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A family owned and operated business established in 1995, our specialty is remanufactured em>Herman Miller Workstations/em>. We also offer a large selection of new and previously owned office furniture at highly competitive pricing. Whether you are starting a new business or selling and upgrading the furniture you currently own, Best Value is the company to contact to assist you in meeting your needs./p>p classstyle5>img src/logosizedlong.gif> img src/office-furniture-innovations.jpg>/p>p classstyle1 style7>Best Value Office Furniture and Office Furniture Innovations have joined forces!/p>p>b>Some of our existing customers are:/b>/p>div classnewspaper>span>•/span>Casteel Heating & Air span>•/span>Protech Heating & Air span>•/span>Waffle House Corporate Officesspan>•/span>Atlanta Postal Credit Unionspan>•/span>Rise Bakery span>•/span>Kubota span>•/span>Novatech span>•/span>Corporate Payroll Service span>•/span>Mike Patton Auto span>•/span>US Auto span>•/span>Rick Hendrix Chevrolet/div>p>table>tr>td>img src/design-and-relocation-button.jpg width200px>/td>td> /td>td>p classstyle1 style7>New and Pre-owned Office Furniture/p>p>a href>> span>•/span>a href>>/p>p>b>h1>Call Today: (770) 734-9320/h1>/b>/p>/td>/tr>/table>p>img src/office-setting.jpg width650px>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p>!--Content--> !--Footer Start-->/p>p>/p>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td width24 valigntop background/rightbg.jpg alignleft>img src/right.jpg alt width24 height400>/td> /tr> tr> td width24 valigntop height26 alignleft>img src/design2_r1_c1.jpg alt width24 height26>/td> td width100% valigntop height26 background/design_r24_c13.jpg alignleft> /td> td width24 valigntop height26 alignleft>img src/design2_r1_c3.jpg alt width24 height26>/td> /tr> tr> td width24 valigntop alignleft> /td> td classFooter width100% valignmiddle aligncenter>a classFooter href/index.shtml>Home/a>| a classFooter href/AboutUs.html>About Us/a> | a classFooter href/ReachUs.html>Contact Us/a> | a href/Sitemap.html classFooter>Site Map/a> | a href/TermsCondition.html classFooter>Terms & Conditions/a> | a href/privacy-policy.aspx classFooter>Privacy Policy/a>br> br> br>© 2023 Best Value Office Furniture,>Phone: (770) 734 - 9320 br>Created and Maintained by Best Value Office Furniture, Inc.© 2023/td> td width24 valigntop alignleft> /td> /tr> /tbody>/table>!--Footer End-->/form>iframe namegoogle_conversion_frame titleGoogle conversion frame src/a.htm marginwidth0 marginheight0 vspace0 hspace0 allowtransparencytrue scrollingno data-ruffle-polyfilled width300 height13 frameborder0><img height1 width1 border0 alt src />/iframe>noscript>div styledisplay:inline;>img height1 width1 styleborder-style:none; alt src>/div>/noscript>/body>/html>
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