,etc in the industry products made metals, alloys and some nonmetals with high precision 0.001mm and speed 8000mm/s. /p> /div> div classflex justify-end> div classc-btn c-btn--white> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon !bg-white> img src/lib/icon/icon_right.svg alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-40rem> !-- item --> a href/category/application/metal-laser-marker-pojects/ classblock aspect-4/3 relative overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- cover --> img src alt classw-full h-full object-cover> !-- content --> div classabsolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 px-5 py-1.875rem bg-main/70 hidden md:block animate-scaleIn group-hover:block> div classflex flex-col justify-between h-full max-w-36.25rem mx-auto> div classpt-21.55172% lg:pt-10% xs:pt-0 text-white text-center> h3 classmb-1.875rem xs:mb-4 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base text-overflow-2 font-bold> Laser Cleaner Projects /h3> p classtext-overflow-3> Laser cleaning is a new type of surface treatment technology that has developed rapidly in recent years,can be used can be used to do rust remove ,oil remove,oxide layer remove,paint remove,and so on. /p> /div> div classflex justify-end> div classc-btn c-btn--white> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon !bg-white> img src/lib/icon/icon_right.svg alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-40rem> !-- item --> a href/category/application/nonmetal-laser-marker-projects/ classblock aspect-4/3 relative overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- cover --> img src alt classw-full h-full object-cover> !-- content --> div classabsolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 px-5 py-1.875rem bg-main/70 hidden md:block animate-scaleIn group-hover:block> div classflex flex-col justify-between h-full max-w-36.25rem mx-auto> div classpt-21.55172% lg:pt-10% xs:pt-0 text-white text-center> h3 classmb-1.875rem xs:mb-4 text-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base text-overflow-2 font-bold> 3D Channel Letter Pojects /h3> p classtext-overflow-3> Channel letter bending machine can be used for making led luminous letter, resign letter, super letter,rimless letter,stainless steel letter.etcWidely uses in signage and advertisement industry ,it can produce over 100 channel letters a day . /p> /div> div classflex justify-end> div classc-btn c-btn--white> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon !bg-white> img src/lib/icon/icon_right.svg alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- case end --> !-- partner start --> section classpt-3.75rem pb-10 bg-center bg-no-repeat bg-cover stylebackground-image: url(/lib/img/img_partner_bg.webp);> div classw> !-- title --> div classc-title__wrap> h2 classc-title fadeInUp> OUR PARTNERS /h2> /div> div classmt-5 xs:mt-3 text-center>GOOD BRANDS CREATES GOOD QUALITY/div> !-- content --> div classmt-10> div classpartner-swiper swiper md:overflow-visible> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide max-w-12.5rem md:w-40> div classaspect-2/1.2 overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl> img src alt> /div> /div> /div> div classpartner-swiper-pagination swiper-pagination>/div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- partner end --> !-- solution start --> section classrelative> !-- bg --> div classabsolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 after:content- after:absolute after:left-0 after:right-0 after:top-0 after:bottom-0 after:bg-text/30> img src alt classw-full h-full object-cover> /div> div classrelative z-10 pt-20 pb-17.5rem xs:pt-3.75rem xs:pb-40> div classw> !-- title --> div classtext-white text-center> h2 classc-title fadeInUp> Intelligent Automation Laser Application Solutions /h2> div classmax-w-62.5rem mx-auto mt-5 xs:mt-3> p> BST Laser contributes to technical innovation and strengthen research in new laser technics, developing reliable quality laser machinery in laser cutting, laser welding, laser cleaning, laser engraving and laser marking industries, and fully integrating laser technology into production, improving efficiency and saving cost! /p> /div> /div> !-- btn --> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5 flex justify-center> a href classc-btn__wrap group> div classc-btn> span>Request A Quote/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alt> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- solution end --> !-- contact and review start --> section classrelative pb-20 xs:pb-3.75rem> div classw> !-- contact --> div class-mt-12.5rem xs:-mt-6.25rem relative z-10 p-20 pb-0 bg-white xs:bg-transparent rounded-md md:rounded-xl xs:rounded-none shadow md:p-3.75rem xs:p-0 xs:shadow-none fadeInUp> div classflex items-start sm:flex-wrap> !-- contact info --> div classflex-shrink-0 max-w-25rem sm:max-w-none sm:w-full p-10 xs:p-1.875rem rounded-md md:rounded-xl bg-main text-white space-y-1.875rem xs:space-y-5 xs:shadow> !-- item --> div> h4 classfont-bold>Corporate Headquarters:/h4> div classmt-0.625rem> p>Optic Valley No.8 Industrial Park, No.1 Tanhu Road, Jiangxia District, Wuhan, China/p> /div> /div> !-- item --> div> h4 classfont-bold>Email Address/h4> div classmt-0.625rem> p>Oversea Sales: a relnofollow classunderline>>/p> /div> /div> !-- item --> div> h4 classfont-bold>Tel or Whatsapp/h4> div classmt-0.625rem> /div> /div> !-- item --> div> h4 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold> We will get back to you within 24 hours, or call us everyday, 08:30AM-18:00 PM. /h4> /div> /div> !-- contact form --> div classflex-grow sm:w-full ml-3.75rem sm:ml-0 sm:mt-10> div> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base font-bold>Request A Quote/h3> p classmt-5 xs:mt-3 text-text-sub> Complete control over products allows us to ensure our customers receive the best quality prices and service. We take great pride in everything that we do in our factory. /p> /div> !-- form --> div classmt-1.875rem xs:mt-5> div classwpcf7 no-js idwpcf7-f3796-o1 langen-US dirltr>div classscreen-reader-response>p rolestatus aria-livepolite aria-atomictrue>/p> ul>/ul>/div>form action/#wpcf7-f3796-o1 methodpost classwpcf7-form init aria-labelContact form novalidatenovalidate data-statusinit>div styledisplay: none;>input typehidden name_wpcf7 value3796 />input typehidden name_wpcf7_version value5.9.2 />input typehidden name_wpcf7_locale valueen_US />input typehidden name_wpcf7_unit_tag valuewpcf7-f3796-o1 />input typehidden name_wpcf7_container_post value0 />input typehidden name_wpcf7_posted_data_hash value />/div>div classgrid grid-cols-2 gap-5> div classbg-#FAFAFA rounded-md overflow-hidden md:col-span-2> p>span classwpcf7-form-control-wrap data-nameyour-name>input size40 classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text rounded-md border-transparent aria-invalidfalse placeholderName value typetext nameyour-name />/span> /p> /div> div classbg-#FAFAFA rounded-md overflow-hidden md:col-span-2> p>span classwpcf7-form-control-wrap data-nameyour-email>input size40 classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-email wpcf7-validates-as-required wpcf7-text wpcf7-validates-as-email rounded-md border-transparent aria-requiredtrue aria-invalidfalse placeholderEmail* value typeemail nameyour-email />/span> /p> /div> div classbg-#FAFAFA rounded-md overflow-hidden md:col-span-2> p>span classwpcf7-form-control-wrap data-nameyour-subject>input size40 classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text rounded-md border-transparent aria-invalidfalse placeholderPhone value typetext nameyour-subject />/span> /p> /div> div classbg-#FAFAFA rounded-md overflow-hidden md:col-span-2> p>span classwpcf7-form-control-wrap data-nameyour-company>input size40 classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text rounded-md border-transparent aria-invalidfalse placeholderCompany value typetext nameyour-company />/span> /p> /div> div classbg-#FAFAFA rounded-md overflow-hidden col-span-2> p>span classwpcf7-form-control-wrap data-nameyour-message>textarea cols30 rows10 classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-textarea wpcf7-validates-as-required rounded-md border-transparent aria-requiredtrue aria-invalidfalse placeholderAdditional Details nameyour-message>/textarea>/span> /p> /div> div classbg-#FAFAFA rounded-md overflow-hidden col-span-2> p>Enter verification code input typehidden name_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_captcha-1 value798619118 />img classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-captchac wpcf7-captcha-captcha-1 width72 height24 altcaptcha src /> /p> /div> div classbg-#FAFAFA rounded-md overflow-hidden col-span-2> p>span classwpcf7-form-control-wrap data-namecaptcha-1>input size40 classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-captchar autocompleteoff aria-invalidfalse value typetext namecaptcha-1 />/span> /p> /div> div classflex flex-wrap items-center mt-5> div classml-5> p>span classtext-text-sub>cf7sr-simple-recaptcha/span> /p> /div> div class> p>input classwpcf7-form-control wpcf7-submit has-spinner c-btn__wrap bg-main text-white border-none cursor-pointer typesubmit valueSubmit Request /> /p> /div> /div>/div>p styledisplay: none !important; classakismet-fields-container data-prefix_wpcf7_ak_>label>Δtextarea name_wpcf7_ak_hp_textarea cols45 rows8 maxlength100>/textarea>/label>input typehidden idak_js_1 name_wpcf7_ak_js value52/>script>document.getElementById( ak_js_1 ).setAttribute( value, ( new Date() ).getTime() );/script>/p>div classwpcf7-response-output aria-hiddentrue>/div>/form>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- line --> div classh-0.5 mt-4.875rem md:mt-3.625rem xs:mt-2.375rem bg-main>/div> /div> !-- review --> !-- div classrelative z-10 mt-20 xs:mt-10> h3 classtext-4xl xs:text-3xl font-Lato-Bold>What Our Clients Say!/h3> div classmt-10 flex justify-between> div classmd:hidden> img src alt> /div> div classw-full max-w-65rem> div classreview-swiper swiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div classtext-2xl xs:text-xl font-bold hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> It was well packed when l received it. The training videos and the user guide was so easy to understand. All the information was fully detailed and they gave me the best customer service ever. They even offered me after-sale service. I highly recommend. offers. Never use such machine before, so at the beginning we are a little bit worried, but finally found out BST is very professional and provide excellent after-sale service. Be rest assured to buy! /p> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classtext-2xl xs:text-xl font-bold hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> The installation very simple and very good after-sale service. Sometimes I make inquiries after 10 oclock in the evening, and BST Laser staff also answers. It helps me a lot! /p> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classtext-2xl xs:text-xl font-bold hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> BST LASER is a professional manufacturer. No worry about the after-sales problem. Easy to communicate. A good shopping experience. /p> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classtext-2xl xs:text-xl font-bold hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> The product is good and accurate. The customer care services of this company is great and l received my machine after a month. Great product. /p> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classtext-2xl xs:text-xl font-bold hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> Let me tell you the co2 laser machine has worked very well, we not have an operator who knows its operation well and manufacturing acrylic parts, the machine is fantastic. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classspace-y-1.875rem md:hidden> div classstatic m-0 review-swiper-button-prev swiper-button-prev>/div> div classstatic m-0 review-swiper-button-next swiper-button-next>/div> /div> /div> div classw-full max-w-65rem mx-auto mt-3.75rem md:mt-10> div classreview-user-swiper swiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide w-auto active > div classflex items-start opacity-50 transition-all .active_&:opacity-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold> ABDERRAFIE MOUNJID/div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide w-auto active > div classflex items-start opacity-50 transition-all .active_&:opacity-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold> Sadasivan Shaji/div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide w-auto active > div classflex items-start opacity-50 transition-all .active_&:opacity-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold>Ajay Kumar/div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide w-auto active > div classflex items-start opacity-50 transition-all .active_&:opacity-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold>Adrian pina/div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide w-auto active > div classflex items-start opacity-50 transition-all .active_&:opacity-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold>Mobeen Ahmed/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhidden md:block> div classreview-swiper-pagination swiper-pagination>/div> /div> /div> --> /div> !-- bg --> div classflex absolute left-0 right-0 top-12.5rem bottom-0 after:content- after:absolute after:left-0 after:right-0 after:top-0 after:bottom-0 after:bg-gradient-to-b after:from-white after:to-white/95> img src/lib/img/img_review_bg.webp alt classw-full h-full object-cover> /div> /section> !-- contact and review end --> section idtigger classmt-20 md:mt-3.75rem xs:mt-10> div classw> !-- review --> div classrelative z-10> !-- title --> div classtext-center> h2 classc-title fadeInUp> What Our Clients Say! /h2> /div> !-- content --> div classmt-6.25rem md:mt-4.375rem xs:mt-10 flex justify-center items-start> !-- icon --> div classmd:hidden> img src alt> /div> !-- content --> div classw-full max-w-4xl mx-auto> div classreview-swiper swiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div> div classtext-2xl md:text-xl xs:text-lg text-center hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> It was well packed when l received it. The training videos and the user guide was so easy to understand. All the information was fully detailed and they gave me the best customer service ever. They even offered me after-sale service. I highly recommend. offers. Never use such machine before, so at the beginning we are a little bit worried, but finally found out BST is very professional and provide excellent after-sale service. Be rest assured to buy! /p> /div> div classmt-3.75rem md:mt-10> div classjustify-center items-start hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:flex animate-fadeInUp animation-delay-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold> ABDERRAFIE MOUNJID/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> div classtext-2xl md:text-xl xs:text-lg text-center hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> The installation very simple and very good after-sale service. Sometimes I make inquiries after 10 oclock in the evening, and BST Laser staff also answers. It helps me a lot! /p> /div> div classmt-3.75rem md:mt-10> div classjustify-center items-start hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:flex animate-fadeInUp animation-delay-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold> Sadasivan Shaji/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> div classtext-2xl md:text-xl xs:text-lg text-center hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> BST LASER is a professional manufacturer. No worry about the after-sales problem. Easy to communicate. A good shopping experience. /p> /div> div classmt-3.75rem md:mt-10> div classjustify-center items-start hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:flex animate-fadeInUp animation-delay-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold>Ajay Kumar/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> div classtext-2xl md:text-xl xs:text-lg text-center hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> The product is good and accurate. The customer care services of this company is great and l received my machine after a month. Great product. /p> /div> div classmt-3.75rem md:mt-10> div classjustify-center items-start hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:flex animate-fadeInUp animation-delay-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold>Adrian pina/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div> div classtext-2xl md:text-xl xs:text-lg text-center hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:block animate-fadeInUp> p> Let me tell you the co2 laser machine has worked very well, we not have an operator who knows its operation well and manufacturing acrylic parts, the machine is fantastic. /p> /div> div classmt-3.75rem md:mt-10> div classjustify-center items-start hidden .swiper-slide-active_&:flex animate-fadeInUp animation-delay-100> div classflex-shrink-0 p-1 bg-white border border-main rounded-full overflow-hidden> img src alt> /div> div classml-5> div classmb-1 text-main>★★★★★/div> div classtext-base font-bold>Mobeen Ahmed/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- icon right --> div classmd:hidden rotate-180> img src/lib/icon/icon_review.svg alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- blog start --> section classmy-20 md:my-3.75rem xs:my-10> div classw> !-- title --> div classc-title__wrap> h2 classc-title fadeInUp> Recent Articles /h2> /div> !-- content --> div classmt-10 fadeInLeft> div class-m-5> div classblog-swiper swiper p-5> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- img --> div classaspect-44/24.8 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classpy-6 px-1.875rem xs:p-5> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base group-hover:text-main text-overflow-2 font-bold> Indonesia Client Factory Visit /h3> p classmt-6 md:mt-5 xs:mt-3 text-text-sub text-overflow-3> Indonesia client come to check BST LASERs Factory and Fiber Laser Welding Machine /p> !-- line --> hr classmy-6 md:my-5 xs:my-3> !-- footer --> div classflex justify-between items-center flex-wrap> !-- btn --> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alt> /div> /div> !-- date --> div classsm:w-full sm:mt-3 text-text-sub>November 7, 2023/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- img --> div classaspect-44/24.8 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classpy-6 px-1.875rem xs:p-5> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base group-hover:text-main text-overflow-2 font-bold> Engineer Onsite Installation /h3> p classmt-6 md:mt-5 xs:mt-3 text-text-sub text-overflow-3> BST LASER engineer onsite training in Armenia for 3kw Plate and Pipe Fiber Laser Cutter Machine /p> !-- line --> hr classmy-6 md:my-5 xs:my-3> !-- footer --> div classflex justify-between items-center flex-wrap> !-- btn --> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alt> /div> /div> !-- date --> div classsm:w-full sm:mt-3 text-text-sub>May 17, 2024/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide h-auto max-w-27.5rem> a href classblock h-full bg-white shadow overflow-hidden md:rounded-xl group> !-- img --> div classaspect-44/24.8 overflow-hidden> img src alt classtransition-all any-hover:group-hover:opacity-80 any-hover:group-hover:scale-110> /div> !-- content --> div classpy-6 px-1.875rem xs:p-5> h3 classtext-xl md:text-lg xs:text-base group-hover:text-main text-overflow-2 font-bold> Iraq Fiber Laser Client Visit /h3> p classmt-6 md:mt-5 xs:mt-3 text-text-sub text-overflow-3> BST LASER Iraq Fiber Laser Welder Agent come to visit us for the further business cooperation negotiation . /p> !-- line --> hr classmy-6 md:my-5 xs:my-3> !-- footer --> div classflex justify-between items-center flex-wrap> !-- btn --> div classc-btn> span>Read More/span> div classc-btn__icon> img src/lib/icon/icon_right_white.svg alt> /div> /div> !-- date --> div classsm:w-full sm:mt-3 text-text-sub>May 29, 2023/div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- blog end -->/main>footer classbg-text text-white> !-- top --> div classpy-5 border-b border-white/30> div classw> div classflex justify-between items-center flex-wrap> !-- logo --> div classflex-shrink-0 max-w-13.375rem xs:mx-auto> a href/> img src alt> /a> /div> !-- socials --> div classxs:w-full xs:mt-5> ul classflex justify-center items-center space-x-4> li> a relnofollow target_blank href classblock p-3 border border-white rounded-full> img src/lib/icon/icon_facebook.svg alt> /a> /li> li> a relnofollow target_blank href classblock p-3 border border-white rounded-full> img 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