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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 15:02:22 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Length: 19430Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.10Age: 2 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> title>/title> meta charsetutf-8> link relstylesheet hrefcss/reset.css typetext/css mediascreen> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css mediascreen> link relstylesheet hrefcss/grid.css typetext/css mediascreen> script srcjs/jquery-1.6.3.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/superfish.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.hoverIntent.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/FF-cash.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/script.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.equalheights.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/forms.js typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/easyTooltip.js>/script> script srcjs/tms-0.3.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/tms_presets.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.easing.1.3.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/cufon-yui.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/cufon-replace.js typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/Aller_700.font.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/Hattori_Hanzo_300.font.js>/script> !--if lt IE 7> div style clear: both; text-align:center; position: relative;> a href> img src border0 height42 width820 altYou are using an outdated browser. 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Our experienced staff combines broad functional and mission experience along with deep technical expertise for the independent selection of the right COTS, GOTS and FOSS technologies to solve complex problems. /p> /div> div classwrapper indent-top> article classgrid_7 suffix_1 alpha> div classmaxheight-1 margin-bot2> h4 classp>Solutions/h4> p classp2>strong>Our Customized Solutions include:/strong> Consulting and Guidance, Security Engineering, Infrastructure Security Documentation, Security Posture Assessments, Customized Security Training and Cleared Security Personnel/p> p classp0>Visit our Solutions page to learn more. /p> /div> a classbutton1 hrefindex-3.php>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/a> /article> article classgrid_7 omega> div classmaxheight-1 margin-bot2> h4>Services List/h4> ul classul-1> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Vulnerability Assessments/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Penetration Testing/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Information System Security Engineering/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Systems Engineering/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis/a>/li> /ul> /div> a classbutton1 hrefindex-2.php>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/a> /article> /div> /article> article classgrid_8 indent-top1> h4 classp>Premium Service/h4> div classborder-2 margin-bot indent-bot> strong>Expert Service/strong> p classp1>We have in-depth operational knowledge and understanding of Federal Agencies, the Department of Defense, and Industry best practices, combined with expert andhighly-skilled professionals./p> /div> div classborder-2 margin-bot indent-bot> strong>Proven Results/strong> p classp1>We have a comprehensive portfolio of technologically advanced and innovative consulting solutions designed to guide clients through todays environment of complex challenges, risk, and cost./p> /div> div classborder-2 indent-bot> strong>Data Protection/strong> p classp1>We continue to expand and strengthen our capabilities and services while continuing to maintain an integrated services approach to business backed by proven techniques and processes./p> /div> /article> /div> div classwrapper indent-top2> article classgrid_24 bg-1> h3 classindent-left p1>About us/h3> p classcolor-2 size1 p0>Boolean Logix, LLC is a veteran and minority-owned small business.Boolean Logix was founded in 2009 and is a consulting firm that specializes in strategy, management and security for information technology. We are located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. /p> /article> /div> /div> /div> /section> !--info--> div idinfo> div classmain> dl classslideDown> dt>b>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/b>/dt> dd> div classwrapper> div classcol-1> h4 classcolor-3 p>Contact Us /h4> p classcolor-1 p2>strong>We invite inquiries from prospective partners and employees, fellow technologists, and customers./strong> Find out how our wealth of experience across our core competencies can assist you with your mission-oriented solutions. /p> p classcolor-1 margin-bot1>We look forward to hearing from you. Once you contact us, please allow at least 24 hours for a response. /p> a classbutton2 hrefindex-5.php>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/a> /div> div classcol-2> h4 classcolor-4>Email us/h4> table width600 border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing1>tr>td>form nameform1 methodpost actionsend_contact.php>table width100% border0 cellspacing1 cellpadding3 aligncenter>tbody classstyle6>tr>td>Name/td>td>:/td>td>input namename typetext idname size50>/td>/tr>tr>td>Email/td>td>:/td>td>input namecustomer_mail typetext idcustomer_mail size50>/td>/tr>tr>td width16%>Subject/td>td width2%>:/td>td width82%>input namesubject typetext idsubject size50>/td>/tr>tr>td>Message/td>td>:/td>td>textarea namedetail cols50 rows12 iddetail>/textarea>/td>/tr>tr>td> /td>td> /td>td>input typesubmit nameSubmit valueSubmit> input typereset nameSubmit2 valueReset>/td>/tr>/table>/form>/td>/tr>/table> !--- div idcontact-form-1> form idform> div classsuccess> Contact form submitted!br> strong>We will be in touch soon./strong> /div> fieldset> label classname> span classinput_l d-in-block>span classinput_r d-block>input typetext valueName *>/span>/span> span classerror>*This is not a valid name./span> span classempty>*This field is required./span> /label> label classemail> span classinput_l d-in-block>span classinput_r d-block>input typetext valueEmail *>/span>/span> span classerror>*This is not a valid email address./span> span classempty>*This field is required./span> /label> label classmessage> span classtext_top d-block> textarea>/textarea>/span> span classerror>*The message is too short./span> span classempty>*This field is required./span> /label> div classclear>/div> div classbuttons-wrapper alignright>a classbutton4 href# data-typereset>strong>em>Clear/em>/strong>/a>a classbutton4 href# data-typesubmit>strong>em>submit/em>/strong>/a>/div> /fieldset> /form> /div> ---> /div> /div> /dd> /dl> /div> /div> !--footer--> footer> div classmain> div classcontainer_24> div classwrapper> div classgrid_5> span>(c) 2015 | a hrefindex-6.php>Privacy policy/a> | br>!-- {%FOOTER_LINK} -->Wilson Consulting Firm LLC/span>/div> div classgrid_19> div classwrapper alignright> ul classlist-services-1> li>a classtooltips href# titleEmber>img srcimages/soc-1.png alt>/a>/li> li>a classtooltips href# titleEvernote>img srcimages/soc-2.png alt>/a>/li> li>a classtooltips href# titleTwitter>img srcimages/soc-3.png alt>/a>/li> li>a classtooltips href# titleMobile Me>img srcimages/soc-4.png alt>/a>/li> /ul> h6 classmargin-top fright>Stay connected/h6> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /footer>script typetext/javascript>;/script> script typetext/javascript> $(window).load(function(){ $(.slider)._TMS({ duration:800, easing:easeOutQuad, preset:simpleFade, pagination:.pagination,//.pagination,true,ul>/ul> pagNums:false, slideshow:20000, numStatus:false, banners:fromRight,// fromLeft, fromRight, fromTop, fromBottom waitBannerAnimation:false }) }) /script> script typetext/javascript> $(window).load(function(){ $(#form).forms({ }) }) /script> script typetext/javascript> $(document).ready(function() { $(.list-services-1 .tooltips).easyTooltip(); }); /script>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 15:02:22 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Length: 19430Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.10Age: 0 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> title>/title> meta charsetutf-8> link relstylesheet hrefcss/reset.css typetext/css mediascreen> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css mediascreen> link relstylesheet hrefcss/grid.css typetext/css mediascreen> script srcjs/jquery-1.6.3.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/superfish.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.hoverIntent.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/FF-cash.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/script.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.equalheights.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/forms.js typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/easyTooltip.js>/script> script srcjs/tms-0.3.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/tms_presets.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.easing.1.3.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/cufon-yui.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/cufon-replace.js typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/Aller_700.font.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/Hattori_Hanzo_300.font.js>/script> !--if lt IE 7> div style clear: both; text-align:center; position: relative;> a href> img src border0 height42 width820 altYou are using an outdated browser. 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Our experienced staff combines broad functional and mission experience along with deep technical expertise for the independent selection of the right COTS, GOTS and FOSS technologies to solve complex problems. /p> /div> div classwrapper indent-top> article classgrid_7 suffix_1 alpha> div classmaxheight-1 margin-bot2> h4 classp>Solutions/h4> p classp2>strong>Our Customized Solutions include:/strong> Consulting and Guidance, Security Engineering, Infrastructure Security Documentation, Security Posture Assessments, Customized Security Training and Cleared Security Personnel/p> p classp0>Visit our Solutions page to learn more. /p> /div> a classbutton1 hrefindex-3.php>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/a> /article> article classgrid_7 omega> div classmaxheight-1 margin-bot2> h4>Services List/h4> ul classul-1> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Vulnerability Assessments/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Penetration Testing/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Information System Security Engineering/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Systems Engineering/a>/li> li>a hrefindex-2.html>Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis/a>/li> /ul> /div> a classbutton1 hrefindex-2.php>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/a> /article> /div> /article> article classgrid_8 indent-top1> h4 classp>Premium Service/h4> div classborder-2 margin-bot indent-bot> strong>Expert Service/strong> p classp1>We have in-depth operational knowledge and understanding of Federal Agencies, the Department of Defense, and Industry best practices, combined with expert andhighly-skilled professionals./p> /div> div classborder-2 margin-bot indent-bot> strong>Proven Results/strong> p classp1>We have a comprehensive portfolio of technologically advanced and innovative consulting solutions designed to guide clients through todays environment of complex challenges, risk, and cost./p> /div> div classborder-2 indent-bot> strong>Data Protection/strong> p classp1>We continue to expand and strengthen our capabilities and services while continuing to maintain an integrated services approach to business backed by proven techniques and processes./p> /div> /article> /div> div classwrapper indent-top2> article classgrid_24 bg-1> h3 classindent-left p1>About us/h3> p classcolor-2 size1 p0>Boolean Logix, LLC is a veteran and minority-owned small business.Boolean Logix was founded in 2009 and is a consulting firm that specializes in strategy, management and security for information technology. We are located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. /p> /article> /div> /div> /div> /section> !--info--> div idinfo> div classmain> dl classslideDown> dt>b>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/b>/dt> dd> div classwrapper> div classcol-1> h4 classcolor-3 p>Contact Us /h4> p classcolor-1 p2>strong>We invite inquiries from prospective partners and employees, fellow technologists, and customers./strong> Find out how our wealth of experience across our core competencies can assist you with your mission-oriented solutions. /p> p classcolor-1 margin-bot1>We look forward to hearing from you. Once you contact us, please allow at least 24 hours for a response. /p> a classbutton2 hrefindex-5.php>strong>em>more info/em>/strong>/a> /div> div classcol-2> h4 classcolor-4>Email us/h4> table width600 border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing1>tr>td>form nameform1 methodpost actionsend_contact.php>table width100% border0 cellspacing1 cellpadding3 aligncenter>tbody classstyle6>tr>td>Name/td>td>:/td>td>input namename typetext idname size50>/td>/tr>tr>td>Email/td>td>:/td>td>input namecustomer_mail typetext idcustomer_mail size50>/td>/tr>tr>td width16%>Subject/td>td width2%>:/td>td width82%>input namesubject typetext idsubject size50>/td>/tr>tr>td>Message/td>td>:/td>td>textarea namedetail cols50 rows12 iddetail>/textarea>/td>/tr>tr>td> /td>td> /td>td>input typesubmit nameSubmit valueSubmit> input typereset nameSubmit2 valueReset>/td>/tr>/table>/form>/td>/tr>/table> !--- div idcontact-form-1> form idform> div classsuccess> Contact form submitted!br> strong>We will be in touch soon./strong> /div> fieldset> label classname> span classinput_l d-in-block>span classinput_r d-block>input typetext valueName *>/span>/span> span classerror>*This is not a valid name./span> span classempty>*This field is required./span> /label> label classemail> span classinput_l d-in-block>span classinput_r d-block>input typetext valueEmail *>/span>/span> span classerror>*This is not a valid email address./span> span classempty>*This field is required./span> /label> label classmessage> span classtext_top d-block> textarea>/textarea>/span> span classerror>*The message is too short./span> span classempty>*This field is required./span> /label> div classclear>/div> div classbuttons-wrapper alignright>a classbutton4 href# data-typereset>strong>em>Clear/em>/strong>/a>a classbutton4 href# data-typesubmit>strong>em>submit/em>/strong>/a>/div> /fieldset> /form> /div> ---> /div> /div> /dd> /dl> /div> /div> !--footer--> footer> div classmain> div classcontainer_24> div classwrapper> div classgrid_5> span>(c) 2015 | a hrefindex-6.php>Privacy policy/a> | br>!-- {%FOOTER_LINK} -->Wilson Consulting Firm LLC/span>/div> div classgrid_19> div classwrapper alignright> ul classlist-services-1> li>a classtooltips href# titleEmber>img srcimages/soc-1.png alt>/a>/li> li>a classtooltips href# titleEvernote>img srcimages/soc-2.png alt>/a>/li> li>a classtooltips href# titleTwitter>img srcimages/soc-3.png alt>/a>/li> li>a classtooltips href# titleMobile Me>img srcimages/soc-4.png alt>/a>/li> /ul> h6 classmargin-top fright>Stay connected/h6> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /footer>script typetext/javascript>;/script> script typetext/javascript> $(window).load(function(){ $(.slider)._TMS({ duration:800, easing:easeOutQuad, preset:simpleFade, pagination:.pagination,//.pagination,true,ul>/ul> pagNums:false, slideshow:20000, numStatus:false, banners:fromRight,// fromLeft, fromRight, fromTop, fromBottom waitBannerAnimation:false }) }) /script> script typetext/javascript> $(window).load(function(){ $(#form).forms({ }) }) /script> script typetext/javascript> $(document).ready(function() { $(.list-services-1 .tooltips).easyTooltip(); }); /script>/body>/html>
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