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Most of the vaccine centers are now open to drop in... /div>/div> /a> a href/practice-newsfeed#BlogPost19741> div classblog-post> div classtitle>**Severe weather warning 24/01/2025 Storm Eowyn.**/div> div classbody> **Severe weather warning 24/01/2025 Storm Eowyn.**Bruntsfield Medical Practice is open however there may ... /div>/div> /a> a href/practice-newsfeed#BlogPost19288> div classblog-post> div classtitle>Winter Vaccinations /div> div classbody> This is a reminder that winter vaccinations are not carried out by the Practice. To arrange an appointment if you a... /div>/div> /a> a href/practice-newsfeed#BlogPost19143> div classblog-post> div classtitle>Vaping and young adults /div> div classbody> There has been a significant rise in the last few months of the amount of teenagers and young adults that are vapin... /div>/div> /a> a href/practice-newsfeed#BlogPost18829> div classblog-post> div classtitle>Winter Mask Advice 2024 /div> div classbody> As we head into winter there may be more bugs going around. 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