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Link these elements to placeholders in your code for seamless updates./p> a href#download>glow-button>Lets start/glow-button>/a> /div> /div> div classstep-progress-bar>/div> div classsteps data-current-step0> div classstep step_01 onclickscrollToStep(1)> span>01./span> p>Form/p> /div> div classstep step_02 onclickscrollToStep(2)> span>02./span> p>Codebase/p> /div> div classstep step_03 onclickscrollToStep(3)> span>03./span> p>Logic/p> /div> div classstep step_04 onclickscrollToStep(4)> span>04./span> p>Generate/p> /div> /div> /div> /section> section iddemo classdemo> div classdemo__inner> div classdemo__form> div classform__header> h2 classgradient-text>More Than Just Placeholders/h2> p> Boilerscript transforms your templates with powerful tools like conditional blocks,br> repeaters, and AI-generated> Go beyond basic placeholders and create smarter, more dynamic code effortlessly. /p> /div> div classdemo-selector space-selector onmouseenterdemoSelectorHover(event) onmousemovedemoSelectorHover(event)> div classanim> div classglow>/div> div classstars>div iddemo-selector-star-viewer>/div>/div> /div> div classborder>div>/div>/div> div classspace-selector__bg>/div> div classdemo-selector__options> div classdemo-selector__marker>/div> div classdemo-selector__option active data-valuedynamic onclickswitchDemo(dynamic)>Dynamic Field/div> div classdemo-selector__option data-valueconditional onclickswitchDemo(conditional)>Conditional Block/div> div classdemo-selector__option data-valuerepeater onclickswitchDemo(repeater)>Repeater Block/div> div classdemo-selector__option data-valueai onclickswitchDemo(ai)>AI Generator/div> /div> /div> div classform idDYNAMIC_FIELD_FORM> div classform__group> label forname>Project title/label> input typetext idname namename valueMy Project oninputdemoFormFieldUpdated(event, projectTitle) stylewidth: 320px;> /div> div classform__group> label>Background Color/label> div classcolor-options> div onclickselectColor(event) stylebackground-color: #7728e4 classactive>/div> div onclickselectColor(event) stylebackground-color: #3ad23a>/div> div onclickselectColor(event) stylebackground-color: #4788e8>/div> div onclickselectColor(event) stylebackground-color: #f2c42d>/div> /div> shop-color-picker value# onchangedemoFormFieldUpdated(event, primaryColor)>shop-color-picker> /div> /div> div classform idCONDITIONAL_BLOCK_FORM> div classform__group> label classcontainer>Include footer input typecheckbox onchangedemoFormFieldUpdated(event, footer)> span classcheckmark>/span> /label> label forfooter>/label> /div> div> label forpackage>Package/label> select idpackage namepackage onchangedemoFormFieldUpdated(event, package)> option valuebasic>Basic/option> option valuepremium>Premium/option> option valueenterprise>Enterprise/option> /select> /div> /div> div classform idREPEATER_BLOCK_FORM> div classform__group> label forrepeater-menu-new-item>Pages/label> div> input typetext idrepeater-menu-new-item value placeholderNew menu item stylewidth: 320px;> button onclickaddMenuItemDemo() classbtn-add-menu-item>Add/button> /div> /div> div classform__group iddemo-repeater-menu-items> /div> /div> div classform idAI_GENERATOR_FORM> div classprompt-options> button onclickchangeAiPrompt(bakery) data-ai-prompt-valuebakery> strong>Lorem ipsum dolor sit./strong> p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi voluptatem id quis ipsam deleniti?/p> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 320 512>path dM299.3 244.7c6.2 6.2 6.2 16.4 0 22.6l-192 192c-6.2 6.2-16.4 6.2-22.6 0s-6.2-16.4 0-22.6L265.4 256 84.7 75.3c-6.2-6.2-6.2-16.4 0-22.6s16.4-6.2 22.6 0l192 192z/>/svg> /button> button onclickchangeAiPrompt(festival) data-ai-prompt-valuefestival> strong>Lorem ipsum dolor sit./strong> p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi voluptatem id quis ipsam deleniti?/p> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 320 512>path dM299.3 244.7c6.2 6.2 6.2 16.4 0 22.6l-192 192c-6.2 6.2-16.4 6.2-22.6 0s-6.2-16.4 0-22.6L265.4 256 84.7 75.3c-6.2-6.2-6.2-16.4 0-22.6s16.4-6.2 22.6 0l192 192z/>/svg> /button> button onclickchangeAiPrompt(school) data-ai-prompt-valueschool> strong>Lorem ipsum dolor sit./strong> p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi voluptatem id quis ipsam deleniti?/p> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 320 512>path dM299.3 244.7c6.2 6.2 6.2 16.4 0 22.6l-192 192c-6.2 6.2-16.4 6.2-22.6 0s-6.2-16.4 0-22.6L265.4 256 84.7 75.3c-6.2-6.2-6.2-16.4 0-22.6s16.4-6.2 22.6 0l192 192z/>/svg> /button> /div> /div> /div> div classdemo__code> img draggablefalse srcimages/demo-blur.webp classdemo-blur> div classdemo-image-wrapper> img draggablefalse src/images/demo-boilerscript-bg.webp classdemo-boilerscript-bg> /div>pre>span classcode-wrapper>code><span classclr-blue>!DOCTYPE/span> span classclr-lblue>html/span>><span classclr-blue>html/span> span classclr-lblue>lang/span>span classclr-orange>en/span>><span classclr-blue>head/span>> <span classclr-blue>meta/span> span classclr-lblue>charset/span>span classclr-orange>UTF-8/span>> <span classclr-blue>meta/span> span classclr-lblue>name/span>span classclr-orange>viewport/span> span classclr-lblue>content/span>span classclr-orange>widthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0/span>> <span classclr-blue>title/span>>span idDEMO_CODE_TITLE>/span></span classclr-blue>title/span>> <span classclr-blue>style/span>> span classclr-yellow>body {/span> span classclr-lblue>background-color/span>: span idDEMO_CODE_PRIMARY_COLOR_PREVIEW>/span>span idDEMO_CODE_PRIMARY_COLOR classclr-orange>/span>; span classclr-yellow>}/span> </span classclr-blue>style/span>></span classclr-blue>head/span>><span classclr-blue>body/span>> <span classclr-blue>header/span>> <span classclr-blue>h1/span>>span idDEMO_CODE_TITLE_2>/span></span classclr-blue>h1/span>>span idDEMO_CODE_MENU classcollapser code-minimized>span> <span classclr-blue>ul/span>>span idDEMO_CODE_MENU_ITEMS>/span> </span classclr-blue>ul/span>>/span>/span> </span classclr-blue>header/span>> span idDEMO_CODE_FOOTER classcollapser code-minimized> span classfooter-code-block><span classclr-blue>footer/span>> <span classclr-blue>p/span>>© span idDEMO_CODE_TITLE_3>/span> span idDEMO_CODE_CURRENT_YEAR>/span></span classclr-blue>p/span>></span classclr-blue>footer/span>>/span>/span></span classclr-blue>body/span>>/span>/code>/pre> div iddemo-particles>/div> /div> /div> /section> section idfeatures classfeatures> div classfeatures__inner> div classintro> h2>span classgradient-text>Faster. Smarter/span>.br>span classgradient-text>Start in seconds/span>/h2> p> Jumpstart your project instantly with dynamic, form-driven templatesbr> so you can focus on building, not boilerplate. /p> /div> div classfeatures-wrapper> img draggablefalse srcimages/hero-blur.webp classfeatures-blur> div classfeatures__list> div classfeature> div> div classfeature__text> h3>Dynamic Markers/h3> p> Instantly convert repetitive code snippets into placeholders for simple, on-the-fly updates. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfeature> div> div classfeature__text> h3>Intuitive Form Builder/h3> p> Link your code variables to a visual form for quick, effortless customization. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfeature> div> div classfeature__text> h3>Folder & File Control/h3> p> Rename, add, or remove entire sections of your project at the click /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfeature> div> div classfeature__text> h3>Live Preview/h3> p> Watch your code adapt in real time as you fill out the form—no guesswork required. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfeature> div> div classfeature__text> h3>Marketplace Access/h3> p> Browse, buy, or sell pre-built “boilers” to kickstart any project instantly. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idfeatures-particles>/div> /div> /section> section idcommunity classcommunity> div classcommunity__inner> /div> /div> div classfooter-wrapper> img src./images/footer-bg.webp classfooter__bg draggablefalse> div idfooter-particles>/div> section iddownload classdownload> div classdownload__inner> div classpricing-card> h2>Boilerscript/h2> p>Get to know Boilerscript./p> div classprice> span classamount>FREE FOREVER/span> /div> button classbase-button -tint>Get Started/button> ul classfeatures> li>Acces To All non-AI tools/li> li>Unlimited generations/li> li>Unlimited boilerplates/li> li> integration span classcoming-soon>Coming soon/span>/li> li>Basic API access span classcoming-soon>Coming soon/span>/li> /ul> /div> div classpricing-card> h2>Boilerscript PRO/h2> p>For professionals./p> div classprice> span classamount>$269/span> /div> p>One-time payment./p> button classbase-button disabled>Coming Soon/button> ul classfeatures> li>All Boilerscript features/li> li>Lifetime updates/li> li>Sell on marketplace/li> li>Version Control/li> li>Embed on website/li> li>Github Compare Sync/li> li>Live code preview/li> li>Full API access/li> /ul> /div> /div> /section> footer classfooter> div classfooter__inner> div classleft> img srcimages/logo-white.png classlogo> span classcopyright>© 2025 Boilerscript. 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